HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-12-9, Page 4:•mo00-14. j.. 4—Thursday, December, 9, 1910. Ready for Christmas Trade . Gifts for Men and Boys in Clothing and Furnishings Only two weeks to Christmas. You will no doubt be thinking what you are going to give. The best place to get men's gifts is in the man's store and no better place can be found than this store—we have the stock, we have exclusive goods, the same vs you get in the best city store. NECKWEAR THE SIGNAL A BUSINESS CHANCE AT DUNGANNON W. H. McClure has moved to the corner store, lately occupied by Mr. N. J. Treleaven, and will carry on business,with new and up-to-date lines of GRQCERIES (cents' Furnishings Ready-made Clothing Goad Stock of Underwear Flour, Feed, Salt, etc. You dill find it to your interest to purchase your supplies at MIcC LUR E'S IWe have this line exclusively for Goderich. Be sur closes 0 this range, Our neckwear prices run -from 50c to X3.00. `Also a big stock of Gloves, Shirts, Pyjamas, Hosiery, •Cecksch,rfs, suspenders. Underwear;' Bathrobes, Smoking Jackets, Coat Sweaters, Suits, Overcoats, etc. w7r.•' , ('all a rly and you will get, the best selection. SPECIAL ORDER DEPARTMENT 2 Per Cent Discount on all Special Orders in 20th/ ntury Brand during December and January. Walter C. Pridham Phone 57 GODERIC N MR. N. F. WiIl•.%RD is the agent for THE SIGNAL at Dungannon. Orders left with him for subscrip- tions. advertisements or job print- ing will receive prompt attention. Telephone (Goderich Rural) r39. Thursday, Dee. 9. Remember the bazaar and entertain- ment to he given by the Ladles' Aid „f Erskine church on December 15th. 1 The bazaar will open at 4 p.m. Re- fre.hments will be served from 8 to .s o'cl wk, after which there will be a sop's! evening and egtertainment, one of the chief features of which will be, a humorous debate. A large attend- aider is expected. Iter. R. l'. Copeland, of Lucknow, conducted missionary service. In the Methodist church last Sunday. The Dungannon pastor. Rev. A. V. Walden,' took lir. l'opeland's appointments, Mr. Geo. 1'3111a•ell has reeelved word that his win George la in hospital to the North country with scarlet fever and ton.silttL.I. • Mr. Ellis Shtthers, of Toronto, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr: and Mrs.; Thos. Stothe.rs. 11r. H.-11. Duff, who has been in poor health for sonde months. is not getting on as well as his friends would wish., w -e hope to have better reports of him soon. . Mr. and Mrs. 11. J. Beninger and family, of 1Vingllam, spent two or Baptist Church Montreal Street — mamas PASTOR Rev. J. E. McCauley l i-1 A. Nt. SV%BJECT "Religion in the Home Life" r' 1'. NI. SI;BJr:LT "What Must l Do 77 CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS You are cordially invited Slippers for Every Member ilf :dei of the Family A pair of slippers makes a very suittlble gift. • It is seasonable, durable,..lasting, in that they keep th4 receiver ever in mind df that enjoyable season, Christmas, and also the one who gave them. ,.. A PAIR or SHOES Wlrstt could be more appreciated? h y x., A PAIR 0? OVEROAITEBB For even, women and children. — A TRUNK, SUIT OA1111 OR OLUBBAG Are most suitable al Christman gifts. ShopfiEarly Christmas Pictures GODERIOS, ONT. three days with ti"louagaunon erheus is this week. . Mrs. Thos. Finugttu returned last weeI m n ho.pttsh where she underwentfroanLOdo op•ratiu. ICs are glad Li' be able to report that .1 I. much lmprovcrl In . Mrs. John Elliott is confined to the house with a sprained Utile. Mrs. Robert IMvld,,,u.i: visiting et Gotlertch ebbs week. Raymond Bror4•n and John Enloe' I ton lett on Wednesday for New Ontat- lo, where they wilt tt,•rk during the winter. lira. Wm. Sproul ,las at Wingham on Tuesday to *Gnat the, funeral of her brother, Mr. J. 11 114. ox, a form- er residept of Winglivii. ttlin died at his home at London 'on Stivaay. The , last sit years the 11,,,..i -ed had been stcretary of the Ounuio 'Travellers' , Asaotl tion. LOYAL. Tn.•-day. Dec. T. Mrs. D. Ferguson. ..f the ,county town. Is visiting her brother. Mr. John Young,' for a couple .•f weeks. We are glapd to ser oar ...hoot teach- er, Miss McArthur, able t., take her place again after -a frit _days off on account of the acci,kT r reported In The Signal last week. Miss. McAr'tttur is doing good work herr :uta we hope she will remain for an..tia r year. The township tax . • 11.. -tor. Mr. A. J. Goldthorpe, Is on ;n. ',ulnas. The ratepayers do not 11k.- r'. • increase fn the taxes this year. teir',-a farmers' gorernmi•nt In power 'lcy thought there was going to Is .. roomy. but it tanks as if such Is not flu i-*' 0. The oaring Of the apple crop WM. a tedious job, but It Is ti :;•:...I now. and the.fall plowing Is pre.-ri,•ally finished hat Land the farmer., .till b' able to draw a few eomforta,•'.• hn•,ths. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin -I• :tad Mrs. More* left last week •-a their return to' their home in Mkhigii after spend- ing several months wit'. ,h •ir relatives In these parrs. the lawn, Icing sisters of Mr. Wm. McPhee. They intend to be back here again next year and will be Wa rplly welcomed. Miss Grate Gliders, a pnt.il of No. 1, Colborne, has r.• . itel from the county representative of the Depart- ment of Agriculture a ("Trident'. of honor in recognition of her winning the greatest number r.t-p;dnts In that &shoot at the township schr.nl fair held in September last. A pine Gift Aetomwledged,-A social evening was held at the township hall on Tuesday evening of last week In honor of Mrs. Mores. who has been spending several111ppp000nth. here with her brother. Mr. Will M PIa'P. and who has presented (4m1'• iTill Presbyter- ian church with a htnrlsome Estey organ: The eon u. of Smith's fill) was well repress , .-I mild a pro- gram of songs and sl'\ --hes was ear- ned nut. the pastor, it. •. R. J. Rot". acting *w chairman. Mr Mores w.' presented with an adds. expre.-ing the gratitude of the r„ng •gartnn for her generous and han.kom gift, and she replied in a cler,•; In ler turn thanking VI., is -milk f..r-the kind welcome they ha•l given. ler on her return to herd 11..m.sod..mi' rn mnn- Ity sod her Old n,.• • fi r. h.\\\\\Mr.. Mores left here a young girl a tit fifty years ago to lite in th., t'n ',1 Stats. She left last IVeln••-lay ,r her home at Plymouth Mi), but tends to come back agidlineat sum mer. The new organ,' which is a very ane herr: meet, was Ilret timed In Smith's Hill chervil on Sunday, Nov- ember 2Rth, Mi,-• Jean Young being the organist for the cengregatlonal nen. eices end Mr. -Frank f Lark for ti., Sunday school. Da Y`'t I LLAR ft SON "The Scotch Store” OBiTI'ARY. 1''iMi111R.—ii rhe death of Mr.. l+aur Fisher t.,!.‘ district has lost one. of its oldest '•.Identm. Mr. .Fisher a'as lstrn In rolls.rne township In 1x)1, and lievI in that township until tine years :lg.,. wtu•n he moved to G.sl.•rtuh. Fitly -.Ix years ago he trrrrrrte•d t brei.,• 7ViTf. of Tuc'kersodth, who survi' 'hien. Iteslde& his widow hr haves ta, '.,rw. ,Throb, of Colborne, ull Joseph. .,f I:n,h'rlch, and one daughter. 1:Iiza . rh. at borne, and two grantlehildren. it irvey and Mildred Fisher. Mr. F'r.ti••r .hltd four brothers .tori four .i.r. r• I'ciipg abd.one b:otlier proleveea d- MT. About two weeks 1 f nee lila de,trh 1,.. met with a painful o id,•nt by wl ' h he had a eager off and hP i,anri badly lacerated. The .hock was r„i nni'h for him at hi: adn;ne•erl aur• ..•1 hr• died o, Thuraidn}'. low•etul•• r i d. 1le wam htlrled in (444,nrnni,en1i, ', rev on Saturday last. Rev. .1. P. tt•yeraft emelnetIng the .'raises ;,'t the heetwe and the grave. Thr Foresters til.,. took part In the burial service. Mr. Fisher was of a mnlrt• kindly dialseation, of sterling •ha racier. 11e was never demonetra- ire, but was of that solid type to hetet toric erittntrr owns a great debt. was a .member of the Comedian der of }'ousters. and a lifelong !^tls•r of the W11,odiat church. be- areglllar ,ltteud:utt of Victoria HERN'S BOOT SHOP 'glee Renta Clark, daughter of Dr.1 W. T. Clark, who has been practising her profession as aurae at Toronto, has removed to Maltreat, where the will be engaged In raveled mei-vice work f• eo•ssctlos with It. Oolambe House, • ttmbybMaa fastttt.ttsa. It's the Pictures that give character to your home. The stateliest mansion world not attract yon, if no pictures adorned the walla. Give your friends an artistic Picture this Christmas, it will give them the moat lasting pleasure of any gift. We have an exceptional show- ing of meritorious Picture*. Also a beautiful line of rhrtgtrms ' Cards and Booklets. Other goods too numer- ous to mention. Merry Christmas Mr. and Mrs. T. C. McKenzie, Miss Rutherford and Mr. A. C. MacVicar, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Mc- Cormick and Miss Carlyle, of Brant- ford; and Mr. and Mrs. N. Dietrich, of Fjorsdale, were In town for the fun- eral of the late Mrs. James IgaeVleer. B Ixes r 'neiitg price from 40c to $6.00 .' 't Chocc'. lit Creams ant' T 'A.-11 Try our 'n Fady. S makie— it's s tn• .n. City Dai- t ' ; .si Bricks aka 1. . OIVR vTS-- I—r----- Do Your Christmas ShoppingEarly THE STORE FULL OF PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS Again this Christmas season the selection of useful and practical Gifts will predominate. For many months past we have been planning to get together the best stock of Practical Gifts for Personal\ Use or for the Home. , 1` Gloves the Acceptable Gift Gloves are always a safe gift, for no matter how many pairs a person gets another pair never comes amiss. Perrin's Guaranteed MS. Kid Gloves . in black, white and colors, in fancy box. Per pair $3.50 Kayser Chamoisette `Gloves These Gloves make a most accept- able gift. They come in black, white and colors. Per pair $l.35 Queen Quality Lonnig. Silk Gloves A much appreciated gift"is a pair of Queen Quality long silk Gloves for evening wear. Per pair $225 Queen Quality Niagara Maid and Kayser Silk Gloves -- . in black, white and colors, 11.25 to 12.50 per pair. Newest Creations in Waists The most charming Waists are here for your Christmas shopping and \aIl bought recently at the reduced prices. They come it. dainty Georgette, Crepe de Chene and Jap silk, also some hand- some Voiles. Colors are white, navy, taupe, etc. These Waists make most acceptable gifts. Priced as low as 13.95 .op. Leather Bags and Purses more popular each season. What is nicer to get than a nice leather Handbag or Vanity Purse. We are showing the very newest designs. Many are fully fitted. They are priced from $2.00 sp. Table Linens Table Linens The much appreciated gift is Table Linen, or a piece of fancy Linen. Every woman prides herself on her Linens. We are showing some real Linen sets, Tablecloths and Napkins. Rich double damask. From 130.00 set. Fancy Linen in all styles at keenest prices. Handkerchiefs There is no more popular gifts than Handkerchiefs. You can send one or a dozen. They will go nicely in a letter and nobody ever has too many. From the plain hemstitched at 16c each to the beautiful Venice lace at 12.50 each. Furs—The Ideal Gift Furs are the ideal gift. We are showing some very smart pieces in Hudson Seal : and Australian Opossum in the newest styles that will make handsome presents. McLintock's Down Quilts A superb gift for the home is one of these celebrated. English Eiderdown Quilts. They are as light as a feather and as warm as toast, in a beautiful range of coloring. Prices from $22 to $35 Now is the Time for Shipping Your Christmas Gifts to Your Friends Overseas. Quality Merchandise at Lowest Prices. a street church lip to the time of his ac- cident. Ile was a very likeable man,' and will be missed most by those who knew him Crest, MacVicAR.—Many friends learned with deep regret of the death of Mar- garet Rutherford, beloved wife of Mr. i James MacVicar, which occurred on Wednesday, December let, after a painful lilnese borne with patient en- dnrance and true Christian fortitude, unselfishly withholding from her fan- ily the keen pain she was suffering. Mrs. MaeVic•ar, though of Bcottish par- entage, her father and mother being natives of Dnnfrtesshlre, belonged to n well.knnwn family of Blackburn, England, the 'welting representative* of which are Mrs. W. Eyrie. 2 St. Al. Rana Place. and Sir John Rutherford, Baronet, M.P., who has represented the Damen division of Lancashire, England. for the poet thirty years. Mrs. MacVlear'e parent*, the late Mt. and Mrs. David Rutherford, came to God- erich with their family In 1861, and were well known to the older genera- tion here. Some years later, Margar- et Rutherford was married to levees MacVlcar, of town, and the surviving children, sotto, with him, mourn the East St. Phone 198 loss of a dearly loved and devoted I wife and mother, are Margaret, George, airs. F. R. Reddltt, havld, Ilene, Mary, James W., of town, and Lllllas, of Welland. %%hen deep anxiety and sot- ' raw came during the war, when her' youngest son was severely wounded, ' and a witch -loved niece, Nursing' Sister Mary Anges McKenzie, lost her life when the hospital ship "Llandovery Castle” was torpedoed, followed by the death of her son -in-law, these tribula- tions were endured with qulet resigna- tion to the will of her Heavenly Father. , The deceased was a member of Knox church. The funetal took place from the family home on Friday afternoon to Maitland cemetery, Rev. James Hamilton ollclating, The pallbearers : were Messrs. Alex. Chrystal, James ; Mitchell, Thom. McKenzie, J. 11. Ed- ward. Oswald Sturdy and Wm. Waite. Many beautiful floral tributes bore testimony to the sympathy felt for the *wrowtng brafsted and family, and to the regard with which the deceased , was held, among them being • crescent from Knox church Sabbath achool, and ' a wreath from the staff of Welland public achools. Weide* the husband and children, other members of the family who mourn are: Wm. Ruther- ford, of Roston, Mass., brother; Mrs T. C. McKenzie and Miss Rutherford, of Toronto, sisters; Mrs. John Carlyle, of Brantford, and Mrs. Alexander Carlyle, of fcdlnhurgh, Scotland, .1*. term -In-law ; A. C. MacVicar, of Throe. to, nephew, Mrs. Terrance Quinlan, of Stratfetd, i visiting at the home , f h r parents, Mr. and Mrs James Yous.g, of Loy* Wiring of all kinds up-to-date for Telephones, Burglar Alarms, Police Patrol ;fthd Fire Alarm Systems. Private Residences and Business Places -a specialty. All Work Guaranteed, Rleotrlc Irons. Toaslen, Drills, Fane, Vacaom Cleaners, Wasalag Machines. Flaahligiate a n d Batteries of all kinds always on hand. Ring up 1'1 or 191 sad have us give you an estimate oak your wiring. It will belles. ghR Robt. Tait Nest Suess Nen Pewe/fies f eines—Shap 1t Bowe 191