HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-11-25, Page 4EIMPTETTIP.11111.111.1•11777777777-7=: -.-7,7,7'-'7.M=7:7* 7" IRIG,7:4:044siwiz;4,40101111111m.., • • • Al. "TIAN ...41111111‘.111141.414 Weir t .e.e7;•6*. t, %.„ 4-Thuraday, November 25th, MO. TM SIGNAL ' CIOD7110111. OKI 4t4.7.,,,ratxtm tar4trw' "`"a' GREAT 20 % Discount Sale Men's and Boys' Clothing and Furnishings --PIA BUSINESS CHANCE 8 DAYS ---SAT., NOV. 27th, to MONDAY, DEC. 6th ON acccunt of the exceptionally mild weather we find we have far too heavy a stock in Fall and Winter Goods, so have decided to put on a Great Clearing Sale, just at the time people need the goods most. To make this a wonderful Clearing Sale everything in the store will go on sale at 20 per cent. Discount. Everybody Read, Every Bargain Exactly as Represented MEN'S OVERCOATS We have a large stock to choose from, made by the best makers in Canada. With 20 per cent. off you will get one of these fine All -wool Overcoats at less than you pay for the ordinary so-called cheap kind. Our stock consists of all -wool Mel - tons, Chinchillas, Tweeds, Friezes, in all the newest colors and styles. Sizes 35 to 44. Every Overcoat at.. 20 per cent Discount ;•,•,.• "7,7,7 °6:11101P,E6 r'Dogihe ,%"`„ire"..t.7u,;717-• .;•••;•4; rrit. rilLse‘ voneestoessontistit4.44. "MCP AC-.4"Shb 416166411161W41 I i ! ratinle . .7tIAND'e# late MEN'S SUITS' 7, k 3),A. , 7.73113311ES3X3X3n. Whether you want a suit for present use or for the spring it will pay you to take advantage of this great 20 pe.z.sent. discount sale. 20th rentury and Bengard Brands in fine domestic and import- ed goods in Tweeds, fancy Worsteds and blue Serges, young men's and staple styles, sizes 34 to 44. All on sale at 20 per cent. Discount. kt44 I.V4AV.Mir414S.1 nosw*m?mrtsr rl''!"441,4v ; • so, f • ',"'.4.1105g6 B e n aa rcl .• Neckwear, Gloves, WeOl Muf- Clothes ers, Nightbhil ts, Pyjamas -all at.. awl . 20 per cent. Discount. MralltVaVirtr Irra .771¢6.16. Raoats TIVtIef check ld rubber -lined, all sizes, at 2 per eent. off. Afk•ormsK • ATIMEHR„ 1 4 'e•• p„ 7 4'. ••• 7d. sr. • P 7-4 141 Mackinaw Carss heavy, all -w the Best me terns and extr wear. -20 per ce oats ackinaws, Coats, CP pat - good t. off. Men's Trousers Stranst_Lirp_sw and Worsted Trouser sizes 32 to 44, at ...... 20 per cent. off. • • 6 . .; Men's Underwear Stanfield's, - Turn - bull's, True -Knit, Pen- man's, Mercury -two- piece and Combinations. 20 per cent. off. Shirts Men's fine Shirts in WG&R,F Arrow -me 20 per cent. off. • 1 .11 Hata and Caps 6 . • Sweater Coats Perfect -Knit and Bal- lantyne makes, colors brown, maroon, green, grey and fancy mix- tures. All at 20 per cent. off. Overalls Headlight, Linnox, Kitchen and Snagproof -per cent. off 11 s Workshirts We are already ing our Workshirts at p -re _ ed Borsalino and King values. In addition to Hater - Latest styles:- his- you- save - 20 per cent. off. 20 per cent. • 4 7 2 74t 1 it ••••!••,•• •• a" ft WHAT ABOUT THE BOY 1,` -- Already we are giving great values in Boys' Suits and Overcoats. An additional 20 per cent. means a big bargain. Boys' Suits, Sanford make, in all the leading styles, sizes „Al 26 to 35. Boys' Overcoats, Ulsters, th Ulsterettes, convertible collars, brown, grey and green shades, sizes 30 to 35. Also Boys' Sweaters, Un- derwear, Hosiery, Shirts, Caps, etc. All at 20 per cent. Discount. '94 ." • " A 11174PWAP.4 tore 0,141; 1.04" 7.•te• HOSIERY - Lay in a stock of Hosiery at this sale. We have a great stock of fine and heavy Hosiery, all at 20 per cent. off. '3, There are man other lines not listed in the above. Rettiemter-ev-eiyiting in the store goes on sale t 20 per cent. Discount. Date of Sale-Sa\t. Nov. 25th, to Monday, Dec. 6th. 74•0,4,040mompist. it .• 7i) TERMS CASH 'IrrtituArgrownlatStt ""••• • Phone 57 esetan~....404•01.06•010%." o.....oaasasoessosemessimetese 17,1r w.; - AP C• ;VW VMS% tA L7i1101.1T04' lotP0toli ,,,,..N • - 9 PRIDHAM V"114$111"IVE"'f'51 See Our Windows AT DUNCANNON W. H. McClure has moved to the corner store, lately occupied by Mr. N. J. Treleaven, and will carry on business with new and up-to-date lines of GROCERIES Gents' Furnishings Ready-made Clothing Good Stock of Underwear Flour, Feed, Salt, etc. You will find it to your interest to purahase your supplies at SIcCLURES DUNGANNON. MR. N. F. WHYARD is the agent for THE SIGNAL at Dungannon. Orders left with him for subeerlp- , Gone, advertiewmenta or job print- ' Ing will receive prompt attention. Telephone (Goderich Rural) r39. • Thursday, -Nov. 25 Rev. J. F. Reyeraft. of Giederk•la will have eltarg•e of the anniversary services In the Methodist ehuieb nos Sunday. A thaukofferiug will be taken. The I.aelitee Guild of St. Paul's chureh will have their, bazaar en Tuesday afternoon. Deeember 2Ist. There will he -g bin.aetit., of -pretty articles which would make exeellent 1.11riStMal4 present.. The Sunday 'school will have a Christmas eonvert that evening. open to the public. Keep the date in -mind. Mr. 0. N. Augw;lss 4 ltrantford. wi . home in the village. over Sunday and rettirned`Mouelny, Mr. Vm. Malzt. of Varna, called to se_.e friends lure on Sunday. 111.4% Ella Stotliers spent the week- end In Goderk•h. The young people of St. are haritut a moonlight social on Wednes- day. December 1st. in the. village.. • Everybody of eonr.e k invited to attend and have a pleasant evening and enjoy SQUIP pretty srlectionet and 3 social enp of tea. Mitts Anther McKenzie hue returned from Wingham hospital. where • alio,. had undergone an "potation on the tonsils. We art phaiseil to see her on a fair way to recovery. Mew .1. Ryan has moved Into the hnike varated hj- Mr.--weel- Mr.. Norman Trete* yen. Mr.' Norman Treleaven left for Ter- ..nto this week. Mrs. Itolwrt Treleaven is risking itt Goelerk.h titi.a.....k. Mrs. 11. Bellamy. of Toronto. he here her mother. Mrs. Pent- land. Those persons who 11P.1 11.) tile `Writ, of 4erninue preached fit St. Pant'. laid winter may be intensdeel t.. knew that the e.mcili.liug 8.1.1r..4 .,f that seriee t.n etiu.reh history will be given I. she rsetnr mi Sunday night. Deceniher 54 h. at 7.30. Subjeet, -The English • Reforma tion iiiI Le lune. eta..• on the church and Religious Moth... of the Present Time.- Spoeisit 1111141e will he rendered 1.y it nia.sed hoir eelected for the oeca41.1n. , Oft‘N%041"..M.1".1MI"Ik4,• ‘ONON°406 Phone 56 ef WitesekeNekfteols •Phone 56 4'7 YEKtra•lre• "The Scotch Store" STORE HOURSi 5 A. M. TO 6 P. M. s SATURDAYS 10 P.M. 41.•1111M. 4. • • DAVID MILLAR • itt Born Glasgow, Scotland, June 29, 1841. ' Died Goderich, November 20, 1920. 041fig We mourn our Chief, taken from us almost without warning. A few days ago he was with us, taking part actively in the business of the store. Now he has passed on to the rest that he had so well earned. His death was as he would have wished -a quiet passing away after his work had been well done. He had fully achieved the am. bition with which he came to Goderich a little over fifteen years ago, in building up here a prosperous, flourishing Misiness, and those who have been associated with him know with what diligence, earnestness and honesty of purpose he strove to that end. We wish to thank the people of Goderich and vicinity, and many friends of this store at a distance, for the confidence which during these years they manifested in our now lamented Chief, a confidence which was so fully merited and which, we feel, was never misplaced. 14; n't WAWA.= .77.7.77 • - L-7=X•71.1;711"-nr=n7....---, 7. • 4 PHONE Se Millars Scotch Store SHONE 54 •••••"40%,"."MoNss.0%;"....**••••"•••••••••••• • ANOTHER "OLD BOY" t • HEARD FROM. -- • the Editor, if The signal. Pel-hapo you will allow ine-soine of poll. Talmud.opaee aeeorrl my worm approval of -I IId Boy's- letter re hockey. 1,1 Ma (34 4. Fr town. LWfUL TIn ‘v. . PERSONAL MENTION.. Mrs. W. T. Afurnev has returned from a visi, to relatives at Damn, n. Mi.. Ilayn is 'Tending a few week.. at London visiting Mr's. 4 Rev. W. Godwin. 3dr. I). W. Green. of MativIlle. Wy- As one, who lias.f Bowed the game. I lo risltin his brother Mr The hea%y -14.44 lifoiniThf 31iniisy more a fly' friiin a Onshorirli Ilg• yeti with the telephone lines. t g I 00.11. of view. for a lumber of year. G. H. Green. and other relative. in .„ • • atter Srothers expeeets to liave the I ran elo nothing or 'gay nothing too ti"k" "rid yit'illitY• • ni working prop.rly in a "few strong In support of getting a live Mr. and Mrs It. W. Iletler and Miele peppery league started. Going back Iklree.n Metter. mild Mr. aux Mr.. E. .1. to other days hi Goderich hockey to young. of Detroit. are r ng tit._ (IMP when tht, Golden (tete got W. Toting. Park streel Foe ter spent Sunday at lame." Fr, •1 suys the roads erre. k %. flier of the past , '71;;;44'';`,04: it ,114g0 fit.P ,r9t ",•4;;•. '7 44 ,4 I I WPP 1010Wing, of 10 int. the finals with Peterboro, what Mrs. AlcCamur, of Clinton. was in I t of .1,,we Ilitd ulnae up the major y town on T..esday and addressed a meet. 'P50 10'.700111 hack the lila; there is a lot to be of Mr. 11. M off Wednesday evening of this week. ra mous salianr tram. Irte-ffori ;;ng oi thew6mert-4-14-.4...i.......i4.4 that flve of the seven Players were oirc(rth street mettu.;;.- church. -------retroduawaof_ the -Dollar Eighty" was held at the home _ • tnet at tin. home Tue.day ut hi. w going te. 1.neknow to ••.rt tr. he 11.4.1 in that De. -ember Mr. Fred team. e•harnplon. of a town league 41f4; Mr' ;14-V.1"11141"- 144Y." Wali. a few years bfore. l'he permonnel of erville. are the guest14 of the former'a that team was. I think. Donald McIver. parnt.% at the North atreet paraonage. nrrI1ar Rossi Henry JaekgTir nee: seeteler" • Melkenald •nd entitge--Intndr- 4- Seset-1 the grand eon- Following on we find another town town Tuesday, Rogue produeed inch player, as "Hur ricane Hank" Heicher. Gee" Mka JennieLynn left restneeda, IF YOU WISH TO SAT Pit CENTS ON VOIR NEXT VEA 'S SUB- SCRIPTION TO THE '.IGNAL. PLEASE RENEW NOT ATER THAN NOVEMBER SO. There should he A, bottle of 19re1ro esi l'eroxide in every home. It 14 VII 1 Ala e as germielde. antiseptie and purille A bottle should be kept in your 14.1 IIP onbinet. We have a rosivenlent *iv. for title Ittirp00111 WhIeb We melt 62 I went y-tiee ceutre. E. R. WIGI.E. Druggist. Goilselek - - - • Orme and %ear the ftederich Soc- iety Orehat era at North retreet Metho- dist church Tneaday evening. 'relm .1. Marks, a former well- known reseldent of Bayfield, died on Noveniker llth at .Karalas City. Kansas, . itt the age of eighty-seven !Ter's. The remains were brought to the home of his ism Charles, Marks. in Stanley township. whence the twi- nesl took place on the 16th last. isz-041411101 MARKETS Tmult90611. November 25. Whst. 001. blob • 1.45 to • 101 lets., per bad.. .514*0 AO Plitrlor, rosebush . .90 to Leo Prost. 3er tomb 2.5s to nil n, -It wheat por boob ... .. .. 1.00 to 1.20 Floor. faintly. iarowl 0.401 to 6.25 F is Ir. wow, ow* 000to 012 Roots, per ton r 12.00 10 45.004,4*?.. per WM 44 00 to 411 ay. per ton won 1 e 26 00 - . . Per 10 re to 12.00 oir, 1084 4!,, per* ""; ..,. . , , Croanner) Notre; per IW .611 to .67 Itenro. enroll. par dos .60 to 70 Potatoes per bosh- . .. - .. . .50 to .7s Calthe. blitotners' °hobo. precwt. 3 fin le 401(4 (AIM*. Imtelonf rneettnnt per set. 7 75 to *1 45) Howe, Ilse weiht, per owl. 10 NI to 10.011 IIMPo. per 11 Ole .0 obeivoisiso , . .ts to .to Ti, a Wool A4 is The Sigma McLean. Hoy Walters, "Kai.er' Me- Creath and Orlando Dean. There hats been e 'strong tendency In many towno to bring in playerli dur- ing Jun*. and July by' obtaining at- traetive !mealtim. for them. but ta mind it is an unhealthy way to help the game along. The developing of home talent la preferable in my opin- ion. and I hope to hear of a real 'snappy four -teem league ptting under, way this aeaeon. The mean thing in to create public wupport from both young and Id. men and women. Lot ewery reel- ed citizen of the (/olden Gate out behind their favorite team and wa h the 5004 0(31 game_ come ek in into awn. T king you. sir. To re. for ele46, hard sport, I4. PRESTON STRANG, Toronto. 'ov. 24. U. • 11nited Sttes, with 'ter friend* at 1,etrolt. '114 411 .40 .........~...ww.0%.~.."••••••~04•040 can help you to see if YOU see 1. ME The value of a scientific ex- amination and the fitting of proper Glasses cannot be over- estimated. A. -L. COLE or‘i.2, wino remIta :17.7.v441414144 mst4+ 5-3 4. tAn MK! 1,14; td Eyesigit Specialiit - ePtemebilit GOHERICH, ONTARIO elocio Argar'NF. (kite ;7477•'•.•MT: For t *askoeseosaeseokoe.weekeke~~~01 fund front 1.3,67166616.01581141 -Teta r; Th Liter Dr. and TIra. fralraW Ortiffieff 1418 Snnelay. from Toronto, where they spent n week. They made floe trip by moter carand considering Otte state of the ron.k. made good time. They were accompanied on the trip by Miss Shir- r". and Mks L011 14P Cooke. LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. • Mr. Geo. Kenyon hat purchased from Mr. Fred Ilunt the rewidence on Mon. treat Street which has been °minded by Mrs. W. A. Rhymes. A special meeting of the Alimeek Chap - Pr of the 1.0.D F will be he'd in the Board of Trade rooms on Fr day. Novem- ber 26th. aZ 4 o'clock, to de111 scuss •11ffil of helping to relieve the diotreot of the - *tarrng- arpivans- of Central- F.urope. - Shortly after six o'clock this (Thurs- day) evening. the alarm was rung for fire in the roof of Smith's Art Store. Fortunately it was extinguished without much difficulty and little damage was done. Mr. Isaac Fisher, while 'finking on a jointing machine at the Goderich organ factory last week, got his hand cav), in the machine, reoulting in the loss of a finger. It was quite a shock to Mr. Fisher, as he is about eighty years of age. . Aff..members of the Canadian Order of Foresters. Court Goderich, No. 32, are requested to meet at the lodge rooms over Ifern's shoe store at 10p. m. sharp on Tuesday, December 71h, for the nomination of officers for the coming year. From Valued Sobeeribee. Kr. C Imer Beira% of Kitahen- r, writing le renew lilo subscription to The Signal ys: "Although IS Is nearly fifteen y a edam. we left God- erleh. we look for ard to The *Mutant eomieg as eagerly Peer A IA read its eolumns with nimbi. I intereed • , Pay inur aubseriptie to "lc Ritual thin. mouth 004allTP .4, "Mows?' may be move in erth stredt Idethodbit church next y Inc November 80th. ADDITIONAL LOCAL KA ON INSIDE PAG. 1 S000 41,00.45 tog stria sAidm: atlas D. 0111'.11 0i4WM41•1alt edam ikevoll I 541:11"1 me • • It makes ,a real treat -Blackstone* delicious ice cream, in bulk or fancy bricks. Mrs. Hamilton will give a abort role., onary address at the open meeting of McGillivray Miolon Bead en Friday eitening. November 261h. An offering wilt be taken. NorMi street Methodist notch ea* aeronintodate oats thousand people oa Ilismiday eremite Noeetaber SO. 4o.z:t7t644'1i7Jii.f.,'79z '.."• - ;i •- 7 ••- .,-„. .•7 14t •! • ,•.•C .14 7" , ",. OIRMARY. WM191.16, MeRENZIE-The death oceurred st Allizton on Thur,eley, lath Inst. of !Lt. George MKenzie. In him eighty-ninth year. The dervaised, who WIIM it hrotb- et of the late R. W. McKenzie of OW - milli, wale a merchant la this town many yearn ago, and over forty years agro moved to %Ingham, where he waft prominent in linmineive and in the 1. mtinici mi affair,. of the town. firer big nt various timer. as counillor, aPPSI• end Mayor. He Ft...gutted eon414444 - Alterable property in %Ingham, and io at the time rig his death still owned a portion bf it. A few yearn ago Mr. wrid Mro. McKenzie went to Alliaton to -itoe with their Sanglitsr. Mrs. Holeend Beattie, and Mrs. McKenzie died there a few months ago, her body' being brought to Goderieh for burial. Front eons and two daughters survive: Alfred. judge of the Supreme Court of Onlifornia ; Dr. George McKesholle, of Fornb liei, Calif.; Dr. A. P'. McKensie, of Alliston; R. E. McKenzie. a NI' grave; Mr* W. X. SpedflInte, of OW` nto, and Mrs. R. Ileattle, of Aillerton. The Omaha were brought to GI/derich and the funeral took place eft Sunday afternoon from the residenee of Mr. M. W. Bowel! to Maltiand eemetery. Rev. R. I!. M1IPTM91 enndnettne the serviette* The WOW from Alliston and Reiman end * number of eater relatives were here for the fneral.. A nenlected Amid at thin mason 44 .apt to develop into grippe. tonsillitis or influansa. Don't take chanceo-treat the slightest eold svith Dr. Itrown'or MIMI) Tablet'. They are mite and sore. Price twenty rents! a box. Sold by R. R. WHILE, Druggiet, Ooderieb. IT IOC WWI TO SAVE lie MTN ON TOUR NtXT TRAITS SUB- scarrtioN 10 THE EIONAL, PIZARt =NW NOT LAMB temaii.rato THAN NOVIE01101 304•": ••3,",7; 1.77. „ • , 7(174 • •.; 4p," .sf • ;," 1,•';4•1'1,1 •i* 41 • 7 4.4 • .• ;7•:,;•P "•%4.1 14 1;iyie44, `;• aerwaskia *1-4 •.7,7" 4 • 44 4.4 7 7.