HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-2-3, Page 44 ;Thur.,;.). I-divaary 3, 1921. THE SIGNAL SPECIAL SALE DUNGANNON. Mpg, S. M. 01113110 tr WC selene 41 IIRheumatism for THE SIGNAL. et Dungannon. • Wile -re -left with biri fur rulwerlp- 1 Neuritis, Sciatica, %leuraliia- tions, advertIwemeuts or job pout• I Ing V 1ll melee prompt attention. 1 --Of - i 'Telephone eGwleriet Rural; tall. i THURSDAY. Feb 3. Trousers 300 pairs of Trousers go on sale Saturday, Janu- ary 29th, and continue un- til Saturday, February 5th, at the following big re- ductions. Buy your future needs now while you have this opportunity of saving so much. All sizes from 31 to 44 Regular Reduced $4.00 Trousers.... $2.98 $5.00 $3.75 55.50 • " $4.25 $6.00 " • • • $4.75 86.50 '= ... .... 55 25 $7.00 $3.60 S8.00 .. $6.00 $10.00 .. $6.08 W.C.,Pridham \tis$ Daisy Ryan is home attending her mother. who hon been ill. Mr. Delos Daher was hew from Clin- ton lot Sunday.; The Board of Agriculture is holdine public meetings in Dungannon this atter noon and evens g. Mus \largaret Ryan returned to New Liskeard on Wedireslay of this week. The' U. F. 0. has arranged to hold a meting in Uuuganit ,n on Thursday atternlwn of next week. Mr. J. J. Mur rr-oi, the famous "lighting" secretary of the United Fatter* Of Ontario. is to be Ole .prtncipa; speaker, and there will doubtless be a :arae gat! ering to hear him. *Mrs. N. J Treleaven had her furniture shipped to Toronto this week and she and her:children will leave next week to juin' . Mr. Treleaven, who has been at Toro:rto' aur some time. The annual congregationel meeting of Erskine church was held on Saturday last, A report will be published later. A special service to behalf of the Chi- nese famine funo win be herd in Erskine church un Sunday, February lath, weal Rpv. Dr. Campbell. will preach from the words in Luke 15:17, "bread enough and to spare" -bis subject, "China's Cart for Canada's S pC iabur dance." As OLD TRADITION. -Yesterday (Feb - wary 2nd;. was Candlemas Day, or Bruin's Day, when. according to tradi- tion. Mr. Bear cordes out of his winter hadie hole to see what the weather pros- pects are. It the sun is shining and he sees his shadow, he goes back to his den for another sex weeks : but if it is cloudy or mist • he concludes that spring fs at hand and temains in the open. This year, however, Bruin may be presumed to be •o:newhit ,tit of lis calculations. The we atter since last fall hes been so mild that t e may still be waning for winter to coo . and s; may not here retired of al t is season. As we have not seen any bra s :Aleut here just lately.,we cannot sav with any certainty jnst what their i actions wined indicate. St. ON Valentine's Day .ri„crve--t•lte--peel i--etsmem .ending little gins and'card- as rementhrances We !lave Templeton's , Rheumatic Capsules Have brought good health to halt -a -million stutterers. A healthful, money -saving remedy, well known for fifteen years, pre- scribed by doctors, sold by drug- gists, $1.00 a box. Ask our agents or write for a free trial package. Te wpletona,142 lung W., Ta ate of friends to 'lancing and other amuse- ments. Au enjoyable time 1s reported Iby all. Mut. ,Morris, *r.. Is under the doetur'r rare at present. Sltltougls at tete ad• vaueed age of uluety-four airs. Morris liar enjoyed fairly good health until lately.Ttw W. was held lu The M. f3: meeting the basement of the church on rue* day afteruuoul A siil'eltl program and a large artende nee made thin meet- ing very Intererllig. Local Agents-D==Mp's Drug Store. KT. Alett'STINE. . Tuesday. Feb. 1. Ills. Betsy Mc.\Ili+ter thane! Brine eel* and Janleetow 11 friends last week. MISS Gladys Jefferson returned to Woodstock last week after a mouths stay et her home here. Mrs. Win. Wil -on visited Teeswater friends Met week. Roy Adair, et NVinghem, was thresh. lug clover In this vicinity la,e week. James w'itsen ri-ilei London friends this week. -- 1s.\Yrip.n. were wade the recipients of a beantl• • Caused Edge ed. --After a cumber of ful pedestal. The presentation wasuuauecewafulr attempt* to secure a- mide by Ml' -es Edna Walter, aid 1 rounelt for the velem. of Betyttekt for Gertrude Gledhill. Mr. Vaustuue re- ( lir21 we cruet that we Bare etieceeded plied iu a very imitable manner. I its the ete•tion Olt Monday of a (*Millet' IpI*rterly communion service will be that will remain fu the field. The fol - held at tier Bethel 'Meth1Mtlst chnreh towing were ele.•ted : Willi/MI Higgins. ii* t Suud4c- morning at lm.:a► o'clock. ; Samuel Houston. Samuel Moore and with the pastor in charge. Murdoch Rom. There will Iw• au mining service at the North Ziou church next Sunday,' GOD)ERI('Il TOWNSHIP. cuwmeneh,g at 7.3i) o'eloek. 1 The commissioner* of the munleiIrtl Yr.' Norman ' Satiee. of Ne•paw'a• . telephone nyst1w w•111 meer in the alauitoba, 1* *pending a , few week's I afterieoi of,N++uday, February Tth. with Itte cement, yrs. Edgar V,ui,tuue• instead of the'feeen,,on as advertised For the pest few nights the skating Is The tOgnal I., -r iveok. -hwa tarn exteellttiit un -lite local* in thio - -r• • rtrinity tied the young ireople have • Leen making Prod use of It. GOOD HEALTH • On Sunday. February 13th. a special AND GOOD SPIRITS offering will be taken up at the North Lion church in behalf of the ,Chinese and Armenian Relief Fund. Al'HI'l N Depend Upon the Condition of We.luesd,ty. February 2. the Blood ---Keep it Rich, al r. Theis. clerk. of Pickering. ar- dived on Friday, looking tate and Red and Pure. hearty, to visit friends here. • l )tri Fria* When a doctor tells you that you are foleis . had the haul crushed on I anaemic. he simply mean=, in !lain Eng - Monday while hrteuee to have u{aerating a sawing lisp, that your be o t a weak ane watery. MI machine. He will be laid off work for ' But this conditi ,i.. is one that m:.y easily A f w tidy..sass into a hot eless decline if prompt }tt:Nalll.l.Fat. ra. \\ern, Dobie, sr., we regret tea steps are not taken to enrich the blood. 1Velnewiay, February 2. report. dews urn improve as her many esus blood, weak. watery b!ood is the NI', . Andrew Meddle. of thls village. friends world like. cause of headaches and backlit he, loss of .• i. lieu quite ill the post week and Messrs. 7tubert and William Riddell, appetite, poor digestion, ihetmatsm, rental ia, nervous. trritahelity, ar d many other troubles. Ire p:ex - ue the • -he and air. Heddle expel tie go into of Galt. brothers of airs. F. Stalker,g blood i d "- towel a rel stay a few weeks with their sr., and W w. Stalker, o? Wondsttock, . , +,Fanghter: Ler., here to attraatainv Jt the funeral plmpes andatblotches, the muddy corn Ur. and Res. Jesse% IlediIIr. of 4;+«lr plexien that disfigures so many fa:es To j of the lair Joseph Stalker. ' t.ave good healt h, a g+tud comp!. *ion and i ri••Ii. are .;ending n pert of the winter The Late Joseph �ltalkerr-Word a cheerful manrer, the blood must be -at hi- old hone• Iter. ' was taeeiv..l'here on Saturday or ate kept lith, red and pure. This is easily RereptIon,-Unite a large number of ! death of a former Auburn boy. Mr. done through the use of a b:ree enriching grle ..f Itruwiller gave n re, cps l Joseph Sr,lker, priueipal of the t'cu- tonic hili Dr. William.' fink fills. The Mr. and )Its. Stanley Vat redene ; Iral s'h.s.1. 1nger.s4,. after it few t1:ty>i whole mission el this medicine is to help I. 1Vedu.•-day *evening la --t :I: their . pines. (roto a heart alevet Ion. Mr. er rich the b!ooi. Which readies every .:..sue. •\ veru pleasant rime was .p■•nr stalker wee in fits fifty-third year. nerve and ever} organ in the body. zone. ,+f eaHeats kind- :awl 114ude 11e wee, loru in the township of Col- bringing with it health, strength and new , :i:1 light r••fr••shmeuts. Itt,v. Ii. F. berme the Li mile. fuer moving. to the activity. 1 his is shy people who occas- i.•iio•-Iv,, .w t»•heti 14- the' ;«••Pie,•Were bat/Whirr-71U iIoI -t'. aria. Last Goa.. a= - irnatfy use -DE Williams Pink Pit satways . -hors address cungrattl.ttiug -\1r. ,and , nosh. .near Auburn.. H,• attended feel bright; active and strong. the. Vaeetouo of their rie-eur Inetrl• lash -rich, and A::ill 'collgiate Instl- M:s. E. E. C-stk. Simcoc. Ont., gives • :� •ette1 veer me and extrude; to them 11 tures and "•11 eiterel `tae. thehing s'rong test imon>i to the value of Dr. a Ene .f 'h.. .• h •et wi-h,•- of all present for n pn,Yteeirm. re widen he ,rice rlie re-' 0 II lams' Pink ('ills when the Mood is In neer emit Anil happy future. They ' u,ai11,h•1• of his fife: 11e taught in No. an anaemic conr'i:ton. She says : "I have, ...hied. Colborne. at i.uckuuw. Blyth. b en a tuflertr lx some years from a rundown condition of the system. 1 oil - splenrid Valentine Folders, Lace Valentines. Post Cards, Hearts and Cupids Ei Smith's Art Store a,t 5' . h•. SHOE REPAIRS flaying sold out our branch Shoe Repair Shop at Seaforth, we are now in a position to do all Shoe Repairs promptly and neatly. Try our BOYS' SCHOOL BOLTS, Solid Leather. S. SMITH Past (;,ele•rirle HYDRO ELECTRIC If you ever used alt Electric Iron you would not want to be without it. It is both economical and labor-saving. Our Ele.tric Washers will do your washing at a minimum expense. Hydi o Lamps always in stock our displ•i� The Hydro Store North Side of Square Be Photographed "1.111S ' l . \R on Your Birthday J. T. Fell Did You Ever stop to think what our eyesight is worth to you? It is ut“itli the value of a seientifir cxtimili:ttion. We ltuve the e,luinntent and each ,, cos over very best tit - t,nl a h1 A. I.. COLE \win h:am 111.l.ether rinses. a11,1 right yt_tr _iigu went toingwr o1Ltwhere he. (eyed from pairs fjs the back, twttchine of lied marker! sunt -s 11* hie ii...itiun ao the nervesand muscle*, my appetite was principal. ;tette:, regarileal :is our of taw per. I had indigestion and would get n,(neug ap1.tbptNds, h.wd 'were almost drowsy after eating. My hands and feet r• t 1 11irr was n t cold, and though 1 was con- traelierhtla tie 'ruvi« nets a scantly doctoring. the medicine i took did •isle J,y any narrow multi. physically not help me. 1 hid practieeliy g.ven up .r ,,therm; -r,• but was of splcendid h pe or i,00d health. until a filend hum pry -i. pie, :ui.l n hri.ad-wawleii, "w,u•m- Hami:ton came to vait me, and u.ged me hearted man. Ite was see a1awm awl •to try Dr. V\'illiarati Punt Pills It took at a wrull.•r of the 4'..u.idlan order to try persuasion, but rinl'y 1 consented ..t -F nrthters. --Hr Immo*. 4**. besides hi= to try them. !have reason to he grateful wire. a 4acrghter; airs. 41)r. t U kie. of ' that I dig, for after using seven boxes I St. Stephen. N. It.. John his agt•l felt like a new person. I have gained in • ucorher. Iltc brother lobo. of Mani -weight: have a better color and my work I NILE. is now P• F d I �rl Phone 56 STORE HOURS r 8 A. M. TO b P. M. i SATURDAYS 9 P.M. "The Scotch Store" e+ FEBRUARY The Home sMonth wing DURING February most folks like to get the Family Sewing done before the house-cleaning starts and the fine weather begins. We have made great preparations with the best stocks of Wash Goods, all\ bought at practically pre-war prices. Steel -Clad Galateas Stcel'1a+1 tial:tteast extra good wearing az, l .e,lai lg ,l,4ulitiee, for 4iiilJren's wear, }muse ,tresses. 't,• , a_' in . 39c per yard. Swiss Organdy Beautiful quality sheer Swiss Organdy, which promises to be very much in demand the coming season, in shades of coral, laven- der, maize, turquoise, pink, ete., 50 -in. wide, $1.35 a yard. Special values in extra sheer quality white Organdy for dresses and trimmings. 50 inches wide. $1.25, $1.39 and $1.50 a yd. • Nainsooks i \\ Extra quality-Nainsooks for mhking dainty',lingierie, in bite, hello, pink, ionize, sky-. Super qualit; , 36 in., 75c a yard. While; 2iahniogks, from 50c a yard. Victoria Lawns, from 39c a yard. Special Value in Sheetin It is many ai day' since we have been able to offer sue splendid values in Sheet - burs. In Canadi it and British snakes. front 75c per yard. Extra qualit Spero English bleached Sheetings, 72 in es wide. Regular $2.00, for $1.50 a Extra quallt Wabasso bleached Sheet- ing. linen finish 72 inches wide. Regular $1.25, for 85c pt1t yard. THE NEW_MAtE.--PATTERN FOR HOME SEWERS the sewing machine was There has been no invention that has made such • invested as the New McCall Pattern. '•It is printed'.'' It is i iossible to make 'n mistake. It lets you know exactly how much material is required, and al who have already tried it are most loud in its praise. McCall Patterns -They're printed -20c to 40c. All the new season's advanced styles right in stock. Many February Specials in -All $partment�s Being. Cleared • Out at Less Than Present -Day -Cost. New Spring Goods arriving daily at The Scotch Store, Von alsi�aws get quality goods,at !, ,,e ,t prices. We are looking forward to a great increase in Spring btistness, Phone PEone JJJar'sScotch Store 56 M the tob.t James, of Cairnucer: Robert. of w a leisure, For this condition my Auburn: 1\'illlaw, of tt'taslht,rk, :cud thanks are due Dr. Williams' fink Pills, The following isreport of U.S.S. No. n' i- Di ksrli. •.f E t -t 1Vatyn11osh--'and I cannot praise them tog highly." ,1. Colborne, for the month of January.. + order of merit : V,-W+lite tt -'"8"11. nut M" . sue w t es, , t ra:g a any deal. - byt Dodd, Robert Het henngton Echlin, Ruby Kerr, tend hole, shortly- to return home in much better health than h•• has rn- Joyw1 for eo • time. Mr.. 1'eo i, in the elty with him. :• ..i -ter*-- tai-. It. J. Mt•Gee, of 1 you can get Dr, W.litam, rink Pills Names m fVSlviaarth is otenint a I 11 G I 1 h I r in m die ne or mai Mr. Thomas lingg •f edit to .'rr..'. The r, u+aina were, at :,(t cents a box . r sex buttes lor *2•o0 Seguss. R bent repair shop in the old blacksmith shop ln,nxl,r t•. the bow:• of hi• heave •m-ilt. from the Dr. WaII ams Nledicine Co., i Calvin Rutledge, Florence eeguss. H 1.- at the corner of Elgin and V,ctnria streets law. Mgree 11 J. alc1;a.•, East Wawanosh• 'Brockville, Ont, iMabel Smith. George Currey. Florence and will make a specialty of acetylene .ro' Tne"day. and its. true. ra4 t•tker - Royle. Amelia Georg in, Ervin Rutledge, welding. ilii- , V*,r11i.w11tr.. eft . (...n, • • Sr. II.-N1yr1 h Gambit, Allan Currey. \k. R. T. 1Lintz, or -Kitchener, has S('IIl10L REI'i1RT� John McNeil nu,lrr aLah+rnle tiphph•eti to Mar. t-tn• Marjorie Hct enng or, . accepted the appointment as bandmaster MYree Lambie. Jr. El. -Jack Royle. emery. T11' .yi Ow% -sorrowing tet the *4 wlnun- icy got - i.,n ro Illi• w,rr,iWiuti e.h,ith•es S. S. NO. 1, ASHFIELD. \hurray Hetherington. 1.--We%lifRtnn in t•hh•u tnkInt away of one si The followingis a conduct report of the McNali, AlsialCtu--P I 1 highly I honored by those pupils of S• cur month Ryan, Carman Kerr. Pr. Jr. -Merck herr G A. PLUNGKETT, Teacher. i ' S. S. NO. 10, ASHF lEL'D. genes and s„i s S o 1 Ashfield ,i ho ki.•av • hie worth:: of January. Names are in order of merit : 'The Union Y. P. S. will hold their Sr. Fourth -Lorne Ashtor, Fred Dickson. regalia- Inweting +int `u 'dap earths --4' - Fe t "man flay len. Har v.e • February 6'h, at 7 3-1, in the . \I. -4h04451 • Crawford. George Ashton. Howard Quaid, chhrch. The meeting w 11 be in charge i,t . Bob Hoy. Sr. 1 bird-Ivadeli Hoy. Willie Bliss Gladye 14oberton'a committee Richardson, Edna Murray, George Mills. t he (river supper and c ,n'ert g.ven by Jr Third -Vesta Murray. Clara Willis, the local branch of the U. F. 0. -on the Vernon Willis. Sr. Second -Annie Green. evening -of January 'with wes a decided • Bert Cranford. First C1 .es -Hugh Ben- sueciet, the proceeds; antou•ttirgt to Ets4, ' nett. Florence McKenzie, Clarence H T. hying torte 1 ,,ver to the Chine Fanzine Margaret Ashton, Ruby Dickson. Leonard Keh 1 Fund. i Crawford. Primer Class -Jessie Hoy, Etta Quetd, John Greene, Edna Crawford. ;tenon- Murray. Violet Ashton. Best SiIEPI'.\ItDT1 . • c„educt for the month -Carman Ilayden. WEDN SDAY, Feb. 2. W. E. CuNNINGIiAM. Teacher. 1RE4ENtATION.-Ott Monday evening a 1VESTFiEI.D. numbed of the yowtg people oI the Report of \\ estfisch•wl Ger last Werk ' Meihxrliet chtittrch here met at the home d( )stoney : V• Casseld (total i:75r Grace ' of Mr. N m Hawkins and presented his Redmond 1`,57, Elwood Stackhouse 557. daughter, Nits. Whitely Dougherty. and Eddie Rodger ,3t1, Leila titarkhou4e 4'J4, her hu --hind will* a present of silverware. Norman Mel)owell 480. Hazel Keating convstng of a half - R knives and 47;3; Douglas Campbell 416. Mary Farrow torka, a-Aulttr kr,i'e and augar.rpu:n. aheettt. 14'. class (total 6251 -Grace Mr. G. Harry Martin, of Tlrnnt , ha - These glfte were accomp.:med by anmars: Mason 4114. Mary Be ati5: GG'a,ren dein+ expressing : ppreceahon of \Its. 13anifurd 246, Norman Keating 229. \ A. J. a ilougherty's s.rvices in c. r,neclior. with Mabel Walden 207. Eva Coale,. 121, Elva the church Mr. and \Ir-. Dough' rty Walden. Sarah Howatt, George Howell, warmly thanked their friends and a few s�hcent, 111. class (total 4501 -Hilda hours, uteri pleasantly `pent m songs, P;cketing 317, Joseph Bell 300, Melbouree slotii card+ an 1 .,ther games Kratiag,�221. Emerson Rodger 202. 1I. -e.-----. • d'as4 , ttTrtal 1.350)-HJFakl Carter 273. - NILE. Mary Rodger 238, Irene Carter 2111. Tuesday. . Mr-' i 1. Mlartelinet WValleilit 0n 229, Edna cWGal h 198. �� �• .,re plenh..l to se �Irs. Georg,• :' n. R. R. REDMOND. Teacher. ' ,,-. ft nbis• is he .nil 4i, ,1e ah h ii hospital,. 8 8. NII, 5. ('14.11111tNE. rr"fn1 ('uI. tiirp in Iiodi•rirh hoepttal,. The fnlluw'{apt 1+ the report of the \Ir-. bssl. Ste441si1't fin' been confine ' 8, N.. No. 5. 1'ollsnpr. for to her beet t lad to report, she le re pupils In ocrieag. the month of Jewelry. Three- marked airy. .1).e. I'n.sidy, of, Loudon, is with an asterisk wlssel •,•nee firm.. -p'n+ttnr i few •eke with her par. Sr. TV. -4 - 11s 1e, 29"% N. )4orri*. 2tr2; 'los. Mr awl Mr -elle. Hetherington. 1,. Thurluw. 244 W. Mc1'inn. 212: •R. Mr. Win. Smyth.. �`fronm the Weed, , It . (i V. 101. Sr. 11 1.-•2. Itoafe, 108: -{silt tin• w..•k-eid reltli his *Leer, 14. 1'h1s11oIiIi, us►. Jr. 111.-3. • Me' faun, :re.: n. Horton. 222: to Horton. \Irl. 1V'I4. ihuld• 2115. Sr. 11-J. The trines b,uignrf whlil4 send held -21: .L Freeman. ii Nile eehureh past Thnreelee evening Ilii -holm. "K. Merit+. E. Freeman. 1'. Morrie Jr 1. - V. Class -Arithmetic, compoeilion, geography. Etta McQueid. 54 per cent. Sr.' IV. -Arithmetic. Canadian history. composition. geogranhY. Elsie Anderson 71, Rubjug, spell�oiBettie Mcwbameyi71. ,writing, spelling. literature, writing, spell-, mg, Tommy Anderson 72. Jr. lr-`ktith mttic, reading. writing. Alden Hasty' 55 Clifford Kilpatrick 84, Lloyd Finnigan 8(11 Clifford Crozier 74. -Jessie SIC/VIERS, Teacher. Watch Page 5 nest week for great bargains. LOCAL TOPICS LN BRIEF. be• nvisiting (Besets and relatives in town Rotten. of Fort 1V'illl:nu. 1114d1'm, 4414') th Attemlfng St. Peters Seminary, London, with Mr. 11arry t'tii-holm. nrrhv.l fu G,wlrrieh Tirewla:c tt spsoul n few tlnys w1111 111111 ;scion• returning to the Seminary to resume 1,th entitles,. s,. The Children's Mel Society will meet next Tuesday, February .stip, at 1.1 7. p. m. in the court house. alre It. S. Breath. acyl MIs' Margaret Itontle, of T.ront . 114.1' vistting the former'. Ulster. Mrs. John Knox. Watetlire Street. Mr. Tho.. etc\Ifllu,, of Senforth, i tee. tri fMrtI tthday on Ute Ivey to Dims t Kennon to address' re meeting miller the nn.pk•ef.Itf the Board of .\Criniltitre. � )Ir. F:. (owning, of Le:nnington. In rl,•,Mllna a fr'w /lays in tone and is the gtte+t of air, 441.0. Ma,•Vlear. ' !(f. John W. Ver, of town. is `t,•,1 Lim ii iu rteloely ikt of 11 Slipper. Ilio. IL Freeman. A. Freeman, M. )lord*. Eye h S 1 Optometrist , hied by the ladies.Mr. Snyder. of I Primer E. Horton. 1 Nmnl;r orT.'roll Prat day Inst Hospital, umlrewentona Sena- Former., 11. Kerr entertained a largo nnnaln•r ,.T.\IIITII.! M. iil:all'TU\, Tl.teber. R , here end the first practice under his lead- ership will be tied next hlonday night. The hospital board wlshee to extend many th,tt,ks to )1r. 11411 itutledge far his donation and work. amounting to (4, SD. in the hospital garden last sinriner If 3 ou waist: sate'te>eaT wet& Page :, nest week. Riker's Syrup of Tar with Cod Liver Extract and Laxative Crsld Tablets with Aspirin At i r. a'at In the Toronto /t tt- sip t Specialist est At r tar att.•ur .nae.` , Fit West Street, GODERICN Money refunded if not satisfied. H. C. DUNLOP Phone No. 1 The Rexall Drug Store Bedford Block NEW ELECTRICAL STORE t Old Colborne Hotel Corner A complete line of 1:Icetrical Goods and S1tprlies now its stock. Beautiful Fixtures Hanging Lamps, etc. Electric Heaters, Toasters and other Household Conveniences Flashlights Condor Electric Bulbs 50c Reading Lamps A. J. LA1THWAITE l',,roIHo• .ad,ln•+se,l the gathering. 2" ''' PHONE 251 Everyone relates a splendid evening. wllh freer, t\an month -.I. Mt•I elan. 1 frien,ls*will alae giristo Snow sthat nhe Last Frhlm}• evening )1 r. awl Gir,�, �i.AINiR-tue thP�mtr t* dolt as well as could Ire ex{te•tel,-s�w..•�/ I 44 • 4