HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-2-3, Page 22_`Thuraday. February 3.'9r21.
•— GODE8.10H 011
It is packed to please
� fid and serves its mission
Thurwlay, k;ebnutry 3, 19:y.
in the timber investigation "the pl t!
thickens." The Urury C'ez veroment must
set that the investigation goes right to i
the bottom.
Candlernaa Doy war cloudy and
treditiuu.,i hear had no opportunity u
casting as shadow. This means atii
curly spring—if the super'ultlou holds
is used in millions of teapots daily.
Send us a postal for a free sample. Please state the
priceyou now pay and whether Black, Green or Mixed
Address Salada, Toronto. "'2
Canada's claim ag..irio .,runanv Int
war indeni: ity ,mounts to between six
and eight hundred (nlhon But it (e�tltsl(tre .1pp,dnte4l to Confer with Hospital Itoanh of the County and
isn't paid yet, and ph
lIaon dollar,.s urrer will bei Re rt at the ,blew Meeting—lteadjuatnxnt of tielaries of (bunt,' 0111-
in full. vials—Higbee) Impro.emeut Furnishes a Large Proportion of the Bust -
In Nova Sco is they hold their muni -
c pal elections on February let This is a
sensible custom. it gives opportunity
for the presentation of the full year's
report (Instead of to December 15th only
as in this lyrovince), and also keeps the
municipal elections .away from the din
tractions of the holiday season.
Those Toronto bandits had their nerve
with them when they had up a jeweller
nam •d 1. Shoot. they got to him, how-
ever, before he hal a chance to shoot,
and made away with a lot of money and.
jewellery. By the way, Toronto hat a
bad record of late fat shooting affray,,
bold -upland other serious crimes.
Hydro ofiicials in the cities are mach
excited overt o • t
excthe salt tax ser
proposal W
development for Provincial purposes.
They have had things ale thine own way
fur so long that they resent' any claim
that-1he -lrovutct as a whole has some
_ rlghts.Mhfcttare eupeaur to the tights -4
any or set of me•tripali.ies
Mr. Garvetl bays railway freights must
be fixed high enough to p:ovide.for run.'
ping expenses and -a reatonab'e profit
cess ?put -Acted.
The Januar,
,t•OtIlkP Wascurday, btu 1111 a.
to the drat Tues
-t *illation by
heavers for it gran
tawu et %Ylughani to
nonfat 4111 Josephine at
the county road spite
the gt wd fowls commissl
on it motion by Mess
Erwin; va eununittee was
cumbw,lw4t of Messrs. lira
warthu'aud Milne, to determ
aebxt is nevoseary (0- preven
fromgItoing ,ntoide the county
teal ijther Collegiate lustitutes
High he ds. 0 u to report at
June meeting.
ti,- Motion of Moser*. Neth *
.14pattwi the motion apywdnthnp a corm
session d
'luded at 11
imminent teas insole
y in June.
earn. Tlpling and
of $15,0M) ti the
a concrete pae-
ara partot
was sent to
the county ilbeIer fid found everything clean
ru ou Fri. bud tidy. Ten children were being
cared for the time of the commit.
tee's visit : cru of these were at
school. "-tltogetlier." nays the report,
"the plait has lig most homelike and
pleasant appearanCe and the couucil
iias reason to be grat tied by reason of
the success of the1 us tutloi." peeve
arts of -Goeierieh wa recommeudesd
n, Davis and l an the county's -represent the on the
Appointed,' C'hiteireti s Aid Society. The jail war
ere, Tre•- visited and nine prisoners [Mania oue
tw what' of wto�weis a women with her babe
pupils of three weeks. The committee re -
to at. coaimtudeethat this woman be .,re -
and mored to th County Home as soon
the possible: also that an lumnte Wit
value from To uta should be sent
' hack to that plat and tate who came
from `Waterloo con ty should be sent
matter to wait oar the Provincial (low- ,back there. The q stion of proper
eminent with regard to consolidation r eewn1Uodation at the court house in
of jails w -,is res•iwdel, and lustemd thea iiectlon with Court h toes,. was re -
Warden rand clerk w•eresrequtstel to 'leered buck to the whole outwit.
draft a memorial to the Government Special Committee. , o
Jn the subject. • The,spetlaal tommittoe recoiumendecl
A motion was adopted that all muni- that the l'rovintlal t;overtrweni be ret 1
aalpmllties qui paying their county rotes,1 quested o amend the limbers' low.
before the :list of Ikr•emtw•r of the nitre Art • u miff manner int to a ori' --
ye.ir k1 which they are elne`Irt charged ,proper re Mier/010u for members f
Mere i at the rate of tau per vent. the boards eating w•it1, the adwinl
per annum until pall. trines of th Act : and that Messrs,
the Legislative grout and In all other
fifth class w'huol, ttte.cotnity grant be
equal t0 the Is$lsletive grant as pro-
vided by statute.
(Ikev. Jas. Hamilton was afterwards
substltutidl for Mr. T. H. Wallis as
trurtte art jiuderich Collegiate Insti-
tute, Mr. Wallis derliuing the appwohnt-
ment. r
Report of Inspector Tem
Mr. J. Elgtu Tum, ' inspector of
schoolsfur West Huron, .reported that
ltr.all was a year of substantial pro-
gress. The greater attention given to
singing and to the study of agriculture
were pleasing features of the year.
It seemed to be the desire of the
teachers to slow their appreciation of
the increase lu salaries by a greater
Nervier, giving the pupils a wore lib-
eral eduertion.
lar the rural w•11o01.s, two Welchem
receive $1.500 eulary, forty-one receive
from $1.000.,to $1.800, twenty-seven get
from UM to $l,ae), thirty-seven from
*7410 to *()0O. and three receive Tess
than *741►0. Of the urban teachers, two
receive $1,400 salary, dve get from
$1010 to *1(100, three get $'JNO to
$1.000. thirteen receive $.HMI to $900,
and one melee,' leas than $FI00.
-Several of the teamed bowies now
-being used are worn out, being un-
comtortable, not worth repairing.
There are many sehoels .with ten to
twenty pupils that Wight vastly be
unites" with neighboring teeboots to
form a eousolidatel school to the ad-
raurage of ail the se•tlous. School
boards hesitate to bullel a new school
for it few- pupils on account of the
strong w n:iment in tacos of. krousoli-
tlated reboots.
"In $rptembe;. 1920. the ratepayers
of ,actions Nos. 2. 4. and 7, l'ollarnt,
unauhuously voted for the formation
of a consolidated school section. The
election of the trustee board quickly
followed, and arrangemenra mads for
building the new school house, which
It is expected will be complete, by
Reptemlrc'r 1st, 1n.'1. The school will
pen with an attendance of fifty to
w ty pupils in charge of two teachers.
Th q_lll he pravftllon foNadditioual
teat► re as way- be necessary.
"The Itenmlller consolidated school
willivAa Pctir
sal test of
the- oos
and the \,teaalbility of transporting
pupils over\hilly .roads and. through
deep snow in inter. Although it will
e a. severe t the men of thiy'dla'
trlct are the kin' (- a make 1t a anemias.
IiPnnilller.should the drat of mann'
tons)lidatb0ua In Yetis inspectorate.
There are ecreraI le'aalltbes where a'
onsnlldated section- (andel he easily
.The lu.11dov s of the good roods rom heavers, T.ipl ig. Irwin, Elliott and ' a d profitably formed."
passion Isere atNwthttiil to reprosent ' ])avis be alt . miteee to act in eons •
the moody at the, I'rovhu1al R nestknl with th proposed electritlent•�at ttweeesfnl w•h,e,1 Tole wore held
convention. 1'x111, l'eerlltarn, Dash-
road.I tion of the L. II. It. hallway. . wood. 'Otter's 11 11111 and Mt. Helens.
1 lar 1 hnr •d n evening nfi,st 41t the - . , tinder- t e 'npw'r"isiml of the district
unitttc rvcutu, i agricultu 1 repreoentxth•e, wild, has
)pw)lntments to
Htntr Iawnls
The alternative it, of -c- urse, under Gov me,ubei., attautled *lie lecture by rhe Ldtltatbn l'oasmitt
ernment ownership, a recurring deficit to: Ilan. 1'. 11. Poole -of New Zealand. slid The education e,
be paid. out of public funds. But what I of 'W.iids a :,tort session was heti mended ibe Yntinwing
f •
incentive is there to the keeping duan of
expenses it-ta peopTe have. to pay the
bills anyway ? This is a question ,that
Government ownership I i to s 'Ive be- ore
it can b. r ,c:. •unted Incites.
mads the, fair. Iwgntlar and wlu-
entire. . ,
Tit+ sb Irl1 he r
• chM : 1 r
in erprtr-
,lira iynu:• ipulity, If otic.:
starte4l, the pp le nisi parents would
' der+ire to sir a' •
_ make fair an annual
he. 11'{Rli'e 4por't•
Pr J: $1•. 91b•Id. In Ii , report as ht•
lip Iter of FaitEnroll s"his.ls, stated
nib's -mower. intuit Indy 1 1 e expect -
Whin of mu.t r aehers. Trus "es n,t a
de reeogiize41 that the .nlarles of
, tt ,hers .1 'Tae an in other lreenpa-
blit ties Imineellate' calu-e-or rho
soda -ti jump. was the biome grant on
highs safarh•s offered by the. Govern -
meta :- s it 'was thought possible to
sliltt tit burden advnne•a bora lree{I
-general.- ' that $1.0MM) to $1.2o0 is a
,Ito toned on page It -
t e' 1'0
the real II late.,
r i .� , r .,• a ,', Mt
, t , 1 mr f hearing an n •press
1 R
;v -SFr J. Y M,r-haft. an a ntlut'i•r 'of Of t connty : dual lei -'C. It.
the I'ruciiwhal Ikglartut•nt of High- 4Wallis 'end (M )Jacdunell 1tit latter
a•.ayn, sal• the snlipt,uf l•atnd YonstriM. In place of Mr- Andrew nrter, re-
thin ale Of:r•ha11 also replied to signed t ; Clinton—II. 1t. 1'h it: Rea-
sintnv epi+•,tlops- tiehireowd-tw trim tun forth—Wm.\ Hartry 1t'Ingh: n--T)r.
mtlllla•r' (egartljng the eounty road teslmemd. Por the New hard i eel.
aork, cation at Fxtr r' W. G.1 Meld w•aa
' Ilurou semis 125 students to the, M the final eesslun.on Fridayluorn_ named for w tree -year term. I/. T.
['niverrity_-Itf Turtd". this Sear, f Intl -Mayor It S. Mays of -
111Iii' invitation of the Warden, slake
cording tO an official statement re- - briefly no the work of the 1lntherx
Gently issued. Only four counties_send .Uhtw•autt' Board:
11n considering the report of the es-
eaoitice estutmdttee reg,atdl11g hospital
grants. lin' council adopted -an amend -
meat providing time. a coututittee 1a•
nttpwdut.41 rn
net in casiJulitliau with
the hospital I.. -iris of the county and
+ring in -,rte -bort •nt-lie Jnne .,a a4tau.
Messrs. Yuan2. Currie mid Y1e\abh
it Larger nuutber : $bwure. OM; Wel-
lington. 142: Wentworth, 1tt9; York,
142. As flits -county gruels also a eou-
sfderaLle nunii.er a[ . shrdentn 111 the
We'teru University at 1.ondon, Int
standing ,act Toronto is evidence of
ilm•ons ,Ieintleti tat higher rdttratlwi. were irtnit4l las rile coutnYlttw•.
It tuay Itt more than a e'Lbta•blehce
that the t•lectitrn methods of thirty
'Year* alto aree being, rerlvtrl a1 the
:431110 rime 411:11 the Premier is oinking
'adequate- protection' lily b;tttle.•ry.
In the old days of .the Ited 1• rl tl
F:x•\\'nrltn llucetil/n'k. M.1'.l'..- wit
pre.ent and an IIA -14:1414414 the \1'
Mien Iuldrvwsed th.• council prit•dy ra'
gardinir matters of spw4•bll intered to
county eAnh all. which are t(r annt' Ise
fore the ts'gislative , f
A motion was passed expressing'
„ytnpnthr with Mr.- S. 11. Soothers.'minty ' agricultural' rnpr'-t'Ut-tt1t..• in
e n ur the
his ilhte.., and exlrresslntr'a hope tot
prote4•te1 mnunGutnrets Pato*• valiant- lits 'bw441y recovery..
for (it►a yea . T114' cinnndtte • recon
mended (h• same grants to continua-
tlun -whoa s as last year. (Whet' re-
cononendritinns were i'• That when the
Imhliu school Is reargnl¢ei by the De-
t porton it as a eontluttattarn arhoad the
'gran from the (onnty he the s{l me
as t tither similar *aloof. : that 0
the 'overage attrndamtr• of t}frh class
Itlttd1. i< th-v or over, anal two teachers
employed. thi' county grant be double
ly, to tht.
asnia:Iryce ,f the 1it.4- cru• Itylilws No. 1. apiwrin nig antlltoi't
meant lugphol ling the t 1'., ami rbl- Ni. L' tlxintrsthn'far of „omnty,otficers,
amt.No. ?i. oinking rain of ${3.15Mt
Ings In which bar-ela'tions were to 1.,• to \\'inghatn for r. ad Inlprat•rma'nt,
heli were tlawwhsi with 1:4,vsrmtt•r►1 were put through ill their rending,'
workers and speakers ,11 lew[m4111. pd p.a41.
time tltin'e i- ait army ..f
't:X eeniiye
tiOil:i:i'• in WI r I'o:a rhos.; In iia, ht- The - execut rt• rtmtntltte• r.•, nt1i=1
mended gran s :is follow•+ : N145111 to ,
-•.14-I1 of 11 hospitals tit t t it
t'IIntutt 114 WIiaghittll : .:421 to 0•11'11
+oh.ul M • Iii the c,ytltt: $25 to each '
• tit nnalnv corm from. to. lwt' Oleo. pnMba• 1 wary In the county; to -
•a•stir.*P.14.11'Of the ,Pring stir.* ttul P.14.11'y
men . The 'eMca.rs tconbl he driing Jonwychr 1'liniou setRnlh 'Waal i)en-
tht'ws•l e,i nisi their colntry n grind 'sell ;'R1,. )(I lir th', 1(hlhiren',a ,t h1 So -
tern if they would show their resent- •tet•: 84,1551 to rbc {nigh Schools and
tocol nt oval profligate erlw•udlttirv• of t+Jlcgna• Institutes of the, county. to
be moony' lieror,ling to tic• altemlam•e
Thousands Liberated
What, have you aot heard the joy
tidingst Bronchitis has been ex•
iled—kicked right out of society—
and 100,000 Canadians liberated from
the bondage of this disease. Every
trace of bronchial trouble is blown to
atoms bJ the world'. most effective
disease -destroyer, Buekley's Bronchi-
tis Mixture. No woods: people are
rsjoleingl No loner do they dread
the effects of cougha, colds, asthma,
eta., and so anxious are they that
others should benefit alae, hundreds
of letters have bees written proclaim-
ing the merits of this woaderfal mit-
aoulous remedy. Here is olio latt*rr--
To Whom it may Contorts: "This is
to certify that I had been miff
for over three weeks with broaahiti
and was advised to try Buckley'.
Bronchitis Mixture. I purehased a
bottle and after the third dose I re-
ceived relief, and before the bottle
war finished, I was perfectly well.
In making the above assertion I have
no hesitation in saying it L the best
remedy I ever earns la contact with
for heavy colds and bronehitia "—
(Signed), Mrs. M. Hardin c/o Dust-
less Brush Co., Tomato. The original
of this testimonial may be seen at
W. K. Buckley, Limited, 142 Mutual
8t., Toronto. This mixture proven is
thousands of Canadian mixture,
will give you sure relief. It cannot
fail. Seventy-dve cents is the price
that stands between you and the road
to health. Take no substitute --insist
on the bottle with the "Satisfaction
guaranteed, or money refunded."
Ask your druggist. 19
Hamilton and St. Andrew's alt.
Cockshutt Farm Machinery
Adams Wagons
Renfrew Truck Scales
—Also dealer in—
Mason S Rbsrh Pianos and
Star Phonographs
Large selection of Phonograph
Records constantly on hand
i 11t>!t' wanting anythingiit f
odr lines are invited to call
and see what we can do for
teres: .4 -the 4lorerht11tnt camlbltte.
and iht• telt••tion 1. Laing 141011 as L•
e -ns ht East 1•:tein- Where doe. n11
moues' 111 (•Itrtlans b} reflNing snppstrt ,t pupil. front the enmity: $tea to each
a. icny cnndbdua- who makes, undue wont .\gricnitnra1 1'(.s ince} to the• snooty
of worker., from outside . tin .holeliit x fail t�Ir. e
- for grantowere de-
r dined.. Including thaw• protweo41 for
the liorlifilltnc. Su - let it's ,f -the
.1 r. Dint,. in his. nn., -,01 in thej .nonny.
tie. •woi u's hsstltttes, tit.'
le•glslature on Tuesday r,'afrmei hie f Huron 1'onitrr nod I'.•; shack .1+*w')a- I
u•la1 •n it+ Flt• tn:rttrr»f -a- "t'rtg4t"i1 rhnt, the it++p(t.tf for 'Slick ('IitlefYrn, 1
party.- "When over a year ago 1 was; the W"1"1.114Ontario Iltltel Hoards of
Trade (for Imniigen tIon work t. •
nski4l to accept the leatIer+dllp,_'-.-aultt' ode the following
the t'remitr. "1 nminnpcel pinh0y'anil, naommeielntioes rtvt.ir rig
witb t i41111ran'ntl/1r1 whiff 1 believed i Warden. stun: treason t, 81,n:l) clerk, •
should be the pwrliey id the party. 81,..111; ynbaerint,•ndcut of roads, $_,••i
.That volley Imo never Isrn ql►v+ti«tisl.
tf stands." The l'n•nls•r then gnotel
1151• for the R•".al i tats' 0--teui and
*'IE fait' e'nuty -dork end a raise of
ai7a1 fur lir_' 4'ra:w'It it 11(10'4.y, 11 1t51:
lila stand as enunciated over a yej:. Her, !teal mat roti of Jail, t:2:r;
,, . • turnkey. emir: tali roll..
Hod oto. to the -effect at the f,ot•t'rtnntnt,,,nmtRer of 4'onnty {lone,• $t,IMtl:
reprtseets in n very, real min.'. utir 111.11 0,11, a'XMt: nssi.roaut nin(ron, $8451;
alone the farnicrs. int all clns't+, nml itlsie,•t,r. A3011:phy.lrtnl, $.4410.;clPal+.
•wnnld exprlud-,:enol )Iruudct ottt_euutn, Laid, 81:d1: pnbtic.. scbrwtl IlispnrGrrs,._
--._ e u h 711?2tMl s alarc and tS„e far ox•
It ;hall beeline. not only It F%(rnirr.. torose.: rottnclltora. 8 per d:ty tint -
peaty, lett 1st w-tery- •rent'-wenere :f-f'i t'}'tatl,t't•tltw lthr-nt1TY--11701 wni esuall or
plea party. ' ' it hnr never Men .elinl- att criminal ,jnstitr neomnts, 8
alnpr and ten cents I 'I1 sols' ,4w,1,71;
Iengel, never'ne.tbnutrl.” hr dc.•hire.. 0 ldit,r" of „Amity ae,AnniI, Ann flat*:
"On that dee'tra1 of t stand today. 1 I•:iron/kyr ot-Ir.nrt inose am! regl'try
And i ilia glad t, sal- thin, (hist whifelefliiee, $700. -
1 believe 1n the ht•jitintinit We had .al1r' • Tire- Itttattw eAmmftee. pintreet- a'
nnmtw•r of a4ennn1' and made as ;rim.,
a minority of the people Ix•h iinl ns, lee of rerommcndatl,ns,' nvhutlt,1 one
now the breadth ,f onr platform aro- I tion 110' Rraat of 81:45) muter !71( y,'nr
pw els to other. iesides farmers," This to Ilse (a tilo14I 4'l.lttirntl':a ole la1
emphstle de•larntlnn would seen( to t1rVIJulesa,..,4,1,1,n be wltb4tcld nNtll
dispo,te of any Wen thief the i'remier (bunn), PRtp'rty isminkeee.
had given in to Mn. )ttorrls m's The toothy pntpttrtp' e,mltsliten re -
Harrower policy of "fanners onl " ported having vielte) the Children',
1 Heavy, plain, white, husk, hemmed, ultiuu, Government
Towels, size 22x36. Value has been special at
50c, each, clearing at
400 yards of yard -wide heavy English Cotton, free from
dressing, v'ery even thread and purr, former price 250
was 55e, at per yard
■ Black, and white, and blue and white stripes and 390
1 checks, best quality, all at pas Yard
3 for 980
• Extra heavy, best quality circular, 40, 42, 650
46 -inch, all at ,�] S1
■ Black and blue Denitns,/beat duality, at 550
1 per yard
1 . 1001) yards best English Flannelette, our regular 250
1 45t', 11t per yard
1 Bleached Cheesecloth, at per and special 90
xYard wide, heaviest, plain Grey Sheeting Flannelette,
1 • for quilts, sheets, underwear ; formerly 50e, at 350
1 per yard
:Seamless, reversible, Rugs in neat patterns, browns,
greens,( etc., splendid appearance and wears well.
a 'Size 6 x 9 ft: Regular ;12.00 for • $' 6.95 •
■ Size 9 x 10%t ft. Regular '*20.00 for 312.00
1 Size 9 x 12 ft. Regular 925.00 for 312.50
11[ 35 Plash, Tweeds, Velours, ete. $435 to $19 TO $
r$60, on sate at ,' J
j W. Acheson•
11111111•111111•111 11•11,41111111111111111111111101111111"
,School col
Clinton and Goderich, Ont.
Business Stenographic
Secretarial Civil Service
Teachers' Training Course
and arranges Special Courses for students.
T•ig FOt,LOwtNG-Ap\'ANTAGIiS :
Highly Qualified Teaching "staff
.actual indorse System of Bookkeeping
Credential Typewriting Teats
Positions (;uaranteed
Vocational Training School
or this.dialrict, lee• :o.sn,ment appointment. and under in-
spection by Soldiers'. Civil Re•est.tblishment Department.
For Terms, etc , write
iL F. WARD. '. M. A. STONE,
-R• A., M. Amts., Com. Specialist,
_ Vice -Principal
Mime 1911, Clinton
\','inter Term begitiseMonday, January 3rd, 10.21
Yo�eaiy�cc ��ea+a��arr���rr�f�,�tat1yyrt�i�rtu�t�rt �[rt��/ctrrt��tt��rt�f�rt��rriiy�rtrr��re�1�ctrt���atsi���aa�tr��cs�,fir
arlrlr5(XX/Ytlltl1rAlrrfkXXXIftrt Xdhrftt/tnttttfti:•1tYL'ltrkrsrlrrflX
(1)' Hotel Vancouver,ficouvgr, H.G.
(2) The Siwaeh Rock, ear, Vancouver.,
fat ('syr+ilano Cannons.
" Th t+f[4Aty air and glorious beauty sylvan woods about the city end, at -
of n winter day in Vapfouver invites every turn, the sea comes into view
to this Paradise of HU Pacific where atm over It the watery pathway to
Victoria and Vancouver island,
the grass grows preen as a June On every side the city' is bounded
pasture and on the evergreen coarct by a variety .of. natural'' beauties
a narrow stripybt grey and- hrotin which can be enjoyed bythe
dinars the evergreen land from the Moat trips such' as a run up iiyrrard
ova Noreen ,ei. Golden, blue, purple inlet to )fort Jilogdy, chosen irlh
and green,',i the vista of sit/. sea, early days of railway. construct
mnuntnin'and forest whilennglish to be the westerns terminal, sow
Itav tches, blue; laughing and rustic little settlement of sharks had
lithe' . The sandy •beaches of 'Kit- visions of greatness and wealth snail
-- and -Point they receive II* the later choice of Vancouver for
lattt+uid surf as it roils un the gentle the meeting of "rail and sail-" The
nes of the shore. The canyons North Arm is a Fjord that given the
;ere slashed with purple and all at visiting Norwegian a longing for
times are shrouded In great veils home, blue mist -topped mountains
of cloud and mitt. There is ever coming down to green, blue and
the mystery, the ntaeeiveness and black (eaters, with "Wigwam inn"
the infinite Variety of tone and and its syivan setting at the end.
eolo►• with always a tough of sprint The industrial and eommercial ad-
pmmise in the ale, in • the almost vantages of the Paeific coast ell -
bursting rose -bods, when the birds mate, are an important element in
break into song, in the tree branches the building of a at manufactur-
1 filled with swelling leaf -hada, All fng pvovinees. Navigation by water is
give the tmpreseion of having been never closed by ice, roads are seldom
drenched with the sweetness end blocked by snow, water -powers are
fragrance of nature ern her most frozen or dried up, street rail.
riotous spring mood. Well kept ways can run their ears without an
roads and endless paths liataraeet the elaborate heath* afstets,—G. G.
Our Double Harness
will ho fyund equal to the most per-
fectly matched team in symmetry
and beauty, 1t lots gracefnlly on
—the itioeco, and while fitting perfectly
a116wn the greatest freedom of
• at:tl%n if yon. have a high clean
team come here for harneaa appro-
priate for their dame. .have your
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for Spring,
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No more hawking, noodling, blowing.
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(let a t ninon bottle of F,ira Cream
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it's just Ane' Don't stay stuffed -up
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We can supply your wants in
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