The Signal, 1921-1-6, Page 3tan ■ • S 1111x Del I No Atte ]� l8, 1 es. it ■ to Z9 II ■ ■ 5c 5c ■ Sc ■ 9c it • . R 5c ■ 1 00 1 1 ,OC x ,OC ■ . and it ■ ■ IS ■ >m - :ed, • a....,r ° ma rd.dWlfiliewe serail . HERN'S BOOT SHOP HOCKEY When you go into a game of hockey you must have a feeling of security in your skates, your boots, etc. The McPherson Hockey Boot has stood the test and proven sat- isfactory under all conditions. We are agents for the Mc- Pherson Lightning Hitch Hockey Boot. We also carry all sizes in Skating Boots. SNOWSHOEING Get ready for the game. We have in stock all sizes in buckskin Moccasins and oil -tan Sboepacks. You can get no better shoe repairing done anywhere than at MERN'S BOOT SHOP Nest Telephose W H ERN Square Office • The "THE PEOPLE'S GARAGE" Under New Management Having taken over the business of "The Peopk's Garage," MR. J. L. DEMERLING announces that he is ready for All Kinds of Repair Work Being a first-class mechanic, who has served his time 'both as machinist and auto repairer, he • Guarantees All Work Fru Air for all. Gasoline, guaranteed measure Cars Stored for Winter at Reasonable Rates L DEM _ G TseliptJ. 'a Street, Opposite Victoria Park THE SIGNAL oODERIOH, ONT. THE WEEK AT THE CAPITAL BECAME SO THIN IlyIan Dunelsn. SHEo.3.-Tire holiday Ietla- WAS AFRAID over, oralwe vankook Ottawa, Jx argy is about jor thing,' brightening up from now until the Iwgiuulug of the Herndon. And after that time the members themselves will is. flat there are few dull melts until they are able to collect their four thousand dollars in- demnity and a free railway ticket home. The l'hristwas x1111 New Year holldayM are usually a dull tiwe pol- Itically, arab this year wait no excep- tion to the rule. Beyond the Chrlat- maa box to C. W. Nichol, who' was appointed iAeutenent-Governor of Bri- tish Columbia, and the lame of the writ for the Went Teterboro by-election, there las been little to enliven things, but from this tlrne on there should be plenty of activity. At the Parliament buildings the workmen are rushing things to try and have everything In order for the opening. The Commons and Senate chambers will be ready this year, the finishing touche' having been put on them during the recess. and the main part of the interior work of the new building la done, but there will be work on the exterior, and some inter- ior dungen, for a couple of seastfH before everything la complete. The famous Hall of Fame last session war a Iwaverboard passage through the building. This year It is much fur- ther advanced, but there will be no yelling on it. The lurndsome stone pillars along the wall are dote, but the architects had not time to get the telling on, on have simply laid the floor, and another aesaion must come before the work there will be complete. The handsome Peace Tgwer, the cor- nerstone of whk•h was laid by the Prince of Wales daring Ilia visit here, has been built up to the height of the /first story and then a temporary roof put on It. There will be no more work on that for another year. Ier•auae It 1s Intended to line the Interior of the second chamber of the tower with stone from France and Flanders. May Cast Ten Millleos. The building itself scams likely to eoet nearly double what had been es- timated. Instead of five mill►on dol- lars the total outlay shows egnis of being in the neighborhood of ten mil- lions. for building costa have been going up ever aince the work started and the Government tears the burden of the rising coats. Another factor In the in- creaser' cores la that there have been many changes made in the Mdlding and a lot of build- ing up and tearing down. The aeupaney of the building for last MO. "don added to the cost, for it meant much lost of time la tearing down o f replaced olds ctc., which had can t 1 oraff 1aced before the conatruction work could he started again during the reeesa. And of course, when the members got into the building they Haw• some changes neeestery, and many were made. The architects had in some plaees, it sem- ed. paid more attention to design and beauty than to the prsetical needs. Aa as •VRIJIT-A-TiVES' Made Her Well. areas and Vigorous MADAME ARTHUR •LAUCHC. eb6 Cartier St.. Montreal. "I suffered terribly from Cons- tipation oaxtipation and Dyspepsia for many years. I felt pains after eating and had gar, constant headache, and was unable to sleep at night. I was getting so thio that I was frightened and saw several physicians who, however, did not seem able to help me. At last a frigid advised ase so pod 'Fruit -stirs: I did so and soon I felt some relief. I continued with 'Fruit -a -fives' and in a short time, the Constipation was banished, I felt no more pains or headache or the disagreeable sensations that follow dyspepsia. Nov I an well, strong and eigorotta' Madame ARTHUR BEAUCIIER. 150e.a box, 6 for 32.60, trial size 25c. At all dealers our from l ent-a-tives Limited. Ottawa. Out. corridor. The result Wald' that the ar•hlte•ts had to call in workmen to cut r door through two feet of aadld maaoury to overcome this. The new building is a magnificent place, but there are wavy r•spe•te in which the cost to the piddle could be reduced. When an e4e•tiun campaign gets under way there will, in all probability, be charges from the opposition of ex- travagance In regard to the new build- ing, as several members are indicating this already. Fiscal Legislation. The tariff cowmiaaion got down to work here today. ou the clean-up sea - 'rhe enquiry has hardly pro- cereled far enough at the time of writ- ing to gather eclat strain the evldette will take: but It la not expe•tel that anything will Ica Drought out here to materially change the report which the eomwissionera must, by this time, have fairly well decided lu their minds. On that report It to expected that this year's budget wilt be barged, for the 1 Government could not afford any long- er to hold fire on the tar- iff revision which has been prom- ised since the days when Sir Thomas White was Finance Minister. 'However. while the ('i �btiet has not rely got down to business ou fram- Ing the budget, it Is not expected that there Fill Iw any sweeping changes. The Mildness profits tax is more than likely to go and when the House and Senate get 'down to a discussion of what r•mains\of the luxury taxes. there may be some alterations there. but the Gorenime1 t has given no in- t,1a in the lack of instance of We there was (he Govern- ment caucus, room. Under present conditions, a full caucus of Government members means an Ottendanee of about 1.10 men in a rooto for two or three hours. , The famous room 16 in the new building would doe like a Turkish bath if flfty men gathered In it for a discussion lasting that long. As a consequence. - schen the Government called a caucus last year, it was nee - emery to take over the reading room for half a day. 01(1411 to the dislike of all the Opposition memters who owr were shut out. Thla session the Government will be able to use the railway 69111;_ mittee room, so it will not be quite so lard. One prominent member of the House, who has two secretaries. com- phlined that he had no means of Com- municating with 'his secretary with- out walking out through the public tJicatton yet of w•laa the Ministerial minds. The death of O. Glad member for + Yamaska. opens up snot r seat in the ('onemona, but it is not sly that there well be any iniwediat action towardd filling It. The constltue y In. gnewtion s largely rural and the Gpv ernntt•nt ill probably make a spirit tight there. There has leen talk o Senator lido din's resigning his seat in the rpp-it-Ii it' tago down and con- tent Tamaska, mit that is not likely to he more than elk. While the Gov- ernment might be willing, if I, doubt- ful if the Senator komld Ise elected. and the choke is likely ,to fall on someone else. Hon. A. Sevigi+p would at heat put up a Baal fight. *MI It would not to 1 surprising to ,'e him 1p the field. hut it would seem more probable that the selection would fall on ' Iliolalon, the Conservative candidate in test. Valuable Records Destroyed,A • Quite a live aeundal has arisen hrongh the Wholesale destrueiion of H a•anls and other °Mesal records which were stored at the Minting Bureau ince the fire of 1916. Many of these d •n- tuents were saved from the 0141 ha d- ingo and dated hack to the plays hero ( *it nfoile•ratIon.. but they hare all elestroyel as junk. ao with an It a Mlea rs that someone. overgrown bump of efficiency, tame alyng.und decidtrl_Ihtlt the _eItb recordsd were simply taking up valuable space, so he called in the Government waste- paper contractor and told him to take them all away ns waste paler. Thrix waft done, and when the elitoriahe•om- mlttee went up to get the records to he last -con - Thursday. January d If2l.-3 WTEM'/TS Ac 6CLDOi?' am DRESS a cut. burn or scald with Zam-Buk and (eery smarting pain r. i+opped, inflammation disappears. Where skin is blis- tered or broken. the Zam-Buk dress- ing acts as a perfect antiseptic shield over the flesh. It prevents disease ire �: Aron or any tendency to fester or become '• mattery.•' Zam-Buk owes this marvellous heal- ing and disease -dispelling power to its refined herbal character ---its com- plete freedom from the crude drugs and animal fats found in ordinary ointments. You will find Zam-Buk equally valuable for healing sore cracked hands. frost -bite and chil- blains, and in winter eczema, ulcers, scalp disease, pile., poisoned wands, abscesses. and obstinate sores. Consider how often you've wanted feat such . safe. ever -ready skin remedy as Zan -tisk Ther get a box to -day and lamp a always handy. 50 cents. mil dealers. l for $I.25. FREE{ T. toot tats treat rssW sed In steep t. Lw -sea Co.. Toronto. !•wills boa maned err Mora tty .4. sG c i i•1• •1 11‘, Oltl`, 1,1 i pr For DICK CLEAN tIERLING eti `.t distri to them among universities and hlstori societies who wanted them, they were all gone. Judge Snyder. of Wentworth as Igen 11/Irue1 a'commis- sloner to pro the whole affair and see who is at t bottom of it. There have been other tumors regsnling the Printing Bureau of late. one of which concerns the carting iw•ay of type met- al ---several tons of it-aynd Its sale as Junk also. The investigation will prob- ably bring out some tntereeting facts for the public to digest. ' Mr. Gauthier Is still on the utaide of the Cabinet. and aeetus likely t re- main cit the outside looking In. T re wart a dcapatch from Montreal la week saying that he had been sun uton tel to (erase to 1e sworn 111pn Christ- mas Eve. but Mr. Gauthier has thus far only been sworn at, and that by members In both the Conaervative arad Literalranks.It Ica inter - ' seting, to way the least, to hear what .the rest of the French-speaking mem- berd hare to say to Mr. Gauthier when he comes into the House In February. ('ertalnly he will get the cold shoulder unles+ he can show them that he was { not .tithe bottom of the whole thing. A suspicion exists that many of the q�• press despatches were inspired by Gau- thier himself, and If that should be found to tw true, then he would be read out of the party with short shrift. However, It remains to be seen what action will be taken when the House meets. The (late of opening the House has not yet been set. The choke at present seem,' to hinge on about February 17, which is a Thursday, Wester. Ontario i Best Commercial School ' CENTRAL /f• / STRATFORD. ONTi. Our winter term commences Tues- day. Janu°aay 4th. and students may register in Lpmmercial. Short- a h departments int s at n el la r Tel Y Short - bind t P A n V time. Our o{araes are thorough: and 4r assist graduates .nil practical, P • positions. Get r free catalogue. T‘ A.11cLACHLA Principal. •:1 L. R. STEEL CO., Limited, Godericb 5 CENTS TO $1.00 Hardware Dept. Hardware Panel Saws , • ..... �•. $1.00 Big assortment of Hammers .49 Big variety Curtain Bods ' .10, .15, .29, .39, .49, .69 First -claps ......... ...... .:.. ... .. , , , ... :.. .98 Pliers Nickel -plated Towel Bars .29, .39 ▪ ......98 .98 .98 .98 2for .15 • .59 Nickel -plated Toothbrush Holder Nickel -plated Sponge Baskets Nickel -plated Soap Dishes „.,r....�.-�.•:•.r Carpet Tacks (boxes) Weather Strip, 38 feet for Tap Lifts Leather Soles, all sires 1 .39 Large Assortment -of Pictures and Photos Pictures, and Picture Frames Sterling Silver Photo Frames .15, .29, .35, .49, .98 • .39, .49 Enamelware and Aluminum Sugar llc a'lb. Sauce Pans Fry Pana M41n4 Bowls Week Pale Blue Pale Enamelware $1.00 ), .79, $1.00 .69 .69, .79 .49, .59, .69 - .98 .98 29 .25- ti25, .35, .39 ( Big Assortmen of Aluminumware .98 .98 .39 .35 el Tea Pots Blue Enamel Coffee Pots Enamel Soap -Dishes - Enamel Mugi Enamel Pis ?kW Sauce Pans Kettles Jelly Moulds Pie Plates Jelly Cake Plates 4 All sizes Pot Clovers .... e • . r Drinking 1 Measurbig .....• ...•49 .29, .39 .19, .39 .19 25 Groceries Best Quality Black Tea, Monarch Coffee Best Quality Tomatoes Campbell's Soups British Columbia Salmon Corn Flakes Sunlight Soap P. & G. White Naphtha Soap 2lbs. .60 lb..55 2 for 35 2 for 35 tin .15 .11 3 bars 25 11 bare $1.00 Patin Olive Soap ...........................'-r .T. .3 for .25 Gents' Furnishings Silk Crochet Ties Men's Hid Gloves, best make , ............ Men's A11 -wool Socks Men's Colored Border Handkerchiefs Men's Suspenders • ` • Men's Hose Supporters Men's Leather Mitts . ...__ _ Men's Leather Gloves Men's and Boys' Moccasins $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 29 .79, .98 .25, .39, .49 .79, .98 $1.00 $1.00 4. • it .1 r. • i