HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-2-3, Page 5SAID TO US ABOUT
Palatable Cod Liver Extract
1st Gentleman : 2nd Gentleman :
"Til. L+ t he.t prepalrat ion "I bought it bottle for niy
I ever gut for a cough." 11e son'. cough which hail been
bought another bottle to have o41 troubling him for a lung time,
hand when needed again. and it cured him. I want u
bottle for Inself. It should do
t:1• same for me.,.
We eau highly reeonunel,l Penalar Palatable Cod Liver
Extract for that stubborn cough. lit +);1 bottles.
Quality •
i For Soap
Chocolates Saturday Specials - Reductions
49c per Ib. I (.See Windows
Campbell's Drug Store
Phone tit I
The Perish'. Store The Squat:'
Mr. J. NItirrison to Be Here.
There will be general interest in the
announcement that Mr. J. J. Morrison,
secretary of the United Farmers of On•
taro, is to address a series of meetings in
North Hurt n next week. He v ill be at
Dungannon .11 Thursd y atll rn•:on : nil
in Goderich on 'Ihursday evening. We
understand the G>clerich meeting will
be held in the Temperance Hal.
Royal Templars of Tenlper:tote.
The fulluw'ilgr are the It. T. of T.
I officers for 114.'1 : S. 1'., .1an0a Mit-
chell: 1'. C.. J. IC. VAHotter : V. U.,
Ile,. M. F:lllutt: chaplain. Chita.
Itarker: r,-lordiig secretary, Mho;
Edith %Ilitgins: tivanclul secretary and
treasurer, J. E. Tom; warden, Mrs.
Warreuer; herald. Fred \%'nisch
guard, 1:. Stewart : sentinel. C. Cooke:
trustees. Will. 4'arrr, r. E. Young. 4,
M. Elliott.
Gray -Dort and Studebaker Motor Cars
Let us give you a demonstration with these Cars
y 4U decide on your spring purchase.
e your Battery with us this winter to be as-
ood Battery in the spring.
Bring in
winter. You k
should have had t
put it in first-class o
Car to have it overhauled this
that it has not had the pep, that it
is fall, and a general overhaul will
er for spring.
Would You Believe 14
Thnrsday of this week was the fiftieth I
anniversary of the weddi»g of Mr. and
' dars. F. F. Lawrence of town. The wed-
ing ceremony of fifty years ago was per-
formed by the late Rev. Arch(.!Pacon El
wood in the Albioi hotel (since dtsrroyed
'by fire and replaced by the Bedford
' hote •. Mr. and Mr.. Las rence are a
youthful -looking coupe to have reached
their •'golden wedding' ('.ay. ano many
friends wish them many mote years of
health and activity..
Small Audienee 'nut Great Lecture.
A email audience turned out fur the
lecture at Knox church on Thursday
eventug last by lion. C. H. Pole.
men dKr of the New Zealand t'arlia-
weuL hut thus..- *4*. attended were
well repaid, as the addre-s-was a rare
treaty Not only was It instructive,
but 44 was given with such a mingling
.j of homely phtlusuphy. quiet humor and
eloquent appeal to the hearts and
:nimbi of the hearers that alt went
away with a feeling of uplift. A vote
of thanks was tendered to the speaker I Cooke.
.0 the m,)tion of Iter- S. ?t. Hardy and daughters . .tcuu 111,1 Margaret, oat
On I.'l,I lit afternoon street
u eonfrreOe''' 1111111, and Mrs. ltayn141ud F. Allan, of
Rev. J. F. Reyeraft. The Board of was held in North street Methodist
Trade. which gas.. the trharnnt.e for ,.Lurch. It was decided to tstablisli a
the lecture. Is behind about $70. training Gawp this auwnu'r for boys
Hockey Notes. over sixteen years of age and the fol -
Tire Intermediate 0. H. A. ganw with iow'illg committee w:1+ apjadntt•,i to Musomie honors. Rev. It. C. Melk•rmid
the F:xt•ter•%.rich team on Fridaycarry not till. plan : Rev'. 4. 4. Hardy. waw flu• 41tliciiuing ,•b•rgyman. rio,
night re-ultwl in a win for the visitors,
convener, .1. Mefkl.•, veretary,
• utenlb•r. of Maitland IAslge, Nn. :{a,
4.4. but the laaJ+ displayed qualltie. Elliott and H. ('. Dunlop. The ills-Iwvr,' pre..cut ilk large numbers. acid
%bleb 6'1.1.4 more favorable email-
1 '1'•r will include the c,uuty of Huron. !fin, jglllhe:u'rt- were +ix member. •,,f
Hutu: would bribetiu•nr ti* the' front.. South Brace and ,North Perth. with thy A. $. 1'kry'a.il, jam..
....rued the honer team ryas. ort-t•Iaxw,. FCt levels. t.. 1.. i'ursuns.aud.IL 1. Ihln-1
by the 3'i -iter and as the We vv'u* lop. ih11•hlg the serol..• at the 11.144.•
-.ft -auric--lseaa•y- tier !ti(tgar-suss+ Lead - Wateit Page 5 next week fur great . r< lrlu- d11 +.rs. J. b'. Tltuutiont_t'. K.
the advantage. Eitel" teem '+1•.rel bargains. tainelers and I:.•o. K-nyuo--.-tug
,.i*e goal in the• first pedal, :Wil !":Nearer, %1,v 4:1,41. to Th v 1 td a
Exeter-Zit:l l' scored. one mere in the ' I'ICTOKL% SCuooi •.talon'- hymn. The r. • rayl• a MI
second period and 4n,. In the lass(.
4:1114.111.• pr'..•ut 414 the (*Hera 1. h•41iu a
The whiners of the Caine are the win -
'Theo. are the result- for 1611 neou:i4 •4444414*..•, were : 11 r. area \h'-. Ray-
of . tins .dlstrlet. which lncln.tt•d of Jaunuary of the Junior and'$.•uinr l\'. u...ol l': .IL•aa, of [Windt : Mrs. Fred
imly the tore clubs. r4, , tet 'tklurla .rbwrl. 'Thr,.. Tbonss.41 of 144 414: \1 r. awl .l r..
A b.euetlt dam.• far the h.s•ke' clad, warkwf with an aafterl.k missed cue or I.. .. I'.rnw.'14 141wl Mi M. t:. Ilogau.
will Is he111 nt the u..fetllow+' Hull •of lx•t'roi4: \I r. 1)ayid 4allntly and
More examinations.
The roads are good and ou are still driving, but
don't take chances with your " • diator, _ If it fresze4
it is expensive. Have it filled wit
and pro • - t it.
Try to Make Men Fit`Qur Clothes
We . Make Clothes for . the Man
he best -dressed men in town have
"discovered" our Custom Tailoring.
Let tis "bid" on your business.
- F. H. MARTIN, Tailor
Rettaisle Footwear
That is our aim-Rl LIABLIt FOOTWEAR in every
sense of the word- ii* FIT, in COMFORT, in STYLE and
During this tnotith we are offering l,rokcn lines at
Greatly Reduced Clearing Prices
Don't fail to get in on these exceptionally good values.
No old shop-worn stock to offer.
\'ou can't beat the Repair Work turned out by us.
Next Telephone Ws
Office The Square
Gipsy John
(the Evangelist)
11 a.m. and 7 p.m. -
Baptist Church
Montreal Street
February 6th
Service. each evening next
'.seek except Saturday I
You Are Invited
, utac. The chief part of the program
was the address by Mr. Cooke, who
gave au lusplriag address on Io,y,i
work. •
The meeting came to a close by the.
4.At1'4u\. 4;oderlrh ham been los-
ing 411.113' of II* 1111141:111 la'alma rks .d
late, awl one lore .110. 4we41 removed
by the death on Monday bast of raw
tali* Al.xaaulto• L:Iww)11, who spent the
great liar( of his life of Mev'euty-elft
y,:ar• lu this town. ('apt. Law's,.l* had
tea 4ue11 111 robust health fora 4401•
shierable tint',, but the Huai Illness
was of only a few hours' duration, and
ha pa /4.0.11 out very peavefully and
painlessly. Alexanrt•r Lawson was
nasi* in the township of ('u11sn•ne, of
Scottish parents, the•funlily 'noting to
4loderieli when he waw a young lad.
At an early age he took to sailing as
his life -work, and eventually. he !w-
ean**. fie uw'uer of vessels %bleb he
milts! himself, carrying cargoes to and
from various ports on the Great Lakes.
11e was al eau of independent mind
*teat .IIr,-a'd j11i1gmt•111. one who refused
fu Is• Iden by environment or pass.
44144 opi1lurn, but an shooed' friend to
11113' person or ally eau-.• 1% 414111 hied
his"favor. lie retired eighteen years
ago, after forty years or •.. on the
Lakes, butt to the coil of his day's lie
%Has known to his friends as "P1111
Skipper." The w•heouer Todulan meas
the lust vessel he wvnvl; :teal with it
ke brought many Largo'. of lumber to
4:e1terieh harbor. One of the chief
interests of his life W41a Masonry, a41d
he was one of the prowip.iit members
of the craft iti this town. He was
first principal of ►luruu 4'tiapter, Nu.
:GI, It. A. M., for u number of years,
was a representative to the Grand
Chapter on wau3' avasious, and for
half•a-ee41tury gave an untiring devo-
tion to the interests of the order. 11e
w'41s a leader in the movement for the
erection of the Varw,uie Temple here,
w;1- the larg'••t shareholder and for
several years the president of the
ala..wie Temple .ls.,s•iat4,na. Ile w..*
OM, hu a Large-Larehohler In the West=
ern 1'uuad!I Flour dills 4'0. He •nate- l
giving of three chtwra fur .the lulk•s . riwl .les -ie \Lah1•sou, daughter of the
• g glate Captain Hugh Mathes...,. of I:ude•
who provided the :;upper and for Mr.
i rich. %yin +nr%Ives him. with 4hew
1k'froit. The funeral task place this
I'1'hur•daw , after:ownn, tfr the fam-
ily residence, \1'elle.b•y' sheet, to Mtatt-
iin.1 eetu.•tery. and vest•.on.hu'ttsl with
Su. far as sta..'Haul w'k^ittltt. Were colt-.''utttmttftew at \llugun Clinton.' ],+b . 1 upL .t. M. 4hcplwrd. .ledge
Exeter. Stratford anti (:alerieh.
next .Monday night. The club- t+ In
need of funds and It is hoped its Per Wer ecu .
'barn rally and _give It the re- 44:1:7'444.0.01_T� --
.mired support. • Norimc Dunlop ...:.
J Oma. Mr.. .1: Lowrie. of N'y'.taing, and Mr.
JC'N1l)lt I1'. 1','11. I'eardon..4 \Calkeryilfe,
Fattier and Son Banquet. I'a-- - --•
Tile father and -011 harepret held in Margaret ltelditt 711 To the Editor of 'rht• iltu:.l.
J>r .i\ t'fnrc room Of 10/11‘ e)4ur• b wt Pxuliu.. iittttfalrs _Sir.--Thr.u.h :le.'CO oC 3 , 4,'
night. under the anspkv of MelrTrnm t'tttt *141 vafnuhie ion, tie whit tike to say
the St. Andrew's 411ens u great. Delight {hitch 1:4 ntn•thiu•:' .,! mt the think\gror t6 of
.\ large Windier of men and Harry' .1111111:U>u 4:a tree. ii* 16:- tot%• of-1:,ub•rieli.lyes•
.c. %,•r.• present fr.m the diffevent •I.•..le Stowe - 43 hay hely t. w Ilk down any -T
\o het
i.nt•ehe: ' ,t tin• 11,1111 nut al-., from 1 iti 4;141Ta older •.11, •t• 1 . lediee • !, • gr'44* 444
linden and tullnnn. hi*wealiutejy , 14 'Ila Randall'• 42 .lad Redd gro"1**c it.'41e ;will, l.-
:••41.vciva 1iu supper \!r. Wilt. Cooke, •:Ilan rguerlf.• Spam! 6_ .4 the h1111a' . :11141 Indeed in n, 11,•
T.1oi*!o, a sps ixltst ii* boys' work. 11'jnitHmd 4iwphard 1i t Ise tile '.uulighf Heyer math, •
In n. 414'.•))' siuyf'e.ug,; Below Puss _ buibli ilg+ at all. While. Is r-n11ai
!.•.I the gathering
while th.',"ladie+ cleared the tables.. Elsie 'Vilifier
1.1•ilal Turney
4ybil. 1'1.e.tor
•.Iain.•+ .lnstay
Edith Humber
Leslie Evans
Jack Allen
F:lwaml Nivin
Freon I;rigg •
•Ifelell Juhn+tula
.learn Ma1title.,ut
••413'44 .Mlle
•Ethel, M:,11.itgh
1 'Ia111'14V• W4.1141
1.•111 11111 F'urlen
\\'illiHw 14rillllh•'y •
•Tkrnald M'Irtcn .
\1Lun al.J.e 11+'
•It.-lltriee•.\Celsh 2.4i jI tlwonghlful survey, of they •itnati•n
•.les• ►,nneridg. -1`• -tumidr.,nclnr+• ally ....Nude wino of
• 111 nit Bell -')l the ' -io'iu •- .f the leen.
•('elute Young ••.•• ..••••lm 'lour. for Ilea Ith
SF)N I4 )lt 1.1'. .t lerl.•L. F'.•b ^u.. "oNI
per- eeni.
Lillhrn Currie k , ' • 711 entrained WO -ore Islas I' art4 ells°at
2} -.-... '��..z- .._..t•tu•..o...t....twilyr r-4114444y-Li4td.._1..0_,1u
Grails Smile} 7_',•;.plication of In'. Itr.w11. Whit, Reggio .tell 71 •mint. K••etl a bottle .ii* hand. 'rel ntx
l'ia. t Ibrss' 71 , 1i'., cent, Sold In' E. R. Wigle. 4,14;-
441.4, (3Hileri.'Ii.
Your Service
with the
to be had in
The Square Pboae 4f
Tial- on. followed by a ...ries of short
by The Lapl ,•l.•rgctueu. The
lu1+i.•al part of the program' eousisted
of a solo by Hey. 11. 1) \l q'er 111111.4.
Hua rtette by Messrs, Heil.'tna nn.".4ntm-
lers. Kenyon :+n. Thomsen. 114.
oh" Kerr gave a couple of re•ita-
w'hi.11 %4111 the 111.1.41 11-. of every -
The Best in Phyto Plays at the
Week of Feb. 7 to "Heb. 1
lover of trees auk-1o1Ia4-•' i1
'07 pl'ujw'r jal'I,••... w.' 4.1111141!-
142 the harm th.:y are acting, 11.1
2_ human locum.. int to gras,s4 1.t-. 41.a •
31 dans. etc. If. 441 every -dicer .w.•
:•II .o fn the more •hilly pin. w•,a- r.
47 111111'441 14 %1111111, 1411 think. add gre,a!a
•b: to !tile 1twerfntn•>- of ..1st' .f Ile
44; gl111 13' •.til su-,'.•t.. Ahnth••r - thin_
41 they Interfere with the draft ..f the
42 chimneys 111 se • of the -m !
41.:Ionises. Now that the fuel -11:1
:47 is Anel' a ...riot's one '.cool. it 10,1
:44 n).0 a benefit to the people to have tea•
;13 extra '.4 aril 4':1141•.1 1.1.11. ed 111 the 10%1,1
n) w 1414
3.1 1(1, \\'e .I11.1w.s.• -.nn•
the oblet resident- vita e 1 v out a! th,
((mestere vandalism of the thing. bit
\IONI).11 and Tl'ESD.11
4:e.rg.• Fllsing•'r, 711
A Paramount Artcraft Special \' ,lelin.. xi, in.. / I:.(
Reggie. Mnnr.w• lilt
»n finder 64
At Minima 44
Y 1'1141,, Ilan rn - G1
• Mire IIrani 444
\lark Ttvain's Immortal Store
, .
Finn' 1.:%1 de Ilii
uniytr 1)ordlnIteyeraft
5.11..1 fiaitrhkI•11.'
:\ tale of other .lays on the \lis-�
•tssippi, made nn the actual ground
-.`the story. Pulsing with it hun-
dred immortal adventures
Special Matinees Monday and
Tuesday at 4.15•p.m.
Admission -Children IOc, Adults ISe
Evenings, 15c and 25c.
Retneutber, gular prices for this
\t•dntitiriot picture.
I..;dw•)n Metall., Madge Keunc4y In
"The Girl with the
Jazz Heart"
also the .'npitnl l'.111P.'IV
"Poor innocent"
1'411).11 and 8.1T1BILIN
TIa.' last 4elznlck Pieter'
'fireaterThan Fame',
and Pollard comedy.
cannabisan Patho News.
Elsie 4'a•ktield a
Verne Mooed...
1.'loreure Gelman
Kenneth .Illin
Tl*,•1?.`ani s Guuttry
Jen if McKenzie
•Ellet' 1hint
Charles 1 I rrt-m 4
•1mroIh.,:Rational. •t.
:cely'n 4'ttrrle' 41
Irene Johnston 4'1
Randall Marriott , 41
lterg.'rsnn mmlth I1
•ttiiye 11'hitelc' In
Willie F reed. 31;
•I:Iw.nd Thoulp.ou i
• Is.,144 1 Iti-sett:44
•I:nlnler.nn .trnr
lsl,lhg ::
M.( ry •Forden 32
•Ituy i,ongnlire , ' 31
•list 11t,Mtins ' =9'
•1i'ef ugt.n linnald•nn .. ,
14 li us*4l Ithrrrmt►eht-isms- r:N. , + 1, • .11
•ls1144'l Kenzie seise. .41'= ..1 9•3 • ltd d-m!i.'ld ... ..\ M
•Marlon 11 dewy '- o.
Parents will plea... look Over he e
pereenh,ges. There are lice month.11
411.' term left and. a' great deal of .w •
;tan • :u•e.m41!4, IMI. W111 110(41110(41et.operation In erh.ol'life. We should Ise
plensrsl to talk 0%1'1'0%1'1's,•I10,? nkat4•,. ;rl
any time with 4,i rents. Each mod!
has from nee and (1•11(1 14 to two hours'
study at ImmP retch evening.
11. $T1)NF:Ip)t'4E, l'rin,lp',I
Nlaplr Era Chapter "Tea I)ansanl."
A "Tea .1)ansant" will he gc11 h'.
the \laple Leaf Chapter. on tiatur.'av
aft• nom, February :itph, from 4
Ever yuue cordtaby invited to anent'.
1 stroke Tea.
The .:..l.trich 14.' 'o'-.Inytihue will
hold a patea, sale of braking ail 1
Isizaaa• frena :I to G o.'?' .q Twos'
• .4 Februrvh
y , ill tl .hblGhllo%t44'
Al T11,• a t': i,'le, t. l..t '. I.r ale "mull( by
Idle Canadian N:ItM iraI I1-titore for
Is the Blind hl the etening there, will
i.t in a or reftr•enter Fw..a ...otti i 'W''1ng. kt--
QSonuality •Iptinfre.-ThSon-*hi:1
silky h;r4rr crystal. 111.,' •,n1 ri'4ril1
'1. 1 medicine .tlrrt:.r�
'1 ; - the lit•
of the rincl,unn tree in the month
.1eri.:aa l'.test+.r nal 1:
a•41 from the 4ree•. `4.' 4 , a1 .I •lit..
ing It to the coast for•hipm.nt, re•
Duras the (44'.1t. 414 411/14111.11414,411/14111.11414,of :11111I;niulnl• 1111/14111.11414,
ter the highest (I.,*of purity is the kind we sell. It i
No n., i„ ..
escape Ins bitter tang -but you tecely..
Its hill h.•n.• ' s , . .n • yl
_iLs,._±1di.F..it...7u.ua1• t'.y*a-111'. t4::..•.... ..
411144, f:. . \i'IglP, &II:iist r:
. t', '4,.
Do not r••d.
another day w,:
Inn, or 1'r 'n
11.a 1•l"--
- ala 1
D?.:Chitve`4 ointment will rr4' ,,";;s:"'
and afford Ia.11ng benefit 'u•. a 4
deat.Ir�I,, or P;4111/1111111111, pa4te1 h (n., 1.:.
Tor'm pantpla Wax tree It yen
pert Mo capers. 21, stamp to l•wy 4s,.ta.
The Trouble Man
1t's a comfort to Itnnw there'•
a man on whom you may call
in your troubles -the Plumber.
We know our business and
• are here to terve you.
Wan (ton 5trgl Phone 135
m1I,1ng llt�ttill j;
h::,ce.trouglting 1 M4.4M 11'.1 s
$10 for $4.75
All the .mage• it I tletc-
('st ilea. for Winter \t litter'
Wear have their - rel)re 'nt
aiiivvs ltt're. loon: the cl,s' sit
ting .sty nes to the large 11:
It is.litllCt)lt to Bali' -
SO slum are currying
.mall, a flgatre stn. their i•1 :1
Miss M. R. MacVicar
I+inp-ilei stn, 1. (:rlctitit
Thursday. February 3, 1921 S
Men's and Young Men's
Made of Wool Blanket -
cloth and rich fleecy
Just.the Colt for
this 'weather.
Regular up to $30
Open Evenings
Everything you need
for Fancy Walk 111.1V 14'
found here.
Cull and lice the mat,\'
beautiful and useful ar-
ticles we have'in stock
Miss S. Noble
South Side `.y,a,are Gederich
1 .1 I \ < .1 . .
cLl_IJ:T i �
%)/.1/4.4-.) - Y-- , ��
4.n,<,• .n,I Chad( ..t,
• 1.4 all•• 11.1 I. -tu I.• air
• 1 .ra.ntron',YI ,H 4.1 11 41.1
1'. 1 ri , r,•. tel.' 11(._
"They Work while you Sleep"
Yon 44n't know whether- yen met.
"coming or going." Ynu • are bilious,
'on.4ifj.ated! You feel hea l:why, full of
old, .1,z,v, unstrung. Your meals don't
fit -breath i- bad, -kin •alien-. Take
:'a..nrets t.11ight for your liver and
nwrls and wake up clear, cnergetie and
laecrful. "u griping -nu iavnvenience,
hildren love L'aacurets ton. 10, 23, 34)
ROnly Tablets w it!i -fttyl'r Cross's.
- -are-Aspirtro-'N'yrt i. t_ 1'
Don't Stay Gray! It Darkens ---
So Naturally that No-
body can Tell.
You can turn gray, faded hair beau -
Utility dark and lustrous almost over
night If you'll get a bottle of "Wyeth's
Sage and Sulphur Compound" at any,
drug more. Millions of bottles of this
old famous Rage Tea Iteripe, Improved
by the addition of other ingredients,
are sold annually, Pays a well-known
druggist here, because It darken. the
hair so naturally and evenly that no
one ran tell it has been applied.
Those whose hair 414 turning gray or'
becoming faded halo ft surprise await-
ing them, he.•auae after one or two
lin gray h81r vanishes
and your iocks become iuxurlanuy
dark and beautiful.
This is the age of youth. Gray-
haired, - -unattractive folks aren't
walled around, so get busy with
Wyeth's sage and Sulphur Cnmposnd
to -night and you'll be de4igpted with
your dark, handsome hair 4 your
youthful appearance within a OW
days. e• •
This preparation la a toilet requisite
and 1s not Intended for the cure, miti-
gation or prevention of dame
I , n.
1 ,
I 1 1 11'1' 4 ' \ 1' :
sir .lilt ,11, •
Uel 1. '1 ••11 !,two
1211,1 .1111' ,:• R• It.. 1111' '• of
Rayer ($,•tirpan•v• l.td., \‘1:1 be et )(need
with (he lr geliyrat trade nark. the
-Bayer Cress.'
11 a
. r , , .
110 104
11 1111o.