The Signal, 1921-1-27, Page 2rcr.••••••• ••••••••,*,
2 -Thursday, January 27, 1921.
130D13t10/1, ONT.
- Delicious in the Cup.
PIThursday, January 7. 1921.
Fine winter weather -if it doesn't
change by the time" this Is printed.
°Z• .1116
General Sir Sam Hughes denies a nas no equal for quality and flavour.
report that he is dying. Saul 'had nut
been heard from for quite a while. 4n11
naturally. it was thought he must he
gladly out of condition.
noticed that the Senate had not been
lueluded in the suimuons to meet. dud
another hurry call had to be 'rut to
the King's Printer to recall all the for-
mer Issue aud get uut another extnl.
of the Gazette. calling 0111trusty-and
weil.beloved members to the Senate.
Home people lu Ottawa aud outside of
It are eruel enough to :my the second
extra should have beeu dispensed with,
rather than disturb the venerable
4: ;44.
e„ • se .•
:IV ;tree !f,Det)
ke2 nee ;•!el oW( S.•;W
91,11 1•11 L.4 • s 312.1
imem front their slumber, but, of course,
Parliament could net meet without the YOU
Senators In attendance.
A Tall from the Hunting Grounds.
• !lire" Donaltleou says he isn't re -
If you have not tried Salado, send us a post card for a sponsible fur this story. but If he did.
free sample, stating the price you now pay and if you u t start it we don't know who did.
use Black, Green or Mixed Tea. Asildress Salada. Torontochaps
Ir la, anyway -about one of those
bacik gown toloarit...11 everyfallfall aud
COUle always
Eighty -hour per (eut. of
• business justifiable taxi 'The owner of that be
of land at the corner of K1111/ and
Tongs. street* dill not create the vaet
value' that attaches ,to It today. It
was created by the imineaunity--by the
people of the city and of the Prov 11,4(1'
-and the community should get the
The G.T.R. iseteking advantage of the benefit of it. Customs taxes, $ales
oversupply of lainIr to relay a large taIes and income taxes ean all Ile
a MOnnt of trackage With 111.11VY rail*. Ashen -abed when the people aesert their
Tfie Federal Government (multi mien rights in the coununity-ereittel value
the iinempleyment situation in flume ee lame
parts by resuming the neglected work
at tioderich harbor. •
failures Of the past yeur oecurred
among Men: that did not mlyertiee.
This 144 1111. statement made by Brad.:
st ree t • * 'our niercial Agency.
After the little flare-up of Wet week
Premier Drury and Mr.. Morrison got
together aud patched things+ up. rather
to the disspimintment of the public%
talls1 of their prowess:.
and. anyway. the Government wants T11111 chap ST114 0111 1 ing. he said
Inklilof what will happen In the
Unite..11 tsTe before to lunch is done I separated from his party And suddenly
(no affidavits taken). when he became
confronted two big moose, a cow and
a bull. Hopping behind tree he took
careful aim and brought down the
cow.' She sank sedately to the ground
expired with scareely a flicker of
tall. But the bull did not move.
111 Carina In the matter of taxation
and tari
A mow .t arms.
The meetly of errors id eonneetion ah
with th calling of Parliament has
his eonsternation our hero discover.
ended a d finally the. 'louse and Sen -
ed that he had exhausted Ida 'supply
ate are ealled for Monday. February
of cartridges. The bell, he emphasized.
14. SinSie eery funny situations arose
did not move. Then going closer and
over the simituotillig of the legislators
to aerial' this year. Fur a long time
there ;was indeeielon regarding the
meeting -date. and much pressure Wa14
•laning1Xt to bear hi hare the House
called February 17 or later. Even
up to theonlaht of Friday. January 14,
the C
It y lan Dunelm.‘et
, Ottawa, Jan. 2 t -There is an air of laud
who enjoy looking on at a tight. • No awakening about Parliament Hill these Wa4
Ithh thlonletharMa 1 4rf nieeting. Then. in order to
days. t is as e g gy ; - n le
that little hitch. the date
ratiowa. obtallieble atter the •
a - . of tilepolcal itiwinter were but to be WU% iitrriedly Ordained t.• Monday,
eget together" as to which hadoron the
thrown off and the feeling of things ab rut oel.rtary 14. and a verge! home of the
!argument : 1.10 the Driaryitee *1311 to happen is in the air. With the opening i'alia a GaZeI 1 I. «AA published. When
weer by Drury. and the Morrhemitesit Melanie eirenlateil, howeyere someone
led for February 14. only Three weeks
still sta tul. loy Sterrieon. away, polioc ans of all stripes of opinion
e are beginning to run into. the capital for
- the day or the week. as the case may be,
Five aninalidatee have been nominated4
.. , to get their fingtrs on the pulse QC ,}Pll_fl}
in the U;•...*..T.tertvp.o' byeadeetton: a and exert atittle gentle pressure for`this
Gocerimient supporter. an independent '
• or that. And, irk the meantime, the
Conmervative. a Liberal. a C.F.ta.• man. West Peterborough fight wags merrily on.
anal , a LI hOr 111111. If the. maidoinery Thetiye..eteetinn.
*ore remain. it nombl he a good uPPar- , '-Hon.---Mackenzie Kiaz and ' Frntst
,s tunity to test the syst,ni of prop...1110nd Lapointe jumped into the bye election
Toting. It larena on Satprdaywith a vew to .comong n 0
the elusive vote aleng ta watds IN1r.
any one Of the live candidates e14)4111.1 Gordon, the Literal nominee. On the
obtain a majority of I111' 501..f,1 1141.1. ' . previous evening Su George Fo-ter delay-
ered a p .stntiptial effort in Ix -half of
• RolarettIenn-renhrtioraertment-stenttaerbt
At Ha erle• th.• Slayer get* an hearer- bearer. Today o• nomin alum eay uo
prima .of Vilin. The Mayor of mho:there. e kh the pessibality of aro thief/ up.
to hall a d.zen men throwing their hats
lend gets a similar amount. The proh- info the tine, and the next awn . week,.
lent of seeming goo1 mmileipal ser- I between new and voing. wil be busy
teoverfrarn'etnhteandlitli.citeraTaohirizaeniiiers. are
Maw may be tumid tv doyen.' mem the Tel
payment of an imienniity to• utember.eleteentek..oemeNejletonchearidewhile the
r• -4 the "Oh", net a' a mala).bitt as flossit, coming back here at present st ems
-partial 111111 11C11,i1 1011 for their beer ni• 10 iadkate a baing toward the Literal
-nominee, it keine of tleyo• contests where
t line. The a mount ell.ei id re.t be anything may happen b fore the votes are
large enough to make it an object In all in. There ate few, however; eho In the midst Of th.. ,ity of M int•
• itvett • . canca de "Ham" Ili nham a chance of • real, half -way b.i.tween the uptown
• ,drawing down another four thoiriandi- and do4wntown business districts, on
• • . dollar and. mne ye • . the co ner of two of the best rest.
• The *'4 '14(1 *I If of th,. present The Liberal Leader of Peterbore.. dental streets. theae stanus, sur.
'd by large shade -trees, a sub•
Legislature ..peeed en Meetly. The hiackenre King delivered a typical etantial and comfortable old -fashion•
King speech there en Saturday. %%tm he " °id atoW dwelling -house. .On one
speech' from the Tiir,u.• h•resla eli.w•el
attacked the Prime Minister on the Fcore of the p liars of the wide hospitable
. leglelatima; Hy I'm..., MI 1 III that he and the Geivernment -supporters •looking . nuance is a brass plate
wire tryang to becloud ihr iseie and put .aneouract ig the hoese to be Dor-
i slit it win ••41.0 44 1*' satisiact.ory
LIP. '7"4"1,114',kt.Y. 1114141111re ,14,43"4".r. ''' heroic the peoole oneof theirown choosing I cheater. ouse, the Canadian WT•
I" Mr. Mriehen.had put the tight down on 'men's Hootel of Montreal.
malt f.,r the imaellierien of the el oe- ,a tariff issue; but hlr. King maintamed $ This home is the Montreal head -
nee" 1 11"" t"t"'"41: I" '1'1"'' '
1 e could not he anything eke' quarters Of the as mciation, which
beferelearelThrnment ia
" ) i' 'I" hut1laittlt.theGOuvtrnmints usurpation of the I with the ad of the Governmeht has
. e arevel. '14s.
right of the people to say %slaw shall I undertaker to provide a welcrane for
1.111.1 i; is Intre half .4: roe members of govern them. ' Thet was the -Weis clf Mr. t the womenof the old lands coming
the meow:len it 41411 111'01,41.TY rely lie. Durnham's resignation, Mr. King de -to make r homes in Canada, no
eh oitliment eniesat .frollr-rr. . lo 01 11,r
--, claret!. and the ontieftwertile resew. there I - matter ,w ..may_.he their nation -
could be in that bye election, regarelices I ality or rel Rion. Tee house stanch
lett ie. e, te . Heuer ro ...... i: 11.111 of what the Premi r. might attempt to for a weiroMe to tit .ee women from
-ela•feat... , tell the. people From. that Mr. King beyond the isea, but it alio stands
• went en to a further attack of the C:ov• for many rther things, such . as
, -----°-- / errmunt's action in helding power without safety for 'e mn the most inexperi-
• consulting the people, and thong to talk - enced tedvel en kindliness and as-
Aepreaelter at Toronto' has ottario..1 of tariff legislation when it had no mansistanee during the • first days of
. it dioeite*Ioll 1) ihoerihing the wmitting d ate. As for the Liberals , should tlw ' natural bewilderment in strange sur-,
-fjp." :004 4)' might le• tantalise, Government be defeated on, a vote of roundings, einploymerit . for those
1(4 11 W:1 Ht!' (Pr A PIIIIMIIII 1.11q4rP . .: want of confidence and the Literals called seeking work,, and a friendly head
. 1.. .
--upon to take over the reins, Nit. King. quarters until the stranger feels her
• .self firmly established in the new
Lund. I •
,,During the f ye ethe associa-
tion has been i existence the hostel.
has proved it I4ton rind its workers
, have befriended, thousande of girls
• end womernfronnthe old lands. Since
the- removal in :May. M)20, of the
hat the bride thinks et 11-oli l I 111 the 11..1Wof lime Arthur I... Sit- .. hostel to Dorchester House, its pees
I'11. see deret knew everythher.• I ton the NO.Igtien 'troverninent leo, 41 ..ent beautiful aed, apacioes quarters,
. valuable mendier. Mr. stiffen had been the promoters of -the work have been
. ter teem woo 1r time And for enabled more than ever to provide
The hi ,,,,, tte
oOf.mone„ 141344 ,rent 4,11,'Wei.w 11w11eoerki.. ehiinienthgaorodMeng-
a veritalsble "dhowme. n- newhly .artive
the god roads .y.tein 40 the 4,4)140) s e,etnlyhad been
worm. stool 114o.W1144, r0111.11 10 in' Careada.' , 7
of 11,44 1111!111114111,1` 111:111 the reedits that take to his Inel. I bonf.VT. 110111. was Monteeal, a port, city in summer
end the great ralltey teeminus of
. , no. being proiliteed by MD 1.x1111.1111 {Inn.. I.o..t until a few holm,' Is'( iire the
the east at ail seosees, for:ms a sort
binet was undecided as to the
Ind then they decided to make
ruary PI. The amtitleation was
the King's Printer. apparently,
en stomehoily diecovered that It
mstomary to give thirty days'
peering intently, upon this strangely
unmoved animal; the hunter dieetwered
that the bull was 1.1intl-and had been
led by the cow whose tail It held in
its teeth. Working quickly.' the hunter
whipped out his knife, slashed off the
eiw's tall and led that hull fourteen
antes Into tie- 1: -0••••4 town. The
strange procession ' the conductor.
the tail mut the Mill 11.100344' was /leaked
as the huntenurn lael the quarry to a
hardware store, e hero he shot the
blind beset with $0111.` newlymairchaeml
A famous judge4.3 asked by a lady
if he did not Milk that women were
the best jut of women. The reply
you fatal* cold germs, some of
which are bound to lodge In the
throat and breathing passages..
You cannot prevent this. You
can, however, prevent their de.
velopment which sets op linflam.
motion resulting In coughs,
colds, bronchitis, sore throat and
To avoid these troubles, keep
the throat. nasal and breathing
passages bathed swath the medici-
nal and germ -destroying vapor
that is released when Peps are
dissolved In the mouth. This
vapor mingles with the breath
and reaches the remotest parts of
the throat. breathing passages
and lungs; destroying all germs
and preventing infection.
Safeguard yourself by keeping
• supply of Peps on hand. 50c
box. All dealers or Peps Co..
FREE TRIAL packsge will be
sent you upon receipt ..t this ad-
vertisement and lc. stamp to
cover return postage.
came: Not only the beet Judge, ma-
dam. but the beet executionfr."
secure IN
Dress Serges 111
42 -inch, heavy fine alt Pure Wool Serges, for Dresses, $
Suits, Skirts, etc., in navys, black, browns, greens, cardinal.
All are regular 12.50, 12.75 aud 113.25. January $1
Sale per yard
X Careful Buyers will take this chance to
positive bargains in January.
hape.. foam the, stan•limint of the ponied thereweuld 1EI no tariff tinker-
" "Inelty mare" Itn,hglit 111071. aemirateiv in; until thepeople had been consulted
be 0 :iIsO4tsi vel'aintary
and at a general electionIle appealed to all
the oripm-nttof the Government to get
froni the • andpeint of the elergyinan together and elect a min who would.
ne an tel4eet of extreme mirloeity ond oppose the )lei hen Adminbtration.
not I rishiently .0 disappointment. As Hon. A. L. &liftoffs Death.
end Paine In Net. Us. flight before
1-14.""1-"4."1 flW4441-44""444""k"}•/ Sir clifforsi44)-16/Wr44 The
in 11011.1 b. the amount of treth.• t.i tie kali game tip, Termite feeling that 111. • !I"Ineelisii°nTIlvi thAa:r(I!tniontiains:f Prt;c: any T.711.1 whieh It is patient was as the timint. The de.
, hostel include the eat rtaining-Tor
feroloopiell to Imprdvot. The intention inI 31 r 71.;11,7 11 iI; n few hoers of rest, of travelers
bo •nd for the distant west of Can
matter. eels te have a eminty symeraf need of hie ,II 1411' life hod keen An 70.on ef the methods of
embracing the main ItigilwaY* of tle. rha n he syn. it.. Of or wit. lot here he 111141 • o:...;e!so ever.).
made at •name foe himself both on the pr, - !inn. Is taken 'foe the sleety
eniintY. it 114-' 71114
1" 141" de'r"1"."1"1 3.'1101 find In Politic'. In the ealdtal and ioinfort of the travellers. 13.
Int,, a oenanhie ammer tha. townehips lie eras regarded He 4111 fore the boat arrivee in dock or
for the 'mending la money on. road. "411111411)" shred filmir11•31 1"11:"1. and the boat train is due at the station
within the 1"witAtil"' with"at r"r"rel" taTs17.-.1got•PZ11;"11'ti•Y•1„..1;1tv.1::C.111.1.7; th:nitalinalfendo!iervonytheu:113,•cactorsp.RIV.:(iii
to whether tio.y 44,41,1 highway.. oor • Litto.r Is.'s (Wittier. 31r. :Often was rec. ived'at the hostel. The deacon-
not. lee licard odther in .1 he !lessee of Doreluerter House meet the
Ilene.. ..r mit of It. bur whet he lied bon's and trains no matter at what
to say 4t44s worth listening to at iitly .hou'r they may arrive. The glrls
i„ 'rye enn identify them by ineang o a
It .lat.••1 1 14,4 he 1,1,„.e „f• eme time. 1114 loss le n
Meighen Administration. niskleg ns it purple badge worn on the arm, and
Teronto hounded It King. Tongeottly dote, nets ; v„,.orwt may be provided then:melees with a
small purple button by the immigra-
011111 NIPI 11!131 11.1,./.3 VS111141 /1V1111..-1 thy 10.0' Premier took calice.
•tion authorities. Rut whether wear -
where Owen ent- hundred year. ara. nt Getting Ready the Building. trig the official button or not, 0 In
92110. Reeently forte -eel -en feet of tide, yrepnrations fair the °Iselin)/ of the need of help of any kind, if without
land fronting „„ 440444' session are being rusheel through now. friends in the country, if disappoint-
. one-tenth uf the at :mho was "old rilr gpitIng
limier le 111 V111111111 401110+1 dilly, ed in meeting expected friends, they
the ..e.mhttiiii program under need only speak to the mparer of
when a tne 1,141 vale, eee„,„,,,) mareli ern Ong about with •vaenitin ties will vanish beftwe wisdom and
Itmokonn. Flirinor• :IN` 1141..1 11. shy off • way. new branding there Is the purple badge and their difficul-
Ind how long would It rake for 'semi • •eentspre and »awls symesporot of offence. experience.
31 1111 1114e1114`. 1.1116 word went forth to The strangers • are straightway
lot In Colborne or .c:oirieni to 'weenie the ahem lenient. seine time ago to rush brought to Dorchester House where
worth million*! Whtm farmyr. 1.41- along their ...Minato, and en forth and , the,v may obtain comfortable rnnms
17P 11"1"he•Prniw"I 14 3" 14x 1"n'i iiiviii•41v"irltOtZt.vie111.8 31171.1„;"1111k.:1:y1111%et :711 fhc'clial•VieViettyrveerrirer:Vi wl ithout :r9;11!
relives -omit /WT lend it cerium 10 f,„.., will dOrui very rorty to p!oyment remain 21 hours free rof
he the tottehenr that optemeets or the f,Mnrelf. for there %AU that seeming. . Charge, during which time a post la
nd for theis. Those going 00 to
land value!' tax emuld like to malo. ofe ly internilhatile debate oil the athlete's,
the 'mat Are taken to the ticietel fro.
fehleffr *Inez.' every tefet tamtantor
a few boars keit while the htinedars
• the first pl WI% «4'alder...tooth! the was hettcr known in rho
it Fart h°1% it Is a ia11".11 r chance to mt him name into Ilaneard,
, •
* 1. ea
for the remainder of the journey is
explained to them, and they are
started• 'on their way. In the mean•
time the hostel lititASei friends at
the end of the journey of their im•
pending arrival..
If no such friends exist a' repre-
s•ntative of the hostel in the near
ext ,centre arranges for a church
home for the friendless girl in her
rev, hom6 and through tMs connec
tion ties of friendship are soon
A mowed visit tol)orchester Hotese
at any hoer of the day or evening
impresses the visitor that the house
lives in every way up to ita motto of
a "home from home." The girls
:ho. once had a Mete of its
imeeitalieree mo:cr fail, 11 in the eity.
to keep ie close touch with its good
tithes. There is no trace of "institu-
Gni)" sawn the home. where the gide
go and come in the freest possible
manner onder the kindly supervision
of the lady Superintendent who
soon be-ornes also their mother-confemor end hest friend in the coun-
try. Thelig lofty rooms are fut
nisheci with artistic yet homely taste,
rind the girls' own sitting -room, with
t le chairs and couches and a piano,
is an ideal spot for friendly gather -
lege anol jolly afternoons and even-
During the year of 1920 about
1,400 women and girls from the old
land were entertained in some wa_y
by the hostel. Many of the giele
came to Montreal without prospect
of work, without connections or even
acquaintances in this countfy. The
employment bureau of the hostel
found positions for those wishing to
remain in Montreal without charge
to them, and afterwards kept in
touch with them to se. that they
were happy and contented and had
met with fair treetment.
As the largest field by far for
women's work in Canada is domes-
tic service, the girls, If at all cap•
able in that direction, can be placed
directly In good homes in the cite
If further training Is necessary the
hoods.' arrange, for classes in hour.
week, and a few !MOODS ranadian
methods of !meek Inge which may
he obtained at the ostel, are very
hellsful to ang\of tho overseas wo
•No matter how comfortable the
homehowever, the girl alone In a
strange community longs for recrea-
tion and the companionship of young
people wi..h a glimpse of faces from
"over there." This is where Dor.
cheater 1101:se again steps in. The
house is open to the girls et all
tim ‘e' and they may obtain any one
of the three meals a day for the
small charge of a shilling, • quarter
in Canadian Money. The tree of the
recreation rooms is entirely free of
charge. There is never a day goes
by that the girls do not drop in for
tea and a visit. Thursday afternoons
and evenings are gala occasions
every week, for Thursday is a Italie'
holiday for the domestics in most
Cormdiert homes. The girls come to
tea alone or in groups, and the meal
is not well over ,when the rugs are
rolled back from the sitting -room
flder and a dance is In full swing.
At all times the:girls send their
parcels, and get their mail at Dor-
che*tel House. and come with their
trn :Mee and sometimes "bring a
groech a'd leave without It," in the
words ol• the Lady Superintendent.
In case, .uf illness the hostel ar-
raneem for the girls entering a hos-
pital if imeessary, and if a rest is
till the' required the patient cen
arrarge to stay at the hoetel. At
the Chre-tmes season holiday feasts
at Neer "ter Rouse are the nrder
of the dly. Several of the city
charehes. as , well as the t•
authorith.s, ptovide enteeta:... • •
for, the reirIa, and sometimes from •
160 to 200 guests attend theme
Dueler:" the summer of 1920
"Cupid" made of Dorchester Rodeo
his Canadian headquarters for a few
weelm. In one week five weddings
took place in the parlor of the }odel.
The bride's who had come over to
marry their boys were met by the
Deaconesses and brought to Dor-
chester reuse, where the marriage*
was solennited, and a little wedding
tea-party given to celebrate the or-
easlon after Which the pair were
given a acrid -off to their new home,
ustmlly in the far distant west.
At ChrWmas, 1920, cords and let-
ters Poorer! In from all parte of Can-
ada to Dorehestst How*, hkontreala
from armsful Elea.
Silks and Poplins
.60 •
a • 1
W. & S:con on
Yard -wide Silk Poplins, in navy, greys, $1.48
purple. 12.00, for.:,
Yard -wide Duchess Silks, navys, browns, $1.68
greens, rose. Regular 12.75, for
Heavy bleached Sheeting', 80 indigo
regular 11.10, for
Heavy bleahed Sheetings, 00 inches wide,
regular 75c, for 48c
Feather Ticking, hest quality', bine aud white
stripe, 75c, for .......................
Coats and Furs
A large selection in Plush,
tailor-made, fortner prices 125 to
Tweed and Velour Coats,
°n $IO to $25
Fur Scarf, and Muffs, Capes of Sable, Fox, Wolf, etc.,
• all at half price. A
X X 1111111,1111X 1111111111XX MX* XS* 11111111111•11 X
-School‘ of Commerce -
Clinton and Coderich, Ont.
Business • Stenographic
Secretarial Civil Service
- Teachers' Trainint Course
mut Arranges Special Courses fr t tide
" ^
T IE Ft,u.owi NG • ADVAN'tAGES
Teaching Staff
itctuel Business Myetem of Bookkeeping
Credential Typewriting Tests
• Positions Guaranteed
Vocational Training School
f or this district. by Government appointment. and under in.
spection hy ii9Idiers' Civil Re-establishment Department,
Por TeriltS, etc . write
IT. F. VS' %RI), M. A. STONE,
Com. Speeialist,
I'rindpal Viee-Prineipal
Phone 192, Clinton
hegitt1 hfonday, January 3rd, 1921
Our Double ..Harness
%vitt be found equal to the most per-
fectly matched team in symmetry
and beauty. It nem gracefully on
the horse., and while fitting perfectly
allows the greatest freedom of
ectien. 11 you have a high•claras
tear-If/come here for harness appro-
priate for their class. Have your
ohl Hammes Mien Rod repaired now
tei• Spring.
tin Hamilton St,
1.**.1.1-1.++ ,leges.w.isisisseisegwv
Says Cream Applied in Nostrils
Opens Air Pommies Right Up.
In•tant relief -no waiting. Your
noorii. open right up; the air
passages of year head clear and ynu can
brefothe freely. No more hawking, snit3.
fling. .lowing, hesrlaehe, dryness. Nc
attnageling for breath at night; your
cold or catarrh disappears
Get a small bottle. of Ely's Cream
Balm from pear druggist now. Apply
a little of this fragrantantiseptic,
healing 'ream in your noetrils. It pen-
etrate* through every air pastime of the
bead, soothes the indented or swellea
sollemin mensbrane and relief comes in-
Ira just Sri.. Dem't stay stuffed -1g
with a cold or nasty catarrh.
Decorating Materials
Wall Papers, Paints, etc.
We sell 'on the materials, or
tike the ontract of decorating
your lion , store or office.
Estimates cheerfully given
Window Glass, Plate Glass
Mirrors, etc.
We can supply yotir wants in
any kind of Glass
North side West at. Phone 354