The Signal, 1921-1-13, Page 6.a.
e -Thursday, January 13. 1921.
Gray -Dort and Studebaker Motor Cars
Let us give you a demonstration with these Cars
before you decide on your spring purchase.
Leave your Battery with us this winter to be as-
sured of a good Battery in the spring.
Bring in your Car ` to have it overhauled this
winter. You know that it has not had the pep that it
should have had this fall, and a general overhaul will
put it in first-class order for spring.
The roads are good and you are still driving, but
don't take chances with your Radiator. If it freezes
it is expensive. Have it filled with
and protect it.
until after the retnrr ofathe Ministers, From Cher
There are sure, however, to be one or
two items In the estimates to coven
this or similar Jaunts. whether or not
there M 'equally legislation to la• paws grit Japanese Give Good Example
cal. Sir George on his Minot be e4' ,tae
Wei w1 to 112144' with 111m the mew$sary
Iuforwatiou to give the House regard-
ing a new F'reneh 14.41ty. The trade
treaty between France and Valletta
seri repudiated b•4' the French Govern•
went and it expired in Juni. 1x41. ('able.
granas between 4)ttawa and iondon and
Paris have been gulag strongly for
law,• 12u4' but It Is thought that the
venerable Minister of Trade and Cone
men* will IIa41' got a 121211' 111hIlle -do)a'
ou the ,ltuat1011 Willie h.• 21422 hl the
French (-conal during rtrl'tt month".
That la, of enure.. if Sir Gworg4'-Ills not
already by cable told all he know.
about the matter. The Introduction
of tilis treaty will ;,tl'•e Hou. Iti.etu-
i4'nx and a few illi r meulwrs a
chance to air their world knowledge.
but unless there is anything very ob-
jectionable about the pr,1{s,s•d treaty
'there is Hot Iikgw to be much trouble
iA•ag1Y` ularities and es
reesult of the wom1Ueetillg' will Iltet ,Iw' ,Iw.wll
Blossom Land
are here and those who have seen them say
they are "lovely." One of these Calendars is
for each Subscriber who has paid his sub-
scription in advance. -They cost -money, SO---
they cannot be distributed indiscriminately.
Please do not ask for one unless your sub-
scription is paid.
Zam-Buk is the last
word in healing. Its rare
medicinal power isderived
from certain valuable
herbs here utilized by
science for the cure of
and other skin afflictions.
Be,ond ,n peat soolh:na and
heahnswer Lon Mak es
powerfully aetise0ba that is.
,t prevents a cut. huts. or
wound from turn,na son.
resterrd ,r poisoned.
Zam Buk', wide range •r
r•sefulnes•. from annuls m-
make tet •• re•Ie akin nertylt yea
Canadset homes SOc 611deat-
ers or Zasn-Buk Co.. Tomato.
am -Bu
ft Nothing Like It
By Ian l)urtelm.
Ottawa. Jan. 111. -The absent Min-
isters will 1.0011 lie returning and then
preparation. for the .session will get _
colder way in eernestr Sir George Fos- 1 memlwt14 Inrtman7�� Pmbark
err is alsout due tn` return with his
1 o r wide when the tariff cumwissl0n 1
bride, and the other ember of the 011 a policy of filo lade. The - 1111. t h l met here last week. Manufacturers
verb d It la aChsrr'ro�'
Blossom Land
that beauty of
face and fig-
ure depend on
What is it
that makes our
Canadian wo-
men often pale,
sallow -faced,
with dark cit
clan under the
Dyes, and very
often old at
forty-6five when
they should be
prune?w their prune?
Women suf-
fer in girlhood
from backache
spine -ache and
headaches, fol..
lowed by ineg-
About puttingux 1t thmu_h the House- i �
Sslll! Reforms Needed:anly organs are
Indlcnttons are that there will he a I mon common than any one but • Phy-
drive for some reforms in I'arliawent I attain in active practice amid oppose•
this session. A s 4,2 4'h••
members on both sides off III.
il. Huiuor
are getting rather ' f*sl 1214' with n lot Chatham, /fie - Ih. �s ��
of the thing" which bore been rather 1 Mess have been used in my (amity at home
(especially by my father and mother) ever
I can remember. They always proved
wry satisfactory. Through overwork I at
use time became all run-down in health,
winked at in the past. out. 4.1 thew
Is the method of passing_ estimates. At
the present time the - toting for n4'
against estimates i. largely a party
matter. If a vote scams likely to ire
(lose the party' whit: rush about 1 was on the verge of • complete nervous
rounding tip all the member., even brbkdowa I went on ailing for about
tl gh the item in gars ' may be of two yours. during which time 1 u(lered
minor Ire{artxnee. Them has for terribly. I look Dr. Pierce's Favorite
some time leen a demand. which is I?raecripliom and it soon built me up in good
now growing. that the estfnuttes be . healthand me of the nervous rendi-
tnrnwl over t0 a standing committee
composed of nwmis•rs from n11 parties Pon. I consider it an excellent medicine
In the Homs.. This ywtr then• is every for tbeallrnenteofwomen."-Mlt9.CRAB.
reason to expect a real more toward MUS. Jr., ZS Duke St.
this reform. ��„�
Should this•happy .tate of affairs be _ _ _. - --- _
brought about. a4' it undoubtedly will Ho12s• should wet( in the fall months
tae in a few years If not immw11 itely. and adjourn for two works over Christ -
the country will benefit to the extent -
nuts. Of 4,1114'2 ,the Government will
tint 1111111.0nd. of antler,' w'ortlt 1'f ,,,•m4' laick with the old arty of an
time of the Caw s will 1»• 035141.early session next time. hut tlwre al -
Thr estimates. at present. air brenglit wars seems tee for something to hotel
down when the session is about It 11.1 rep the )'tails at the last moweut.
24'4'4'-unl.'ss tlwre Is urgent meal 124'.11.. F. O. Net Well Prepared. .
some money earlier -rind then' when l i
fleas far the continuation of prides-•
I t n rather mitimmherell those on the I
Provincial I:osen nwnt May Strut,
Report on L. 11. & Ii. Elec-
London, Jan le. That the 1'rovin-
dal Government will give every cou-
a1d4'1>.tiuu to ,t r•.pu• 1 fur a re)a•rr
011 the advisability of elet•trifyiug
the London, 11uro4 & Brute branch
railway Is the gist of a telegram re-
IYfced by 'l'br Ener Press 2 • Premier 1
Drury In response to a query. An ef-
fort was made to gel fu 1.,11411 with the
Premier by telephone, but this was hie!
possible. Ills secretary was requested
to lay the waiter before Mr. Drury to;
determine whether he would offer any
"Mr. Drury wishes me to inform you
that this matter has not been consider-'
'ed by the Goverment. If formal appli-
cation is made for this r.p.rt, how.
ever, the Government will give the re•
que-t .very consideration."
This r.•olr. signed by Secretary G.
Grant, indicates that there will be no
trmble iia se uriug the consent of Ito.
(iostrrnearnt for the Hydro 4't1n1m1.-iw1
10 wake a re)s,rt on the scheme.
With this assurance the preliminary
work of galling the munidpalltimi to-
gether to take united atalon will prole
ably he hastened. While there was
pone doubt as t, how a request for
this would be received, w•veral proms
anent advocates of ell'•trif(•atlon were
rather unwilling to take any definite
steps in the situation. But now that
x11..duullt has M•'11 removed they are
more anxious. to have the campaign
carried on at 0111•.'. it le espeeted the
formal request for a report from the
municipalities of this 'section will he
ready to [wend to Toronto witliin a few
weeks at the latest.
('abine•t who is overseli,l, lion. C. J.
Doherty, will probably not be very far
behind him. Whatever they have gath-
ered in the way of information they
will be a.,.,istwl in telling by on. N. W.
Rowell. who repreeentwl Ca da with
them at the ieague of NatWest con-
ferenee. sent .if there is anythl ler.
Rowell loves when he 1., in the House
of commons it is to discuss the *Shy
and wherefore of international polities.
Mr. Rowell will first call at New York
and "tell the world" what he know*
Through the medium of an after-dinner
speech he is billed to mak.' there.
New Trade Treaty with Frame.
Just what legislation there may hes
t It f the visit to the
o some me a rest m
`tsfor the Homme
Electrical Gifts will make the Home
beautiful and bright and save much tedi-
s us work,
who iw piloting) the est fruates 11110121[ of various kinds of commodities came
the House may or may nor know auc- forward to argue how vital their Own
thing alsurt the work2ng- of the depart- partienlar indnary was to the nation,
meat timer estlmatea come from. At ,and most of themi Twliecr, thought !
the pn•sent time there are three men they had twrsuadwl, the ciommfwion M
at the head of the department. who , their way of thinking before they left.
hare no seat in 1)e'('nmrnon'. and their thestaph., of the 1 .%elf., came Lown
by someone else. Wla
*4) n item nt � h A steer -aid, Mewedcal brief. htlt ,.'._-
T� tl r tonilwl any effect It might have
had Loy .rumbling under the gneal0ns I
estimates have I t h r to he tatted, through
He and his wife b t raid their first
visit to Paris -before is war, of course.
"•w I at impressed you most a: the
Louvre ?" asked one of their friends.
"Oh,"• replied the bjsband. "a picture
which. repre. a ntei Adam and Eve. with
the apple and the 'repent."
And his excellent wife ch•me I in :
-Yes. we f ound that specially i Iterest-
because, you see. we knew the
ai ecdote."
Send It In.
If yt u have a bit of new..
Send it in.
(r a joke that will amuse,
Send It in.
• A story that is true, \
An Inctdent that's now.
We want to hear from you -
Send it in.
Will your story m*ke us laugh ?
Send 41 In.
Send a'ong a photograph.
Send tt m.
Never mini about your sty'e:
11 the storeisworth while,
And may help. or cause a mil -.Send it in.
exp'nditure M rvx
inttm•et , the Minis= I ria w
ter in .hnrg+• is bombarded with a host (of Nle Henry Drayton and admitting[
0f questione which nobody int ptosslbly tau+t he could not quote figurer; to sate'
taw highest departmental offielal (an 1 Ire many of his arguments. )'ps
,answer. And then. if the inform,tion ! tln,y ern make a better shnwingt than
ik not available. the Item is alwh(d, they did h.'4'•• the ['.F.(►. would he well
and the Opposition ml -inset. if he I• , adviirel 91 mere rather eauti• iede-witt4-
bleknding. goy: home happy. their gosh-+uundinir briefs,
Thr hast -Minute Ruteh
Have a Complete Line of
Electric irons
Electric Grills
Electric Vibrators
Electric Toasters
Electric Heaters
Electric Heating Pads
Vacuum Cleaners
Portable Lamps
Cooking Ranges
Domes, Shades •
Tungsten and
Nitrogen Lamps
The result of all this. however. to West Peterbore in the Limelight.
that the e.tim114's are pushed 11.1del IV,' -t 1'eterboro.continne. to mono -
and the
Mon. mil
out a ittleeti
committee N,
1W10111mn•s ern
the demirtm(nt
the -re need 1.e n
hate on policy in
right could nlways•h
Opposition, and the
salt in the .nein: of
of dollars' worth of tamp daring a w'*- i notated That stage of clarity that It 1
In the lot week of the ss•. poli.(• a large. shah• ,d the polities] in-
ns of dollars' worth of ex- ! terest, and. in order 'that' the people
TP .nin, tianeo I I11111oet with -i nivel* sure to vete in the right dine, I
trans nskwl[oder taw 1 titthe the Premier and in. Hugh '
4'm the details of t1w ex- Guthrie are going there t,sia to ]rad
1 hethre•shwith wl mit „t4' in thes1w11bindinR. JI r. Ito ham;
l ollfe er+. and then i in a 11111.1 I.•lllgl•r•Ilt moot( and
aadtlusi.elf 0f fie•- , ve•Iciax• gurssine what 1it•c
' chamber- That 1 will be. The Government ,1111 I
reserved by the have chosen Roland' Iht•nme as
arye 44(111(1 14'- s1Indartl-I4•an•r, as 2411( expert 1.
Rant' thousands 11224 p/litical ntma4ph4're hit+ not
The Double Track Rode
Another change whi.h It
medial and which w111 p
prwxwel for this ye:. • will 1
canine of Pir1iament, with t
lug down 4,1 the budget son 4
tImt41' mint'. .trent
111,111¢11 arrtl,ies is sufficient to elf
a debate dmring the first six weeks t
the• .••..toii, oltot as a rr"elt there
little (lone )•fe•:• the first 'of May.
Then theworkstairs with a nisi and
the we)n1s•r. II i driven until they
complain --fend the poor .hap. can
orate fled -Gine Tier -11 gn lute ed Ralf:-
Thr s•.siou Insta until the dint days,
nit t111s OM' will prnhnbly dn. DIA by
that time it is hand to drnm up enough
members to make a re,petable s)inw-
Ing ivilrss thereLe womrthing 012 Im-
tx/rtnncr.billwl fee the day. Them will the battle -o verhinge will list until
he a n•ne%el drive for an earlier start. { 1M,tir Tindale at least. Voltam! op- 1
with Ian -44441y the 4iiggestlnn that the 1 ,sing the epplfcation are arising to
show that the i('om'rnny I. hiding
Its profits in the s s ,1f the Northern
INle, and the •11 Lawyers are •
olivine ivine equally hard, to persuade the '
boatelthat the mid et. with the
Northern Company are'.imply saving'
money for the Bell Poni any. Frirtn 1
the evidence thus far before, the board 1
1t would sem it. thntlg;l to whole
network of telephone ('Dint ilea on
both' sides of tale intenultlon:a Ilnnn-
dAry are lac from tieing on, dafr •nilly 1
terms. 'Min.Prank Carvell, 4'•141- An
of the hoard. I. laking no ptlrt it I'
application, b'vu.e of the cry rale
that he 11 director of the New
1trnnsw•ick Telephone ('om)Inny aril
would 'the refine. not be an 11111sarthll
judge. 1:11t the Bell totemic. are mak-
ing out a good case and the .question
In most nimbi is: "How big will the
Increase Ile?"
will permit of even hay4lnlln4 m gutrus'.
been snit" as to what may happen schen the ,•on-
bably le I test (ono•. tr9'. The 1.11,erals have• done
earlier I„,.Pry. little lit the l.,-tihwney. waitlnR
brluia t for the e:ur.•run•nt and la 2,.,, to show
rthe '4hrir hunt. first. lint they Have wet
t"e , under the snrnee A1111 an. expected to I
11.1 v.• ;1 strong eaudlllate In the arid. ,
C.ataiely. whatever may 1.0 the out• i
erne. We.t 1'et•ri, rro will get it.. 1111
pditl(al talking within the next
• wee•k* and this fight may b4''
wa , .hal as the )olltkal straw ahowhlg
rhe end of the breeze.
The It'll :lpplieation.
The Bell Telephone Company'• e o-
lrttr•ati,n1Ii'rra.ed rats I- laving'
ht out before the Itfilwuy
and Indlcatbnn are Grit
h, t vy 4'4.11
--Unexcelled dining car service
Sleeping cars on night trains, and
or cam on pl•incipal day tritium.:
Fu information from any Grand
�mink 1'i`ket Agent. or C. E. Horn-
fng. Inetrlct Passenger Agette. To-
merrily fn
(' lotion,
All kinds of Electric Fixtures.
If you have any Electric Wiring or Fitting to
acne, let us give you an estimate.
tecic i�e�ing
WEST STRI:LT, Next I)ost Office,
Phones : Store. A2; •Hesidcnce, 193
Wonderful newel Millions and mil-
lions of germs killed in action sad
thousands and thousands of vtetims
relieved of bronchitis, asthmas soughs,
and colds. There is great rejoleing to
the fact that science has at lot in-
vented the world's surest death trap
for germs --Buckley 'a Bronchitis Mix -
tore. With the first dose this remedy
gets right down to business, and
never ceases in its destructive work
until every trace of the disease is
completely removed aad the victim
restored to normal health. Letters
from all parts of Canada praising this
wonderful mixture are literally pour-
ing tato headquarters. Read this let-
ter: -"Years of suffering from that
terrible afflietion, bronehial asthma, •
ordered by all medical men to close
my business in Montreal and go south
to a warmer climate, but I noticed
your ■d. In the "Montreal Standard"
for the above mixture and I said I
would give one more trial to health
before 1 lea*. my native town, and
fic on the 111.T.11. lure deereased eon
idderahly slnee the beginning of. the
year, the (tatty waytfreight, 'With* op-
erates over the Lorilloii„Tinron nnil
Bruns between this city And %%Ingham.
n.ill after Stonday next operate only
three times a wta.k retch wAy On Mon -
tiny. Wedneelny And Fritter the train
will out from London to WIngham.
thank the good maker did. My 41 1111 on Tnefelay. Thureday and Sitter-
bronehial tubes are clear, the hacking day of each week it will return..
cough has diaappeered, the wheezing on the C.P.R. freight traffic hats been
eough has d as if' hy magic, and light for many weekw Train crews' on
•11 diseomforts have gone einem taking both roe& Imre been laid off
your wonderful rnizture..'-iletheet
Corti, 4 17 McKay Rtreet, Montreal.
There la no reason whatever why you
aannot be eompletely and speedily re-
stored to health if you take this rem-
edy. You are satisfied or the money
is refunded, secordiag to our guaraa•
too. Don't delay. Bay a bottle now
from your druggist 11
"Why do you ins 0 upon telling me
the e hotril le stori •s of ghosts and robber..
"1 am lorry. sir." replied the barber.
"beit. voii see. when I tell stories like titre
to my customers their halt stand, on end
and it makes it ever .0 much easier to
Citation Agent. phone ?Jt
Town Agents Phone 8,
6.11. Lan
and all
has seven
lir three
It quukh• relines sore
throat, benne hit', near.
.:2411. sciatica and may
kind of Iain.
An Old Reliable Remedy
Mrs . S Faseett. Hamilton.,
old reliable remedy. 1 alaa14rrl•
. kr. yal bottle
in the Iwo.e and have tecommend,.l it to
quite le nundcr of my friends, to slyer it ease
great rebel. In move (Inc ,t sae uud as a
tete Ire rheumatism.
Kirit of P s%
Yetemoutft Nova Scotia.
xOX q7, (oderlch. All tnatrnctlone
by mall or left at Signal office will be
promptly attended !to. Residence tele-
phone 119. - J
. CAMERON. K. C., It,tItRI::-
TER. Solicitor, notary public.
Ildlce Hamilton street. Gakrich, third
door freta Square. Trust- funds to
loan at lowest rates.
D C. HAYS, eel
(Mee -Sterling Bank Block. Ham-
ilton Street. Goderich. Telephone fib.
Rear Estate. Loans and Insurance,
Omer on the square, second door
from llamlltun Street. Goderich.
Private funds to loan at lowest
W . Pnoudfo ot, K. C., J. i.. Killoran.
rliARLES (:.tRlto)W, 1..1.. B.. 1IAR-
RISTEIt• attorney. solicitor. etc.,
I Goderich. Money loaned at lowest
4's eta,
• I('ITOIt. notary public and eon-
' v4'yanrer. OtIlce--Court House. (lode-
rlrh. 09.12m
al AN('E (Y). -Yarm and Isolated
tows property . inaund.
Omeera-Jas. Connolly, Pres., --code- -
rieb P. 0.; Jas. Evans. VI,ee-Pr,e.,
Beechwood .P-_()..: Thomas E. ji*ys.
Sec. -Tress.. Seaforth P. 0. .
Directors -1). Y. McGregor, R. it -
No. 3, Seaforth ; John ll. Oriev.s No.
4, Walton; William Kinn, 12. R. ;n. 2.
Seaforth : John Brnnewiew Boyd -
Amgen ; Geo. Mc('artney, It. R. No. R.
San forth; !lobe et Ferri., 1IaHoek ;
Malcolm McEwen, Clinton; Jame*
Evans, Iteec'hwoxl; James (bnnolly,
Agents : J. W. • Teo. Golerleh :
AIex.Tiltr R.- R. No. ' 1, Clf Tin ;
, William ('heaney, Reaforth; Pi. flinch-
; ley, Selforth. Policyholder* can pay
' all payments and get their cards re-
eelptta1 at It. J. Morriah's Clothing
Store. Clinton ; R. 11. ('ntt'a ()ewer!.
Kingston start. Goderleh, or J. It.
Reld's General Store, Rayfield.
Decorating Materials
Wall Papers, Paints, etc.
We sell you the materials, or
take the contract of decorating
your home, store or office.
Estimates cheerfully given
Window Glass, Plate Glass
Mirrors, etc.
We can supply your want, in
any kind of (:las,„
North side West st. Phone 354
GRANDMA NEVER LET a cold or the grip. It is inexpensive
Try it the next time you suffer from
and entirely vegetable, therefore safe
and harmless.
Brophey Bross
The Leading
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers '
Orders eitrefully attended to
et all hour., night or day.
net. a email paclasg•e of Hamburg
Dreamt Tea at any ph*rmacy. Take a
tablespoonful of the tea, put a cup of
boiling water upon it, pour through •
sieve and drink a teacup full at any
time during the day or before retiring.
It le the molt effeetive way to break
a cold and cure grip, as it opens the
pores of the akin. relieving congeetion.
Also loosens the bosvela, thus breaking
She Rept Her Locks Dark and
Glossy, with Sage Tea _
and Sulphur.
When you darken your hair with
Rage 'Pea and Sulphur, no one can
tell, becaum, It's done so naturally. so
*vasty. Preparing this mixture,
though, at home is mussy and trouble-
some. At little cost you can buy at
any drug store the ready -to -use prep-
aration. Improved by the addition of
other ingredients called "Wyeth's Sage
and aulphur Compound." You Just
dampen a monis or soft brush wfth
it and draw this through your hair.
taking one small strand at a time.
By morning an gray hair disappears,
and, after another application or two.
your hair becomes beautifully dark-
ened, glom" and luxuriant
Gray, faded hair. though TO dis-
tract+, Is • slim of old age, and aa we
ait desire a youthful and attractive
appearance. get busy at ones erlth
Wyeth's NAV) and Rulphur Compound
and look years younger. Thts ready -
to -use preparation is A deitghtfut toi-
let requisite and nnt a medicine. II
la not intended for the cure. mittga-
Hon or prevention of disease.
Rub Soreness from joints and muscles
with a small trial bottle of old
St. Jaoobs Oil
It's pain only; not OW. saw. in fifty
require* interne' treatment. Ruh sooth-
ing, penetrating "Rt. Jacobs Oil" right
on the "tender erre," and by the thrift
you say Jack Robinson -out eomes she
rheumatic pain. "St. Jacob's Oil" ia
never disappoints And doesn't blue the
skin. It take* pain, soreness and stiff -
nese from aching joints, melee and
bones; 'tope sciatica, lumbago, backache,
Limber tipt Get a 33 cent bottle of
old-time, honest "Rt. Jambe Oil" Irma
any drug store, and in • moment you'll
be free from pain., aehes and stiff-
ness. Doe't reffert Ruh rheumatism'