The Signal, 1921-1-27, Page 7THE SIGNAL
Thursday. .January 27, 1(121. -T
T from Bed
in Morning and
Drink Hot Water
Tells why everyone should drink
hot water each morning
before breakfast
Wby is man and woman, half the
time. feeling nervous despondent,
worried; some days headachy, dull and
unstrung; some days really Incapaci-
tated by Illness.
1 . Ir_we a11_,would practice Inside -bath-
ing, what s gratifying change would
take place. Instead of thousands of
half -sick, anaemic400king souls with
pasty. muddy complexions we should
see crowds of happy, .1ealthy, rosy -
dunked people everywhere. The rea-
son la that the human system does not
rid itself each day of a:: The waste
which 11 accumulates under our pres-
ent mode of living. For every ounce
of food and drink taken Into the system
nearly an ounce of waste material
must be carried out, else it ferments
and forms ptomaine -like poisons which
ars absorbed Into the blood.
J at as necessary as It Is to clean
the ashes from the furnace each day,
before the fire will burn bright and
hot. so we must each morning clear
the Inside organs of the previous day's
accumulation of indigestible wute and I
body toxins. Men and women. wbether
sick or well. are advised to drink each
morning, before breakfast, a glass of
real hot water with a teaspoonful of
limestone phosphate in It, as a harm-
less means of washing out of the
stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels the
indigestible material, wede, sour bile
and toxins: thus cleansing, sweeten-
ing and purifying the entire alimen-
tary canal befq)re putting more food
Into the stomach.
Mllllons of people who had their turn
at conetlpatIon, bilious attack., acid
stomach, nervous days and sleepless
nights have become real cranks about
the morning inside -bath. A quarter
pound o' limestone phosphate will not
cost ninth at the drug store, but le
sumetcn' to demonstrate to anyone,
Ifs elennsag, sweetening and freshen-
ing effect upon the system.
"They Work -while you Sleep"
Tours *laza: b -slow as molasses!
'ou are•+, constipated! You feel 1
redach , fa!! '.f cold, dizzy, unstrung,
• Your Lie;L, abort lit -breath is heti. skin ;
.allow. Take Casearets tonight for your
liver and bowels enij wake up rear,
.nergetie ami cheerful. No gripir,g-nn
inconvenience.' t hildren love Cascare• 4
too. 1'•. 2•:, t) Anita.
It's Grandmother's Recipe to
Restore Color, Gloss
and Attractiveness.
Almost everyone known that Rage
Tea and Sulphur, properly compound-
ed, brings back the natural color and
lustre to the hair when faded, streaked
or gray. Years ago the only way to
get this mixture was to mak It at
home, which Is mussy and trouble-
some. Nowadays, by asking at any
drug store for "Wyeth's Sage and Sul-
Doar 111 et n ar
R g
bottle of this( famous old recipe. Im-
proved by the addition of other in-
gredients, at a small coat.
Don't stay gray! Try it! No one
can possibly tell that you darkened ,
your hair, as It does It so naturally
and evenly. You dampen a sponge or
soft brush with It . and draw this
through your hair, taking one small
strand at a time: by morning the gray
hair dlaappears, end alter another ap-
plication or two, your Yair becomes
beautifully dark, Money and attractive,
•Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com-
pound is a delightful toilet requisite
for those who desire dark hair and a
youthful appearance. It Is not In-
tended for the cure, mitigation or pre-
vention of disease.
"California Syrup of Figs"
C-hild's Best Laxative
Jersey Cream
are baked in the finest sunshine
biscuit factory in America by expe-
rienced bakers in spotless white
Ask for McCormick's Sodas.
• �EI
"Makers of Biscuits for 62 years. Itt
iii\����� `_�-���f• � ��.-� (
41aaaWw ad St. Andrew's sts.
Cockshutt Farm Machinery
Adams Wagons
Renfrew Truck Scales
-Also dealer in -
Mason 8 Misch Pianos and
• Star Phonographs
Large eel' lou of Phonograph
Reciiedr ntft .fit band
TiiOie %Venting\ansalting in
our .lines are lnlite0 � tQ _cal l
and see what we ca do for
matriage Miss Iris Curtis, daughter of
Joshua Curtis. and Lawrence McLean,
son of Mr. and Sirs. John D. McLean,
of Turnberry. The young couple after a
trip to De roit will make their home in
-. The death occurred at"bondon on the
16th Inst. of Wm, P. Bisbee. a former
well-known resident of Winghain.
W. D. Burke hat purchased the Whi:e
Cafe from Z. Lockman.
The remains of the late Mrs. William
Stewart, who died at Toronto, wert
brought. to Exeter for interment. The
deceased was in her seventy-third. year.
Most of her life was spent in .Us)arne
airs. Andrew Hick. a former resident
of Exeter, died recently at River I
California, and the body was brought to
Exeter for burial. The deceased, who!
was in her seventieth year, had been away
from Exeter about twenty-five years.
Mrs. James Snell departed tail life on l
Friday. January 14. in her eighty-seventh -
year. Since the dear(' of her husband
nine years ago she had lived 'with her,
sister, Mrs. James Pickard.
New Health Can Be Obtained'
by Enriching the- Blood. -
11 hen a girl in her 'teens becomes'
peevish, hsttess and duff; -when n . t -7
teems to interest Ler and dainties do not 1
tempt her appetite, you may be certain
COUNTY AND DISTRICT. that she needs more gaol blood than her '
Dr M ne, Wm. T: Silence and John
Mcd'leil havrtleen2lec!ed trustee. for tike
polite -Village of Ethel for 192f.'
W. A.Gitfihan has 49:4 his 100 acre
farm in the township of Ushnrne to
Mik.xm Squires, of Grt ntonr for $t) 200.
George FJuiwell *died in Usbrrne town-
ship on January 1•1th at the age of
st ve n: y- tour years. He i; survived by
four son+•and two daughters.
The firm of \IcEwo.•n & Hudson, who
:lave been running a g'rage b temps,: at
Hie:sail. have dias.,lved, Mr. McEv.en
taking over Sir. lludaan's interest.
11 pile in Wrn•cetej orfs day recently
Miss Harriet Pipeof iielmore, had the
misfortune t,. be thrown out of the cutter,
'xeabipg her kg ab ,vee the' knee., She
was removed' 1, 11ingham hospital.
James A. Edgar. of Wroxeter. mei with
a bed accident at his auction sale last
week A steer kicked him and Ira,tured
his right lee between the 'ankle and the
.Len tar" '4 .,l l i us.
of Sail•} -. whit
.1.�4- ago atiewei
onset with the
11w q+ntrra- -aw!
of the :3rd .an,'es.ion
1. cutting Waal a few1 his hareem ,'varve' in
maw. severing same 4f
ladly Jr.yrating the
Roy .Fear. eth line of Morris... has
purchased the Crich 100 -acre farm in
'fucker! ith township. near Clinton and,
wet move to it on \larch 1st' air. Fear
pays $7,500 .for his new property. He
sold hi-. home farm. last year to -J. J. '
1 he li e 150 -acre farm of W. S. Forbes.
141h concession of McKillop. has been
sold to Louis Engler, the price being
4110,500. Mr. Engler recently sold . ha
farm in Grey township to John tholdre.
of Walton. air. Forbes has heen on the
farm he has just sold fur fifty•tw,, years.
The last load of sugar beets for this
s -*inn has been shllipied from Hens 111
station. Made theme has heen an mcep•
!ianahy large traffic in this line. During
the teasun just closed 2.2.25 tons were'
shipped horn lJeosa!I -about double the
amount'1 the previous year. The secti n
bete een Brucelield and Centralia is s;id
raise elefectafy 7fda1ge 1Tb-1Ke ggfowmg of
sugar bee's.
'William Campbell. aged fifty. deaf
and durnh, w•as s'riously injure) at
114.11..1411 last Saturday evening by at ,
train which" ens blackleg down. Mfr.
4'ampl1ell was nlsou 10 cross the 4r+I4-k i,
and was carrying a hnn111r of shingles. I
The engineer 511w 111111 and blew the
whistle. hat lasing unable to hear :t1r.
Campbell to,d; (k! .1tuince. 111' /was
1.,. .1 down alai snstalned painful
tyslem ti provided with. Before lone her .
pallid cheeks. frequent headaches, breath-
lessness and heart paten Wen will cannon
that she is anaemic. Many
the result of their own girlhood experience,
can promptly detect the early signs of !
anaemia and the wase mother does net'
aim for the trouble to develop further.
but at once gives her daughter, a ;course
with Dr. William: Pink Palls, which
renews the blood supply and banishes
anaemia More it h b obtained a held on -
the system. -
Among the many ho n • who' have been bene •
fited by the use of these pills is Miss'
Dora Kerr, R. R. No 4.• 5 4arton, (Sat....-.
wit r says : "For a long time I had been
feeling tired and Worn ou'. 1 was troubled
with headache and backache: and would
wake up in the morning fteiing tired and
depressed. 1 had to walk a considerable
distance going to and fru.n school and
would feel so tired that it seemed I could
nut go another step. About this time a
lady doctor came to the school to examine I 1
the children, and she told me i badly 1
needed a tonic to build me up. Dr. •
Williams' Pink P.IV had been used in our 1
home before this and 1 be,an to take them
1 can only say 'that they hive greatly •
helped me 1 no longer suffer from the 1
headaches and backaches and I nos wake 1
up in the- morning feeling rested and .
refreshed. If ever in need of a tonir±
again 1 shall lose no time fn taking 1 t
Dr. Williarng'-Pink Pills."
Yea can get these pills through any i g
d . t 1 ins or b • mailpostpaid
sal a medicine.
s box or six boxes for • .50 i
at 50 cent. a ><d 1
from .the Dr. Williams Medicine Co,,
Brockville. Ont. p
1. Ed a i, Gordonliuloll Rev. J. le GAINS SO BAD
!of ordHowes. Rev. J. F.
Hogg officiated. After the hluoymeou 1
trip the 'ample will reside In einem'.
Miss Elixalsetll Graham pa',.wrlauwa y
1111 the 14111 list. after. a Joust {write! of
falling 111•alfh. She mats .1x1}-te.0
ye11•, of age and for some time eondit
'd clasau•. Iu palntlug, only rereutl
giving up her work.
.At the a 1 meeting of tla• Huron
('14111ra1 agricultural :.s-l.ty It weltd,•-
eIdei to hold the *firma! fair 011 'Thurs-
day. ,April 7111, and to huhl a ploughing
match in Rhe fall.
Dr. Wm. Gunn. ('glean's well-known
surgeon: Is suffering (ruin a nervous
hreakdow•u, ..,
k}l %FORTII,
Adam Dickson died at Itte Inane hire
on Mlouday. aged seventy-three years.
He %Ss horn in Scotland and came to
('a11aiI whru fire years of sig.-. 14.4,1es
his wife he leaves four suits and Inc.
At a reception lrt•III under the ause
p(ew. of the Ladies Aid Society ill tilt'
First Presbyterian ehur'h 1111 Mu1.hty
ereuing. Dr. Mary Loom rowan was
presented With all efilo.svl congratu-
latory address by Mayor 11'. 1'i. Golding,
and a steamer rug front friends in the
r.igre'gation.• Dr. t'owall has been
spending a few days at the honor of her
parent.. Mr. and Mrs. ,lalues 1'owau,
and she will sail fr,Engle nit early jar
February. She ha had a brilliant re-
eerd as a student. At the age of .'Ii
teen site secured a first -'lass e•ertincate,
and two s•hula.rships the following
year. .t"Ilw age 11f twenty-three she
talk the degrees of IL. -t., M.l)., .with
frstr•In.s honors every year. and heel-
ing her class for two ,rears: 111 19'2*)
she was the first C,a»!,lien girl to win
the Ital1 scholarship .11:4$, per annum.
a competition open to the British Em-
Ti,.' eurlers lord a go ed time last
week w•111.11 the militant IN,11.p,b'I of the
11',"tern ('alts Curling A.seja t mals
held here. - Seveuteeu rinks v•omptel.
A Good Year'* Work 'Shoe n by the
Regale Presented.
'1'h,• annual lmsinese meeting. of she
Heron' 're'hyterlal sec'i'ty was heli
in .Will church. Clinton: on Mir.
day. Jain] ry a go,sl r'pre,«•uta
thin belief resent. '1'h' .14ir. was tae
rupler by the eresidelit. Mr.. Jame
liatnldton. of Ihsb•rIcIt I N..Il.ut r.
purl, were rend by the -various
hyt't•ial sr•Iwtatr1,'-. .:•u hut progres
all departments. . •
The thirnn 1'r,•.byt'ri.,M now cola
prier's twenty-four senior `tnlxilinFic
'with a membership of 77e, anti a con of x5,ltS4.59., :wd' five your
women'• auxiliaries wit l! a Member
-hip of 219, e.,utributjug *1.777.51, alit
.•I.•v,'11 mission kind. 11umis.t'i11g 551
aveth--yrtt - offering ret.-----2T:rxt;,--
1\'hlle ..,rue individnul :nlxilisries hast
far exe•ed,rl all past I -••-..rd Ihyr a
triIutio11 of the anlxfllari.•s a. a wit I.
is 37..'7 les. than Itt.,t ..f last dear
which is disappointing - dm: : the , g
tc.orrcn's 14115itjurie. and mission lirmis.
esperelally the I it ter. w ltic'h -halve .'x-
'.dell their nbje.1Lye by forty per
rent., 'Live !natio surpri.,ing pru:a•e,++.
'Jite total contribution Iron, a.11. snnre•s
Lir tv year a1unmmts to %7,r.. f.If_t,_ iul
:ashes imp of 11.:'113.111 fir rr ill' pl•.t•lons
year. .1.n n•w,ci:u,• .,s•i,•t}, tit' t'.}:.1i.,
of smith's Hill. his t '.n added during
the year. Tlu•.11'IIliuu Worker.) Mis-
aon ttafid It:a, n1•., been'otg:u.iz..l in
connection with, Itnff's c hiirrh. \I KII•
lop. . Thirty-four life Members hair'
Leen enrolled mini Inn in memoriam
snhw'riplfons are r.q,.rtell. Five hun-
dred mud 'ight}• •joniels of .X"Ilent
clothing: value) 111 !19:ar5:i, torr' sent
to Minlu1 Lake Nask. a11)1 }ah'ilN'rt
hospital, Man. The �L•s•'uic'r sub.crilo
thrtls Is•I•.4421. n, •nnsideridde rid-
over Iasi ye., r. There are 2171
e. hells•t•s. enntribirting'$4Is1.77. The
iteruture. IlbrerS, and press
hem rt meld fill 'overt elnv,urnging
The reports -.4--ifs--*young wntm•n-s
auxiliaries shi.w much jrr.gtresa, ent
hm.fu.01 and marked increase itt eons
111.1tl4u. The Kelly 4'4rele gathered
and sold palmers, for • which they re
neireL-nno_;,.'llwl of _this waeolonated
o the .Anna Fletcher memorial fund.
Th. Loyalty Wilde .lass, Seafurth. also
nt'. to this fiend. The ,Arthur
nn Women'. '',
m n
g auxiliary. , f 4/401.111.11,
IItt4Nlllr.rl 11 l•onti•4*t ,hi merelt..• the
u'niM'rsL11), which erea till keen 'nm-
N•Iitlon road brought the m.mlef•)1011
tit from twenty-four to fifty -nice.
tutting thirteen Iii.-m'rnlw'rs. It.slde
the regular offerings and mite bfax's, 4hnt, ri'•It
they also iner'nsi'sl the finds by giving 1'14)14
•1 Betsy ftnbhttt r4mrri. the pr.w'..d. of', I:rnud It,•nd ....,r
sIlb•it were very gratifying, and a poet- 11.•11.1111
nfi1'e hamar in Norcudaer brought to 11311. Gret'n
Young Mrs. Beecroft Had
Miserable Time Until She
Took Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound.
Hamilton, Ont. -"1 have suffered for
three years from a female trouble and
eonsegbent weakness; pain and irregu-
larity which kept me in bed four or v
gee'g each 1�n1 1 yearly Tent cregy
with pains m m back, *.fld for about 1lmt
week at a time I could not do my work. 1
I saw Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable ,
compound adver m the 41pmtlton '
pecta%gr and I took it. Now I have no '
pain and am qut1e regul r unless I over -
week or stay on my feet from early !
morning until late at night. I keep
house and do all my own work without '
any trouble. 1 have recommended the '
Compound to several friends." -Mrs. I
EMILY BtegcKorr, 269 Victoria Ave N.,
Hatnilton, Ontario.
For forty years women have
telling how Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege-
table Compound has restored their
health when suffering with female ills.
Tbia accounts for the enormous demand
for it from coast to coast. If you are
troubled with any ailment peculiar to
women why dont you try Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound? It is
made from native roots and herbs and
contains no narcotics or harmful drug. r
For special advice women are asked to
write the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine
Co., Lynn, Maas. The result of forty
yews experience is at your service.
1 -
16200.. In the Barbara Kirknilin Young
a Women's. Auxiliary, uoctipgs r ere held
:an the homes. at the IN•giuuiu of the
I year whirh Merced to promote ■ eater
. fe*'Iiug'of g,NNI fellowship. 111n•I1' the
I. sumnf'r a pl:ui w,tg 1uuud to 41i5i,t1�the
wa'Iety into four groups 111111 t•1H•11 en np
was e2pe'tett to raiw• money by mai e
Moans (..'fore Ilse 4' 'ptealer Iln.•t111
'The groups were vol•} sncc'..flrl it 114
1Iliiw•t1 $109 .104. TIM* bazaar they held
In • Not e be the receipt. of %%Lich
Were *41:3.!r' excelled theft st ambl-
dr1•e•r.,s -Tlw. wank shoo- anti the.,
mmy railed by each 11111.• grump of
1w 'kers re•pr.'.'dt mn, 11 .rforl and ac-.
r'Ct1T r v un tine girt of 111111y.
T e sp,r•Ial 11.1y of prayer ul .1.11111.ry
was • eer'el by a numis•r of the anti -
lie Hee. The study INtt,ks, '•'rhe Crusade
of i'11 teas' old "The 1\'4ii king
11•.nlum f 111.' 4)ri'ut." aro in general
Seaforth the Iaultier iimilia ry. Mar.
iiµ; 'ulitribu •d over #4151. a111 of w 11101
was ralwrl by\vol11utary offerings. T1s•
aux ilia vie. . tjhaf e•. }:Knuindt;ill',
Smith's Hill- ;a d,- Winthrop attained
tla' obJ'rtl .. of lily per cent.. as did
Mho the I:14th a 11 11'uvull Alissiou
John Crerar, of (,rev township, has
purchased the comfortable residence of
.lira. Alex, Bryans, Queen street, paying
t:3,300 for it. airs. Bryans and daughter
'1'11e following ottb 'i' will' nploint-
,•d : Ilovumary preen eit, aloe. 1'. I1.
Larkin. $'nfnrtit: tor'-iitent, Mr.. Ilain-
i1t.a1. Ilodcrieh : 1s1 vf..-pr•adcnt. 3Irs. 1
31.-Keru:i., I:ayti.•Id : 2nd a i'"-pwe.l•letll,
.' 51 r.. i.1. Mel.eu1. Egmruilville: :Ir,I'
rice-pre.i.lrnt, \11.. K. Ky,Tltoes
Hauls 4) le tie•-preddent.' Mr l•'ergus- 1
I on, tirKilfop serl•e4:try, 31is. 11. 1.
4:r:. harm, Se,tforth': treasurer, Sirs. .t
1'. 1 r.•ie, Sea forth: \l1•4.11 It.n`,1.•••-
1 rotary. 31i•e. Jit T..1k•La.vy: n oly
se•r.tau•v. \11s. \l)'. 11. Fair, Clint.
1110,10:1 111 supply •'cret.n•y. 31 re. 1
Svdt, Clinton: 1 'ruble.-se:retary,
Miss Dunlop. 41041,•r3 h : Messenger *r•-
r,iary, 311.4*. Ihlstiugs Exa.'r:-lrang-
.•rs' wcrrtary.-\Ira. A nnld, 11'nsu11:
t less s cr'lary.'31r-. Mt' fitosh, ((inti'.
field: I1 ' 1l'ips'1' Wert ary,'.1r. It.
1mane. 4 'a rlow : ievretatt' 'w 'o•s
anx1lbu'y. \its. G. Trlfunl..ltlyth: 1411-
t• tier nom i11:I1 ing en11ntitte.'. Aire . 1'. A.-
3I.e'd.uu,l1. llen•aIl Forward, Move
uu•nt s'rr't a ry, Moe Mee. .tlt111 rn:
pr„gram r . Mrs. .1. E. fiugg,
rvmvPm►rr. -We. rutin., . Mrs. W. 44,
('lintel► Mrs. 13. 1'. Mcl h'rulid. 1'04 r-
Clearing Prices in Overcoats
In order to clear off our stock of Overcoats, we
are offering a general price reduction of 25 per cent.
25 per cent. off
Overcoats for Men and Boys
We defy you to find better values anywhere.
There are still two or three months of hard weather
ahead, and if you are at all in need of an Overcoat we
advise you to buy now at the reduced price.
Semi -Ready Tailors and Gents' Furnishers
II The Carpets You ThrowAway!
t i rp
They are the ones we want to save for you.
:so matter how 01.1, how dirty, how dillpi-
dated, by our pro, ccs they , an be woven into
Velvety -
Reversible Rugs
that are good enough for the most
elaborate home. -- -"
You won't realize how good. these
rugs really aie until you see their -
beauty and feel their softness, under
your feet.
:r./ as Iast..if•nnu..r.1 rub }err
'leget end mtdrtss fur .l fr.f hr..14.1
toil' fail Wu' maim.
Tie a'rope around the old carpet and
i4nd it ,o
The Canada Rug Co.
Carting 3trss[<. London, C,,nada
A tL pcndebla
floltr for all your
5e Lim
Western Canada Flour Mills Co., Limited -
Amhara :r 179 72 returned' home. and c e out *saga in I vid(wriaxle navy.
lt;tt•tte1d i t• 9a August, and finding no s to conquer, I May like victory always est on the
bea'r's and barnacles on
13«•thany r. I.1 went boort. Ihulls
lIlake !t. :at This' victory enabled thr:etman high Britain's enemies !
Myth :414* 011 seas fleet to reraain in pori during the
• cin •in 1. through
lir n t fi. 11 • c 1 re i 'nmonths f
.t at 1 ma m four•
teacher n
'land1Itutu .371i l 51 the twelve. of 1917 a elseen.o
:142 94) months of 191'4, till sainted by'tw•enty: 11..' sixth grad.' to writ' nn 0 $i . on
hal Ila :071 mon pruus months. of vic%ore it ibl zone.. Ili• hauled title 1 w
111,1 1114.
may remove to Toronto. Mr. Crerar has 1 - Kipl,.n
sold his 'farm to D. McKinnon and will Kirkton
i ,-turn
McKillop (1niffs1
Smiths 11i11
Thames 11",I 1
remove to the village.
Chas. Miller, formerly of Brussels. t-
here from the West nn a holiday Visit.
He has spent the past ten veer. at York -
tori and vicinity.
Brussels has a mild case of smallpox.
alisaGeetrud.-Ross, daug)►ter-of
and Mrs D. C. Ross of Bru<sdh, who is
teaching school at For! William, under.
went An op,ratinn for appendi itis there
and at latest tep art was milking a good
Lloyd Agnew is home from Louisiana on
a visit.
Roy Cole' is visiting his parents, Mr.
and Mts. Frank Cole. east of town. He
has been in Saskatcheevan the last four
InJnrira s1bont the lead Several ..f years
his ire b w.r' kiewkeil out' am t Ills Will Duda., who W'1 4 with A. E'
fail• peas b.adfy .nt. 1 Durnin on 1114 term near Clmton fast year,
WINgRAIls' , hat taken a lease of the Cain House hart;
At Ft. Andrews's mantle. ore Monday, and�riTl conduct r feel •t this.
17th net., Rev. Ur. t'errie united 1n tucknew is all torn 111 over tit * question
• of a plona am fhe village council has
-,-- ' -- ---- passed a motion favoring the granting of
USE . I ::::
apolroom,but!o fartn
MA Interhdtdd'
Anent "California" Syrup of Figs
only-Iu4'for the name CalItornls on
.the perkage, then yell ere sure your
child le having the pest end most
harmless physic for the little atnmaeh.
liter and bowels. Children lore its
frnty testa. Foil directions on rseh
bottle. You must say "California.'
esbylaw hes not b'en plated
needs nourishment
That not onl sus-
tains strength but
also promotes nor-
mal growth.
is a food -tonic that is
of special significance
to children.
Those who arc
not thriving
ought to take
Scott's Emulsion
Stota.l4 Bown•, Toro,eo,0n,.
RAZ -MAH t to vin ages an lead•
N :Miskin No Spraying No Sufi
Just Swallow a Capsule
RAZ -MAH Is Guaranteed
to restore normal breathing, stop mucus
latherings in the bronchial (tibe.,•gtee
ong nights of quiet sleep; contains no
habit-forming drug $1.00 at your drug-
gist's. Trial free at aur agencies or wr,te
Templeton., 142 King W., Toronto.
Leval Agents -Dunlop'. Drug Sten,
debited am mg the tnwn people with
some heat, aid not of the di.rueeion has
grown a suggests.* 1 that a community hall j
he erected which would oriel le facilities
for amusem •nt and ,ecrratinw+hrw kicking
in leickeox. A nmlhiI Meedlgg may he, I
called to diss the whole matter.
1 The marriage took Alar. In lt'illls
charrh )n Vi' rinewley mnrnttta of last
week of Lary Kathleen Smith, dough-
(Tablets er Granules)
x2'J l►9 went out M tt'�o�Y atld wrie•n•ferM En wuPreT T ilfvu a infer (vac nn', t
tat rat the British fleet.\.In tilt meantime, a'few" •
1:31) Ill►.
million men had been transtwrrtetl act s O11i1' an•l 'f.m414' .TIL• r 11. '.one las
21x0 (1► the 'Atlantic, :and fmni England int 1. tigerish.. intemperate, drmlk. 'rho
:a1 00 France. without interference from 1it' r".1.3,111).:1.11.
' -tar, 1.• tri i,l. torrid nr .h rid."
22s 44
237 30
10'2 iitl.
115 :al
1)1) 77
451!) is
135 no
27); 79
,v 11:: 20
. 71.111.4 t•9 ,
Toting Wonten';i%Ansiliary•.
Itlyth $ :120.011
!triter/Veld 3411 eat
}:54-Ier - 179111
1:iotlserh h
3111 x3
.1v3 (30
177it n1
MI"ton Bantle. •
Ith'ttt -t 2:15 21)
Itayfi.l.l 15 (5)
1trr4.vIl'fd ti 52 (NI
1'liuton . .-. 77 :t8
i amumivihs ._ J 1� 110
,'rG9t tea) 70
Ilene:111 233 ii;
IC Ippon 711 (11
`31.:4 Girt lea; 115
tI 'I Mop 11,1117's 1 3 50
Perna l 2 25
•$10.3-t 22
Amberola Night Beat
The Arabian "Nights
Edison's rnbcrlila will give you
thou)t;Jnt 'of niglit3 of the most
!condi• nl entcrtainnl;nt--all the
worli s kest music -grand opera,
ball s, h 111115, comic numbers,
b d nlusi( latest lion g},s and dance
is -• that Act keep all the family
appy xt hom,,3i 3 night) a year.
The raffle of .11,1 and.
Tsar No r, Irtrrtrn
Uow 1. ten amine the w -,r the armchair
ie nice declarer) "we . ,mid get the fruits
itt,.r the •ear.'' And tine :Artntiral Scheer,
ot the (3ermen navy, tells it. Pet his
re;lnrt, belated for femoris over which he
a 1 en control, the (:eriner) navy came
amt evirl **nett the ►4rtr3 h .R the 41'14 rot
1tit 'saute of Jutland, May 31,t. 1916. 1
And 5 ail-ct'1 ow !!tis greatest phono-
graph v:aiue in the woe! 1.11 emetically roast
sun-. Juwul . llamas Laiisun . bas sa1J
so -he wants to brirg nru c . rrai music
nits) )otter hirme. ('only to u( Mors mit
east, :nil iearn fu:I particular
111tn1rti. (wilt , 1'). ire 11r15 lhr,gattt sn
F ..�s�rpt •K-'.
I, 141
l ..• `-a el* ! .....�