HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-1-20, Page 3'IT'S WONDERFUL" RAYS LONDON MAN. HERN'S BOOT SHOP HOCKEY When you go into a game of hockey you must have a feeling of security in your skates, your boots, etc.' The McPherson Hockey Boot has stood the test and proven sat- isfactory under all conditions. We are agents for the Mc- Pherson Lightning Hitch Hockey Boot. We also carry all sizes in Skating Boots. SNOWSHOEING Get ready for the game. We have in stock all sizes in buckskin Moccasins and oil -tan Sboepacka. You can get no better shoe repairing done anywhere than at HERN'S BOOT SHOP Next Telephone W HER N Office • The Square "THE PEOPLES_GARAGE" 1 Under New Management Having taken over the business of "The People's Garage,- MR. J. L DPMF_RLING announces that he is ready for All Kinds of Repair Work Being a first-class mechanic, who has served his time both as machinist and auto repairer, he Guarantees All Work Free Airfor all. Gasoline, guaranteed measure Cars Stored for Winter at Reasonable Rates J. L. DEME Victoria Street, Opposite Victoria Park EIFINellimommmiimminimmimmk THE SIGNAL GODEBICH, ONT. 'tlbe Prier of Newapien. Why should newspapers be going up in I price, 'when so many products are coming I dow P The Packet has been asked on I sev I occasions al late. There are two rea a In the first place, papers did ; not/ advance during the war to anything lift the degree most other things di I. , Publishers held on grimly, in the hope • and exprclation that costs w uld come IRao again as aeon as the war was over. r this they were disappointed. News- rint, wh ch b lore the war could be bought by weekly papers for 1150 a ton, {and a year ago could still be purchatel r $95, is now sellir g at 9190 a ton. There have also been several increases in the (re ght which add materially to the cwt. Since the war closed printers' wages also have advanced 40 or 5(! per cent. In the face of such increased cost of produc- tion, which shows every indication of continuing for some time to come, an advance in subscription rates was inevit- able if papers were to continue to exist. Even after the recent reductions, the price of wheat, pork, butter ard many other natural products, as well as of many manufactured articles, is still twiceas h gh as it was seven years ago, w htrcas The P rcket is only now double what .t was in 1914. Moreover. at four cents a copy, � thele is nothing that represent. such goad value as a nrwspaper.–Orrlfia Packet. Thur•rlay. .Iru,nary 20, 1921. 3 Parsons States Every Sign of Rheumatism Left Him After Taking Tanlac. "1 have only been taking Tanlac for about a month, but it bas .Iready made a wondet(ul change in mycond:tlon." said Thomas Parsons, of 1035 Map'e street, 11.,"41on, Ont. "About a year a o 1' got into a weak sed rundown conditioo, and then began to suffer from rhe tmatism. The muscle, of my kgs, from the knees down, becatn' OD :swollen and pain'ul I could hardly stand up, and of er a hard day's work my le_s hurt me like a thous and needles ware pricking me There were times when 1 was unable to wark at all "But Tanlac hos 'built me up til 1 feel like a different man. Ev ry sign of my rh:umttom has left me 1 enjoy restful sleep at night an -1 feel more like working than 1 lave for a Ion, time. Tanlac has certainly done the wr•rk for me, and from now on it's going to be my standby." Tanlac k sold in Goderlch by Z. R. Wigle and the leading druggist in every town. RAILWAY CATION London's agitation for the electrifi- cation of the London, Huron & Bruce Railway is attracting considerable at- tention. The (`rettlton correspondent of The Exeter Advocate makes this 1 comment "Considerable Interest is hying taken In the reports appearing in the Lon- don papers concerning the electrlf- ' cation of the 1.., H. & R. Railway. The I Idea Is all right, but what we want Is an electric road passing through here either way, namely. from London to Goderleb, or at. Marys to Sarnia. Some years ago stakes were planted along the proposed routes and prices In rent estate were beginning to pick up. when the scheme appeared to have died a natural death." At the inaugural meeting of the 1921 town council of Clinton 'Councillors i Cooper and Johnson, as reported by The News-Recvrrd. "made s mofhin to the effect that the electrification of the London, Huron and Renee line would he a IPnod thing for till,. section., ('onttctllor Cooper Raid Clinton war geographically the centre of the county and that It should la• a centre, indeed. and that the elcctrifieatinn of this rind' would help make it rn. Councillor Ned - Iger did not agree hot said it world benefit London mneh more than the !mailer places. The motion carried, however." The fieaforth News puts another slant on the matter, remarking: "Stratford does not want *'h t*111.1 railways to London, but expects God- ertch and Seaforth to hold up both hands for such roads to Stratford. Nothing doing.,• May Permit Appeal in O.T.A. Decisions. Toronto, Jari. 10.—Legis!ation providing that defendants in 0 T. A. cases may have the right of ap real to a county judge is likely to be introduced at the next session of the Legislature. The sub- committee his prepared a draft report which is now awaiting the endor'ati n of the full committee appointed by the Legislature last session to investigate the administration of and possible amend- ments to the 0. T. A. The committer will recommend to the Legislature that the sale of milt products shall not be confined to standard hotels. DANDERINE Stops Hair Coming Out; Thickens, Beautifies. • undle None - Such im t Here is a 'natural remedy that gives to every family the comforting sense of being safeguarded against pain and suffering. It brings relief front httassing fears of accident or st.iden attack when a doctor is miles away. One of Nature's most wonderful gifts, it has the power to banish snarly of the -common ailments of man or beast. Used for treating your live stock by either external or internal application—you will find that many symptoms of so-called incurable diseases quickly vanish from them. For fifty years RUNDLES NONESUCH LINIMENT has demonstrated its power to heal. It never disappoints. One bottle equips your household with a medicinal remedy for almost every emergency—an insurance on the health and vitality of animal and man. If your dealer hasn't RUNDLE'S NONE SUCH LINIMENT we will send a bottle prepaid to your adds. for 31.10. Money back it not satuhed. The Geo. H. Randle & Son Co., Ltd. ,ata Windaorr Ont. 4 A few cents buys '?)nnderine." After a few applications you r;tnnot find a fallen hair or any dandruff, besides every hair shows new life. vigor, bright - nose, more adnr and abundance. L.R. STEEL CO., Limited, Goderic 5 `BENTS TO $1.04 ID • JANUARY -SAS Hosiery FOR INFANTS, BOYS, GIRLS, MISSES, LADIES, YOUTHS AND MEN. We have a first-class selection of pure wool hose at Rock • Bottom Prices. Boys' Overstockings, all wool, at 79c Girls' Stockings and Overstockings, at per pair 79c Children's Extra Heavy Wool Stockings, special this week at 59c Men's Pure Wool Working Bonita, at special 69c, 79c, and 89c Men's Mittens, pure wool, at 98c Towels Turkish Towels, at 39c, 49c, 59c, 69c, 79c SPECIAL Glass Towelling 35c a yd. Huck Towels, ?cure linen 49c, 69c, 79c Big assortment of Bath Towels, at 19c, 29c, 39c, 49c, 59c, 69c, 98c Infants' Wear Infants' Pure Wool Bonnets, at $1 00 Infants' Pure Wool Bootees, at .. 49c a pair Infants' Knit Underwear, at 59c Infants' Flannette Jackets, at 79c Children's Sleepers, at 81.00 Yard Goods THESE GOODS ARE MADE OF THE FINEST MATERIAL. ALL FAST COLORS. SPECIALS Pink and Blue Flannette, a 49c a yd. Gingham, all pretty shades, at 59c a yd. Prints; all pretty shades, at 39c a yd. Linings, all pretty shades 35c a yd. Grey Flannette, 54 inches wide, at 590 a yd. Finest Quality Curtain Scrim, at 33c and 35c s. Roller Towelling, pure linen, ..49c a yd, Crockery and China Dept Bean Pots, at 35c each Special Bean Pots, at 150 and 25c High-grade Cups, without saucers, odds, at special .. 15c each Genuine China Cups and Saucers, at 49c complete Dinner Plates, a� 19c, 25c, 29 Bread and Butter Plates, at 15c, 25c, 29c Cups and Saucers, at 25c complete cup and saucer Aluminum Ware Specials Large assortment of Saucepans, at .- ..........r., , . ..... . 98c Jelly Molds, at 29c, 39c Deep Pie Pans 59c and 79c Beautiful Aluminum Sets 89c Glassware Specials Extra Heavy Water Tumblers, at .. . 10c each Cut Glass Lemonade Tumblers, at 19c each Dinner Glasses, assorted patterns, at .. 15c each Fruit Dishes. at .49c Lily Bowls, at 491 Cut Glass Vases, always set off a room, at .. 49c, 59c. 89t Big assortment of beautiful Cut Glass articles, at 19c to 51.00 Enamelware Specials Extra large Dishpans, specials, at . . .98c Extra large Stewing Kettles at .. 98r Potato Dishes, extra large, at 98c Tea Kettles in white, los, enamel, extra value, at dor, Tinware Specials Complete assortment of high-grade Tinware, from 5c to 51.00. Art Good D p,trtme Belding's Crochet Cotton, white and ecru, all numbers, special. at 19c Coats' Mercer Crochet Cotton, white and ecru, special 15c Candy Departm ht We carry the largest, purest and best -priced candy in Godcrn't. Picture Fr Imes and Mirrors Large assortment of Mirrors, at 15c to 51.00 Large assortment of Picture Frames in silverplate, bronze. wood and nickel, from 15c to 51.00 ' dents' Furnishings Men's four -in -one Ties. latest style, at 98c Men's heavy Winter Caps, at 98c Men's Gloves and Mittens, in wool and leather, at from ...29c to 98c i