HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-1-20, Page 5ens ■ If your system calls for new strength nothing will help you quicker than PENSLAR Palatable Cod Liver Extract Don't think that it will be difficult to take, for in this preparation the nauseating taste so common in Cod Liver Oil has been eliminated. If you begin taking PENSLAR PALATABLE COD LIVER EXTRACT now, in a short time your health will be benefitted to an extent that will surprise you. Buy it in $1.00 Bottles at Campbell's Drug Store Phone 94i The Penster Store The Square I LOCAL TOPICS. County Council Next Week. The first session of the county council of 1921 will be held in the court house next week, openinon Tuesday afternoon. The first item oil business will be the election of a Warden. Accident to C.P.R. Man. Mr. Bert Allan, freight conductor on the C.P.R., fell from the top of a ear while the trate was shunting at Linwood this morning and had a leg broken at the thigh. He wag immed- iately brought back to Goderich and taken to Alexandra hospital for treat- ment. fiction Dhendesed. Evidence was tweed on Thu• rsday last In the County Court eerie of Mont- gomery v. Montgomery, William Mont- gomery of Heeviek suing kis son, Alex. Montgomery of Tnrnberry, on a prom• lssory note for $500 given In 1916, of i which It was elaimeed $310 was unpaid. Judge Dickson gave Judgment for the defendant, dismissing the action with costs. A Butterfly in January. The sudden dip in the temperature this week. after the exceedingly mild weather which had preceded it. must have been embarrassing to any little creatures of summer which had ventured out in a Canadian January, such as a little white butterfly which was captured Monday evening by Clayton Solomon, the young son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Solomon. St. David's street. It was a beautiful little creature and when put in a warm place 1 was quite liyely. V`'hy it had been wan - I dering around in a temperature approach- ing zero it was, unfortunately, unable to explain. Industrial Proposition Postponed. The citizen,. who gathered at the ' Bard of Trade rooms on Wedyyellay, evening to hear about the new Stele trial prop,altlen were rkrwewli 'disappointed. the manufacturer o was i•xpeeted to be present not t+eing on land. However. he sent a hitter, meet of Sept. 30, 1918. Is void and in - which w•as read. explaining thft he operative. and for au injunction re - hail not been able to gather all he in- straining defendants from further deal. lug with assets of firm. At trial judg- ment was granted as asked. Judgment : Appeal in respect of Alien's clehe dismissed with coats. the Shelter. These with several other (*tinsel stating that this was the chief squall boys are waiting for kind people question. and that if this was deterw,ln- to give "thew a haw,. 'There are at tel the mattes. would probably be able present,sixboys and four girls in the days last week claftiu oto agree upon all the other matters in- Shelter. The i. -rotary will he pleased exhcoked In the appeal; 'we deal only to hear of homes open for boys or Toronto and at Kite!' uses Waterlro, with the question. If parties are un- girls of any age,_____ -_ that h asp Srrae 0. fte • reports able to settle the other tertus the mat- the following toutributloue here re► Hutt the displays we e in eue, show- ter may be spoken to ►stere nue of the ,.ehel sine• Jan. 1: Ernest Pelts -hard, Mg a dietinct siva esu tl the grana uf Judges who heard the appeal. $3: A. M. Rolerteon. $10: J. J. Wil- .leed,furniture maim( turret In Canada. Indeed, such pro• tens has been made A Niece from Mr. Ernest Warner. tin's. BlytlleY'_: W. Welling. WinKham, that Canadian w enfaeturers may now The editor of The Signal load a let- $1; Lizzie holt. Wingliau►, $1: Werusee s Is• said be to . king the lead in the ter a few•days ago front a former as- Institute. Wroxeter, $10: ]Ira. E. R. production of high.•laes furniture. ',Iseult, Mr. E. A. 1\'aruer, now of Wide, }1; A Friend. $' France. Respecting tr .e couditune. the general }lurk'+ Fells. where he tonic up Sharp, Varna. $1: Mrs. Win. Beavers, feeling w -as at rorkIttlttiew had been reeidenee after his return from the St. Marys, $1: lir.-('h:ls. MIe Kay. Sea - reached ane that business was now• on war. Mr. Warmer 1s it member of the 1 forth, $5: A. 1'). Sutliee lanai, '<l : Mrs. fork's Falls M. Swausnn, $1: McKillop tow-nehip, • e[ lirutorth, ;;10; steel of the teal branch of the l Why bk shout a Little Water? G.W.V.. His frieesle In, (;oslerk•h i'sliorne township. $10; Stephen town- factory.wtll 11. pleased to learn of the honor" ship, *10; Mrs. Jets. Ilk•, 1'landelseye, Com g up from Toronto the other am coming to blot, and also t': Exeter oleo, $t10; ltobt. llnig, Et; ,ete. ne c representatives had , of theMrs. Andrew., the one Companies ani had been -before- InticI i tltpt Mia Warner and thetr Irks( u �rmill. preserved s heti he Railway and Atunicipal Beard. the rbanglifer are to irsiikt llcattiE" trnit; airs. aMKap, Mouth street, Jnr en ins, naturally enough with such a' Olken of Huron. Encamp fruit; Mrs. FiKe roast of ee: Mr. e d, broke down, and the passengers sot At a well-attgyied•me tit►g of fturoo treat for pe children : Mrs. t to see what was the trouble. The l:teampmerlt, Yo. 2u. held at the Odd- Heitman,e clothing:bret Pei rib teriau Qundrt S,. y semen walking aroncd with his torch fellnwl Hall on f0' ise'sday night, the sehcal, cake; Mrs- Jas. fl. Juyunday dier+vered • pipe that was :eai.irnt and installation of ollir�rs was conducted Ia treat for the children; h'.l .5.. F)reis• J. R. from Dungannon immediately be-; by tine Dlstrlct IMpnty Grand I'atri- Are You Particular? —Particular about the fit oIf your suits more so. —Particular that they should be different from the ordinary kind? We are more so. —Particular about the wear they should give? We are more so. This is at the same time our policy and the ex- planation of our success. We are F. H. MARTIN, Tailor ray -Dort and Studebaker Motor Cars Let us give you a demonstration with these Cars before you decide on your spring purchase. Leave your Battery with us this winter to be as- sured of a good Battery in the spring. Bring in y r Car to have it overhauled this winter. You k w that it has not had the pep that i should have h this fall, and a general overhaul w put it in first lass order for spring. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED TSE 11 011AL OOODERIO$' ONT. Gipsy Hawkins AT THE Baptist Church Montreal Street FROM Jan. 30th Feb. 13th YOU ARE INVITED formation the desired to have submitting his proposition and ing that he would take the again waren his ae'heme sh eh -finite Shape. At the Furniture Exhibit Mr. Wesley Walker before int hue t- tter up uld Ie in :pent several the furniture Ashen (:ort mud Geo. Syatoudr. Atter th.• lustallatluu the customary banquet sues held awl u 1111.:1"..11 111 nodal) flee was spent. Mr. Con. Smith in Japan. The item of news from the "Flowery Kingiluer given below Is eopled from the '23rd December issue of the Jaiuu, Gazette, published In Yokohama, Jap- an, and refers to Mr. Conrad G. Smith, a popular young man, who still has many friends in Goderich from the time when als-t ten years ago he served part of his apprenticeship to the drug business with Mr. S. E. Hick ou the corner of North street and the tigrare. Ile afterwards attended the College of Phu emery awl Kruduated several years ago. le the wound year of the w•ar he left a gaol position be had with Messrs, Parke, Dat Is & Co., of Walker - enlisted ills, enlisted turd went oversews, spending about three years in France with the C.A.M. Corps. On his return l'arke, Davis & Co. had an advanced position open for him; tad he left It only last spring to ae.e•pt a respon- sible position, with a threw -year engage- ment, to go to Japu and help take charge ut the Japanese business of Messrs. Frederick Stearns & Cot, cnan- ufacturing chemists of Detroit and Windsor. Ilia place of buelness le at Yokohama. He has kept in touch with Mr. Nick ever strive his time here, also in recent years with Mr. Walter Heitman of Le•gK s butcher shop, who was with him nearly the whole of his time hl Frame. The Japanese paper was received by them this week with the following item marked: • "Dr. and Mrs. Alun Reimnhor an- nounce the engagement of their niece, Misr. Margaret Hands of Yokohama, to Mr. C. G. Smith of Mllvt'rtnn, On- tarlo, Canada. Children's Aid Society. Theesreegular monthly meeting of the Children's Aid Society was held on Tuesday, January 1lth, at the court house. In the ahsenee of the presl- ant. Rev..1. E. Ford took the chair. Some amounts were gassed and some special cases dhwussed. The county secretary reported one child taken as a ward of the Society since last meet- ing. Hey was the swine day place) in a goal foster-hodie. Two other boys. ages .tour and es•t•et, were received at Tbazeda Januar 30. 1921.-5 CSTADL15HED 107x• SERVICE is the measure of a bank's usefulness. We think we give the best. Our facilities are at the disposal of all who appreciate courteous consideration and the best terms consistent with sound banking. We are always glad to be consulted. BANK OF HAMILTON Goderich Branch A. J. MacKay, Manager the uproar trend. and that by cuts village conucil of p Irtntr eo a )tion a ould tie e►nd 1a also Jhe Drerlck xt i.'J►, town t township. X10: Morels township, $15; The roads are good and you are still d wing, but don' " take chances with your Radiator, it freeze's sive. Have it filled with ARCTIC ANTI -FREE and protect it. COLUMBIA DRY ELLS 1 -his- smite - came interested, but when the fireman unci, Mr. L. 1.. Knox, au _ - mumbled something about "stopping that The utfieers are as fellows :•I'. '.i',, J. R. waterhis interest fell flat, "Let'it run," \IeSabh ('.l'.. T. It. 'Wallis: 11.1'.. N. scsaid J. R.—"I thought it mieht be McAuley : $.W.. W. Patton: d.W.. J. IF. whiskey." That's the story, at any rate, Vrooman: RS.. John New'.ome:; l'F.8., told by one of the members of the party. W. F. Clark; treasurer. Jas. Carrie; j. R , who s a strict terperonce man, _nide. Fred 1 • ,le; O.4 , 11:. mav have a different version. 1 F', Craigte: 1st watch, C. Griffith; 2i21141All Kinds of Weather. watch, M. Sproul : 3rd watch, V. Moe. ray: 4111 watch. W. Abel: 4;, of T-, The vagaries o1 the Ontario climate 1 - hare teen esti exhibited the past week. After a long portal of mild, 1 open weather a bit of real winter set In on Saturd.av, and a berry fall of snow yeas fr.11oweel at the beginning of til+ week with two or threw days in which the temperature dipped towards erne erat tempeneture ofeehiily re•nnlel a the meteorological station In Geslerieli township was. two degrees above zero. which was registered at eine- time in the twenty-four hots front TnPwlny meriting to Wednesday Morning. On Wednesday the weather m.slerpttel. :red estee (Thoralayl is worm and bright end the anew is fast itiriaplearing. EASTSTRE T. F. GARAGE OLLAN D FOOTWEI4R The footwear that is sold by us will leave impressions that others viho follow may dearly discern the way to- ward Comfort, Health and Happiness Th� superior quality that will give '100 satisfaction in fie, style, workmanshhip and honest wearing results. if you have not bought Shoes and Rubbers from us you should certainly do so this year. You will be more than surprised at the satisfying and profitable goods you have been able to procure at greatly reduc- ed prices. REPAIRING : — (JEO. 111 ac VICA R NORTOI SIDLr' OF SQUARL GODERICH Hortienitttral Society. The animal meeting of a Gnderich Hnrti'niturnl society. poet ned from the 6th hist .• was held on a 13111. with Mr. A. 1). Me Leltn. peed nt, in the rhalr. The weelretary reported 136 Members and a Government grant of 5sts. The otieers rind directors of last year were re-elected: i'resitlent. A. D. M.T.Pnn : vire-president. 3. T. Fell : , secretirytreasiirer. W` Lane; direct- ors, Geo. Williams, R. ('.,flays. 3. E. Tom. Wm. Coate. J. W. Veer -atter. A. Saunders. J. Straiten, Jos. Kid0. T. P. 1111t110, Messrs. R. G. Reynolds and (". Seager were named as Authors. Messrs. Steelton. Fell and Ms—Lean erre are pe,Interp a committee to retrehase prem• ttrtim for dtstrehntlon- to irtoeiiTers the spring. The Law ReSpeeting Firearms. Connty Crown Attorney Seeger enlis attetltion to the tart that by nn aet passed at 11e last eeselon of the Dom- inion mminion I'aIltanwnt the low'-reepesMlg the po,sesslon of firearms has Is'en mode ninth more stringent. Not only dress the prohibition extend to 'the r•srrying of firearm...but it is now un- lawful to here firearms in pnwseeslnn In a housie or place of business, or elsewhere. except tinder a permit, which may be gtitaind, .from,n meets - trate in the pnnanner 'prescripts by the swine. Veflders of lir," ems Also are required to se•nre permit. And also to report ell sales of firearms. The only •exception to these provisions le In the. eerie of a shotgun which wris In pow seselon of its present owner. Twine n Rrltlsh enhjeet, before May let. 11120. Demo a Hall Notes. Mttlee v. (inndry.—W. F'rnndfoM, K C . for defendants. C. eterrow ((:nal- Aeri.h1, for pintntif. Appeal by de- fendant. (inndry enol Alien from judg- ment of Look, J., of Jury 9, 1919. Action wee for stela ralion that dP- fend/int Allen is not ■ enditor of firm of McFarlane & Malse, that aeetgn- The Best in Photo Plays at the MODEL THEATRE Week of January 24 to 29 MOND.11 and TUESDAY Wallace Reid in • A racing !simileis that runs on stove "Double Speed" He left New- tory—a tufllinna1re. its reit lad t.os ,lugelen---a tranep. Then ie ttivippeared'•—lactams a chauffeur - as itis real self—was "pinched" as a e k,—dnv.sl like a gentleman — married \like a tInush. For fun Aid tf►rllls, take +a spin In "Double Sped." JAC• K DEMPSEY • , • in - "DAREDEYiL JACK" Episode 13 WEDNEND.A1 and THURSi)AY S(Ia1ETI II\t; DIFFERENT A 1111 11110) and aMerlling drama of secret diplomacy +nal the three loves of women. "The Breath of the Gods" FEAT] 111S(1'1'm: iII:AIITIFI 1. Tsuru Aoki Mrs. Sessue Heysham) ANi) AX .U.1.-$TA1t 'CAST TIMMS FOin WEI). oral TFII'R. Matinees—Adults 20e, children 10e. 5%'enlnt Adults 30e, eleildren tar FR1DAY and FetTt'RDAY Eugene O'Brien 20 ONLY Men's and Young Men's Overcoats Mede • ' cloth an • stat clot Blanket - rich fleecy •Is. Just the Coa this weather. Regular up to $30 FOR 16.50 The Trouble Man wMBIMIEB It's a comfort to know there's a man on whom you may tall In your troubles—the Plunder. We know our s buttnees and are here to terve you. -- r "THY. ' LUMBER" IlalwlnM 8tr.st Phone las PI K -Heating li;avestruughine" . etal lVo.k ROBINS Open Evenings Nide Pre'sbyTs etas church, two quilts and mitts. Thomas Moltard, an old resident of Grand Read, died ltpnriye ltjl-Melt; • lige rid'',Vai' -two years. LAtt:tetA _ltllllt LA10E:SG 1'O 1.y talk era a ,nnrer-In 1 N ELL IOTT YLn(C pottgitatlell Sts , 'Tarwlo One of the 18.1 tte , st„e-roti to accept kr‘" Done corn tartan' 0 1.:2"41 ler. week, mot lite oth,r otter tlth m r m,r.nh. •wet. Iw Col- IreeCerdular Enter Any eme. w. J.ht.Lle1rr. pr.n.1•,.at- On Snowshoes, Skis and Skates'in Old Quebec With the object of making Quebec the leading winter sport city on this continent, • very ,attractive and varied programme of matches. races and competitions, some of interna- tional character, has been arranged for the season of 1:121, and t 1' :tors to this beautiful city will 'have it wnmtrrfwi oppertsoney of witnessing or participating in a giddy round of ski -rates, hockey genies. snowshoe tramiid, curling matches, skating, events, indole and outdoor festivi ties and entertainments all in a' his toric setting without parallel in North America. Tice Chateau Frnntenac which is the traditional social centre of the city his co-operated heartily by the contribution not only of a trete tuto(gan elide, a sheltered skating tisk within the spacious courtyard of ,the., ;,otcl,. and . a curling rink in the Palm ('ourt, but also of a cu¢ for competition between local ama- teur hockey clubs of the city and of prizes for Cron/pot Rion belt.esn tr.Y ski -clubs and s:: w_t.ie clubs. • The whole city -.with_ _hilly streets, iia fine public rinks, its beautiftd pnrk on the Plains of Abraham, its proximity to quint old French l'anedi'u, vi114i0. ata nat- ural scenery of sp-•-taciitar heautc, :such as Mnlrtnn.reicy atmosphere of ht -pit: itty AM gaiety and c'hatm, offers +r i-ee +vice►- ^t * to tramp on snowshoe er glide cm' skis, or h•trtle�tb..vn on' loyoi;„Ars or drive, wraped in furs, .1.: the Jingle of sleighsl,e.is-a (-SM., 1 o door winter recreation such es would be difficult to rival The population of Quebec re:ell in its glorious winter, ,frons the mile to the orae'. Pant y ern he Qrehec rhi!.I tod.;'e than it takes to snowshoce an l vt•:': soon- alter Grit you find it on skates or en a toboggan or on skis. As the years pass he or she j=tine a club and playa hockey, and ninny with the approach of maturity Icaun to wi::d the brocui art the curling stone and "soop her ui ." A dog sleigh Is a steon the ladder to • sleigh driven by s fast trotter. Winter, Sport is thus native NO Q.ebec, and the g'ues.i�t at thee ha'eau wilt tiuickty find trimset* iitreted by the spirit of the place.( Fite•nnow,hoe clubs extend their inei titatlons to their outings and plant is 41e4 many of their.. outings, oat fh rferin Terrace, ,just at the Chili 'e t: doors. A big curling ilonspiell 'is schp'Iulod for this season, in Whicil teams f rein many points in bout Can a.la and the United States will ticiltate. Within the hotel there be indoor golf; billiards, musto ' ,06 ext'e1It t floor for dancing., The convenience of having both a ttlfsUl r ins rink and a curling rids ectua ll wlttttn t'to Chateau walls need oniA !'. •.I rGomel to he npprecteteis while the toboggan slide on Ihtffi. feria Terrace end a ski•junip • within VS than two hum's Y•r4 of t .c too>i tf the butt%, 55 • • £ f, l