The Signal, 1920-12-16, Page 9and the scaled air -tight carton keeps it "Good".
Red Rose Tea comes to you with all its original
rich strength and rare flavor fully retained.
Under New Management
Having taken over the ; business of "Thr People's
Garage,- MR. J. L DEMERLING announces
that he is ready for .
All Kinds of Repair Work
111.1111/1114,14 Mons- .1 "1-06.. ens
Pretty Christmas
Gifts That Any Girl
Can Make
(Copyright. by A. Neely Mall.)
Most of the material required tee
the gifts In the Illustrations can ba
picked up at home, which will be ap-
preciated by every girl who has many
to remernber at Christmas time and
small means to procure gifts with. R•
sides, these gifts are quickly made -
A Faneywerk Basket
You will not make a mistake in pi'a-
vidlag a handy workbasket like that l•
Fig. 1, for mother. Its end pockets
for needles, thread. scissors and other
smell articls, are constructed outside
..r..,.. ,..,4L,...,.,..111...A,
Useful Christmas
Gifts That Any Boy
Can Make
(Copyright. by A. Nosily Hall. )
It requires no more time to make
a useful gift thio oue which will be
of no practical value. so why not de-
cide, before beginning this season's
gifts, what will be approprfute for
those whom you wish to remember?
Calendar -Board and Pen -Rack.
Of the smaller gifts, nothing would
bet better appreciated than this arti-
cle for one's desk. Fig. 2 shows •
pattern for the board. If you haven't
hardwood, go to • carpenter. He will
wiBt►+►�I'�etbiYlli' li'
Being a first-class mechanic, who has served his time
both as machinist and auto repairer, he
Guarantees All Work
Flit Air for all. . _.Gasoline, guaranteed measure
---Cat- Stored for Winter at Reasonable Rates
Victoria Street, Opposite Victoria Park
of, the basket, which leaven the entire
1t tide space for work. A grape -basket,
or any basket of about Its else, may be
used. Figure 2 shows the start of as
sad pocket. Cut a piece of cardboard
of the shape of A (Fig. 8), and hinge
It to the basket bottom by means of
strip B. With both pockets started,
elver the basket with cretonne, roa-
sisg It around the cardboard ends is
form sides to the pockets (Fig. 1).
Conceal the handle by wrappleg •
strip of ereto•se around H.
A Whisk -Broom Holder.
Either a man or woman will ap-
preciate this convenient article. A
stationery box forms Its foundation.
figs �..1i
atMtrty Icosa
Back to
let you pick a scrap from his waste.
pile, or will sell you u piece for a few
cents. Wood three -eighths -Inch thick
1s just right. Both sides must be
cut alike, and the surest way to
get them so is to draw a center
line, first, then lay art the measure•
ments each side of this. The notches
In the bottom edge receive the base
blocks (Fig. 8). Bore a email hole in
the beveled portion of one end of cud]
base block, glue a peg In It to form the
front of the pen -rack, end fasten the
blocks In the notches cut for theut,-
Sandpaper all surfaces. then apply
some wood stain and wax. A atnall
calendar -pad tacked to the center of
the board. and fgil glued to the under-
side of the base blocks, will complete
the gift
Postcard RackJ
The same potter's that was timed for
the calendar -board frig. 2) is ' rr
qulred for the ends of the poritcard-
rack in Fig. 4, '
tern for the base etrtl s, wliich Ishaeii
In the notches In the bottom of the
end pieces. Finish the wood with.
stain and wax. •
Book -Rack.
The honk -ruck in'the Iilustretlnn le
made of wood the eighth,. Ineh thh'k
Such a box usually has the propor`
•tlons shown In Fig. 2. The first thing
to do 1s to remove one end, and enough
of the top. bottom end sides, to make
the box square. The dotted line In
"lg. 2 ehnws where to cut. The sag
eedstep is to remove a side adjoin-
-- m- that just removed, cot away
the. top to the shape of the finished
front, aad cut away one corner to
form the open bottom of the rack. Thl■
cutting is shown by dotted lines In
Fig. ll, and Fig. 4 shows the pieces
thus prepared. Sew together what re-
i mains.ofthe box and cover, thea con-
icent the surfaeen with cretonne and
fasten a BOOM how and loop of rfbboe
through a hole punched through the up-
p.per corner of the back. for a hanger.
A Twine Holder.
This unique holder may be used for
either crochet -cotton or twine. It re-
gnlrea the head of n small doll (Fig. 2),
end a small "cat" bnket (Flg. 3). The
doll's bend must he fastened to the
The Carpets You Throw Away!
They arc the ones we want to save for you.
\) nn•tcr haw el.{, low dirty, hot./ (Mai&
Jolty.?, by our pro. tis thi y be woven into
Reversible Rugs
!e Carling Strut.
that are gnat enough for the most
elaborate home.
You won't rr.tiize how good these
rugs really are until you see their
beauty and feel
wear fersoftness under
.._ feet.
Few/ et chit reersii mast wee leer .•d .ddrtss for • free 1,1514
with 1•)1 isfuoasl r a.
'sic a rope around the old carpet and -
send it to
The Canada Rug Co.
. London, Canada
r• O RR "jilii)n(1IEF,-
Ft`.lVta 1.
Gtvts alarger
form of investment wit', from Any otherahroh.te
peel rity
Free from 1)ominion income Tat.
Any person resirtent or domiciled in Canada over
the a ;Cor 5 may purchase, to begin at once. or at any
later ('ate desist d an Annuity of from $50 to $5.000,
to be laid in mont•tly or quarterly ase io tayments.
An• two perrons mast pu
p oytrs may p othasc fort .lir employees.
Amy to your postmaster, or write, postege free, to S. T. Bastedo,
Superintenient of Annuities, Ottawa, for new booklet and other
information reeutred Mention age lait birthday.
Wine 41,61
z _• sae
Thursday. 1)eseuda•r 111, 1f)''41.- 9
"My! How I did used to dread haying the
Threshers come—but I don't mind now. •
«W IIY, a year ago I could no more Nerve Food, for they know how miserable
think of cooking a big dinner I was, and I will see that they know what
than I could fly. 1 used to make me well. •
"I did not eeem to have any strength -- "I certainly did get into a terribly run -
then, and a little extra work or execite- -down condition, but no orae would believe
ment would use me up for a week. it to see me stow since using Dr. Chase's
"The doctor said my nerves were weak • _ 'Nerve Food. I can now take a real pleas -
and that I had nervous prostration. I cer-Irre
in life and its activities.
tainly was nervous and irritable. I was "And why shouldn't I? I sleep like a
always worrying about something. top, enjoy mymeals and get o tdoors
"It all looks very foolish now. But vrhere the'fresh air and sunshine help to
that is just the difference between being keep me feeling fine.
weak and strong. I don't -believe people appreciate good
"Why doesn't every womanuse t r ~health until they' have been sick for a
Chase's Nerve Food when she gets''run:.time. I am sure that 1 did not. The
in health? • credit for my splendid °health now is un-
downoubtedly dice the—use Qf Dr. Chase's
"But, I suppose they do not all know rve Food. and I want every woman to
about it or do not realize what it will do '•n w'it."
for them. Then perhaps some of them t Chase's tier• ^ ' :d, 50 'rents fi►:
do not use it long-enot►gh to build' up their lx a deaiera, or Fdmantir+r. E... . Co:,
exhausted nervous systems_ ' . Ltd., Toronto. Look for the por and.
+'One thing stir?., fife\ omen -trf- this= te' : r, ,M.D
Community will kntm•iall abort Dr. l h"s^'r tin.• von b•'v,
?trout Municipal l'andGlaMs. n .trm�iy orf die - tent and dissalilafaction
w itch call? tetrefy swamp him. Clark.u. • n uu
The 'Mu' ciota %Voila. • • It is a n e fact than c:tlzena 'will i ter'e ••• '
Alm are:ustmlly elected because they usttaHy vote rir animosities' tnrlprep ru,an -btl
are good vote-t(titre. Pupularnun,mmen dices, railer In their i,tprotal, sol
uright at liar•. Ir-
Ishu_,ue"Rudd ' rah r ' man who • have tonunendeticnls. \A can(t1'1 urs who j4 not which give t •t -oda .1 • .
gte d standing in -church, hid -ie. or union, weir t novel kno n to the people 1.. ver...f the t., 111x1. p,
ni It who know how_ to • de'dge, him, and have cteate•J st:tftg omit nod regarding
safest, p, men wool are politically wise and himself, if he . has a\ pl•'a-,int' -mile, an .
who are willing to make Intensive per- engaging tnanner, rays? a hearty htutd-
%mal campaigns—all these classes stand Shake. of wh we capacity. for the job, or, '
abaiter chance of election than the 'tile lack of it, little nt'iari'r•n. I. de.
,iraightforw•ard. the• honest, the success. c,led advantage, 1\'ftar the • d)
ful. the c, mpetent, who are not adepts at trot know about a ra'"h-1 11-• ' eon
the political game. ' hurl his chances of rlee•ttl+n. _^
There ate plenty of desirable nlenavalt- . The DJ.f)I2 Track Rollie
atite..particularly trtlenthe commnntty'_.,.. •
tie a !ilium). for Thi.,
hasLeen aroused by some glaring failure
j hf tai sinver.iment, wtirr-me-w_llt++Ir. -Ire .• gram Inc
quenlly at great .tsrrsonal .sacrifice.. to Manning Dcti:erty t• rcy reed t„ hr.!
serve it as tuhtic etlictak, but they ate ti vire to di -cover ;he can -e of rho' bigI
unable and unwilling to contend for the "-tire id" between the )rc a of apple+ itt
monitions with -those whoa are less finale -.the Ontar o orrhar`d and 1 h-.' psi,4' p.ud by
theft, but who "know the ratite." And the' Old Country cu•ttauer. Ile ttni.
when once iuttaticd in office. thyy are less aced to go so far turn home to fit tta,
likely tri he retained. The theory is that spreads in price between producer
feaile"s '+a the cohdtict rd public ollice us, Union station at Toronto the other (ay.
First, prepare cite base board hr 1• .IN hi r making some friends wilt) under- we noticed orange: which. cable :;-IMI)
.pattern of Fig. 2. then the pair of cud Mand his value, c)ntlnually building up miles across the continent ticketed I hi -
by the pattern of Fig. 3, then two I
pairs of brackets like the one lit 1'lg yoyt yt tytf�t Y�yti�it�t�/�t rya
4. These seven piece! are all that, XXX XXXXXXX2CXXXXXXX)CXXXfl.XXX
• the rack requires. Be' earetnl to get
the sides of the end pieces sytumet'
deal. Bevel the edges of the busy
Pee round headed blued screws for
assembling the parte. and place these
In the positions indicated In Fig. 1. A
mat of stain, then one of wax, and •
button of felt glued to the under- x Clinton and Goderich, Ont.
side of the hose nr each corner, will.
Complete the h.,..kraek.
Waste -Basket.
An A by 8 hurt hoard, for a hose
(TIg. 2), four strips out of T111.11 to
make n frarne of the 5111114' sl -M as the
i TRitaughp,
-School of Commerce
b•eket to such a way that It can be
removed easily for putting a new ball
beside of the basket, so the heat meth-
od of attaching It la with bawds of rib-
bon, perusing these around the doll's
neck and ahonldera, and around the
basket, and tying the ends In bows.
Cut • a strip of pretty colored silk of
the proportions shown In Fig. 4, ran
a thread through a here mode In one
edge. for a gathering string, and by
mean. of Me thread gather the silk
shoat the dint's bend to form a ruffle
anti sleeves. Add a neck ribbon. Fig-
ure 1 *bows haw the twin. nr ernebet
cotton la pulled nut through one of
the Sleeve openings.
11111S1•1141/11,1 (1 i' .,i ..411l 1,111. . . oil
In half for Osie %rrips, a few finial'
Ina nails: and 32 round-henA pinna
screws, are nil tint pot need for th•
pretty ornate basket shown In Ftg. t.
I'lnne the lath• smooth, trltn raft
their owls and bore holes .a trlflr
larger thnn the screws. near the earl•
Screw the aIle strips to the he-,
edger". four to a aide. then prepare 'le
top frame of the form shown 1n Flg '1
end screw the ulper ends of th• etr'f+
to It
Wnwl retain and wax, or two enat• .,
paint nr white enamel may be ayyileu
to finish the woodwork.
1,. e„n
• 11
Full i
nstiettrip:4! oh anyitem.'
1.•1,.•1 Agi.nt. or C. 'l' Ilurn-
►ist act Passenger Agdnt, To -
fi.H. Lawler. Stalion Agent,•Pl►oaeS
Town Agents )'hone 5.
t.,1'F1:RS '1'11E I OL1.OWiNG Cor/Sia
Business Stenographic
Secretarial Cidil Service
Teachers' Training Course
and arranges Special Cnur,c, fttr 111,
't''tr•''sF01,1.0WIN(: ADVANTAGE~ :
fli�hl) Qualified TPArhing Stag
Actual iInsiurts fiytem of Bookkeepin
Crisktinal Typewriting r.•
Ihrsitiuns (:u , nlrcr•1
Vocational Training School
los flus Is,tn• 1, 1,, r•.wr•rnntent appointment, anti nn'Ier in
%pectin's by tiol,ln n' l'i 11 lte-catahlishtnent Department.
For Terms, eta , write
It. 1'. W tItl►,
It. 1, M. .teff•,
1'r i rayl pal
Phone 198, (Briton
M. A. STONE, i�
Cont. Mlpeelalh(.
ti, ro .,l ((Menti \k-111ttc,llac , Settlend a•r 1st, i!I" I)
The Trouble Man
It's a comfort to know there's
a man on whom yob may call
in your troubles—the Plumb. r.
Ne know our business and
ate Byre to terve you.
,.Iton et rest #'bons 135
1101 05 (fen nor
I:avestroogrhinf \let., tVoIk