HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-2-3, Page 3Pure Wholesome Herbs Are Nature's Remedies Since time began Nature has provided for the ills and accidents of man and beast certain wonderful health - giving roots and herbs. Unequaled in soothing and heal- ing qualities the have quickly banished pain and given new strength- The hest of these have been combined for fifty years in the one reliable home remedy— Rundles Norte -Such Linjment It may be used in a numberof wholesome home- made remedies for children's ills. hs powerful penetrating and soothing qualities bring sure and quick relief from pain of rheumatism, lumbago, neuralgia, sciatica, pleurisy—from sprains, strains, swollen joints, lameness, tired and ach- ing muscles, bruises.c urs, sores, burns and scalds. For relief from the many common ills of poultry, cattle, hogs and horses Rundle's None -Such Liniment hes gained a naraonal reputation. It has become a farm necea.tty. If your dealer hasn't Rundle', Noce -Such liniment, we will send a bootie pre- paid to your address for 81.10. Money beck if not satisfied. T eCeo.H.Rmulle&SonC .,Ltd. Windsor.Oat. THE NEED OF REFOREST,%TION. The Farmer's Sun. There is an opportunity for a mare t•, come forward in Canada and do as much for reforestation as Sir Adam Beck has done for Hydro -electric development in this Province. As a mister of fact there is a of our greater t orest ourcesthan�theretiso rwafor the conservation of our water power+. To waste our water powers is an economic bat. but it carries do further destrgetive 1 tendencies with it. On the tither t,vne, the waste of our forest resourc s is not only an infinitely greats economic loss in itself than the waste of waterpower, tut it has a direct bearing en agriculture, 1 up n navigation, climatic conditions and grey on the very life and prosperity of the the people. Far History is full of lessons caused by 'eh- one terrible results fallowing the cutting off or pdi burning down of a country's forests. The The ` — n China which will cost len with TRH SIGNAL struction of the forests which once ve the hills and valleys of Western C 1 The deserts of Syria„ of Asia Nlei Mesopotamia and other parts ol A.ta a the result of centuries of t uthless d:str Man of forests. Lands which. ooze btu - OODERI ri, ONT. ;,ed I "IT'S WONDERFUL.,'. ' 1i,i•se fart, are •gathrrtvl from a timely ore SAYS LONDON MAN. pamphlet Just Issued by the Iham rt. meta of Agrleulture at Ottawa, of wlik•h J. 14. spew...v. Director of (nutty. ix the author. From this well wrraeu as a rine are 0 o no'hing bat Illustraitsd and technically detailed sandy wastes. IVs cut even o me,eiaw'n P sons States Every Sign of publiratlun it Is also learned that the' iu more modern times atld hod that intRhe matiam Left Him production of maple 1lr•, and Ito' parte ut Spam. Algrna anti 4taiy' iftter oitilvlleut In syrups, of late year+ lax destruction of the (oleate bruuaht dlsas shows a tendency to decrease. From;. tows results tit its wake. Even our 1,.i1 to 1411 we aretold the average' own 'trent Valley shows what dire yearly proiluctIon Waal ali,ut 13,500.000 'risers will follow the wbulesale dratruc p,ivalfrom 18111 fro18111 a, 1.171 about 17, iO i of timber. :U10.11110pauldx. front 1"71 to .l,lty1, 19; l(aoyone prodrrs►ive p,licywas needed OIMI,000 pounds and from lS4 to 1'891,' y bulb Federal and Pruvincia (fovrrn• rnlrnts. it is a new p,hcy in connection eels roforrxtauu r. slush bas here dwir _"S.SIM*,aai'mounts. The latter was the Olin:tele of aminal prohu•tion, for In the text decade tete average Per year by curtain pulp and paper cumpani sand b was 21.200,000 pounds. and In later some r yea's the average has been little less must than 20,000.000 pounds. It is thought that perhaps with the increase in price 1, that has takes place recently greater' production may he 11siked for. It 1x estimated that the value of the yearly manufacture of sugar and syrup lx $2.000,1100. and that 50,000 people are ploysd hr the industry at the height i or he st'uson. which Ix of very short Mira ion, extending over only live or - six w against hen Ie where melee establlslays u t 1 y lu nbering c.,,.cerns Due credit be green the Consrrvatlt:i Comm s= Mon for us educational work and alsu to the Provincial Government for its cam- paign to induce c untie; and It.w ships to set aside small toted reserves. These etlurts are 1.'i wort..), on.st but something bigger ani mote cuo.prehens•ve is re glued. An effort must be made that wi'1 I rheum diem has left me. 1 enjoy restful enure the po per conservations of our Fleet) at night and feel mare like working has timber resource.. the replanting of cut- remain hy done thefor a l�ogrktrmr� Tanlac has over or burned over areas in oir north land and the sitting out of hillsides. river I now on it's going to be my standby." `Taking Tanlac. "1 have obee t ta,ing l anlac for about a month. ut it$tta alre. d. m d • a wond:rfu' chang in my condo' n." said Mamas Parso:tr, d( 1023 M stair street, London. Ont. \ "About a year agn 1,g it into a weak and rnnd,wn condiion. • m1 then began to suffer from rhe imatlo n The mu -cies of my legs, from the kn-es wn, became so swollen and p sinful 1 c iMld hardly stand up. and alter a hard day's work my lets hum me like a thousand needs were pricking m t There were time: wwsa 1 W411 unable to work at all "But Tana: has • bait me un until\I feel like a diffe'ent man. Ev.ry*Urn of botto I,s and unpiuhtable farm lands in Old Ontario. There are tens of thousands of acres on (arms in this Province which never should have been cleared of its timber. Some eucouragcmenl should be given farmers to induce them t, plant out these rocky or sandy districts with trees It is aur. Kiting how q:.i kly they ail' grow into a valuable asset tut apart altuaelher from the immediate re, iii u to the Ivan who 1 plants Niers out, there is the greater good 10 the nation as a whose. It is a problem which should engage the attention of our ablest men. _ Hw is l/T---- _ r.. 1 A commercial lh velkrr, a theory fellow, got married, and. deciding to kill two Mals soh one stoney took his wile with ' him over the districts'be worked for her honeymoon t ip. On the way he couldn't help boasting to her of how well lie was\knowii on the road. "Why,", he ended up one brilliant .or- ation un his popul .rity, "at the'Llean and Barnacle, at Little int h, tory not only always reserve a place h.r me, but. itnow- ing how 1 like honey, they invariablput a plate ol it en my table,..eve•) when i is not on the bill o1 fare." l'aplac is .sold an Uoderich by E. R. R'I le and the leading druggist la every town Ss at the most. Stringent laws ie adulteration of the product is,se1, especially in t)ueler•, of,instruction have been 1 the lure Maple Sugar 1 'native Agricultural 11 organised. ��" "ti.�ya1i11 Syrup co and a yearly turn ver of f20.00tf,0I A"+mit hitlar lex bought tie Farmers' Sun tar $20.00,1 . It l '20,00 , I cash and has increased the circulation u1 Our Modest Ighhsr, that paper from It 00.) to 35.0 0. 1',1:CoaeYr Provi It. The prime object of the 11. F. 0 is to Read the following passes rom ore of make farming more attractive. Tine it is the leading Journal, of the ted States trying to do by making farming m re I Pacific Coast : remunerative and by 'moray conditions of country districts. Better I menti of America's IS dp frank a lead marketing arrangements and moreWwhI of lead lative assistance also are belt k=ip Our country made possible the victor in the hu M Prove pe of building up oar. tn' essential i •dusrry. • -- The rapid spread of the IJ F. 0.•mov went indicates the remark ib'e hold- Rha taken on the imagination of the cora wledg• hip. of a :Ir democracy over autocracy in the war Kt' a We stated the objects us the. war. W. gave to Britain and France the shibboleth e- with which testy won. We called togeth. r ha the tempura: y League of Natrona as em - I bodied in the supreme war council. We s I became the duectiog turce, the gu,de and d leader in diplomacy. We changed the a military operalions of the A lies from chat s into. rganization and older. Wha' we dor n tear we can do in peace. We are the dointerested na:io ,, the respected I nation, the nation in which all Ithe people have lull ° conhderce, arid l he na ion wl o•e leaders' ip .an 1 guidance all the g;,vernmeits are wiling to accept. It is 71 trusteeship paranx unt. It is the weal of the wort. - •conm.ated to Amok:au keeping, fru bet t9 r or f..r wt rs_ 'Ont cat 110' read the day proceedhigs at Geneva without reals a; tl.at the a s mbli d statesmen th re he k to America to become the • gualing nisi) talion 01 the League, to be thebigg brother to the ualions and to be due dil.verer of mankind nom the agoniz- ing burden of the wa ." people, if that movement rep spulate our depleted agr,cu'uural dis'ricis an country town., it will have reniertd sign 1 service t , the whole com•nunil y. CANADA'S MAPLE PRODUCTS. The manufaedure of sugar and syrup from the sap of the sugar amide Is an Importanta farm Industry In the Fist Arrived at the Ile n and Barnacle, the? ern 1'ruvinees of Canada• and party, commercial man discover. d to h s chagrin Wanly a dueler. Longeutry, intone tui eller mo th it for some inexplicable reason his n se tthrl the cocrma,.. horsey had been Torg t tit. " tui was known to the aborigines "Waiter," he said, eruss'y, -where Is a{wrt from wild honey was the m Y hooey ?" man only Intensely sweet product et their "She"Stns Left last week: sir." said .the t'ommdpd. The methods of procuring _ It were atm -ally at -a very r rtnle de- - 'Modern methods have greatly Imi4Iovel the product and have ltionderhil Growth of the L. F. 0. 1 1e1 to an }ori r Ia•reasllig demarill. Toronto Star. (jnelmr• i'rosirloe ds the rnufn• of the In a few' weeks we will reach the 1 1pdti"try. Of fie 20,011' pxunudr or enth anniver.iry . f the h,undine i(I thereabouts, pod td annually in ('a p_ organisation known as : he United I arta. nt,re, than tar-thlydx hart to he mers i 1 Ontario, whi. h his bccuni s'relitel to Quebec. Ontario Is onl- of the most imp'etant a onomlc and t'inlly reported to toe rrxpsnsfble for tical b dies in th s Prnv.nce I five nsillion px,untLe, arisok"the Maritime P. F. 0. now has 1.500 branches 1 Procins es for Imlf a m Ion pounds a member -h p of 60.000 Ile co- I only. The other Provinces "L Canada . operative callow'-has`'0•00e�ibcriberst runt- noire in the ea ulatitium wai er fifteen million lives is due to the de � I , Mrs. Maloney was before the m iglx• trate charge) with sisal tit tiug the I. policeman. She was following •tin• evidence closely and the Judge lit stun - ming op the .'vlden:r, said. "the evi- dence shows Urs. Maloney, that you threw a stone at 1'01h -tonal' Casey." ."Tour honor. it shows more than that" interrupted Mere Maloney. "ft' *hosts . 111x1 ors hit hire. Thursday, Febraury 3, And. spreading Infection amongst your friends. how •couch safer fur you to kill the germs by taking Reps. Infectious cold,,, grippe, influenza and throat troubles are in the air wherever people congregate. The only direct and practical way to counteract tits infection and safeguard your throat. and chest; i, to take 1'e;•; which UPROOT THE TROUBLE. The., 'infection -killing Peps are not swallowed into the stomach. They dis- solve on the tongue and give off powerful fumes that disinfect the whole mouth and throat, and speedily allay intlatnmanon or soreness. Peps contain no opium or other nar.' cotic and are the favourite, safe family remedy for Coughs, Colds, Chills, Sore Throat, Iirnchrtiserntherchest troubles, Alit hero tits aad.$ealres let k..,. !J.+ SI Ir. Par Trial Seamus aew4 Peps Cu.. Twuwiu, to. starry. The Carpets You Throw Away! They are the ones we want to save for you. No matter how old, how dirty, how dilapi- dated, by our process they can be woven into Velvety 1 Reversible Rugs that are good enough for the most You won't realize how good these rugs really are until you see their beauty and feel their softness wader your feet. tend w Ass adtWt.fewewt wadi par none and oddrr„ Ay a Ns aoakdet with Jr(! rnI.rr.tal.orr. Tie a rope around the old carpet and send it td The Canada Rug CO. SS Carling Street, ▪ L.odon, Canada 0. elaborate ome. Try a Want AIL-i%atir� •,. �aya L R. STEEL e cto � I.OQ t ore.,. BIG l'EBRUAWY SAL SPECIALS SATURDAY from 3 to 4 PALMOLIVE SOAP, 12 bars -for 85c, on y a limitedq y uantit . SUGAR, ioc a lb. Five Pounds ottl to each YCustomers r7 . UNDRY SOAP, 8c a bar, P. 8t-0:-, White Naptha and Gold SALMON, 15c a tin. BLACK TEA, 27c a lb. Strictly. G uaranteed HOT WATER B ,I T TL S , 79c.. Now, folks, h.cre is a Big Special. Limited quantity. . Y p.m. . • limited quantity, ALUMINUM SPECIALS 4 -quart Saucepan, at $1.00 4 -quart Presa Kettles, at $1.00 4 -quart Pudding Pans, at $1.00 Now thio is a chance to buy Aluminumware at rock -bottom prices. No kitchen is eomplote without a few pieces, it brightens the appear- ance of any kitchen. ENAMELWARE SPECIALS 10 -quart Dish Pans, at , . $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 We guarantee all our Enamelware to be of the highest'eTtiis and gladly refund your money if not satisfied. 8 -quart Potato Pots, at 4 -quart Tea Kettles, at Tea Pots, assorted designs, at RIBBONS We carry a complete assortment of the finest quality Ribbon4,_t rock -bottom prices. INFANTS' WEAR Children's Knit Waists, at .. Children's Sleeping 890, 490, R Suit{, at $1.00 These suits are all in one piece' --tali , drawers and bootees. Infants' Flannelette Nightgowns• embroeyed, at 11,00' infants' Flannelette Petticoats, seallo d hem, at $1,00 infants' Kimonos, teddy hear cloth, t ed euffs, assorted colors, $ Infants' soft cote, button Shoes, all feather i .890 a Infants' patent leather, soft Role Shoes, at , infants' Rootlets, satin ribbon myings s infants' Bonnets, silk material, flannelette lined, shirred tbbnn trimming, at SMALL WARES AND NOTIONS Dressing f'oo'ls, extra value, from lOe to 89c ('oat buttons, at 10c a card to 15c a card Safety fins 5Common Pins / a card 3 cards for 1Oc HOSIERY Men's Work Socks, (lark grey, worsted, seamless, speeial at 59c a pr. Ladies' Lisle Idose, exeeptionnl values, at 79c a pr. a HARDWARE SPECIALS 1';use' Sattvs, ext big value, at $1.00 Curtail) Bods, T,it • . 10c, 15c, 19c, 29c, 39c, 49c, 59c ow'e1 lines, nickel -plated. at 15c We carry a complete assortment of Hardware. CANDY SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY I'aterkrisp's peanut -coated Chocolates, at Gumdrops, at 49c a lb. Delicious ('reams, ah 40c a Ib. ('hoenlatc iters of 40c a lb. • c t 6for 25c