The Signal, 1920-12-23, Page 4•
-•'•,Deer--s-eve -".„O", - r
6—Thursda7, j /ember 23. 1V20.
We Thank You
fcr your liberal patronage
during the Christmas season
and wish to extend to all our
custpmers our hearty appreci
ation of their trade.
Wishing all the people
Meng Cbritma8
Walter C. Pridham
Phone 57
MR. N. F. N HVARD la the agent
for THE SIGNAL at Dungannon.
Orders left with hitt for subscrip-
tions, advertlaemeuta or job print-
ing will receive prompt attention.
Telephone 1(luderich Rural) r39. I was present and everybody reported
a apleudtd time. The Club is armor
Thursday, Dec. 23. i iug for a New Tears dance to be held
Wedding belts are ringing. I iu the Auburn town hall Friday. Dec -
Harry Anderson las sold his pro-
perty at the river to Wm. Begley.
The school ,Ptosed yesterday for the
Christ was vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Thompson and
fatuity are visiting at the parental
home here. Mr. Thompson hits pur-
chased a blacksiaithing business at
Loudon and will tyke charge of it af-
ter Christmas. \� 1Vedne•day Dec. 22.
Mr. and Mrs. Broolps of Pieton, were Miss Blanche Shaw, of New Turk,
herr it couple of dad last week visit -is home for the holhlays.
lug their sou. Mr. K. ". Brooks, man- Mr. Hume Clutton of the O.A.C..
ager ut the Sterling k here. Guelph, is visiting under the parental
Geo. Caldwell and G (:len re- t
turned from the Wrap on esday. roo•Miss Edith Horton is visiting rela-
There will be no service t the Pres- bites at Stratford.
bytrriao church until Jan q 23rd, Mies Kempton. of S.S. Xo. 5, has
Rev. Dr. Campbell being awa on his left for her home In Ash6rld.
holidays. Harold Bogie, of the steamer River-
Gro. Pollak has sold is farm the tots• is home.
_ud conee*$ton of West Wawa to Thr Ladies' Aid Society of I+ee burn
Duncan r Ma Gro. R a n hes r' Is holding a "sailors' tea" in the base -
chased Mr. Mc\er s farm a the bo -
dary. /
The reguhtr meeting of .' Wo-
men's institute will he held t the
home of Mre. McNabb on Thp K,
December 39th. The topic. •fAmkeee-.
menta for Winter Evenings.",/ will he
taken by Miss Ella Stothere.
Among /hasp home for Christmas
we notice Misses Pearl 'McKenzie,
Ethel lase and Jean Stell rs and Mr.
Geo, ('ase, from Toront , and Miss
Daisy Ryan. from Port [edit.
Bazaar and Convert. The bazaar
held Tuesday aRrrnunn/ain the Orange,I emie'r lull/, and claimed his beloved
Hall, under the auspi of St. Paul's wife while vehe was engagwl in peeper- I
church. •was well pat/ionized. in the ing dinner fer her family. She was
evening a t•oneeert and foetal time was stricken with acute paralyses and
held by tlw children of the Sunday paused to the gi`wt\leryon•1 as medical
+' credit to them- `r r cum -
selves in the reqdiplon of their ex- munity and the di1tn are all touch -
Always -Vele one ; excises. At the vhneluslon of the pro- tel when stwh as stt4 cxlhrl lame.
et"' tea was Servet. -Mr. 1. B. lira. Clark's "maiden \ a' a was Sara
it nock parliament and appointed of -
Beers, and intend to meet every two
weeks lu the Foresters' hail.
School closes today. Tbe Children
Neill have time to look up Santa Claus. I
Social Doings.—The Auburn Soviet i
Club held their second dance of the
season in the town hall 'sot Friday
evenlug, and although the weather was
a little unpliwsaut a fairly large crowd
ember 31st (New Tear's Eve). There
will be no invitations sent out. Every-
one is cordially invited to attend.
The Y.P.S. will meet at 7 30, December
26th, in the Baptist church. The meeting
will I e in charge of Jame, Jac,.son's
went of the church on Tuesthty even-
ing. to welcome our ieaiters back again.
Mr. James Chisholm was down at
nto attending the P.F.O. convett-
Death of Mrs. Ger : trittlt.—An-
o er evidence of the uuc._tainty of
life was experienced in the Carlow
eo unity when the Silent Mesewnger
very unexpectedly entered the home
of Mr. Geo. F. ('lark, on Friday, Dec -
The Gift that's I school. The pupil. did red all rachet her. \Th home. th
to menor women who travel often or
only occasionally a Leather Handbag
or Suit lase. But whether you buy
it for a gift or for personal use, • be
sure and get a goat one—one that i Sunday fel
will last under the roughest condi-1 was well
tione With the high price of genuine were in
leathers and skilled labor, we warn Rave a interesting program: in- she was a valued attendant at
yon to deal with a rehab e leather ,.lading a inns, dialogues. ehornses, ,ion Insane Asylum and recce
goods store. where they know leather .kills, the last appeared Santa special teev+gnitlon from the medic&
from imitations by expett+enue* Thts ,Taus g* each pupil a share Of hoard for her splendid service. 'In
is one • candy/ and other -gond things. The August. 1900. she went t.. Colorado
H. J.
FISHER Hamilton St. pas3t , Rev A.•, Walden. occupied Spring+ to visit her sister. Mrs. D. M.
r GODERICH the, ('hair, — Walden. and remained there until
brna ry. 1001, when she war married -
At-nt'li;N. to her now bereft husband. returning I
Touug oeeupi
of unfavorabl
entertainmetuf held by the Methodist
01 on Wednesday night
/tended. The little folks
trim for the event and
the chair. Victoria Hawkins, a eau iter of the
gent.—in spite late Wm. Hawkins and a` native of ,
weather, the Christmas Colborne township. She w s rn near
Sheppardtun on April site. . She
was a consistent member of for
some rears was organist of grist
church. Port Albert. For font ptlttars
" Th e Scotch Store
The Season's Greetings
D:Millar & Son and Staff
to the
Friends and Patrons of
The Scotch Store
We wish One and All
Merry Christmas
an '
2 "Nappy new year.
D. Millar & Son
The toinpliments
of the Season
Wedne'etey. Der. 22. i to live en the Clark lomestead. Two?!
lir. James -Bell. of Wlunipeg, a for- I moss. Willie, aged 15. and Fordyce, i
titer resi.l.'nt. le visiting Auburn aftertaged 12. were bore to the union. In
an absence of forty-two 'years. He 1909 Ow family' moved t.. their prise -
sees a' great Improvement i� the vile eft home on the Rib Baan.•e�astsiren e
IaR„ tit Carlow. During the terrible Enr•
3fic-W-ta:-inliT nt!Itet hats ..peon war Mre. Clark endeared her -
Arrived home to --depend the inter self to the Colborne R,d Cross work -
with his mother. ears. being a masterhand ut cutting and
A number frone the village atteelded /nuking garments for the soldiers.
the eeneert in No. (1 school house on ]being of a bright 'anal lorat,le diapost-
Mondor night. All report a veld time\ tion. she made many friends in both
The young 01 pie have organised\t'trlow- and Auburn communities. The
oral was held on T)utrsday. D.r-
her 18th. to Colborne cemetery 'and
largely attended. the Pa _
Mr. Wm: Gray. Port Albert; Mr.
me. and- Mos++rs.
Hurry Sturdy and Ezekiel Phillipe,
tidetrn. Thr deed trihntes were very 1
1.0a Wind. Including a wreath from'
husband at
ltd M ('
oafrs. from
S ppau;rdton : n
1:e• Shepperl.
from St. Mark's' tdi oir. Auburn : a
-heat root the Wirnien'a lli/sslottary
.ttixllie , . Smith's Ilille•aod a love
token fro Miss 1rrTPt Clark, Lee -
Imre. The funeral se were con-
ihn•ted ler ev. Walter awkins. of
1:Irth (euneirt e.f dee•aeed)e and Rev.!
R. J. Rose, of`\Atthnrn. Sondes the }
hnsinnd and sobs, Mrs. Clark leaves t-
fonr' brothers end one stater to mourn."--
ourn..'.ler demi.e,,v4 CUns: Itastkins, Wind -
.or: William Hawkins*. feheppa ton:
)'rank Hawkins. Seagrave (who was I
present at tine funeral t : Dr. Albert
Christllaw. Treherne. Manitoba, nue
NIra. D. M. 'Wallen. !coloreds Springs.
The morrow/let friends have the heart-
felt . sympathy of a large community
of friends.
-Weep iud for her. for she hath erose -
el the river:
We almost saw Him meet her on the
And lead her through the golden gates
where never
Sorrow or death can'emttlt:any more.
Weep not for her. that she' 'bath
reai•he4 before us
Thefsafr• warni shelter Of her long -
loved home:
Weep not for her, .she may be bending
o'er tie
In gnlet wonder when we, ton, shall
\\Talker's Two Stores
WI . ` thank' our friends and (-us-
ton1c:rN \\•lio =hate made our Al-
; a-tion--,lk, g.-cwt-a--.succcssr_.--and
:I ure-.the'peopie tot Goderich and ViC1-
n1t,• that the -can still find great values
hem= Furniture at our other line
of Mere an(lise.
Call early and often and let us
show you wh, t we can do for you.
�`'ishii�a\ e rybody
:Itletto 4 !tri g:•t»ti
Public School Scholars are
entitled to hare their eyes pm-
amined' at -iny :ace.: _T11,R
School Board and teachers are
cooperating in this good work.
Every put should see that
their children get the benefit
of this. There is no olxliga-
tion attached and w e prgtliise
out best services. -- -
Eyesight Specialist Optometrist
West Strte', GODERICH
1 suns,• a heart, from Mr.
as. Hawking, Windsor;
\Mrs. Ed. Christllaw,
crus+ from Aunt and
io.lerich ; a crescent
Launching the Empress of Canada
Wesley Walker
The Square, GODERICH
Presbytery of Huron.
The Presbytery of Huron held Ste
December meeting at Clinton on Tues-
day, December 14th. The following
were present: Mr. McConnell, moder-
ator; Dr. Fletcher, Mesers. McLean,
Hogg, McIntosh, Corriere, Foote, Tel-
ford. Avery. Ross And Hamilton, min-
tstetx, and Messrs (l•mmell, Mit-
chell. Ferris, Lindsey. Moir. elders.
The matters remitted to Presbyteries
by the General Assembly were eon -
*Mimed and the Appointment of a chief
executive °Meer and the appointment
torf h h f
atermofyears o care o l
flclals were disapproved ref. The con-
sideration of the report on settlement
of minietera was postponed. Dr. Rob-
ert Johnston was nominated for the
chair of homlletlee in Knox CedIege.,
Toronto. Arrangements for the in-
duetlon of Rev. R. A. Lundy into the
Merge of K1t+pen, Kilts Green and
Blake were made and the Indeetion
will take place shortly after the be-
ginning of the New Seer. Mr. Me -
Lean was Appointed ennvener of the
committee on Sabbath sehoole to place
of Dr. Aitken. The next replier meet-
ing will be held at ileneell on February
22nd, 1921, At 10 o'clock a.m.
<- ltt'i, tatitri
to 111
Miss M.R. MacVicar
Kingston street, Gaterich
Thitt is What Hurts.
St. Mney's Jotirnal-Argus: ThP in-
voice for white paper arriving at the
to lute°. The sane anuntnt of impel.'
when the war !vegan cost $160. A
year's suhw•ripthim then east *1. it
now costs but $2. No other line of husi-
ncse nn the fare of the earth hes been
.o hard hit lay the war as the news-
t,mrnsl-Argus office this week amounts
paler business.
Alt men are horn free and equal. tint
many of them many when they grow tip.
—Columbia Record.
to pat of to -day's duty until to-
morrow. 11 year stomach is
adidlatnrbed take
the aim aid be digestion eamfort
fogey. A pleasant relief fres
the discomfort of adddysee pola-
' IMAiM IT SCOTT & nostiM '
IMULInui d eccerrs annum*
'Toe Empress of Cani:da, a ,cin screw geared tin'')ine ct ba.'aiag pa.;::case_ Lac:, built to
the order of the P: ^i 'c O_can Eervices, Limited, for their trans-Pacifle
service, was recently launched at tl:o yard; of the Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co.,
Limited, Govan, Scottan'i. ,
The chriatuliug ,hy, which was performed by Mrs- G. M. Bosworth. the wife of
the chairman of the Uatia,tian t'aeific Ocean Services, l,tntited, went through without a
The ship is 65:3 ft. long, 77 ft. 9 ins. mtde and has a d -p:`1 tits b1 -i4 de_!: of 53 ft.
6 ins. IIer gro73 tonnage is :shout 22,900 tons. and she is m-rrnged to carry about 490 first
class, 106 second class, 238 third cl:!Qs par..eygerit, and 647 of a crew. Of the cargo spaces,
a latge portion has been fitted for the carriage of silk. The ocean speed is about 21 knots.
The vessel is built to the h!ghest crass of Lloyd's Oldster. to full Hoard of ir'ade requifA-
lmenta and sub-diviie3 in full ac:are.:-ice with th^ requirements of the KulkheaA convention.
A complete system of telephones with a central exchange is fitted 'tet the special and
private suites and various officas, etc. •
The dining Ra1uon is on the upper dceh a;td will accornr ',roto 325 por'ors, a large reeep-
ti- n room is 'situated forward or the dining aalonn with passenger elevator at tt'e fore end.
on thin deck also is a swimming p tel 30 ft. long by 1R ft. wide, and a gyrmumium.
Throughout the vessel special attention is everywhere given to the fact that the Em-
p-ess of Canada is to serve in a semi -tropical (climate; p;rhlic rooms are therefore large and
airy and the ventilation amply arranged. 'i'he mnie;Ml voy'ge of the Empreas of Canada
wall baa tote of tits world, starting from Llvcrp:iol.:tla1':b 15. 1921.