HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-12-23, Page 8s„w-,tyres,,,yss_ III—Thursday, December 23, 1920. Last Minute \ Gifts Books Books Books French Ivory Boxed Stationery Waterman's Ideal Foun- tain Pens 111 COUNTY AND DISTRICT A pretty wadding took place on I Detemher 5th at the home ut Mr. and Mrs. Alexauder E. I'urdou, White- church. when their eldest daughter, Catharine J.. became the bride of Cet•Il Falconer, mon of Mr. and Mrs. I John rahcouer, of K'awnnosll. The ottio,iating clergyman was Rev. J. 'l. I Sroble of Whitechurch. The young couple will reside on the groom's farm in W'awawosh. A't the haute of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Campbell, 1st line of Morris, ou Dec- ember Sth, their only daughter, Jean, was united In marriage to Timothy erauk. youngest sou of Mrs. Edgar of Teeswater. • Thomas 1:rasby, Junn'stowu, has purchased the 1004cre farm of Joa- cph Arden, {saying =45,500 for it. Mrs. Peter McDonald, of Cranbrook, til away 1k.etIts•r l:alb at the ago' utalgty-seven years. Her husband died somerTeare ago and a grown-up family survi 111101 Porter, Of Grey township, passed away December 9th. quite suddenly, in his seventy- sixth year. He was born In Durham rouuty, coming west over forty years ago. Ile is survived by his wife, three sous and one daughter. Mrs.. Joseph Lawson, of Crediton, died December 10th at the age of sixty years. Resides her husband, she leaves one son, Elmer. 11'alter Keddy has sold his farm of tomo ;acres in 1'sbortw to Georgi' Jeffrey, of the Tha(nes•road, for a price la the neighlsorhwd of $9,000. Ftta Jarrott, who has leeq the efficient teacher of the w'hlol iu R.S. No. 14. Hay, for the last five y sera, has been re-engaged for the coining Seer at an increase of $30O in salary, waking the salary $1,100. WELCOME RELIEF FROM EC1EMA Complete Treatment That Gives Gratifying Results NO LUXURY TAX According to a- hoti ahold magazine sliced onions scattered about a room will shawl) the odor of fresh paint. Quite so. and hanging will relieve a headache.— Omen Sound Advertiser. W•61110, CONT. "I had an attack of Weepier Ft_t-,.0 so bad that my clothes would be wet through at times. For four months, I su ffered terribly, I could get no relief *NW / triad "Frail -a -fuss" sod "Soothe -Salm". Altogether, I have used three boxes of "Sootha-Saha" and two of "Fruit -a -uvea", and am entirely well." G. W. HALL. Roth these favorite remedies are sold by dealers at 60e. a box, 6 for r.50, or sent on receipt of prices by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. "Fruit -a -fives" is also put up in • trial sire which sells for 25c. Listen-! "Say It With Flowers" for Christmas Gifts from GEO. STEWART'S Have a fine collection of Blooming Plants, Ferns and Christmas Wreaths Cut Flowers must be ordered early ?o secure them-- Et Mors Christmas All. the Readers of this Paper. F. H. MARTIN, Tailor 1 Santa Claus is Sensible and his gifts this year are going to be more along practical lines than ever before. That is why he has made our Store his "supply depot" for all kinds of nice cosy slippers, in all the newest designs and colors, for reople of all ages. See his samples in our windows. He Says that a pair of ciated by the nothing better dancing pumps is a gift very much appre- ladies, and boys and girls think there is than a pair of skating boots. We Are Fortunate On Wednesday, December Stb, the home of Geo. Fairbairn, of Tucker - smith, was the 540144 of a ha•'nr event, his eldest daughter. Mho Olive, being united in wedlock to Joseph Hud- son, of Hensall, the (er'mony Ming performed by itev. J. A. McConnell. The groom is a returned soldier Sad one of liensall's young busiuees teen. Brussels lost : The change of freight service which as trite AO on the G.T.1t. Monday morning of last week took another turn (all fOttlie better) the same day as it was put into forte. Instead of the proposed change df three freight trains a week, the aew system will remain as of old- ons out and outs in every day with We excep- tion of Saturday sod Niouday. Tlria will ie ouch better than the first schedule proposed and no doubt be hailed with pleasnre by tate local shippers and bus- Mess men along the line. The death occurred at (ranbrook ooh Iteeewlier llth of Mrs. Wllllam JlcStty, aged seventy -tight years, who hail ,enjoyt.l good health until a, few week, ago, when she fell and fracture tst her leg. - (In ii'tdnentlay, lies -ember 13, a quiet wedding was solemnized at the hose of 1). • MacKenzie of Clifford, Ont.,' when Miss Elsie Florence Miami, the daughter of Thomas Adams, sr.. of I.undesloro, was milted In marriage to Fred I4ammerling of Mount Forest. The ceremony was performed by Iter. Jas. IL lrwuu. Ou their return from the wedding trip. NI i. and Jr...a Iruwwerling will Feeble at ]fount For- est. ' f((EAFORTH. Miss Mary A ,ce (tray. eldest daugh- ter of Mr. and thea. Alexander Gray, of Egwondville, teas united in mar- riage to Frances Craddock. of DYArsey. tk-tl—mr-Uecrmbertistir, tti editing taking pleat at i'a,kotiver. Mr. 'ind Mrs. Craddock Will reside on the groom's tansat - ■� o'. r -_.—i .____ '- Josiah Ty reins f1, a for r resident and business man of Seater died at Ferndale, Washington. recent) , at the age of eighty-three years. The Canada Furniture foe clow.) ohm!" until limitary 10th„' to 'mike repairs to the machinery plaints The home of Mr. a.Mr,. Sutherland was the so. e• of pleasant gathering 4ta- 011141 the choir of First church issemblod to take S.•ott of Itoxlorougl, wlf a few days for Regina. L. D. very Pr: hyteii*n ve of John leaves in T I ,� __ THE COLBORNE STORE WITH the coming once more of the festive season of Christmas and New Year's, we extend greetings to the people of Goderich and vicinity and thank them for their generous patronage •- during the past year. We wish them, each one, a happy Christmas -time and a year of prosperity in 1921. _ -H. COLBORNE & _ CO. THE HOUh E OF RELIABILITY \. Mrs. NV 8meltser; of • Lucknow, and alb's Bessie B.- Stickney, of Morrtn, Alberta, were married at the latter plate November ,15th. James Boyle. . well-known resident 0f-- neknow. , 1 on Saturday. 11th Inst.. of p • , nis, after a very brief illness. He as in his sixty-fourth year. Itefocoming to Lueknow a f.•.c Sears 1M1 Mr. ilerle wag. a rad- deut of r KIAlough., Ire was t member f the Anglican denomlaa- tiou. - Two Fran th is aur'ived by his wife and s: James, in New Ontario, anti on the home farm. death occurred at Detroit on 14th Inst., of Jane S. MacKenzie, w duo of the late Dougald MacKinnon, tail sixty-five years'. The remain+ %%ere brought to Lucknow and the funeral tack place from the home of Itn1s'rt Andrew. 12th concession of Ashfield, sou -in-law of the. deceased, the Khat,'•' et -Meter".. • Ir. and Mrs. Steele Hunter, who hiltbeen living at Calumet, Mich.. ,FIs, of few years. hare returned to make eir home again in Lucknop. 'udersou ham returned hone Ilton to here ht had been Hcal treatment for (same friends are sorry to ob- t'alth shows no improve" ey on Isdutlf of the choir, of which Mr, Seott had Iw.'n a member or forty- eight years, tend,an addre express - nil years iug high apprr'iatton of his of serene with the choir, and Mrs. J. G. Mullen presented him with it gold ring set with a bloodutone as a token of remembrance. J. C. from Hain taking -mer w•eeke. Mu� 'serve that his went. tlordotr Drink steel in his..eye iter got a pleer Of to day recently and m to have ltre- • EXETER. brad to go to it'ingl itoms have been rented to be fitted tri as club rooms mud a if., al ,:naw for the young people of Exeter and surrounding community. In addition to the physical recreation depertueut there will be lectures and a program or intefle('tual development. William Mehille'' Hoskin, formerly of Exeter, was married at London I)etsdn er 1st to Emily Almira Rice of that city, where they will reale. i1'INGHAM. The town council ,has chosen W..Osl• braith, a returned moldier, as town clerk. He Is a native of Winglaam and the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. .loitn Galbraith. A unit of the 9th Grey Hors*. ('av- Wry is twang organized In Wingham, with Major I'ettigrew in charge. Wing- tum will be the headquarters for Huron county. ! Rev. J. F. Dingman has decided to accept the call to (110 Itidgetuwu Baptist church and will enter upon his new work at the beginning of the year. He has been pastor of the Wingbam itsptist congregation mince 1916. J. A. McLean is converting the old hotel near the O.T.H. station into a planing mill. The town has been without a planing mill for some time. cLiNTON Mr. and Mrs. Shipley on Tuewlay of hast week celebrated the fortieth anniversary of their marriage. It is exp't•tevl the Model School building will be ready for occupation after the Christmas vat -1160n. At Dunn 8r1'ntit• Presbyterian church, Toronto, .n Thursday last, Miss Mae ('11141wel1• dntigliter of the tete :fames Caldwell of LotidesIi ro, was �s!rrled to Thomas W. )iermt,n of L'IieJon, Her. A ' 1,. (Segel'. officiating. .After- wards Mr. arnl Mrs. Herman left on a abort honeymoon trip before aettling in their Mane at Clinton. i.U('KNOW.���� Miss Nina Woods, until r(eently on the public metaol teaching staff hire, and Frederick F. I'hlltlpe, G.T.H. *a- non master at Liie•know, were giiletly married at the manse on Monday ev- ening, 13th Inst., by Rt•r. It Mn.•('al- lum. They left nett morning itt a 'honeymoon trip to Florida and will he 'away for several week's. - Borden E. amettltlgr, sen of Mr, and in again securing the agency for the "McCullough" mule - skin hockey boot for men, the best hockey boot made. Come In and let us help you solve the problem of your Christmas giving. A MBRRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU ALL, from Sharman's Shoe Store W. REG. StIARMAN Phone 158 OODEIICH Following is the Presentment of the Grand Jury. _rand jurors 'for ur Lord the King, at the -present sit of Le Court f General Sessions . the Peace. •terve to present ow' We beg thank your nor fo the very lucid nil )tel charge and in- structions is us regard to the p•r- tttrmaaao.-vt -duties.**;rood j In cion on With the bus tae's td the preyed sittings of the Court. I We also thank tine county Prown at- tiirney for hi+ kiutlives, twittery and help. We visited the gaol soft 'n.1 :t to excellent condition. perfect t't Ifs ttan- ltary feature., and very\ comfortable and perfect In every respei•t. We also visit..) the terse l. which Is a most well -kept Institution and a,- ',ording to the aeeu u,owiatio tbey base is doing very excellent Work : but It it .,ver•-row.iesl Nod we recom- mend to the 4 ty ,o11n4il a more liberal grant for itextension. We found there a young woman wh'. had been cointnitt"I to the gaol and who was under sentence as a vagrant. but why had 60141 taken from the gaol to the hospital without consulting the proper anthorittes under the law or even - the hospital management, ' and' we 'think steps should be taken to romwly the injnstiet' Imposed upon the other patients in the hospital. and also upon the lady superintendent and nurses. as we understand the young woman in question is suffering from a communicable - disease and should never have been taken. from the• gaol or place'[ iu the htispltnl. We also visited the ('hildren's Shel- ter end find it. under the assuagement of Mr. G. M. Elliott and Miss Bentley. to be in exceedingly good condition. well managed, and everything about it fit for the comfort of the children. ti ,' wards intrusted to them, so far as means ntlow. t Signed r W.M. Mt 11.1E. Forema ti. t;04 jCh, Dec. 1.1. Pr -20. COI'NT] COt. Lengthy Docket, but Owls a Pew Cases Heald. ('onnty Court opened on Tuesday of last week, His Honor Judge d - soil presiding. There were eightei iI eases on the list. but several of these were settled and others postponed. _ _.t.0 iwlletuwut.sgainst Reuben Wag- ner, of Winghatu. on a charge of sub- ornation of perjure. was plseed before the grand jury, which returned "no bill." The evil cases were (Hcposed of as follows: Hamilton v. role—an action for ds'wows -for-Josntrwm alleged improper 'lare•,hing of grain. Settled between !h,• parties.' Montgomery v. Montgomery—action on a promissory note, the plaintiff re- siding in l sowlek musk the defendant In Tarnlerry. Postponed to Januury'1Rth next. / Hoare v. ('anadiani Roe h Engine F:x(hant'e—i. In 1h'cember 21. Ar'tion tot Pc' rice of a motor hoot e•ntrnsteti Inv i0 plaintiff. Cornelius Hoare of r nton. to the defendants, dealers 1n motor boats at Toronto. to he sold in Ills behalf. Argntnfnt was heard in this ease on December 21 and jndgtm'nt re'a'med. - ii'olsh v. l.e'lnsky--a snit between two junk dealers. Settled M'twten the part best. Campbell r. Twielfship of Morris— :1n action' for dsfnages on amount of alleged mtw'onstrncttnn of a township bridge, e•ausing the plaintiffs land 10 he tloale.l. it. i'mnstone (WIngham l for plaintiff. ('has ('amptell: C. Dar- row for the township. Judgment was reserved. The remaining ('nee, on the list— Nlrl'hee v. ('lark. McPhee v. township of Colborne. and Mr•('uttghey v. Hagg- ett—were postponed. ('hes. Mt'l'hw' is sntng the township of Colborne for deniege. In enntteettnn with the alleged damming hack of water on his land. The 1•a'sP against George ('lark Is M tIUtneetion with Rtfeb. the same matter. McCaughey v. Haggett is a ease from . DARKEN GRAY HAIR, f' 'LOOK YOUNG, PRETTY Sage Tea and Sulphur Darkens _ So Naturally that No- body can tell. PO* LAW ENFORCEMENT. Provincial t','onstable% to He Plated in {he - tat of the ' .inr:emu..meat has been made by ' the Attorney -General's Department at Toronto that, in order to assist In the prompt and satlmtaetovy admintstr'- tion of jnstice,, the Atthrre;v-General Is arranging to plsee a Provincial eon- atable 1ri the principal towns of t1'e l'rorfnce under the direction of ,the ('rows attorney. It will he the duty of this omo.'r to attend, under the direction of th • Crown attorney. to pollee work. In connection with all parts of the count, , where there Is no pollee force. 1r. cities and tOwns having a force, while ' of tonrst' it is the Prot halal officer's duty to give what assistance Is neces- sary, he will not relieve the Ioeall police of their duty or interfere with', their activities. it will ie his duty to' entons. the criminal code, the Ontario Temperance Aet and any Provincial statutes. but not, of /Worse, municipal bylaws, which of new'esslty will be left re the munitlpel authorities. i1 is hoped that the appointment of theme officer.. will result In a greatly improved adminlstratlnn of Not lee. twpwrh.11y In the rural districts. All I complaint, of criminal offenses, ,of. fen(es against secrinns of the (►.T.A. or off01111))) against other Provincial 'statutes should he made to the frown attorney, who lm responsible for the enforcement of the law In his county. stomach right, breath Moet and feeling fine. No griping, no inconveniences (1111- • 1ry a wart Ad fi !7a Ewa - tees los. (Amnia too. 10, lis. 00 teats, j Having sold out Citi branch Shoe Repair Shop at Seaforth, we are now in a position to do all Shoe Repairs prornpdy . and neatly. \\ Try our BOOTS, Solid Lea S. SMITH East St. Goderit:b Bair that loses its color and lustre, or when 1t fades. turns gray. dull and lifeless, la caused by a lack of sulphur In the hair. Our, grandmother made up a mixture of Sags Tea and Sulphur to keep her locks dark and beautiful, and thousands of women and men who value that even colon;, that beautiful dark shade of hair Which la so at- tective. ewe only thta otd-tams recipe. Nowadays we get this Ramous mix- tures improved by the addition of other Ingredients by asking at any drug store For a bottle of "WyMth's Sags and Sulphur Compound." which dark- ens the hair so naturally, se evenly, that nobody can possibly tell It has been applied. You just dampen a sponge or soft brush with It and draw t tills through your hair, taking one rennet] strand at a time. Hy morning the gray hair disappears: but what delights the ladles with Wy.th'a sags sad Sulphur Compound is that, be. Mae beautifully darkening the hale after a few applications. it also brings back the gloss and lustre and giros It an appearance of abundance. • • Wyth's Sag. and Sulphur Come pound 1. a delightful toilet requisit' to Impart color and a youthful ape Deanne, to the hair. It is not ins tended for the sure, mitigation or pre+ ventlon of disease. NOVELTIES for Christmas \. NEW CENTRES \, NEW HSMSTITCHE PILLOWCASES Andmany other new things ; for the Christmas trade. • The Original Broiderfast A new embroidery needle— just the thing you want for Christmas work. Miss S. Noble South Side Square — G.derieh CASCARETS e'Jhey Work while you Sleep" Bo you feel all tangled up—bilioust constipated, headachy, nervous, full of told? Take Caaearets tonight for your liver at,d bowels to ■tri tiro you nut by morning. Wake up with head clear, DRINK HOT TL POs A BAD COLD 1 - Get a small package of hamburg iib'ss•t Tea at any pharmacy. Take a tablespoonful of the tea, put a cup of boiling water upon it, pour through a sieve and drink a teacup full at any time during the day er before retiring. It is the most effective war to break a 'old and cure grip, as it opens the pores of the skin, relieving congestion. Also loosens the bowels, thus driving e. cold from the system. Try It the nett time yon suffer from a cold or the grip. it is inexpensive and entirely vegetable. therefore safe and harmless. RUB BACKACRE AND IUMBAGO RICII! OUT Rub Pain and Stiffness away wltb a small bottle of old honest St Jacobs Oil When your back Ile swore and latae or Iumbaio, sciatica or rheumatism bas you stiffened up, don't suffer! Get a 9f cent bottle of old, honest "St. Jacobs 101" at any drug store, pour a little Se your band and rub it right iota She pain (x aebe, and by the time you gpntni fifty, the soreness and Iamenees M goo Don't stay erippledl This wtthinngg puoetretiog oil needs to be us,4 nnYy csw. H taken the ache and pain right oat of your back and ends the misery. Is is magical, yet absolutely harmless and dowel burn the akin. Nothing else stops lumbago, aeistica sad lain hack misery so promptly t Try a Want Ad in The Signals I es "P".111.'").."