The Signal, 1921-1-27, Page 8t Thur -Sac, January _i, 1021 Games, Books, Games Checkers, Don iuoes, Pit, Flinch, Lost Heir. Authors, OUIJA BOARD specially priced at $1.50. CARPET BAILS at less than today's cost price. Special, 0%00 per set. HAVE YOU READ "Tie Mysteries. Rifer" Uy Zane Grey "Pm Valley of Sleet Men" by Jas. Oliver Curwotal "The Top of the World" by Ethel 11. Dell Don't miss reading theta, they ate great. Canadian Almanacs for 1921, price this year, $3.50, BENEFITS FROM THE 1` FARMERS' ORGANIZATION. t An Able Address by Bev. K. F. Keimed) of Re,uuttI r. At a public meeting held at Itenmil- � ler on Yriday evening, January 21st, under the auspice's of the Colborne Farmers' flub, an address was given by Rev. 11 F. Kenuely, it.it., of Den- stiller, who spoke as follows: I was just detatting In my lOW11 11111141 whether 1 should call you memtwrs of the I:.F.O. or members of the P.P.l',11., People's Progressive Party of Ontario, for 1 feel that. with all the facilities and advantages that the farmers have 10 this I'i'ovince, they ought to he .the most `progressive people in the world. ;('nit 1 believe the time la very near at hand,when they will have the splendid opportunity thr•onghout the whole 1Mm- ihnl of shooing 10 the world what wonderful developments In political and .ax•ia1 reform, in Indust rial acrd 1100n'v•ia,l pursuits, and In ethicalion,tl real. mom,' arhievemcnta, this a tintry of ours hstcap:41de of performing. - 1 am glad to hare this privilege of addressing this gathering tonight and feel very grateful to your president for the kind Invitation given to me to take pert in this evenings program. A few years ago when 1 was preach- ing one Sunday In a cer- tain small town in the southern part of this Province, they had a semi- pilw orgaa In the church. They had a young fellow engaged to pomp the or- gan by means of a lever at the rear of the instrument. Sometimes he would quit pumping when 11e thought they were near, the end of a hymn and the power would nun down iiefore the close --mush to the embarrassment of the organist and ,t Ike amusement of the audience. Well, on this particular Sun- day, the orgautist wnntel to make a good showing, so she wrote on a card, "Yon blow away untll 1 glee you the signal to stop." She gave the card to nae of the ()Herr, of the church to give to the boy. The officer. however, ntisluider- stood her and gave the card to me. So tonight, if 1 speak too long and you wish me to stop, i will expect you to give nweasne signal to that effect. '111e subject that I ant to speak on tonit(lit is not one of my ow•n dowsing, Is•t ns 1400k briefly at but was suggested to nip ' by yews e - end then 11414:11,: done. worthy pre,ide•nt, namely : "What are 1. What are the social benefits of the edaatiunal ienefita to be derite(I bes member cot the ('Iub7 front Iwing a wither of the Farmers', In the Soviet realm) of life we mllat club?" necessarily get away from the indivl- NOW, 1 do not know very biliabout dual unit :w,1 think of the homy or your basal organization hem,re. neither family group; where the social 'level• of Its past nor what you are planning n anent romro(pue es. 'Chen 1114' Kron{r for ght future, I and so what f may way fug of the linen t+,t gives ns the ennmun- lonfgbt will be along the IInP of the 1 ity group, with f w corresponding wld ideal, h vosomething t0 be aimed at. ening of the aortal, life. in this parti- 1 have in my mind tonight, not this color rase the FVrmer Club might or that nrg;utizntfon, hut rnilor +a well represent the_ axial life of the whole group 11' Farmers' Clubs. all whole Ionaunnity, for we are dealing M ue related ,c•r and .711114091 with a rural and not urban problem. together with a common nim an(4d(1 a Then there comes the ever -widening common purpose. ,IVP might tall it pn ,,ss of assUetM(hlg 011e community tlw Farmers' Organization of Ontario. ry0� with another or ore ('lois with another. or giving it an even wider sweep ere i iwlieve the Club will help break up might call it the 1'nlhwl Farmers ofsocial inequalities. .11ist as an indivi- ('anad,e to 111141 i do not think the idealthud gets selfish. or a family, so with will be attained 111 Its cnmUlerenea community It is ners14ary we 141101114 HYDRO ELECTRIC If you ever used an Electric Iron you would not want to be without it. It is both economical and labor- saving. Our Electric Washers will do your washing at a minimum expense. Hydro Lamps always in stock Svc our (1I.14lay at The Hydro Store North Side of Square Ever ything you need for Fancy Work may 'be found here. Call and see the marry beautiful and wait, ar- tiiclel we haveinstock. fll<fl NAL OODIllRION, OMT. _ n.. -4v. Aad Taldag "FR MM. M. J. Gone( 3928 Union St., Vancouver, B.C, "I suffered with all the symptoms of Female Trouble, with chronic Con- stipation and constant headaches. 1 ked paint. low 'losers in the back and tides of the body. I tried various remedies without relief, and then put myself under a doctor's care and he advised me to have as operation. I refused. Then, I started taking 'Fruit -a - tires' ; and from the outset, I felt better, and skis 'medicine pat coatpieudy relieved me of all my misery and suffering. My weight was only 143 pounds and now it ia 168 pounds. f era free of pain and headaches and the terrible Constipation ; and what saved me from misery is the splendid fruit medicine, 'Fruit+ -fives'." MRS. M. J. GOBSR. 50e. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25e. At all dealer* or sent postpaid by Fruit a -five• limited Ottawa. Ont. each of these until we have a world-wide organ' 441- 1 1011 of the tillers of the soil. wttl the common aim of Making ntrul life I•tsre- where A happy a 11 contented fe and with the common pnrpsop of Witting such an in nence in room e'. troth - and pol11l s and social eth . that they may be de to bring arae t a more tol- enible condition of a airs in every walk of IIfe. Considering this ailsomething of the ideal which farmer in all parts 4)1' the country are boo- ng forward t0, and also realizing at whatever may tw fl1.111e4P41 4111 a atiuuwide or worldwide scale must 1 planned and worked out in each 1144 organization Ills an indiv- idual 11111 , the mos ion norruws down to the n e, 11'Ity should 1 be n member of thl. Club? or What are the l t'n4'flts to 1 derite4? Some of you, no doubt, air ndy are thinking of financial iwn- e s. Pm not going to speak of these, would rather ant even'thiuk of them, for 1 dm 1101 know• whether there lw not or not. 11111 1 do not rare. If 1 thought that the filling of your own pocketbooks' was the only or even chief 4.•nefit 1 w011141 .not hare ern 141der4wl it worth awhile to waste an ening here with you. Itut there are e«4m really worth while and wItielt, when looked at from the right angle. posses.' M world of good. Amt the benefits i am aloud to mention are all really el uta t t te. 1 will summarize them under the following 114.114114: 111 *octal: (2) poll,- the i1 ; CO e merrla1 use tndustri14l ; (41 intellectual; (5) moral or aesthetic. get away from individual self and r*tl- bt' we 115e for others. Ain, when'. mine, hitt rather it PlataIlee•s and ex- alts respectability. Christ pit the stamp o/ dignity upon labor. It is ha 'h the thought that those who have the white delit•atc hands of idleness are the real gentlemen. There is the thought in the world that the man who, tolls on the farm is wwially inferior to the man who inn eat bread ultimo, earning it. There are others again who think that farm life haus no i 1 MII drudger {wrsul identities himself with any Ulu!) or association that holds ideas and plans in crnimon with other similar organiraltioua, he at once Identifies himself with a whole\group In $7m- pllthy. milepost. and c0'e,p'rnt1or1. and this in the very nature of the care must Is• a great .wo•1a1 benefit. Tlwn 1 410 not know nnything tetter than the inHueucv of the Fanners' Club 1(11011 life in general, to Impress upon the narrow-mimlel people of this world that labor and toil are no bar- riers to reespctability, whether it be in the field, or shop, or factory. or THE COLBORNE STORE Big Reductions in Ready=to=Wear Winter Coats Every Winter Coat that has been left in stock will be sold at a reduction of 50 per cent. Just one- half price for Coats. We do not carry merchandise from one season to another and to clear out the remainder of the Coats they have been reduced to half-price. Every Coat must be sold. C4-hildren's cloth Coats reduced to half-price. Ladies' cloth Coats reduced 50 per cent. Ladies' plush Coats reduced 50 per cent. Do not delay. They must be sold and the sooner you make your choice the better selection you will have. They come in all sizes and every wanted color with big collar trimmed with fur or cloth. Come while they last at this very low price. Dresses Every Dress in the store is reduced 25 per cent. and some are reduced 35 per cent. This is an opportunity to buy ready-made dresses in the very newest designs at a great reduction. Serge Dresses in many qualities, all reduced 25 per cent. Silk Dresses all reduced 25 per cent. They come in all wanted shades in taffeta, duchess and com- binations with georgette crepe. Every Dress a real bargain. Sweater Coats All Sweater Coats have been cut 50 per cent. You can buy any Sweater in the store at a reduction of 50 per cent. The styles are the newest and the colors the prettiest. They come in all sizes for misses and ladies. This is the season for Sweater C ) ats. Why not buy while they are so cheap Pullovers in every wanted shade and size at one-half price. Just the thing for skating. Be sure and see these values. Dress Goods all reduced 20 per cent. All Cashmere diose and Underwear reduced in price. J. & CO. H. COLBORNE THE HOUSE OF_.RELIABILITY ■ their difficulties and differenees In a brotherly fashion And I t,elieve this should be the aim of every Farmers' Club. not so nuicl, to turn the world upside dow11, leaving the farmer on top ural the rest of the world beneath. Tout rather to give a 14111111TP 414+11 (0 every class. This 0 one greet propa- ganda that should b,4 earried on by your organisation, namely, to remedy all aerial wrtmgs, thrnttglwat every class, and proclaim that wen should brother; be the world over. 2.1 want to touch brienfon the political benefits of being a memtwr of the Farinera' Club, The 1'.F.O. Ix bee'oming a .strong political factor. It baa already dealt a deathblow to party polities. The terms Tory and tirtt domot. mean as :muesli as they used to 1n the estimation of the younger.generatton of men and some)). Many an old politician Is moving out o(dhe party 'maim -as and niovIng into a manhood that is (le'atinel to keep pace with the demands of thin age. We must work for the R444o1 of all men regardless of class or party. You have the power In your hands of curb- ing the power of -the' capitalist and making it impossible for the profiteer and the graafter,and the patronage fiend to ply his dishonest business. It is not for me to make continent upon tlw differences than sem to be arising between your honorable Prem- ier. Mr. Drury, arsl the aw'retary of the 1•.1'.(1., Mr. Morrison. Whether yon shall continue to be the ruling er so 7• power, mr merely hmld the halanee of all leg -work and arm work and that i can see one great opportunity thPre 1s no 11"34 -Work about it. Of before von. and that is to legislate in Quill IIIIIIIIIIIiIiIthIfthI 11111111111AI1111111111II111111111111111111111I I I11111111IIIlm. I"II1 HIIHII urBigae Das been All unprecedented success, we have dole big business, And had ho. s of well -satisfied customers, and every one is agreed that "eS rman's.$ale" hart been tide BEST EVER To shoo' our appreciation of the confidence placed in us by the general nubile, we have decided 10 1'01111 1111e 011r bargain -giving till the end of this week. This will be positively your last ('hanee to STOCK UP with. (Outwear which you will eventually need, at prit'ex far below those whirls will prevail for sotne time to come, HARMAN'S- The Leading Shoe Man Ni�womumuuumtunnuumummmoiramnuiai mom 1 charms that t s •power, course, these words are too idle and false to refute. 1 would, however. just make this observation, that the man who boasts be lows all his work with his head should be reminded that such n sane, uptight. honorable and unprejudiced manner an to win the admiration and eo-operation of an Pv- er-Inerssing following. if this he your gloricros fntnre, then rout will have no NEW ISSUE Province of Ontai io 6 Pei- Cent. 20 Year Bonds Price, $98.29 To yield 6.15 Per Cent. Bond prices are advancing and this issue will doubtless he absorbed in 48 hours. $16,000,000 Province of Ontario iwne4in December was oversubscribed in 3 days. $2,000,000 Province of Alberta issued on a 6.20 basis was oversubscribed in 244- hours in January. $1,750,000 Province of New Brttnswirk i,sued a few days ago were oversubscrib- ed in 24 hours. I am reserving a large block of the new issue for 0oderich at Issue Prices. To insure delivery wire or phone your instructions now. PHONE 316 T. R. NARMSON Ince and Bond Broker P.O. BOX 214 1 the woodpecker uses thesame bistro- regrets that 7'011 ever ventured rpm a tl at wmdd matPrlally further the enc- I Mrs. Kennedy and Miss Lucy Feagan ment and is the biggest knocker in the t I hlt'e Weme sue - Yes, there is work t0 be done on the i an organization that hvs maade itself im' • tine coin• [ tl •use nlzation dthat th 011 oom- farm and plenty of It, and you may fir the la•tterw(•nt of life in gen- p bjw9iona1)b duel 111 to the (invernmen a u � h0fh Gan( leelectlons and Stanley Rny- of the tact that•ylnt 1449• Identified with weight and impression. An ore/Masi_ errs of the Club it passed on. And every t 1 l t of Raol in mt•tialwr ghoudd feel that the 'olcetws tier resited the I'. F.O. poem. mllti(•nl career and you will 1w mond 'u Itefre4h- body can do a wont o r n u menta were attetwardM served and the bunny all chatting up n at Ria large gathering • red thoroughly manure of all e•th1 and o dlvtdif effort rather rhan ed antisflel with the evening's program. features). But the greatest moral loess � the officers. It un14Plfl14hnexx prevailed Ptlt is the (•0ns•ionsue14r atm way have the nK•ndwr would find that, not only i The next meeting will he held in the of belonging to an organization that did he benefit soc(fally. polltlally and township hall, when a debate will be financially, but the whole community a feature of the entertainment. M14 such a w•nn,N•rfnl future before It. + a future pregnant with golden op1o'r- W011111 1w ts•raefltted. No method.cruld ft -11 o get leg -weary and arm -weary and Holy- erol. ds• brain -wears tam, hot in the m11141 of 1111 this work there should be elven ample opportunity to develop those finer traits of eharscter, (hos- tow social qualities of sympathy, friendli- ness, kindness, goodwill and brotherli- ness e� It t Which 110 man or tu* n s w 1 can live his or her Iwst• and for the hick of which this old world goes weep annt+t result SR not only establishing hug ronamunities all linkod Sup into one a false and reasonable prier to the barge brotherhood. and riot only show consumer. A reasonable tariff find a the brotherly spirit toward .('melt other fair amount of fro trade 1. another ns farmers but toward every other thing. sem 410111)1, that you w111 he given class of pYop14', merelrunts, me•hantrs, the opportunity to bring about and manufacturers, etc. 1 think the Farm- whi''li will be Twee Bary iefore the ern' Chitin thronghont the eotlntry wilt Fetylenr tool selling eondltl0n14 rot thin help very march In breaking eMwa eoiintry will toe established on a fair aortal prnJmllee' that are keeping 1)14x141.1 people *part. The intelle'ehlal benefits ore of great Away down In old Virginia there wan an Md man whose son* had beat gone for mans yearn. (bre had gene west, and another had gone north, and this old father was taken very 111. A telegram ego gent toihe boys to crime home. After a separation of nearly thirty years they net In the darkness of the night, took their seats In an old stage -coach and role nearly fifteen mile+ and did not knew each other until, when the day began to break, :44. What art the eommerrhll use 1n- dnslrlal Iwwc•flts? f am not thinking of any selfish benefit to the individual; but 1 ant thinking of the present In- equalities of prices. 1 believe 1f the farmers through their organizations P could e front they cut '4. Y In w' al united would 1 pot forth such a fremltdon14 effort that 1 s11on11 like to think of the farming • fair prey to the producer but 14114p Importance. Farming 1s las-outing more and rnnre a scientific proes.. relntr- liff4•r+•ut classes of fatmt Ing the n (i'(0 atiln of the very belt tbe Ash ami narrow, the self-routid4 nt i1 (fit a+n,t eclwrleticc. arab diffident, the broad-minded and As on or securintong experts have the opportunity of 'trnring experts to ler- practical, the Club on the elm spit titre 011 fanning. sto, k•ral'ing, fruit- their Isle e+m dept' growing. etc. and many splendid dem- objective of the members. The mater- 114tn4tlons rat the various phases of Iainstlletlor-oniMerei l 14Immmof the or - (14.1.1 Itnsh»Indry 4an 144' ''cured by an g*nlhan had the ihait met with mr erresue nn' ed by Tthe i whichivid (•01110 not he Obtain -and he hoped more energy wool)) be ed by (M' individual or the unorgan- 11(1nt tui the fuhtrP onr the ideals they got n good square hank at e14eh !Tell c(Immnnit}. other And realized they were brothers. We now ,sone to the lost relax* of enumerated by fir. Kennelly. Moth by Some of these days the Intoning man benefits greenling to the ebl•odfl(•11tion the ('Inh herr and by nhlvventral f tralwor- and the capIfallat will get a good women 1 Rare in the rrmmemrment Of this ganlzatl0n. The co-operative or - look at each other and find that they Addr•x14. namely. the moral or aesthotle pled noft w s ngred A high-claw' 1a" members. ,iTige' Gtr brothers and they will mettle their benefit*. a14 oec11411y the tlarsbnldtr , �hmnld •'11 farina' 111 a brotherly spall The Let me homy in brief that with the their Produce rn-(Pe1'1ttvelf• New, farmer will gut n genu ,the look 14t farmers thoroughly organized eon adoptthrousenlough asaiatance had Meow ,given by the mannf14c(nrer and the merchant not this r0alatry. they ran !FW, A ma'nila's, t0 either the +►IIP' manager same of these 4 :174. and they will eome policy of s44.1a1 and moral reform• and together In a sa•lal «147 Nail 'settle the stnmping 0mt of 1lnlster lilt. and or prrridrnL F:rerynne had some Ideas Mottles of playing a large part In r." 1w a, optwl eters If rnn'iderwl necessary adjusting all the social, pdith("1, 111-i whereby the ienefits could lop 4ontine) 1 ideals r broad Id ' IK the ++I the member And if the wrongs t ftp r ol•a1! t R du+trlAl and III ail thus, heiphat tm wake this tWtion_;.aendrai •d by Air. KPnragly were t44rt of our one 'mi the foremost nations 1 sumclout to Indl14P me'mber'hlp an ap- of the wol•1t1. p'111 sen xelfNlt motlacs wotdd amt tenrl to securing the proper kind of mem• Comments by Mr. Kernichan• bet -ship. 1 wild that with his five years practl(al Mr. .1. N. Kernighan. who followel.1 (ex•..erleure with the . F*irntwg Club 1 be (amid agree with all of Mr. Ken- n, 11y.e eleal'. The 191111s. were, how - PA or. not pa11aceet for all 11114 ural or haunt nry• but it rightly used could remove a great many of the d14Ab111t14s of the forming profession. Ont of rY the Why the Vigil? "For twenty years." .says A P011tPm- paR4try, "the xuperinfendent of Soot- Ia1141 Yard has been watching the King"' 11'e hasten to add that during all that .lime his Majesty has never done any- thing to excite snapielon.-Punch. A short time ago the retail price of Red Rose Tea (Crimson Label) was re- duced 10 cents a pound. Whenever conditions permit, the price will again be reduced, but never to such an extent as to lower the quality. You will always find the quality of Red Rose Tea all you expect it to be - the same good tea for over 25 years. . T. H. ESTABROOKS CO., Ltd. St. John Toronto Winnipeg Montreal Calgary Edmonton