HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-11-25, Page 5to sa_r. 1111 . Buckley . Bronchitis Mixture , The Life Saver 75e CAMPBELL'S Soap Specials it "a'4 tt111M f 1 . See Store windows nosesesesesesawsalealleatetweAses for exceptional values in TOILET SOAPS Buckley Bronchitis Mixture The Life Saver l- 75c including •Baby's Own, Infants' Delight, Jergen's Peroxide Bath,Miss Dainty,, . Colgate's. All-round, Olive, Cucumber, Oatmeal and Cream, and Pahrolivee 1 Christmas Suggestions Presents of merit, beauty and utility and at prices that spell economy. KODAKS BROWNIE. CAMERAS =` SWAN FOUNTAIN PENS NEVF,RDULL PENCILS .mom CHOCOLATES . _ . a' , NUMEROUS SEPARATE hop_.,Eirly and Thereby Secure the Best. FRENCH IVORY MANICURE SETS FRENCH IVORY tiILE SETS THERMOS BOTTLES AN ITS AVING SETS IsF STATIONER PIECES OF FRENCH IVORY CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE "The Peastar Store" Phone 90 Next Millar's Scotch Store 2 GOn RICH - IOWA • THE SIGNAL• ilii ro, to t%.t$ •,•r p;.•;t:;> d,•, oraate,l ha pink to ,slit the talasiaul 1.y the young ladles fu eharttr of the a•vrat. Mrs. Joseph Kidd presided at the .h••l• table, her awtlatants being Miss Galt, !Ibis Helen }idd and Miss 11.11+11 Galt. The tartan present were Mrs. William f.ee, Mrs. Ilevltord, Mist Jo1111 1p alt mi, arra li shun, Mrs. Galt. alt's. titri-lot land, Mrs. Warren, Mj.s 14trlckland and M. Harrtsou. M. C. C. At Howe. An at homy" bel* pn Thursday night last at the Mrue'etnng Club rooms for the member* and their lady friends 14as a ver►v enjoy -tole function. There was a good attend- . ane ibd` everything passed off pleat witty. The winners at progressive euchre were Miss Etta Malts and Mr. 11, J. Strickler. ,After cards 11111.1 was ,C LN!t and th's was !a1101fed bj I1 dancing in the Mataouie assembly { room, the Ooderieh Society Orches- tra fuktilshluk the music. It was sou- litderably past midnight when the dancers -called it a day" and dlspt•rstd to their homes. Convicted of Perjury. Harold Showers and Jame. to ers, two young men of Wingham, we before Judge Diekson on Tuesday oil a charge of perjury in connection with a recent liquor ease. They pleaded guilty. His Honor gave them a Nev. ere lecture, pointing out the merlon's nese of the crane of perury. A peti- tion had been presented, with a large number, of sigtwture1 of Winghsm people, asking for.. leniency for the ming men, andin eonsid,•ratlon of this MIs Honor mit to sentenee tweity•tonr hours in jail and a tine of '• including M were biro required to secure a • bond' o 41.000 for good behavior fot_._.twu years. • . Honor Ron at Cobalt, ' - At the memorial servt�•e I4 �e 'b 14 W• r GODERIOH, ONT. Asthma Positive reilet is sure, rouew.d health certain. RAZ -MAH Restores normal b t - 1 fay, stops mucus-0t•De ttugs In the bronoh ai ubes, giveslona nighhta of quet sleep. lealth-building remedy, pat up n capsula, easily swallowed. pros, ribs,' by doctors, sol�1 by druggists, $1 00 a t,ox. Ask our nearest atr,ut or write us tor a fret trial pa, kage. Templeton, 142 King Wcet, Toronto. Loral Agerta--1)vdM'a Drug 64ere. -- - in SL lanes. church on 8118lay even- ing, -Seoul Master N. N. (Bourne will unveil the hatjds.tme braes memorial tablet which ctjitaine tlw names of the embers of the congregation %vim fell I the war. Mrs. 1(aniwty will unveil. th tumor roll, which has leen beauti- ful! Painted by M' s Marjorie An- tlrcwl�-ot the public *rime( staff. It commies the names of the members of the iaotgrt•gatiou who served over- Candy hisses acus, wit' spacial rulion for [hoer , who won .noes. he N.w.11.`t. band I Asst. Chocolates,all flay will play a 1'�a YarcTs an ?inns' daring the eerem.► Miss Andrews, ent lolled in the taljove paragraph 1 a Cobalt pater, els the daughter of rest:. s. Andrews, -I-formerly of t. Il On _ W ruled Se . hex. v. Vit,1lutav'nits .a ea.lht the Conway .1 udge-x--Crimiatal Court in w lc t the accused was el►argvd with Ian hadictable-In open fiif--11- gambling device at Ile Blyth fall fair. High Constabic Wit besides in, making a tour'of the fall airs came\ acroaa ttw ease, ,and they hieing no pollee, ti agistit:ttti for that sett ion sipesk -tbe r.•signatton of Magi -trate Morton of \t•inglmm the ease. tam taken tefere JMagi etcat e -Amt Canton a1.1140 as a .justice .a( this •see. The ac. ',•nsed was couimitted ur trial and w`a`s 1 eonvletcal before ,lad 1)iekson. who un M lay allowed I• m to go ot) sus- pndd a.culence.. M&Caulcys game Will; the throwing of il t•t• for a ewple I tlnll, ane of jhe gaunt. at c lee that have lately Ctuae nm er I s{s. ial atteul• of the At erne -General's I elm rt unlit. The'Tragedy at Oak .i: ... . 00. __.. Titans]. t-Jovember 25th, 1930-\-� ...,x.. SPECIAL SALE FOR WEEK COMMENCING at, ; Saturday, November 27 �t�(Jtt d11 Gold Soap 12 bars 1.04 Ivory Soap 444,14,11r- e.t,ti• �M �' 9c Hursiey Black Tea t 2 lbs iOc 11 colors 33c , White Flannelette' Underskirts /.G 98c 19c per set $1.00 per Ib. 35c rs. per Ifi: 49c MoOrch 'ow. I oze ball, all Tin Coal Shovels, long handle Fine Wool Scarf and Toque • arliaaal.WWWWWWWWWW46 tqlgairi,a10.1041121 gAD LTON ESTABLISHED 167 WNETHER selling, buy- ing or shipping grain COL live stock. the Bank of Hamilton will take care of a your _financial--traftsac t i you --Careful attention tode- i ,tail and courteous treatment are futures- of Bank 4;if Hamil- ton service at all times. BANKOF HAMILTON Goderil:b Br4akh-A. J. MacKay, Manager LOCAL TOPICS..- 1-t .. . , -- 6>-C. 1. Commencement. Titr4_C.I. w 11 held their eotntnetee- ment in Knox t•hurtli an Vridiq, t-11we- wart o etnl„•r 4 [ entertainer 1 Newton, a talented staff of G. F. Stephens Is Coikltnny at Winnipeg, is a well-known Coderich old boy. His many friends in Goderl •h are pleased to see- that he is at climbing. steetStare for Stra*ara- Representatives of the L. R. Steel- Co. teel Co. have been looking over the ground at Strattofd with a view 'to estaMtsh- In` one - of their -elms t-ef that city. Certain properties, It is 1 nhdderatood, are under consideration 1 ror the location - 14w. . 'The ladles of Knox church served high tea on Thursday evening. end scat a-tante--wrrenrhrwtr•--After- w .I. a program was given int -tinning nu rs by Misses Gibbs awl Belcher. TM. distr. and Messrs. Meikle and 'eityo gantlet Aid. hestra has The proceeds cls added a sttti, m to the funds of the ladies' Removes to Mr. T.T. Leek and family will shortly Mr. Leckie having e London-Wiugham I il service. tor unning between h he and Mrs, est in town in be rel remove to Londe been appointed to run in the railway • some years he has been Godene and Buffalo. 'stiate Fridav night. The ore Leckie_ have taken an int been steadily improving; and will be aor h affairs and their rano, .1 bearing. A debate also wall be 1.eld. 'gretted. Everybody invited=8 o'clock. Mtltgferel-McDourd. Former Mr. J= W. Armssrwag has ret ekred, ill►. T)tQ chic 1 t the dent h of Mit blew -to. Mte threes Armatrona daughter-nf Mr. and I of Chicago.. The young lady, whose parents a both former residents of --- paassed away on f4n►,dny Mat. A Gederlall Oki Boy _Tjje iii g Daily Tribune of recent date as n Ross rffirffithlWtrild- 1). McIver of that city. accompanying the narsa*Wement tai his election as president of the Sales Managers' As- sts•intiott pt Canada, to serve for two years. Mr:"lfclver, who Is on the E 'd rd Bereaved: At the Knox churchmanse on day last Her. R. -C. M Derain formed the stare y uniting Mise H•a a t- Mrthtrtaltt. n - f.' sloenti.ailat front ' date in nil -Mr - For Ivor the X -Ray Fund. ' e'er Mayor w-igle, treasurer of the Kray fund of Alexandra hospital. .ukfnoW- from the Women's InatituteThin- gunman, - g per here. sew nnnoo. Miss Idle ittot -retary-treastirer. "tit." Friday Night. The rettular meeting of the G. C. L 01000 Literary Society ell be held at .the Cot - rl Baptist Church Montreal Street .,.,w. • Sti N,D •11• NOVEMBER 28th • et •' PASTOR Rev. J.' E. McCauley 11 A /41. tPgjrcr -� • _ on in a. 'ble .,I '1 1" \ ,\ regi "What Is the easure a Successful Life?" BIBLE SCHOOL 3 1'. M. ParentsE Sent yterr-c iildiren Mr. 11. McFadyeu, w , as reporltrl in Iasi week's $ignatl, VI on Thursday news of the d,.at of- tits brother Itols•rt, In the i burn ig of his 'Atoms,. vrrivd art- .. Saturday i night alai lass written Mr , McFadyet► +1w wast event. u appsaars• tint th are broke ant at the 1 se while Mr. ab•Yadyen w+t+-a attttt-,- t att•tsltttg to go to' a party. Ile h,td I a lar_,' aunt in Victory lion s in the (n 'r and went hack to sect • It, The ii 0 le people at. the Snip• (pr,sumably tht h p, as he was not tnarrl a) call - w1 int' after he had este cd the hurts g atllding, but ht; .lid no reply The h . was completely ilos roy sad por ' u of the eharrtd hal w .re uffcrwar, and anti The tune oak • on n t•. Other mewl of -family n so lad raaehei ti►a ens • 44-ePaetyeln- d on exte ' ice pro r •; at Oaf( Itit ik, ha vim. farmed n' elf ally r Simi 0 ?Jr. i1. eFadye 1 e •, tat Innes (his week. $.T.P.U. MEETING B.P.-I - You are cordially invited - ,t 1.1 Marred at B Nan, Miss lamas rt r, tint ithe late Io-nry yr ots alai with her mot ntov..il htci• of to Ir:ici John Worsley Mugforti, also of town. Mr. William Mngfosd. bt^otber oT [fie groo T ant 311i,s Laa ]tiff! witne aert the eerem►ny. Tlw happy couple left on the afternoon C.P.R. train tor,tII Ir honeymoon 1 o trip *45n their returu viel '•Pirdt Tea' at Hotel ,Bedford. Mr. William Lane entertained Th laxly anemia at tlotel lterlford at a pita[ tea" 011 Wevines.t.y• afternoon. jiminsumonniummimumummuminummumminiumminmitimiwommwmimmitimintninum SATURDAY SPECIALS - JUST ARRIVED - A large shipment of Graniteware .which we are going to give to tb 1Ic st cost. Besides these • few items which -we havementionedbelow thereare numerous otbers which are too many to print. Coate early and get advantage of this mosey- g E. Safety Kettle, with granite cover, ?Se --' regular $1.25.. .... .... Large size Preserve Kettle, reg. $i.00 6!e Kound Double Roaster, reg. $1.2b: •..• • 8Sc ▪ Deep Bake Pana, regular 40c. = Deep Bake pans, large, regularr 40tom49 29c c • Lipped Sancepa PALM -OLIVE SOAP ' Special 4 cakes for 2Se BUTCHER KNIVES off of our entire stock, which down below pre-war prices. 5f) per cent. brings them SACRIFICE SALE IN LADIES' UNDERWEAR NOW ON 1 See large dtaphiY of real bargains in our north window. These prices will save yourDollars. $PECiAL VALUE 111 Ladies' Hae Utt c 73 • Cashmere, regular 81.(N) 43c gC'ashnleTe, regular 75c - - lit x1 a ovemler ANI. the vent i�`••nrt' . r . as plows b a ---- -- ,l1 ll'I1r' paper: n` Saturday tithe vestry of St. Pant , the,..,,,„4.. It v. .1. George Miller p•r- e. 1 r ....retinal • which un ed titre Pr Luella, . [ter o e a c Carter /and airs. Carter, of ltrandoi, 1formerly W`toderieh` -1/111.,- In mar - Week of Nov. 29 to DEC. ,. to- W. Mil! 111 R. `vrtaIt, KM o. i Mr. anti Mrs. Robert, Wright. of Cant. lit Ie. tint. The 101.le was fieromtatgly 1, a Lin her travelling suit -of navy , tine gabs rdi e, -111.1• -M ii t pPTI rig ova 1 H pretty Monne of shell pink crepe de rheas 'embroidered' In beads. $l.• 111 •inz Mid° FOR 4 • 11 1 MONDA i' and TV '. ; DAY . A Paramvuat Arterafl Vivian Marti in - "His Official Fiancee FFpisode 4 ``Daredevil J k" Jack Dem ey �, Groeeteria agog Money. to / ._ - •"f$HANGH,ISD" WEDNESDAY and TIiI'R$UAY A GOId)WYN PICTURE Mabel Normand Fre.lt Cand d Peels, Rata• ins. Curtaots, 1)ates;'•Figs, Walnuts and Aluibttil�s, in "The Slim Princess" Men's heavy Socks, special 19c_ Canvas Gloves •' --••• A - 19r �r Suulight,Sgllp Ilk CHARM CRAilLDU la - "'rH! RINK" • `tom, FROM' and RATL'RMY A tib:I$NI('R PiCTi'RE Norma Talmage In "The Heart of ,� Wetona'' 12Parsons' Fair Syndicate sto es s • E store PHONE 23>! BAiTiVH (.1hAl►tAN PATRIt NM tEUIN111111 flmW1111MIt111111HUMIT11001U111lIIINInniI111111I11111MUUMIIMMIIIMUIMOMMIIIIIMMIMUIIIINWIM' • Th...dnutter anti r. • Dainty Cake*, Cookies ak $is^nilf • a _: TOYS Dressed Doli, unbreakable head 29c 5 Boy Scout Sleighs -79c ',.•.... .,., er au r i Toy Brooms - 25c X We have a big assortment of Toys x For special bargains visit our . 'Department s��rYa �, Upstairs j .TE 1,I M ITI:1) ' GTO OOD Xs, XXXfltrfKiritf1nI1 X e: '4- •1. -t- i X )fUtrflt.tTltfR(1tVXttntXXX AVERAGE Our Clothes are not just average. We know of .no.e'apecial reason should come to us fox a Suit wantsnot only a butt that will it that will ,. "We're busy. why-ir But if a ritfirr (tt hirci, but d ent mailer. F. H. MARTIN, Tailor Tongue. cleat Loaf Bolo_na the beat Bacons n to artt'I'ork Snusyges, Granulated Sugar, 2 1),s. ti'„ Rhee! 12c a Loaf., CAStt AND CARRY H. McFADYENplioNii 356 • 11117, FUTURE VALUE OF VICTORY LOAN 5 I-2 per cent. GOLD BONDS W. Be Apparent When ti•I l e. C ions Return to Normal cod inves s' re art icipating-the tore -- and buying thes bonds at present prices. Your Choice of 7 Maturities{.#.. 1. Due. 1922 1923 11124 1927 1.1134_-. 1937 Price and Worsen 08 118 97 9--86.:141_- 3 9R • Yielding Pis saa•.- __6.64 6: 24 6.35 6.00 • 6,26 weir Bonds Delit'ereitto Yotlf-li:I11iC ' itroki•rage Charges an GdenMtralun,r,pl lntaaaanBom�c it Ts R. HARRISON Phone )14 P. O. Bo. 214 weretaupe velour hat with flewang' volt and a corsage Loualnct of Ss -coa- lman ruses and (urn.. Ithu•k fov furs completed her costume. Aftei the eeremony Mr and Mrs. Wright left for Winnipeg. and on their ra•harn will reside at 11e l'rinctvst avenue i1 L'nrt, and will 1.. .at home to their 'ad. after 1*i-ember firm. IL• drop, of water, I.lttle psora of 'gels,' ,5 111t1e .asrtilug fllvver Rpatt.•is stud all Drat ) 0. •?i 0.011 tis 0 1