The Signal, 1921-1-6, Page 6S--Ttanday, Joinery 6. 1021.
Wit N• child start@
dotty Is to give the
little sufferer • Pepe
tablet, and thus pre-
ro-vest any weakenlug
of the lungs. As the
tablet dissolves In the child's
mouth. the soothing medi-
cinal fumes given off pass
through the tender breath-
ing passages straight to the
lungs and bring immediate
comfort ••d relief.
Peps contain no opium or
other harmful drags. a n d
can be given tonchild(either
whole or crushed to• powder )
wfththeassurance of absolute
One little Pep at night will
clear the breathing passages and
let the little one'. sleep be un-
broken by coughing fits. A Pep
before starting for school in bad
weather Is also an invaluable safe-
guard for the children's throats and
cheats. All dealers. Sec. box.
51) ; Halt
(111 LUS ,
to -
Send this advert., name of paper and le- stamp
(for return postage) to
Peps Co.. Torootoand
tree trial package will
be seat you.
r Ifo Ill
ptffiliy FLOUR
'hairy fl•0011
Your nod
More Bread and Better Bread
• The two articles which follow,
• dealing with the township of
• 1 shortie, are from "the agrieul-
• Lural section of The Toronto
• Globe.
Colborne township 1s but a 'beginning.
• like has shown what may be aetom•
• I 'dished by an organized camps Igo
• I agalnst the scrub. This case Is not
an exception, as stock•tarwing is the
• I mainstay of the agriculturist In tire
• district. Today it Is rid of all Mills
of other than pure-bred blood. and u
doubtelly the farmers there wH1
that they are never again cursevl with
'Ares of small. harrow animals 011
Which meat Is placed at a prohibitive
cost. What this section has ac-
complished, farmers and Government
representatives in other townehlps
may also do.
Surteostul Campaign to Clear the
Tutsnship of Scrub Bulls.
Usborne has shown the way. The
little township, situated in the extreme
*tutheast corner of the county of Hur-
ou, has reported "all clear" of scrub
bulls. 'There may IM' others rid of this
mummy, but uolhing has been hewed re-
garding thew, while 1'storne, as the
result of a summer's hard campaign,
has sen the last of the grade sires
peas Ieyoud her boundaries, on the
way to the butcher.
Tlw victory Is genuine, as tete
township is almost entirely rural. O
a couple of small villages are located
there cud the eombinel population of
these would hardly exceed fifteen buns
dred. Lire -stock farming predominates,
with beef cattle the mainstay. On
this latter account the snow s of the
movement 1s even more commendable,
as it is a well -Limen tact that scrub
sires are more easily eliminated in
dairy sections than iu any other. An.
other factor that entered into the fight
war the large al rest of grazing laud in
the south of the township.
Gee4 Grazing Country.
Trott spring the writer paid a visit
to l'slorne Just atter the (*storage
season opened. A few wiles east of
Exeter, grass hands were encountered.
For wiles hardly an acrewas under
etiltivation and fences between many
farms had tweet removed. Herds run-
ning into hundreds of head were brows-
ing on the famous grass of that region
and not a few scrubs were wandering
among those herds. Soave of the own-
ers of these antmals were not partieu-
lar atoll disposing of them, but finally
the need of better sires prevailed, with
the result that today the township Is 1
the first known division to be abeolute-
ly clean.
The history of the campaign is in•
teresting. In 1010 Ale Provincial De -
la, rt.u<-rolurked ut Agrienituxe xked the:
rk•ultunal representatives of each
county to conduct a 11111 (*well. 8.
Stotler.. performed this work in Huron,
dividing his territory Into townships.
The eensus, which appears in table
form in another cotuwn, ',started Mr.
Stuthers thinking. Though some•of the
districts reported nearly Clear of
synths, the representative. who knows
his county thoroughly, was not satis-
fied with the results. In conducting
the census, forms were submitted t
till bull inviter:,in which the breed) r
of the annual kept was stated.
orally the owlers of st•ruh.s
diffident in coming forty
though one or two townships,
I lig to the commis. snowed a
tentage of these undesirables
Lorne. Mr. Mothers knew t
sults from this distrlc
The Carpets You Throw Away!
They are the ones we want to save for you.
No matter how old, how dirty, how dilapi-
dated, by our process they caa be woven into
Reversible Rugs
that are good enough for the most
elaborate home.
You won't realize how good these •
rugs really are until you see their
beauty and led their softness under 0.
your feet.
Scat w Air atrwrireearNS win your
paws tat stir, sr far • fret Iee•Id
wish Istit igfanesese.
Tie a rope around the old carpet and
send it to
The Canada Rug Cq -
a London, Canada
{f u{!.
96 Carling Street,
t t -
were bit
aid, and.
pat, ceord-
to er Per -
than ''s-
at the re -
were the
nearest to being correct./ in-d'aborne
two grades were report,t4Lamithe en.
ergotic rtepre.ritath•e dec•Ideeh that
he would reduce that' number to zero.
Farmers C
The e•o-opera► on of the ▪ farmers In
the district rot of the I'rovinilal and
f'ederail IN• rtmeuta of Agriculture
was enlist anti the work Megan. John
N. ltntclif , who resides a few miles
outside Exeter, was perha,pa the
most ac vein the campaign. He knew
the t nship as few rather, did. C.
- ai cKenzie, field 'man of the Ontar
10 l' the Breeders' Association, visited
So th Huron and joined in the work.
"lie two bulls of grade breeding whkh
ere reeported in the census were soon
located, and through the milted efforts
of the three men mentioned the owners
disposed of them, but in the mean-
time sn•eral more animals were loc-
it watt fltinny dekbd that :the only
way of ridding the township of the
scrubs was to July the some. The
lbminion Government. through the
live stack eommissioner, II. S. Arkell,
advanced a pertain amount of money
for this purpose, and finally the total
number of undesirables---seven—were
rounded up. Toth v they may be seen
in the stnitle-ot•htr.-Ratcliffe wafting
to he shipped to the butcher.
—.-Craylort and StudebakerlMotor ids
Let us give you a demonstration with these Cars
before you decide on your spring purchase.
LeaveyourBattery with us this --winter tube as-
sured of a good Battery in the spring.
Bring in your Car to have -it overhauled this
winter. You know that it has not had the pep that it
should have had this fall, and a general overhaul will
put it in first-class order for spring.
The road- are good and you are still driving, but
don't take chances with your Radiator, 1f it freezes
it is expensive. I lave it filled with
and protect it.
Mr. Ratellffe's Part.
"With the co-operation of mea_ JjJte
ewtcitffe mitt SCofh�Tj, maid
Mr, MacKenzie to The Globe a few
days ago, "the elimination of all writhe
in the Province would soon be en easy
matter. OMellls of the Government
are helpless without the assistance
of the men in the field. and in this
case we eertalmly- had It. air. Ratcliffe
took rap the matter In pentane] way,
and although there was nn direct -gain
for himself, spent the entire summer
on the eampiign."
Mr. Stutters, whom a representative
Of T11eSilobe visited el w. -,4t or two
ago, also voiced the opinion of Mr.
MacKenzie in respect to practical
farmers. Several pure -'red breeders
in the township offered hulls at re-
duced prices@ to replace grade,'.
Grade bulls may be excellent Indir-
'duals, but they lack the lower of
transmitting those ammo qualities to
their offspring, and fhb constitutes
the chief grievance against them. They
rare n menar•a to rhe live stock indite -
try of the eountry and are re*ponslble
for the enormous number of scrawny
animals that dally clutter our markets.
Importance of Work.
Britain's predominance in the live
stock world in due to the Targe num-
bers of pure-bred animate kept within
her hoedown. Were Canada Hewed
with it like proportion of pure-breds
the possible riming of the i:nited States
market to our rattle would be a Irani
serious question. A well-bred heel
animal rite on the last few hundred
pounds of meat at a low coat. and our
farmers might east I) flniNh their rattler I
at home ender Improved breeding con
dillone, thus largely disposing of the
need of removing the Itritish embargo
and the leer of a similar measure im
petard by the eoltntry to the south cif i
An Interesting Bit of Local Hlstory
Though the first township in the
Province of Ontario to rid itself of
grade bulls. lrstorne was by no means
the first settled. Indeed, It was not
until well on in the last. century that
immigrants from the told ('ountry were
' rst attracted to this fertile rolling
dgctlon. The, Mg bulk of the early
population was composed of Devonshire
Enit1 sh, with a few north Irish and
Scotch, families settling along the bor-
ders ot\ the township.
Notwi standing the fact that the -
counties Huron, Brum and Grey
have given rhaps more of their Mons
to the bulldi up of the middiewest-
ern cities of t United States and to
the Prairie Pro owes thru any other
section of the Pro hew, and the town-
ship, of Uaborne'•1 s contributes! Its
tutu quota lel this co 1 u. many of
the names mentioned) v 'early histor-
ians of tt'este;n Ontari are still fu i-
illnr along the to*cessiou belay. ' err
1t or
e yes
Wives and Mothers
of Canada •
S1raYoa4, Ont. o --"I am very seaboards
la prates of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip-
tion as • tonic for
I • htant mothers.
ave had expert -
ear both with the
Prescription' and
without it. and am in
• position to know
that there is a vast
diffeaenoe. I was
never nauseated or
sick at all with my
Prescription' babies
but I was ntremor
uneomfortabis with
the others and my sufenns was greater
when I lead not taken the 'Favorite Pre-
scription'. i shall always take pleasure is
recommendm' g it to expectant mothers."
—MHO. LAMA M. PKPPER, 114 Grasp
Exeter one is still ; r.-. twl'.y th
Devonshire phrase, -How hi. u
though these people have in ma
more relatives in Chicago,
scattered through our owe
they have to South Ilfiriii
of the original settlement
still be easily traced.
Depopulation Here A
i'sborne townsh , Con▪ sisting of
42.0,53 acres. is a s•sse41 for a total
sum of $2.4211,t's1. and has a present
population of 1 set. out vomiting the
two incorpora 1 villages.' In 1878,
the a ring of f# for st still
offer's' mud
the lure o
Musty fe
employment rod before
the West had seen Mer -
nearly a 1 ver 1 more
welt within its borders, a-
akeu at that time givingi the
of Inhabitants as 2,610
oral years ago -a prize was of -
by the Prow inthaI Goverlment
the lest all-round township, a04
shorn In1(re4ded in securing seen 1d
date. The highest honors were with-
held. it is said. iecaus' of the pree•n•e
of the then extensive. Quinton swamp.
This spot, today Largely cleared. is iu
strong demand for grazing purposes,
land there tintt is at for no other pur-
pose renting fur six alai .1 h Alt to seven
liars per acre.
t$ettlement Disclosed.
A IMtorical Atlas of Huron eounty,
putljhl ed In 1s79, gives some interest-
�tpt of the early settlement. "in
183'1 of a,year later," ways this author -
10; "outside that part whleb after-
wards became the village of Exeter,
William May, now living on the Lou-
don road, was probably the first wet•
tier in the toWuship. although some
'ire the claim to ThonINS Lluub, who
oettltsl two or three miles
farther north. The date of
Mr. Safe settlement was June
21, ISM:. air, T.amli s settlement was
not authentieafesl, but It Is quite cer-
tain a child 1,011* in the Iamb family
was tpe first In the whole se•tluit
of the Huron tract taetw•ten London
and Goderieh. The Bxlkwllls and
George Snell came shortly litter Mr.
May, Snell settling in Usborne, and
the Italkwills on loth sides of the
London road. Mr. John RalkwIll was
so pleasd With the country that he
returned to his old how • in in-
von—shire. and hl getting a nlnt-
her of his Old ('ountry friends to join
him. Their influence Bas such that
eventually the whole settk-,hetet Iw-
came Devonshire, Wearing the name Of
Irish Came Next.
-$c$, m*cli for the English side 'of
the. settlement. A few worsts of the
Thousands Liberated
What! have you not heard the Joy-
ful tldinppl Bronehltta has boss ex-
lied—kleked right out of 'nasty—
and 100,000 Oanadiaas liberated from
the bondage of this dlseaae. Ivory
trace of bronchial trouble la blown to
atoms by the world's map stoning
disease destroyer, Buokloy s Bronchi-
tis Mixture. No wonder ppesco am
rejolaingl No to r de they dread
the *fiesta of Lc=
a, es1d�, asthma,
etc., and so geodes@ ms Day that
others should bsasat aloe, hundreds
of letters hays best wrltte• p ata-
Mng the merlta of this vemaaseW mis-
setlows remedy. Here la .aa ieNeere•-
tTo Wbem it noky Coasseat "Tide if
to certify that I had beet ntAllrhsa
for over three weeks with bntiebit�
and was advised to try kr. k1e-y
Bronchitis l`s Mixture. I pureho
bottle and attar the third dose I re-
ceived relief, and before the bottle
was finished, I was perfectly well
In making the above awortion I have
Ito hesitation it saying it is the best
remedy I ever cams It eontaet with
for heavy colds and bronehitis. "—
(Signed), lairs. M. Hardin`` e/o Dust -
lase Brush Co., Toronto. The original
of this testimonial may be seen at
W, K. Buekley,Limited, 142 Mutual
8t., Toronto. la mixture proves la
thousands of Canadian households,
will give you Bare relief. it eaanot
fail. Seventy -eve cents is the pries
that stands bottoms you and the road
to health. Take •o .nbetitnte—insist
on the bottle with the "Satisfaction
guaranteed, or money refunded."
Ask your druggist 19
Halifax. N. 8a:—"I was in a run-down.
wnmeditate oditite for over two year., bed
been treated by emend doctors and only
found temporary relief. 1 could not Jeep
at night my heart palpitated so, and 1 err
almost afraid to close my eyes. Being per-
ershaded. I wrote and stated my symptom'
to the Medical staff st 1)r. Piece's invalids'
Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y-', I was advised to
use Dr- Pierce's Golden Medical Dis-
covery with the 'Favorite Prescription' and
the 'Piewnt Puttee'. 1 did w with the
very best results. 1 could Jp and became
natural self again. I sn(�ainly room -
reed Dr. Pierce's medicines iball sufferer.,
for they have done for me w t doctors
failed to do and they haver doctor
biW, too."—MRS. JOHN HOM 8, Clam
Toronto, Ont: -Fru over thirtyl- yeses
I have been a user of Dr. Pierm's Pleasant
Pellets. 1 have taken them for liver trouble,
btbouenees, oonetipatioo and sick -heed -
sore and they alwayq gave me dm reliesf
wanted. I am suer the 'Pleasant Pellets'
have saved me many a sick spell. I oat
highly recommend them."—MRS. HAN-
NAH BOW NIIHlS. 60 Strange St.
all lauding should toe, Included. No
ttiou Is wade. by the authority
trci 1, regardha
regarding the tint $eoteh im-
t., chiefly because, no doubt,
•f (k
:opted belt a very small part 'of
4lorua•: The Atlas continues:
and WIII1a
tiers toward
ship were Thi
sons from the
Ireland, whence
on tract and Met
.30. One of the sq
in the summer
ed for the ('at
tractor on the London r
A Triple Audversary,--On Monday.
December 20, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lobb
of the Bayfield road celebrated their
thirty -filth wedding anniversary, it be-
ing also the wedding anulversary ut two
of their daughters, Mrs. aormau Sny-
der of Radisson, Sask., and Mrs. Chas.
D. ('ox of Itoderk•h township. All the
members of the family were present
except airs. Snyder and Mrs. Hender-
son of Radisson, Sask., and Mrs. N.
J. Wilson of Sarnia. After all had
partaken of the welding dinner Mr.
J. B. Lobb, of Galt. proposed the toast
to the bride of thirty -live years ago,
8.11101 was responded to by the groom.
Mr. Lobb also proposal the toast to the
other brides and was very ably respmd-
ed to by the groom present, Mr. ('ox.
lmwediately after the toasts the bride
and groove of thirty-five years ago
were pleasantly surprised by the pres-
entatlon from their family of a hand-
some gold wand' to the gram and a
beautiful pendant of onyx and pearls
to the bride. The preswvtatiois were
made by Mervyn serol Orval Jobb,
little grandsons. The many friends
of Mr. and Mrs. Lobb will extend
hearty congratulations and Ideal wishes
Tor wavy happy returns of the anni-
Lamb, above mentioned. IAN
Elder, the earnest alt. ,
lie north of the town -
as ('ase and 111a ten
ouuty of Wicklow.
t came to the Hur-
tle in the spring of
ns, J in, had time out
UC and wort-
tada ('o puy's con-
, and took
erw•a rds
up the• land where they
(tome of the deseriptions In t e His-
torical Atlas of the early life the
settlers are interesting, a few of
which follow :
"On more than one (erasion the Ca
brothers were aroused from their beds
to yoke up Iheir,oxen to pull the horses
and rig of the London and Goderlch
wail (*WWII out of -the almost bottowless
boles which occurred between the
Jong stretches of corduroy.
"The first waggon in the 'settlement
_was au great a turheslty as to be a
seven days' wonder. It was owned by
the ('ase family, who also brought the
fleet team of horse. into the commun-
ity. oxen and jumpers being the only
means of transport up to that time;
"It is related of one of the perwrns
w•ho afterward became one of the lead-
ing and most wealthy citizens of the
_community, that on 1114 arrival with-
out even the proverbial and Inevitable
1lrltlsh shilling in his pocket, he went
to Goderieh and borrowed, or more
properly Legged, a half bushel of - wired t
from the Canada Company, half of
which he sowed, or scattered with a
self-made rake---lwtweeti the... stumps
of the little clearing be ' uu'et..dosl In
making-- subsisting meanwhile on the
oth(•r half boiled to a pulp for each
meal. Itis the time he got the our half
planted, the other was tontumel and -
he went to work at the (*Honda ('nm-
ltany'smilt. to ,pey-few-hies imif I.e..h,-1
and to earn some more to eat while
he was harvesting his crop -and mak-
Ing a fresh clearing."
A Gradual ('hange.
Rome was not built in a day and
neither were the fine, wh'te brick
houses, which dot the r.runt rt side
around Exeter, nor were the rolling
elopes cleared atter a feta ”aro' toll.
indeed i1 has only been in the past
htenty years that the log dwellin;s
of the ancestors of the present inhab-
itants gave way to the familiar, com-
fortable dwellings o f today. These
people built up their present brow -
steads slowly and :it enormons
Naturally they are conservative in their
ways and will not make a derision on
the spur of the mom -n!. Their
titange from common rattle to
breeds, second to none in the Province,
has been gradual, but it also has heen
aurae. t'sbernc will never again tol-
erate anything but: mere -bred Fires en
her farms.
Orpnlxat n Effected at Tt'ingham Last
Week— o Hold Sale in March.
A meeting w . s heli at It'ingh:un un
December :that r the plurptse of or•
ganitinR n pnreb 1 lire etask assoc-
iation for the eon ty. The Rnron
Purebred Association 4 formed, with
the following ()Meer.: 'resident, Oli-
ver Turnlutll, Itruss•ls; v -president.
Geo. Kerr, Henfryn; see ry-treaM-
nrer. o: n. Stotbers, Clinton,. rod ten
The obJects of this Asselatin are
the promntlon of good -fellowship am
its members and the advaneement o
the general interest,' of the purebred
rattle Industry by the holding of pnttt-
iie sales, dlaenosion,' of the beat meth-
ods of breeding and rearing rattle,
and in other ways extending Interest
In purebred cattle Anil establishing a
reputation for Huron eounty 88 a pro-
dner of high -eines live stock.
it is protoserl 1r. hold A anis of pnrc-
' bred live •trek at Wingham on some
day early In March next, and the en -
operation of all the live stock brr4d-
cr- In the comae Is desire -el.
Try a Want A/ la 'ifs Ova
like o make vortraita of
and nt v men prefer us, as
seem to , sties faculty
h enables u - to fully bring out
cter and in ividuality.
It I. utonishifr tuv
gwckly Mmud'. Una.
,lent nhevay .iia-
ace and t"•eness.
Gives Great
Mn A R Cdrote, t•
P.,. At.. Gwapl 0r. .
wed %ba d's Luuaet
Irgwtlr. asntlt
woe twain lways
num tad if la .scar
;nm sad ten that
...r root Masi-
.01 .
Um inn )ultrto.. Ion 711. iota old, 0.t —
• 1 .,l ,.1 very taut* w.Yera r ay lace les
rune . .d -,.e t. try M. l+..aeat. ad
rel+..d .aaduedt alter yappl+.
1 , unite .t .d tt h.. Ir goad.
r.r ..e", 1 too ro w< rnthwt tying .p ay Iant
and 'At a. <r.a. M,.ard a< Nave
„Jot ....t p..Wt .bout Mu.rd'.. .d oJr. to
wing .l
King o/ Pohs
Yermostk tion gads
BOR 67, Goderich. Ali instructions
by mall or lett at tkignal office will W
promptly attended to. Residence tele•
_ a
TER, Solicitor, notary matte.
Office Hamilton street. G(elerlch, third
door from Square. Trust funds to
loan at luwest rates.
oftc--s erling Bank Block, Ham-
ilton Street. Gotlerich. Telephone l.4.
Rest It.ttlte, Loans and Insurance.
TARIES Yt'Kirl(•, ETt'.
(hence nn taw !kW. el. u. pond dash
from Hamilton Street. (it -Wretch.
Private f(tnda to loan at lowest
rates. \
W. Proudfoot K.C., J. L. KIlloran,
prHAILLE$ (JARROW. 1. 1. It.. ItAlt-
- RISTEIt. attorney. solicitor. etc..
Godertch. Money loaned at lowest
' rates. -
The Double Track R
het n-e,.n
Unexcel - dining car service
Sleeping can 'n night'traina, pad
parlor cars on p ciplil day trains.'
Full information from any Grand
Trunk Ticket Agent. or C. E. Horn-
ing. District Passenger Agent, To --
U.H. Lander. Station Agent, phoae'JY
Town Agents Pboae 8t
A N i )
Decorating Materials
Wall Papers, Paints, etc. '
We sell you the material<, or
take tht'contract of decorating
your -home, store or office
----thilates cheerfully given
Window Glass, Plate Glass
Mirrors, etc.
We can supply your wants in
any kind of Glass
North side West st. Phone 354
ls• I('ITUlt. notary public and con-
i veykneer. lltftce—court, House, (lode -
rich. 00.12m
1111 "r.—farm auto isolated
town property 'novel.
-.1'eatlolly, Pres-, Godo -
h P. O.: Jas. Evans, Vice—fres..
1 hwood I'. i►.: Thomas E. Ilays.
Sec. Trees., -Sea forth U. 1►.
DI tors --D. F. Me(;regur. R. It.
No. 3. Seaforth; John G. Criev.e, Nes
4. Walt ; %'hulas Rhin. It. It. No. 2.
lieafortla, John Itennewles. Itral-
hagen; G Me('artney. R. It. No. 3.
Reaforth : Moert Ferris, Ilarloek
Malcolm Mt ;wen. (limbo: James
Evans, !leech 'oast; Jame* Connolly
Agents : J. W. • Yeo, Colter! 1:
Alex. i.eiteh, R. . No. 1. Clinton ;
Willlnm ('he,nny, - here; R. Hin<•h-
Iey, Se•aforth. i'olicy older. can Icy -
-all payments and get heir mels res•• -
eelpted at It. .1. Mnrr Wm Clothing
Store, Clinton: R. H. Cu 'a Grocery,
l ingaton street, Goderieh, or J. 11.
Reid's General Store, Itayfi d.
tiro ' hey Bros.
Bring Back its Color and Lustre
with Grandma's Sage
Tea Recipe.
Common garden sage brewed Into •
heavy tee, with sulphur and alcohol
added, will turn gray. streaked and
faded hair beautifully dark and lux-
uriant Mixing the gage Tea and Sul-
phur recipe at home, though, le
troublesome. An easier way is to get
the ready -to -use preparation Improved
by the addition et other ingredients
a large bottle. at little coat. at drug
stores, known aa •'Wyteth's Bags and
itulphar Compound,'• thus avoiding •
lot of muse
While gray, faded hair is not sinful,
'do all desire to retain our youthful
MDNranee and attractivenelsa By
darkening your hair wtth Wyeth's
!tags and Sulphur Compound, no one
caa tell. because It does 1t so natural-
ly, so seemly. You just dampen a
sponge or soft brush with ft and draw
this through your hair, taking one
email strand at a time: by morning
ail gray hairs have dlaappeared. After
another application or two your hair
becomes beautifully dark, Mosley, soft
and luxuriant andou appear years
y Wyeth's &ige and Sulphur
Compound la a delightful toilet requi-
site. It 1a not Intended for the cure,
•Igltatlon or prsvenUon of dist►aie.
The Leading
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
s earerully attended to
at ail hour,., night or day.
(et'a small package of Hamburg
Breast Tea at any pharmacy. Take &
tablespoonful of the tea, put a cup of
boiling water upon it, pour through a
Idea and drink a teacup hill at any
time during the day or before retiring.
It to the most effective way to break •
cold and cure grip, as it opens the
pares of the skin, relieving congewtion.
Also loosens the bowels, thus driving m
cold from the system,
Try It the next time you suffer from
a cold or the grip. it is inexpensive
and entirely vegetable, therefore safe
and barmier.
Rub Pain and Stiffness away with
a small bottle of old honest
St Jacobs Oil
When your lack is sore and lame or
lumbago sciatica or rhalmatimn has
you stiffened up, don't auger! Gee •
36 cent bottle of oid, honest "St. Jacobs
Oil" at any drug store, pour a little
in your hand and rub it right int&
the pain or sobs, said by the time you.
errant fifty, the soreness and lameness
Ss gone.
.Don't stay crippled! This soothing,
penetrating oil needs to be used only
ossa. 1t takes the ache and pun right
out of your back arch ends the misery.
It is magical• yet absolutely barmier
and daemon horn the akin.
Nothing else Mops lumbago, sciatica
sed lams book misery so prompting 1