HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-12-23, Page 114k...1171VM-L.'„ gFltijittIMAIYFeltiV, Prif0.7-s lc:144e esseeness ...euiscsaoseo THE WEEK AT THE CAPITAL, -- I1 tau Banelui. Ottawa, Dec. 20 - Alt hough them are hal -a-dtzeti things that should have befit cleared up before the . hostmas holidaye it leeks very much as thous!' the Gov• ernment inteieled Jennie some of them go by wail the lust olthe year. 1 he annual exodus Irom the capital lot the holiday season has akeeld) set in, and vtiaI of the M.ntsters will be away from now until New Year's. 1 he slit for the W'ell Peter boro election is ttill to come.Ind with its repatt will occupy a go at deal (t1 linw before thot Matter Its :wally lii p led of. The evtiniatracerttinly will be pared and tut do A n to the lowest possible figure. and there. is not likely to he provision for mach public works bey, nd the linisliing up of ter work actually under way now. •• I'r mint incleetions are that there will be very en the way of pre-election tempters 01 those estimates, for the word has gone abroad that expenditures in this retta•d are to be held down to the last nickel and then the members of the Commotis will get in their good • work afterwards and cut them down still further. The Rearmed Soldier habeas, • . There will be a long and heavy session 01 the committee on re-establishment of returned soldiers, and at this committee that contest is to be held Wore the will pr. bably be charged to take up all phases of re•establtshmern, including the opming of the I louse. it, will be necessary need of housing schemes, it practically to get the writ out very quiekly. How means going over the whole tubject again. ever, the Goveituitent still has neatly a I he vetetan organizations are likely to month better it is actually necessary that mart a drive before the committee is tamed to try and get some changes in the the date of the election teed be an- pertomiel of that committee, for there nounced, eau:Ales to the amended act wete tau orthree memlors during both of which tuuvi les that We date tnu.t IP • the wfisionb. Aube services could well announced with•ii s X niontlis of the have been dispensed with at a profit to vacancy occurring. both the Goverment and the veterans. According to the Premier th-re has, One-liall Uik. the friction which arose be - been little serious doeutszon as to that merit the committee and the veterans date in recent weeks. but the Government 1 , as due to tactless week on the part of turnwill have to ils attention tit litat 01 uire mnbers of the committee, direction before very long. and once tilei Ia.. if the vttetatt.can bring any pressure writ k out things will sort of settle eleven to bear from inside and outside .of the in th ,t constituency and it will be possible House they WIlI probably do so and try top,. who are to line up as candidates. their hardest to induce the Premier to At the present time. Irons the information n ake so ne changes. reaching Ottawa. there are halfa &men men in the coostiluercy who talk of run May Seeking Diverge. • rung, and it von not be until the writ is issuedcend the date of the contest known that it swill berxesible to say who will actually* a candidate. 1 here is some talk of indecision on the part of Ow Gm/ruin:enrol" to whether or not it will put up a candidate to oppose Ham Burnham The Tariff Cosunisiglon. From present indications there will be a flood of work on hand for the Senate and House comm t tees on divorce. Last session's record ot 120 divorce applicatons seems likely to he surpas-ed this year, for :hey are corning at the rate ot eight or ten a week arid there are already about 100 on .hand for the aged Senators to deal with. This means. practically, that the commit - 1 he tatilf commt,-toli journeyed forth to, tee will be driving from the beginning to Kingsten on Sunday night, and v. it h I he the end of the 'region. if they are to hear exception . f a clean- tili‘v ling of one or ail the applications peed up before them, two da'. in Ottawa, t hisOis ill wind up its And all of thaw applications ate coming work in Omar us 'I herete%1II, of course, from Oa ntario id Quebec.'so what would , be a tiel. 01 alter weeks a Month happen if the other Provinces bad not before anything in tin - line o a report already taken the matter of divorces into from that conunit.- ion will be ,,, yailable, lister own hand* ? •I he whole is a strung and o is eot likely meth will he said 'argument for divorce courts in these two before sir Henry leaytun bongo sdoen Provinces.. for certainly. though ene may his budget after the opening of i he and in that budget outlines thechange, taxation which he has fewel to he tree sary because of his tourney theme the Dominton. It is a eertainty that Were 1 • ....-----,-... . must b- same changes in the tariff as a i 8 result of that Insect( "(le cernmosion. for. even if the Government ehould want to! • • bold off any_tarifl dtrikeeints it %souk' notof Sugar Beets Have ,Spieta- be go si police to att. mot any furth. r 1 • dld Swam. est 'Eine aiong.that line ---and the come , so try ha. been eurfetted with •pronnset in I- 8SAPPene ,bec.17.-Never in the hi • regato tthe ta,,ti. iof this s ctio of the' Poovitece have a o , hou itiful coats\ been harvested as this Proved% of the Coming &miss, ..... year.. All Ibe 0,,Irn.croyi have yielded Al tt.e present site 1 eainut site my ; nth returns, while\red alsike and sweet pre..1 u .tli. . , have given giwn\pflnomena1 yields. the middle of February. • And that, wall Dozens of farriers a • mean a envie throi•gli wail the micelle of fifteen to forty bushe mummer agent, mikes at. i,iirl,4 fad. 1111ile VI; It Cooper, ul Epee be opposed to entracte m principle, the n , present method of granting them is far • I too costly to bath the persons interested nd to the people of Canadi in general. CROPS IN SOUTH HURON. MP, 4 Miotalate found with from .o1 these seed's who bas been it hato-n lasted in a, g, tor many was s- tub tog a clover thresher` sinee August Ihet t her -Blo be tette of me, tFar.ceTo.-nithout a-brealt. is still got . Off one `11:1 come before the {louse this sen eel, there farmed 100 acres John Cal ell, of the , nee a utt814est I Will-, %Iv ! timpl) mutt London road. one mile north Exeter. o have lea4 and the "stiff s 111'1.1MOlii : hrt ..hed 2, tut/ bushels of oats. 1 bushels _ ,....weseseestosoo zuto..‘iwaxtt, AlAr Ka, 4.4( 't C4`4a,0 ot *hew, over 300 bushels of barley an 33 bushels ol alsike clover seed. Apples 'are,a hne crop and because of the high price asked for apple barrels, $1.50 each. not as many as usual were packed, but large quantities were shipped to Montreal Noce in car lots. Five cars were shipped iti one day horn Exeter, the price paid being 40 cents p.r awl. Sugar Beets. Tba crop par excellence this season is sugaK'brets. When the weather was so *saint earlier in the season, dozen of loads were to be seereckIten towards (be G. T. R. stations nf Br rid. Mmes. Hermon and Eget-k. In icinity of the latter town 160 acres ars gitQ. The yield ranges from tax tons to twentrtons per acre, the latter yield bin from acre patcbes.of rich ground, but shy Ong what might be secured it greater care were taken to cultivate and manure proaerly. Mr. James Cowan, of Seaturth, is the representative of the sugar companies in South Huron and has been able to secure growers to raise between 600 and 700 acres. The greatest drawback to the growing of a large acreage is the great scarcity of labor. This is partly overcome by the employment of Belgians, who do the thinning, hoeing and topping of the crop for about 525 per acre. Th -ie men and women work early and late and fre- quently earn 510 a day. Some farmers hire thee own help and go a ith them to the field. In this way better work doue. as the best plaits are left in thin- ning and the hoeing is done to suit the owner. OM ALM'S Experienee. One very successful . grower in Hay township, Nelson Stanlake, follows this plan with marked success. Last year his yield of right acres gave him a profit of 5150 an acre, alter paying for hired .help, and this year he believes his yield on ten acres will be just as good per acre. He puts in his drills twent y -eight inches apart and thins out the plants w about six inches apart. He believes in thorough cultivation and as early as August this year he was plowing and preparing for his 1921 crop. In next year's held be is pin- ker/ in a large amount of tile draining in land that some people think would get along very well without. This is the kind u( preaaration that brings good results every time. One or two farmers are still delivering beets and tbey have certainly had a very disagree- able time the past kw weeks. This year's , experience proves that thorough prepar- ation of the soil. early sowing, careful and constant cultivation during the sum- mer and early harvesting, pays well in time and money. The company's representative, Mr. Jas. Cowan, of Seaforth, believes there is no, finer section in the Province for the growth of sugar beets than in South Huron, in a tract stretching from four miles north of Brucefield to Centralia. For that matter it has been. a wel-known fact .tor many years that the is "The, Eldorado of the Province" for all verieties of crops. Mr. Cowan contends that if the growth ot itugai bets was made much • more general than it is, then it could be more economicalty.because alarger number ot Belgians would keate here to help with the necessary work. He is looking fur a large acreage next year. ity has ruined more men than adversity but that kind ot ruin is go, much•more delightful.' oe— THE SIGNAL GODERICH, 01111. Thursday, December 23, 1920.-11 os. We hope this will be a happy Christmas sea- son for all, and we extend our greeting especi- ally to the patrons of this store, thanking them for their kind patronage and wishing them, each and every one, • It has been a pleasure to -help so ,many at this season in selecting suitable gifts, and we can say with assurance that all who receive gifts purchased at this store are getting some - mg of real value and genuine worth: Perhaps there is somebody you have overlooked in your C istmas buying. ,We feel- sure you can. find something suitle in our large and varied stock of Jewetlery, Silverware, eut ass' and other goods. - We have a range -from dainty ., Tittle a icles of modest price up to the gift of gifts—Diamonds.. ......10111•1111.1110.11ior GIFTS FOR THE H Electr'. at Gifts will make the Hothe beautifu ancl bright and save much tedi- ous work. We Have a Complete Line of nOie t!,4 Electric Irons Electric Grills Electric Vibrators Electric Toasters Electric Heaters Electric Heating Pads Vacuum Cleaners Portable Lamps Fans rooking Ranges Domes, Shades Tungsden and Nitrogen Lamps FLASHLIGHTS and BATTERIES All kinds of Electric Fixtures. 1f,y3ti'have any Electric Wiring clone, tet us give you an estimate. f "v (-0:r"!rir',r.",7 7' 1c2ozelinictratoseettneyl-ti ROBERT wr TAIT r !WELT, xt Post Office, „ ,„, (10DERICti 1111M101 : Store. 82; Residence, GODERICH • _ ___HENSALL MONt MENT spentelling et !land/tome War Ilene,- -\\ lal a !getable Occasion. Dec. tii. 11 spite of unpleas ant weethee, c tizens of t wrr and district filled the town hall to overflowing, this *totem:feel ut a gathering addrineted-- by Lieut. -Col. W. B. Brown, of Lon Ion, in't base follow : Nursing Sister Getrude connection with the unveiling 01 a line Petty, G. Hanson Petty. 'Witham A. \granite mantielent to the memory of McKay, William L. %lents Edward Cecil Pilling, Arthur W. Porter, John Dougall Mcl-ari n, Thomas 11. Wilkinson, George P. Ntelholland, Ge5rge Reichert, By Brown. R. G. AneelL H F. Clank, As I,. Italy- 11 takt_12.NO, of, which 51,000 was subscribed inllensall and about 51,000 in flay and Tuckersmith and elsewhere ep the netableahood, With collections taken today the balance will probably be furthcoming. The monument stands in front of the town hall, The Men Who Feil. Tht tianges-uf witliereisteerthed-estrint-- Huron boys of tins neighborhood who gave (bele lives In (*late war. Following the, set -seas necemarily beld indoors ori acalunt of the weasheroThomas Shertitt, a returned sotdier, withdrew the Union Clark, P. Coker, F. Richards, R. H. Jack which- draped -the Attune,. while Paserriere, -George Wekti, David Immo- - flensalkCitizensband played the National Case Troyer, heed Skelton, G R. John - Anthem. . . • slots Orwell Buch Irian, J. Men. Mc - Col. Brown gave a splendid' address. Arthi r, R. M. Yuil, J oho 11. Sher eman, including a narrative of the part payed Robert 11 Vollick, Templetem W. Acheson, by Canadian soldiers in the war. Tbese E. F. •liutler. August J Hartung, W. C. - slit ATS EATING MATC1IIRS had made a name for themselves, he said, Cook, Peter T. Moyer. in fishting for the greatest empire th '. • ------- world had seem. The British Empire, said the speaker, had given freedom to the s nations and had most of any followed the\o, NOT A (AVM OF mgr. teachings of Christ. Ile emphasised the .\ EXperinminta Prove • 'Timy fact that God h id been with Britain minnwrwie in the war, for though facing greet odds WIMP Rather Starve than and an enemy thoroughly prepared and bringinz in new tactics of war. yet under Eat Match Heads. . Providence victory bid been achieved: ' In the lengthy category pl r agoni and - Rev.. J. A. McConnell. of Carmel.Pres. liscucir tor hies.- that of friction due to byierian church, followed with an inter- the gnawing of niiteli leads by rats and eitirg address. Reeve G C. Petty', ,bo, mire has had to do eel ful share. When is also Warden of Huron. occupied the all else could prove anialibi the rats %vete chair. Rev. Mr. 'McConnell promouwed, beim, d.• The increasing purifier of fires the benediction at the close. , I attributed to this cause elaphasis d the necessity of establishing the piessibility of IleM Union Mervin. kr beng bona fide .. ., Anglican, Methodist and Presbyterian! The Underwriters' Laboratories, inc. congregations united this evening in a of Chicago. after cat eful and priihmged union serytce, also in the town hall, when addosses were delivered by Rev A. R.E. Garrett. a returned man, Rev. G.W. Rive'.. Methddist pastor,' and Lieut. Col. Brown. The last-named took for his sashjeer "The Spirit of Canada." 'The war, he thought, had done much to make man unselfish. Men had endured great hardships. ,uncomplainingly and set a not* exneSple. Canada, he Predicted, would occupy a greater ,place among the nations -eel the earth than ever hebwe. Solo numbers were given by W. 0. Goodwin and Themes Sherrin, and, quartettes : y Mituiltannie.Eras t us It annte W. A. NteLiren and W. 0. Goodwin. Mr, Goodwin. who is a former 1st Battalion sue., h oaf b nes were gnaw el and the man, atm . gave a fine cornet .olo hoses heoken open and mach s antlered The monument, furnished hy Canning. all ar 'id. but • although fr•gioently the ham & Pryde. of Exetert tends fifteen feet r et e ate ne anotheroin Inc ire wr re the in height. The base iv of Scotch granite, math head- 'gnawed Mr was there any I hi. figure, (bit of a antelier it .ndinv at miner in denier of ignisiwi e se, stands gig feet live tnchee Ugh and is With mit* vaitive ividance In stink "i• So SOW HOE 'S GROCERY -We have a 'fresi baking, including • RAISINS, CURRA stock of goods. tlie• Cbrist Inas Red Enipero --F-resh-HADysttzt:,-x-- CHQ10E CANCAES• AND Also a full stock of General OrCic UITS es W. A. Hoey, GROCE Phone -I I() 'Cur Square and Ea experiments by its fire prevention' en- ,• gineers, has reached thedelinite conclusitip that rats wuuld rather s arve to death' Oran eat the modern match heals. Milesession, investigators of fires will a•icySi„ fee a term et years of rtogrog 0 •.;,•.: , 1 his (seclusion was arrived at through 3v Ui Ire ter Ittplijoii 3 fire tt hit h cal, 0..hine wcry, (4.gapprovoci ot The con- ', .... • a Few, iiif elaborate tests, coveting a he attributed to no ithisr cairi‘e Irian Ma.' sidetition of the report on vett leiatont 'a , li ‘......, period of tight months and more, in of rate go twine twitches. -Conservation. of ministers was postponed, 1/r. Rob- •,;. , , which numbers of rats were placed in • ert Johnston wee nomtneted for the • • ____ ericlosu -- is yetth hoses ol matelot.» arranced glogole gor hermileties In Knot collev, so that ill y could re it h them The first Primbfirry of linren. Toronto. Arrangement" for fhb test was made without reedit] or watering The l'neelty o'y of Huron Iola Its duel lou of Rev. R. -A. Lundy Into the the rata; in the &cowl, they were given December meet at Clinton mi Titan cheree ot KIppen,, Millie Green and water hut no food ; and in the thirgi they day, Iieeember 1 h. The fonowhig Oleke were made and the Indortion .wer, civet.] fooi and vatei• :tor t vimtegko.... were., present : Ms. MeConnelL .... wieder-. :swill ..take•-splace aboillg-a.tbstotho ho. aiid theneTeirl. -liut stippled with ator ; Iir. Fleteher. afesers. NteLesin, 'ginning of the New Tali. Mr. Min wenn until they died. Grg,,tion illy the shear, Meintosh, re rilere, Foote, Ten- IA'ill was appointed convener of rho tone Avery, pus, Mid Hamilton, min- committee .on itatihath nelkoola in place beer*, rend Mosartr. tieromell, Mk. of 11r. Aitken. The next reviler meet- ,ausii. Ferree, 1.11elmay, Mole, elder«leg win be held at Bennett nn Fehrurery--"" The minter% remitted to Presbyterial 22ntl. 1021, at 10 OVIOCk 11.31. fir the (ienerat Assendely were eon* • . _ Indere.) and the Ile of * elder visoclktvo °Ricer and ilia appointment • TIM IWO Ai In Tho Stork 1 sestesoreet net);' ' . I - . .o . -...4.......... -: 4.....,.................., • ' '('4,11t7.1.,A, ', ,.. ' A'-:,.-- ,, .f....Kia..... .A , . 5„0..,6,4x.t. . , 6,.. It'gr g,- 7,og‘iiistro,rigi;i*i.:",nig'i 4giftryvr' 1•,-,440ti'pog:tril`g,al r‘,T1,,,IfiXte.6,t,',1441r01,11;:',..,* 4,,,,,,,,Pitv'''qta;*,,ii-.4:1',S.T.14 ,4d2,,.r•17.., , , !itP,',1140'74;:itikafita.,N) , . .. . 11;,,.1.,,, o',:i.,.."'): ,,zi ,,,,4,, 4,.,....,1, ,,,,,'47,77,... 7-14t: i,i'l ,t., t,itT,,,,,,,1,-44aEit.:11c1-4, itnott1%,tja:,,k,,..1.i,ali ri.,,, .,,k., 101 ,,,,,, ..1, ,ik44i t:.i. -.1,4i,`,,,, 4,..A.',4:;,,,,,,%:,;,,,,...':: r',10, ,‘„,,, 17-1:421,;:',47.1,,,,l',;:,., ';;:,; : ,;,,',,,irc*,11'.,,,, '1,..!5.,,,Ii:::: ......,,,,,,„.,:::7,4,,,',1", t , , i sets e • l _ noisy enernieSekkellajd'hesesstssestdistrassAgoellatWt•natels 3401,X0 -.t` , ' „., ,,,,,;%; ' ,.'''' ..t. , g --g-,,,' Its,or lir lt.,1,1•%,ax Th. ti'llii,U ''''*'''Iti,•'' ' 1;:X .. . li .1.. - 5. , o „.