The Signal, 1920-12-23, Page 6R Ttltn•wdev, 1tecema•r 23, Vol
Gray -Dort and Studebaker Motor Cars
Let us give you a demonstration with these Cars
before you decide on'your spring purchase.
Leave your Battery with us this winter to be as-
sured -of a good Battery in the spring.
Bring in.lnur Car to have it overhauled this
winter. You know that it has not had the pep that it
should have had this fall. and a general overhaul will
put it in first-class order for spring.
The roads are good., and you are still driving, but
don't take chances with your Radiator, If it freezes
it is expensive. Have irfriled with
and protect it.
> Y w ( Women of Canada
Who Testify
A Brother's
I Tillaonbeig, Ont.:—"Ever ince I can
ssanAtbsr, Dr. Pie'ta's u r twine• were tlt.<f
iu our (amity at i ome
and they never faikd
___ The e''GO deo Medical
1)i•covery' wax used
as a tonic and flood
purifier and for bron-
chial trouble, and it
hroved excellent. 1
ave person tak-
en C:ulden Medipal
i.,tot•.r)' for bron-
clti,. trouble,' and
th., •favorite Pre -
et !il•tion' to build
mu. al' when 1 oma
pn.down and they i..,h w, re vtry bane•
flew, Mother always tart: Dr. Pierces
Compound Dora., of thieut-Weed for
Pain: it also wee ter. eteet. 1 feel rife in
recommending pli of 1)r. t'ieree a otedieinee
knowing them to le ge,..1."—M1S. CLIF-
Central Butte, Rask.:—"I bare fiat,( Dr.
Piervc's llidital,•ry for a number
of years and aro plcan•.l ie, recommend it
pia blood -purifier. 1 tint: lis it has no equal,
as I Mead it for my bcn' fur tuberculow of
Lite knee joint. MnM)' neighbors and friends
were atrised wit it tb r olte: in tact. 1 do
sot think he would be sit today h- d it not
been for the •\fedi'::4 1, .carvery.' 1 also
1 keep it on hand for it differs so
from other cough med: 4:eve instead of up-
1dseutiutnig. tghe
•x',n,th .thoanst, t t. egofhdvaywruia
II had known about 1'M. Pi?rce'• medicine'
1 stoner."—\llt'. PERCY WOOL).•
When you :take Ga!:!-•, , \(•sin's( Tiae
coven'. you an• F •tpltg ' " te•netit of the
espeIienee of-a,de 4 e wt,,,-. a•t.,,r..,:.mloas
all etoun-1 :he .:.rt'. ," ..:.,re. you get a
! temperance• me,:.'..:e,,'. .-entaina not a
drop of a: -,. •i .. i , ,t 'at!: kind.
Long ego . 1'. mined ,w ttin
vaauahle 1'.1r
r •• i'. ; •f,-bn+e—without
I• the use of at,,,,i,.l-.'xu .:-xi 1.:s rirue tier_.
always h^• e L,...12 it: . tem,'ralhev.
medicin t
Hospital tar Sick Children
Great Provincial Charity ; Make.
Christmas Appeal to Friends
of Cntidhcod.
e Copy 'lila, 1114, by west•'+ t•.1a•a••e Lulu,
HERE was once;' sold
Daddy. "a boy whose
name was Worthing-
ton, and Co. short they
called him Worthy,
"He had a slater
whom he called Minnie,
and It Is a story of
these two 1 want to tell
you this evening."
Nick and Nancy took -
ed very much pleased.
Thep loved to hear
shout other children.' especially of
boys and girls about their oe n ages.
"Worthington was t.nlike some
brothers, hut he was Ilke you In thut
way Nick. He liked, to phiy with his
sister tits sister like'l,otno, to play
with him. Ile never frightened her,
but hit'showed her how to do things.
and she was never afraid when she
was with III 111. In the foil he took
her for rides In her •spree curt. and
he made_ a`1,41 oh seat in the cart for
. her -when tie tn1'k her foe slower Arid
more-eiyllsh i des.
'Ile tuushl her to elltu`t trees end
to swim and to do tr!c!:s on the trap.
ere. /And 51,1•. too. used to play In
the snowball fights, hark Is the forte
whlrh he and --the dcbrr • boys- wouitl'
make. •
'Wi'f1. 1twaw trttminrr; alert Wert tees
ton was nor ro:Ig to µ•goo(. Ile
then -tit and h t
thought and he
theu+.t1t, n:/1" tin•
shy pe salt:
"'1 wonder If It
eouldu'? he dens.
1 will try any•
WRY ' Ire elk -
('l out the whole
rip Item* In his
head. tm•l 41,e
ncxt.,day h.' wi'nt
to hts sent who -
owned a garden,
and he nisi:
__ Great s_ar_e_ has 1 (en t, I. en in the selection of
these Christilias Gifts and Iwe know you will greatly
appreciate our efforts when' you have -iaspectcd them.
FRENCH IVORY Ivory to coin-
oi n-
t1rt7I •tt rr :I P•. •c Ci,ntkticn -11 \."t hat's rlt.C''dt:•1
1.':I 1.,r,\. to 1;••.
FRONY i[i::... li .. 1;::1-11C 11.1: 1::.:... rbc. Also
- ,.f BitiolL_tio n'''tn.: N1:•Ior in dainty c!•\
HANDBAGS and -PURSES - •1 wonderful 1•: liar of Iiand-
!,ttsAm, 1:sitc,ts ha• tit atrit1r1. Tht st).v are new and
},:ices itto.Ieratt.
PERFUMES Litter' itt, Milk or in -fancy It;ckag s-, also
1'1,ilct tVatcr,, S'ec)Iets,. etc.
CHOCOLATES- Sprcially attractive fags\ aloe
c p-•r•ttulrut tet rtgii1ar Irt.x
mut Lltlk Chrcr,
t. .
1'.:0,, • ::Iti1 ntr) , 'rift uu; 13u'.tt: and r:it<,.l'i} cs ,and
We ark yes to inspect oar. Chr mas flock -catty %lilt we Lase
the large as •rtmeht. •
. DUN'
pit in H,':tit submitting fin. your
-at;t- •41444►, -airs' }w},ul,t lu,Wttlt.a s in slii)per;s. Tltc'aI iiielu(le
7ti't 8rrd
in' !•i:Tt 1',Ky':uttl .inline With and. Without trimming. Our
il•• . ! , . �!,1•I' r- I•' 1...It'Gt rs alt' it. the tno.t•popular
For men there is a. very large assortment to choose
from itriitth n*rtl_teftt,ttrt': -
'r The (Sift'• not 11.•'tt f„r:otten. .'Their Yi•rl'
Are 11'.1'•' in 1Iir•t•`cila' alippot'sThr. the hotho.
t►Werfl.litcrs, Moci'aains, Skating Shoes and Rubber
ellen lnfti:t' very Here.•l40,1e gifts Tor Christ 114 eV.,
.The.%tricca,for all -t hi se. gmals,are ve.ry low and the
totality the. hest *it call lie t0,' tired from the leading
r-"uMt►1: arluTcrs. "lite sure and see our triut[ows for tli.l'I.,Ir
of IA) ri ttn:t. novelties in footgear: ..
Dear, .Mr. Editor: •-
The most Iiia( act 'In publle
caith service throughout the pro-
ae is. as you knrr±l,._tht- Iremea•
d." . s.trid.'a made in child' welfare
Hot Modern, setehee Is harking
hs - ; The aurtent-proverb that "An
t . pre entiuq ; Le worth a
cure." 1:. has been the
f the 11 'pit'tl for Sick
e great -t l;.stitutton of
tie• centlrent—tar tlud
.r- vett!.
vs • .1, p cdence was
in no dtc!nt'e. Now-
! o'er partnership
"'Am ntle, r pli'inose
have been think- .tore Iar—
ms shout .rlttxtl fir. 1 ' ',•.
'Y's; she sold: 'what bawd yon been Tai can
thinking shout, Kubhy?' For ahe bad I In b!'
fief mor
(ways calhd him that—ever tins• he :1'!d'j It L
had �Ikett--t-sN+1eitl--trw sod �t,a b.0, 4.-lir�
written a funny little Iw.•m tot one '�.e' 're
his` birthdays 04.11''• she went• '. if
/tubby to make It 'byte.' wjth ch•:hlty, or well nt,._1._rld-•nnngh tri n:orta'i+
-...i--think. slip t', ,rill•••ri
her sae' F'•'riher it n:..: might be
11 -" tri Pn atloid tutu etv-cerroborale rhe
"'A bicycle!' •esr'!nlmed their punt. . -told lift•-ta;tnr t;a'...' et, the Hos-
'Why don't you sugtt-s-t gi\ine Ler an 1'+ work. And it ie,usittecessary
sutomoblle or • tnetorh"fit with" a r•• spl' to ynu that th:' Informs -
sleeping cabin? item coitl'� you ever • a. to !''e reteare:lot whish make
manara-It, !tubby?' '
"Rhe hadn't reellzed theft he had
thought It 4111.0111. -and she 'too; 1 to
hear what be had to •.v {At. h,: !- 1-
' i I' k 11
rP 0
gone .'•
a h%rc r a
$'ttr'e til, "..•ctf,+?i °Linn,
ofhard and r e tatablishment
6ibl•4' cl:nice • the Infant
t in Toronto eien•.haa lfehn
ride a bicycle now. i woula 1111; to fit ' i •'' `rt'_ vtt+slst!ilwnd.
ally had extremely s, r. <: G: t-hirczs to
"-It a.,lrtd,t't-reotty be eo **fully
expenelve, auntle.•and I'd love to dy
It •o /1 would like to girt. 1t to her
for ('hrt.tmns. I couldn't de It too
fore i dn't believe. and t,ead,'s she
eould Ion 'at Wall winter and think
of what fu it was going to be to the
summer. I have a bicycle mother and
daddy gave me—and- I do n lab Minnie
could have -one; too.'
"'(low do you\Ruink yon ennld hnj
11? Auntie- ask -wga1m - -'.sht• frit
pretty pure by that line tiliat he might
be stile to manage
dered haw:
"'Well, this semrneri
1 could hoe the beans In\your garden.
a riq maid -weed
t#f -retbsee--
t could Fater the
sowers '• every
night, and ,.lm all
the weedin . In.
fifer. You w' b1• •
0't need to ' 1
a man do . t
wnrk, except ren
day a reek to do
the heavy thln,s.
"'1'could work
In the gnrden
every m,rG!nq
1111,1 every eve-
ning Jeat hitters
1pper. 11 %could,
h fan Then I
cold r1n n11 your Proms a a:ad Inter I
emtTR table the #a%P.*Whit- $bo--
')onflrna•. i wouldn't tell file that _
i i wens getttn_—well—r -h. —pew,
haps yno'd pay me halt of w t you
', might pay a man.
"'1 could enrry the wood from\oche
worelhnttse Into the rtint'flg le nm wan
box every morning, hetnre se!n.ol wh.
the fn11 rnf o'U, phd then w•I'h ti 11111.
. hit 1 hove In the eavinge hank 1 could'
get alhinle, my preclnua 1101 t el.ter,'a
Merle. 1 •hnnrd mother and daddy
talking the other day about how they'd
like to got one for tier. lint they
thooghl maybe they'd hetet wait an-
other year or two, aeol I knnw 1t will
he a lolly surprise to both of them, as
well as to stater. when they see lt.'"
"'indeed, 1 will' help ;ve'y do It:
Auntie mild. 'Tout you will get just
the .ami se a men would stet Mr the
work yon will do. And Minnie will
talk to yon end eomettmes help you
0,a 1( won't he so hard.'
-I don't rare haw hart( It Is,' mad
Worthy, 'for i wnnld like It to Ile a
OttIa bit turd.. Then I would _know
i were giving something tn.her,'
"And when (airlstmes cams Worthy
gave his hitt• stater a bteyele. Aad
1 this." sold Caddy. "la s tree story.
t q r rl• pcssih:e.le at ones
n'rn • 1 'n the ITea'th .Of11•
a -aething physicians
(oh. re.
ll. i•hiL!.
rt r
t, but .she won-
.atd Worth'. -
Decoratirg Materials
Wall Papers, Paints, -etc..
.i \.'r, , i:1 Irl ltt'rilllc, or
'Irl' cmt•t race 0,1 do ',v: atiltg
\run h,•tnt . -tore tit .,fife e.
Et'i flat^s rheerfult' given
Window (;last, Nate Glass
Mirrors, etc.
Wt. c:111 '1171,1\ \'1!I1 \'. ants ill
/I 1•‘ kiln(
1\orlh Aiefl, We, t it. Phone 3S4
AND 11r''11 SYSTEM
The Double Track Route
Unexcelled dining ear Remit*
Sleeping ora on night train's, and
parlor car's on principal day trains.:
Full information from any Grand
Trunk Ticket Agent, or C. E. Horn-
ing. i)istrict Paaaonger Agent, To-
ronto. -
().11. Lauder, Statin Agoat, phone”,
Town Agents Phone fl■M
'1 Could Work In
the Garden."
bo eSano
-14-14-tierims r f
t:. ahnnlar! -
1)t:r!tt,tt ti,e p
revenue from :.
Games for Children
at Christmas Time
(Copyright. by A. Neely 1ia31
It may be for a Christmas party, or
for the family tethering, that you will
need Ideas; for either, the following
games will turoish fun for young and
*Id alike.
The Game of Tip:
This old English game requires the
use of enough assorted Christmas can•
dies, nuts, raisins, and other dainties,
to make a small pile upon a' table:
atao a pair of sugar tongs. One of the
party is chosen. who must retire to an-
other room while the remaining pixy-
ers .Jeelde upon oue of the dainties
In the pile to be known as "Tip." The
chosen person Is then recalled. end
with the tones removes pieces from
the tele, trying to avoid the piece
named Tip, of which, however. he does
'nut know the location. All pieces
renewed belong to him, unless he re-
tnoves 1'11(, when all must be returned
to the pile. and the turn promos to the
next player, who retires to the other
room while another Tip is named. A
player may pass his tura .when. ■ftei
'trawing several pieces, be wants to
avoid • !II--.1!'1i;tV of losing then
through drffwtn. . Tip: The gunk
rnnili,uc until' thePIle dlsu{•pears.
.A• Fiu.ln Game.
or a !slighter producer tt11s game
no peer. A poem Is selected and
in aper, with each tions
and a line drawn io Its place.
Tt'p:n- nouns are copied upon small
cars, o.. upon cwt. The cards are
dealt;,nn 'uul numher to each, plays r,
at.d aplay ti la chosed as rester:-'I'Se
'render m usin at
eat'h spike. nn I the players fill In. -10
turn, a noun fr 'a the earls In their
pile. The n\•,:i.., 411 seldom come 1}
their origin riJ Alar •s, and the result
ut pictures of
..n pieces of
nrp knife
TiS`iR1- -
There's a eon. In the air!
There's a star In the sky(
There's a mother'• deep prayed.
And • baby's low cry!
And the star rains Its ere
While the beauutut sing,
For Vie manger of Bethlehem
Cradles • Magi
There's • tumult of Joy
O'er the wonderful birth.
for the Virgin's sweet boy
Is the Lord of the earth.
yet the star rains Its fire
While the beautiful sing,
1lbr the manger of aethlahiai
Cradles a kingt
In the tight of that star
Lie the ages Impearled,
And that song from afar
Has swept o'er the world.
Beery hearth le &name.
And the beautiful sing
In the homes of the nations
That Jesus Is KIng!
Ws rejoice In the light,
And we echo the son.
That comes down through the algid
From the heavenly throng.
Ayel we shout to the lovely
'Evangel they bring.
And we greet to 14!s cradle
Our Savior and King.
-Josiah O. Heltaat
It Is utonihu,r how
qui, kly Muuud'• Lou -
stent n heves ltid•
P... tad lila•,#/.
Gives Greet
11.. A R Cdd1 t•
vale .t„ ,n,l"1. MI
..",- M.!•u•: ..1!u•
tool M•w... ••. �1
I...r 0,.b, d.a,,
. !" -1,6•1•16,/l
1s"nd 04 I. 1.4 11.,,u.
'16s, a..1 all mat
1 ,,.a t,•.1 rd.l.-
CI 12
Mr. Ind ,(•,roe. sae 714. Thc.roM, O.,—
.. 14111•4.1 ..1 ,.n at.l ..m rtrsk"of,' t 14.14.1
ad.d M ..
,o try L„u..., a.d
p' " 1 .1.0,01 'nundiaMy at.a... •,,Auo•...
1 1.,0(.e..d in uu..N •t 4d•111.14't tui ...u.h
. tow.
Tt.*atter ""t •'l. 11/111"s W as 1444•4ds,. 1M 4104111 1a.
1-1\ L....r•r
1. H.
1. it , .,. 01p044* dn.1 M.rN'•. ..d tnlaw an,
King o)' Pain
Yarmouth Meta kern
41t )M.1S l:1`NI11tY.
1 ACt'TI.'\CER.
• .r-
RUX I1'. ticaittIVI. A11 instructions
'.y wall or •reft'at Signal offtee will be
Should Et• Lighted From Portion •f ; promptly attendedto. lt,•-hleure tele-
, Last year's Which Should e•
Preserved for Good Luck.
The Yule -log. a i,robable varllet d
the bonfire—so •eharacteristle 11'sr
1,L»tie 1111
I:. t'AMEatt)N, K. C..-BARItIS.
festivals—hits WOW Int treat ing toes. 01' - TF:It. $„I ''t 1•. n. Lary puhUe..
bre of Its own _— --rattier -Ham:lieu .tart. ftotterirh.- titin! - -
In 'nettle%nI England, Its dors*.' +.+ 41•44 `,ur,a Tr list fuu.Le tO
,M-of--4,•wwt este.,
totnciticd with the Chrlstmay metal
1s tong as It turned, the tenant hada
itght to the lord's expense. The
og was often cut from an anti-tree—
he *xerei tree of our Saxon forefatb-
era. There is a gypsy legend that our
Lord was born in a field and brought
op by an ash -fire.
The Ing should,- properly, be lighted
with a portion of last year's Ing, a
piece of which 1s rlways supposed to
ha preserved fer luck. At the same
time that the Christmas liraWWIItt. th•
:1'hrlstntna candle had to M lighted.
portion .1 last year'/ taper has al -
o be kept.)- It was unlucky to snuff
;he, risme' candle, which burned
for 1_ doge—the period of f••tivlty.
At St. .hn's college. Oxford, can still
9e se.•n t • ancient stone sneket with
\the Atoms Del stamp, In which the
Christmas '41e was placed oo IAe
high table.
On the Isle o n, the folt fe
Iy ea led long - pore to
'Christ's s era. •
I' lt\t'e.
\• ::.::t:1r'I'ty1:. -• r1.1eITltlt. `:I) -
'1'.\!:l' Ct'Itl.IC. ETC,
.l1:lit6 Itl,u'k, Ii .111
: • •'Leo.- ah,i Ineurem:.•.
I.. I •i) •, ,T. 1 , • I:.\ N & th it e: E
!tlfl,'TEtt+ .• •I.II•ITuRi '.'
...vont' 1. ••,r
;.4d!l at toe •.t
,• ,.tsar ..•t. t; •' . J. i2 Kilfi-rw:
('I1 \i:Lf:d •..ti:::,'1\, 1.1. 1t. 1
, .\11-
11'' �. -nth ilei el••.,
i•". 't .t,tuta at fur .4
144:lcIN'1'EK. Rut..
1• ilu1;, z tart' public and , 11-
`' , tp , • t' serf Honer, I;. le.
will be a TIM ipftone,
lilIccd Toy
From adverttseyurnts
,. ,,, toys, and Taste these I
• !T0, . ,r hs ,. canlbonid ; theft ' *4tk a
,• Ir4tnias•
1 of lit- •slit'e the cardboard Into
ur,:•,1 wh'.ch 15 ` pieces as hull -cater] In Fig.
'um child twke the J,nrts . of each Ta
nnreiy of gond vt-Inpe by it telt. 15 hen ready t p1:?)
-if tten+lfled to __,rte girt.: give each plover nn
ofi'ho public. ;sive s 0,'.l ilir, of hitt' to pit fry:ether
=Durr:•+ one
finane!year, nt:rts s•. 1s to rwke th . ;'h-t,:re of t
hundred rloflari- ,y b hind neces-
It has always, - 1 tint
ambition of
the 1101pitat f,: stclr Children to
.4itt\ 1111 ,file Shosst3ptol't-- tit t'.1
sympathy of -•*a people of Toro.,•.. -
anti_ .ao toe:a,y-_1i1.1_a.?..L.:s-oxcerd;ng
SI 50.1,410, :i c is to yr,':r readers to '
help along n Yh orae gift, whether
it be great or small. A, contribution
of 12,0410 from i.0, iadlt:dual or a
society give', the privilege of naming
a cot for all :ime; a' dona'lon of 25
rents well run the whole Hoepttal for
tretrilehlellorikett VIM. - from
amounts there 15 Intel,' some. sum
which oan be .: nr by everybody 10
the Aeeretary:reasurer at 119 Colleg..
,treet..Toronon. ns a token of interest
been Charity wh wP (1,14 1. is large
as this prnvfnre. Th. Hospital for
&tel r-hTlvi-i' I. -mn of titei large'=t
and most hi_h'v reg-rdod In the
world, it is an, hustltutton in w•h'th
the- people of- Ontario may take
legitimate pride, for It is through
sir generosity that success has
en _possible. . -
tattri li-dt e A -fifty tildren,
pal. of rheok or trtth.twt'ted limbs",
will •e the immediate 4.n'ficIarlee
Of the Mettle r.m,mbranres of your
readers. Thoetan)s more throughout
the comtIg year *1.1 benefit by their
kludllnese. ♦ e •
-------- R G a1 tR4M N __.
Ct*irmao of Appeal Committe*
art• expendltur•
t, \ - At tint expirntlon of n gi cel
- I.fl:,iih of time, direct an exrhaage of
the toys.
Acrostics three Card,.
An nrlyfnal idea for the place Certs
for the to.prermre
then( In the form of letters from Moron
Claus, with the names awl sddrois••a
of the gueate worn••( rent 'n' nrros*tca,
_14 B tg Rnggpr'ted[--.oft --the-1, b epet4lfwn
ei v.lmpes In the Ilhistantlml ; nod Innen
lacers h. Inter
the ;cuprite find their p
...-«...«...«6•6•6•6•..6• 6•6•6• «6• .....-.•«+++ pristine the In[.rr/nrtnna npnn w;- ,
6•6•6•6•.. .. x
.'lopes. The first envelope !linter, ••
Penile. "\itee Ltllinn Cook, 415 Adele,
Street," the t•'eond Imo, "Mr. Hurry
Cnderw od 51S 1101 Avenue." Some of
the addreeeet mnv he hftefer to innis•
n Stomach, Sourness,
and Acidity relieved
witt0'.P:tpe's Diapepsin"
• ....sows • • «..4•. • •«-« w. ee-s-seesessee •,
Your upset • mach will feel fine
No waitingl Why tiller meal* don't At
and yell feel ilneom rtebteg when yes
h►deh Ra -e.. acid. n 'sire 1011f tin-
dige.fed foo.(. Whin t feel Ismt,s of
indigestion pain, hest/ or lseadeche
from e;idity, host eel a is t of harm -
in and
leAs end relight,' Par�es'.
the .te mesh dis heed Ts jnnee.
ata: �ei,--I1•ap1!a-Itttow the m'git
of t'ape's Tliep.ii-•la as an antacid. They
know that ' most ladigietion end- di.-
order,',1 .•rtq*,ich ere from acidity. Tho
relief remit,' quickly, no dienppointment,
and the frost 14 en little ton. Pape'&
Dinpersin h.lpa rean)sts your atumaeh so
you csa sat favorite foods without fear.
I.R. 1?
513 IA AVE..
Info nen. €:ids: Ufneer mitt
-':tie •'!ttte•r'
11nkh!g thern will he fun: deMplur'i..;
them will afford s.teral Atlanta of
keen enjoyment
`-O•r• I.IL
INa h INCE, 'LO -►.As, ETC. ,
. 11.' • (11 \, t' rr.t t lIILE iNIII t•
I'rie (•...!!-
i F. van., 111411'' ., -
I' • •.: Thoma. E. II ! 1' 1,
-. . 1 .• • .•viler; -ii -I'. rl.
flit fir- `1). 1' aft•(r.-c,.r, •11 11-
\•1, W-aforlh: John A, f7tvr•t \ .<.
tt'attnu: t\':Illn04-Itlnn. R. 11-,:C..
,•,f,rtit: Joint iA•uuewI.-o ,'
'1.11; 1;P•R rt 114. It. It. �.� s;
"'eh : 1t..1.••r1 E'lv'is, .ilArl."•k
itsw•hw,.-si .lames (Monody.
Jeniiette. you-itre the Relit .1 my
Me You're tray -sun., nil-atara, m7 all.
yd: my—`e
_"T- • wogs. 'I know all. that; "VIII
you're b oke." lr
s' Bobbie Durst
Toting • • _11,m `.{4.wrHn4 (lyrist.
ran+- in tri. re retry are! .hail I,",•n in-
o-vited to the tied tltul hntus of x ,\r, et
yDunft--Nitro' _-
\\-hat a ehnrni X t•iat•e.l" he .old
enthusiastirnity. t1* gates' prowl par-
ents. "1). es It R•• farms those
woods over there?"
does," remarked t somewhat
ansytnpathwtLC fadr.r.-
"Ah," Bald Tom. still;ems
to that old atone h:utl ov • there,
slrr - •
"It does." came the gruff an wer;
"and It goes .** tar, at 'no river no/ho
'smith, and to the milli road on the
north." .
"Iteanttf,:1!" pat In Tete.
"Yes," went en tale " .I :'fit
It t
e•rt t "i a
Tdoh••n • , fu'lyithttlAcne+ h.ttcofutly from
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- r,.rth: E. ilia••11.
1' 04(1('6• canIs.y._.
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The Leading
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!, 1 6= r^,ref,slly attend.( 1„
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Tha 6rseer, GODERICH