The Signal, 1921-1-6, Page 8It Tours,lay. January (1, 192t. OFFICE SUPPLIES Pens Inks Pencils Blotters Erasers Rubber Bands Mucilage Letter Files, etc. A few Office Diaries and Pocket Diaries still left. ' SECURITY AND. SERVICE • IN YOUR INVt• STMENTS Phone ji6 lir-mance nor) Bone OBITUARY. Clark and Mrs. Elliott, were ab'e to be present at the funeral, Lorne J. Elliott DARIIY.-Friends in Goderlch t' will (Mr-. Ellio ' son), of Winnipey,coming regret to learu of the death of Itir. in her stead. The funeral services were held last Saturday aftern w,tk tom the S. 0, Cox farm. Rev. Mr. J ales. of Grandtn, offici- ating. '!he pallbearers wt re her five brotht rs and nephew, Lorne J. Elliott. The remains were placed to rest in Riy:r- side cet.rirry of this city. Gilbert Ihtrhy, of Aliment, Mich., which occurred at his home there on Thurs- day, lkceail er :to. The funeral took place on Sunday. Mrs. Darby Is a former resident of lioderlch, a daugh- ter of the lane 1►uncau Cameron. SMITH. -The death occurred at the General hospital, Winnipeg, on Chr'atmas Day, of Celeste Smith, widow of the lace H. H. Smith, at the age of seventy years, The deceased and her husband were formerly residents of Goderich, rem ving to Winnipeg in the 'SO's. She leaves live sons and one daughter, nearly all of whom live at Winnipeg. Mrs. Abraham Smith, of town, is a sister-in-law of the deceased, and Miss Margaret and Messrs. A. M. and W. H. Robertson are niece and nephews of the deceased. The funeral tooit lace at t Mopes Monday after• noon, December 27. BARBER.- There passed away at the city hospital. Saskatoon, on Fridy, December 3rd, Alice Gertrude Barber, the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Barber, of Hilden, Sask. She went to Saskatoon to attend a wedding and while there became suddenly ill, pentonitit;caus- ingdeath Deceased was birnatSnowflake, Man., on March 8th, 1900, and was gifted with power of Tradership among her school mates, as well as with musical ability. When the family moved to Saskatoon she attended the Collegiate Institute there, and later taught school for a short time, giving up school duties to care for her moa td moth . 34e wt be till? tensed, in the community, where her pleasing manna r and lovingdisposition won for her many friends. The remains were brought to Milden for burial. The funeral on Monday afternoon was largely attended and the floral 'tributes many and beauti- ful. Her brothers, Robert, of Regina, George, Dufferin and Linos. of Midden, ac ei as pallbearers. •Cost. COX. -The following reference to the death of a former resident of Goderich township,taken from The,Hillsboro(Noe th Dakota) Banner of De:ember 17th,wi.l be read with sympathetic interest : Miss Sarah Cox, who passed away at the S G. Cox farm home, near Kelso, on Tuesday, December 7, 1920, was the third daughter of the Iate'John and Ann (Rut- ledge) Cos. The deceased was born in Goderich township, Huron county. 0 L. Canada, on September 5th, 1853. With her parents and the then unmarried brothers •and.sisters, she :n IsS3 moved to Dickey county. North Dakota. tie family tater in 1891 coming to Kelso. Early in life she became, as she lived until her sudden death, an earnest. faithful and devout member'of the Methodist church, always, however, lending 11 r aid to whatever etturch was active in the neighborhood ;uf the home Her deep religious filth, true piety and'kindly character bound to her'' in love and friendship, not only the members of the family. but all her neigh- -hors in the places where she lived. H• r PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. S. G. Elliott, of Montreal, Misses Irene 1 hompson and Vera McNee, of Toronto, spent the Christmas vacation at the in me of Miss McNee's part nts, Mr. and Mrs. James McNee. Mr. A. S. Gledhill, of .Aurora, spent a few tiny,: in town the past week on a visit to Itis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gledhill. Mrs. (Capt.) Emig and son, Mr. Murdock Melver, of St. ('lair, Mieh., are' visiting friends in town and dis- trict Mr. and Mrs. It. F. Allen, of De- troit, spent, the holidays with the lat Ir ter'. parents, Capt. and Mrs.- A- Iawaon, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cornwell, of Ike unit, spent Mei 'lays at the residence of Oapt. and Mrs. A. Lawson. Mr. and Mrs. .lts•k Campbell. of I'urt Colborne, spent Christmas in town with their relatives and left for home on Wednesday afternoon. BENM iLI.FIR. Wednesday Jan. 5. A very interesting Christmas carol nerview was held at North Zion Meth- odist church on Sunday, December 26th. Most all of the old boys and girls of Benmillcr were home for their Christmas dinner, and a good dinner it was, too, iso they report. Mr. Arnold Thompson, of Hamilton, is the guest of Rey. and Mrs. 11. F. Kennedy, for a couple of weeks. At the annual meeting of the L.O.L. of Itt•nutiller, held on the evening of Deeember 24th, Rey. 11. F. Kennedy was elected worshipful master and .1. it. ('ox, chaplain. The other officers remained about as they were. The la- atallation of the • °Meers and a social evening with refreshments will he held on Fridt.;• evening, January 21st, and all nn•ml•rs of the lodge are urged to he present. Miss lone ruff, shad teacher at Itenmiller, resigned at Christmas and It stems very difficult to secure a teacher to tarry nil this year. No doubt a teacher will soon lw secured and the Neild will Is' open again Mips \Vimuie Vanstone, who under- went an operation for appendicitis a few weeks ago, is Upon her feet again and making great. progress toward re- mother pied in' MSC her father in 1897.covers. She is survived by the following broth, rs The very changeable weather of the and sisters : Mrs. Glary Ann Clark, of last few days has resulted in eaaaing Goderich, and \lrs. Elisabeth Plunkett, many people to contract reevere colds. of Aubutn, both in Ontario: Miss Lyd a Rev. mud Mrs 11. F. Kennedy were • nd George Cos, of Rehr, -N, D.: Robert , the recipients of two fine fat fowl for Cox, of Neihart, Montana: James Cox, of ('hriitrmas this year, one having come i-Union-Psstet---Matt:: -Mn: Catiimiese-''trtfa the 'Bethel folk,and the other It ma ss _a real, treat -Blacks re's Elliutt of Winnipeg. Man.; Thomas H.; from the Ladies' Aid Society of North (ieTai ious i(`e crcnm, in bulk or cy Hear, of Gladstone, Man., and A. A. C' s„; Zion. t r i; l 5. of Morris, Ill an , al, ti vii m, roe pr Mrs. A very close race haps been nen lie. • THE Ilf811LL GODERICH, ONT. si THE COLBORNE STORE • Monday, our entire stock of just a few articles, are being made Ready -to -Wear Every Blouse, Cotton Dress in Every one is a real spect our range Croats Every Coat cost price. We chandise from must be sold and will clear them -quickly. JANUARYSALE January 3rd, will be the and nearly every article but a genuine sale in the Readyato-Wear Dress, Coat, Skirt, Sweater the store will be reduced bargain and it will pay before making your decision. that is left will be reduced make it an aim not to carry one season to another. The we have marked them at If you are in need our line:lor you will seasonable mi rchandise. carrying a wonderful range of wool cloths. They have to rock -bottom, which means be cleared. you to inspect and compare for everyone; no matter what we have it in the right size. Do day our January Sale will start. We have gone through has been reduced in price for this sale. It is not a sale of practically every article we carry. Special reductions Department. Dress Goods and We will continue to sell our Dress Goods and in price. Silks at 20 per cent. less than retail price for this you to in- January Sale. Everything in serge, tricotine and fancy cloths can be had at 20 per cent. off and every piece guar - below anteed pure wool mer- If you need a Dress, Coat or Skirt be sure and Coats - see these values. prices that of a Coat Hosiery be sure andltapect real bargains on Dresses We are both in silk and marked down cost, for they must want Blouses A Blouse style or material, be getting Every pair of Hose in the store is reduced. All -wool and cashmere Stockings are reduced in price. This is real seasonable merchandise and you can now Dresses, buy it at greatly reduced prices. all been below Gloves Wonderful our lines. values in chamoisette, kid and silk Gloves. They have all been marked dox4'n for this sale. Be sure and come to this store, where you can color, save real money on every article you are in need of. A bargain for everyone. Not Forget The January Sale CO. THE HOUSE OF RELIABILITY tween Mr. Gordon tang and ,Mr.. Hugh frill fpr the omee of Reeve of ip. . Mr. and Mrs -red %Jastervsn have , returned from th dawn East" bon - m ey.sui and ares ding a few a, ...Is., with the bride's Deo er on the farm. A Good Peagraas. s' Christmas en7rrf Tnment given a the T.etli l rhumb was a.-gratd .once -_. An ex- ' (Aleut program was given the mem- bers of the Su1►iLey ...school. • main Colborne tow _features' of which were il beautiful star drill. by Viten young les. a tab- ' lean anti song. "Tenting To gift," pre - wooed by a number of young . and a (irlstruas play, entitled "Widow Van •';.•r.•'.a i'Lrlstmtte." in • which about twelve persons took Islet. each -one err- ing 111'. or her part w, weir as to bring r„pr.,l after round of applause from the large ,ostlii:•ut-t. prew nt. A number of recitation,,. 'wings and shorter disc 1"t: te. by the younger s Milers were also given In a very delightful manner. The huge a,reh of cedar boughs trim- med with write and red flowers anal' surer tinsel, with a Christmas tree on either side, made a very attractive I aplw•aralive. Among the many presents' handed nen that night ons a ben tit lful Jardiniere and stand to airs. Peter. . Fisher. the organist of the church, and a big fat goose to the pastor and his wife.. Moth the gifts coming from the cungregaflau of Bethel church. INCREASE FOUR EARNING POWER by taking a course in the Yonge and Charles Su.. Toronto. One of tte last tea students to accept pose toms commenced et KI'+• per reek. and the other over Mui per month, w'rte for Cote lege Circular. Enter any tame. W.) ELLIOTT. Principal. ndoi s Slaughter A 9ENUINE S A CLEANCUT L Astounding Values OF BOOTS and SHOES From Saturday-, January 8th, to Saturday, January. 22ftd,Inclusive We shall give the people of Goderich and Huron County the biggest and most wonderful bargains they have ever known, and certainly never dreamed of. A golden opportunity to purchase good, new, and up-to-the-minute footwear at rock -bottom prices, not cheap goods, made up for a special sale, but our tremendous stock of regular high-class goods, representing the leading manu- facturers' -art. We cannot enumerate every line, but a few, selected at random, will give you an idea of the values offered. From s A T U R U A Y, A N. 8 Men's Gun-metal Bala, recede toes, regular 411.00, for $7.50 Men's Gun-metal Bala, recede and pointed toes, .regular $11,8.011 -for ----$5.75 . Men's Box Calf Bads, reeede toes, Neolin soles and rubber heels, regular $10.00, $6.50 Mena (inn -metal Bala, pointed toes, regular *9.00, fobr' ° $8.00 Men's Viei Kid Bluchers, cushion soles and ruhber heels, regular $10.50, for..$7.00 Men's Velours (;elf Bluchers, high toes, reg- ular *9.00, for $6.00 Men's Velour Calf Bluchers, high toes, Neolin soles and rubber heels, regular *9.00, for $5.75 Men's Velours Calf Bluchers, medium toes, regular $9.00, for $8.00 Ren'S Brown Brogue Mals, extra heavy soles, regtttar $111..75x, for.... $8.00 Men's Brown Calf Bhtehers, Neolin solea and ruhber heels, regular 410 00, for$8.25 Mall's Brown Calf Bluchers, leather soles, regular $9.00, for $5.75 Mena Brown Calf Bala, medium toes, regu- lar $8.00, for ' $5,50 Men's 'Mahogany Calf , Bala, recede and pointed. toes,_regular 1112.00; for. .$8.00 Men's Mahogany Bala, pointed toes, regular $8.00, for $5.25 i i, -pointe4-4nes-,--l+reolin soles, regular $8.50, for , $5.75 ALL THESE LINES ARE GOODYEAR WELTS, NOTIIINO BETTER MADE. Several pairs of high-grade tent leather Shoes at proportiofl to y price's. Women's Calf Bali, long, perforated vamps, regular $14.75, for $10.00 Women's Dongola Kid Bila, plaid or -Per- forated vamps, regular J.75 and $12.00, for $8.00 Women's Vier Kid Bals, high-out-$o1a, ' ,an beefs, regular $10.00, for'. $6.50 Women's Vici Kid Bala, regular $9 00, for ,. $5.90 Women's 1)ongola Kid Bats, regular $10.50, for , , $8.25 IC you fail to gee your wants listed here, remember this is onl own satisfaction, and we know you will send your friends in too. Women's Kid and Calf halal Louis heels, reg- ular *7.50, for $5.00 Women's Dongola Kid Bali, plain or imita- r tinis_iipy.._segular $13.50, for, 1$9.25 Women's Kid Bala, regular *8.50, for 17.50 20 pairs Women's Calf Bals and Blushers, Neolin soles and rum --keels; *5.00 to 47.00, for $3.75 Women's Mahogany Calf Bali, regular $8.00, for 15,00 Women's Brown Calf Bals, high -cut tops, regular *11.50, for $8.00 Broken lines of Oxfords, Pumps and Ties in all leathers,' at correspondingly low priees. These must be cleared. BOYS' SIZES, 1 to 5 Box Calf Balt, pointed toes, Neolin soles and - ruhber heels, regular 46.00, for. .$4.50 Calf Dais, round toes, regular *4.00, or... ... ... ... ............$2.75 Brown Calf Bats. pointed toes, Neolin soles and rubber heels, regular *5.50 and ' 46.00, for $4.50 II partial list. We have bargains for everyone. Come YOUTH'S SIZES, 11 to 13 Box Calf Bali and Bluchers, regular *3.50, for . ... ... ............. $2.60 IIeavy Bluchers, regular $2.25, for .. 81.50 SCUMS' SIZES, i1 to 2 (inn -metal and Tan Calf Bali, regular $3.75, for ... ... ... ... .............$2,50 Dongola Kid Batton, patent *3.00, for Patent Button, kid $3.50, for tip, regular $1.95 or cloth top, regular 82.25 orals' SIZU, 8 to 101/2 Brown Calf Bale, hlgheut, regular for Box Calf Bliiehers and Button, regular 41.60 and 41.75, for 11.25 (fun -metal and Tan Calf Bluchers, regular $3.50, for 82.50 Ladies' Spats, regular $2.50 and *2.75, for 81.50 $4.00, $2.80 in and have To s A T' U R D A- Y, A. 22 a look at our goods. You will buy to your All Goods Positively C 'sh. No Goods will be Exchanged after Closing Day of Sale. 1 SHARMAN'S 16•=1: The Leading Shoe Store • No Tax. GODERIGH