HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-1-20, Page 7.e
......... •
Get a small package of Hamburg
Breast Tee et any pharmacy. Take a
tablespoonful of the tea, put a cup of
boiling water upon it, pour through ee
sieve and drinks teacup full at any
time during the day or before retiring.
It Is the most effective way to break s
cold and cure grip, as it opens the
pores of the skin, relieving congestion.
Also loosens the bowels, thus driving se
oold from the system.
Try It the next time you suffer from
a cold or the grip. It 1■ inexpensive
and entirely vegetable, therefore sats
and harmless.
Bub Pain sad Stiffness away with
a small bottle of old honest
Bt. Jacobs Oil
When your back is sore and lame or
lumbago, sciatica or rheumatism has
you stiffened up, don't suffer! Get a
36 cent bottle of okl, honest "St. Jacobs
01" at any drug store, pout a little
in your hand and rub it right into
she pain or ache, and by the time you
count fifty, the soreness and lameness
i• gone.
Don't stay crippled! This 'nothing,
penetrating oil needs to be toed only •
once. It takes the ache and pain right
out of your back and ends the misery.
Is is magical, yet absolutely harmless
and doesn't burn the skin.
Nothing else stop* lumbago. sciatica
and lame back misery so promptly!
Hamilton and tit. Andrew's Ns.
Cockshutt Farm Mackin
Adams Wagons
Renfrew Truck Scales
-Also dealer fu -
Mason d Kisch Pianos and
Star Phonographs
Large seles•tlon of Phonograph
(Rewords constantly un band
Those wanting anything in
r lines are invited to call
and see what we can do for
"California Syrup of Figs"
Child's Best Laxative
being fracture' and other Injuries re-
ceived. He was removed to Victoria
hoepltal, Loudon, for treatment.
At the Methodist pareouage. Blue -
vale, on January 4h. ltev. R. L. Wilson
performed the marriage ceremony lurk-
ing Miss Mary F:lizall>'th Stacey, of.
ltluevale, and orlon l'rausou IHppel
of Kitchener. The youug couple will
reside near Kitchener.
Alex. Sinclair, of Kipper, has sold
t of heavy -drought geldings
ch he had ut the Guelph wieder
fair, for a price around 4500. The
team Is coming rive years Old and
weighs 3,5(5) ora. and was purcluteed
for shipment to Vancouver.
John Mallett has disposed of his
hotel. property at t'redltuu to Ed. Fah -1
nee of Stepheu, who has auld his 100-1
acre fartu on the Ttb coucessiou of
that township to his brother -In-law,
(Samuel Flnkbeiner. Me,. Fuhner...will' ,
take possession of the hotel on April
Aaron Hully, a resident of McKillop,
died very suddenly ou Tuesday of last
week while delving home from Wal-
ton, aeeomilanlef by his Icon John. He ,
died in the buggy without it moment's
warning. He was In his sixty-eighth
year and is e•urvlved by his wife and
an adult family.
A quiet wedding took place at the
home of Mks M. McGregor, Seaforth,
un Thursday. December 30. when she
.woe united lu ntarrtage to A. Clarence i
Cully. of Mitchell, Rev. E. J. Ruulston,
of Staffa, officiating. Mr. and Mrs
Cully will reside In Seaforth, for t
present at least.
Heury Armstrong. a Moles; orth
farmer, IaiI a narrow escape o even-
ing recently. He was walk( . across
the barn chlor with a taut n in one
Mohd tint' all Iron kettle i the other
'when he stepped two a repdoor and
fell eight fc.•t t the nn•ut Mitering
behind the cattle. Fortunately the
Mem was extin shed. or Mr. Arin-
st ung. who Was -ntlered unconscious,'
m , t have bee ,urned with the learnt
and 1s conte s. He hail been lying'
on his lack r un hour when he was
found" 1 e sou and removed- to the
houlot* since pretty well re-
eo1ertrl r m the effects of the fall.
I. god JIr.., Appleton l t
Accept--"Collterula" kerns} erf.-ELM
only -look for the name California on
the pnekage. then you are sure your
child le having the hest and most I
harmless physic for the little stomach.'
liver and bowels. Children loge ice
fruity taste. Full .11re•tIous oil each
bottle.- You must say -California."
If Mixed with Sulphur it Darkens
so Naturally Nobody e
Grandmother ke t her hair beauti-
fully darkened, Mosey and attractive
with a brew of Sage Tea and Sulphur.
Whenever her hair took on that dull.
faded or streaked appearance, this sam-
ple mixture was applied with wonder-
ful effect. ny asking at any drug
1 More for "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur
Compound." you will get a large bot- i.
tle of this old-time recipe, improved
by the addition of other ingredients. all
ready to use. at very little cost. Thls
simple mixture can be depended upon
to restore natural color and beauty to
7W1 hair.
A well-known downtown druggist
Nps everybody uses Wyeth's Sage and
Sulphur Compound now because It
darkens eto naturally and evenly that
nobody can tell it has been applled-
it's so easy to use, too. You simply
dampen a comb or soft brueh and
draw it through your hair, taking one
strand at a time. By morning the
grayehalr disappears: after another
application or two, It Is restored to uta
natural color and looks glossy, soft
and beautiful. This preparation is a
delightful toilet requisite. It to not In-
tended for the cure, mitigation or pre-
vention of disease,
Trial Offer
There's only one place.
to judge a phonograph --
that is right in your nun
hams. Let us bring an
Edison Amberola phono-
graph there for 'a 9 dart'
FREE trial. No strings to
this ofier-doesn't cost you
a cent or place you under
any obligation to buy. At
the end of the 3 days if
you ' w art to keep the
Amberoja will arrange
terms to snit psi. if you
,don't want the Amberola
we' ll take it away and thank
yea fir sAtifir it a trial.
That's a fair proposition,
isn't it?
Edison's New Diamond
is the world's greatest phono-
graph value -so superior to
ordinary phonograph" and
"talking machines" there is no
comparison. That's why we
can afford to give these Free
Visit our store ieday ar haw,
rpm, select your Amberola and
a dozen records. 'We will de-
liver them promptly. Then
enjoy 5 days of ria/ want at
our expense. Grasp this offer
1). W. H:AMILTON..%gent
Auburn. Ontario, Phone
11 r 13 (Dungannon).
s 't a Beton Eleoat. o
91•W�emlth. left last week for Cal.!
itnrnla. where they will spend the
WINGHAM. 4.1.1%1(41 some .years ago.--
C. H. Holland, who recently pur-
F. It. Howson. who was elected to ,.hawed the Fowler plates on the Huron
the torten co until uu January 3rd. hods mart, near "$eaforth, Is snoring to it
that, he cannot quali% the firm of a nil will go into chicken [arming
Howson k Howson, mt ers, of which so e•what extensively. n reso0 g the simplicity of operation ; be
be is a member, having, a contract Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gibbous are leav- it resolved that Reeve Gordon Young and
with the town for waterpower. Ing for (Mala, Florida. where,, They Secretary J. N. ,(wooly an be a stem-
Iffllie Burke, who has Is conduct- Intend making their home. tutee to take necessary steps to tiling
bng the dining -room And safe in con- The Clinton Athletic .tsseslation has the whole questrun to the attention t.f
newion--avitli Jim ,tjnex•Jis ttt?tel. __hem fnrmrd with a t-lew of etwaii ag-+ O starewo to
and the U. F.O.,
sold the busiues 1 .Andrew 9aylbr, fllg manly smirk in this town. Dr. with a view to have the I7eoeff� more
proprietor of the tfueen'5, and wilt pro- J. W. Shaw preshient, J. 11. i'ax- generally known."
Nom: ion tea:takensegarding increased
You know it l it begins with
a tickling, irritating seosation
to your throat. You cough to
clear the throat. 1n a motr*ent
-there it is again!
A minute's pests, thein again
you cough, and so on�until you
cough your throat sore, and by
the time the cough is suffici-
ently altayedeo perm(t you to
sleep, you are thoroughly worn
out. This ki�nd of experience
1s particul�tly trying to old
people. /
Peps i$ke this sort of thing
Quite necessary.
Pot a Peps pastille on your
tongue nd allow it to slowly
ssolr Healing fumes are
en liberated, which mingle
with the breath and are carried
t.o the remotest parts of the air
passages and lungs, allaying
the irritation and soothing the
Inflamed membranes. thus end-
ing the cough and making sleep
Peps are also best for bronchitis.
laryngitis. asthma. sore throat and
colds. Try Peps at our expense.
lend this advertisement and le.
Atari. 11 l for return pu-taaei, to
FR, g TRIAL PACKAOE.nto. and �eAll
dealers, boa box.
Very Satisfactory Report Presented at
the Annual Meeting.
The tenth annual meeting of the Col.
borne Telephone System, held in the
township hall on Thursday afternoon last,
teas largely attended and the following
very satisfactory financial report for 1920
was adopted :
Recei t from subscribers .$1521 40
iRec ' is from rentals _ . 416 40
Fr earnings account Union
Bank 166 00
Sundries. 1 til)
62105 40
Cash advanced by treas. 1919 ...$ 275 63
Construction. incuding'phopea.. 265 28
Maintenance (lineman and sup-
plies) 762 24
Operating. 437 2ti
Connecting tolls. 89 55
Sec.-1'reas., salary and postage 40 (X)
Printing ... 13 75 -
Cashexpenses re application to
Ontario Railway Board .. 25 30
61809 51
Cash on hand 6 89
Accounts unpaid `.. _. 191195 05
Stock on hand 250'00
6 636 94
Liabilities -None. _--__,
Mr. 0.IR. Forster, delegate to the
convention of the Independent Telephone
Association. gave a synopsis of the ad-
dresses given given and of the work of the
Association in opposing unjust legislation.
The System continued membership in the
Association and R. M. Young was ap-
pointed de.egate.
The commistloners, Messrs. J. P. Lin-
field, Geo. A. Bean and John McCarty,
were re-elected. as were also the auditor,
Mr. G. L. Lamb, and the secretary- -
treasurer, Mr. J. N. Kerreghan.
Considerable discussion ensued as to
methods to to adopted to encourage!
establislennet of m•tnicipal telephone
system, in view of the success which this
system has attained in spite of persistent
opposition, and the following resolution
was adopted :
"Whereas after ten years' operation we
are trimly convinced that efficient tele-
phone service can be secured at cost by
municipal ownership. and wherees the
per ct ntai,e of municipal systemsoperating
m untario compared with joint stock
companies is very low, due we be ieve to I
lack obi sympathy .01 past governments
and to want of information by the people.
bably remove from town.
The marriage took pined. at Torii
on January- 4th of Mia 8osan Ihruth
daughter o
W t t f Mr. and 'Les 11"illia
to man rice-presideut, and A. J. M'Mur• rentals in view of the very satisfactoryray se.-retitry--treasurer. financial standing .ol the t ystem, and also
i because the present operator agreed to
;ihe•rrbff of Whir tee It. J. 1Vesle•y continue until the hearing of the applica-
tion to Bic Ontario Railway Board to
et tend Ta artier -poral nY-the to,sn,h,p,
which if granted will necessitate the ie-
m wait f the switchboard to a m ,re cent al
Among the first acts 'of the 1.11.1k 1111W
1ou11r11 of 1!r21 was thescouting of a
license fur the operating of a pool-
room to the village. .The license was
granted to 1Ceflingtoo McCoy.
Hydro {sewer from Eugenia Falls was
nirut.l ou In Luckuow• last week, after
more than a year in which the dark-
ucss of night was relieved only by
lanterns ane` liashilglitts. The turning
on of the lights was the occasion of
general rejoicing, as the lutereal.lnad
been long and tedious.
Walter Reddy. who recently sold his
farm in 1'slorne, has rented the dwell-
ing on Matti street owned by Miss T.
White and will move to town shortly.
The Y.P.C.A. rooms In the Jackson •
block were opened lust, week. a num-
ber of --prominent a tizern. g ring no -
dressee ut the opening exerclsto. The .
rooms fill a long -felt want in provid-
ing, a means of recreation and miners -
Bon for the young people of the earn -
j mnnity.
Nelson W. Hili, son of Mr. Old Mrs.
James Hili of Exeter, was married on
Jammu .'th. at Madoe, to Miss Verna
Gladys Christie, of dial town. Thr� yoaug
couple spent a few Aay-s at the home of
the zneine's parents here before going
to Ni:1 i.ra Falls. where they will re-
Donald Smith announces the engage-
. meat of his daughter, Mary Kathar-
ine. to Edwand Gordon Howes. the
marriage to take .place this mouth.
Seth Fisher underwent an operation
in the hospital for the removal of his
right syr. the re•snit of an injury re -
Many Troubles May Be
Avoided if the Blood Is
Kept Pure.
D,> not let your blood get thin this
winter:• For people who bare a tendency•
towards anaemia or bloodiesness, winter
is a trying season. Lack of exercise, lack
of fresh air, at.d a more restricted die: are
among the things that combine to lower
the tone of the beds and weaken the
As soon as you notice the tired feelinr,
lack of appetite ard'shoriness of breath
that are warning symptoms of thin blood,
take a short course of treatment with Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills. Do not wait until
.the color nag _entirely lest .you__iheri,s.
until your lips are waste and your eyes
are dull. It is so much carrier to c.•rrect
tanning cf the blood In the e Idler stages
than lattr. 1 his is v ell illustrated in the
case of Air. B.M. Pay, Newcastle Bridge,
N: 13., who says : "Fn ni my own experi-
ence with Dr. Williams' Pink P,hIs i can
most heartily reconlmsnd them. Some
time ago 1 was. batty .rutldown and, my
blued seemed Orin and watery, accom-
panied by the usual symptom, of this
condition. A Mend recomm.nded Dr.
William. Pink Pilin, and ,Iter taking
several boxes I felt Tike a new man." °
• You can procure Dr. Wihtams' Pink
Pills through any dealer in medicine, or
they will be sent you direct by
mall at 50 cents a box or fix b xes for
$2.50 by writing direct to the Dr. V•11 -
hams Medicine Cy., Brockville, Ont.
The home of•Mrs. William Itose has
ueswrssrms.set*er ' ieen sold to Percy Mitchell, late of
Saskatchewan. who will get immediate
Tablets without "Bayer Cross"
are not Aspirin at all
Get genuine "Beyer Tnhlete of Aspirins
r plainly A
"Bayer- 1'
"Sal R P
a P
to y
with the safety "Rayer ('roes...
Th. "Beyer Cross" is your only way
of knowing thnt you are getting genuine
Aspirin, prescribed by physicians for
nineteen years and proved safe by mil-
lions for Headache, Neuralgia. Colds,
Rheumatism, Lumbago, Neuritis, and for
Pain generally. Made in Canada.
Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets -also
larger sited "Bayer' packages.
Aspirin is the trade mark (registered
fn Canada), of Bayer Manufacture of
Moneacetieadldeeter of Selicylieacid.
While it is well known that Aspirin
means Bayer manufacture, to armlet the
public against imitations, the Tablets of
Rayer Company, Ltd., will be stamped
with their general trade mark, the
"Pam Cron."
Thomas Mallard. an 0111 resident of
(;null 161011 111ee1 .10 111111 3th at the
age of eighty-two years.
The Induction Of Rev. R. A. Lundy
Into the pastorate of the Preshyterlan
chnrebee of Kipper, Hills Green and
Blake. which took pinee In 8t. An-
drew's church. KIppen. was largely I•
3!rs. Matthew Wein. an nl•1 residcur.
of the tpw•nehip of Stephen. passed
• r n seer
t the .1 f
• 1 at x
tent• inn e
rt 1 th
enty-three years. She was a native
of Stephen and her whole life was
spent In thnt tnwnehlp.
Thomas Henry Westlake, one of five
brothers who enlisted in the 1111st
Battalion for overseas serrlee, died in
Howlett on Monday of last week. lq
his twentyserenth year. lie had been
In poor health vines returning from the
Wllllam Tteeeler was severely 'Mitr-
ed while Rendering In rafting wood
with a circular saw on a farm near
Cretlllon one day last week. Ile At•
tempted to replace a belt that had
slipped off a pulley, end was cenght
In the belt and thrown a ennelderahle
distance, his left arm and shoulder
Expect to find
the Fis, german,
the "Mark of t.
on every b;:tt1e
.of emulsion that
you buy. This'
means that you
will always ask for
Scott & ae.eee, Toronto. Ont.
(Tablets or Granules)
poeee+sloe Mrs. Ross and her daugh-
ter.. Sir*, Jessie Kerr, are removing to
Thos. McIanc•hlln, of Harding, Sisin.,
Is renewing old friendships .in this
locality. He went to the West in the
spring of 92 and.had not been (rack
fur over t my years. IIs and his
family have prospered in Manitoba
sand have a cry valuable property
(bibs, -
The death o Malcolm. the !hr. ,-
yea1-old son of Inas and Mrs. Mil -
kr, of the 8th line f Morris township,
a curred early on timidity morning.
Several we'ks ago the little fellow,
along with an Alder brother, was play -
Ing with a pitchfork when iu some
f unaccountable Was 4)111' of the Prongs
penetrated the boy's RecA, ramie le the
lye, td a cnhsieterable Ili tiince. At
the time the left side )eesylml paralyzed,
hitt this gradnally t•pehe off and the
wound healed np. Ile was thought
to be about h well ns ,'11r, when the
effects of the injury slowed Itself in
an attack of convulsions a few days
Everett, aged sit, had been left with a
neighbor while mamm • and t apo alt, n led
an amateur theatrical
Whin they wore alone tooted er, the
neighbor remade. 'Sour ironer cr-
Iainly looked nice. She w o c.rf, int
dressed up "
-Ye em," Evers; t resp ,skied, "she had
on everything new she gut for Or istmns
'sept her pereolat r b" -cartoon% Maga-
'J'hersd:n•, January _Ni. I9r21 T
Clearing Prices in Overcoats
In order to clear off our stock of Overcoats, we
are offering a general price reduction of 25 per cent.
25per cent. off
Overcoats for Men and Boys
e defy you to find better values anywhere.
There ar still two or three months of hard weather
ahead, and if you are at all in need of an Overcoat we
advise .you to buy now at the reduced price.
Semi -Ready Tailors and Gents' Furnishers
Would Assist Western Ontario Farm -
ere in Procuring Help.
London. Jan. 1L -The reopening of a
Government immigration ollice in London
will soon be an accomplished fact Lieut.•
Co,. W.J. Blow:`, on oehatf of theWestem
Ontario United Boards of 1 rade, brought
this matter to a head as the result of an
interview with tion. Alarming W.
Doherty, Ontario Minister of Agriculture.
H. A. Macdunell, act the department of
colonisation and immigration. is expected
to visit the city shortly in order taarrang •
the preliminaries. after which it is expected
that the bureau will be opened in con-'
juactton with the office of the local agri- t
cultural representative.
The principal function of the office will
be to receive from farmers and others ,
applications for help, and to direct
immigrants to places where they will find i
employment when they arrive. The local I ---
immigration' offices will also exercise
supervision over newly -arrived men for
seine time, so that they may be• encour-
aged to continue at their work in the
country, and resist the temptat.ons and
allurements of the city.
Among the points put before Hun. Mr.
Doherty by Col. 13ro.tn was that this'
branch ,e1 the Provincial immi :ration and
colonization department would ascertain,
the actual needs act this district in the •
way of tarm help, and bring to the notice
of new settlers able to purchase farms,
those tarots in this neighborhood which
are for sale. - •
There is plenty of indisputable testi-
mony Irt:m .11 c,v. r %%ester 0 Ontanu jo
show that many fanners have given up
the hope of securing Sompetent help, and
have made arrangements to harm in a
limited way with the assistance of their
lamilies and neighbors, -and it is believed '
Ihat this coridtitvn-tsverwusty l,atiduap
prig pruduclien. Others have given up
farming, airman having sold a dairy larm ,
with about Idly nulkmg cows on account
of the bnottoee ul farm tabor. '1 his is
only cue of sway milli; instances.
The Carpets You Throw Away!
They are the ones we want to save for you.
No matter how old, how dirty, how dilapi-
dated, by our pros c,e thcy,can be woven into
Reversible Rugs
that are good enough for the most
elaborate home.
You won't realize how g these
rugs really are until you their
beauty ipd feet their softness der
your feet,
teed w Vb" at,r,riar.uW a'.A yaw
Name .IJ wade, •. Jar • pd• basins
ooh lull .,.J r , ateou.
'Tic a rope around the old carpet and
send it to,
The C
!s Carling Strout, a... London. a dada
Pr 'f/// 'U//AIIII MiWO'le4 111112` \
E ingredients entering
into our soda biscuits are
the purest and best obtain-
able, regardless of cost.
This- accounts for the rich,
tasty goodness and pleas:
ing flavor of—
'e`s`ood`°m BISCUITS
Cbaeges In Sebssl Laws.
Toronto, Jan. )a.-- Few radocai changes
wi,l be made in the school lass of the 1
Province tuns coining :es.101, according
to Ilon. R. 11. Grant, Minister of Educa-
tion. It is probable Boat the problem
presented by the attendance of pupis at
high scIsmis from se tin, s outside the
high sch, ol distnits in rural art as will bel
m, t. by enah4,ng legislation to permit the
exleesion of high--senoue bout" hes 1.'r
twang purpose s
The Adolescent School Attendance Act
I come Imo 1111('1 tins la I, but it Is not
m rlrraiiun ut the
rxprtae.d that t
given since it warn pa `:e'4 two years
ago will result in ar'y important changes
in the measure. Retire ehrtations -were
made to tire Minister
at ns
Tte• a remitter
of Eastern Oniann, where qac
-- - of girls 0f under sixteen ;natty, the• act
would create a (micro situation, sew. or
w0uld§ce ml>rl these y-Wtlllul mat rcr s t ,
go hat to .ci ami. It h1 stated, hoaevre.
that .16.- .• cases can be dealt will, try
special exemptions, permissible rind r the
NO Smoking Nn Spraying Ns buff
Just Swallow a Capsula
RAZ -MAH /s Guaranteed
1n restore normal breathing, stop mu. us
ptherin8s in the bronchial tubae*, give
long nights of (palet sleep: contains no
habit-forming drug. 81.11(1 at your drug..
gist's. Trial free at 0111 agencies or write
Templeton', 142 King W., Toronto.
Loral Agenlo--Dmilp's Drag Mane
"i wood hive written ix'lor h t I
have been sick with a dog le; .• In 111 .1 . 1
the man that owns the nawmail s •I•
me M the road.''
This was n country Loy', e1o'nse f„
answering his sister's letter. A' , , d,
would ktm,w it was a *we% l Pt; :
girls write better En;hslb and the boy%
The compositionnds very toothlike
th it of a *malt troy Ito tried to explain
to a fellow swimmer the hest way- to get
rid ol ode: in his ears. Ile saw how
uin•omf rt•ifee the mai was, and called l0
iiia ill a ffiegdly way : -Hey, mss er,
hop on the le! th t! the ear's got thew.ltet
1!: " f e (hull e.
Iln not rifler
another dA!! wttb
tng. or rrotiod-
'.,a I' I 1 •. No
nral,•n1 oer-
a t 4 o n ref tared.
Dr. ('ha+e'a 04.11 1 will relieve you at one°
and aRord betting benefit Ri,a hot ; *It
dealer% or Kdman•nn, Pates A ('o, b.hniteA,
Tonroto. eunple not free It you mention mil
Repel and enclose sc. stamp to pay post*gip -