HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-2-3, Page 1le • WNW • 1 Renew Your Subscription to The and get one of the handsome Signal Calendars for 192 AD SEVENTY-FOURTH YeAi-. to. 5. 1 i■ IV M Burton 1 aiig I9 06 Horton Boulevard w 4441 *OA' M Perhaps Your Business Needs a Tonic 't Ty a g,,I,,t c',ost. of advertis- ing in .the columns of The Signal. It has done good to others- why not to you? 1921 PLANS Your plans for the coming season should now be well under way. It they include the conduct- ing of farming operations on a larger scale, your financial problems will be correspoodtngly In- creased. Our local Manager will be glad to discuss matte: s with you -to straighten out problems of a finan- dal nature which may be puzzling you -and to furnish, U possible, any information you desire. i THE. STERLINGBINK OF CANADA 1 TRAVELLERS' vAt CHEQUES %77L Convenience, security and economy are secured by the use of Travellers' Cheques issued by this Bank. They enable the bear- er to identify himself and are readily converted into the current coin of any foreign country. OSA wax E CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPfTAL - - $15.000.000 RESERVE FUND - - $1 5,000,000 GODERICH BRANCH, G. Willanto. 14,g/4er. 1 PUBLIC NOTICE. 'OTICE.-- MONEY TODAYJS la north mat Hum three to Ave and a-ha11 pee cent. The savings bank depositor can and should receive with absolute safety 111 to eight per tent. en readily marketable secant, . interest payable quarterly instead of hall -yearly. Veda bon holders can realise POLL Vacs Comm of their kende and ,ncrae their interest yield by at la two per cent. and have the madras of tato IM mmaimum of r•ik . b, communatiera with P.O. BOX No.217. L...don, Ontario. etearressmer LOST OR FOUND. LWave OST. -A PAIR OF GLASSE, IN A black case. oa North street. Finderave leave at'he,SIGNAL OFFICE. -*ASTMS. v ANT6U- mi 1iNEMAN WAN TED. -LINEMAN 4talely �I foe Mumcip.l Telephone System, Townsh,p Gcdencr,. The Comm,sioners.ellmeet Mon- de�) February 7. 11141. In Holmes Hall.Holmes mes vile. h tem a(tetnoon. A personal appl,cation e p.aean .. .. ANTBLUN:,. SeerLinnet..,y. Linnet.. Kirwan e. DR. F. J. R. FORSTER. i� EYE, EAR, NOSE, THROAT. 1� ANTED. -FIRST MORTG:%(;E OF ISM Howse Ssrpoa New Yak *000 Will and Aural Hoapitah ainetant at Atom lot property . worth R Golds mak pa Bye Hospital Sad n Square T4rwt Hq� a), per cent. lot two years, BOX 90, St.,. NAL y Il„ RAC Wal'ooSSt. S..Stratford. TelepMaeas7 WANTED. -A CARETAKER FOR IT e Cutill tks 17th, at , D. m. y sure ba. :r assn Neam•Aeal,ng .enema. A merrmG returned anther. ar.d personal app,.cat,on pre. (erred. Apply to the undersign. 1, 't, in salary espected. up 10 Saturday, February 1211, at 9 r. m. Limas to beam tM (0,14 Home. GEO. W. HOLMAN. Feb let, 1P11. County Clerk. . At Bedfordla hot l.1 77bich. from Goderon. Our canning of amaMe,ngraa low Office. Society Orchestra Music Studio. (Entrance between F. H. Wood'. and J. H, Lauder's Stores Gene C. C tlOp ,. Pianiste-tuition given on piano. • lv,r. C. V. Menry, Violinist - tuition given on violin for beginnerand advanced students. For information imply at Studio. Violins repaired, bridges tuned, sound - posts set and violin bows repaired, etc. GODERICH SOCIETY ORCHESTRA (Five pieces, professional). . LIANOS TUNED. -APPLY TO C: V'# HENRY, Mow Stud,n, norlh side of are. 41 T ADIES' BLOUSES OR PLAIN needlework done by MiSS BACON. Apply S. W. E. HALL. R. R. Na 1, Barfield. 2t David Mcllwain Agent for International Harvester Co. of Canada. All kinds of Farm Machinery. in the Old Stand Hamilton Street, Goderich. UI ANTED. --FIVE CORDS OF G0313 Barr 00J, t.ew•loo wood. beech or "awe. green o dry. uel,vend at the Jail. Goderich, on os. be- fore Marcb' alae, 1621. Apply up to iM 12th net. ,o 11 f Cast House • CEO. w. HormAN, Feb. 1st, 17114. County Clerk. GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1921 Pus SALE OR RENT. _ AUCTION SALES FATALITY AT SALT WORKS AUCTION SALE. cn•;It feeling. FARMS FOR SALE Df RECTORY, CLEARING AUCTI')N SALE OF UC I ION SALE OF FARM STOCK. ' L AND FARM LANUAGENCY. FARM STOCK ANJ IMPLEMENTS. [, IMPLEMENT,. ETC , Walter Oram Instantly Milled by THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO., LIMITED. Publbbera,' No charge listing farms for, MR. WILL! MA MOORS MR. ROBERT SCOTI' Fall on Saturday. i^sa! Or wftimllb inks matron charge t0 for listing f a buyer, y public auction. at the late A. M. Polley s at eell by public auction. at his premises. lot 14, FARM$ FOR c� i L,,,, cW..es,wn 6, Vodr,ck Tuwn.h.p, on • .ocratoa ., E. U. Colborne I'ownshlp, on I . By all accident al the plant of Ih Lir THURSDAY. FEIRUAKY 171h. THURS*)AY, FEBRUARY loth. feet 1 Goderich salt ('o.' ou Saturday after Eighty-five ares, said to be the beat of I commenane .1 1 O'd Ick 'harp . clay loam, in excellent condition. No I Matebed am o' eamatpe.poee meet, s and 7 waste land, flirty acres plowed, 3511..... old.drevi.,a . r.. p.m* ulu: gelding r,s- acfes ff Intl year old; cow. s yearn li I. due to lush. a- at lsalllttdlti wlthClOvtf and tmlp'hY. pare k ,t add . supposed to be ,o All neem,-ry buildings, artesian well and windmill ; fruit orchard. About 'four acr a growing hardwood limber for fuel. Well located for !c l'►,i, ch uch, market and good roads. 1 hes is an excellent farm. Price 9,,500 ; terms easy. Eighty three acres, spleodd location, ail necessary buildings, abundance of fruit tre a and water. A fine home. Price 94 200 ; gre d terms. Also a number of other farms, of many sites needs of anyonpricese needing aK (arm. meet the tau Monday evening the church was again peeked to it. utmost Ihuity with a 1111 hter,'slp4F • audlen.t• for the first INart ri1 the lantern ls•lnre on "My i Fvangel1•ti.• Tours round the N'urld." i,ipsy 1ltntkh,s has travelled esters- •' Seel4 •111 hi. capful vy of e•raugrllNl. commencing at 1 u'clwk sharp. the following : (uxln Walter G. t retia, an ewplurtr of +u01 has preached to I11111 411111 skin of ltast.-Gen,ral Durµlme mare. s year, del :• the Poml,auy, Met ivaantaueut1v death. IIII- crilul'•, 444441 the Interest is cult• hay mane, leyeanold,roanm re. 10 years old:' lets• or the large iron smokestack. eta. .id.•rabl?' ruh+u11e.1 by the fact that dnv,ng horar, 7 year. old Maty droll colt, using � he has many incidents 1 rear o'd,dnvin1 mare. 6 year. 0 d. damaged ill 1I rw recent windstorm and a s to relate, per 4. - Cu..syr.r ule.do, m\l arch;co.. p(lrtlull at the top. Muppur,e*i1 to wt•iith- 1111111 rsla•riluces to give, 441141 inform 6 yearn old. due ,r M. ,: c. wt 7 yeas old. duel 14 60111 12/01 titian to convey' concerning rhe icturi•s ,n Mi.y• psi ebred bull, 1 ye r old: cow. [years' ]xruud•. was-dlsplaclel. It • g p old. 1ue,u lune:: sleep. g years del: Po ed wa. 111.•111111 to remote this pite•f•, 111111 shown. Many 1f the pictures are tory hnghvh tau. rung : years old; 7 steers -1 y ar 1111 satunlay a gfnpole wet r beautiful. on Monday the lecture old .7 burden*, 1 year old. 8calves fur thin u rifled up a l..1he1 his &lionesses. 'throe fort au.NTS--,ia•foot cut binder.bay-loaeer,l purpose. .nude. the supervision 'through tjn11- Il huedi•cdnll,alt Massey -,tarns ma • kr; Deering' of Mr. IR A. Mcl.uren, a euutr44ltor of +all,' France and part of Italy malate. ILII. C11(t 1U -(t. tiny rake. Adam* w■gi,n witch experience and atilt Mr. Ora ' Monday unit he will take t with boa, tru,-k warm. 1 tet of iliac harrows, 1 •et I of• sirilt', Egypt. ,t {' drag hrtoa ,tow tuetion) dud roarq root. 11'rut Up esu a ladder lashed to the gin -•I g• l nteaiue•, pultwr. I let of 1.'bde.cM, rubber -Dred open' lN,la• to !Innen the nirubuckh• l)• w'h1111 India• In all of there l•fi buggy, l set of single harness, 1 set double har- ness 'lts 1 IU('Iwl .µ.•1a1 pea , 1 parr 01 Sco(.h fullers, t rolling cool era l the piece of- stack was attached to the '.1111, as i. note• IN•i.. 1.10 plow 1 angle plow. ensilage fuck; a quaho' y r 011111' sack's, and just as he had dour R of hay 0011bushel, of feed barley: list trashed, cal , Il1. the brokee piece was seen to oats, and other For perticularssee J, W. ARMSTRONG. above Parson Fatr. P. 0. Box fig, Goderich. `j OR SAL:'. -BRICK HOUSE ON Abo two Mn cLaagliao wtoo modern Wikconvenience . LEAN. `OR SALE OR TO RENT. -111 ntintinagme houses ea East street. west of the CABLE i'0N, Factory 001 Fifth or Avenue, New address York CEO ity 4t HOUSES --HOUSES. All kinds dor sale at very ret.pnable prices.: 4, you intend buying a Mouseit.,'l be to your intones( to eve mesas I may base lust what you me looking for. No trouble ro show you the plata 1 have foe ale, A Woe hat to choose from. Call m and see me. P. J. RYAN. Real Estate and insurance Cts Phone M. tf GARM FOR SALE IN GODERICH of TOWNSHIP. coateian ninety4Arre acres Mowed, acs Lucernend, nearly Hclover, 11 scree c ovrer and timothy, a scree sweet clover. Small amount d Wats. To acres of orchard and small frmt- Storyand-,-ball r,d beret house withal) modern convemencrs,,.cheding Mt broom1 and Dolt water. Good eltu ^aced tad miring war wrath need m,Il winch pumps water to house and barn. Coed nk burn, ..0170. web Neel rout;good drive sited. Sad home have lightning rods. Situated three miles from ((�,oder,ch on Harm ro d. Ap- ply to ALFRED TEBBUfT. R. R. No, t, Code - rich. Phone le on [us . 1t ARTICLES POB SALE. POR SALE. -A NUMBER OF PURE- BRED, registered Poled Angus Aberdeen 1pilk• AI fee mess...- Apply N J. R.VARGO". ww R. N. 5. GodwisA. t Unlimited Quantity of GOOD MIXED WOOD FOR SALE at 114 per single cord, delivered, . THE GODERiCH MANUFACTURING CO., LIMITED. (Foot of Angksea St) Phone 61. SWEET CLOVER SEED FOR SALE .- Ft s from weed Ned. Sweet .'over is a .oil eariehtr. Elcellent dor pasture and hay. A. H. GLUTTON. R. R. No. L Goder,ch. Pnone It -;4 Benmiller. t 1 You are invited by The Maple Leaf Chapter 1.O. D.E. to a TEA - DANSANT in the MASONIC HALL Saturday, February Sth Fre. 4 to 7 p.m. TICKETS, 50c Music, Refreshments, Dancing of a cow. h .r. .1 cab; purebred Ho•sieu well, 4 ears old. due May lath. Holstein cow.7 yaw old. due allay nth, D wham cow, a years *id; aged our, due to freshen Mac k:uth; inaction )fida'e n heat:. 1s months 0.2; ilulstnn Miler., (snag a years old. sun one 1 to be in calf, 2 M.Ar., ruing : years old, wpp.ned to be en call; a Milers. hung 2 years cll.s steers, rising yoaragld, a swung calves; 2 br.,td suss duy W farrow Aped let:. bout 50 hens Sad pftWt.; good collie slog; 150 bustle., (1. A. C No. ,7Ts. se.0 W4: Manety-Hans binder, 7.luuu cut sheer -carrier erne truck; 4 ..rens mower bit situ ; 0 liver Kean aid been narvester; 1 s -e lour -,..tion iron harrow: Nu. 21 Cotkshul ..4mel plow; Tdhu(te wawa, 1 set es ,lean or with ►lstiorm rack, baits rack. wagon boa. wtee barrow. Port a id clatter. pato tion cuuer. Tn. se impleme+pest as snarly t.ew and an Orat- ear shape. Two nines ort by; Meiotic 1 set oI atlor d m ,tasks, aatelgb * 1 o leayear separator. Daisy churn, ! t double t wavy har• wee,' esu mangle light tint forks. shovels. wit:dinette• and numerous other articles. No reserve 0.4 anything, air proprietor a leaving the farm. 11 0,511.er n rough .ata .RI be vadat cover. Tears os. SAu.-AU ewes of 910 and under. cash; over that aaawnt, �tyht month. credit will he given o. 4,1111 kg a, proved joint notes. Pow par .eat,' Nr t abwed for cash or. credltamoeau, WILLIAM MOORE, T. GUNDRY, Proprietor. Au_noneer - 11LEARINO AUCTION SALE OF A doe -,CRE FARM, FARM STJ,:K AND IMPLkMENTS. MR:GEORG* PtNTLAND IOU 1011 by MIMIC a.p�. •t the premien. Iota 5 and 6, oomersion s E. D. As1held, on FRIDAY, FIIYRUARY Iitbf commencing at I o'cJs sharp, the following: lbs. good a ip dnmares, 7 years Md. weigh about 1Mq tog hose. S years; cow. reins 5 yrs (newly caved); cow. rinse 'yeast due at Wee of sale; cow, rising 5 years, doe April 15. cow, rising 7 years. due April 2; 4 Mase. rising 2 years old; r calves, 1 year old; 1 y._ag call, brood LI.. due Alyn 20; 2 ewes: 04 hens (dl young); Massey. Hares d,., harrow. lateraat4ow.l cuNwau.r.1 set drag harrows (four sections); I No.21 Fleury plow ; McC,.emice mower, a 14 cwt, near new; Mas y- Harra hoe drtlt, 1 load miler, 1 wagon I rw bber•tired 1 Neel spoke t rub bee tired buggy, t slat -etre 1 bkggl, ' 1 Portland cutter- Merano"' tannin,/ m, 1. wheel. barrow, cream rpe, .tor, Wee pump, Int doubt, bernesa. 1 art stare Waage; 50 bushels of barley, II bushels of Lucerne deer seed; a quantity of Lucerne (4,0. r hay ad alfa.: ala Int of wt to 5ab lumber; 1:c feet a hayloft rope; forks, shovels. whJnetr,et sakyokn, and °v.et articles At the are time the l aims farm. with pod bu,ldingt artesian well and never-Is,bag spring creek seal be eyed far auk, and may be in- spected at any rime preview' to ask. 1 mess. -A.I ams d 1111/ .d weer, cash; over that amount, f 1 will be gave - em fteniskieg ape owed j A dhtwmtit •18 mar Cede. allowed l.reath nmeredat .mounts. Tars ON F*.,,- Ten per cent. of psrcMee Mice at time of sale. Balance in thirty days, when pore -mon well be given. GEORGEPENTLAND, T.GUNDRY, Proprietor. Auc; toner. YE OLUE TYME Dance - and Lunch -I:\ -- MASONIC HALL -ON- Friday, Feb. 4th at9p.m. Johastoa s fear -piece Orchestra EVERYBOr)V- DANCE ADMISSION: Cluple 75c, Ladies 25c GEO. ll'ILSON, Mgr. CRAIGIE'S Assarancea•i Real Estate MODERN HOUSE FOR SALE 154 story frame, with furnace, electric light and bath, garage, situated on the corner of Well- ington and Pleton streets, Im- mediate poaseasion, This Is a rery desirable home and will be sold cheap. , 154 story frame house with ft rooms, etpetric light and water, full lot with orchard. Situated on the west side of Cameron street. Investment Securities. Victory Bonds bought and sold. J. W. CRAIGIE 5uyaFai'n. you often dream of h a farm and just as often you Mendes the Idol, saying. But It would need capital to do that t" Whir sat stmt t. masse ear dream same true' Open a Murbem Ae- oseat to d•6 with re. Mee seam etas refry week mad you will seen kale the aphid 6.m used. ug 41 1 1.11 si vsaorvti ~"' UNION BANK OF CANADA Goderich Branch, F. Woollcombe, Manager NOTICE ' The old Powell grocery store is being re -decorated and painted, and will be opened on Saturday, January 29th. The business will be conducted on a Cash and Carry. basis, which means reasonable prices. All new goods are being stocked and nothing but pure and fresh goods will be kept. �,.- �._� �.,�:•, : W. J. POWELL. x� NOW ON SALE NEW GOVERNMENT -APPROVED LENSES TOR ALL MAKES OF CARS Send us the make of your Car, model in year, and *plow 'supply you with the approved ' NICKER LENS Under the new Automobile Act all Cars must be equipped with a Oovennnent-approved bens before 1921 Licensee cin be bad, JOHN. CUTHBERTSON ' WEST ST,, GODERICH Phone 354 P. O. Boz 509 f car alludes cies too numerous to men -, awing and 111 a moment the whole tion. M(rt of the above implements 311 r tc-. apparatus • DK 1CU vI pcollapsed. Mr. () aily new. - P ram fell to Erety,nin[ adv,rtised well � the ground, a (listener of nearly sixty asthe r rmtieivey besdd, feet, and alighting proprietor has has (arm. Iig g on his head was Taetts.- Alt sum. of ,M and under, cath; over I instantly killed, the back part of the that a m •unt, f months' credit will be Liven on fwnrshmin4 tag Adiscount of lentis being badly crushed. per y cent. allowed for cash on credit amounts. aand gran, cash. ROBERT J. SCOTT, T. GUNORY, Proprietor. Auctioneer. ' Fresh bulk oysters at 6. C. Wil,tn's. Watch Page 5 next week for great ' bargains. \ Starr Phonglra ha and Gennett Star Records for sale t lilackstsne's Ice Cream Parlors. West treet. Olive Oil and Cucum i r, and Oatmeal and Cream Toilet Slap, , a cal e. Satur- day'. February 5th, at Ca pbell' s Drug Store. The league of North str•'t Metho- dist church has leen rery 'Militate in 'teeming the Itev. It Hoyle' -o give lily famous Illustrated lecture on\New- foundland on Thursday. Fe(truur17. at s o. m. A good musical prig w will la• provided by the League. member tate1 • . ACETYLENE WELDING 411--- SHOP 1. I have opened a Repair Shop in the stand at the corner 01 F:Igin and Victoria streets, formerly occupied by the late Attain Thorupon, Blacksmith. Rept'r•rg Radia!* s Betties of Cars. Acetylea- Welding of all Kinds Satisfaction Caaraatetd. Thos. Hoggarth l'hone :111w COME TO Kingsbridge Parish Hall MONDAY, FEB. 7, 1921 Kingsbridge Dramatic Club reproduces by popular request 'The Lone Tree Mine' Short dance after performance Curtain vices at lI p.m. sharp ADMISSION Adults Sec, Children 25c MEETINGS will be held in North Huron in the interests of The United Farmers at Wingham bion. Afternrton r FEB. 7th Mo u1 tv'11"ht Wroxeter, FEB. 71h Brussels 1 ilevdi" Night s FEB. 8th Blyth N en* oMlay Astern' on t FEBRUARY 9th Dungannon, PSBTln.,,.. li h Aft Goderich, '1liiFiEBr.da,'0th Night . 1 Afternoon meetinge et 9, even n meetings at R o'clock. MR. .1.1 MOZRISON Secretary fret,.. of the 1T.F.0, will he the pr nol'al rpeak r. u 7, The •deeeetwel was a nntive of Eng- land who (mini. to Goderich in 11107. lie itrtlistetl with the 71s1 ltattallun In 11113 and went overseas, returning late in 1911). fie was a wan of esteel- lent i•haracter, 11 g011 worker. and mneh liked by bia associate', He is survivett by his wife, to .•horn he was marrit'II In Gotlerich In the year 1tllas, end a family of a girl and two boy., A brother and three sisters live in England, and .there is n slater in West- ern Canada. The det•,•nw'II WAS In his thirty-seventh year. The funeral on Tuesday afternoon was conducted with military and Masonic honors. A service was con- ducted at St George's church by the rector, ltev. S. S. (lardy, and in the proeesalon to Maitland cemetery were perts of w-ar t'ete•rai, and of mem- beep' of Maklntal 'Attlee, No. Xi. A.. F� and A. M. The military tiring squad wa Its t•ommaud of Sergt. George James. Floral tributes were contri- buted by Ilaltland Lodge, the G: W. V. A., employer:. of the Gutlerk'h Keit d t f Co.,• ('apt..and Mrs. (towers, Major an .Mrs, H. C. Dunlop, Mr. and Mrs. Jolt cl►onald and family. the class ih N Ii use's .lurch Sunday school o wh h Alice Orem he a member, Mrs. Arne 1 and Mrs. Hamilton and f.amil s, MrN, Jane and family. Walter Mart • tt and Mr.. Ilttley Iboth of '1'eronto Mignonr Coroner ',Hunter instituted An In. guest to rte .rmine the circumstances of the acciden and evidence was heard s the town Iut•II on 'rue•d:4}' t•vening. 4'row'u .Attorney Meager eau Milling the wltuessea. Mr, 'bast. 4:+,Er. 04, har- rister, also took n rt in the inventi- g:atio... \I r. 1). A. McLaren, tinder 4'14(,4. 11111411011 the 111 •4• of stack was being removed. stated t1 at he had been 'Aytngett in this 1111,' 4 1 t'oi'le fo,• over forty Verve +141(1 111.11 neve lt•fnr,' had a s'rlone accident. How t ' aceidenr 'weltered was a mysh•ry to tn. The tnekI4' was found to be 41101 t 11ft.•r the ul'1•Idrtit. and none of .th guy- ropes had given way: .1(1)111 tick - logs 1..01 4:/s.,. • 311►nti,y, who were In, - side the gitt4N.lt•, o11 the r4N,f of 1 e hnilerhonse, when the lucidl•ut occna- r,' 1, .hoed that the giup,le shifted se rel - inch,". almost intni,'dintely after the weight lead barn tra1144ferrt-l. tither witnesses were ,sus. Iturnin and 1:4.0 ('m•rick,. WW1 weir :1--i.tilig in the work; .7. F. Button, snlN'rintetl11- 4•111 or the Salt Company, who 4411• riot of town on flirt tiny of the est, velem, and 114'. Macklin, who gent' t he lithehtai testimony. The jury brought in a veroi,-t that 4VsIter 4erani "can... to hi, ih•:,th through nn aceidl•nt that as far as we can 1144• Wits Bi11n'oldabte. err :11 11.11.1 11(11 fol'esw'n, ley 1111 the rcid,•ure prri- dialed. In all future erw•11ous of this kind we w((9I(1 r111.11111 1111•1111 Butt a nun, be placed at, e,teh guyrope so that it ttould le kuowvn,for certain -that they stayed {..1acr without Sipping '•r be- 4.ri111111g IriUt,.•." The Jurors were 1'. .1. llacrwvu+ I. foreman,, .4. S. Platt, 1'. .1. Ryan. Jrilui 31'Kninon. Wrn, Phillip.. .1. '4 . WIMP, J. A. Ro)w'tt.on and Tiles. John-. ,ecus Island ylou atnl, untries hi' I4•IUfN jUat and has had the ( pertunity(;o Goderich, ' tering the Scrip rs.. In the language of the country tttr• - tls 3 It eel. Mfg. Winn reel Go,t1d rendered wit'b great feeli ..101 INlwer the solo, "The Hate11 IJ! Fedet44." The-(vlultelist was greatly t•nc•our- .aged- lby the Targe attendance at the evalilrrlistk' nervier on Tuesday even- ing when he Rare .141 Mt.vmd talk on "The ('rows -Its j1enning and Mee- ; sage." Ile dealt with the fundamental fact that the only method of approach to ti Holy God on the part of sinful 111.111 W:1.44 through the blood of ('h(Ia's. eros., that the t.trvp•1 of the grate of GIN, was a Gospel of life and salvation for the minty through the atonlll& bloat. Mi Gould, with great efre,t- • IvenesM, rendered the 10,10,, -The Aton- ing Blood 1e Flowing," and "if Christ iwere standing here." On Friday Glp.y Hawkins gives the nest. parr of his "Life tttory from (:Ips7' Boy to I'reae•her," or "From sha•lhack Itis to Pulpit." This is a life story rif thrilling and -absorbing Inure.(. and no our %PIM tau 11 11..4 •ho111d wins the o1INlr 111111y of hear-. lug it. Services w -III 1N• held o.. Sunday `next at 11 and 7. and on week nights at R o'clock, preceded by II snug s•n-{tr at 7.40 p. In. r we1•k.Rudlnlaint rt1171' rf u(gxIt tt.41for ext week. The mission here will be erne eluded oil Sunday, the lath. 1)11) NOT SHIP WHISKEY. Montreal Firm's Nagle coed wubat Knp,rWse or eloneam. The foilawing letter elcp'nins welt : '-14 ..Edo r The Signal, Goderich. U, t. DEAg Sea. -Wt• have received a copy of The Signal of January 13th from.one Of our good customers in Ontario, in which 023 a paragraph stating that a fromment of our firmttola Mr. H. G II, billed f Exettei Ott. We wi=h to draw you, attention to the fact that we did n. t make the. shipment. We have conducted a rigid investigation at this end, and find It was made by some persons who used our name. and all of the writing on the bill was in typewriting, even our firm n me wa< typewritten. We are a very old firm, which has bee•, in business since 1842. and we do tint deal 1'r liquors of any kind, nor have we ever done so. ,We are extremely jealous of our reputing i and, therefore, wauid apprrclate it 11 you would male mention your paper that you have heard from US. and that the shipment referred to was rot 1padr by us. Neither ourselves nor the ('band Trunk are able to find out who did make it. Thanking you in anticipation, we are. Yours very truly, I1 ARTHUR, IRWIN, LIMITED, ,0410.411WWeZtitt `la, y t It makes' a\ real treat-Blackstone's delicious ice cr m, in bulk or fancy bricks. flew On Saturrtay, Febr ry 5, Baby'. Own Soap, regular' .Ile per x, for 35:, at Campbell's Dr' g Store. I _ i emeler, 11 (- Is N. 'fon1011ami goy ,'Toed 7 ('„mar and 1110 (1111 on Febrnl i'y 47 at North str,'•f ti•fhridiq fell et , The fast stow ndemand• for Temple- • tons Rheumatic Capsules and Raz -ti GIHAWKINs HERE, Sher has to l7rnrrced :Ince securing the for asthma, which 11 C.I Dunlop's l)ttii Large Gatherings at Baptist Church 1 Hear' His Message. 1,argt' minds•r. attendee) the ripen] me..tlugs of the special ey:ulgeliat campaign under the leadership ri Gipsy ,lolln Hawking. /1./..1.11 41 by Mrs Ilewkins tinct Jli.s tl'innifre'1 gond, (impel soloist, at the 1111 p4 Rt chore on saidsy last. ntnl It Is ript._htt (tilt this Mpe411 Merl•n of nieetilg44 w 111 Coll 414111,' 111 la• 11114 r&letel'I,.,'o hr Lu'g'' at lend;( nee. :Ind h huerest. After the pastor. Iter. J. F:. ale 4'auIey, had welcomed the rt-anlnllstif parry. of ski• uu0r. Itis ser' ie. tipsy Hankins gay, an earnest address on the words, '7tou, ger work today in my Vineyard," and Ingrrrss(•iI 114916 tel t 11t144ti,ii fhe nr,'MMity of taking cat rN ' active work for their Lorel, and to meek by every monism les th, 1r Ismer to lead others in Ma feet daring the days of the 10144441011. As appropriate to the fw•,'nslon MIM. Gould rendered the ado. "Treat on 111111," The" rhnlrh 1.1144 1141,444 In .verflowIna at the ,'vetihlg sent,'..- when 4I11• .'van• gellnt gave the first of Ihn ' special adtinesen on. "The ('rosy- - Its \Nailing And Mewsagr," GMef power and jn- ter,'44f were Hill ns he .p (lee ries the words, "Ile•. 'Hived ofher44 •' and urged those gement not to rest con- tented with the ainow'lvlg,' that Ilhrisf had .areal Iln'Ir Tidal IVos and friends until they rntlld only from the heart, Ile 44ahr441 mar," Miss (:nuld'r: ntier;'d the "'ohm, "hearing 111. 4'row," and "%Jett *441 yon de with Jrsww•" with 1: cal a.ency, proves the value of the o medicine, g Gt'NDK1'&1 S.11.F, REGISTER, w 'teens', r F• h. I, Auctnn ea-, nl tartfi stock and onplem.nty prnnerry ' 1 Thoma, \1c- 1. Nall, hut .1, Tons.. nn I,E(fl Wasson, eh, 4, Till 'a WA v. I -eh, 47,- %m'(trw .-4; of farm stock t• ad'mi•1. m,nr., tx„party r.f wen R'.'err, at t'i, lar.• 1. Al i. Ilry fern. r••.crston d, lar ,nch tuwr..hqp at i ,''does k ,'.,n p d Nmntr, Feb. 21. Iurton. .ale of a lig ace f, rm implen r nr•. et:ro ' .ynil homeh-•Id fens ,r 3,441 the p,enosc . 1_, i tltlrl.1 .lcnn'r ' ( Ib.rn.. ars mole. 1: Clmtan eon.. more Ir m ( I rx h. per peel), I a n 11, I t n BORN. 1�. Tt'l(NE17.s to flndenrh. '.o tinnier 2+' to err. I t . and.slier.--i', l.. Tarr -e, s rlrmg(nrr 11 i41,51i...t M rue*. DiED. I.41W9ON In Cr'•et h, „n l'nndav P. 1 ry 11`(-.,p 1 I to o•'er l s•on. n. -(n ye tr. N -.- NEW AI) 'FRTISFMENTS, Page (f;taw, Lost Leave at 1 he titan d t the Lon.. Tree Min8 K,ne.M`r44, Lhams I1 Club I w Caretaker wanted G W. mama,. ! W.mvl Wan'rd (i W Holman • A -r,y'rne w,tdln* That Ile Wanted IA.e .22. Signal a" No4ce- t'. 1) Hos 2'7. London, 1'ral►tn.ant- All, L• Lf al Chapter. 1. O. 41 K I I F: rmg fin yak 1, W Aim.trnng 1 Auction cafe Wm Moore,. t arR}I turd nrah nonrrt eco•( t lHouse and Au(omnhd.. for Sale W I. Mclean* M1411445 V. P.O.; lA. k?"ii s2 7 4 1