The Signal, 1921-1-27, Page 3IBS SIGNAL
Thursday, January 27, 1921.-3
When you go into a game of hockey you mutt have
a feeling of security in your skates, your boots, etc. The
McPherson Hockey Boot has stood tae test and proven sat-
isfactory under all conditions. We are agents for the Mc-
Pherson Lightning Hitch Hockey Boot.
We also carry all sizes in Skating Boots.
Get ready for the game. We have in stock all sizes
in buckskin Moccasins and oil -tan Shoepacks.
You can get no better shoe repairing done anywhere
than at
Next Telephone W --- The
HLRN sq #"
office •
Under New' Management
Having taken over the business of "The People's
Garage," MR. J. L. DEMERLING announces
that he is ready for
All Kinds of Repair Work
Being a first-class mechanic, who has served his time
both as machinist and auto repairer, he
Guaranties A 11 Work
Free Air for all. Gasoline, guaranteed measure
Cars Stored for Winter at Reasonable Rates
Toronto Woman Well and;
Strong for First Time in Five
Years—Praises Tanlac.
"1 had lost over forty pounds in weight, j
but I've gaine:l seventeen pounds of it
back already by taking Tanlac," said
Mrs. C. B. Smith. of 102 Riverdale
avenue. Toronto. Ont.
"Following a severe attack of erysipelas
and blood poisoning five years ago 1 fell
off so last in weight at was alarming and
it just seemed that there was no hope for
me. My stoma.h was bad;y disordered
and I became so weak I, cou d hardly get
around. 1 would bloat up dreadfully and
the pressure against my heart wai so bad
it caused palpitation and shortness of
breath. Often 1 had severe headr,:hes'
and bilious .arta. ks and sometimes suffered
awfully from nausea. 1 was completely
rundown and my whole bony ached.
"But 1 began to improve on the very
first bottle of Tanlac and now it seems
almost like I am starting life over again.
1 haven't a touch 01 indigestion and have
alraady gained beck neatly half my ktst
weight. The headaches and biliousness
have left me and 1 feel so well and strong
1 can du my housework with ease. 1 can
never forget what a great blessing Tanlac
has been to me and it certainly deserves
all the praise in the world."
Truism li sold In (3oderleh by E. It
Wigle and the leading druggist In
wort town.
Another of Miss Elizabeth Wilson's
Letters frost ('bengtu.
Miss Elizabeth Wilson writes her sister,
Mrs. (Rev.) J. F. Reycraft, from Chengtu,
West China, under date of November
21st :
I have lust come home from a"foreign"
service in Hart College. It has been
decided that rte can have two foreign
services a month instead of one. Mr.:
Yard preached today—a fine sermon on
the "new world'in which we live. Ile
took as his text. "1 am not ashamed of
the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of
God unto salvation to everyone that bo-
lieveth." Mr. Yard is an American—
quite typically so. He reminds me a good
seal of Billy Sunday.
We went into the city yesterday (Satur-
day) by the snuth gate and called at How
Tai Yen's. From there we went on to
Sze Shen Tee, where 1 visited Miss
McNaughton for a when qt else hospital.
She was in bed. as she had an electric
shock with the X-ray mac ne, and was
ordered to bed for a few day However,
ahs got up dunng the aftern0000((ti for an em
ergency operation for appendicitis. We
had linnet at Mrs. Allan's.
There was another board of manage -
ment meeting at the Canadian school. so
Victoria Street, Opposite Victoria Park
I took a char from the city out to that. :
s Mr. Neave is chairman and Ili. Milford Heard In at hw-al tailor shop: "What '
business mana'er. We have demi d to arae shall 1 make your hip po''krts• pint
begin High Schott work. Mr. Bayn will' or quart?"
teach science and we hope Mrs. Brown
will teach French. The school is to be
divided into three divisions, and the room
Miss Marcellus used as a study will
become a classroom. I'll take the school
sailing-rwm for my study until the new
wing is built.
Tors morning we went to Sunday school
and chord' at Shu Wa G in., a here Mr.
Beaton nas charge of a church. We were
an time for Sunday school and 1 went into
a class taught by Airs. Jo—one of the
Fang Chan o;ai (W. M S.) Bible women.
1 could understand mutt of what she said.
and the women seemed Attentive. Church
service followed. The men and women
sit on opposite sides of a low partition
and the pulpit and organ are mostly on
the men's side. The order of service is
very much like our own, and this morning
was taken entirely t y Chinese. I am
getting so that 1 can recognize the char-
acters in the hymns pretty well—but I
didn't get much of the sermon. The
lesson was from John 3, so of course 1
knew that and the text was just "horn
Again." 1 could follow part of it, but
listening so attentively makes me very
tired. An old man got up, mirched to
the taunt, and blew his nose out of the
window during the service, but it caused
not the least amusement—aroused scarcely
any interest. It was quite cold, and 1
Willi glad of my fur collar and pitied the
peer woolen with bound feet.
1 w. Iked to and fro from church with
Miss Gouge (C.M.S.—Church o1 Euglerd)
—a nurse who is helping in the hospital
just now. She is very Engltsb and highly
amusing, 1 think. When the long -handled
collection plate appeared—"What a
weapon !" quoth she. She watched me
singing and raid, "Either you know more
characters than 1 do, or you are better at
making them up !"
We had dinner at Thompson's and
came away almost directly to the service
out here. Miss Massey sang very well,
and Mi -s Proctor and Miss Mark- favored
us roily* duet which we enjoyed.
I have had a very industrious streak
this week which lasted till about Thurs
day. 1 felt that my tine at language
school was getting shote and that I'd
better hurry up and [shish my year's
work. So 1 d:ew my map of China to
hand in. and steadily `read Mc:;uwan's
history. Chinese history is very interest•
ing f1 only there were not so much of it !
1 got sleepy and went downstairs one
night with my knitting. and found Mr.
Bret ken ready to taik histaa y. so that my
recess was really tame gained. 1 must get
at my ten-miaute Chinese talk th.s week !
When that's over !—
We are expecting the new peop'e of our
this year's party this week. kn.. H1If
mann, who is to conduct them. is to
telegraph from 1zeliutsing ("'e:fstlowing"
well-- where the salt wells are) nd then
will know,when to go but t0 elconte
them. Thursday is a holiday. and if they
happen to be coming that day. we can go
some di Lance out cn the road. Just
think I It isn't a year since 1
welcomed. 1 had no idea the coining of
new people brought so much excitement.
The Hibbards will comea little later.
Mr. Smith says that all the parcels wi
be up from Chungking within a month
1'11 believe it when I see them. but Miss
Argotssnger bas already got a parcel that
was nested last December.
Rundle's tt:r, Liniment
Nature is the Great Healer of both man and beast For human and animal ills she
provides many wonderful, healing, strength -giving herbs. Pyre. wholesome and
pungent—they are Nature's remedies which for centuries have banished pain
and suffering. The healing. soothing, health -giving properties of the best of these
roots and herbs have been combined in the time -tried. reliable
home remedy—Rundle's None -Such Liniment fro
A Home Necessity
This powerful home remedy pen-
etrates, soothes and brings sure
and quick relief from paincaused
by rheumatism, lumbago, neural-
gia. sciatica and pleurisy. It
soothes pain from strains,eprains,
swollen joints. tired, aching mus-
cles. It heals sores, cuts, bums
and scalds. It gives relief from
croup colic, earache, whooping
cough and colds.
Unusual result• attend its use for cholera,
roup.persaitic growths,bo•rel troubl.s,etc.
lief from cholera and indigestion.
For soreness of udder, bloat and scours
in calves it is highly reliable.
It has become a stand-
ard remedy for colic.
sores. colds. distemper.
If Tom dealer 1...n', Rundle'. Non. -Such liniment. wo will send •
bouts.m.d.• you, for 51.10. Moon bock ti not smosis.d.
The Geo. H. Rundle & Son Co.,Ltd.
Windsor, Ont.
Your Advertisement in
is read by the best people in West Huron.
Put your announcements where they will
bring you the best results.
L. R. STEEL CO., Limited, Goderich
5 CENTS TO $1.00
r ' _
On Saturday between 3 and 4p .m. we will have exceptional specials such as Soap, Sunlight, 7c a bar; Sugar 10e a pound, only between- Fand-4 p.m.;
;Cups and Saucers, 25c for Cup nd Saucer; Cut Glass Tumblers, reg. 29c for 15c each; Glass Turners, reg. 15c for lOc and 10c Tumblers for 5c
ant's Neckties, reg. $1 for 89c; laundry Soap for 7c a bar; Lux at 10c; Boys' Stockings, reg. $1 for 49c pr.; House Brooms, here is an extra special.
Next Week Our Big Attraction
will be not Water Bottles, reg. $22 for 79c each; also. Shell Celluloid Dressing Combs, reg. 50c and $1 for lOc each.
Glassware Department
Drinking Glasses, at IOC, 15c, 19c, 29C, 39C
Glass Sugars and Creamers and all useful articles, at
from . 19c up
We have a beautiful assortment of Electric Light Globes,
floral designs.
China and Crockery
Odd Cups, at Ioc each
Plates, at from 15c each to 49c
Egg Cups .., 2 for 15c
Bean Crocks. - - 15c each
Cups and Saucers, from 3 to 4 p.mon Sat-
urday, at 25c for Cup and Saucer.
Nickel -plated Towel Bars, at 15c
Nickel -plated Soap Dish, at 15c
Curtain Rods, at from Ioc to 59c
A complete assortment of Wire Go6ds. also Aluminum and
Enamelware, and Paints and Brushes. assorted prices.
Dates, at 15c a lb
Currants, at 25c a lb.
Lux, at \,. ioc
Sugar, at 11c. — Saturday
p.m., at 10c a Ib.
Matches, regular 15c, at
Laundry Soap= -Gold and
Saturday at 7c a bar
p, m.
Salmon, at 2 cans for 35c
Black Tea, at 30c a Ib. Satur day, frcm 3
6 4 p.m., at 27c a Ib.
Here is a Big Special
between_.L_and 4
2 boxes for I9C
P & G Naphtha. -
between 3 and 4
Nickel -plated Tea Kettle, copper base. Splecial Oat. $1.00
urday, at
Potato Pots, at . .e e e • $1.00
We have just received a new shipment of high-grade. Candy
at real prices.
Gents' Furnishing Department
Men's Neckties, regular $1.00, for 89c, Sat-
urday between-t-ano 4.p.m.
Men's Underwear, at 98c
Men's all -wool Gloves, at ' 69c to y, I.00
Men's Kid Gloves, at 51.00
Men's Wool H.rse, at - -,'_ • • 98C
Men's heavy Caps, at 98C
Boys' Hosiery, regular $I.00, for 49c, Sat-
urday between 3 and 4 p.m. only.
Ladies' Rib Hose, at 79c a pair
Moccasins, at 8qc a pair
Now, folks, till!, is a real value.
Misses' Rib Hose, extra quality, at 98c a pair
Misses' "Rib Hose, at 69c a pair
Men's Lisle Hose. at .... . . • 59c a pair