HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-1-13, Page 22 -Thursday, Jiinuary 13, 1921.
Tburbdiy, .anuary 13, 1921.
Have you got used to 1921?
- -
People who go to Florida this winter
are wasting their money.
The weather man can't please every --
body. lie has not been at all popular of
tate with the hockey fans.
During 1920 no less a sum than $310,000
was collected in tines in the Windsor
police court, for offences under theOntano
Temperance Act. The situation at
Windsor is a scandal.
The cities seem to be infested with
robbers and bandits, their doings con-
stituting an almost daily feature of the
city newspapers. It is another phase ol
the aftermath of war.
A newspaper detaatch tells of heavy
frosts in Californirwhich have endangered
the fruit crop; while fintarro has been
basking an almost summer weather,
Come north, you Californians.
United States Senators are halting in
•. __their plans for clapping on higher customs
duties. having received warning that
' other countries may resent such action
• and may retaliate. No civilized people
can live to itself.alooa.
A man from Wawanosh was in town
this week looking for a house to live in
when he retires from the farm. He had
not secured a suitable place after a
through search. There is need of a
numbe:- of new Modern dwellings in
The prop)sII that a definite scheme
should be adopted for the beautification
of the town is a good one. If a
plan were laid out an appropriation could
be made each year and a certain por-
tion of the work carried out. without
straining the civic treasury. Care shou'd
be exercised that the plan adopted may
be one that will not be too ambitious and
yet will recognize the possibilities of the
future development of the t own.
The U. F. 0. Government has 'scored
another victory. An attempt was made
.on Monday night by , two hooligans in
ueenT`Park, Toronta, to hold up the
The Finest and Purest Tea Sold
There is genuine and unmistakeable
pleasure in its daily use.
Black - Green I Try a ,packet from yourgrocer,
or Mixed J but be sure it's "Salada''
Where the Snakes Winter.
Wingliam Advance.
Wheu T. J. McLean ind staff were
digging for sewer work on the north
side of the MeKenzie bridge they came
Marti a nest of ten anittws, all ended
tip for the whiter, a douple of feet
below the surface.
Deal Make Any Break*. H. B.!
Brussels Post.
The Post doffs Its hnt to Mayor H.
It Elliott. of The Militia ui Times. and
w.• hopo he a111 not mix his gait ou
1921 umnieipat rare cou'ree.
Th. World Is Not Getting Worse.
Staff* tiorr. Seafortl Expethor
Thr debate here on New Year's Eve.
"Resolved, that the world be getting
worac." was well fought out by both
sides. The hulges 117411 sone difficulty
in deeltling, hot g e it to the negative.
• Lanterns and at RIple,y.
• Ripley Etpreser.
The gas plant at Ripley will go into
the junk pile, and the village is now
in darknees. Hydro is expected to be
"turned on" in February or Mania A
number of 11011....1 in the village are
not yet wireti. 141111 the Hydro Co. heie
41 few Week.' work at Holyrood. We
expetit to use lanterns and lamps for
the next two months. .
Math -sod White In Chkago.
New Orleans Times-Pleayune.
Chleago has darnel through its
Istast. that it would double its negro
p.1.111,111011 In the decade. The increase
1.. Hs:, per. emit., as against 21 per
.s.lo fOr Ili.. whites. Th,.- liegl...4"1
c- 'i proportionately 111 iennilwra
more than seven times as fast as the
whites. Total marro... ja chleago,
Der.p4. whi;:li carries it- above Haul -
more arid p....-itay wa.iiiino 11. with
New York .proisody Its chief eampet-
her. . The changed eondltione • in , thls
moat r:t --arr .- .e'war by Osierfiet--thart Hair
two (irk. with the largest *teen, won-
istIon attrittow in 1lw North-Chfeago
HIP'. New Y,:wit. and that the IleK1 VSCO.
11411,thleteer 11111 WIlmhlintholl, Hee 11i the
f,f4w-i.:111...1 -harder States, with 1.,...ibly
Minister of Education, Hon. R. 11. Grant. 1111her narthern city six i hi.- Nina.
Mr. Grant is no weakling. however, and '1°0". ,The "1" 'Hiker" el1Y•wilkh
...tiles enywhere. near those. la New or -
instead of allowing himself to be robbed. lean.. wide', may show a slight falling
. __he used his walking -stick with good effect off hi the itunitter of its negrOes. like
and the bandits got the seorse of the i
tat. neighboring 41..111111,1 of Lonsianti
anti Nlississippl.
--"- '
IlayUght saving. .. .
Hamm to sitectator.
The reaulta In the various Runde
panties of the eating upon OW 4.
V11.1i 14 /131.111114 laVitie 11111. int ring.
rannuated. This \,,iy be, m...1 ITy...a.m,,tilfarinviirselrnii-irti,..ii..1rot.s. m-
a Kitelien-
yea r
the law. but if so` .. the law'' r. King -t.. and st. 4', tithe. lily,.
theta passed and it'-li .iild all la -carded a rertli in Vs favor.
mended. 1 here is ane- Dolt arid Drielpli, rare the question
favor of• itie,upe Tv. , "As'. also submit 1 to the ideetorare.
for many years hat riled 11 11411. From 111e vari4N1
irl:.trilitta 11 Is livlim. that n .harp diff -
to public servl-ce., ,renee 14 opinion still prevails as tti
o license inspec. • t . me ta 14 the neen.iire. - The (net
t v. railways 'awl the Government
in' other work 1
1 ins eine. re in ten standard thaie Make,. It very
. whIeli adopt advaneed thee: but. not-
nt with -gat ing fhb' great advantnge. we
11 11 find Terri o 114111 other large bean -gnat
Ippre. wi Ina to submit he the eon.
-fusion againstlals a•ear. • Daylight Sat-
ing 11111.1 netke-n very strong appeal
miler these rieemitstanees. Hamilton
tas-emsgsvititheleol-on the -fact that
tis city. nt desist. We .11:111 IV' .1%1'4
kecounter. A little, mortY"education" of
this sort is wl at mkt of these hold-up
en need. \
ed That thek 'two retiring
ken swims of nutria county are
bein s
c ding t
her h
be repealed or
thing to be said
/' • nuation of men wh
'given their whole ti
but this d _es not apply
tors who are free to engag
•• while still,holding the office
Public opinion is strongly again
and the Provincial 'Gra
will have to meet much alit
ontinues such a Wks..
A rather
concerted m eve
to remeds th
ceasing to
S ales. T
effort • ing (nide for a
among -Canadian" in
situation by from the inlinevenienee and a/1.1111111y
from United eV 21 41 11.1e s1:1,,1,rl of I imp. (I11? pre:
e cure wouldhe wore* t n -4 -he -414.4e• V
nt. NItnufacturers know bow Trrn-'411r,
ndent this country is upon the States , , !.11!"" !" 1" eiperinie_:.,,,..ut.'
,r many raw materials and a great . Hit Summary. ..
number of man.tfactiired or partially .
the Sta•es were to cease, half the factories itatli ella.ilisCrAtta_la, ' __great, eatialisc-
the s or •• sae.
manufactured articles. If imports from . Huron county has. at tmeitig
in Canada would have tr, doge' and three- lion that it s Wilde wadi the ton itt,,%
fourths of the people, of Ontario at least,, theiso( Onnttlioprc,..einettle 3. s101h.- 2n 1 t;i1;:424;it4
would freeze to death for lack of coal. items of he -es. ilas and mann
.the Canadian buyer forced to pay 1t.15 and small froi,I. cart,- -(4. '3 I it .
live Slivck s ad avid 1il1«1. eTh • yule way
or even more for one dollar's worth of
elr that Huron hal gone about th s quo' on
goods froin the Crated States, nobody is of eoabliailing suposti ice disri'..g the pa
' ---....•-____._•._,.- ' •
"going to buy front the-SW:ell' he can-geF1es'Ye314' • • t
what he wants elsewhere. Nor can it be
nattan of the i,ie p .. as al the count'.
successfully maintained that the Balance LaFir Hui on was mow d ;wet. .
vervissly. knows a't',
it the I,: c •
of trade bete4en Canada and the Sta1et fruit - but Wel waul.1 tr.& le 11: 11 •
is the sale cause or the exchange situation. was the second enures': iii-gl tip l'io‘uu.t.
Canada has always bought more from the 21-itfiroit r Esse s is I
.,:ti,....T. le its c..tn.
States than she„snld there, but the ex- -sweAte•ii-ert.,'r, V irlir'k cfl,litr!ett: 44111;)r a1itrl
change difficulty is a mallet of recent honey, ' but Boron seems to have, h :•.
years. It is dou"btlese a feature of the crantent lo siChtek an I PTA'
tonally *hosting it. %A* on the map hi.
after -war phenomena observable in all the
cbilfitriet ithich-eXhansfel User r neriffes tzieng the mitket_a_.f.todro Avail
during the great ornifict. The United I he writer .(tea tlijnii.1114 we _in
N State* was in the war a comparatively Ontario are ;)'or adverti-.;:a. We Tess,
1" TritIt' altd-lTrirr"-111"'lli '/"15"7-4""K-1
--144Vreally tenors:Oiler-tee le .....• .4. and so wieil
wirhittees In th,.'s ,Iiri'lltili (to
titssivati -rTel-ii laser-
ec 11
With exchange at Ks present rate. and___In_NtleY. oaf.. iris tabard
• 1
lion to its resmirces, in nowise comparable section enc. on init(sigma Mg pride,
with that of the other nations engaged in without letting 01,..k.I4 40 on the secret.
(he struggle. COn.equently it moires (teeth I lur..n has 5e, •pace. ly• • he temarkaKe
and vigorotis. while Prance.Great Britain, discovery that. it l'atritt. nankin's," nut
what would hamien it *ate other centity
Italy, • and Canada in less decree, wi 1 should r all discover 'kis it produces
,•' suffer for years Duni the strain. When some choice rts•ords in its own way, i.
the people of Pim court:rick by industry and chain nge the staralit, Of *Hon it
and frugality, are whir to pay on their the sthaet y life of this little Prove 'r
war debts, exchange will rightilklf. And They All Toned OM.
-Instructor (st tit? ' worn In'ti• trailin;
An Empty Joke. emriti) -Reveille wt.'. envoi e nil- in lentil,:
Snkkson-Why is an empty purie at 3 30 Every lady must turn ,int at that
always the same, filly bas ? - - • - time. The only es -rim rns will be in
Snackson-Traid I cin t tell you, favor of Di gee s aft , have had cam-
' Sni.-kson- Why, because vuwaever see plexions ands need thra beftuty sleep -
any change in it l - Iloy,l' Lite. ,.. . rioston (;1010o,'*
1 i
Following are the resull,. of the ex-
amluatlons at the Gish -deli Collegiate
inaithute eudiug Dreember 22, 11120:
' FORM I.A (average. (41. '
I. Honors. -E. aleFarhane 87.1. '
II. Honors. -D. BNair 74.4, I. Mur-
ray/ 73.5. .. Andrew,' 7..3. 1'. Meereti t It
72.1. B. alcalantis 7* Mae Campbell ;
71.14, M. Mulholland , 1.3. T. Freeman
70.3. A. Buchanan 1e0.3. D. Fisher 69.5,
Vevir ht. I u I teem 67.7, M a rga ret Campbell
06.9, M. Johnston 66.2.
Pass. -F. McCarthy i13.5.
Failures. -A. Brown 59,4. V. Snel-
grove 581, A. It Wharriaou 57.4, D.
Westbrooke 57.2. M. McLean 511, it.
Heilman 5.7. S. Donaldson5.3.2. C.
Ruffen 51.4. N. Wilson 49.$. F. Stokes
49.5, M. Griffin 41.2. '
FORM 1.11 (average Gal.
I Honors. -M. Wilson 143.3. J. Chaps
man 79. N. Gilkinson 74.1, H. McLeod
77.4. M. McWhinney 77.1, E. Elliott 77,
Harvey Mickel Has Completed an Irn- A. MeHattle 75.8 H. McCarthy 75.4.
portant Work in California. II. Honors. -C. Humber 74.5, E. Hils
klieson 74.3, F. Harris 72.4. K. Stratton
The ()Rowing is from The News. 72.2. A. Fowl'. 72. H. Garrow 88.5, A.
Advocate of Manistee. Mich., and r-fers Fraser 07.8.
to the an of Mrs. Hincks of town : Pass. -.D. Ph.kerIng 65.5. K. Sinclair
Fame is now coming to arother former 44.9, L. Johnston 64.7, 11. Orr 113.6, S.
Istaniatee bay. He is Harvey W. Hincks, Grant 61.7, M. Fisher 00.R.
hydrau ic engiaeer of Failure -A. -L. Shinier 58.9., R. Week -
now a civil andPasadena, California. who has just Com- er 56.7, A. Hays 56.4, F.. Robinson 55.5,
plated c ,n.ract for making a topo- 8. Howatt 52.5. E. Taylor 50.5.
graphic stove1 and map of the Hoover ai,JR;nrWinterie and II. Thamer were
through. illne.s frettn many of
farm near W'asco, or
li Cama 'rum
which detailed plans forthie the exams and are not given standing.
wellIs and the construction of a rnecierii
rri gation system were made.
alt. Hiacks. about thirty-eight years
old, is he son of Dr. and Mrs. )(An
Hincks, well known residents of Manistee
for many years. They lived in the house
now owned and occupied by Howard L.
Campbell. Maple street. After Dr.
TUN news is imp >dant to our
advertisers as wel. as to our
Wrigley's Chewing Gum today
starts its thirteenth year of adver-
tising in the Canadian n e w s -
papers. When they begah very few
people used chewing gum. Today.
few people do not get the pleasure
and benefit of using WRIGLErS
"after every meal."
Regular consistent newspaper
advertisfrig convinced the Canalian
public that WRIGLEY'S is good
and good for Meal. It has built
the modern sanitary factory at
Toronto -recently doubled in size.
If adv. Ogling will do this for
the manufacturer of a single item
selling far the small cost of five
cents. how much more can we do
for local purveyors of general mer-
chandise who ate selling many
items, some of them turning into
hundreds of dollars on a single
sale ?
notify the county engineer that the
eouncll considered the time the town -
shin grader was need on county roads
ehould lealanee the use of the crusher.
---- ToRsi tr. Ta refit go 115:111 .1', • II. few- Se -A -woo Iteeaveri oft motion
I. Honor -..---R. Martin it0.5, of limber and Currey, nuthorizIng the
II. Honors. -II. Bell 74.4. 1'. Ander- Reeve and treasurer to borrow the
sum ,of $5.1m10.00 to be drawn as re -
eon 72.7, A. Stafford 71 4. E. !Soak 71.3.
H. Murray 71.1. M. lieyernft 70.8. T. quire(' for township purposes.
Cutt 70.5. M. McIntosh 70. L. Cooke Mr. A. P. Shepperd. school attend -
60.R. .1. Jefferson Mt .11.• Hunter ER. L. ante °Meet. gave the following report
. - . t es.. for 1919-20: Number of children In
Hencks'clea1h twee ty years ago the family '' .- ----- - owe.
moved West. Frank Hincks died in the • " • tirinithe°wrilo‘thiePhibetidreneeelinrSollanirlinHat..hloo351s;
• • •
I '31rLeoll 611T -
West two years after graduating fromit„).P5eires...-..1-1. (Name! 65.4. F.. Dougherty
c 'liege. Mrs. Hin ks now h . • r• iteever. 62 2. M. 'taker 62. H. hetwe
en S and 14, 131; number of elill-
home in Godenmakes er ch, Canada. Howrle 62, H. Fowler 62. 0. Finnigan dren in the township between 5 and 8.
. in‘
The Hoover farm which Islr. Hincks 61.4. D. Dalton flii.3. D. Wilann 60.1.
surveyed is a 1300 -acre tract recently Fallurea.-L. 'Milli. 5..7. NI. Genii- legiaola between 5 and S. 35. Fourteen
purchased by the Western Cotton Com • am 57. W. Baker 51, G. Strickland 50.7. children did not attend the legal num-
parw, °two! the owners being Herbert V ter of days. Fourteen eases of abaen--
Hoover. For many years Mr. Hincks was FORM HUI leverage Mt.
tee. were Investigated. There were no
Associated with James Dix Slionors.-41.
chuyler. noted Murray79. Dwaaii•
, rsmjplaInts het e magistrates. no fines.
i. .
teceaved assistance from Mr. Hincks in nP ' .,'''g-' .
co'mbo 77.9. I. Brown 76.1. 1.. MacKen• no bonds a ed for. no eertifieates
granter' al wing children to stay at
arsulting engineer in Los Angeles. whO , ,
drawing for his book entitled "Reser- Drown 66.9, Jefferson 0N.4.
II Honora -Mantle Howell 704, L. : home. (xi
' instruct n at !ionic only. Moved by
the k of compting data and making . " silently nope were receiving'
VOWS. ' • r Paas. -11. Move Ile 013.9. D. Mar- Rather n. aeemieleal by Fisher. that_
I hi otn..h\ Mr. Schuyler s recommens ahall 421.7.. 1. Graham 63.1. A. ['ether- the • Tort be reeeived. Carried.
dationjair. ffmcks was appointed erg neerIngton (10
4. fellowing accounts were paid:
ia the I fated States Indian Irrigation .e. .7, Reyeraft 60.4.,
a iir -Mary Howell 59.3. R. T e Signal Printing Company. 200
hervice„which position he held for eleven Hm
ailt Mkt E. .Whirely 5-..1, it. •
opies of tlw linane'.al statement and
years, the last tax 61 wisIglahe was project Mum). 57.9, J. Wallace 57. L. D. A billiors, 432.75: John Melina.. work On
engineer of the Kalaniath Project on the !der. 511.9, M. F:ilwar.l. 34.4. E. Rh shatmon's hill..1920. $15: M. Mugtard.
halamath Indian Reservation in Oregon, ; per 414.4..7. (Wire 401.7.3. Yining .9, ' breiking roads and drawing gravel.
during which lie designed many excellent • ! 429.711; A. P. Shepperel. salary as schaol.
ir riga ion works lor the Government. / FORM 111.A 111Verage 63 i 1 ritteteltinve °Meer. 1920. Xr.: Stewart'
Or, gum paid Mr. Hincks oue of 11. Honors. --0. V.,..V.e.e - . T. Me- • Wataim. breaking roarla. 192o. fst 411:
. ' Dreis., dragging' 'roads. *4 141: James .
Senator Harry Lane, Of Portland,/ T. Honors. -M. Rey,•raft .44
. It igheat compj .. xr....lier 129, A. Nairn . George Feagan. derange to engine. 192o.
merit engineer during . the hearings fore -.4w1-1- - - • - --Iffi-t•-jiitiiiiS 3f. -Manns. ',Link. $10.21:
the Committee of Indian ;Affair 10. the! INA4.-r. Mal-K.rizie 64.4. R. Wil -on Owen More. 101 Tanta grasiel at 15e.
Sixty•towth Corgis'., as sho ,by RI. F. Ra [Gibe 63.7. D. Denver win. $15.15; R. McCabe. 'Iran -Inc grade'.
to I iiving extract tram the of- aa! Vetlf 3. Gareaw 63.6. M. 10111ton 62.4.1, E. PO : . N Vt.111T., 13*) yards grave) l'r/
Se v I. -"Th-t te of India Is•er MI. T. Young rail _ _ _ _ 1.1e, $10.70: I Hetherington.
Indians in America 'The Indians are --,-*` II. rtalt fir..4. SI. J. Lee 74.1. F. yearly sobseriptions. 411.00 -rimy
•McLeol.. eXPele.e., :t:111•11: Municipal World, six
the i alamaths, are tlX richest of any . ' Fellares.--.T. Hunter 7.R. G.
worth over a40 000 piece in their tribal . Dougherty II, F. Delvers 47.5. ; striven, tile underdrain on 10th eon-
1.1..Inn. • $7.- Total paid at meeting
rights. yet they restricted in such ai
indorser that t y are not going ahead . • FORM TV. (average 114.7 1. .
regain t 0Ceharge of that work has ,lone , 11.4'11111.T. ar. xi. LA" 7". , pi 2 p.m.. on .motion of Graham anal
' $240.45.
Connell adjourned to February Sell
exseat on the reclamation project. The
' • I. Honors. -R. K il lei t riek so:.2. E.
pies, of engineering work that 1 , H. I er..711, A. Hume 70, J. F., mho, r
don't remember his naine and know ,n6-5- I, HETHERINGAN; Clerk.
ver seen Washingiem 6741, F. 1'. Wa.lilugton '
m hut slightly ; but 1 want the depart-. Pa" -17 M''K•
_mem to know that .he has done the fineat Nta4h11 ta-l'Ai. M•
piece of ' engineering work that I have Tnylor 60.1. ,
Fallures.-r- B. Nairn
ever seen."
Ale. -Merritt- kAatis(ans--Gommiasineter) --.1(1,4.-F-.--714n4t4'"i'--44,4
-i="His name is Hincks. I wmild like to i .
COaiMFRCLalf. rim.
have his name go in the record so that he: .. . F .. , .....
may get ctecht kr his isrei wark." .,,! 1. tielmares- r,. Goierrivere
' AI alleKer 77, 51.John.tern 76 ..,
Appeal In Fleming Cam. i rr.ilgiP 73/1. A. l',1117,e1' 71.11, II 11x3o\heed of mone--.
tight corner themselves, they do not
'realize how much others may stand in ,
1. II. !honors --T.. IVetiater 73.1v. 0.
Wi•idsor, J n. 6. --.An appeal from Mr. Brownlee ea• s.
Trot. V, Wits .1. 65 I. C. ()Neill M.S. J.. hortat on Do not merely pay. "I
y 'Suffer another word of
i Fa illire.-M Anstin .-st.4.. r M t pas that account " That gets MP
Justice Midlleton's dtci-ion awarebng -
7i5n0 to 0. E. Flemice in hie damage lint . nos ere. Do it now, and start the ball
aga.nst Rev. J. 0, L. Sarack in, border : Parent V will
: pleriee examine ea re- • mies
folly, tips,Inettenleat report* being :tent ;
license tiepector, was ordered yesterday . , . .
--v--Geor rat W. It Raney, nr•-.- f„,.t„ey
themiand where restilts are not satis- .4iffe.4.44,ew &wino( an oict_story : i4,
cording to word received by Crown A' ler- . we wont,' .vreleome an inter- small storekeeper. put -up in his window '
per J. H. ROA'. Mr. Fleming charged : view a...talk over hove matter,. relight not long ago an, elaborate new blind.
ilea lir Spracklin and his hides searched 1,e linnraved Every student ha. r
haler two ham-. of study each eV -ening sours. Ialac.'• 'Yes,- was the reply.
n• QuOth hi- neighbor : 'Nice•blind of
Fieniing's yacht for liquar wi!hoet suc- ,it ,.,.,,,,,,„,
cti. and -that they fimrished -revolvers, "'"`-"" . "W try maid frr it bine . The custom-
intanidating the occupant-, t 1 t he i ic..t. ', /. P. !ITU E. Prilmilkal, • ' erg rvail:'*•What? Yon\say. the customers;
• .
paid for it. Isaac ?"-"Yes. I put a
a a
11 Sale of Skirts i
a X
X, Navy blue, black., btowns and fancy all -wool Serges,
Gabardines, Tweeds and Poplins. A large choice'aud all this ;
i season's stylish tailor•made‘Skirts.
810 Skirts for $5.95. X
812 Skirts for 87.95.
Xi X
X 88 Skirts for $4.75. X
X •
Plush Coats X
iwi II
a Saults' Plush -every garment labelled and c20 AA 111
1111 satin -lined. All 8(30 for Qu'ivu X
X •
ai Silk Dresses and Serge Dresses :
X 111
Bought for the Christmas season, now clearing
Ili 840 Dresses for... $22 830 Dresses for._ $18 III
Si2 X
* ' 820 Dresses for
li , .
13' Cottons
X 62. -inch white Cotton, 85c, for
• Ginghams •
II etc. All Dress Gingliams-checks, plaids, stripes,
39c •
. Et Regular. s50c, 60c, ti5C; at oue price.
- X a
a :W.' Acheson SOn a
si a
• X
40 -inch best unbleached tottou, 60c, for.., ..... 38c
A Tiny Baby.
New York, Jan, 6. -The tiniest baby in
New Node today is Jeanne Ousset. the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs Louis Ous.et,
No.:429 East 35th street. Jeanne is sixteen
days old, and, although she weighs less
than a pound, her nurse declares she Is
thr;ving and will shortly gain welht at a
tremendous rate.
On December 24 twins were born at the
Ousset home. A toy. weighiag three-
quarters of a pound. died shortly after
birth. but, in spite of the predictions of
the doctors. Jeanne, who weighed just half
a pound, lived.
Except for her size, the girl is aprar-
ently normaleeccording to her nurse, who
declared thaPthit Ease vas the most re-
markable in. her thirty year.. experience. '
the It
+en 62 9. T.. .% •
, •
If yon owe motley to anybody, p s it
E\ bertsen 411._.II
• • now. A ten dollar bill set going in this
. way on Monday may pay. in turn. fifty
1.7. W. w'''r or a hundred account. Wore Saturday
night- Complaint is made -that peorde
who are svell-to-do are not infrequently ,
segsi. among the most negligent in this matter
of !editing their bi'la. Never being in a
- ------garfelessaftla- • -- - leedle box e n my ccuntera% labelledit.
- .
()ace Whit' John D. R.} keret er was coibOrn'e inniielpal council mot. in • 'For the Blind.' and th.-y pa for it."
playingr gr.if it negro lad crossed the :inks . _
the: tatitiship hall. Carless% .1:1 emery .
Mr. Iheckefeller had ju, t given the hall a
viaorotni_aerolie. 9,e.d.,11.e !ad re. eived 11' "h..4-/No-le-rferint"vbsetal"illraittott".""infit '1101ttireld "ails-
rifs4le kin :rely on the head It wa ; a rothl*A: 11•4•V1., e•farelon Young : corm-
liesvy hloai, but it Only duetted the boy ,.„,,,,,s,,. .
%arm. Fi.lier. George tairrey.
' a li•tie. and after blink ng his eve.; tea. a ,,',',, . , , . . ..
; moment. he wa. himself again. ' t ries A. 'tors/son a nu .imin ii.
re - ti 11 -it the bov ltd been h• dl • • rind adopted: oti 11111111111 111'. Robertson "They Work while you Sleep"
I Air. Rokefeller, a ho had rushed tn), Grit ha nt. alliiere. of beat meeting read
injured. • was relieved to find that he took end (limey. Appointingotfleers for. the
11 so calmly, and. pulling , as hill from • yean wa%. then taken up. The frillaw-
his p ,cket, he gave ttsti the Youngster as lug app11.•1 I ions f er rsaleeroe were re -
a AfilVe lor his feelings. -• ceived: Tilton:1- Wilson, Joseph Mti-
The boy.lookeil at th. bril and grin, .1 ' Nevin a MI Geo. F. Chi rk. it was !wired
with delight.' TI.en Le looked at. NI r.s /,Y Dralia tn. ...p.iairs1 by Robertson.it9121alt
Norio -G -1W and inquiir ! ; **When i. you -1,0.4-1,11 1-...airsit, be eolleeter„.fer
gto i' to be 0153 10 exam . 1 a rrled rinanim misty. (tel. I. 1 ergii-
or. Ir wa. in“yed by Fisher, see° ded
...on being the only applicant for a.,,vsnwss-
. , li.r--1-11-11,44.-11141--44---ka'rgli. a, tbe--, 'MO it tone "hobby" to keep liver
; and ii,„fi,',1‘.7c!al?„,l'oiltiene41,i1;11Y..'F.i,:i.-'be.' and bowel', regular. If bilious, ronati-
prepared to 1‘11N1.1**`111nals. carried. pated, headachv, unstrung, cr if vott
Theretensf of Fbilter and Calvary. appointing for
Bala la N... 2 was pi-'a'l, 1p11 tu,01,m 1 ."e a '''1'1'
breath. t..ke Carearets tonight and wake
an upset stomach, or 'bad
thousands who real- .1liti A. l'imitit and J. Robertson..
It -1 the folioning t viers: Auditors- up feeling clear, r..ay and tit. So grip- •
ing-no inconvenience. Children love
ized the benefits of 1 ming. Allin Wilorn anr , I. nether.
I heard et health ---Dr. Weir, Reeve Casearets .....tot 10. 25. 50 cents.
, the growth -promot-
ing properties of
i tiro on. Sahib' ry inapeetone-Wm.
Stertughan. It. Glen. J. D. Vernal" 141e1
-(14:11rge }.11‘N ler. $heep V:111411101..
A. M. Stranglian. J. WM.' mi.. W. 1
i Itobeftsoo mini isms.; Watson. l'ouse-
ylewer.-Ed. Shaw. sr.. Wm. Sa flows,
Islas; -Wir*s.m 4. 4. Reawet.oe. John
' Long. 11. Wore and .1. Jenkins 1..0mil-
l...eller, Charle. Ffsher. 3.1'. McCann, ,
.I..lin Long. C. .1,44•InAn and Aldin Ailln.
.3sseaaer- G-i'g' J.
Ferguson.rgnom, olleet-
or-Jo...atilt MeNeyin. 8)),.'! attend -
a WOMintierA. P. -sheppent f i
' I Ti.' Road snperintendenta were ap..
in childhood. isiTtitm. MI 1111011M1 of Robertann and
. ' ; Currey. at a salary of $4.50 per day
who now give while on township ditty.
upon Scott's Emulsion! The eemetery eamnilt tee reported that
thee bail instructed the caretaker to
...pie. of the Municipal Act Itr21.
trim tap the tree. soil re-
mote the demi nne.. ; • The 'sleek
was ntithoriveal to profiler aix
it regular!), to
their children.
You may depend
All ilere11111 I.1 it2tows for raw 11.0 re' 1 he
1 Flea IV,..n. T,,,,, ont 7(). -2 ! : stone ernslier wa. frellTeli from the
GM am , emint.v. The clerk was Imittucted Id
Tenn How To Open Clogged N1114-
* grila and Lad Head-Colda.
You fel fine in a few momenta. Your
eolti in head or catarrh will be gone.
Your clogged nostrils will open. The air
passages of your head will (gear and
you can breathe freely. So more dull-
ness, headache; no bawkingr, snuffling.
mucous discharges nr dryness; no strug-
gling for breath at night.
r Ten yorr druggist. yon want a small
bottle of Ely's Cream Balm. Apply a
little of thin fragrant, antiseptic errant
in your nostrils, Int it penetrate threat
every air passage of the head;
and heal the swollen, inflamed mueettgl
membrane, and relief eomea instantly.
It is just what every cold and ester&
imfferret resits. Don't stay stuffed -yip
and miserable.
• Western Ontario
Bed Commercial School
0,1111i,11:77fiTt:ORterDOn: comNiT-.
c, inn2,211 erstetnialeta
b mil or Telegraphy departments at
are time. Our courses are thorough
.ett practical, and we assist graduates
• Desitiona. Get our free catalogue.
71. MeLAcIlLAN, Principal.
"Att_lyeryone Knows."
We sell goods that won't come back- to custom-
ers that will.
Wifl it happen when we sell cheap, shoddy mixed.
poorly woven material ?
Think It over.
F. H. MARTIN, Tailor
School of Commerce- 1
Clinton and Goderich, Ont.
Business Stenographic
Secretarial Civil Service
Teachers' Training Course
and arranges Special Courses for students.
Highly Qualified ,Tearising Staff
Actual liusineas f4ysteit of Bookkeeping
' , Credential writing Tests
Rion/ Guaranteed
\ Vocational Training School
for tifiredistriet, by Government appointment. and utider in-
spection by Soldiers' Civil Re-establishment Department.
For Term', write
(1. F. W 3111),
B. 1., M. Acct.., ('om, Spaelaliat,
Prineimal lee-Prineipal
Phone 19R, Clinton
WITItr.r Term begin.' Nfonday, January :)rd, 1921