The Signal, 1921-1-13, Page 44 Thursday. January 13, 1921.
Shirt Sale
A great many people
load up for the year at our
annual Shirt Sale. We al-
ways give real genuine
barg;#ins. Money invested
at this sale pays large
All high-class Shirts in
W.G.&R., Regal
and Arrow.
Regular $2.75, $3.00
and $3.50,_for
$ 1.98,
! for their hums• at Varna. The bride" understanding arcing 1lie t:+rin k claw.'
I has been a member of 'the choir of Mr. Black stated that there were 220
Erskine church and an active and lawyers as menders of Parliament In
•valued assistant In other departmentsCanada, and if farmers were mem-
MR N. F. '.'.Ii tRh Is the agent i' of the elturelt work, and has generously ! lel s in the mime proportion as
for '1'Ilt: s'+ N•\I. +.t Uuugnun,,,i. ' . contributed her talent as a sweet voce their numbers in the Dominion
Orders left with Item for subscript allot to Many programs 1n the village there would he a far larger muulwr of
and surrounding country, and she will farmerm;holdiug otfl-e than the two or
[lulu, adcertl*eILNItl' or jos print.
Int will rwrhe prompt attention. be greatly missed. She was m
the re-! threw score now representative fro
Telephone Il;u•lerteh Rural) r38. i (intent of many beautiful gifts in token the whole Dominion; he also stated
of the esteem in which she is held. ( that there had Mee :nit orders -in -count
The groom, too, 1s held In high regard, cil passed during the year, and
Thursday. Jan. 13. and the good wishes of the community ' nude reference to the selfishness of the
' Messrs, Samuel and A. F. Treleaven go with the young couple in their Hydro -radial policy: the waste of time
d t • ler in the Dominion. and the• misrepre-
were at ilaniilton this week attending 1151)115 a you ole.
the funeral of their brother, Rev. Rich-
ard J. 1'rtileIvelt, 3)11, an eminent
aletMa11Kr ', t•tergt•luit11, who died at
All -wool Cashmere and
Worsted Sox, regular
$1.25 and $1.50, for
W.C. Pridham
Miss S. Noble
�isth Side Syuare - Goderich
7�1n afoutt;ly, Wednesday, Jan. 12.
Mr. It/E. .\ngestiue, who tied been Rev. J. E. mogg.aof (Tinton. preaettwl expressed themselves as proud ht bar -
home fir a flew weeks, reurnei on anniversary sermons in Knox church log cast aside the old allegiance for
wlntethiug better. Roth .speakers were
Monday to Port ilio u••. tat Sunday to large ce,ngl'egtukins. the tendered a hearty rete of thanks for
The Woman's Missionary Society of pastor, Rev. R. J. Russ', liking his their splendidhe rddtea,:e.. During the
rile Methodist church held a social on work In Clinton. Receipts of the I evening Mr. Chas. ('ox gave several
wedneoelay etli. tg. the proceeds of ':anniversary were SI:MAW ttteninlin wletions, which were heart- to the missionary funds, . Mr. Joseph Lawson ►pts !leen con- 111 encored. After the tne.4liig the
airs. A• C. Walden is :1t' Toronto tined to his lied. 'for a few days, sur•, guests and executive of the Club were
chi wank. 'tering frum'an attack of quinsy.entertained ata splendid midnight sop-
Tlw animal meeting of the Dungan-,', Mr. H. Dodd is learning the'operat• per at home of President Edwards,
nun Agrieultttrttt Society will be held tug wit* our station agent, " Mr. R. per
tt the Ini a program of' dwards,
„n Friday. 21st List. I Shaw. sed toasts was put on. The IPPS
Mr. J. L. .. M,\abb 15 Away nu a bust- 1 .% little daughter arrived at the home , 8141 ug will w be held 0 rhe regular
uess trip to Toronto. iof Mr. John Arthur ou January 4th' nmeeting night, the -.rond he re u in
Foote Exeikmettt.-A runaway here; to claLu it as Ler abode. the month, which this time [,ills on
yesterday had some peculiar features. ! Mr. Robert rtoott has taught out Mr. Int.' on , 14th. The president ll the
Mr. AIN' 1'ulbert's. team Mrame fright- . Bradley's interests in the Auburn : Fc4executive. Mr. ergP S,tw•Prbf la
encs! in the village and ran away. pull-' chopping mill and is to get possession staring no pains t Snake this meeting
ing along with thew a VOW whlch was the middle of March. ; a sparing
. Leek- for further anneming
Ilea 10 the s1e•1}1i with it elinin. The air. fluorite 1.. lungblut has rented mwntr.
PUN• WSt0' .lust 114 tooting and wax Mrs. John Iloerr's farm on the "gravel" ;
dragged' a td1 l' seal a half to Mel. frits le term of 'years. AHOLD (T i� Ht'L1,ETT. -
Pentlatrd's bash, where /the runaway I Miss lama Mute•h leaves today for 1
Oshawa. where she is employed in the Lad Secures HI* It'btinim RiDo and
millinery business.
Is seemingly Hobart. mer. held ►Pit tnwnshlp far
The Auburn Social Club held their Deva i:aa.?it :let.
The horses,'foo.- wrapwd damage... Mr• ;third dance of the season on New Year's
Cohort and his sem Melville were on Eve, and report a splendid evening anti (Clinton, Jan. "P.-Elrod"P.-Elrodwith the
the sleigh when the team started. but ;, very large crowd. "rhe Club will supposed hrarado of a beulMit. att'r
felt off. Melville tied -his leg hurt, but hold their next dunce on Friday, Jan- examining n new rifle seared by • his
not seriously. [tory 2sapinl the town hall. Auburn. I chowabout'
. Wilfred Allbrlght. aged ab
Maize -Augustine: -An trent of, • Mrs. Nelson 11111 and Mrs. F. i'. Mb- ei..hte
•h pleasant Interest took place in bort are visiting relatives at Cliiitdn Pmpdoyed by \Tw. Mills. a liitl-
Erskine church on Saturday evening.' this week.
sortation of the l'.F.II. by the Toronto
papers. Mr. Black formerly,belonged
to the Reform party, anti Mr, Layton
to the old Conservative party. but both
stopped. Although it had been dragged
In and out, of ditches and over rough
ground, fled cow
Utility !ah at :1 o'clock. when Miss , Miss }:,Ina Raithby will attend C11ti•
i,. E. Augustine, was united In the Quite a number of our young Peon a bush and after beteg traced for sic or
bonds of matrimony to Mr. William ',ire taking advantage of the splendid seven miles was caught while hiding
Matra•. formerly of this village and now 1i.,, on Mr.' Hamilton's pond, and are in his employer's eowshed• by thief
skating. }'itz Iimmous, of Clinlee, and 1 Chief
of the Sterling Bank at yarns. emptying a few evenings'
1 the absence from the village Of the Mr. Nelson King. 'of- the Sterling , White:ides. of H,•i)s:tll.
minister of Erskine church; 111`e cer- Bank staff. left on Tuesday' for row The lad -was male prisoner and
mutiny was performed by a former Dover. i brought to Clinton I/111 at midnight
-Tile village trustee-. who hare been tonight. He will appear before Masts-
Rt,ter, Thehe,-1;}lrch .wa-omm or PIneT
River. church ,p'ny nicely devote'r+lectwl for the year. are movTitg trate B.IV. Andrews tomorrow morn -
ated for the o•casi,n with flowers sr- *retire Hydro conuectton for Auburn Ing. When arreetted Allbriglt had the
by the .hride's friend'. Th d will re -operate with Itlyth (Dull rifle. which he bad taken from the
dildo alto was given in manFi:ige by fell in the tuatter. I Lydian home. Hr usid he .1111 not
Ill Mr. G. i.. Sturdy was elected to the; kiiow why lie acre( id -itch a manner.
11az.•t Augustine, only daughter of Mr. I Hou Business College this term,
t hp hie chum's
mother. Mrs. Alfred 1.yditt1. ticks morn-
ing and is alleged to have stolen $15
from her. Alibright e-.•aleed into the
her father,•. wore her tray. ng salt
of navy blue broad,•Ioth with hat Ind
veil to m•etclt anti a eorsaget.IsuiyuM
treater 1 beard 81 the nanoid s••11,stl , Last nisi t Al111
sleeting Iliad last w.'s'k. An effort will road to his chum'
of ivhitr and
pink rn.t•;. .► forwards
be made to have a. 1telies I ^ lair `Held the new gun a
a rw•rpri„n war given in honor Of the }rete hex[ fill. morning he
rain= ruupl.• by Mr's. W. H. Mize. no 0115 was
wether of the gr•14111. at her home tin, i ENA!I1.1.ER. It is all
the kit e inti+sl ,n of AshflehL about
t F {lfikrn. 1�i� following have t<1:1 sail
"on•• hnn.lrtl gn leinz pre tit. -MT+been electwl 0tti res of Cnnrt Bennillfer, ---'
:uyl Mrs. Maize left Monday morning \.r. •el. C. el. F.. for the year 19.1: en me
Chief ranger,- \Clpntit Ilan ke : rice- rCihe
Oda ranger. }',Igor Valistone : linen-
v }ateilc- llutzhahsrn : ta-
Expect to find
the Fisherman,
the "Mark of
c, _on -every bottle
of emulsion that
you buy. This
means that you
wi4 always ask for
• of
tiioll a: t�,a ne. Terunt(1 (m.: a'
c:molilg se -rotary. A s1. Str:alshnn:
treasurer. n'm. 1tt•:Inglat; S.\C.. \\l
11111: JW.. Ernest Ibdrhnnw•u: S
John Million: 1.R.. Peter Els
iliipinin..t'larenee Wafters: tr,
1_ 'I.1r,•+or Wolters. .1,:rt1 Bre,
chi-. Visitor.
gilt gent across the
phew and N•114 1.110% 1
d`low It worked., This
title 's'eo11(1 trier when
n the use. •
.sl that' h1 then secured the
opt upstairs kuil got the grin.
tt---tearing-. dist_tlrbane e
n and start: -.l nthe stairs.
was met by Allbrig r withthe
acrd the command; "I aids up!"
le woman Atammed'the d, r' in his
lee and ran Outside + I•
\llhright giving chase; He 01144'' I in-
line of travel, however, and headed
for the bush. After getting htto\the
Lush be went .' several tulles beforetee•..; doubling hack to the place where Ac
end; was d t..•0i•eted. '
-Ul1riglt is now In 7+111 In tioierich.
LANES. caving leen sent up this morning by
ay. ,fan. 1n- Magistrate, Sntire'rs. for trial by Judge-
fudgee• is obi t Dickson..
II, will
before the
r a s{Nttly K r.
Mr. 1:.1't.r1 Johnst
.irk list. Wit Wife'
.t.-. r.inra
1'. \\'. Alton hi 1
1l.•tw.•eu ,ix
ri'hws 1.11.1
f r'•.• .p,rt•.e
rain• Wilfred Famish and 11. t. Kollin:4Y :111 sir. 1.
le--awsbeing Mfr-
and seven thousand Tow' Formers Club, -The next reit-
-tore. - _ ('01.111
ie deo:l toll I r.'snits Mir moot ing,of the Colborne Farmers
limit or_,ni.etl In Con- 1'111? toll Is• held at itP11U1iIlei Thiirs-
t 11b. limier rite leader. day evening. January 20t11. when Rev.
•u nett. the latter winning ilio will -1s•ak on Rely }arinrs
"The Scotch Store"
URS r 8 A. M. TO et P. M.; SATURDAYS 9 P.M.
nnual Stocktaking Sale
Further Reductions in all Departments
50 only Children's- Bearskin Bon-
nets, value up to $1.95, for 49c each.
30 only white Voile Waists, value
up to $2.95. for $1.95 each. -
20 only handsome Voile Waists,
value up to $4.75, for $2.95 each. rs
100 - Women's Fleece -lined
Gloves, all sizes. Regular 75c, for 48c
5 pieces only'Wooltouch Plaid Suit-
ings, regular $ 1.25,• for 79c yd.
50 lbs. Monarch Sport Yarn, grey
only. 2 -oz. packets, regular 39c, for 29C a
packet. nl
Entire clearance of every WOwli s
Winter Coat in stock at less -than cost
price, some are as low as $5.00 each.
Our entire stock of Furs all marked
at less 33 1-3 per cent.
Children's Sweatersat greatly . re-
duced prices. -
A table full of odd Toques. newest
styles, half price.
These are only a few of the special lines, but all odds and ends of every
department are being died out at substantial reductions.
Comes prepared to get bargains ; you will not be disappointed. We are
fortunate in not having Targe stocks bought at high prices and therefore are able to
give our customers the, advantage of present prices.
Store closes 9 o'clock Saturday evening
Our Mail Order Department has recently received large orders
from old 'customers in Denver, Detroit, Toronto, Montreal and else-
where. There's a reason.
r'sScotcli Sore il°`
ggo- tnajnrify. oto Friday Pven. `1,0111.1 111e1.114 to tow flab. A11111441l
, 1 n1
uinyrl tltent h'•+i-with gimps, will le, +erred by 11„ 1 Inh. .\n inn It makes a real treat-Blackstone's
are asked to supply xandwicLPs and
.1,..' andud dant itlg• until -rite wee. Hon is given to 51( •to atfPudr f +dips delicious ice cream, in bulk, or tansy
arze motel gath red :1t the hall program _u••t':n will :11:, v be given And coffee
Regularly ::;. t.e
$10 or $4.75
1) the smartest and new-
est it as for Winter Millinery
Near ave their represent-
atives here front the close -fit-
ting st)les the large dress
It is difficult tit.tealize ha
so smart are c tying so
small a tigutitir 91 th •r price
Miss M.R. MacVicar
Kingston street, Goderich
Having sold out • our
branch Shoe Repair Shop
at Seaforth, we are now in
a position to coo aW .�ioe
Repairs promptly and
BOOTS: Solid Leathct. '
or I 11
Me eting.- roe 1•.F.W.1►. Parke.
v , Corner Club held their
11 tbig n January
The � 'p resident, S1r=. tl: W. Lntw. ST. HELENS.
111 members' bell= - present. Tuesday. Jan. 11..
np.iel the c!Inir. P.nsine-s afr. and airs. F. F. Phillips, who
matt.;r. were discussed and new „(floors %pent their honeymoon on n trig) to
wet, b"a„t 1}i+: 4rrt►ie- t„hnstnn } 1 .1.!.1:1 refttrnesi on Saturday and are
,t14- he...n to take the pore of sf 1•r. - liendlin n GA' days scall- tis.--PIM--
to-evil It't.emghlin. who is .p»'edttlg the lips.parents, Mr. rind Mrs. R. J.
winter at Nandi, and adios .loran S. ort Wood.. before taking n1) housekeeping
in Lee knew.
•u, et ells_ _het _Mother,,...who. we aro 31455'Margaret stiller has returned
-•..1•}• h. reINtrt. has .ibsince the last 1„ the "S,,,.." *Where she w•II1 [.each In
.Ilree t ra The nett
Our Double Harness
1401 I* found mobil tatty arrest per-
f.•etly Matched Mont to eynlfeetiy
ami beauty. pt seta itrac.•h111y..•3,
the horse., and w1ltc tlt11ng IN•rfitctIy
allows tlic µtea; st brachia of
action 1f you hawP ,a high Hess
tette come here ter barge.. mnpre
prfate for their clams Rave polo
old Ilarncia nil. it 4nd reliance( new.
for Fp, mg.
Hamilton St,
(.1111}:1;I( 11
:is • •• the 611 n:wank Rome Her mother ac-
• in will 1» held nn .lannyrr 1s'. ,,niliahted herr to Toronto. to attend
\II oleo ter. and 1boor wLo s'1 1i t0 the funeral of her tittle grandson.: John
rtaucP s on an r, tin - t and 4,
are r nested to Ile present. ax a Gordon 31Iller. on Friday.
,n r'.'r of 1 I h d sf 1 lits } itnP% R eMte*1' a
Haler your food is digested with
oat the aftermath of painful acidity,
t Gvins
. Iq is takm sat d bots. ending
re woodeifal Is their bolo to Ate
es matis troubled ugh 04141i -.d.
P!e.aent to take prompt oil
MAKERS 1» !corm 0011.11014
4 cam -Elven. of Iturlinuton- spent--4.-.few
(:IIDF.RH�ttd Tu\\•NSIITP. ,lairs with Mr. Webster's brother. 31r.
Tlterelvllt 11• :i. uti•ting or tit. f;0o1' J. R. \\'Phstrr.
Y� air . •n'ffer'..n. of flnnnyhratk. Is 4115-
Che.•r 1'IIl•.:1 \a. �sa-.f, of Mon• icing her nephews. the Messrs. afeDon-
tea}•. ltiimarc 17. at � p, .. far the our -
p0." of 1hiii :chug lutp.rr tit business abl.
,Wil 1 The 111 Idallee tot The .11. etre•- Ila VP pineed Oslo?
all members is urgently reit •Steel seventy-tive new books %1 the nubile
• met(tinit f the library. Now Is ,the time to renew
miner. n . ns font liter tri for trvo bool.t, tach in
11111 on Frl,laa wog. 3.0„„;.3.711,., !1 fatally.
a land" atten�tlu ,. ens present in e' \ sli•s F.rhP. McPherson 1s at bonus
pest, 1 ' ti ,•f Mtta•ing Mr. A. }licks. �-
M.P.P. for $,.nth Huron. bat owing to 'INer pending Al week with friends eat
si.•kn.• in itis f:Ithily and himself Is. Te. tIr.
11 tn
inii, :1st»,sol a Ith 111 attack of mnp5 TIP w;{clover thresher is In the neigh -
311 lei •k. was nniible• to be present I,otllot» l'he seed Is not turning on,
meld. ii soh+fiRfiTe hi the os wv11 a eats'•lel.
�s Rev T. 1%_UUler• of rshrldg", will
' f thew ilntI'1. lier..� 1 -F.i). ' ,'c •dory, ,.cn rt ►iw Nilpit in Calvin (-Mitch
.,f the [tenth linen t, exe•ttflve, 1 �, �
151040re n brief resume of•the history 11111 St,n'l:Iy.
f `1 niteet Farriers'-"erg:,tilearion.
Itefordt)nu :1.; l+lnh ,1111.1111r his talk of 1•};hitf' \,
the r11ni[•,-.1111e't8rry rtrtt-t*w'r were .---
now 1•.,Isl elitb. 111 the 1'.F snot. \\'eon .(4
sy'. 1:111. 12.
w ln•ti' Tt 1:•i`l.l:,i.T T.1- iiT ,':Tlittitttra• Mr.. fIro: -l•n}U.pe4 4.4$ Oct reek for
ti„11 'r• s2.15144:,11T and• 1,1,1 +LY1silN*1. iiuffaln, where he Lwendt% staying with
vol ys.1.• em "44L'•r Items of interest fisr.ld for a while. Harold. is not re-
t the /1111.. MI', 1111 -k, t'.F.1i *1tt ,' covering as rapidly as h{s many friends
:•.r tr,r N ,1 Ili ttnr.oi; wn. pr.'s.•nt also. would like.
1 g a -e a •t•lcmt1.1 address on the sl r. lhrgi, Potec•hler, of Goderich, Is
., the 1•.F.14.. .1111-410 41441 It w:t, 5i.111ng at 31r. Jn1,4 ('h1ohn
.organized for tin- purpose . ‘furthering' -^-e10.. llnrt•y 1- r darn 11n(1 family here
the ftitereests of the farnt.'r\In sut'I• returned from their visit nt Ailsa Craig.
enitrtr., and for tlief...t"ering of tnn'n:il Harold iogie has bought Toni itheh-
:1rd-'oi s threshing outfit. ,
Meir.. John owl 4ti1rer Potter ire
viyltItt( relatives in 1111" vicinity, 31r..
kte•kmr4 4141eielou returning m% tar as
t"1i1.Ion with them for it short, visit.
- Mr. amt Mrs. Fisher, of Iennttnat0n,
wore xdhitors at Mr. mint Robert
• r
lieu are not
ing schen
). AI 11.e Its,
i ha... ' ((int-
meat tot E ,' me * anti 'Ala Irnta•
[law.. it trI,'t lit once Ord ,tr.du•
4.-L.. al
slifs Mtal
,.'nntthtereskiatdn1aat1mPebn.tite"%a. Ptr
Ik(rgjlly.r%is idmrwme,' km.
ll*r or
the ending
tr. r and vend tar, stamp i••r pessary. row. a i1P h0[II Tttt1YM' here sttwtnlyd the
not �U ...1.Teaten or }:,tman,t(a, Bates t co., d.irn r In town 'ow nitrite? evening.
4nnlU•d. l'srm�ti.
Your Service
with the
to be had in
The Square Phone 46
or That Cough or Cold
Riker's Syrup of Tar with, Cod Liver Extract
Laxative Cold Tablets with Aspirin
Money refunded if not satisfied.
Phone $e.1 The Rexall Drug Store Bedford Block