The Signal, 1921-1-27, Page 61 --Thursday,. January 27, 1921. d.J THE !SIGNAL M OODZRWB, 0141. WRIGLE "After Every Mealfe Gct thrice -daily benefit from this low-cost aid to appetite and digestion J It keeps teeth white breath sweet and throat clear Makes your smokes tastea� better 0 5c THE TOWN COUNCIL. Motion Passed for l'olleetlon of Tares in Two 1m1ainwnto---l'otlnril Ap- proves of Move for Old Boys Re- urd.n--4.ratufy for Returned Seidler?, Proposed. The lir'-t regular ui ttiug of the town eoumcil for 1921 w'ns hold on Fri- day evening. All the members were pn'Aeut, and it large awuuut of busi- ness nos 1r.1 u,.iPt tel. The tax collector reported $18S,195.7M paid the treasurer during 11r20. Taxes in arrears amount to $22,734.19, of attach $17,510 is 1920 axes. A communication from the firm of ItoIwrt-on, Roldn,ton, Armstrong & Co.. chartered nerouutants of Toronto, of- fering to audit the town accounts for a fee of $10), was referred to the fin- ance tommitte•. A communication from the Associa- tion of i'hlmbing and Drainage Inspec- tors of (ttttariu, inviting the euunell to send the iispe•tor for this munlei- ploiity to the convention of the Associa- tion to be held at Itrntrtford on Feb- ruary 14th. was n•terred to the public works committee. A repuest from the fire brigade for an increase of $2111 bi-tht• early grant to the company was sent to the nuance committee. A request from the Huron Poultry and l'e4 Stx•k Associate for a grant towards the expenses of the recent ex- hibition x- hi\tiu wasx rut 1o the finance corn - snifter. Mr. 11. 1'. Edwards submitted his resignation as representative of the town-toutwil un the Collegiate Institute truster. board. This was accepted. It was decided to order the usual number of copies of The Municipal. World for the use of the council. Committee Reports. The timinPe committee reported that arrangements had been made with the [tank of Montreal for the yearly credit, interest to 1e*• et Aix per cent., and four per cent. to be allowed by the Bank on minimum monthly credit balances. The committee recommended that a bylaw he passed for the borrowing of $70.910. The report was adopted, \ The cemetery committee recommend - el that improventenc be made et tis cemetery as follows: The ravine he un- derbrush- and cleaned up and the roadway tet the ravine be widened. Tlw creek in the ravine he dammed at the rtb side of this roadway and a num- ber of sot.. and '"ocher he placed in the grove. MIDI along 4 h ravine. A Hower -bed be Blade at the intersection fit the top of the roadway entrance fr the right, also in the large inter - sr -tion in the centre of the et•metery. sod it number of trees he planted along the north . side •of the cemetery. Any dilapidate) tombstone -e be Atriiightentrl - and eltaheol up tend the interested sties be-_c_ltgrgeti with- the e:penw_e,- The two email' tea at the entrance be rewored and two Larger and wider gates be installer to cover the extra • THE stRr�O 1.,AS17 . ,i.,,�r sir Gli• V41. \ 820 The FLasts iftsfor the home ectrical -Gifts will make betiful and bright and save ons ork. We Hav a Complete Line of Electric irons Electric Grills Electric Vibrators Electric Toasters Electric Heaters Electric Heating Pads \Vacuum Cleaners Pgrrtable Lamps regal Cooking Ranges Domes, Shades Tungsten and Nitrogen Lamps th e Home ch tedi- mu FLASHLIGHTS and BATTERIES ufctnl: uoH WILL. ow/0 MAI „...#11:_c_11 HT All kinds of Electric Fiztu If you have any Electric Wiring or Fitting to be done, let us give you an estimate. ROBERT TAIT WEST SIRE! T, Next Post Office, (`Lone, Store, S2; Residence, 193 mow.. -4.r a. (i()1)ERIC11 width, making one wide eutrdntw. A Ix•r of wen be engaged to do this work at 30e per hour. under the super• vision of the ehalrwau of the cemetery committee. Deputy Reeve ('lark remarked that nothing wax said im the report about the /rout part of the t-emetery proper - 1)'. 1'hsirulan Jlitchell said stone hu - 'movement to this part of the cemetery wear under e'luxlderatiuu. but nothing had lawn decided. The report was adopted. The public works committee report- er) that 343 fort of sewer rods had been ordered from Mussel's Limited: that lu Dereutts•r the saw of $1i1215 was re- ceived from the county as u refund for coot of work on the Rayfield road to the end of last year: that for the pre► eat and am required E. Laws, F. Luke and John Ituwrie be placed on the weekly- public works nay roll at 35c an hoar for actual tilt- engage,i. Report adopted. Halt -yearly CoHeelion of Taxes. Councillor Cott moved, xeruuderl Icy Councillor Walker, that the taxes of the year 1021 be collected in the months of Jaw• and 11ee•enilier, in appro%iwutely equal instalments. Mr. 1r, ('utt said he thought lit many eases the taxes could be more. tasily niot in two payments than in one. and the town would Is• sared it good deal in hank interest. Other towns in the l'ruvinew had tried the system and It worked well. Councillor Mitchell war in favor of the change, and thought that if there was any legal difficulty That difficulty should la• removed. Reeve Davis Stihl -they had the tw-ite- a-year system at Till..ublul-g and would. not go hark A the old system OD any euuslderatbn. The clerk pointed out that the pro err a tt e r e u e lin required 1 t6 taint t be g req carried out pr'panttory to the proposed change lord 11,11 been observer. but the Mayor thought this was not itnportant. The motion was earned unanrtnously. Boys' Old Bs' Reunion. , ,t deputation from 'the i(tni�tl of Trade committee appointed in cunne•%tiuu with the-peropowrl Old Boys' n9111001 in Goal- erieh was heard. The matter w r pre- sseutel by Messrs, 1C. 1I Rot tion, Win. Campbell awl Councillor Mite tell, /The proposal; they stater. war that a rrnuioa shn11iriie held in Atprnst't41 this year. but isefore anything ileinittn was dune they wanted to lee ss.urel of the sanetbon and tregwration of the eonm•11. The Stayor expre-sd hearty approval of the movement and the special cum. When Grandmother Was a Girl HOOP skirts were worn by those who first asked the druggist for, and"inaistecron having, the genuine Golden Medial Discovery put up by Dr. pierce over 50 years ago. Dr _ - has changed very much si , ce the ! But Dr. Pierce's medicines contain the same d pendable iredients.' They re standard toddy just as ,they were fifty years o and neva oontained alcohol. r. Pierce', Golden Dllea! :covery for the stomach 4ld food cannot be surpassed by a tonic and alterative today. When you feel "all out of sorts" —your vitality at a low ebb—the blood becomes 'surcharged with poisons! The beat tonic is called Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis- covery. Dr. Pierce manufactured this "Discovery" froze roots and harks without alcohol — a cor- rective remedy, the ingredients of which nature put in the fields and forests for keeping us healthy. It puts vim, vigor, vitality into the blood. Try it! All druggists, Send 10c, to Dr, Pierce's Bridge - burg, Ont" Laboratgt'y for trial pkg. SALTS IF 8ACK4CEIY AND KIDNEYS Hum lots of watisr and stop sating Seat for a while if yonr Bladder tlnailar you Whin you wake up with badraeld and dull mini ry in the kidney region it gen- erally means you here been eating too much meat, says • well•losoe� authority. Meat forms uric acid which' overworks the kidneys is their effort to Alter it from the blond and time become sort of paralyzed and )off When your kidneys get sluggish anddogyou must r'R.rs them, like you relieve your bowels; re- moving all the body'• urinous wants, ells you hat Mamie, sick headset'. dizzy spans; your stam•nh sours, tango. M coated, end when the weather is bad isoa lava rbeamatie twinge.. The urine dandy, full of sediment, theme!, of .., glut .ore, water inside and you are obliged to seek relief two or three times during the night. Either consult a good, rrli•hle physl- sin at dere or get from your phannsaist ; sake about four ousels of fad ijaiy a tablespoonful in • ware of w•ter before breakfast for • few da7s and your kidneys will then set Ane. This lemons salts le made from the sol/ of grspm and lemon Jae, eemhined with litdta, and ham licca aced for gsneratbe• to .sea and stnmauhte aluiWah kids ys, also to neutralise acid. in fie urine so N iso longer irritates, thus endiag bladder weakness. Jed Pelts is • lite saver for regular meat eaters. it is ineepasmive, ,•asst war. aid mak,. • daiighttal, fRst- Issssat Lthia•wsecr drhk. • Whij Enduri? the weakening misery of piles is the belie+ that operation is the only care, Benefit from the experience of Mrs. C, Hanson. Commercial Hotel, 13 C. Get this wonderful herbal Zan-Buk today 1 " For years 1 was a victim to bleeding poles," she writes, "the burning, smutting pain was so intense at time* that 1 could hardly walk As ordinary remed.es seemed utterly ineffective I underwent a hospital operation la Spokane Within 12 months the PILES grew age, naspainful asever Liniments, hot poulticing and so-called ' pile cures,' dA no p;.x.d,but 1 gotwonderfulrelief from 'Lam-Buk As I kept on the treat• ment the piles began to disappear and I felt a happier dl erent woman 1 used sex boxes of this stb ething Zam•Ruk in all, w N' O obstinate hen. \ wax bad the t • and painful disease quite gone I haven't hast pies ixow for tltee years. - Nen en Thcres iro 11.11 it .w }�k matter would he taken up shortly. 'after wane other thbtgs hod been cleared out of the way. Comity council matters were then discussed, pertieularly the ratter of the good roads grouts. It was felt that the town should ask frit' a toisielerablo appropriation for work to Is' dune this year on the connecting links within the town limits. Bylaw No. 7, authorizing the iorrow- bng of Wolsey for general expenses of the town. was read and passed, and the council adJournetl ASHFIELD. Council met January loth an per eta tote. Reeve, Deputy neer.. aMl cuuniiflors were duly sworn' in oft.e and the council declared duly consti- tuted for 1921. Minutes of Dee"mber meeting then read and ou motion of Johlwton and Junticse,n adopted. By- law No. 1. to !borrow money from Mid - sons dank to pay interest enupois of Outarlo West Shore Railway l'o., due Janngry Ise, 1921, was duly passed: also bylaws Nos. 2. and 3, 'appointing the officers for 1921 with the eiteptlon of assessor. The following are those appointed: 'Clerk, C. E. Mclkonagb: collector, (1, 1'. Treleaven : treasurer, W. 1'. Reed: auditors. 11111. Mt4'arthy and Donald McLean: M.H.O., Dr, A. A. J. Simpson; board of stealth, thlnt l member, Wm. 1t, Hawkins: sheep rano- ,tors, Daviel M. Johnston, Richard John- , ' ston, Rohl. 11'elrseer, Itoht. Drennan ! and Thos. Garvey : fettervlewers, K. J. McKenzie, Wm. J. Black. ltobt. Davld- son. Jas. lane, Thus- Dickson, ROM. Fitzgerald, ,Ler. Fihlaysim. 11 'm. ('raw- - forts, J1141. Mei etwI 11141 Jar. Kisuw- Poutnd-keepers. Jan. Savage. \cls. Pearson. Neil McDrntald, Frank Scutt, Thos. Irwin and ,las. Kickley. School anemia nee officer, iticharel Johnston. Motes, by Johnston Pinel Sullivan. that Reeve and Deputy Reeve award the contract for printing. Carried. Sullivan find Jit nlbeson—Council or- '.�.1 der fire thuusulel feet of plank. Car - ... •aa tor ut$ :..,.,. aries. eo eJ. w�uw.- e_.r• i Jamieson and Campbell—that audi- tors use the uniform report- Carried. Jamieson anti Johnston—that clerk miter war appointed to act in i•iuilune' send for supplies for'awtess,r and ail - i tion with the heard of Trade commit- rertise for applhatlons for assessor. i tee. , The following aeeviunts were ordered (Gratuity for' Soldiers `� paid: Manlcilasi World. rle•Non sup - It ware at oven by Reeve Datil*, IIItc- Voles, $U.73: obis (tin ceps uses, $.41: J. 141e1 by Deputy Reeve ('lark, that the $s,Pge, gravel, $13.011: It. Irwin, gravel, question of it east gratuity or eiume $5.111: Hugh Stewart, (ravel. $4.75: Jas, thing else suitable to the local soldiers'�Kb'khey, refund live per .e•mt., tki.:r(1: suis, saw servker in the greaf .,....",,,,,J'.tO'Reilly- towing teams on lake hill, ri•ferrest to the aper Lal eOmmittee; i6 �' : Juo. Petra',towing on hilt $7; tering in a eprrt at an early date. Jew" Dunbar, refund statute labor. The Reet\bn intr«lucing this motion =th'T0- Connell adjnurnel to February said that the matter had been talked of 7 use t p. in the council fetr the last three VPars --- ---- — atxl he hoped st thing would Lae tone this year. The mot' n was carried. Mr. J. W. Fraser as appointer) to the .Collegiate Institut board to take ; the place of Mi\ H. T. dwards, re., signed. • P. 0. Doses Reeve Davis epok arrangement of the et the pwostiffier and sail daAge rail* piaee. He ggt.ise l that t long have coughs and colds evaded plate glass panels should lac place, in. ,justice and caused untold suffering to the doors sr that pwopie\could sew I humaalty, but at last they have beet through thew, 'The latchAon the cornered and overpowered by Can - doors also shottt/l be rtphwrl\ e A man ada's famous cough detective—Buek- had cut his pts d on one of thetn'i. few Iey's Bronchitis Mixture. Did you days before. - ever hear of this wonderful remedy t tither members had iinggeiilo to Why, everybody is talking and writ - make as to how, the entrant.' null. he Ing about the great work it is dolag in curing coughs, colds, broackltls, asthma, eta The following Is one of thousands Wholesale Arrests Canadians With Coughs - Halt! Who goes thirst Someone I with a sough. Pus friend! Stop of the-pec'aliar *ought you are under arrest. Thous- tratwe doors tit ands of such arrests are being made It Was a very every day in all parts of Canada. Too Improve. lint a motion was pa,uwrd lice w•itl 0 a the Recceds proposals, 1 motion was prte 1 platting Mr\ ao 11. L. Watson's salary as assistant•it- of lettere reeelved:—"Kindly aee.pt sesoir at $:111, the same ase last year. my sincere thaaks for the !misfit To Protect the Public. bottles of Bronchitis Mixture, sem ie ite'vt• thought something -h .iil.l ' over thirteen years she hes suffered he done to check the book !gems and acutely. After spending dollar after o her Lillie, execs, alxl to protect the• dollar upon various r.medles, ao re obit 1t ¢stinal lasing impisel upon Ly lief wu obtained. Hearing o1 yoss.. raisers f:tlsi•ly-purpsrrting to rept.. - most marvelous remedy she decided to ccrtait firms. it might be inane give it a trial and I am glad to sat nirem,mt that every such ran-, one bottle has made her well- Yooh� \,should have's' -ps•rtuit from t are at liberty to use my name and police. should be only too plowed to answer ilor M(Odle!' supported tete any inquiries. Sincerely yours, John it gee tion, soil fold of 114 Px• Holmes, Yorkville Ave,'' The orig- llnd bad with a sub'.rtp- Taal of this letter may be wen at W. K. Buckley, Limited, 1411 Mutual as referred to the spar- St., Toronto, Don't allow • rough or ook up the bylaws and told to linger with you. Away with it: Hail Buckley's ixture and have need by Cour •illor cough arrested. This remedy placed or Elwin fails, On every bottle is • guarantee tweistwarr f ince to refund the mono If not satisfs.-. dnntwt , tory, Relays are Dangerous. Order • now from your Druggist an ' asy wife derived by the nee f t PPII a ri sen rW chief ('olutle Reeve x P p•rience h iii flan ilgi'itt. The matter lab eommitte• fn bring in it reprr A emotion intro Cuff. that cinders avenue. north side, Montreal street, was ('onneillor Mitchell th Ight the walks in the Court HOtlw' Pa shnnl.l re- cel re attention, sharing the slid wet 11,-; er they became so soft th-'t Ipbe were frets] to walk on the gra*. and this was injurious to the grass. motion was passed that the v.;tlk,i be - !niter - ed and renntrerl aP it "11 a- iwse.rlh Mayor Wigle states 'it it Mr. Ho_ inion, of the Natio-sal Shipbuilding ( welshed to meet the eternal' at an earl.. blot• regarding a irro'osition to b^ pec-\ cit before the ra':'payeN: . Town's Financial Position, , The Mayor spoke of some miv-•an• ; eeptiou regarding the fin:nlchil standing of the town and give sonde figures to j slow that the tnw-n'»tttsiftoti Is Improv- ed mproved over Grit of n year ago. Ion Ile:•• ember 15, 1919. there will* owing t t the Rank /COM S len 111Wethirer 73,_4. 1929, the amount owing wear $14011, but agafast this Were itrrtar' of troy• mentos to the ttM'h (Naf1011•11 Ship-' bnildinz Co., $3.0011, and goderiih Mer- cantile Co: (510(11, which mon• than made the difference The Mayor nim{ /MVP 11 :ores. hlchtdiug cash lit 11mlk, taxes ,ire and impala, and ant .hints pays hie ou loans, foto II1ng over 54(1.110. The n-hbt•b: temuld more (Ilan offset the nmoun; raw ing the 1tank. leans in Arrears. The question of getting after the firms that Pre In arrears bin ronnectbon with mortgage loans from the town tons dltensstrl. 11 w-tta decided flint the town solbr•bfnr should he instructed to procoed forthwith to collect the Kensington F'urntire Co hnlan.e•, and that the finaif.e committee shnuhi ix! asked to report at the next meeting on each one of the other loans it) arrears, The lion note eimu111ttr' was asked also in cotriitler the floated/II arrangements to be made under bylaw No. 37 of last year (the Itae•hter bytaw1. / Wants a Fire Truck, Councillor Story pat in a word for a • truck, w-hlcle he thought should he •need moon. Ile had to be Content the Mayor's nssoiren.' that the .It 1301.1) IN GODERI('H RT J. .t- CAMPBELL Western Ontario Bed Commercial School CENTRAL flat egii hind Per tiro rod prac • STRATFORD. ONT. s. sur whiter term commences Tttes- Januaty 4th, and sfhllents may r in our Conimercial, Short - Telegraphy departments at Our courses are thorough: cal, end we assist graduates getvete free catalogue: re Cilia N, Principal. al. - G'ANDT Or pro with • r 11 RAILWAY SYSTEM Double Track Route MONTREAL. TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO Unexcelled dining car service Sleeping cars on night trains, and parlor cars tot principal day trains., Fall information from any Orend Trunk Ticket Agent, or U E. Horn• Ing, District Piasengor Agent, To- ronto, 0.13. Latdst, 5tatio*, Phone 214 M. P. I.A/HIRSCH R SONS Town Anent@ !Lome 8. Rheumatis Stiffness and all Pain %I,nanrt Li. uncut has ,i sen YI.,(arri n, for three at ,erat ions. It quickly relines .oe thrw6 bronrhais. neon alto, sciatica aid any kid d pain - 1 An Old Reliable Remedy hl n. S Fawcett. Hamilton St- Coltinpr+ood,' Ont , rates,—Nrnard's Liniment surely is ail old reluIJe remedy. 1 alrays keep a bottle in the house and have reemnnwnJ,'b it to quite a number d my friends. to r host it gave - 'rest rai,rl. In mot cash a was tied u a carr for rhe wnati.m. MiWahl. d's King) of Pain Lirum+ent Yarmouth Nova 0001216 THOMAS G1'NDRY, AUCTIONEER. 1 . BOAC 67, Goderich- All Instruction* by mall or left at Signal office will be promptly attended to- Residence tele- phone 119. LEGAL_ G. CAMERON, K. C., BARRIS- TER. Solicitor,use notary public. office Hamilton street, Goder►eh, third Arbor from Square. Trust funds to i loan at lowest rates j D C. HAYS. au BARRISTER, SOLICITOR. NO. TAIIY I'I•ItLiC, ETI'. Office --Sterling Yank Block, Ilam - ' Ilton Street, Goderich. Telephone tib, Beal Kstate, Loans and tusurance, I DItOI'DFOOT, KILLORIAN & COOKS BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NO - 1 TARIES P''BLIC, ETC. Omt•e on the &there, second door from Hamilton Street, Goderich. i Private funds to loan at lowest rates. W, l'roudfoot, K. C J. L. Killoran, rHAIiLES GARROW, L.L. It., i(AR- RISTER, attorney, solicitor, etc., Goderich. Money loaned at lowest notes. ;r SEALER, BARRISTER, SOL- - notary public and con- veyancer, .011ier—Court House, (lode - rich. 09-12m LNS('R,A-YCE. LOANS. ETC. licKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE jNSI'R- Aua ANCE CO.—Farm and-bolated i town property Imrord. OtAcwrli--Jas. Connolly, Pres., (lode - rich F. 0.; Jas. Evans, Vlee-i'rea,, Ree'hwood P. 0.; Thomas E. Hays, Si' .•Trraa., Seaforth P. (1. Directors—D. F. McGregor, R. R. No.3, Seatorth: John. 0, Grier.., No, 4. Walton; William Rlno, R. R. No. 2. Sea forth ; John Itennewleis, ltrod- hagen: Geo. McCartney, R,' R. No. 8, Sea forth; itotoert Ferris, Harlock Malcolm McEwen, Clinton; James Evans, ITeechwuod; James Connolly. Goderich. ' � Agent* : J. W. Yeo. Gotler(eh ; Alex. Leitch, It. R. No. 1, Clinton: William ('hesn:;y, Seeforth: E. flinch- ' ley, Seefeirth. Policy -holders can par. all payments and get their conk re - minted at R: J. Mnrrlsh's Clothing Store, Clinton : R. H. Ciitt'a Grocery.' �Kingston street, Goderich, or J. IL r Reld's General Ston+, Bnlfleld. Brophey Bros. The Leading Funeral Directors and Embalmers Orders carefully attended at aII hour*, night or G(1DERiCH "DANDr'INE" Girls! S ve Your Hair! Mak- It Abundant! Immediately after a "Danderine" mas- sage, your hair takes on new life, ]metre and wondrous beauty, appearing twice as heavy and plentiful, bxr•anre each hair atoms to fluff and thicken. Don't let your hair stay lifeless, eolorletts pain or tscragt;ly, fort, • n, want iota of long, strong, beautiful hair. A 33-evint brittle of , delightful "Danderymq freshen, your scalp, cheeks dandruff and falling haft. This stim- ulatim; '4reaity-tonic" give 10 thin, d:til,'fldin¢ 1•..'r t'int yr•1ti,f••1 1•ri •htnetor sod abuthdant thickness—All druggists: w