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......L.,:.,,',; ten 'CI, M i I 1V,? ti. wras A" s ,t,ria ' .....*:Arl,
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Pr t'allappliaprawflpf.....41.
r• 1.-- ''''" r." -........300101111egt "Oa Pr• "roacwitatert raw, ' fr AP'
2--Thuraday, December M, 1920.
A.4 Jitt: tOtinsiii0datimehiatawkiwAtiemae, • -
• ,
• •
Thomas A. Edam.,
Master Mind
The World's Greatest
Phonograph Value!
if you do not own a phonograph, it is doubtless bec use
you:Teel you- cannot afford a high -price "talki
machine" or phonograph. Whatever the reason, yo
are in luck. Because here is a phonograph you cannot
afford to be without/ -
The •Amberola is *of a product of
mere mechanical ability, but of in -
the world-lettowned
genius of Thomas A. Edison! Thal
as why the Amberola, in spite of its
moderate price. tail perrred its super-
iority over high-priced "talking ma-
chines" and ordinary phonographs in
comparative tests on .many ocrasiods.
That is why its tone is a revelation
its' genuine Manumit Point Repro -
does away with the cost and
&Miser of changing deedles—its dm -
Enrol Records last for years and years,
whereas ordinary records are easily
broken or spoil. - - -
The Amberola brings all the world's
best music into your home—supplies
nerekiary entertainment and relaxation
—and so enables you to work better.
That is why yet cannot afford to be
without it I
Visit our stdreor write us without
delay and let us show you how eaaily
you can own an *naberole.
—1)•1-1AMLToi Agekt for Edian ni1• ,te
and Amberola Phono-
graphs:. and Records.r AUBURN, ONT.,
Phone 11 r 1(D.Lsgmintonl__
From Goderich to Los Angeles
by Motor Caravan.
Chronicles c f a Tratacon\nt ental Trip by A. M..Glover,
and Party, WritteA by Mr. Glover for
The Si nal.
O•4(titisitted from hist Week.) bou
' 'Weil. we *nick away from Joliet all
--fw--atetial hares lof leaking qtrieker time'
and easier running. We made good t1i11
e ,
time to -Morris and-litMissourianA
couple of hours
istayed there a '"'”
10 hare .new (able like 1118 one over the Slissiodppr Is a*
put in our- epissionwter. , Tbey were a , nu'Igntlit"t VI1'("-'4:1T-"4 "lisimetl°12-'•
poor lot of -fixers." for It worked, only A Letter by Aeroplane.
about len miles -and lay down again, anAt Omaha we picked np our Bret
and WO (ltd.tint bother Shout it any
mere, as the miles went- Just as fast Nib* of mafildbut believe that some
without -A Cs" Wilk it Wit travidied 11 must I"' '1' gone astray or have
wen returned. or there were only a
along through Wily country until we
few letters an t 14. Still- we each got ilseed Ottawa and then made camp.
After this we ettine to the triple cities at least one. an( it was good to et
e toueh of
of Genesi, Moline and Davenport, th'qu• for It. set ed lik
At home right away ere III the middle
whir+ are practreally one big city.
of the great big ed States of Am
Moline we saw the 1115 ',boy works
erica. 004. of these, nt to ate by
that mattufaeture * tremendous num-
tt. J. megaw. had Is,. Parried by .er-
ber of Moline. trsetors anti plows. The7
. Werittlfl *ars inark. "'reins itted
Were all very (10111 and pretty towns,
as the
y this
milt and
t Omaha
as quite
dary of Iowa, and ' wer"crossed
the bridge that Joins
in Iowa with timahs, which is
city We stniek. in Netwaska
did not isles Iiis horn for us to More
over we kept straight along, but In a
few iwcoulls he palossi its like a whirl-
wind, cutting right through the weeds
On the aide of the road. Ile took
ditelres and washouts In the road trod
there were lots and they were deep
and wide 4 afts the fiy.'"Dilk about
reale,* driving. he Kure was a wild
one. Ile never trould stop to open a
gate, he would just tear through k.
We hail been told met before this Hist
people never took the road around a
field, but Just drove straight through,
even If the wheat was standiug tit it,
and we had no doubts as to the truth
of Oda statement after "seeing
man drive. It was In this State that
WO first saw the tremendous heap"8 of
wheat lying right in the open field's.
They must waste as much as some
Ontario farmer:4 grow handling it this
We finally reached a little glair Just ,
as it got dark. and vamped between
a garage and a Methodist ehurch.
They had choir practice and the folks
had a good sing -setae with thelll after
we had had another supper. This was
the last tatter we camped at In Nebras- '
.ka. for next morning we palmed into the
northwestern corner of Katems, the
State where they grow wheat.
Kansas Wheat Parma.
We struck some poor roads in Kan -
puts. lint very niee people. Out place
we stayisi at. the man had over 1.000
acres In wheat and his eon a "little
place" of (444 acres. We asked them
if we might camp alongside their
house and they said "sure," they frit
lonesome if someone did not ramp
with them. They came and eat around
our canto -tire and while we were talk-
ing the subject of neighbor.; came up
and they told us that people were com-
plaining of Kansas getting congeisted,
as neighbors were only twelve utiles
apart, and they were wasting too much
time visitiug. "•whieh they never did
when they were forty or fifty miles
It struck Its (unity their thinking
they were congested when their
neighbor was "only" twelve nines
away eller what we had "wen of hous-
ing couditious in the big citlea we had
Rimmed t rough. However, .he told us
they only "went the summer ou the
farm, got "haek east- to spend the
winter. T1fl was near Cloorliand, and
the next ea ling Nino of interest
that we struck 'as "Shoe° Lithia" and
l'nele Charlie. A grand Camping
ground vont protdded here, hut the
big feature was the. water. It is a
spring that is el:duo:O to Iw the purest
water in the world, vkith a percentage
f titian in it Itis t made It valuable
for meth -mai intrposes. and for this
reopen it was shipped all over -km-
Au isid veterans' house woes situated.
here and 011.• of them. Uncle Cliarlk.,,
waft in 0 rge f the camp grounds and
he sure 1 a string of tales to tell of
all the fans is people he had
44 tame wasps on the camp
grounds as an exhibit for visitora and
he could go r. it among them and
they would not s isle him or anyone
else. go lone as they were not sisooyed.-1
We Went throligh tI UI HIM were not •
stung, bnt we did no know of them
until he whited them tit to us. 11
waft WO late to retreat tlif• . PIO We Jut
'rola on ijuielly and came it without
serateh. Poo we have to 11 mit that
we 4114101 go (1(4 ugh them fro choir?.
forMatIffil. Which We thought was
pretty good, as We were not customers
of his. We 118(1 si tine "fried chicken"
dinner here and after camping pretty
:04.841117'1E4* folk.' voted it -fine" at
the beginning, but after they had tuck-;
ed away all the chieken. pie and ice,
cream thee coma Th had the nerve.
to say they liked our camp meals bet -I
ter, ani voted for welters for supper.
We had the moral fare at mower and
turned In frill to the top and slept like!
logs. Up with the sun anti to bed with
it was our motto pretty nearly all the
way along.
Bryan's Hone Tera
From Onniba we Memel' for Lincoln,
Nisbraskai whist was a pretty town
"-lath some worolfeffirbuildIngs atui a
We had lunch at the- f t of this. of
beatitiful statue of Al1r5ladharin Lineoln.
bread and cheese with Coffee from our
thermos, and believe me we were go
foolery that it t4(ste14i hots better than
the ebieken dlflner we had in Omaha.
It was he hat we saw the first shop
devotes! .61#iy to the needs of tourists.;
They Jo.l everything a tourist ein1111
wish/for from a. complete house on
wheels to a collapailliP elinip-stool. We
My struck for Hastings and we began
to strike'tninierons detours' in the road
where the main D.L.D. road was un-
der coristrnetion. These added 'several
hundred miles to °kr Journey and the
surfaces and grade % of therm detours
were vile. and we derided If Improve:-
MC.1d did not Soon take plaee 'that we
would -strike touth at the first oppor-
tunity and get the Sante Fe trail. We
eventually got as far as Mermik nn
the D.L.D. road, 111111 MR we had poor
reporti on the triad ahead and there
was a direct main road due south from
here to the Santo Fe trail we derided
to "go Poitth" instead of west. Yon
none'. meth" in ionnalas. Ton can
ask the party what that MeaMi if you
want to kmlw. --
Well, at Merook the garage man
(014MI they had a dandy canip ground
and we made for It. even though It
ivax fairly early. We inslmobsi our
tent and got It net up In what looked
* good spot and supper was pep-
pered. We had Just matte a start to
eat it when million* of 11 14.14 entered
everything. and Ton could not take a
bite without eating some fiy, too, ao
even though It meant peeking 11p we
derided to move on. This was by
river and on looking more closely we
found that It had reeently overflowed
104 bank". and the camp gromal had
611ly lately been under water,
ith some beautiful buildings. • . 0. .r ri re.
Hilo letter to I* reel
Getting Into Iowa. ! Meiling by our party. I
they run regular air sere'
We crossed the State line between
Illinois and lowa loetWPPO Ifoline and the novelty w''"r" 14. 1
•to get ti letter by netts
___Davenport Jour wont over the big
bridge that 'Tosses the Mississippi, n" events
-which forms. the boundary. -We were We reac1104 a g.
now in the "corn belt," where farms about fifteen nille,
sell for anything from $250 to $5110 an Saturday and a
acre and where the roads are *11 diet ...se decided to
• roads. They ans. lbw white they are Omaha for el Tell on Stinday mittn-
dry'rritt plink whets they are wet. It init. We sta tell tnake the fifteen
was In this State that we had to ky miles on 811 flay morning after break -
over at 11 farmhouse for three !lays. • Inc earn!). 'Melt was on a hillside be
as a rain storm had come lip and made hind a 84,11,14,1 hOn‘e. kit the weither
the roads imparoarble. They dry up (4(4 844
' quickly. but they will get bad Just as patch's
quickly and it is useless trying to move no ii
In wet weather.
At Storengo we pm on two new tires we
and figured they would earry us st
throtigh to the end of our trip, but
they blew nut in less than 1,000 miles,
SR We found Old later.
Tired ot Corn.
• It was in Iowa that AT got Po 11
eiriP1 spot
east of Om ha on
it was getting late
Ike ramp and get into
desperately hot • that all the
on nor inner tithes loosemel
(I it Was 1, o'clock before we
the lifterm mitr. flo.irever, whet
did get there we called at a filling
thm to fill up and met a man Who
ari been in Canada a lot and we had
quite a chef with him.
At ()Mahe.
The eity heist pro)blea ft first -claws
rt. camping rroiind, right In the middle
illy sick of wring nothing bid., ru.', of their_big pl sure park. The only
-corn. often, corn, that the whoI5 gang fanIt we had to find was that we had
„ threatened never again to corm to weik (pike 41 distoiee to get water,
While we met some nice popIn this ten it was worth it. -a. it was the
State. still we met some awful gronehea very finest of poring water. We stay -
and bed more the trouble here than 441 here until Monday ..tol met ft grelit
At any time previrmstly. Within ten miniver of other toe...pie making the
-mile,' of putting on the hew tires we ' .+11114. trip. and they were a Jolly Moult
had a putwtore in thew', The ;sonde We had a rs-sgsitar sing -song around
• moat have been pretty religion', in the camp -fire and the aeroplanes; over -
this "section, for they put Seriptuntl . helot beat time with their engine..
tests on the *cement bridges and on ; Altogether Omaha was 11 model city,
the cement arches ever their gateways. I 111111 (lean. wide streets, anti one that
We wondered hove it wait they did not tried to make the tonrist eomfortrible
We had a little difficulty locating the
camp grounds and enquired et a ttre
dealer•14 place lie did not know.
hut he spent fifteen minutes telephoning
*rout)d until he could give tra the in-
live up to them better, for they were
Jost at, boxy on Sunday as other days.
f grips. they were reflex of the old-
time pioneers'. However, we finally
attached Connell Bluffs, on the western
,t0 ,:ki,,, tap •
• '"4.ri71
Beelike* lirlving.
When we got tinderway we found
that the maid pilo had been under
water and it was plowed np right.
The rats In Ithleet* Were eighteen Ittehex
deep: and mnd -"oh, boy." Finally
we got on to high ground and the
roads Improved. but the eonntry was
absolutely uninhabited except by an
ralfl Indian. We were sailing along
theme lonely roads tering when we
Woolf, Conte to a smell town where we
eanip. afol there were high
*ems growing *long the aide probably
three feet hiah. The road was Plat
wide enough for One ear, when we
heard anolbers.rat behind us. . AR he
0 1.1
The next stare we *Tort w
°ratio and the first oboe 4trii(
particulas4Morest was Limon, as
is the point where the trail 'livid
into northern and southern route's
There are more enrages a ul I tilling
star Ione here 'Om is a ll y t I t tg 414' and
ta a great meeting. place for the
mirth and south.
Seeing Pike's Peak.
we begno to strike dried-up river's
and sandy desert roads here. In -fact,
1110 talitsine of Limon we eroirsed a
wooden trostle bridge over dried-up
river on which not more than one
vehicle at a time was allowed, so You
Cab guess what a rickety affair It
was. However, we got over safely
rmrt WP hit for the wonderful Alfieri
Peak," at Colorado Springs. We saw
this otos solitary mountain for two '
days befon. we reached it. We could
run for hours at a time and It never
seemed to get any domes
we tinnily .reached the well 1714P-rvfeirti
I olorado Spring" and ritayed at "Both-
er r1pinii ,Inn." a tamp gr..
where a fee was eitarged. but It was
worth it. for we mtayed right at the
foot of the Mountain and had the
eltallee to get a real civilized wash Joel
clesin-up. We 11erslcs1 It after (Tossing
the sand. winger. of the past few days.
When. 'is had resided tip a night we
took tri all the might* and they were
wonderful compared with what we had
aireally seen, but If we ,..11.1.1 only
known of the magnifier.nt wenery Jilt
ahead of um we would not have given
them a second thought. However, we
took them all In and (ilk WYIS one
place where they have .:stinging the
touriat- down to a fine art. Honestly,
I am no piker. hilt I don't 1.4.11eve you
emild cross. the 'street or look at a
building without having a "guide"
come to eolteet a fee. The whole place
is Just a tourist trap, and while the
scenery is good the other scenery that
Is a few hundred milefarther on Is
much more magnificent and completely
litrarfs "wondeeful Colorado Springs."
We stayed here four dayand had a
good time.
(To I* continued.)
Day. la savant sfl boa Satan's pow'r When we wen
Rod and Gun 1n Canada.
"Getting Martha's ((oat" is um title of
the Waling story in Hod and (;un in
Canada for January. The author is:Jolo:
Harker, a writer who Injects ad an)
humor into ordinarily dry r4( It :11s of tops
after various big game in the Canadian
Rockies. lionnyeastle Dale tells of the
biggest of big game in North America -
the moose. The lover of history are
adventure is taken up through Norttern
Ontario to the James Hay be 1.
Bow's, the noted traveller. The (;un' and
Ammunition Deparfinent for this Inter•
eating issue cam's an 1P81 from the
editor for the inclu ((11 01 the whole family
on the trips to the shooting ranee. Rota,:
l'ase Lin' 0 ii, M U. Bates. F.V. Wi hams
and the various ether depattmental edi
tors have contr.buted their usual Nal'
class articles. (anacia'a national sport..
man's nvonth.y 4::r January is lul: o
interest to she lover oI the tut-of-deorr,
Rod and Gun in Canaria is publishea
monthly at Wood, tock, Ontario. by W. J.
"I to lor, Limtted.
b Eibillatber
Ood oor
tidings et the.
8 Mftb.riXklidrwr-ibi-a140ta
.dar, tiortra 1WWitir7 ir-•444t 1
rawa,,PrKbriebtl •
OF -411atatittre.tnut
-5- —
4 "Ulises eldlisfi
/ 44:joleod mach la ado& nai
left their docks alemIldir
la tempest. storm cud wind.
4twont to Bethlehem We*
Son 010.419 ,Ilad.
Au when' they-7easct41
eller* oleo teed on her*,
,!1I. Mother Mary teethes ersoll
1,Votktbe Lard did ma,
with Moe Wee .84prosokUdiaKiSte.
01;14 ;14- tbieLord -stag
1*11 ree with's' this pia
eb ether *ow umbrae*.
boIy tide et atriums.'
odor dotal dodoes
0 tISs,,