The Signal, 1921-1-27, Page 5w
string of views on any
- At - the inaugural meeting of the question. This sister lodge believes that,
water and light commission for 1921, once the business of its members consists
Mr. W. T. Marney was again appulut-
ed chatrmau. Ti.•• other members are
Mayor Wilde and Mr. J. W. Taylor. It
was decided to hold the regular meet-
ini''of the euurmisslon the se/rinl'and
fourth Thursdays of the month as here-
tofore. .1 number 41f application. for
(i W.\'.A. r Methodist Summer SehooL
• h ric light service were passed.
' Arrangements are being completed for
The re ul r meeting of the G. W'. V. A. the summer school to be held in Gtederich
B this year under Methodist church aus-
was held ast Friday. Januar, '21st. and piers Rev. Alvin E. Millson, of A burn,
in the building of machinery, there is no
reason why they could not, through their
repre-entatives, negotiate directly to
build m ich nery of every description.
Accordingly Lodge No. 1235 endorses this
matter f vital importance to the life of has been elected president. and Re
this b nch were discussed thoroughly. A Reycraft, of Goderich, secretor . The
very special meeting of ail returned s°l- sessibns are to be held at the
dices is called for Thur -day. February 3rd. ' church, which gives ample o
o start prompt,) at S P. m.. and matters. for large audiences or small
of; great importance are to be dealt with. ready part of the progra
Last lrar'w EAhibitlou Was a Great
Eiueeesa Finanelally.
The annual muscling of the mewla•rs
of the Goderich industrial and Agri-
cultural Society was held at the town
hall ou Friday uftet•u.ou last, The
report of the secretary -treasurer show -
el that last year was the moot
ful, fivauelally, In the (history of the
Society 111111 as a result there is a each
lahoer uu 11111,11 of $7140.34.
The t'ulluwhig were re-elected: Pres-
ident, W. T. Muruey ; 1st viee.pres-
ident, Thos. Mondry; 211311 vice-presi-
dent, Aaron Fisher.
The directors as elected are: For
Goderich township -l. Salkeld, G. 0.
Sturdy, John Sowerby, lieu. Andrews,
0. F. Edwards. For Colborne tuwn-
nhlp-Itubt. (:len, John Fowler. IW.
men. (Green, Fred Quaid, E. V. Law-
son. For Goderich town -T. M. Davie,
E. 1'. Gould, J+rs../'uuuolly, 1.. 1.. Knox,
T. It. Wallis, J. J. Moser, K. R. Wigle,
19. 1:. Mackay. Lady dir eetorw -Mrs.
Swanson, Miss Gove'ulork. Honorary
dire.Iors-Judge "Lew is, 1t. Mclean.
C. A. Reid, Senator .1'r (foot, C. A.
alru, J. W. Salkeld, J: S. ('lurk.
Messrs. W. La 11P and Andrew Porter
'ere again appointed auditors.
he president and secretary were op -
poi ted delegates to the Provincial
Fair Association meeting at Toronto
Felon ry 8 and 9.
Aftet the general meeting the new
board m and re -appointed Dr. W. F.
('lark sec tary-treasurer. The board
will went ain Satueday, February
,'1111, to deal '1111 other important mat-
The annual meetin of Knox church
will be held next W • today evening,
Februarytrod, in the Iec: e room of the
Rev: J. P. and Mrs. Reycr t will be at
Springfield over the week -end. Mr. Rey -
craft will .have charge of a iversary
services there.
At Knox church next Sabbath ivine
worship will be conducted morning and
evening by the minister. Subject of
sermons : 11 a. m., "The Pattern in ie
Mount." 7 p. m "An Imperohab
Name." Sabbath school and Bible classes
at 3 o'clock:
Rev. Dr. Barnby, chairman of the St -
Thomas Methodist district, will preach in
Victoria street Methodist church next
Sunday, morning and evening, The
\Wednesday evening prayer•meeling will
be withdrawn m acc unt of the evangel-
istic services being he'd - fit -tote--Itaptist
church.. -
Services in North • street Methodist
Church' mat Sugday wilt be as follows :
11 a. m. and 7 p. m., public worship ; 3 1
p m.. Sahhath school. 10 a. m., cla-sea, e
pot unity Mission j33nd and \fen's Club. Ti e topic
of the I ti are
as -es. Al.. fathers era in41le 6•rthhtwhat
has been I ures ?" 1t wde be introduced by Mr.
p and Pro- l }iu+i'ard Rib rtsgn•
C., are each 'for men and hn a wilt be
est Rev. W.y
inter physic• in titelee OR risen est lier+itc-hat
next Tuesday evening. February 1 Mr.
Wm: Calk, specialist .n boys' wor will
deliver an address. In the altern onat 3
i of Court Goderich,
o'clock a conference on b it's' work will.he
ng held in the lecture room, and repmren
Gide. of F. esi 'iaTives from the dtfferenc churches of the
town ail take pact.
ton SWulay next. 3anu:a•y 341th,
Gipsy .1411111 Hawkins and his party will
begin a two aleck. mhsami :11 1111. 111p-
Iist church. 4tipsy llaekin- will
preach at 11 a.m, and 7 put. :ant Miss
Gould will sing. ((u Monday at p.m.,
Mr. Dawkins will deliver his interest-
ing limelight lecture. "My Evangelistic
'('our it 1 the World."
corned at any or all of these meetings
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF.
evening. February lst,.at 8 o'clock p• m
The secretary has instructions reg -rding
Governmer.t a•si<_tance to unemployed
returned soldiers, which Mill-_tK readily
given on request. Crr•mployed returned
! soldiers who come under the D. S. C. R.
are eligible for this assistance.
•International Assot}ation of MaehiaWa..Court 4akrkh,
Nn.12gfi._International ,sso=iaijcn of ' At a recent m
\lachinitts, has elected officers for the n. 32, Carnet
folk,wmg offrc
for the year
Smith. V
arranged. Rev. J. Ar
tenor Reynolds, of the O.
-to give an evening a
Conway has been a
year 17'21 as follons : Henry T. Barker,
pre-ident t William Athersmith. vice-
president ; Albert E. Barker. financial
secretary : Henry J. Milton, recording
lecrrtJ h Connelly. treasurer. Che
s were elected and installed
921: J. W. Bell, C. R.; N.
R.; A. J. Wilkins. financial
, A. E. Barker, recording secre
art' : John n . J. McNevin. treasurer; W. M
1TtOoi were audited' a short time previous t, chaplain; C. Johnston. S.W.: W
to the meeting and the.lodge found to be GIS ; B W1 he C O F. m tB tr the firs
in gond financial standing.
and third Tuesdays of each month. All
members and visiting membe s .of thi
C. 0. F. are cordially invited and wel
A resolution was sent to this loco
1 Lodge. No. 1233. from aais'er lodge, + .
tib, for endersation. Thi& res lutiotF Pers
The Best in Photo Plays at theli..
AirOld -.mer Writes resumed his . former' posi ion
A letter rece
= M
V Lambert:
past H
long b M l.a b t tales the I ,u Illd rtuv' to Is. held in the M:1.111111'
•, Ih,.h d mil ,u hnldly January 'Zth Thi. will
at Piper's Hollow lie was a m, ter at t e tri popular event.
d Id like t h trim 11
some °the• old m' ter or anyone else wtnti Mt. R T.Htt)lx+ of ititlGtlt•ntt ane n
• I can ecu him what has become of the h; the apphcatrts for the position of band -
.I r ri wa
I \Ir. A. A. -Williams has returned to
London and
ved at the Goderich post in that city.
r t e the
n the PA r n l t
ddressed t child e f
office last week, a rs. G. W'ur'ele and
aster, was from \1r, 1 1n. .am 'rt, t 1 . week -lo s •end the -remaining winter
Grandville, Mich., who ii esirous o months. in Florida.
getting in touch with this sectrc, t after a I e ,; V 1 A. nunonnee a luncheon
a sence. r. m ^r $
ve at Benmiller in 1876 7, ar.d later 1'
t .
that time. an won o ear cf
ores 4f those days. .lie ark. parole it r it I n'aster of (h •I.t r• R, g,.ne n tan .
of Jan. 31 to Feb. 5 aif the late Mr. Jest Gledhi 1, carr fly n 1ow.n the early port of the were. and
Surmising that the veteran woollen hill' i ;' met the banr'smen and the comforter,- -
woul.l hay: passed out ere this. Aftt1 Mr. John E Shuman has hoe'. in
JIONI).11 and TL'1•:51).11 leaving t its section Mr. Lambert went- to': A.t Alexandra tlmptSt ths- s st week,-Iavitut
' Ailsa Craig and operated a stone mill for 1 undernnne m operation fur . ptxndicitis
Bryant Washburn hoe years (he has no use tor the m stern l hirfay. His friends are pleas. -d to
roles pc:ces b then sold "and we t :o i train that he -is making a 'satisfactory
in Recd City, M:ch.. and started a cu -tom 1 ret v, Ty.
at woollen mill, which he ran for thirty three r kir. and airs., John A. Leith, of S,.v
,11 nch Johnson yea.s and then Bold to a stock company I ereign. Sask., were in town this week on
,and retied. He a now in his entity -their w.ddn,r t lie. Mrs Leith was
He weld his romhlesnme mother-in-law fourth year, in. fins: physical-onditiin, for.nerly Miss for ce 'feta r, o' t t s
and reads and writes without spectacles. I town, and many trends weir pleased to
His handwriting, we may add, would be see her after several years' absence in the
creditable to a man of thirty. West.
Mr. Lambert's address is Grandvite,
Mich., Route 1, Box 39. He would like!
to hear from someone who remembers i
Benmiller in the old days.
• at
Your Service
with the
to be had in
Thursday, January 27. 1921 3
20 O N LY
Men's and Young Men's
Made of Wool Blanket-
crotT) and rich fleecy
Just the Coat for
this weather.
Regular up to $30
1 Olt
M.ROBINS4,\\ OPeh Evenings
Did You Ever
stop to think what your eye
steht is (Worth to you
1 is worth the value of a
scion 'fie examfriiittOlr.
have t etluipntent and each
ease get. -our very by t at-
A. l., COLE
Eyesight Specialist Optometrist
West Street. G i F ERICH
The Trouble Man
Do you need a tonic; one that is pleasant to take? You
will find it in
Palatable -Cod Liver Extract
The fatty part has been left out, and the eonibination
of the Extract with malt, wild cherry and hypophosphites
makes the 'preparation palatable, and at the same time a
hods• -builder. Aliso excellent for colds.
Campbell's Drug Store
Pboue 90 The Pens'sr Store
The Siill Are
Are You Particular?
-Particular about the fit of your suits ' We are
more so.
-Particular that they should be different from
the ordinary kind ' We are more so.
-Particular about the wear they should give ?
We are more so.
This is at the same time our policy and the e c
planation of our success.
F. H. MARTIN, Tailor
Grafi-DO/and Studebaker Motor Cars
Let us/gi/ve you a demonstration with these Cars
before yoil decide on your spring purchase.
Leave your Battery with us this winter to
sured of a good Battery in the spring.
Bring in your Car to have it overhauled this
winter. You know that it has not had the pep that it
should have had this fall, and a general overhaul will
put it•in first-class order for spring.
Huron Old Boys of Toronto.
The annual "at home" of the Huron
Old Boys' Association of Toronto will be
held in the Oddlellows' Temple. College
street. on Thursday evening, February
14th. The Signal is informed that ar-
rangements are being completed to have
this the greatest event in the history of
the Association. .
Contend for Culverts.
One of the sueeeesful tenderers on
road work for the Provincial Depart-
meut of Highways is Mr. Tho+. Handy,
of Goderich. Mr. Sandy has the eon
tract for forty-one culverts on the
Huron road between Foderleh anti
Clinton. He will j,egin the work as
early as possible ler the spring.
An Imitation.
The Stratford Normal School "et
home ' this y ar will be held on February
4th. and it Is hoped that many graduates
will make a point of attending. Some of
the classes are having a reunion on that
date and arrangements will be made t it
special rooms in which to meet if a request 1
is made for such meeting. This notice is
an invitation to all -graduates of the
school to attend the "at home."
Citizens' Social Sei'vlee League.
The annual business weetiug of the
Social Scrvlee League will be held next 1
Thursday, Fishruary 3rd, at 5 p.m. in
the Temperance Hall. The election of
officers will take 'plate -rand arrange-
ntents will be wade for preparing for
the referendum vote to be taken this
spring. All interested are Invited and
urged to attend.
W. J. Powell is Business Again.
The grocery store on the Square late-
ly run by Mr. O. E. Webb will be re-
opened on Saturday next by Mr. W. J.
Powell. the forgier proprietor. Mr.
Powell is punting in a stock of fresh
go...fg and will conduct the lne.lnese on
the ",'ash and Parry" basis. Mr. Pow -
elle re-entry to business lite in 1:od-
t•rich will Ire wele•omed by his many
Don't Fail to Hear
,,Gipsy John
vangeli;;t )
Win ifred
(the Sweet Gospel Singer),
Jan. 30th
• J,'1 A. D[• and 7 I'
Baptist Church
Montreal Street
to the building of machinery of every
description for the Russian Republic ; it
is not intended for pre.paganda or the
Water and Light ('elttbrolssitnn. international
• The roads are good and you are still driving, but
don't take clan . with your Radiator, If it freezes
it is expensi 4 Have it filled with
The footwear that is sold by us will leave impressions
that others who follow may clearly discern the way to-
Comfort, Health and Happiness
The superior quality that will give '100 satisfaction
in fit, style, workmanshhip and honest wearing results.
If you have not bought Shoes and Rubbers from us
you should certainly do so this year. You will be
more than surprised at the satisfying and profitable
goods you have been able to procure at greatly reduc-
ed prices. ,
(7E0. MacVICA R
A Simple Matter.
Wife (opening b,unl,snesl-Tee hed
two hats stent home, dear, so that you
4.4111 choose. 1 1111yw•If like this one. bite
11 you prefer the other, why. I'll keep
them both.
for idea*( but before the ileal was M-
I -Iasi -you'll say he r:,inesl the money'
A philtre that rocks with fun:
The famous prima donna
.__..fleraldine Farrar_,_
in her latest piettne
"The Woman and
the Puppet"
('HARLiE ('I1 tPLiN
Ina 1 4%'•reel rotnell`y
11111.eilitor-"A eorrospondent wtshes
to know why they whltewseh the in-
side of a henhotMe."
EdlrOr--"Tell him It's to keep the
hens from plek Ina the grain nit of the,
trash."-11o•tnn Trsn!crfpt.
Marion Davies
"Getting Mary
\ Married"
"The Miracle Man"
The sensation of two continents
G. ('. I. Notes.
.1.11 e•hs•tlun of officers was held ter li
the (:.('.I. Literary Society on Toes.!
,lay. Joinery 11. The following 1!'-
phis were aplsetntcd to the earlier .4-
_1__ Houma ry Iirc-(dent- .Tenn Mac -
Ewan; pre.idcnr. Lionel \fitkTfi Tit
vice-president, Eric Wilson; 2nd vire-
president, W'f111e 11",-ir; rw'4rct,lry. Mar-
ion J. Lee : Deniserer, Dorothy l•Mar-
shall : [•ionise. Rath Stalrtin: editors.
Ruby KHim tris+lc..John'Iteyertft. Jatucs
(inmin. : pre.s editors, Bessle Murphy.
,11ice Nairn: e•nnnelllors---1. Poral. Ad-
-•hallo Hap. : 11. Form, lNmglns Wil-
son: 111. 11..le:ln Cooke; 111..1• It. Wil-'
eon; 11'. Foran. It Taylor.
The same Welts a meeting of the
Boy.+' Athletic. .1s-°dation was held
111 organize lel.k'tball and hockey
Icarus. 1.. M Macklin was elected to11r
tali, of the ho•fiec team, which 1s to
play the C.C.l...wl,ile Willie Weir and
ammo. Strickland arm the enptaiiw of
1h•• two schod teams,, Four husker
hall team. were a h00Pn amongst' the
forms. the captain. being W. 11'eIr.
Erie Wilson. F'rnrik Raithhr 51141 It.
\IcLeisI- A sr110I1tle was drawn 111)
•,rranging the g:tMen tertw;iPPn the.
11.111.. -
Last friday nigM'a promenade eras'
held 111 the ns.,,nhly hall w•i,le•11 sons
W1111 attended by all the st,sl•iits.
'Lunch was servesl shard 10 n'.lis•k,
after Whirls the 0.('.f. ()retie:etra fur-
nished mimic for dancing.
Regularly tip to
$10 for $4.75
All the smartest and new-
est ideas for Winter' Millinery
Wear have- their represent-
atives here, from thukcirrcc-ftt-
ting styles to the large (loess
If is cTiflicuit to leait,e It:tts
so smart are carrying s"
small a hgui on their ',rice
ticket:. - ;
Miss M. R. MacVicar
Kingston street, no.leric1:
ex pOZEMA ria "h°° ( HAS "BARER CROSS
pie use Dr.
'ha.e's 41114-
. tnent tor Berens an4 skin trrita- •
nous. It relieves al nnee and gr. tdu-
ally beail the skin. >Jntele hoe IN.
e'hiur s 11I"U, ,-,-t tree 11 yo,t mention tm44
Lpe•r and senate.. etamn fin' I'u•rtge- me•. a ''a alarms Without [Ilya Cross"
rem; :44444)4 er F.•n:,.IT '"tl, Banes & Co., are not A$('1CI:1 at all
1.00.-1. 1.,, .1 .e„
"Pape's Diapepsin" instantly
Ends Indigestion, Sourness,
Stomach Acidity
...... -'. t *+. 5 .....-. . .
Are lumps 01 undigested fond causing
ymr paint is your stnma.11 arid, gassy,
sour, or have yon thatuten( e, heartburnt
Then take Pape's i)i,pepsin.
Just as soon as you eat a tablet or
two of Pape's Diapepsin all that dys-
repeia, indigestion and atnmaeh distress
caused by acidity ends. These pleasant, r
harmless 1.1,iets e,1 Pape's Diapepsin
never fail to make sick, upset stomachs
feel tine at nnee, aid they Coat very little
at drug stores.
(Set genuine .1110,', 1'111,1 f. ref A+pifin"
in a "TlaYer" pack -ie... plajniv marked
with the saiety "It ,.• t I'ro.{" •
The "Ilav-r ler".,.' ,- v „tr nnly way
of knowing that v en „•• 11 n„ genuine
Aspirin, pre.crihe•1 : pSt ,int." for
nineteen year. sail pi „e,l ..,ler Int' nett.
lions for II.•adae tie, \ 1,11 41,1. l'11',111/1,
Rheumatism. Lumh.e_ ,, \' 1,1 I :aril for
('ain generally.•• .in 4'.04.,1.4.
Handy tin lslxc. of 1 S L•ll•t. -.Oen
Target sized "Rayer" ;4 k.C4•.
Aspirin is the nettle mark tr.•lister/el
in t'aiadel, of Bayer 4.1.1ii,fa,•tnlr of
11fnnoaecti,'uciirster,f ',r`ieplLc:u•i,t.
While it ie sell known Ihat .1 -then
rneons Bayer nhanifacttlr4;,;to assist the
public against imitations, the Tablets of
Rayer Company, Ltd., w,!1 In, .t.tmpe•I
with their )eueral trade Stalk, the
"Sayer Cross."
,tott tv-kno* thele'.
a man on whom you , may tall
in your troubles-Tthe Plumber.
W'•' know our `bus i " .n,d
are here 10 serve. vett.
" (Hi': I'LL. "1 IER"
Phone IJ5
Ilett1 inir
M,•LLI 1Ve't
iaam,llon Street
',Luca 141iighing
i'.e-ItI,:ASP, YUUK i+11tNINI; PU.LICK
by 1. me a.,,,t.r,n al,•
E► IOTT ,/
i'. :.1 /
# ii -7)
Yonne and Ch 5'. ser r
Une of the lest tw tt'' e 1 '
encu --11u. t • .04we.4.
'thee ver en. nrr m ah w + ,•
I,•,•,• at F.,,tn, ani ,me.
1v 1. 1:1.1.1 1 F. Pr., ["
Get a small package of iTam1urg
Breast Tea at any pharmacy. Take a
tnhleaponnful of the ten, put a cup of
boiling water upon It, pour through a
sieve and drink a teacup full at any
time during\thn day or before retiring.
It is the mot,, effeetfre way tI) break
° 'odd and cu grip, 1544 it opens tho
Biel°^ of the s rrlietimireenge-tion.
Also les,serr44 the itow•els, thus breaking
u1) a cold. \\
'I ry it the next tame yoet suffer front
p ecoid or the grip. \It i' irlexpeusleo
and entirely s getabtt`;thcrefote -afo
and hti'rwless._
Rub Soreness from joints and mutcloa
with a small trial bottle of oI'i
St, Jacobs OH
Stop "•t,.ing" lamurllatiem.
it's pain only; not a ne era• in ilffj
Nevares internal treatment. Ilnb eo.411-
penetrating St, Jacobs Oil" r,1;7nt
-_.bit Ito'"r'fitM-erifir "tt!tt'tty-t?m time
y ,u .1t' Jaek IZe neon -ant cornet; that
rheutnatic pain. "St. Jacob's Oil" u
R!l11Pae rheumatism euro which
never disap seiht'and doeen t barn tho
skin. It takes pain, soreness and stitT-
i ne-s frau aching joints, riossles ant
h•,nes; stop* sciatica, lumbago, bat,itaebe,
1 imber upl flet a 33 cent ts'ttk' of
! ! t.nt'•, JI'•ncat "4t. Jateobs Oil" .mi
:111) ,Irng stere, and in a nionlunt }fr•,,r'll
be f roe, from pains, ache. and let iii•
ncsa. 1)':a't *utter l Rub rbeutisMii