HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-1-13, Page 5TEf QGIA'LL _ OODEILIO$, e01$T.
'Flout -solo y 1:o 13, I9411. N
- - -- t (*roster,culling no:1001W for which u great lie leas n•tranlill-,aa a particularly
You Will Be Surprised at the
Difference a few Weeks' Treat-
ment of
Palatable .
Cod Liver
Will Make in Your Appearance
This splendid body builder will enrich your
blood, nourish your nerves, put new tissue where it is
needed and build up your system to its former good
Don't continue to endure weakness caused
by impoverished blood when you can get new vitality
and strength from this highly endorsed blood and body
Penslar Palatable -Cod Liver
Extract is sold in $1.00 Bottles
.Get Yours Now
Phone 90 Ont.
Squa e
Methodist Rummer ��
the death of John items e s,,r'•" minister. euItl(tifg his ermonx
iluwt verb uisturiau stud future is in prospect. Altugethrr, the I" „ 1'sthlrtly the l:u.p•I us
u uur b I' zie•r wars n lister err a eN e ,
NA rt l,,,r J, laid, u4 V
A methodist dr nits school
being g f stnitent esemomist. l r. ty In4 laI fill f 1' 1 ri •h .•1•uly to � to ‘1,11314
IintlwUSili. iittly i and io never
• h. held
distgctc it being arran,{ed to a comes* of the late Airs. M. ressuuu, Ite substantially assured." getting au to wive were regardel as
b! held at GoderKh in July next, from uwther of airs. Alex. Hounder. u( town' Kp t ulatice or sensational themes. He
was born lit the township of Ashtlrld,
dab classes an men o In er a Dr. Crozier was born In Canada n it short distance fro[. Dungannon, stud
has a lot of reiutiras s1111 at
fx' d for the It of x 1 1
dd saes 1 1 University
ratty ,R hr coerced the mlufstry ns a S•tnng n1Nn
o rumuter his !lest appohemetat was at Hayfield,
Masonic Temple Association.
of Turoul„, HM puhll.hel works he i i t Ns 11.14.411 lit to the Late Iter'. .tames
The annual meeting of the !tlasoniC elude "The Iteltotem of the }'ittareti' rlage to 1tuuald A. .1.( min', Non of the 1111 11 Rsutur, rt'M) .w n. thou the 1at101 -
I Temple Association was held at the "1'it'ilixa1iuu and Progress- I1ranslatr•1 late al r. and Mrs. Murdoch Mel:ulrv•, of ter in charge of flop, circuit, and later
;TempPle on Monday evening. A very tufo Jaluun's•1, "History of hitollet•tual Gale•riclt. The house was Is•autifnlly- to Wesley (•Lufch• Clinton- u1 Mr. Tre-
�salis(setoryre ort for the past Year was lkvelopmett•'��iulths' nd ['11logY Mathes' 1 him 11 1,1s IIoi ratea iirnations,i atnlwith
rt. ro«•" of.
v.htich was performed by iter. Huht.
!Deka, took place before a hank ut
the 1!lth to the 25th. Strong B ble study Ile Irtt I;alt wally etgars aro stud bud
leaders have been secured for the listed In Boit a y ytsirs .dare
d f t nati nal 1 i
eveningon are tnZ server its4T Ile was educated at the Ga
evening a re School ane tae 'n to
"Ferndale•,'• the home of Mr. and• itrs.
\Vm. J. Lamm'. Wiudwir, wears the meow
rev. n•etty weddittg on Mont ay
weevil ..11untnry :int, when their ouly
daughter. Thelma, was uu ler n tsar.
d Practical
p tors
submitted, an the old direr
elected, with the exception that M�f Iwru said:. "As it writer of philosophy
Andrew Porter replaced Mr. R.I. elegaw, f end letters he has few superiors 1u
renewed from town. The o'her direct ,rs.I{ Famines! and none In I'anada."
are Charles Garrow. G L. Parsons, A J. Huren L�lh O(>deegs. 1 i u
Cooper, W. J. Mc\ev•n, J. W. \smatter
and, W. T. Millar. The directors re At the meeting of Huron Lodge, No. French gown of kittruLe ear crepe em
elected the officers of last year: President, 62, LO.O.E.. ou Monday night. the brohfi•r,sl' in ps•nrls, with u long bridal
L. Pars',ns : vice•presid nr. A J. followhig otetcers were installed: J.P.G.. crit caught ,with it wreath of orange
Cooper; eecretary•treasurer, W. T. Millar. Wm. Abell ; N.G.. Fred ('raigie ; V.G., hluss,ms. Ilrr bouquet was of swar•t-
C. Ethyl
r ss . 1
Teta . a I F
secretary, , e 1
S. 1
, lu
. ink
• recording Nl
nsr :I
iceu i
rescart r
. Hth !
A. RPId; financial secretary, W. F. Nudda, of Ilamiltun. Who acted n
bridesmaid was prettily frock's' in
leavens term at Ryerson would have
expired in .Ism next. uud he lead a
(*pied n call \Vuewlstew•k, after fill -
tag which a• in in e•nl og
u tdR+DAT
Don't neglect it because you
think it Is "only a sore threat 1"
1t 1s often the beginning of serious
trouble, which c.en be avoidce if
proper precautions are talett.
Pepe will safeguard, you.
"Sore throat." is a sign that
s heea
your power of rrsista■c
y� temporarily lowered, and your
1 I it t 1 1 to .0{s`ran• system is therefore unable to
palms and frit l ids, sleet in the di lie withstand the att-ks •f 11.1 01(01
Ing -room. The bride, sleet' fu marriage I mate. Mr. TreltnrPn in his sludrnt
by her father, was c armmlr ill days attended the old (iorlerich Gram- germs which are being
war School, •alt l SOUP` o[hitt whoal. lybr�athed in. TheRrrms he ye.
therefore. settled In your cirrose
and caused iuflamination, and to
prevent more serious trouble
tu.se germs must be destroyed.
A Peps pastille disscr•ed on the
♦ throws off Pine vapor.
which is as certain a germ -do-
strayer as the Pine laden air of
tate Swiss Mountains, which doe -
:tors so highly recommend. These
Pine fumes
are breathed he
Into the air passages and lungs.
soothing and healln t the inflamed
membranes that medirine swal-
lowed into the stomach could not
possibly reach.
Nothing can equal this breathe.
able remedy for all affection, of
the throat and lungs.
colds, hoarseness, asthma, bron-
chitis. etc. All dealers or Pepe
Co., Toronto. 50c box, 3 for $1.16.
.1 Welloserited Appefntnent.
Mr. Robert F. Clark, of town, ton of Clark ; treasurer, J. C. Carrie; warden,
Dr, W. F. and Mrs. Clark, has been l'raxk Murray : conductor, F. Sturdy;
appointed customs officer at Southamp- G.G., John Newcombe ; LG.,. E. Fraser;
tun. He will leave in a few. days to take 1t.A.N.G,. John Vroonar.: 1..S.N.(1.,
le ;
• R.R. P
up the duties of tete other. Since returning loin ilugarth . '
from overseas. wh-re he did va:i int ser- T..S.V.G., Charles Thomas: R.S.S.. Roy
vice in the Lighting line, he has passed pattereon; L.$.A., John Stewart; chap -
the required examinee m. and he will no lain, Charles Griffith. After the work
doubt fill the office with credo to himself had been put on a luncheon was served.
and to the Governmen: which hay ap )etweda al Maitland (elmeteery.
pointed him. "&b" ei;l ue much missed Impr°
in local circle•, but the sit:zen, unite in The Mayor and the member. of the
hearty congratulations upon his excellent cemetery and parks committer of the
appointment. which he has so honorably taws eolrucil made a trip to Maitland
earned. rrmrtrry this (Thurwlay i morning. .l reception and supper followed tit
with the double object of planning lm. Arrrmnptiny. the bl .IIf table Rowe met-
Lodge ()Seers. I prucements ht the eeutetery gruuuda
I 'rlw tellowinl edtt••rr•i o.( Gotil•eict and of providing employment for matt till'arrrangtiiiwith streamers
and white
Itetw'kab Lodge, No. het,, were in.tailed' ant of w•o-F1f: eThe plan` nraprsrvasl
I on Tuesday ece•dag, Jantette 4th. by!' the committee Ineltlde the rutting away teed
iu wedding
ike.-T idaid t
i Mrs., ltobertiwn, 11.1).1'.: Jr. P.(;.. of the hank at the side of the mad rake.
mad rut ata side table. lir. and
Mrs.'I'inder: ,.G., Mrs. Murtlt•y; V.(;.,lentering the grounds so that rig.ran o.tte Mrs..Watt a lett on h Mill ND. trip
alis. N. Tait : recording !secretary. itis lie seen coming down nes the opt
1:. 1'amplwih: Slut trial se•retary. Mrs.I side; nndrrhrnIilg the In the ravine where and tiallint[' 11strand nu tltkir return
Hilliard: treaauter. Mise l;ib o,: war-, nuikinR 11 t paths
.lens Mr•. Marshall : cunduetwr' Mrs. ; seats can ice Mace& If not too ex- ling enetume was a suit of navy Ire-
utile with bat to match and black
\Vtwwl : rhapheits. Mrs. Roltl•rtsun : tt.re. i pensive an undertaking_ the cork may •,"
N.G.. Mrs. Abel: T.$.N.I;.. Mrs. 4'imp• Ice dammed en as to make u mixable; fox furs.•
mcut: It.S.V4:.. Mrs. Vr,stunuu: I..SV.' prod. and the Mayor suggested, if this Deathsf Rev. 11. •1.:we-svne.
G•. .Mea. ttrongh: -Inside G.. Mrs.! were d„nt•. it Lair of .ovalis Could lie' Dr. Richard Johnston Treleaven,
Tosdr; utusldr 1:.. itis. E. Maskd•II: 1,rtwnrsl for the {wend. nen., pastor of Ryerson Methloliet
t'ralg.. Mrs. Adams; 1 -.Hess, Mrs. , otto Of tttile vacate Ints hen always burial I church. Hamilton. died Monday morn-
ing lea after a short itinews, In fila
No Sli ii 1YIne Hetre, and with the ImlirOcesmut1 suKReaerl •.tats.rrrnth Feat. Ile was very well
Thar Giwlrrirh Meteautile Co.'s fare It ran he made stili more beautiful atoll • kmiwn in varlons parts of the Fro-
t rims., having lesen pastor of some tit
terc is a very busy phew (lime days. attreetive. ! the beet ehurehee in Toronto. Teinejon.
Th"ugh the It 1'ia met 1a only a ScAtth, • New Industry far Gotkt*h. - { St. Thum s, Aylmer. Brantford and
eo neern It bias made rapid gonIt. As -a result of the trip of Mr. C. 4'bnthnm during hi+ nlorr than forty
aid now has thlityprice employees un Hs , Wurtele, chairman td the itutnstrial ' year. In the mini`s . in 1916 h lwasm-
woriu t It o f vt l tae factory to i
crocking in the rcening�. In order to roulrnRpr., mid at r. 11'. S. IioiidTe�ii' hr• . Meted president
complete• a •1,0'fal order for furniture. • dtlstl•htl .e'u rotary of the Board of, reroute.. ip• is survive(' by his wife;
A numlw'r of new machines have re- Trade. to Buffalo last :week. t:o,l••rieh , bvv'aons and tees dtaughter. Mr. Tre.
cantly !wen added to the pliant. and the -lois an opportunity of se.•tiring a new I leaven was held in very high tsta.•rat
woodworking epilpment has Toren con- industry of ronsIdr•raide prupttrtinn". hew hie ministerial brrthren• and by the
sieb•rnhly increased. When many far. This •1• a sheer fart u, the 4':utte1i:ln ,.„Ilgre'C:atinlls to uhilh 1u ministerv•d.
branch of a wellx-tab shed concern jot
usideriug' [tic
mates of that time .till resile in town.
G.W.'.'.A. Notes.
The regular tuev•tiug of the ,local
branch of the 1:.1\.\..1. was held on
mass 1 lousiness w'a.
Friday 'lust. .\ aua f
.t.' it With, atnl,ugst rho meet important
nirgtwlse blue trimmed with fur. A matter. tinder consideration Wring the
black net lust and armful of American rdhtruell men tun•utpluyeol, and a- tir-
Beutty ruses it plettil Incecostume. eular from the MadtN• branch
Iguhe branches e' 1ue-o erste in
alr. G. Jubtiatuu. af indsur attended
the grown. During the signing of the itrgittg it war bonus on the following
register. Mi.. l'e'tu•1 Page. of latudi'mi. male: For those having served In act -
wearing a be•e•umbue gown of eilv''r ual theatre of wear. sl per dray frau,
cloth wiH. eryetal trimming' sang "The enlist uent to' nrndsticr. Service in
Crown." while Mlsa (:milds placed the Fughuul vole 7:N• {ser day [niece e'ulist•
wedding music. The gronu's gift to inept to armistice. Iters i in (':nada
the bride vias a eabintt of silver, to „tile. alk• per day from enlistment to
the bridesmaid a came(, ne•klaer, and armistice.
to flee 10•a man It .1 Iver cigarette ease_ 1t meas um hien oy de•tdel Lei decile
1Vlen s ant oung -Men's
Made of WooT'Blanket-
cloth and rich Misecy
Just the Coat -for
this weather.
Regular up to $30
Open Evenings
the 1'ruciueiul toll' lna101 urging action
on this chemical%
Another anoet important item of bus-
iness w'as N ounce• of 1104 1011 Io Ns
broai til -femur' r o :. . - •
to the follow Mg effect : 'l'la:at tttls
Gah•riolt loran. It I:,\\'.V,.\•. dishautl."
Tl►ere was also a notice of motion
that oMcCt 4 be ekr•tel for one year:
These ore• m,rl inapstrI tett questions
uud a good itth•Iitl:utee at the vert
meeting is urgently desired. ;
The Ptrettw .•1- .Rk1'ra:--7►set as ft it
low.: Ilan. president. Dr. Willow 1 -pest
president, J. 4'utltiN•rt-00president, Deeming the Line.
'ritchnrI: I -t rice -president. A. F.
Sturdy: L'ud sire -president. J. lutnatt-
blttt:,- i.ttt leve remtui:tee. I:re. J31tes.
1'. Riley!.S. \1':u•el: house eentnait tees
F. Eraser. J. Salami. 3. M,•Viea•.
A heartscute of :rppre•iatiot In the
retiring officers ended the meeting.
Pett Ilcr 011 the (tall Team.
From a n ire: ' s sudden 1 enzud
Motion of her hand. Le cr
breath "
. terit•s-lu other town+ ere dosed down ltnffait, which after ,
or working onshort
altime. stablishtpent
runrnQlttR to fieldoleel si this sit e• of P .live has
In:ekinK smelt prtgre.s. deodded that. Realerbt, Is the right
point for the Canadian facto 1' •
,>1elisities. 1 general mertht2 of the t:tl'd of
1 of ihi
Italiel llrelireJ• st clay' 1,•rt'ttIt. • me•et(ng of tier• 1;Mi• tgrr nf'thP cnmp,uc stud di:rttss
\ W,e•Ling •.i all the cltlzeus oaf els' "rich Wortf•1i - Institute. Mrs. Ssy'ntl• propisfilin. 'A fin shits ."'It_ehyiea•d, Only. Tablets a All "Bayer Cross"
.w alio are Intens+tel in the band win meld/led at the a Its ng• .\ 'bins. Parser. tt1't171L_t tbi• meetioC on \\ed- Y.
1'-.0 tion of MO ens made to the r anadfap :' nevlay rt'rulult of n,• t al• k. :rt v are Aspirin -No others l
a: t„ p 1 .tt the 1,...11 all. } Armenian Relief F1tod:-X .Ply oclor•k p.m. __ t\ --are
a: • p.W., at the town Trull. 1 Irns'nstration of making angel cake wens ThP prol!^aition la 110.0f "MM. one
Oren by eIrs. W. Somerville. The in- whit h I. very prcitnkine amp loth is n'
_esne■1L- -------------. r rube:
i Trade a•Ns rNl1(sT h+f' -Friday ••
rs \f. 'I'. MI(rlocy waw the dtustwta s we'e'k to meet ,the genera,' :III -
N Eleetriesl Stare " •
etitnte will hold a . pa:wake tea st
A story has been tined tip lu tit ld 1 fir rn Nth od
likely to give..Golerich a big lift n, the
bander un, t m a i
ndustrial hustle. j
-5'odlwtrito •hotel building. itatmilto I pawn... Febrnuly •I h..
street. And j's ince ue•Cupied by Mr, Are for the sale o - articles made 11 Was a Rig Time.
t the - ('anadii):a National. Instl• fin I/•IdfrltttW" 11 11 witfllh-1 M
tar the Itllud. In Nn effort to as -overflowing nn T110,01tty evening when
this worthy ]ustluuiolt Tis' 1n' the annual i viler and •lAmr w•+la held . .
t.niII inlet '1 etlelnti• and 'better the'. under the :utydres of the IIoly Name if you dont sec the "Bawer Cross'.
soar '.-Poing. The February, Mrs.T..meeting , Society 'of et. Peter's churels. Sixty) on the tablets,. refit e• them -they are
will 1 at the 1 me of Mrs. Alo•1„El• table. were ,arnpierl lit verde, and any I not Aspirin et all.
g u are e.- N - ueember of peepie arrived- after 11M_ insect ow iieneinn ^jia r Table:a tf ,'
, table. had, all been tilled. After two , Aspirin" plainly -damped w 'h Ow safety -
h�ur..' pity-JDnrli was .erred, snit the ..Byer ('roes'-AsItiritt pr silted ' by
1 tell• ,if f1 wins ti .11' cleated Tor' danr1111, ph aicians for nineteen years a d r:evrd
Tooth -
!I morning. F_eellent auric wag •.rhe . 1rache. Rheumatism, -l.iwnbsgo,
nolo' Istithw-aite• with a stock of eh. tri-
ral goon's. )ir. i.aithw'aire• ha- had �''t•- tt.
ertll ye'irrs' 'ip'rils's.• as an electrician. Rt-.
and in starling tip for himself hasst,N'k- ;,Litt
ed ,t handsome line of electric fittings.
sero 1nirautens 1s diol ether geed. Im his
iinoa 114 1• {MYpnee
nr-t-.•lase service, Ito• .uikcit. a call +-
fr.ettt any eer',ta1 11 -'1•11 in elevtrival Rehiled 1 Mrs. -
Q+NNH. -
A Louden t Lain. t dr+
If you have Friends
they should have
Your Photograph
J. T. Fell
The footwear that is sold by us will leave impressions
that others who follow may clearly discern the way to-
Comfort, Health and Happiness
The superior quality that will give :100 satisfaction
in fit, style, workmanshhip and honest wearing results,
If you have not bought Shoes and Rubbers from us
you should certainly do so this year. You will be
more- than surprised at the satisfying and profitable
goods you have been able to procure at greatly reduce ,
ed prices.
OEO. 11'1acVICAR
The Best in Photo Plays at the
'II)N. AND TUES. JAN. rt. 11F
Charles R
qY •
bleb tc•Is o'ttinntsl until 2 o'clock e.o a by millions fur-llrt.lache.
!I N• nine 1 ,
r1ve11 by the teelerieh Soviet 4)rl•he•- Colds. Neuritis. .:int' fain ga•otral:y.
ern. and though the throe was very • Bundy tin hoses of 12 t,ablefs-it
roicdeil everybody was goodhuaturtd Larger "Bayer- packages. Miele
.1 ti all enewo•ol tt jolly tine•.rr'The Com-
:meter in charge iN tri is. e,mldratulitted Aspirin -is, the trade mark (reins
n in handling so large n trnWel 1n in C'an i lad, of Rayer \tanrlfao•t
-.I 1. weld rt*i.'•ient nu.rinlr- - af4eticaridr" ' of 5Jiio ecce
:Ind cObt prnritling so ihoroughly enjoy bile it Is wet knnrin Co:
able ton o'Idng ,
1l :cleans Bayer m,tnuLactare. t
The pr ees at enrllre were won am 1g11ihe :eLalle't imit,atiun•: tI
fiellna-s: i,: a'- prize. Mr.. Mormon stayer Company, Ltd., wi
Mcisskl. Trafi gat streaet: gentleman... with their general tr
' Nh•. Witt. Ituwi.•Napier, street : con- `Itoyer. Cross.'
-.deem'. Niles 1.a
Vital Statistics.
The number 'If birthregistered at
the town clerk's office due g Wen wit.
s4 1 41 inti,. end 4%fent:dee
In1 as rompitr••d with
roost iso 0 _ 1'1114. _ The ale ace•
is Green'' - - im 1tei muttered 41;-111 lots. -20: In
191s, 21 The deaths ht 10'211 n
bother of (hose wholesome, human 74: in I019. al : in• 11115, )el.
1•,.11111ry boy stories that have atalle Of the deaths registered 111 11r15
( harles Ray the hest -level actor on the were of mnh• and 39 of fnmrde ls'r•ons.
so rent. 'I'lirte•n w'er'e infants: fico fr 1 to
t?)ARF:DFviL .1Ach-o TIPyears 04 -e140: -fester IiMMWt 1u ei _n
•n LMI fa ll years; •i.-
t lel
to til
_ }rale•, two fl m
FEATURING JACK DElt1'•i-E from :;n to lu year.; fua
er from ;tx
(It's getting near the end.)
WED, AND THUR. JAN. 19, M. tit Wx years : siX1001 'fr
.:,11 years: ,•h cell from 7.0 too hm ye:
--- sic frnut I?+t t,, en stars, n)ue fro
yosors. and nu seas nlmtr set'
The Race of the -Age Ilf age
_-414j1.t�' ,•lgt;ty
tits were bore in huger re three. In
"Man o'Vsar Scotland at .1 One hi Ire• and Ihte
INertl Ile 1 .1 r
• to tie 'township. tel' in
-lest- I;lwle'rit-h 1 iwteship. Four were horn
s 1t otherpl leas in eitaattra and the
Sir BartonD' lat•Ilhi'in,•I• er MM. 0:1* Mitt aatt•d.j"'('lll•
oto echo 1 ut'itrel the greatest. age
Official pictures authorised by limit..(mincer-w•u•n ,rriirsi cysts n triose' ort
Worth Raring .lssueiation, 11iluhor. Scotland.
.1100 feet Inns: .1n Optimislit Message,
iC\ ER I It0I)1'`` F 1\ ORITE. Thr {Hµalou 1'Iel• l'ro• h:as l,eo1, pnh-
1 lsennison'1.11 (Lllt'II'let t"wl' 0 111 rt't.lied to Ow
let. II•'
11 ltfng lue-soigrs frotit 1.0 ors of %\'e -t
'I IN•I the o nanlg
)1' II' 111..
THE I'KF:\I11R ('ORit(11 NT.1R IN fitllnw init
The Road
Called Stt aight
Wigle of I:oslerle•It:
"After tt little tdnekne.tt At the end
t9 of Ihv oil year I:olb•rtela has settled
down 11110 11 w'•Iw111 of rtlilljhity whMh
prnnliVS well for 11x.1. I'raetirsll
every ftctti . in smut' is shrow'1ng new
or vont limed Net iv it y, tw'terat"having
adhlwl el their stARs within the Iwo[
week. At tilbplaa wwii'tIiN171. 11'iwhens el
homes. another now industry for God-
erit•h, n factory for the to uutfaonnfo
of wooden Imes.. atilt bit•kots. whi, h
when It ronimelire. op'rn(1,ns. 'v ill reit
99 ploy n minimum of eelsntV hands. Tho•
National Shipbuilding t'tm;NInY It".
■ eommencrd the nattnfitrhtro of n flu.
IRI. AND SAT.. JAN. 11. O9
Olive Thomas
"Footlights and
e of
A •)ricin
anMpt - the
• Tablets of
be i.t:nup••ol
mark, the
Miss -Cora was takir.g her first trip on
Ithe train.
The conductor came through and called
for the tickets. Cora readily gave up ter
A -fess minutes later the butcher boy
1 coming• through called, "Chewin: gum. "
Never 1" cried Cora, bravely.- 'Yon a
1 can take my ticket, but not my chewin'.
gum: '
A vVondeyful List Of New
The w
enj m
ued Every Month!
d' -s g•.Atest mue;r by the world's greatest
is reproduced on Ano'.•etol Records fur the
ant of owners of Edi,on's Anibcntl.i Pho-
mph. Every month a new list is issued cow
iwing the :blest song -hits and popular dance
niintl ers as well as standard selections of all kinds.
Don't rniu thia wonderful music. •
Here are a less favorite Arnhem! Record, ti'a1
should be in every home where thele is an Amberole .
Traumerei-violin Solo , 19ed.
AI►ea Spalding -
Tell Me the Old, Old Story-SacWred
Metam Middleton - Me. 191Vt
Southern Melodtee-Bab Ne. -l7's
ell. F. a:we: rel
Uncle Josh Buys soAutomobile- Runt ketch
C. tees.' .s.�-y^-/�-�,-.�
--Qrt.,Two Three. Four Me.tMy_alr4111
mecum 111•1•21 a. orf beet.
Danee•O•Mani.-Fox TCN ae, tftl
L.a1S,1C'a ti- entitle 0,[►ewn
Ales end 'Agee--Sentimeatsl Batlwa. tlOrA
&vine Wats. Ballad '
Americas Lenon Horeb
resod ♦ 1w1 - - Ma 4090
Y can own an An •t: phonograph almost on
your own !eon . at enjoy these gnat records.
Visit our store std well show you how oasts 11 is.
r l.; U i,l;•ann"❑
"Possessing the Land"
1'. NI. sr13Jrc'r
"Owned and Tried"
Baptist Church
Mont cal Street
Rev. - j
',1. (:auley
mates For C.P.R. Hotels
Mr: Frank L. utchinsore, after
many years service s rest tied his
position an manage r in lie of Can•
edian I'acific h0:ris to �/ntra;re in
other businet+a, aced }Ir. -A drew At
tertott- is-al►pei,ttad geireral uperin-_..-
tendent of Canadian I'acifje hotels
With offices at Men cal.
These antwuncu grata haus
Jenne, 1t)(. he was ap
ager of the Algonerin
Rruhswick, 'and. since
.c 1919, has toren mar.ag?
e t Thar. Vigor hotel, Montrent, rt
A1itiR«:w ALI. r:r.tiiN Mr. ilutthir'aon, who is underst
1,•., c e ft I•Neet of to hive rurt•hased N large term i
N•,1 -it •••,area,. -- -- - Vanconlver Island, where he intent!
made in a circular i starts) by Mi'. r. I to- render, was bora in London. On.
ratio, on August loth, 1+69. He
enterl'd• the ,•er:ice of the Bank "f!
h-♦tn4 ee+waitlad.tIl.ru _.- -
uMN 1^01 wTiPnT1P became a m.•rt•*r
.ef the M•intreal Stnek Exchange..Ite
elarc'h, 1l';0+, he joined the. C. P. R.
ointed mane
itrl,'N •.•
lb" the
tees -
E. E. Camber, passenger traffic mar
ager of the C--.1'
Mr. Allerton, w ,' 11t.w*rr"x*"'v'
to Montreaiers throiigh'`I:i• Slet:Pi*
as manager of the .VKo,iluiti' 110:e1,
St. Andrews Ly 1,,e t •e',. .tell t u
Yere-1 the service a .sari :tent to the manager.
Place Vi:;rr, a OnttMtClo in Chateeu Prontenac. Quebec, boons -
int' tnanrtge'r in March, 19fMJ. in
Jere,' 1'1;1; he hnenme I:miscast its
tea enans;;er in c'he'f of hotels,0
Montrone and in April, 11, men. .
ager of the Hotel Vancouver la
(`t-, tree'
l„ resibgned.i from
the C.
1'. l: tit!' ': e'
in Mu'ntreal but in April, 1915, M
ty Cored the 9. rvka .to bsi al MINIM
in chis of botelee
t 'v+ ' t
service of the (, 1'. t, •:n, 1n.
the dining car department' In .Aug-
ust, 1593, he Was appointed mama:' r
of Windsor $ir«'t- Station 1`1:,ing
Ball; in June, 1s'1 he becarn') Ii I
i, g car eSseluefot• Ise!,
he was attnctled to the Chatenit
Fruntt•nttc, Quebec, end in F'e!tni:ary.
1905, he clms Viger Hotteel,NalurnlrHk, in [whit he _Place_
became manager in April, lee6. In