HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-12-23, Page 24--1hure ay. 1Rrrtuber 'Lei. 1920
Thuniday. lievenaw•r 23, Deal.
THE 14144Ws.
(1u muuicipsl eltrnhou day two iu-;
The Finest and Purest Tea So
dustr•tal bylaws with be submitted to the
voter* of Goderich. The next of both There is genuine and unmistakeable
these bylaw* bas bevel published in The pleasure in its daily use.
' Signal, but a brief outline of their
wain provlstuns will pvt.le• out ot place.' Black - Green } Try a packet from your rgrocer,
>* but be sure it's "Salado." osis
After the tire which partially dee or Mixed
troywl the factory of the (:uderk'b i
y at•turiug Co., Limited, a dew
years. ago, the town -recovered from It will not be surprising. therefore, if
the iusuruuce wines the great portion! `tits bylaw fail+ to se ire the net"-
of the loan width it had ,made to the eery 'favorable vote.
l'ompany. There still remained *
balance the amount of witch was nev-
er determined) te•tweeu the two parties,
but which in the present bylaw is set
at $3,1e00.' It is now proposed that
this balance is to Ie• wiped out as EDITORIIAL'. NOTES.
against the Company. and\the.('om• A metre Christmas to all:
pally is further to have exemption
from tazatioa lezeept school'' (a tee)
for a period of ten years. The t'om-
To carry either of Jhese.belawe there
must be a favorable vote of two-thirds
ot the vote east.
pang, on its part. is to rebuild .Its
ractOr: and to engage extensively
the manufacture of boxes and ba
ketir, the "minimum of employment
being set iu the bylaw at seventy -flue
beads' for six months iu each year.
Various further cones/ dons were
asked in the Company's original pro-
pos/ale. but the town conned very prop-
erly rtilwl .these out, 'end the bylaw
,ices opp site his property on Britannia
roa I tie removed. Referred to the c
men of the ,,.1e c a toka e•n1 parks coin.
A request Irom the l uultry Association
bur the use of We town hall Lx the hold-
ing pt the annus, wi iter exhibition was
WUI N6t Oppose.
A letter was r,cetvr-1 tram the National
Shipbuilding Cutups.) stating that that
Company would not oppos the applica•
t t.1 tut- Iluron Si,ect.dry Casting Co.
dor asatetance bine ore tower 10 tsla:alsh-
ing a foundry on .e.xlerich.
A letter fwm *tie Provmetal DePijttment
of Public Highways sta.ed that She De.
pat tment was depositing in hr registry
office here a plan ahowtoK the location of
the ,oadrwi:lu,. cur town of GodeOch
which is to be acquired u: a Provincial
highway, end.whlcn from December Itith
would be vetted m the Crown and uuder
the control ul said Department. This por-
tion of road is the kluroo road from Cie
ae taxes had leen imposed -
the curtailing of extravagance
teen attained, and that they
lunger necessary or advisable.
which tl town boundary w Walnut street.
namely.A Wear- 11 01 the Axseesrneht Reform
-had l I League of Ontario. calling triennial' to
legislation pi -s d at the last rtssion til
were no the Legislature a.der which municipal
councils may sibmit bylaws for the re
The tariff bill now under dlsensslon duction ot t xis on improvements. was
at Washington. designed to check sent to for spec al committee
The council deadtd to take no action
importation of Canadian live stock :on a proposal Iron the Waterloo town
and grain. will If passed be a heavy coube ncil
ao paye over toProvincial
thGover ruin ernment
blow tit Carnelian farmers.11 r. Burn cipalitiesonehalf of all Zees collected for
atty. pr$itdenr of the Canadian Conn- licenses he motor vehicles.
cil of4Agriculture, places the blame A let:•,r Irom Mr. Jas. Bowman. M. P.,
enck.sed one from the Depa'tmeut of
Public Works at Ottawa stating that
instructions had Cee•i issued for the
placing of a brass sign on the pox
building and also on the customs house in
The shortest day of the yea[Tas e�iietly'-`•Bore it should be-on
nthe re-
pns>zetl. fugal of the Canadian people
the -reciprocity proposals of 1911. And.
it h•tkr like a green Christmas for farmers who were fooled int* rating
;oderlth. No, it doesn't. either -it anti -reciprocity have to (rear a targe
bae'tregttn to gn,,w. part of the responsihility for the pees-
rmirse of events.
Toronto it to have another mayoralty THE
between Tommy Church and FAREWELL,-
Sam. McBride. Whichever wins. the joke
will be on Toronto.
el thing Santa has an aer-
L. now in such shape that it eau be I rr a a s•^ I p Harmony optaae. Otherwise he would ince a General Expressions of Haemo and
,„.2__________,.. endorsed by those .who ielieve in en -
bard jlanat' iermiping whether to use
aluragiug 4te111 industrles. Mr. J. E.1 his famous sleigh or to come on wheels
13aei hler, the head of the Goderich this Christmas.
Nannfacturiug Company. Is a hard i
sneered, and there I no tri . cated than Mr . GI + r. F� m. Campbell• collector of taxes
Goodwill by the Members.
The last regular meetiag of the town
council of 1920 washed on Friday evening
worker..a man who is deterrdined to I was ever man more thoroughly vindi- last.
o - t rat *unable - Gladstone has been by M
( 1 1 nd d that t had collected since Jam.
Committee Reports.
The finance committee r• commended a
further grant of $15.50 to the July First
celebration committee, this amount. it is
understood, clearing up the accounts of
the 1920 celebration. the committee also
recommended a grant 01 -129 56 to Wm.
Davis to apply on arrears u( taxes against
lot No. 964, andon condition that
the balance of arrears en the
lot be paid in full at once.
Otber recommendations were that the
firemen's -Pity roll, amounting to' $535, be
piassed and pai , ; that the picture of them
town received tr.'the McCarthy Aero
Company be purchased toe the sum of
$10; that C hiel til Polic P.attlethwa to beD
paid 130 in lieu of holiday- fox 920; that
all organizations or persons ing' the
Agriculture' Park votes 1s and 4.rging
an admission fe be c.,arg d a renter by
douhr thus ti(s factory, to be rebuilt t the adoption of a home rule or re a reports tae a the town of ten per cent. tit the total gate
this bylaw carries will lie a. large 1 big by a Ccnaerva'ive (if nominal') vial`• any 1st, 19_'0, to date (December 17' receipts.
employer of labor and a valuable ad- tion) Government ?,5W hat years of distretr
diplon to the Industries of the town. I eo id have been avoided if the Gladstone
p,licy had been accepted by the Brit:irh
The. other Itylaw is that of the West- people many years aeb
$82,795,ard in addition $140 in Jog taxes The pltblic works committee - ree.rm-
There was still due on 1917 taxes $ t31: mended that a set of itO see. r nods,
on 1918 taxer, $503: on 1911 taxes. 14.'1001 each three teet long. alto couplings . and
on 1920 taxes. $IS.000, making a total, o other at ecbmrnts oe p..I. h,iaed. that the
two' t. res on Wei >ur vet in front of
about t -u (Vit), which would be consid •r- El ter Iteli•s be rem very pY the public
■11111111 ■ 1111■ 11■1111■1D 111am1�Ylrini
1 tS 1
MostDesirable I
Perrin's Kid loves for meu
or women, special
Children's Kid G
Silk Umbrellas for
men or women r....
''• $1'60
$4 and $5
Chamoisette Gloves, Per en's, at $1.23
per pair
Wotisett's Silk Hose, blac and CO'lors
■ special sale $1.50 $2.00
• Sarfs and Ties for men, special\ . •••
at Towels
1 Heavy, soft. fancy Btth Towels, fariy
1 borders and weave, at per pair.. .., t.
■ $150, $2.00, $2.50, $3.06 Silks
a Sleepers for Children vie
Dr Denton'* and Cosy- Q1 00 $1.25
• nice. All seizes 1 to 6. At $1
00'1111111111111 /1//1111111)r
50c, 75c, $1.00, $125
Table Linens
Inion Linen, very fine bleached Irish
damask cloths with drawn border. $3.95
Size 2 x 211 yards. Regular 15 for
72 -inch Union Table Damask. $1x48
Per yard $2.25 for
Reversible Smyrna Imported Rugs,e. tra
heavy, site 27 x 54. In six new pat- 6 S
terns, at each
I:xtia heavy, double knid, pure wool,
Golericjs Hose, all sizes 75c $I.25
7 to 10. Ranging ...... toL
- .hauur_-._Wtl.. ('nm�utg.. 1-oionuttee;ob. ' 'hr li.•il letepb. ne s
1.fmited. which asks that Its milling` The
1 y Abe ebb reduced brfrrre-ttx
plant here he assresnecl fora period of Iw.°els' 1 '
Idled Nlth A dew l'[eeprtlnll% and retell dnariterc A•eneiatirn with reference „I th street w>pet':or, n ,• pr:viteg- Ut b•
tha hnsln' �- .1." --mint lror -req- ed
j the sinter weather was read.' anti th C tlfilTS
,r '1nxwry taxes"
m r ) r - - „ be Primate -1 t i Pies: lir it nodes and
n �an-.Ft
ar - from
the Ca
1 I ter
• ' tt i'oeerttmeut have been a A let
itis as ttgarstrJ un I r the dew*vei•rt
ten yours at a tixe:l amount "f EUflllfl.-. . .
3 mt•rt•hatrtrarw rejub4ng ;They svice the In care of fire 1 ghting equipment curing suhttet. t • ur er of the i) `mini 1n It hlw ,
. e th-ittrt *tn- .>( Charlet
tats•* were a hludranee to loudness Iffier than *•heed U tit*. : The w•hool ed 1 hal h en for- 1Ve ;s u., b su;,piled w th wire fence:g
Ins is Ur s• psrid HU the full •an•eess- and u• general, nots:►uor. It is letilttYl
I r l � i, c ,n ietr(ati
clerk it -ported that
M' 1 to of Fin
a copy , rent , NIcNLitton street be
-warded t + the •.v -i' -r ani light canine *ion h'1 its y e• m.
' t from urr.wa that _the Minister s r aiLoth. ire warden
I +-ii-ir.- e-+-;+stitch--`hat . ne
• • r L
; Oat that the main pnrlers• for Mr. N'. J. Mn -ow req'ird lha' '•
1f one any jn,l¢'- from einni0ents' Inert. the' wattle. hare: already made- i
Western Cattle for United States Shows
up their mind.. aur tP eeslor'e• Oda
hyl.l and w.• believe a tnist:lk. w:
nt.td" 1 t playing the .,.\rr. noosed- a.+esa•
'I•.w a riwile--The Itig.$11411
Is :111 11:- titdhill;'d w9n.li ti,ste•rnehlf
• 1. prom!. it H the f n n + ,h•e'Itu¢ in -
!newt at
men ▪ a: good ,t.,_• in( the l • +'w•`u-
1.• 1. 1 z••h r ei iii; e um t r t`
a 1 t `.ori.,, nt eC4 11,:...:1 t.
ti. it n
whole er in
1111 and pi aperat-
1112 huge dividend.. nd. 1 it
Ph.n1,1 'tts;trx .
IA I er:.•r ,.4 t'rtn p-
... in i;l e.= t.ylaw•.
Tw•ety years ago toe• t rsn 4r.uet• 1
tlo �uripl, tiiw1 under ditTereht nwletz?-i
..r. I heLb•rs,
+.r tri 4 • f-+
1.,.,i, ..j
continue our sale of silks. Silks in
al also wash Silks and Shot Taffetas.
Yard wide. Regular $:3.00, $3.25 el nQ
nd $3.5 On sale at 70
W. Acheson
& Son
■11111XXX 111/■
car of anthracite coal had been purchased , Goderich this year had done what only
from the Sargeant -Miller Coal Company' one other town in the P.ovince-Lind.aY
at $16 per gross� ton at the mine's. '1 he - had beep able to do. -We can close
car as rective3 in good condition attd#the -year and say goodbvr end tell the ; t
69,41 lbs. oI coal was weighed on the •'people that we ve done our best." the ibe
market ales and s old to some thirty-four Mayor cotclu him
le at $' 2.50 per net ton,. Reeve Wal •e, who (showed, observed 1 Par k
"Threat po, i e
when u h
.people y
j' the
s seemed
`"The Vrtcgof anthracite coal in the open thatY
I mar ket,' the report stated. "has been came tot end oft . this had been: pan a
1st, adily com g down, no doubt due to a real g council Is year; the burr hes some ` matte o(
done as ell as in any y
the mild wrap r. Apace of $12 .50 per hsd• tee
gross tonatat t_ u mites has just , been had on the ncil. The Mayer had I a chairma
Irevolved. blees requesCed by tete done e yth' in his i1 ,sax to make l b Mire his
council your com ittee do not intend to thea go w and the coun:illas. he !Awe new ma
purchase any mgrs call at present " tin ht• ha*
fs cine well, too. Me their aed t
A statem-.nt attached showed the` t , 1 ud tie lssr!! Cieit$i. i for tine assist
receipts and expenditures in connection', V Counclllie
with the car of coal.'he coal (60.410 Cou for Knight gave a new trend -to. leering that had
lbs. at 822.50 per ton) _ Id fur $780.x.. the s' - 'hes by moving a vote of thank= year and com
The car of coal cost $ •'i2 freight s loth clerk. "It is becauee of his goodworthk m collectthe' -
$68.65: and teaming, wetahi g and o *or we have g d along so well."ouncilat pss•lbly ;
charges brought the expeteditur ter ateptentlrand seclonded is the motirm, sagreed with,hod I of the awncil had to
s are
138. Excess exchange cha
es ($ l0
atrernet by a cheque from the t, a, he Mayor added his quota elating that' Councillor Moser
The -e iepr..rts erre all adapt ' wished to reiterate what the others was bis ilii year on t
(Bylaw No. 38. providing per ing pi s had said about the manner in which air been a pleasant year ah
and officials for the min`c`e elecu , , l�uox had discharged h,sduti 1 -nut \layer, his fellowf;u5
was read three times and p sed. this year, but curry year. (lily t11",:s1. ivic etliictals-all Inlly gt*
ass, ciated with the work of the I 11' Like late H
Round of Speeches. `town knew the anerint. of -geek that
1 his denied away t Dusi .. of the i devolved upon the cle, k. slid Hit t11or- Cnunc-itlo I' night said bi
evening, an the me he council strip• ' , chairman of the water, high
then nide farewell t. their mof duce he vote of thanks being ipa�*eei, Mr 'bot committee had rent been v
tor 1900 in a Whet ,01 s in which Knox expressed his appreciati' l it aril i but he bad done what he con;
everybody took •- rt mor or less. tail he had always tried to uold the ; his first year n•t the council an,
Mayor Wigle ' aced t e fust wreath on' c,uncd and to carry out its dreams. even. alloyed the-experunce. except t
the sepulchre ' the 1 20 council. stating , if he cid not always agree personally with hours. and he thonght they wer
'that as this : s Dr .' bly the last convu- 1 the u chi's ll hada done le er U t and ht the unnecessary.
cation oft t •' hr would thank all year's the mem' s fox, heir assistance during ' prospects for the coming year were per -
the year Ufa
the years he had been in haps better than ever.
the c I t year had been the most : - Dep to his fellow Kecve Clark
and his
tree (' troversy I here• were sev-
eral thin he would have liked to i fatly to the members of the finance cum -
se' finis d this year which had not melee. of which- he is chairman. for
n completed. The completion of the their
clerk gnation the tax collectthe or fuand to
r their
'Door Roll of soldiers would be a legacy
to the coming council. He had hoped - assistance.
that more sewer tonatruction work would $Councillor Story said it had been a
have been done, but there had been delay easar.t year. He had given particular
in getting started. At the various boards ‘ and `ties* to
in the
fire-fighting apparatus
up..'n which he was the council's represen- i
tative-the hospital board, Inc water and Continuity Needed.
light c•xnmiasi nit the soldiers' memorial Councillor Mitchell said that as chair -
committee - things had gone along as well man of the cemetery and parks committee
'as could be expected. In the achievement he lowering the tax rate on a rising market,
had hoped to do. in the toter -at-between--
he,death of the late cemetery sexton
the appointment of the present sexton
work at the cemetery had fallen
arked that this
foamed. It had
he thanked the
lore and toe
duties as
and har-
he had
e late
Ar-rtte-- rant of -this, tea led.
elevator having in the meantime boen
bylaw. Teta t . the ciclator has
(1) Alwrieen igus Calves.
(2) A Perfect Herford Head.
ne exhibits
nal Stock
of beef
. • Among the many
Mill den y ear" to run: the bylaw now •
a, this ye:tt's Internet'
to lie v,,te,1 1,11 relates td the mill °
mimeo y. luta been pa ying cattle that s leen entered by the
iereate con:daft-Win Interest. This
tlw mill property bl AIWIllt 8147.000. 1111 txhibit consists dozen or More
whieli. at the present rare of 41 intin.1 pore bred btill MR that have
the taxes, would he alliddly over been bred by some\ of the le,ading
breeders In the prov ce, and coin;
Hereford, Aberd'een Angus and
Shorthorn breeds.
These animals have been brougbt
together by A. A. Lowe I, Peofesisnr
of Animal Husbandry at the Uni-
versity of Alberta. Professor DoWell
wanted norne good steers to use tor
practical judging purposes with his
student,' at tbe• University. To pur-
chase from the leading breeders of
5,1114(11 tell 00 111, n'ellainillg P1111110
lif the aseessmeni, about Cask making ,
at ! 'tide tax pity ment on the mill
property tif Otani $.1.770. On the el-
evator property OW Company
time to pay. for the twxt ten yenre.
$1.2410 ammally. 'on pre present we 1
the province the class of stock re -
see -Meta $ 1 25.01111 • till. wonlot yield
(Mired would have entailed a con-
t he towal. at 41 $541.271. So thael
siderable expense, as top pricee
if tile liyia w (envy, the Com.1 would !five had to be paid. More-
pany would for the itext ien years be 1 over, he may hot have been able to
obtain Just the animals required.
exempoel emit year to the extent of . •
After considerable thinking on the
.:.6.7".45111r =on The.. tr meet be aelnattted. subject, Professor Dowell bit upon
an Idea which enabled him to get
fl pretty large notion' even
though the town receive,' •
large benefit,' from The butittee. done
by the Commit; here. As we have el -
ready %tared, the 111g Mill is an indus-
try In which Dietetical takes great
pride. and Ow local menneement
1111. roPiierf.. aceeptnitie to
the town; hilt when the Ordinary eit-
leen has tnx big to per hp time
be pent/mod if he haa not great (lest
tion (aiming from the head office et
Toronto where large *lima are dispens-
ed stormily in dividends. C.V0 thongh
&Ma make their way to GoilerIch.
Just the animals he wanted, and at
practically no expense to the Uni-
versity. Knowing that many of the
breeders in the province were nOt in-
clined for various reasons, to fit
their cattle and show them at the
leading shows in a mann. r to do
them jueilre. he suggested tlipt. the
various breeders in the province
should gise one of their ralves to
the University. and the University
would take the necessary step,' to
fit the animals for show 'pummel'.
The plan was dilly submitted to the
Alberta !hairdo' Association at
their annual convention lasit year,
• and not only received the approval
of the Association, but the in-
dividual members offered to allow
Professor Dowell to select what he
he had not accomplished as much as
ronsldered the best calves tn Weir
This offer waa immediately taken
advantage of by Profeasor Dowell
tng be visited the twenty-four
breeders in various parts of the
province and selected fourteen
calves. To\ these were afterwards
added two yo)o.eog Shorthorns from
the University own herd.
Moat of thesealves were taken
direct from the ra go, hut they have
been well cared for ever since. They
came to tbe Unlverelty as sucklings
and nuree cows had, of course, to be
provided for them. It the University
had been able to take car* of a large
number of animals these would have
easily have been forthcoming. "The
greatest difficulty we have had",
says Professor Dowell, "has not been
In securing these animals, but In re-
fusing the many good_antmala other
breeders have offered! Why a good
many breeders ictually urged the
University to send a representative
to their farms, lad take away the
best of their caned."
It is now more than twelve months
since these calvee were brought to
the Alberta University farm at Ed-
monton and they have all developed
into strong uniform looking animals,
each showing markedly the cher-
arteristire of his breed. For two
seasons theme fine animals have as -
elated the students at the University
to acquire a knowledge of the many
flue pointe of stock -Judging. Now
they are ready for showing, and peo-
pie in other parts of the continent
win have an opportunity of seethe
the class of animals that are being
raised In the extreme Canadian West.
First they win go to Chicago, to
be shown at the International Live-
stock Show. Later they will prob-
ably be shown at other shows in the
United States and in P.amtern Canada.
Wherever they are shown the quality
and uniformity of these enimals is
sure to camel favorabliS comment
among those who know good cattalo'
%eason's ratings I
to thank our
Customers and Friends for
their hearty patronage during the
----past year rm.] extend to them
sincete wishes for a. happy, pros-
perous 1921.
• , The elerk pointed out that wild the
town handles $178.000 during the ear
the council spends only $4.000 or $5.8
the rest being fixed charges. Of t ie
amount emitted -led by the council, ev
dollar had been spent to good advents.;
this year.
Mr. Wm Camtibell Faid he had been
more fir leSS connected with the contrail
for a long pee eel tor eighteen years now
he had been asseesor and collector -and
he knew of no clerk: the town had ever
had who was more efficient or more atten-
tive to his (Oates than the present clerk:
he was well informed in Mon cipal law
and kept his work in good shape. He
thanked the. mined for courtesietextended
to . him for fo many years. Speaking
of his own work, he said he had never yet
sold a man oui for taxes. In comparison
with other towns and cities Goderich had
a good showing in regard to payment of
taxes. When he was first appointed to
hit present position the year's collections
were about 830,000; now they were over
Mr. W. H Robertson. from the prem
table, spoke of his pleasant associations
with the council and observed that the
people owe the council a vote of thanks
for kinking after the town's affairs. If
anything goes wrong the fault is with
those who Dike no part in municipal
affairs rather than with the members of
the council who spend ,po much time in
looking after the town's butanes..
The ceremonies having been concluded.
threw present joined hands and Ling__
Wittily, not to say harmoniously, "Auld -
Lang Syne."
Making Canadians.
A eurvey of Western Canaria reveals to
us that the f 'reign settlers have become
occupants of vast areas of our
most fertile section. of country.
l'hey ar^ here. They will rem"
with us. Our Provincial and natiatilll
duty is plain : make good Canadians cut
of them all. The task is not easy with
revert to many who have come among
HA in the maturity of manhood and
womanhood. carrying European preju-
dices, notion, and customs It is poesible,
however, to hold up before the younger
generations a Canadian idealism which
shall ptove irresistible.
vote tont a moat, sinew. the' eerie is a
permanent affliction.- Kingst in Whig.