HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-11-25, Page 6THE MOM HUNGRY BUT DAR EN'T EAT Me "Pape 9 Diapepsin" and eat favorite foods without fear •.-...-.-.-•--.«.....-.,....e..-.-.- Your meas hit back! Your stomach is t,osar. acid, gassy and you feel bloated (ter eatiag or you have heavy lumps Otter ioldyprsttoa ps or headache. bat never p. lad. Mere is instant relief. Doty% day meet! Eat a tablet of g'ape's Diapapaiti and immediately the Aadegcl.tiou, gases, acidity and all •tom- ich distress caused by acidity ends Pllpe's Dispepain tablets are the sweat. quickest stomach relievers is tho world. They cost very little at drug po seas or woman who eaia mamint rip' 'arty a make • mistake by d the kidaeys occasionally. says • wel - know* sutbority. Merit forma brio acid which clogs the kidney pores so they =aleggishly alter or strain only part of W wean & pOIaOas from the blood, thea you gat sick. Nearly all rheuma- tism headaches liver trouble, nervous- ness. constipation, dizziness, sleeplessness. bladder disorders cows from sluggish kid - semi The momma you feel a dull ache in the kidneys or your back hurts, or if the urine is cloudy, offensive, full of sedi- ment. irregular of passage or attended by a sensation of scalding. get about four ounces of Jad Salta from any reliable pbermacy and take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act tine. This famous salts Is rale from tar acid of grapes and lemon juice. sone lined with lithia and'bas been used for generations to flash clogged kidneys and stimulate them to activity. also to neu- tralize the acids in urine so it no longer ceases irritation, thus eading bladder die- m -dere. Jad Salts M inexpensive and can• wt injure: makes a delightful effe - vaseeat lithia-water drink which all reg. igli sitar moat eaters should take now and then to keep the kidneys clean and the 1 1 I.Iwd pure, thereby avoiding serious kid- Inn w,•t• oomutkatioaa DANDERINE THE TOWN COUNCIL. Huron Specially (Outing Co. Submits a 1'ropositiou---Question of (00- etruct• of Storm Sewers to Re- reite Altrolion -Other nosiness Beene Regular Mertiug. All the a"•lut„•rs were present ut tiremtrtiug of Sur town ou Fri• l.ty evening A hgter from J. S. Allen asking for the 'vivito of his igcome tax fur 191!11, was referred t1, the t•otlrt of reel/don. an be is asse..:Med as a non-howlehokler, Applications ions from Messrs. 1'. I.. Moore all/! James Buehawan for build- ing permits ,were referred to the are commit -toe Mr. Buchanan plans to 1.u11(1 m two-story house ma his lot cm the north nide of Nelson street. .t, communication was received from the Ilurou Specialty ;Fasting Co.. of Clinton, with , reference to est a(dishing s foundry in (;oderieh. The condition; stat- ed are That the towu furnish a fro site and erect a building accenting to plan., furni.ht.1 by the Company, ate- ceptiug easy terms of pnymitlt; and that the town exempt the property front_taxation for at Mast tea years. This proposition was refer committee of the whole council, t0 meet the members of the Company at IToronto Huns Oid DopeAssociation. Thr annual meeting of the Huronold (toys A*auclatlun of Toronto will Ire hold fu room 14, t.M.l'.A. Building, 40 College street, Toronto, ou Monday evening. 21)th• last., at 8 o'elol•k, for the elet•tlon of offltwrs and the trans- action of general business. Au ad- dressor on "Huron ltetulniat•enceti' will he delivered by Rev. .1. A. Robinson of St. t'hlllp's church, NAAA/1111e,olna AAA/1111e, a former Huroulte. Addresses will alae by given by promltwut uu'wlx es of the Awtoe•latlqu• Uefreslimeuts will be served at the close of the Meeting. • ' EE LVL a seams LIMITED TORONTO lunudry on, East street ; 15. A• 11141 lanes.. shed, end workshop ou Brutestreet: It O'Brien. garage on Albert street: 11. L. Widmer:, repairs to dwelling Du' ('tetou street, and to dwelling ouSouth street; H. Dunlop Estatee, reroofing stores i on Wes street ; Thus. Sandy, mirage ou Wolfe sit. The metric committee reported that the tuw'n'a. share of interest on the l).W.S.It. inrestwcet fund. awouuthug to $1.2'0. bad been received from the ctrl Sq Toronto General Truett Ccirporanitn and au anter for $lam of 1934 Vic- tory Itvuds 11:10 leen Issued. the call oaf the Mayor, Tito ,.sortie' cummltteee retrtmmtlid('tl Applications from the Bell Tele- that no action be taken .tat prevent on phone t'°. for pe•rmisalon to place'pole0 i the city of Wellatul's suggestion that and wires ea Quebec street. west of uuilor trucks be suhjet•t to a municipal Wellington, on Viteoria street and ou Iicrltw lo addition. to the Provincial Newgate •R1rrl--were public works committee. A letter from the McCarthy- Aero Service Limited, of Toronto, annuli - ting an eularged phmto. of Goderk'h and inviting the council to purchase same at a price of $10, was rent to the enaneee committee. A request from the Muskoka free hermits! for a grant was sent to the finance committer. A letter from the secretary of the Canadian' thee, Waterways sad Power .t'saeiat' , asking the council to send delegate, to the convention to be held at Toronto De et•mber 10 and 17. was referred to the special Com- mittee. t Some of . the . eouocillora t dist as no detegetm stent' be sent a referent* to the committee waw un- *ssary, lwt..othess- co as a take port Goderiiti should take some inter-st in the Hatter. An invttatjou to the council to seta MEN'S BANQUET. Seem Gathering al Vittoria Street ('buret Leat* to Men's Federation. The men's j:Iltbering hold lis Victoria strei4 Melhislist chatrh uu IVis1tws- day evening WAS a great sutr'ess. At the invitation of the Ladle,/ of the ehnr•h, the men mot together for the banquet, aloin 12.1 wen sitting down to a splendid supper. A short wusical program followed, which consisted of solos by Mr. W, ftwagk`ld. Mr. E. Belcher and Mr. A. Mclkoipald: duets by Metiers. ttonley and Mew, Hutt Messrs. E. Belcher and Harry Barker. Mr. Harry Starker played the no- ;riup*nierents. iter. David Wren, M.A... of Mount• Forest, delivered a wonderful died in- spiring outdrew on the subject : -What Would happen If :fou Meu of •(;ud- The public works eommittee re- ported that the construethin of the Mt—Donald street fewer would be ,eom- plett-4l in a few days: that the roof of the town stelae+ at the rar.of the town hall wens being rebuilt. and that the rutin *ewers were is'ing flushed and cleated cart for the winter. •These reports were all adopted. Cunneillok Moser said that a num- ber of street tees about town were to he cut down. but nothing had been done about it., ole proposed thkt erich• Began b Work for Galt" After the address the pastor, Rev. J. F. Iteyeraft, called upon the men to support ham in the organization of it Mean. Federation. and by u standing vote they ell decided to too so. Ot eers were thew *looted.- 14 fMlowa • P[Paf- dent, G. H. Itall; secretary, R. H. Reid; treasurer, C. Sanderson; clown - tire. Will McLean. Clyde tarter, E. Belcher. - Bert Stuuleron. - Votes of thanks were heartily ten-� dered to the speaker of the eveping and to the ladies who so generously provided the supper. Everybody present` proclaimed the evening *great. sucesta The monthly meeting of the Gisler - Woolen's Instituto will be held at the home of Mrs. Swanson, Bruce street, next Thursday, December 211(. This will be •'(;ralIlwothers' Day" anti a large attendance Ie rtxpuestetl. IF YOU WiSH TO SAVE be CENTS ON YOUR NEXT PEAR'S Sl•B- SCRiPTION TO THE SIGNAL. PLEASE RENEW NOT LATER THAN NOVEMBER 3e. No Chance is Roast` Him. A woman Is terribly disappxoint'1 if a man doesn't make a fool of him- self after she's let lilm have his own way. -Roston Transcript. Yen I'nderstatld. •'A pound of butter, please." - "The best?" "No,_the cheapest, please. My hu - hand's hand's a professional Vii% " lleT--u laborer." -Judge, Dad's View. The Pastor -..Sat God hag sent you two more little brothers. Dolly?" Dolly 1 brightly )-"Yee, and He knows where the money le coming Toutcmuch time by stop - from'. too. 1 heard Daddy say so." ping your wah. OBITUARY. • MacIVOit.-Frow The St. Clair (Michlgau) frets of- Novetulwr 10th, we take the ifollowing obituary notice referrlug tt,t� a [urwer Gealerlch girl: M ias Atl)ta laalelle Marlow. tiled Friday night, November . 12111, after u two weeks Illness of typhoid fever and pneumonia. .hiss Maclvor was * trltined ansa•. herr on her vacate' wIlen She was called to care for Mrs. Louis Froh, the daughter of August Whenits, who was ill with typhoid. She re,poudexd to the cull and In nurs- ing airs. Froh coutraeled the disease, but sta)011 un the l'Hxr until after she I$c4111ltx, Wile waa 111 with typhoid. MSAs hinclvor was Zorn lteeemlWr 12, 1.ti15, at Gislerlt•h, (tut., and was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ikit*ld Mae - Ivor of that place. Some time after the death of her father, her mother married ('apt. T. Emig 111 1910 and the family then came to St. Chile to live. Thr deceased has five brothers, Murdoch Muelvor, a manor; Donald Maclvor, a student of Albion college. and Joshua Heti Tryon Maeivon and John Emig, of St. ('lair, and two slaters. Tena Maclvor and Pearl Ewlg of this city. Miss Maclvor Ham * high iehtM I pupil here and Inter studied nursing and graduated as such In June, 1919, I from the Itattie !'reek Sauitarlum. She was a member of the M. E. clwr'h end was held in high cateeui by all who knew her. The funeral WAS held from the house Monday at 2.34) p.m. and was conducted by Bev. F. B. Juknston. Miss Muth Montgomery. et JMitthe Creek, and Miss Antes Train, of Port Huron. as nurser to can' for her and the Mimes Helen Summers and Vir- ginia Pyle. also Battle Creek nurses, were here for her funeral. 1f you were told of a new discovery forth treatment of roughs. Dolts sad bronchitis. as certain In its sena on all chest troubles as anU- tozia is on diphtheria.or vaccination on small -pox, wouldn't you feel like giving it a trial? Paps is the discovery! Pape are little tablets, cootaisiog certain medicinal ingredients, which, when placed upon the tongue. immedi- ately turu into vapour, and are at once breathed duwa the air passages to the lungs. On their jouruey, they soothe the inflamed and irritated memhraoes of the bruuchial tubes, the delicate walls of the air passages. and finally enter and carry relief and heading to the lungs. In a word. while no liquid or solid am get to the lungs and air passages these Peps fumes get than direct. and at coos commence their work of healing. TRIAL L Cat o u 1 this tomisim- article, write across it the pane and date of this paper, and mail it (with lc. stamp tepay reu,ra P ostage) to Peps Co.. Toronto. A fres trial packet will then be sent you. All druggists and stores sell Peps, bdc. bog. elegates to tll< 'extern ()ntari Trltde, to be 1 Stops Hair Corning Out; Thickens. Beautifies- annual meeting of tilt• !'pitied Boards' of al Chaffinm ou her ltd, was \referr-d to the .ateci1tI committee. The ere committee reported ap- proval t the ',ism. of I.uildiug permit,: as follu*l`i: 1'. 11. Kuce•.,haw, rrptelrs to dwellir` on Newgate street Mims Bnrritt, lea to dwelling on \r- eferet: ('has. ('opp, repairs to dwe'llit on .as a , Tel' Ilan, re ted to keep the W4 Mt it they would attend to the cutting down of the tree Mayor W.Igie mentioned the fact that there 1s a joint ownership In t -a ekt*etr-eotslt-hut-Isestore a tree' without the consent or the t'or- loratlo0. and the corporation could remore-lt-..IthoM the -tonge'nt of the owner of the property adjoining. The matter was refernxl to the public wot•k, .owmittie'. Councillor Knight reported for the fnel eammitte e, Mating that a tae of coal had leen receive) and that it had been pretty .well distributed, .It was difficult to got wood. but ties hod siev- oral offers of Croat amt, the price was down.' Dr. ('lark askedabout the gravelling tillb•*hould he clone. and tie road to the ,ridge should be Improved. Itioss Wallis said these things had not bre uverlookt-•1. but the works staff had -• n hti'ty with other work. A few' rents buys "i)anderiae." .After 1 1 -. to few applications you eannot fund a j . $6 7./ 5 —mai —fitlrn hair or any dandruff, hriiideis -ryeny hair shoo.* new life, vigor, bright. I ! xne.s, more .v,Ior nod abundance_ ►' !� DRINK HOT TEA 1 Oct a attlall package of Hamburg Breast Tea •at any pharmacy. Take a tahleapoontul of the tea, put a cup of bailing water upon it, pour through a sieve and drink a teacup full at any time during the day or before retiring. toutimossim__ 11 is the most effective way to break es cold and cure grip, as it opens the pores of the akin, relieving congestion. Mao loosen. the bowels, tine breaking tip a cold. _ - - _ - - - - Try it the next time you suffer front a cold or the grip. it is inexpensive and entirety vegetable, therefore safe and harmless. These -44* s o.rc-Ere. "v and extremely smart and ar selected (rout our regular stock. Specially reduced for Friday and Saturday at $6. T5 do the work 'ntiont-d by Dr. Clark. the patlrllc works prices nod report. The imtttingt - Ing of the.ehtnetery s'•ston tags tett In the Itarids of the temeter an chit tiominittivs Mayor Wigle said the town wo have to fatee.tllc-nutttu' rd submitting�1 bylaw for the ennstrvrttmr of sterns Sere. 11e asked floe the puldic r_t .committ(O,_gI e_,tame. ■tteatlou. to th A tit . rending wax given bylaw No. 34. the bylaw :granting a fixed as - merriment to the Western ('a nada Flour Mills h Jtt_.to .be submitted al the Jouna elections. 'Ale council eluded its business abet-Adjtinrned b:•'ore 9 o'clock. ,i \ • At the entertainment in North street Methodhit church Tuesday even- ing -the nerd of Its kind to be given in Gotlrb•h-the admission will be only '25 rents et uaitttee to get GETTING REAI)V FOR HO('KEV. 6athusiludie Organization Meeting Held Tuesday Evening -Two O. H. A. Team.. --- There was It larg1• ,yttendance it the ho -key org:Inizattlon meeting at the town hall on Tuesday evening. the .. a fitamber lora • - ' ded--- tLuxiaam w..s at n high pitch, throw wt that bocke: Ilan a great hold in Clod- trick_ to rat _romisln_ well for a sermon at the favorite -name: The treasurer's report. too. waa ew- courntring, instead of the usual deficit there being an fetusi eesti surplus of $29.93. Mr. W. J. Buchanan. who of treasurer last year performed this feat In bnaneinit. reported reeeelpts of $390.30 anti expenditures of $909.37 for the year. Officers were riveted for the coming aeax/11 ax fuliows: President-�J . fieetor Hays. 1 II e-premhleRt-A. L. Cole. fie notary-tt mnrrr-W. J. Bach• anon. . i-mbeT lt. Tltompem�L rs of executive-lteg. Whir - mat, Capt. i.d. Robinson: Will Craig. Mr. H. Preston String, of Toronto. wax named es the clnl:.r delegate tot the 0. Ii. A. ,tnrr•ing. The of9cer* ;ite intimate with the an.l with the material in view, prospects for, tine lea0op are reg* as vel brignt After coashter. • diecnaaionjtt wog derided to enter ., eth junior IFnd in - thee O. H:AO bet teams to be again -te management On mourn of M - or Wigle, the meet- ing ..tans-oo. n,•ar=- _ea In facer 01 the formation of a to u league and Mr. J. W. Fl.t,.•r wee ppointed convener to arrtnfee for a i eatingto organise C. T. A. Ali' a 1• w league 'omen or Canada Who a estify Bosh Soreness from joints and muscles ' with a small trial bottle of old co —T =� St. Jabs Oil Atop "dosing" Rheumatism. it's pain only; not one case is fifty requires internal treatment. Rub Booth•ob tag, penetrating "3t, Jaoa Oil" right oftthe "Gender spot, and by the time • yoe any. Robinson -out Jack Robinson—ut comers the ,Aentnatie pain. 'St. Jacob', Oil" i* a harmless rheumatism euro which sever dtaappp{weints and doein't burn the akin. it takes pain, sorenese and stiff - sees from aching pinta, muscles and homes; stops sciatica, lumbago, backache, wrorrtla. IAmbss opt Get a 35 colt bottle of old-time, bonnet "9t. Janob. Oil" from say drug store, and in a moment you'll (te fres from pain, aches and stiff- ness. Don't stiffrheumatismb rheumatism away• pmttrlasum me— --- — - flir a am M I. T , Sigma remorseDo yon feel at "slue* and remorse to- day? You are bilious, nonslip*trill Yoe feel headachy, full of cold, unst.nmg. Your meale don't At breath i* had, akin mamisa allow. Take (lrets tonight for your liver and bowels and wake up clear, ray and cheerful. No griping no ineonven- knee. (>1lildrea lova (Jasear'ats to,. 10, M,Aeittr Ontario Tempera,:ee Aet-. Ifeetive - _.. The (lined* Gaxe.t,• of date tiovem- 'her 20 contains r prm'Ismntfon rms- pending the ()anode Temperane'e Act to this i1fetli7',if Ilcrdn. to IteloMa\(1'!t with, the petition .'1' elector* of tin county recently :nts•mltMVl at Ottawa. The coneluding lialagl'tipti of the pro- clamationla as follow*: �Therefore 1.44n -Excellency tate liov- traor-General In t'ourM•II, on the re- mend/Ilion of the $eeretnry of 14(0e., and In per'nonce of the pnevi- Aland of chapter ?1, 7-54 (h•nrgr V., *tmee referral to b pleased to sus- pend the operation of the provisions of the Canada Temperance Act in the county of Huron, in the Province of Ontario), and .both hereby 4edere the tome to he suspended. Much ntwpen- 'don to Commoner ter days after the date orf petlfe*ikm 'veered In the Canada Gazette and to continue am long As the Pror inelii law remain* ss restrictive as the ('.nada Temper- ance Act." Ateording to the *love ranee the nnrmrio Tempers two %et comes Into effect In thin county M December 1st setk or. Piro 'o telieince since nos used d m /Dour family at home and they never failed to give good remits. '•'be'Golden Medical ly,_overy' was 1.1 as a tonic and blood Ta purifier and for bron- chial trouble, and it proved excellent. 1 have personally takk-- - eGolden MM very' for bron- chial trouble, - the 'Favorite Tr'e- su*iption' to beild see up when 1 as. *a-dows . they both ware very bane- used ensused 1h. Pierce' " ts,ai r. :tract of Smart -Weed for - pain: it •-'•• oe eery good. I foal ale in leoon,me'._. 11 nt 1)r. Piens s medicines knowiotheni to he good." -MRS. CLIF- FORD 5 tiT L1iF:LI. Central Hutt Sask.:—"1 have timed 1)r. lkres's b"wife•! Discovery for a number'. of years w d nm plowed to recommend it u abb6t rte... 1 know it Asa no equal, am as i us it fat my boy for tuberculnns of the bins- loin' My neighbors and friends were eat .rod a ith the overlie; in fact, 1 do not thin 'Medd ha alive today had it not been Inc .• •. ,••tical Disnoverv.' i atm keep it \ ,. for roughs an it differs sn from re ''t' medicine& instead of up- settingeb as moat cough syrups do it to r the etoenarh. 1 only with 1 hast 1 lout Dr. Piemei a medicines gamer. '4. PEACY WOOD. wise e • 'ire Grob -boo Medina! Dis- covery • goosing the benefit of the Metro,axpnric • Metro,w`ome reputation grow all aro. ' .erth. 141611 more, yoer got a temper., 11.. m Leine that r.tain* not a dent, of ,..47.41 or ,Arenti.e of any kind. inng ht OP. Pierce rornbined metals valuw:d.e • tnbtc ingrr'•linntw—without the lean .•f . idiot —50 \hat his remedies always hsva beso strictly to lu se FIRM* silliallb - algeergialad 1* a .s tlttie near 8ydney, 1(11)). gpdasei agent*hs( till11111111tindstide at Turtle iefwtaia, Alberta wages and thus acquire at least a Not very many years ago a great fair part of the money needed to perk Many people looked on an education their next year college expenses. at the University s unnecessary and The second year Is similar to the perhaps even harmful for a young first, except that the work both man proposing to enter business or theoretical and practical Is more ad - manufacturing. The old professions vanced, anti these first two years are of Law, Mediciny and the Canoe same for all rrigtneertng students were. of course. different, and de- no matter what branch of the sub - mended college training: but fitness feet they propose to practice: but in for success In even the greatest In- the third year. they specialize, and dustily.' or engineering undertakings the miners give a considerable part was commonly supposed to be beet of their time to Mineralogy. Geology. gained by apprenticeship In an offlre etc. The practical work at the end or work*, and the boy who left school of this year Is still further special - at fourteen to nun errands and sweep ized and is In the form of a travelling out the office was often lauded as school. Sleeping cars are chartered having outdistanced his rich neigh- for a month er more, a diner Is en- bor who had "wasted" four or five gaged when necessary, and the wars In learning • lot of theory, and party accompanied by a 'professor with It acquired habits of luxury, and and a *mall group of competent in - a sense of his own superiority to structor*. is taken to some Important -gather men. mining district About one-fifth et The above belief was due in part the time is given to practical Mid to Ignorance of what college Ilte Geology - another fifth to visits t0 really Is, and 1n part to a failure to Ore Dressing and Metallurgical Jl.tlfgttih between the ofd and new plants, and the remainder to actual methods of teaching. Fortunately. visite to mines carefully selected in time has cleared away much of this advance so that the widest possible mieunderatanding and has proved to experience can be gained. The *tu- observant people that nothing -can dents go underground. spend their equal a scientific education u ate- tlola Wr1Telllfig. and It possible work- paratlon for any branch of relvanced Ing. with the regular miners, and each industrial work, but It le dotihtful 1f day after returning to their trasel- even now the public understands ling home they compare experiences just what is done by our Universities and write up notes, under direction in training young mos for the En- of the start. At one end of the gineertng Profession. Perhaps eo clearer Illustration of the modern method can be found than in the teach'*. of Mining En- gineering as given, for instance, at McGill. The students begin their • Course to October and spend seven months attending elaaiem In Mathe- matics. Physics, and other fundamen- tal subjects, and in carrying out ele- mentary experiments In the labora- tory. Then, after the spring exam- 1natlons.they go to a eamp in the country, and do practleal surveying for four weeks. This ends their obligatory work for the year. but they are urged to spend at least the main part of the vacation In Machine Shope or en Survey* or other en gfneering enterprise*, and It 1s sig fliflcant of the earnest spirit of the n student* that fully An p.c. d thea sad at the IWO Uop earn good school proper all of the men are given opportunities for employment for the remainder of the aslmmer. in the mines visited. and thanks+ to the broad-mindedness of our t•.aaadlaa Mine Managers (many of them old McGill gradentes) the students thus get invalnahie experience, and at the same time earn very substantial pay. The value of this very prat -timid summer school can only be fully ap- preciated when the men return to college for their fourth and final year, which la devoted to a study of the advanced technology of Minima. Matters which might otherwise be dlfflrnit to understand are quickly appreelated, the Interdependence of theory and practice are made clear. and the *Mdente complete their ronree with • more mature • oi bal- anced enderatanding of their profes- sional genie sad respoualMlitles (3) lhdeeta opRock s ock Den coals. B.C. 14 than could possibly be attalmed ny amount either of study Of r&etical work taken alone. This Mining Field School was i•• f* stltuted at McGill over twenty yarns agn a.gd has since been carred em witbodt Interruption• except that (1 was curtailed during the war. The extent of ground covered may lo t gathered from the fact that Rr$tlsk Columbia has been visited to Has• ty than ten times, Nova Scotia six. Mew foundland twice, Michigan and either United Mates mining districts three or four times, while cobalt. Perms pine, 8udbery and other nearer win- m' Ina fields, are almost always tonrlbad. 1 on the way to mere dlstaat parte. 1a The Iihistratlon* whleb *cerement this article have been chosen to Moor the lighter side of the arcurainns, and it is needles* to add that en part et the course at McGill is more popular than the "Mining Trips." •1