The Signal, 1921-1-6, Page 4Always
Your Service
with the
to be had in
The Square Plume 46
4-Thursolay. January L 1921.
••••••••••••••••0 \IV 01W••••••11.0%/tie1reVW.W.W.91/491/^011WWwetoWeetretlek•WOW/%011.10•0110
Wonderful Values in
Men's Ox4rcoats
to $40.00 for
...greatly reduce our Overcoat stoek, u we have
too many. It will he a pity if you miss Such
wonderful values.
20 Men's Overcoats Regular up to $40.
for $19.50. Sizes 35 to 44.
See Our Windows
Watch This Space Special Values Each Week
MR. N. F. WHYARIT la the agent
for THE SIGNAL 'at Dungannon.
I Orders left with him for subserip;
thins. advertisements or Job print-
I ing will receive prompt attention. r
Telephone (Goderieli Rural) r39.
Thursday. Jan. 0.
Me. srs. A. E. and Sam. Treleaven
ww ere t, 11011 to Hamilton on rhitarday
to the 41•11114of their brother. Rev.
Richard eleaven. 1.1.13.. who is crit-
ically sill. hey retnrued on Wednes-
Mr. Lortir tKenzie and sister. 'WW1
Anther. event New Year's Day at
NI.wftsit forest.
Mr. aind Mrs.
New Year*,* -147 at tiburn.
Mr. and Mra>wtn Itittek. of Kit -
owner. spent a fe ttiira VI•iting Mr.
and Mrs. Thos.
Mr. .atiolliihus Caesar.
Ohio. Is visiting his pare
tier here.
Mrs. B. J. frawford was 1,
bed a few days this week. ha
:dad to report her recovery.
Ethel MacKenzie, currying the ring lu
a boiket thworated in pink and white.
Following the ceremony ,the wedding
dinner was wervt;r1. aft Vr which it
committee representing the congrega-
tion of the Ashfield Presbyterian
church, of which the bride W11•4 organ-
ist. turexpeetisily came in and presented
her with a lel it' au appropriate Tub
dress being read. The bridal couple
left immediately on 11 hi /111.3•1110011 trip.
the bride travelling iis a navy
suit with a Week and old rose hat and
wearing a handsome scarf of seal, the
giff'of the groom. tlis gift to th pian•
1st was a wrist watch r re-
turn Mr. and Mrs. Whyld 1,11 re-
side at Ripley.
rlaAndt'rtson *pent
of , Aekland,
s iind,„bro•
lined to
we are I
Wednesday. Jan.
SeheeI Report -The followl histha
school report of N.M. No. 8/Colborne
Sri. IV. class--Kentietbi Allin. Jr.
IV. elass-Ghtdys Treble:Dorothy Role
ITItson, Lucie Hardy. Clifford Alliu,
largaret Alli, •Worthy Fowler. Sr.
I I. class-, Wilbert Thom. Jr. III. ,
ehlabi-Willle Treble. Illlrer
Josh. Walters. Sr. II. class -Wilmer
Hardy and Minnie MiIiian. Jr. II.
•Fernle Thom. Jr. L eioss:-Frank Al -
lin. Reggie Alli, Christine Robertson,
Ivan Bean. Margaret Mitchell. Boy Al-
. The names are in order of Merit.
bsent for several exams. The eel,
tili te for the pupil in rhe . school
wino ng the greatest number of points
at Mwlha Hill selitaol fair was won by
Kennet Allin.-L. E. ADAMS. TeaciG e
I •
1... -At the WIUmnsithS'
elistad eotiiity. on Decem•
Edward G. GM. son of
enry Wel of Hanover.
'Rosetta IL Punt,
of Mr. Mel Mrs. WII-
Clinton. Ont. were
v. H. Roppel;
gownsir'repe de
eorsatte bouquet
11'. and Ham-
m returned
•-‘ parents.
Id. The
s (smelt
bat to
Ii and-
class -Arnold AMR., Douglas Feagan.
Caldwell--Belndley.--On Saturday.
r rah. the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Hiram Brindle.. of Colborne. was .
the %dyne of a pretty wedding when
their eldest danchter. Cleta Maud, was
I united In holy matrimony to George
1 Edward Caldwell of Dungannon. Thebrldp,
bride. who Wile given away by her
_looked charming- geavnsel In ' er.
white satin with georgette trImmInga
and earrying ti hotapiet of bridal
rorsee. She entered the parlor and
bad( her pima. beneath the prettily
.1,130.11te•I arch In the liee•lettee Or-
alsoit thirty guests. The ceremony
%v:14 performed by. Rev. H. Royale of
Nilo. MI101 EVIlle1111 Brindley. alatec
-of the bri.le. dresaed In blue silk. eels
eil as bridesmaid. and Mr. Allan ItrInd-
ley. eonsln of the bride., was grooms
Man. The gronm'a giftto the bride
was. a handsome lovelier. After the
Meninx of the register and hearty con-
gratulations given. the wedding party
entered the dining -room and sat down
Ito a toitnprootts dinner at ti p.m. The
evenIng was spent in games and amuse-
ments. The presents and ehrapless
311=Illeh the prone coin& reeeived shoW
the bleb esteem In whieli they are
held. Mr. Hell Mrs. Caldwell will re-
side iti Dungannon for the futnre and
the best wishes of this eommunity go
' with them for a long. happy and pros-
perous wedded- lite.
On Deeember 20th Mr. Hiram Brim!.
ler gave hl s daughter a farewell partY'.
Ahont fifty engaged theneselres with
II I ItIlli• r IIsi IIIIP•I'• U154 41 a 1.(1VIt 4
c'etoek In tt!e morning. All report nn
enjoyable time.
Walter C. Pridham
Phoir 57 GODERICti
A Good
deserves a good frame.
Why not let us frame
your photos, you will find
a large assortment.
--j T. -Fell
Having sold, out our
branrh Sh?e. Repair Shop
at Seaforth, we arc -now_Ar,
a poiition to do all Shoe
Repairs promptly and
ity our BOYS' SCHOOL
BOOTS, Solid athe,.
. • St. • C.ielerich
Ire extend to
all our patrons our
best wishes for
their pl osperity
during the COMill.i;
Miss S. Noble
South Side Sylilre Croderith
Tussisv, Jan. 4.
Mrs. Robinson Woods returned on
Monday from Stanley after spendiog New
Year's Day among her friends.
Miss Anna McKenzie, of Scanted,. has
charge of S S. No. 12.
Mr. Reuter, of Knox College. will-eceupy
the pulpit in Calvin chinch next Sunday;
Mr. Robert NIcQuiliin. of Guisrieti,
spent New Year's Day at his home here.
N1rs. Lavis spent New Year's Day winto
her daughter, Mrs. Sandy McLeod.
Mrs. Buchanan is from Chicago.
Miss Mary Durnin visited at Witigliarn
last week. the guest of Miss McLatighl n.
Misr Nellie Brook's is a visiLdr with
The teachers ani students hs e a.I
rt-\uindd to then resptctives,:h..olt after
spendi ig the led da)s.under the pareatal
Mr. Will •Salii. of Portreeve,
made a- short visit with nis uncle, Mr.
Ttee Smith, tast wr ek.
Sirs. Mc 1i11 -ter aid famti-y, of Wing*
ham, are visiting with ner Abler. sirs.
Co in A.D.): .1d.
Mr. and .w•rs. Hildon Og I, mu! Whalen,
were VISftrY's wan:grant SIM Itratilee
Netinesday. December 29.h, brought
two y ung citizens to this commanity,
sans eeing born 19 Mr. and Mrs. Cohn
NI Din 11 an 1 Mr. :oil Nits. Ear: Cr.'s:. -
Iwr 29th, M
Mr. and Mrs.'
Ont.. and Mt
1 youngest da ht
liani C. Ingt o
lauletly married by
I the bride wearing 11
chine and satin with
is at the bottom of most
digestive ills.
for indigestion afford pleas-
ing and prompt relief from
the distress of acid -dyspepsia.
Monsiuir. Jul
Misses Violet Kiltratria and Irene
Met.onild IsAvo. ro:turited to, Stratford
after spending the holidays with their
rreseenrs- trens--
NIrs. ana Elmer returned
ow-T1eititieinnein alter spending a 16fe
/Gyp nt tie- home ..f Mr. Matthew
Shieklettm. ,
RItelite. who hill been spent -
Ing the past few mottles with her son
tit Der r•dr. reineneel home Thursday.
Mr. Wm tindlock of flo.lerielt. spent
with,friends here.
:toil Mrs. Gordon Ritchie ansi
• tiassel alai Leslie: of Lines. spent
- at the borne of Mr, We.sleV
1.3 3
of °WWII& roses. A
I short time at Niagara
Ilton, the bride and in.
ta the home of t he britli
where a reception was li
lirlde's travelling eostume
bine bro.stkIuth with coat All
watch and the groom's gift•
some of Hudson seal. olio
trimmed furs:- Mr: and airs. Mel
take up thOir residence on the groo
tine farm at Alsfeblt. Ont.
Vanstone--Feagan.--A very pleasant
event took pla,•i• II Wednesday ow..n.
inc. Deeember 29th. at -11-ritinek. at
the home of Mr. anti Mrs. john Feaga
L 01 h eoneession. Cplbortte
when their only danstliter. Liietla. was
milteii In wedloek to Mr William Stan-
, leyVanstone, son of Mr. and Mrs. C.
A. VansteMe. formerly of neniniller.
hot- now of Godericli. Thee
was performed by Rex.. 11. F. Kennedy.
astaisted tit the bride...,
tint., in the presents+ of alsint eighty
znests from Windsor.siosiden. Strst-
ford. Gielerteli and arlioining liwalities.
'The young eonple isstod beneath it very
iitintr ;trek tritnified
with while roses noda
syer ornaments.
The bride was giten away hy lier-NW-
er snit was attended by page
boy in the person ofher little nplww.
Keith Fong:tit. while Mi.'s Misrlofl, lie
an. of floslerleh. played the Wien rin
wielding niareli noel .111ring the sign
of the register ni•re Ims- lreagan son
very 'sweetly "Love's Melody." 'both
of these young c,011.111,‘ of
t he 10^14«,. TitP bride 14.44•41 ' very
ill.a mown whlte sitin and
tleY g.,orcette with *liver Ines a rl pearl
1 Leer of Crewe jis I
the 1,4,
d-ry. A
toner It fliehotr., on 'mars -,«r wirh white nareissi. She carried it
tt" -Coed tIMP. rotifill Downier of earnatIons and
""1- fi:ins. tier fravelling snit
r of Isr ,111111e friends'
was of navy blue tricot in..
Ing erening ma • with large lolsi•k hat trimmed
$10 or $4.75
All the smartest and new. -
est ideas for_Winter Mit'
\Wear have their 1. • •
atives here. from the
ring styles to the 1:4ge die -
It is difficult to tealize hat -
so smart &r,L,,---c+144y-iiiig-
small a figure on their
Miss M. R. MacVicar
Kingston street. Gealerieh
The Gift that's
Always Welcome
10 111531 10 %% 3111111 %All., 11 A% el often „1
only occasional] a Lowther liandbor.
or Suit lase. Brit whether you how
it for a gift or for iscisonal 11.11f.„ b.
&ire and get s 0,011 that
will Net muter the rotighrost ensrl
Bons With the high 1,:e of genial,.
leathera and skilled lals.r. we warn
,yon 10 deal with a reliall'e lentil,'
goods store, where theknow teethe,
from imitntioas hv exploit nee.
^ Hamilton Pk..
!see.. mit
I ty
co• Iva
-1...n• 3
Phone 56
'esesio*".• gi1/44,
The Scotch Store"
8 A. M. TO 6 P. M. : SATURDAYS 9 P.M.
Annual Stocktaking Sale
Reduced Prices on Monarch Knitting Yarns
Monarch Shetland Floss, all colors, I -oz. balls, regular 35c, for 30C per ball.
Monarch Down, 4 -ply yarn, all colors, 2 -oz. balls, reg. 65c, for soc per ball.
Specials in Children's Sweaters
just a clearing line of our regular goods, all
colors and all sizes. Regular $1.50 to $3.95, at 95C to
Clearing Lot of Yard=wide Cretonnes
10 pieces only of yard -wide Cretonnes, in light
and dark colors, for furniture coverings and cushions.
Special 75c yd.
Specials for the_ Heine
Special showing of British and Canadian Lin-
oleums, 4 yards wide, in beautiful tile, block and floral
patterns, suitable for all rooms. Special per yard --
Canadian Linoleum,.$1.50 sq. yd. British Linoleum,
$2.00 sq. yd.
Dominion Oilcloth
Dominion -Oilcloths, best on the market. suitable
for all rooms, so sanitary and so easily kept clean, in
block, floral and stripe designs for surrounds, in widths
of !; yd, I yard, 1'4 yOSo, 1,; yards and 2 yards, •
9oc per sq. yd.
All Furs
Reduced ---
25 per cent,
Until Cleared
See Our Wonderful Bargains in -Coats and Dresses
'Early Closing' Saturday ‘Ntg.hts
is our usual custom at this season of the year, we will close on Sat-
eveningi'-at9 o'clock until -further notice, and would asiuyout -
ration to shoparly. •
Our Telephone Service Is Unexcelled. Try Us.
Quality Merchandise at Bargain Prices.
Pht6ie Scotch Store
*and most-. renart with gold n nil French bine. meeting of the Goderich Town,h p
.117hinit- 'The rifts were numerous as well mers'. Club will be held at Porter's'
useful. A Ill•Pfla tlwin was it beautiful 1.1.1 on Friday everting oPthis week. -N1r.
K1STA IL. sewing tohle, a gift from tlu• eraigrega- Andiew Hicks, M.P.P.; for South Huron,
%if*Itl--Titylee -pretty_ wed- . tion_oL Norrle_Zion frihodIat kelsoected to be, present. •
ding t,rok plar.e\ Itt tile home 1Filfre 11111 110,111. it very toseful • mem-
mr. ..tra mocLoopms, Hili z•hpir sax* Arsenio of the
215 islin Mrs. Sorcl.ty 1,1 After the ermerartilise-.---4 SUB CILN.
9la••11,,otri11*. -biter.' Miss Ethel Taylor. lion, ..f HP, *pro tonolo.,1 The regular monthly meeting of the
in inarrl..\ze\to Mr. Donald the happy eonole. all Were 111%1101 to Auburn Farmers' Club will be held on
sviiyid, of Itipbey. S. Hardie- the sriewelons dining 1.00111. where a very Tuesday afternoon, January I Ith, in the
Ma -LINA. The bride. eliarluhigly gown- Tiltity and Most appetizing simper was c tits rooms. Auburn. All farmers arid
eql Ip navy • blue taffeta.' snaring a 'lent 1s1 to thou by Is,. young Popes of those interested in the farmers' movement
taletit veil _with n •tinnelenit of pearl*, the K014441 V school dist' of whieh the are cordially invited to attend.
and riirryIng n tempter of white and • bride Isa membeer-An-interestim• KO. _ _ '
pink eT mations. entered the room on . 0%1 V1311. elinsisting of violin Brown Label Salado can now be bought
non of her bow! her -in -1.1w. Ntr. WO -.04,1 by Mr.. (sitar entry. son/. bY from your, grater at Me a pound. A
Maelielizie. to the strains of 11ar Loh. Re' PIA Mi".. KT'n• dencious and economical drink. One
..norin Bridal Chorus' played 1.w* her` nedr, reeltation telsMiss.VIoln AIM), nod pound makes two to three hundred
niece. Mb's Irene M....Donald. The ailetres-a.* by Mr. Andrew Million. Mr. cups. • •
brielet was preerweled • her little tries • J. C. Nlerann. Her. J. C. Million and
______:1floyL11.__T.,Kesinedr. who pre:gilt:1i, .t
-\nonitior Of community songs brought a
Du not suffer else hippy . 141,1 prentfol evening to a
another Mix wait tee. Mr. 3011 )Jr.., stnnley Vanstone
. andel of eonfettl rind the
ins. or ia
Mg riles Na hes Wishes err all 'present. for their
strurtte al oper-
wille nt nollMiller.
silos required.
Dr. Chase's Ointnrekt will relieve you et once ,
Fowl afford lest,ng herneflt Irk% it, hos ; all
1,'.Iere, or EtimansoO,, Bates A Co., Linitted, , 1 EEBURN. :. 1
4.spe• and enclose 2e. stathp to pay ease.
I .Tonto. Simple 1401 Des. IL _you Iptl,,n this
, \tri•r.ftret for lest weg
WEDNESDAY, i)eC. 29.
Picture Framing
Bring in those photos your
frietida _have given sutt at
Christmas and have them
Tratited_wlii:c they are fresh,
Also She Sunda )1/ school
girls and .boys Who won
ilivIonias, and have aets
fratie71-7- 1t -ii t -the-twar-wtre
to keep the and yoti Will
value them more in the years
to come.
Special price on trashes a'
sett week.
Smith's Art Store
I. Phone 19,4
• ..
AV. •
• '"••
Mis•es Laut,iand Lillian Lathenslayer
have returned , Toronto.
t14111 Otid ion -and
Fred spent the b hday at Mitchell.
Mr. Elmer 1..aLl'. sslayer *pen: Christ -
ma= at home.
Fir. and Mrs. RATaion, of Tcronto,
were up for the week•eltd. -
Miss Jean Bogie. ofGderich, is' visiting
at the borne( N1r. and N ra. Wm Bogie.
r. Jos. Shaw, of the % st, is visiting
Edgard Shaw's.
kl,NNMilt H
and arry Freiman and
(amibeli today to visit with reTstives at
atisa g.
Mr. a Mrs• J. Mc Whinney an 'svel-
ter are vi 'ng with relatives at Cie land.
, The_comniunity tea was a .great
giale a mimTiq of the sailors being
present. All entayed a hearty lunch,
after which an interesting program was
p I ovided.
. WEDNESDAY,- Jan. 3.
Mr. Philip 1:17Ozie. iif the steamer Lake-
tonarrived home last Thu1E/ay.
Mr. and Sirs I,. Gray and famay, nf
Stratford, spent the weekend at NIr. and
Mrs. Percy Tktewart's
Nurse Shaw left fa New 'York City
westereay. • i
Miss Etta Si wart is visiting under the
parental roof.
Hume Clutton has left to, resume his
studils at the 0 A. C , Gueipli. after
pending (he holidays at home.
'7 •
Starr Phonographs and Gemsetr Star
Records for sale at Blackstone's Ice
Lrearn Parlors, West street.
For That Cough or Cold
Tar 'with Cod Liver-ETTE tact
• . and
NL.axatiie Cold Tablets with Aspirin
Money refunded if not satisfied.
• PhoneJiii. T \The Resall Drug Store Bedford Block
g4g7n,140,4, kefM4044,isi+0 _
Scason' C3rectings
VVe wish to thank our many
Customers alb Friends for
their hearty patronage during the
past year and extend' to them
sincere wishes for a happy,,pros-
perous 1921,
. •
9' •