HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-1-13, Page 1Renew Your Subscription to The Signal and get one of the handsome Signal Calendars for 1921 C M Burton 1 rug 19 O6 Horton Boulevard w • Perhaps Your Business Needs a Tonk Try a good dose of advertis- ing in .the columns • of The Signal. It has done good to j others-. why not to )you? SEVENTY•FOI'KTH YE AK. -NO. 2. GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 1921. THE SIG`CAL PRINTING ('0., LIMITED, Publishers. liIE STERLIN6BANK t• OF CANADA PERSONAL BANKING SERVICE You consult your doctor regarding matters of health- your lawyer when legal problems puzzle you. Yet do you consult your Banker the logical financial authority -as often as you ought? You will find the local Manager of the Sterling Bank ever ready to render helpful advice of a financial or investment nature, or obtain, if pos- sible,'Intornlation along these lines which we do not possess. r, NOTICE OF MEETLNO. I Dungannon Agricultural Society. 1' BANKIlVG SERVICE This Bank is more than merely a safe place in which to deposit money; it is an institution whose purpose and policy is to assist in the wise direction of the financial and business interests of its customers. Those who 'make full use of the excep- tional facilities provided by this Bank extend the range of their business possibilities. las THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL • - $15.000.006 RESERVE FUND - '*$15,000,00C GODERICH BRANCH, G. Wi]liama, flat .ger. The annual meeting of the Dungannon Agricultural .Society will be held in the Weigh -scales Hall. Dungannon, on FRIDAY. JANUARY 21st. 1921, at 1 o'clock p. m.. for election of officers, receiving the annual statement, and any other business which may be properly brought before the meeting, N. F. WHYARD, JAS. MIALLOUGH, Sec -Treas. President. ANNUAL MEE 1' ING. • The annual meeting of the members of the Mc$ 110n MuAdualFar insurance Company wIU be held at the Town Had. Seaforth. on FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 711i, Ile 1. to receive the annual statement. auditor.report• the electron ..I three directors andtwo audltww I and other business which -might be cone .end at I such medals me retiring Directors are 11. G. McCartney. t). t McGregor and Malcolm Mc. ' h wen. w ho are eligible la re -electron. JAMESCONNOLLY, TH9J,.E HAYS: Prepdpet. Secretary. I If OF HURON COUNTY L COUNCIL: -. The council of the corporation of the county J1 Huron w111 meet in the council . hambr. d.uda- riCh. at 8 u cluck in the afternoon of 1 uesday; , the 11th day of January. 110_1. 11 a.couhte *giant the county mum be i,. the hands of the clerk nut Inter thaw Muaday preced,na thr_ w:et • angel council. ' GEO. W. HOLMAN. County Clerk. Goderlch. January 7th182E 7t GODERICH INIIlUS1'it1AL ANI) AGRICCLTUNAL :`OCIlTY. Tiff W.C.Fx BYLAW. FIRST MEETING FOR 192E `' lee to strike the stand- . To the Editor of The Signal. Slr.-I heard a rumor sine return- ing home last week, that someone was trying to nullify the Western Canada Flour Mills bylaw. I should be worry to think that any citizen who had the TEe annual meeting of IheGeodetic% Induatr:t, and Agricultural Sori.ty will be 8810 in the 1 own Ha11, Goderich. at 1.3110 m, to. Ir natty, tl.eetet day of January...1W, for electron ..,l utfiirr, tv 88lymghnafCM1m alatee.Il and ieorl :1188,40.4 , DR. N. E. CL **Rh,, 1t ..St' 1'en•- welfare of our town at heart should interfere at thla stage, and not only put the town to additional expense. bat antagonize an Industry of which we are justly proud. The town is .richer by the pawing of the bylaw and it will be an ludnetmeut to other man- nfarturer, to settle•4n our midst. There area great numher of Industries both In England and the United States who are desirous of locating in (`,nada, and When we get it thoroughly through our heads that Goderleti 18 one of the wont deslrahle towns to loi ute in, and all together_ ad�ihove, our town go ahead- We are w'awrl of as Ane shipping faelldtlea da tiny town 1 know of 1n ('colada, Our streets are wide and clean. Housing is plentiful. We have a splendid harbor. All we nerd iP to -get a few eeapitallsts to come into our midst and her ;de•, and Marr will gnlekly follow. Let all get out and boost and we will very Pekin have I MKr0wnlltIee•s for the year wart nluvtrl Town Council Ilolds Inaugural on by lter•ve Davis as follows: IMputp Monday NurnE The Ila 'or's I 'tell." tte ve ('lark. Councillors Moser, 311t• n -.-- ) ehell. Knight and the Mayor. The (o Address. i unt'il adjourned while the Striking 1 committee was making up a report, and The town :council held its Inangti;al meeting on Monday morning. when 1 members all Invade their declaration of. quallfte,tion and took their web( as follows: Mayor ---E. t't. Wigle. Reeve-- T. 31. e:l I')atla. 1Mputy Reeve --W. F. Clark. Councillors -John Story. T. H. Mit- .1 .11, .I..1. M *ter, W. 3l. Knight, Wes. it•y Walker, It. H. Putt. • will After the fonnall(her hail leen ob- w'rvel. • Hey. J. F. Iteyeraft offered u prayer and Invoke) the AIvhw Ideas - big Instil till' eilllU'-il and. Iota proi.'d- hogs'throughout the year. The Mayor's Address. Mayor Wide then gave his Inaugural ultwwtgt'. remarking t1t-the outset that all the niemhnrt had had pterions • .'vie'rienee in the coinelf grrtt things wuldd be expectedof thein. 'rip•re 'vere'a number or things. His Worship .aid. he ,would, like to 1.1.0 (rutdrk•tel 1111!, Year. 11I Ie 44 1 hes,• Wan the (08'11 Your tally. ALRX. S,AI'X1rI;RS. President Bruin! of Trad,,. God. rlch..Talnuary 11, 1921. on rssr•mlain g adopted the relsort• whic11 wits us follows: Standing Committees for 1921. Flnanee-. 'lurk, Davis. Knight. 3111. ell. Moser. bile Worka-Moser. ('lark. Davis, Miteltell, Story. Cemetery' and Parks- Mitchell, Davis, :Walker, Story, ('utt. Markel--Wtllker, Moser, l'utt, Story, ('la rk- Speeial-Alvis, Knight, Moser, Walk- er, Clark. Fire-Story.'Knight, Moser. Walker. Curr. t , Wide.. - tight s6s11-Harbor--Kni,tht. 9.1t'.liou- �4--(gyp -- 1'lark �lirch••II' Mavis ('utt Deacon. of the Chamber of Commerce, was not particularly Iwprerwrl. "It It would relieve us of the hydro radial for whk•h we voted 8600,000 %owe years ago 1t would be a good thing," wits U. M. Ferguson't auwmlag up of the situation. "It would be wis- er to electrify the G.T.R. than parallel Its lines, but in my opinion radials a.re old-fashioned: never have paid and never will pay." 1'. Mrlthargey wild: "i don't see why it would not be got profitable aN the Port Stanley road. for It will peso through as prosperous a country. For Stratford it would be better if the Gotlrrikh line were electrified." .Ald.-clet Tom Brown was of the opinion that whale 1t might afford a letter train serrke t0 this city, It would not b, a good thing for Strat- ford'from a lousiness standpoint: ('ourt of Ret•IsIu1-t'utt. Knight Story. %lit.•hell. Walker. 11 was de,•ille.l to h"111 111e r gala meetings of the corneal . an the firs and. third Fridad•s of eat. month, a hel•etufnt•e., Appointments. • The Manor was again a ntrrl member of the 1:knlerleli Elevat r ane Trnnslt Co. Mr. John Galt eras-re-aplkrhttei the pulrl ie: Mirror} hoard for the y.(t(.1 London. tan. 13. -.Announcement was made at lora! Salvation Army headquar .I ✓ errs illar thr lordt)t� dtvtyon of 'th arm! hro1 belid'ford w • the hedyuarten(rsdiherrd the other part ofill thbee district. `ince the tncepRon of the Sal vahpn Army in this part • 1 Onla i i, • Landon has bee11 th' headquarters, and the large tncrea,e in branc.trt' front yew 10 y'e:1r has tlecesai:atatcd the present • mnvr. Major W. lssers, of Toronto. will be in charge 01 the 'new distrct. Hi' It Ft:elation and' a e'; until ;'f 11 e _Utlicera 1:1.1=::`t. OSE PAiNT" POR EXETER. Mawr Holl of Pottier Thos 111••1.4 un:•r the work earl . 1 J.uai•:r> ..U.tlll be "N Rec. J. I. Ford eras re -11 041ul at t,..1(1. t .s 111e .11le.t lull of 1 gni 11111y-.4' suAh' 1n the Collegiate Institute 1«ult•d tui' the 1iRtf•C':Ipl:!111 I(I:CIIIC U! - the 18-81 COttl- Ittt( it Did Not K rh There -Not '.%11 .ort to the 1,...81 returned soldiers, and n +<tattd• t• d:19. that I'e Ih'our rd Corte of. It. Anyway. if a cess.lrr the submitting of a .II t tN' Mr. Win. I' IUllrhett 99 1• r•••a pl«'itncd woo be much 1)elt'•r open •Isi•tet mote London. Jan. 11:-\itt-•nen e't-•. „f r•tYla Invoplefor alb' .'ptl'1n•se.-tn•r _alartor „owl ,•'lle.•t Ir f„r 1:l_1. itis _ 'iC11�' i'ntl 1). tort p -11. •'l l'-I"r new Imperial "nose paint." halsllel "paint,• ticarte-rre1r+ Nil Nlte•miol, 1, 1. Ile• r••- tl:,1* "':Is at +sial.'he h, pl)' 'merle i for t•i til t-I-tli. 9a, :1 ret -it 1 ,s what r,ie•nw• 1ns;:rotor ,r. E orY•nlization of the l:u1.1. 1.1 Shu«/, for his 09tH 1«o J. thedtvl• r. Ke.le_okle got for ts•Ing (me of the fonds till• rune.11 was the he:111. it 141 Md.:kiln 14.1' apt•":n'.'.1 10 tare Th" tin. n; Ito. ti;t v, 11 h. et 18 LX -cd nIr1'Inls nt'the ('ea.nd Trunk stn- ••uut•Ihnl,•r. It was ro1N•e,hrl that the h,•n•nlu•aunr•.to11 rat plane ..f Mr. of tv0 0 ,�:1?;..11b rd,lht9n Aounc troll \1 ., l..v; mornlhr ,(trap wit hoof noise- was ,lead. 1'. 1'. Ira Ute. 99'v' 'Ier.L(llii. ro-tirm.'1111- 1Ciar' 01. i r,::K r L.01 1.1.1 et, 1.' 1: tan•• s ennoble from 3I•• lrrl,,. Irwin k eoubtp• rhL,ate'of ninety ler .•tile;. nn Mr :V. 1' 11:'' .• is . Major ihtiliup•alr uDia 1 ' ;i' 11 9';', . ' ''- '11 1.•9')' "34 1"1"‘".11.1 •.1• \t'. \1', t'. � ••I .cry.•,. 11111.11:1111.'"111111.11:1111.'"1 h. the I"... . !i: 4:111, of 1:Vel41. ilrt�inatlly 4..e.ted .load 1114 swim as 1/14-ilde work should Is:, .1,•• 1...-1i,.,-11,1-' • 1!•h. which • will he City. t + • A 31nI1trPA1 reads M I Ts m rnnslgneme *.111et 91as 6111''41 Most of tite•'lanbe9 rnpre-4utl11, th. ,un•i, r-- Clinton. Cr, •1'119. 1•'d91 r!', `1 '.lit><. Co,. paint g111,141 dTl• lino. to the Fond • I1 t 1 e. :hrva ♦ tl !l 1 of t91er,ty-fire r.t.y-s. 1V4tere tin• other cnultne.N•trl fur 1'110 4tlanu telr<• a t u siX ease+ went to tW 311 kir{tfesfl 1=m'*tler-on (Ito' esoitt",e.ltll tlnl<i uf_110' tl, POR SALE. , a loco to knew* The .Li,m.4nt had town "i'.• 1114T malt ay*rttml N Rhin 1111' tort n• t -'-v tis Urge rr.fe". r',1 h , r rte main• There 01 .1111.1 be 111 'rrlp r. al -ten, ti, n 'VElllnllted Quantity, of t9•• eyes (ono 1 ,• five hail of 1110 a 9• t on tlio Holton r•a.h 1111 • 1«•on 4•1414-tdvt4lt tlw-tt,.yrd -alit femur t' "'rslr.sot N• • 1 Ito fo r w1, !I '..(N)D MIXED WOOD FOR SALE r •'firth one (tws•' h:" T been' taken.tai }1 nt1 'nb 1 , ,: , .iirul.• t 1ital _tank:ur of 1' . !C^ n, `'. 1 n - _,, at 81 per single cord, delivered, \ E roto this mnrnter. In4pct'tnr Keen- ToltI:u • 1`.. -1d. r...lud wo}11 r ,1 .1 susld.6,11 (tif: the T,,9911.TFlEGOUEWCHNI ".lFAC11..Rl\C .so ,,t_-'I11mn117 d,,• eo(((148 and at Th. is. :n'•,• 1• I1 gr•1te'i•,(1 1' • ;'1.•!i i'11 CO, LIMITF:1). '7 341 n,rlrx-k he mot the freight traln''oi'ioiao ere L ,_ •!t,llJt1 1'' n'. i ,Foot of Anglesea St.) Phone 61. ` from, whiey the "bo «•1i' was to be I z,.•'Ie•.r -1 W '- u1 h r('l in ifin'IT,1r.m and !truce 1 1'1 • I T EET CLOVER SEI•:) 1- h( .11,E - line. Hr ennf.4elttI 'the 11nnor. 1 1 His weft pooh fT:/1 :sod I!- • r';' I. 1 Free Isom weed set -•J. Gwent u.4. 1 a doll Tag C 11 0141 el t 1 1 1 1 i'( 1111 .•11,1 • 1.1.1,•,1 1» 1 - L 1 autl.a '-, t _4 ' •4 '�._ n'pr..rtn a' 14,•,.• .• -,•,..1.1 ,1, i 1 •••r-411.4.In :IU14 fur tilt . •,.. .1 I i.r 991,4111w tuuIt'=---- Ill it(F*R1:D LIVE STOCK Ft IR . We 'ant theNeo . • 1 , }l�f.,6, I?\Ihe*mite-gave I1 „ , idoodsit-ilmeo-who �1LE. , 110 Von 1•9e ':1 the 1,1. •'r+ 1 t ''''.11..11 WT. n{1r1••r.1n.,,1 .;r• trr"t vhi.Iracte1 ISLAChII(.S'k\'N. Ill'I1We ' fti}in'' Tr )n F?+': 1', ,• l\ Intl 9.01 1111 1 rsonll a evil r n< 9‘ t\ 'Irl'•• t('.• want c„r, At: 1 ; • ninety*.- @seekers(for pastor'.--rm4-itari--lir•'lre•l Zu `_apt.`4&. ,#'. w.rttml--cit '!e• r ..;. •r.l ;o '.-• • -••1,.,...., . -:.=.'+F'•�• .efr"�''•-'��ss.'se . iJ.�'►=L, r".W'* r :flat e PUBLIC NOTICE. i FUR SALE 011 RENT. Goderich Society Orchestra l • Music Studio,. (Entrance 1 •''4ren F'., 11 World': and J. 11. LaWei 'e:Aorta I Ge}teC Corrtrre Pt:ant-le- tuft ioneiven on fiann. ?kir. C. V Brno,, VV, •11•et tuition .given or- Violin er helot titre ane! advanced 'students. For. infermatlon apply at `iridin. Violins repaired. bridges tuned. mum'. posts s. t and violin bnw's•rep:aired. etc. . GODERiCII SOCIETY ORCHESTRA (Five pieces, protein mai). DR. F. J. R. FORSTER: