The Signal, 1920-12-9, Page 1010 - Thursday. December D. 1030
Waterman's Ideal Foun-
tain Pen
l'1•:ul.,,i• lcmlimrl,t with
se -56 up.
Boxed Stationery
Nothing could male a more se.
eeplahle and useful gift, from
ISe t• 66.56,
All the latest sod best copy-
right*• sr well as popular re-
prints. children'.. books and
Christmas Annuals.
A Colombia Gratonola fa your
home will delight the whole fain -
114/1 only for the Christmas
h. -Awn but for all time.
Starr ttecotda krPhonographs
pata and
t'sS Star
---Ereaut-Partor't, West Street.
Ellesewber, Itenwulber, the S#eveateeoth
of December.
The Di' 1. ..1uJrtitr are practising
their choruw•s for the cow eucrweut
exercises under the able Jt tern of
Mr. Keeeun. Local talent will also lu'lbe program and is* Pearl
Newton, one of Toronto's talented en-
tertainers, has been secured as elocu-
tionist. This is her flet appeeranee in
lioderieh and many will Ito doubt Ile
desirous of hearing this pupil of Owen
A. Smily. Remember the date, Dee-
ewlwr 17th. and the placeKnox
hriatmaa candy should be \just •
Iitt better than the everyda •ort.
our $peelal holiday confectionary Is
excel! ddgdtt Indeed. 2 -.111: -`wt"' w ^'•ew
gist, Godertea. _...
7'IIL TIKE 11(111S.
Doable Funeral Takes Plate in God-
erich on Tuesday'.
The terrible tragwty by which Mrs. H.
itiosweliReii and Mrs. J. J. Jenkins
Iri.t their lives in a tire In New York
City Tart Thureday morning has
evoked, universal iiympatby fur the par.
cuts, r. and Mrs. Donald Mcliurchy,
of tow 11. and. other Winikers et the
ttereaved fawysir. Iw'Mue;gr
utI 4weH str,xrll-il. 4ui' the cal,♦rhe bad
last 'iinuner. and the shock from the
death of hi., two daughters\kis tri •u
very .•seer.
besides the parents. there an two
.arciviult .aaevs and two .brothers:
Mrs. 11. Worsen, of Tul•ontb; Mrs.
Itttaisl..l►1 r`t+t u lr raaclaso t--*rrh.
lieMiiro liy-. of W trotts. bask., and
Andrew. of St. Paul, Minn.
The remains arrived front N w York
The communion service in Knox church .yo slouday night. a,rompaiiietI by Mr.
next Sunday morning will be cunducttd Jenkins, who was visiting relatives at
by Rev. Colin le'lett`#(er, D. D.. of Than) s Karina w hen lie h•artml of the fatal -
Road. \ iti!•s 0041 It -ft at omr for the scene.
The services at tli pti•t church Ins,: Helen Howard. daughter of Mrs.
next Sunday will bet ducted by the Roswell -held. . and Lieut. Ralph J.
pastor, Itev. J. E. MeV* ey. SubJcet Miller advy...tine from New York. Mise
of sermons: 11 a.m.. "Religion in the Howard was attending Mies Fawcett's
Ilowe Life." 7 p.m.. -Whet Must 1 school in that city.
1)o?" Bible school at 3 p.m. `{i Y.Pt'. The double .funeral took place to
meeting at 8 p.m. Maitland cemetery on Tueslay after-
Itev. G. A. Woodside, M.A.. of BEi►n noon and we.- very- largely attended.
ford, gave two thoughtful and inspiri
aummg those present hello/ wany Old
sermons in Knox church ou Sundae friend- of the family from Aslifeld,
riiere the family livisi for many year.
pre coming to Goderich. The min -
of Kuox sinner- being unable to
on etrount of Illness. the fun-
eral se viers were conducted by Rev.
James 1 milton. Mr. E. C. Belcher
ltd the si
cher snug a
Will Ile No N
The i+ai1-ixa
Reid were four u
last, the occasion being the eightieth
anniter.ary of the organization of the
congregation. The musical service of I Istr
the day was most appropriate and well atteu
rendered. A matter of regret waa the
absence from the servieea of the pastor.
Rev. R. C. Mcllermid, who has been
unwell the last week or two. A special
offering waa taken for the organ fund.
the response being fairly satisfactory.
Great care has been t#en in the selection of
these Christmas Gifts and we know you will greatly
appreciate our efforts when youhave inspected them.
FRENCH IVORY-- Every wanted pi_ of Ivory to cout-
plete your set or start a new collection, if you have decided
on Ivory, we have it. ,
EBONY—Mirrors; fiats Brasbes, flat Brushes, etc. Also
set. of Brush, Comb and Mirror in dainty' case •,
HANDBAGS astl PURSES—A wonderful new rue of Hand-
bags and Purses has just arrived. The styles re new and
prices moderate. .
PERFUMES -.Either in bulk or in fancy packages, also
Toilet Iter,, Sachets, etc.
CHOCOLATES —Specially attractive fancy boxes, ' ajso
large assortment of regular box and bulk Chocolates.
We carry many other lines for gifts, such as' Saf y
Razors, Stationery, Thermos Bottles and:. Kits, Pipes an
. Cigars
IV. adl TOO U i*spect oar CLriatmas stock early while we have
- _•the large assortment.
Reber.. otlr--clothes are concerned pro-
duction calls for specislize�d 'kj sledge,
painstaking care and thoroughness jet prder
that each suit or overcoat may message up
to the standard we have attained in the
building of good clothes. We should like to
build youtene tt suit.
F. H. MARTIN, Tailor
. Cite mess$ e
. r
wINTER Jlas a message for every member of your
-tinnily. it whispers to'you "overshoes." We
have quite it collection from which to snake a
selection it says, "sturdy stylish shoes." We have
s large stock from which your feet can he fitted.
PHONE. ---- -138
tug and Miss Hegel Bel-
t% lunch feeling -"There
ht There.:
a_ for Mrs. Eoswtal-
les: 1)r. McMurchy-
of `girth- Ray ; Joan Mc3tturhy, of
Thorubury; Theist. Me 1urehy, of Wes-
ton, and Alex. McMu
For Mrs. Jenkins the
two cousins, J. A. McClu
to, and Jas. McClure, of N
uncle. Sampel McClure, pf
and a brother-in-law-, Carl Woraell, of
town. There were a large nu r
of Beautiful flowers. which included a
spray from the .thmeek Chapter
1.11.1).E., of which Mrs. Boswell-1teid
was a member. and a beautiful offer-
iug from Corinthian Chapter, Order of
the 'Eastern Star, Toronto, of which
Mrs. 'H. Worrell is a member.
Besides those already mentioned, Mr.
And Mrs. H. Wor3e11. of Toronto; Mr.
7Muald McMurehy, of North Bay; Mrs.
James ('amerou, of Weston, and Mrs.
William .aleClure. of Wootit ridge, were
here for the funeral. Mr. ArclL Me-
Murelly arrived from Saskatchewan
ou Tuesday night.
Caught in a Firetrap.
After the the. in which eve people
were burned to death. an investigation
was rounneneed by the city authorities
of New York, 1t appears there were
no tire escapes ou the building. and
there was 00 stairway on some of the
lower doers. tete only weans of exit
tieing by way of an automatic elevator
which rati Up To the third floor only.
'With the elevator telt working, or the
endangered persons unable to get to
1t. the place was a. veritable firetrap.
The Wase, which started in the base-
ment about 3.30 rectal- In the luurn-
In a nullifier not yet determiued,
—sip the dumbwaiter shaft,
sp ding through the two upper
stor s of the building and sweeping
down again. sirs. Roswell -Reid had
her aQartmetne on the f fth floor.
Hite had evidently attempted to make
her way down the stairway. but Was
caught in .e rush of flames, possibly
while tryl to reach her Meter. who
was still in h room.
Mrs:. Boswell teed and her daughter
left thelerich fo New York last sum-
mer 'gnat 1u Oe :'. r were joined by
Mre. Jenkins: who , d arrived In God-
erich a few weeks be re, with her hua-
iwucd, front California, where they had
leen living.
Mr. Boswell -Reid is 1
Mrs. Roswell -Reid had
value) at stoml?f g30,000. Aft the fire
the Jewel -!lox waa found em
y of KlntaUL
nem . were
of Toron-
leton, an
Eugland at
ug been pried open, and it w1 s au*-
peete i that I"•rnons wild Itad had .
to the Mese ridL+equent to the 6re
ha d,t•inntittet the theft, 1Aetectldes
were put ou the ease,'and a- great part
of the valuables were recovered. Who-
ever had taken them had evidently be-
come alarmed. for pieces of the missing
jewellery were found in several plays
in the building
Miss Howard Married.
()Wetly, on Wednesday afternoon. the
marriage took place of Miss Helen Elis-
abeth Howard to Lieut. Ralph J. Miller,
of New York, who had accompanied
his fiancee to' her grandparents' hnme
here after the death of her mother.
It wag tett by fire tneinbera of the tam-
lly here that, as the marriage was to
have taken place at an early date, it
was beat that it should be solemnised
here among Iter own people. The cer-
emony was performed at Knox church
luaus.., at 1.30 o'clock, by Rev. R. C.
`itelvertnid, and the young couple left
immediately for New York.
1.iertt. Miller is a West Point gra.
dilate ■ od served sixteen months in
France, where he was gassed. Ile Is
On pension, but has a position await--
, Lut,him at New Ys-rirr
- A 1 •
This is the Time
To Buy
Holiday GiftsY y
for Gifts at Christmas time. Not only is our stock complete, but every
pirt.e of Merchandise in every Department is reduced 20 per cent.
a We have them for women, men and children
in a very large range at 20 per cent. less than regular
Silk Underwear
Silk Underwear and Camisoles in every wanted
I andpink and
Serge Dresses
sty' a size in white, at 20 per cent. less A large range
Hosiery d dolals $35.00aand eachthe.
than regular price.
They are made front'the ( tiotll
styles are all new./
\ Another range -of Serge Dresses marked to sell
at $24.50. These are particularly good buying and
every one is new and up to the minute in style.
Silk Dresses
Silk Dresses in the very best quality of Duchess
and Taffeta. marked down to $40.00. These Dresses
sold as high as $65.00. Now on sale at $40.00 each.
Another range of Silk Dresses marked down to
$23.50• These Dresses sold as high as $40.00 and
are now on sale at $23.5o.
20 per cent. Silks all Be sure to see these values in Dresses. They
are values that have never been shown before.
Every Piece of Merchandise in the Store is Reduced 20
per cent.
--Your-Christmas Shopping at the Store where Prices have been Cut.
Every lineo` Hoary -in cashmere, silk and
lisle at 20 per cent. ofi.
Gloves -
Gloves in silk, kid, cape or
per cent. off.
Dress Goods
Dress Goods all reduced
reduced 20 per cent.
chamoisette at 20
by --law to • n tin Ohl• iced assessment
herein provided for, -hall rea.e. 11 beim+
understood however that the foregoing
provisions-Ife --i-ri apply in case the
plant b e.0 r' lid dop owing to are, se -
close, pr outer like Crony over which
said 'Company coils • nn contra, 1n
which event the ft► - Company Mall use
an 1then Lr ereome and rectify the
said..giff.cully an00 I resume operation at
the aarl.est nominee moment. If the Cnm-
pase fails 41 use due diligence In me re
rnoval of the cause of the et, doss,
ut the plant 010 Connell or the .orpora-
tlon -. fall In Its discretion have the rlghl
in the manner aforesaid {o amour's: tits.
aid ti -rely granted. The Company shall
also uo1nt rim• 10 time, upon request, fur-
nish . the Municipal Council with a
tory- ye -tarlatan M dertaratlons mad, by
its tore Manager or Bookkeeper. show
Ing the number of hands then and fu1
three months prior thereto employe by.
salt t.onipany, and Riving any other lit
ror, 100 required to enable the Lenore
to determine whether the conditions of
Dos by-law are being fulfilled and *Ilan
also allow inspection of it+ books for the
sane purieow at any reaamable time upon
igivoint persons W amend at the various
{sdhti�lrp �places aforemid. and at the nna,
gf up 0? the votes by the Clerk, on
beha?� persons interested In and
promote* or noontime the passing of the
The paf st. 0? IhewCouncl'oftelthe sale
Town M f .rich will attend at his office
in the Town Ball. at ten o'clock In the
forenoon of Tu salty, the ath day of Jan
nary. lett. lo su up the numbers of voter
for and against said proposed pr Natal
L. 1. ICHOR. Cleft.
1 The .aid The We -tern ranad* nom
laths !;..moony, !Amore shall under lir
tap.rata seal enter into an agreement
with the Cnrpnratlop of Inc Town of i,ode.
_'Tr t' i sugar to the 111111 paas1ng 0r tnla'ny-
taw, whereby Dae satd Company aha11 un-
dertake and agree to give Its consent at
any tune upon request during the cur-
rency of this by-law to the granting aid
y way of bong, loan or nt erwlse, by
e l; ,-b oration of the Town of r. sleri'b
any industry 111 any ra.40 In whish the
co sent of the said Company would o1
MI t be required. and such agreement
Malt Nether provide last the expense m
Conner non with the submission to the
rate pa era of this by-law;.
ylaw shall be borne,
wild pato b the old Comttany.
4. Thor -law shall take ..Rest on the
da)' of the nal passing thereof.
l'mnvl+long y peeled at the Counrll
rhalnper. of the Tn%n or Ooderieh this
:Ird day of Ile tuber• Iles.
R. 'Mayor. or.
•L. L. KNOX,
(Continued from page 1.) '
1IERErltaE BE t:'14TKp AVb•1T IS
11E111 1.1 1ifTEli !Ills MI Nth
A(AIHYY'B 1 )1 'r�tltarnfi `cAult
�1'�''ryt-Tale Gtlf1.11. se. tulMwa :
7111 ve, Wt Bun. .r ^{{w• Ho **. Mittelplant and melon* he the geld rhe
Terri r-ing ia- 1 o'er pin Cntn{.wty
t idol at • lel. vows- ♦',rrt Feb, no
1 for jnnntttaritirme tat
a.1y,5 !utenla there/nu or
iodate or ere,p•d or ph:e
1�d•, '.11111 be for a period
•hlnruetna ,r•'nt Vic bra d4,�
I, l+aes*Ptl for an.. r„11( .L•t''1
•nl l t••a at ton hill . , rti�L,�y. it
• '1)01/1, buttlie:•i -11,...4,111P/711N-
111 srfi.A,r Dunes.... other
NW.. l an,,
111biu Ibr,
155.4. said
r it i il'11h
r Jahn
0 et) herein pr.• 1 Fie
/ nb* 1• 'grant
' m the rtaNlltfrwl th+l If the nthnbnt
I / perms,gayy. ,•n : l' '•tl bynlerlrhh
8) al me,- T'iw,u 't 1 1:Iun
1rIR1 na sald snt1111Il.1'' 2
1 •h II below the 'mother .,• , v
i r syr it ,ae M nr '.P al le .•.. ten rhe-. 1,,• t.
1, 110' $bolt PPP Mr,. 0,1 deg n nn t
M 'eta aloes, or in alteration
�1. •b''- Yar- a 1rern.d err ',beta
o'tMN►n 114111 '5. ,‘,111.•11111,,,,,, 1' 1hnr nr smrb
rt • the Gln l,,, ir1Lon o•
nwA IT they pa+a a by-I1w
110 11 !u Hoeft II In the late pay,•r,
i 1' F, tt _11'11* by taw and w/MArgwnla
ohllRatOws.l, ' lh r l.ref retllniti 11 tel• ll.
Mvnlclpal Corp.irstlon by reason M Vino
TAKE NOTICE that the above et a true
!!• ^ p, onn'NI by-law o. hien ha.; beer
takeninto consideration, and %filch will
• w
No., pa.0 by the Council of the
Yauic.lpaltty 0 the eveof sent u1
the -I mI re. helnC11obtainentd ththerreta,,sl aft',
:::oembenrio.1111.from lee neat {1[[Itbliralion 1,
e eodeh Star newspaper tthe date of
sMrh pueauon w -aa thhe eth day Of De
Ieesehoklera qualified under the p YIttom
of the Mtuntcipol Act, Section 25;1. 8. 3
Ir. required ten days before the M
vnnna kt 111' with me a statutory des ra-
bon ut qualineatlon, otherwise their n
fedi not appear on the Voters' LIN f
such ioIii, r.
'i •' 11TIIFfl TAKE NOTICE that the
votes or Pie electors of ole said Town of
•• vn will tie taken on the *alit pro
Po •'d by -late nn the day MINI by Statute
tor 'the Welton of corm -Moro, for the yelp
1 rel. namely .11 Inc and day of January-
nn Friday, the 11s1 day of December
Ind the Maier of the *ail Town will at-
tend at the t ,nmril Chambers of the Said
Tnwn nt t ., o'clock In the forenoon. M•
A Useful
Christmas Gilt
Manes are often broken or
lost at greet Inconvenience.
An Extra Pair
as n. Christmas gift to your par-
ents, sister Or friend would canse
them to remember you when you
are far away.
We ean supply a scientific ex-
amination and the hest Clewes
that can ie purchased at a reas-
onable price.
Quality and Service Our Motto
Optometrist Eyesight Specialist
Gray -Dort and Studebaker Motor Cars
Let us give you a demonstration with these Cars
before you decide on your spring purchase.
Leave your Battery' avid! us this winter to be as-
sured of a good Battery in die spring.
Bring in , your Car to have it overhauled this
winter. You know that it has not had the pep that it
should have had this fall, and a general overhaul will
put it in first-class order for spring.
le 1aa
Noru ■
loos ni r
credita s
eNote o
r11at, at t
Mar bel
mature of
epoch vel
AND ac;
fit day
o f thea
tribute t
among L
mrd only
sauce. ■
for said a
of whose
N dist rib
A. un
\The roads are good and you are still driving, but
don't take chances with your Radiator, If it freezes
it is expensive. Have it -filled with
and protect it.
Yonge and Chutes Su., Taranto.
Accountancy. stenography. typewriting.
secretarial commercial teachers and general
improvement courses; SOpennr in•Iructinn
in all departments ; kern demand for our
graduates. Write for particulars.
W.). ELLIOTT. Principal.
Beauty, Service
are the attrlbntas of our har-
ness and accessories. Every-
thing from the full net of har-
eems to the lightest blanket le
mode to look good, to *ear well
and to fwd right. We eater to
the horse end hit owner's satin-
fa,'Oen with the beat hareem,
etc. to be had and at prices
which preclude competition.
■u.n , Haaldltes St.
i 1T:rt l 'rUil
Ila t ,_ •ri
VV NETHER selling, buy-
ing or shipping grain
or live mot*, the Bank of
Hamilton will take care of all
your financial transactions for
you. Careful attention to de-
tail and courteous treatment
are features of Bank of Hamil-
ton service at all times.
Goderich Branch -A. J. MacKay, Manager