HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-11-25, Page 3?Ss SIGNAL '1""N'n""". r rl , e quer www rasa- GODZI IOJg. 0111?. Thursday, November 25th, 1120.—$ STATIONERY GIFT BOXES See our Windows and Show -casts for the most complete line of Christmas Papetries we have ever handled. Stationery of distinction representing the smartest styles for your individual taste and your every use. Real value in Paper put up in striking and attractive boxes up to $6.50 a box. Nothing makes a more pleasing and acceptable Christmas Gift. No Luxury Tax. -. 1 FRIENDSHIP'S FERFECtr Girt. • GIVE' FACTS. Tuesday. Nov. 23rd. OPERATION WA Merlin & McDonald bibbed their J. B. Reynolds Tells Hattsll/ea MeetingtYers sewsou'it threuhlug on Friday. fel the. administration of such homes ores much oenellt from Tanlac that we feel it; St it twenty -fusee years since • Mr. advanced •by J. It. Ite•YWldm, super- our duty t0 tell others about it," said. Purvis and family left for the West. A HAPPY FAMILY. QUEBEC MAN AND WIFE 1IT. HELENS. w I are walking in the way of life that ll, i They wiry bekt•pt steadfastuu'o !lie a I viol. Thr wossiuu is therefore fo: nil and for e%i ry"ue. At Knox church divine woe,hip next Sunday, wing anti eyeulitg, will be cotltlucwil by Rev. Jellies Anthony. 1t A., oto I'higal. Rev Mr. Mel Would will conduct anniversary mervit•c•It at Fln- ga1. Presbytery of 1e.uduu, where he began gan his ministry. North Street Methodist Church. Next Sunday will Iw Sunday ta•hool anniversary day to North street Methodist' church. Ker. ('apt. E. W. Edwitt•ds. M C., M.A.. B. D., of Sea - forth, will preach. The *Ahad v. 11 wet't at 1o.41 a.m. in the school -room lend process! in a lowly to the auditor- ium for the Morning hervkw. There et Huta Coud>� Hese. Feel u Their Duty � Tell O Mr. end Mew Roderick Purvis, of NflEHamilton, Nov. Y,•1.—AI strung plea About Tanlac. States Cote. Okanagan Centre, B.C.. were visitor. NECESSARY r observance of the hpttun note In "Both my wife and 1 have derived to I With Mr. and Mrs. Archie Audersuu. itlteudent of the house of., refuge of Gaudias Cote, 137 Broiseau street,; Miss Mary C. Rutherford left leu the, county of Huron iu Apes:king to Quebec I Friday for Chicago. where she will taemlwra of the °uteri° Association of "For a good many years I was in a• visit Mr. and Mrs. Nell Stuart. Ilauagers of the Humes for Aged and rundown condition with stomach trouble. on account of the illness of Miss 1 Infirm at their first annual maven- Everything 1 ate upset me. I had the Douglas's, prtucipal, there was no then held this afternoon. worst kind of headaches and got so weak school in the upper room yesterday. Mr. Reynolds deplored the fact that I could hardly work. Mr. R. McAllister, township tux ^^�tite, w•as 1n the village on Tueslw y. Mr. II. McMillan. B.A., of Knox Col- lege, will conduct the services its , em now feeling so much better telae 1 can (•alvlu church on (Sunday worning. "My wife was in a badly rundown Women's M1iwlur cry Society, this 1e- so much attention wear given to the "Tanlac gave me a sp P'economit• management of much lnstitu- and I can est a good square meal and not tions. fee would remind those coon- have any troub:e with my stomach after - vented that the economic phase wren wards. !quickly picked up strength and :ecopdary. Mat was essential was the human note—et spirit of khtdnrsm. "in Huron we Zook on all our in- mates as our ow•n flesh and blood," continued air. Reynolds. "We feel that in the worst of them there is much goal, and in the !wit of them a great deal of good. They are all hu- man tragedies. They respond to kindness quicker titan children do. Noun of us lint sight some day have to enter a home for the aged .and in- iirm. Just am they leave done. They are not paupers; they are our vener. able elders on whom fortune lies f row mel '• do my work without getting tire . in the evening he will address the condition, too. She hzd indigesti .n and irlg their annual thank-offerlug could eat very little, and had become ho Meeting. weak she had to lie down much of the The Presbyterian congregations of time. Her nerves. too, were in a lid St. Helena and East Ashfield have ex - state. tended a call to Rev. D. ct'urrie, "When she saw whzt Tanlac was doing of Beaverton, in the Presbytery of for 'one- she teed i+, too. and is not I Lluduy troubled v ith indigestion now and is se much stronger tt at she can do her house- 0119t • work without any difficulty. Her nerves IGODERICH TQW\SHIP. are quiet and she paysshe feels better WEDNESDAY, Nov. 24. than she ever did before in her life." Tanlac Is sold in Guderk•h by E. R. A meeting of the Ladies' Aid Society of {Vials and the leading druggist in Taylor's Corner will be held at the home In lturon rouuty the home for the curry town e.f Mrs. Wm. Haa:ke on Wednesday, De• the groom. The young couple will make aged and infirm wax conducted by a comber 1st, at 2 o'clock P. m. staff of Mr. and alta. Reynolds and "Fridt-a-tires" Restored Her To Perfect Health 158 Pas•ttrttao Ara, MotrrnnAz" "Tor three years, I srdired greet fain 1a the lower part of my body, with swelling or bloating. 1 saw a specialist who said I must undergo an operation. I refused. I beard abort "Frail -a huts dcided lo try it. The first box gave great relief; and I continued the treament. Now my health is excellent—I am free of pain --•and I give "Fruit -s -fives" my warmest thanks". Mme. F. GAREAU. Roe. a box. 8 for 1)Le.50, trial size 25s. At all dealers or seat postpaid bee issues -fives Limited. Ottawa. their home at Maple Row Farm and will GINN—Yuttt.—At Pine Hill Farm, the at home to their friends early to one other paid assistant. Titers were residence of Mn and Mrs. James Yui 1. December. nitwty-iiia• honoree. How was this at 7.30 on Surday evening, November 2t' Goderich township, on Saturday, Novem aerowpllshetl? Simply by making rv- to the Baptist el -such. Mots Edna ber 20. at 5 p. m., a happy event took ere Inmate a trusty, by assigning him Raithby's ccmmittee will hese charge of place when their youngest daughter. CHURCH NOTES. or her mime task to do. "They take the meeting. pride In their work. We make them feel It Ia their home and," whit-. iw Marg trot Agn?st became the bride of .ours George Carrs 1 Ginn, only on of Mr. and INT rr,. - _ - - - - Mrs. Oswald Ginn, also of Godrrich more, we feed them ,on he best we Nov ' Zd township. The ceremony was performed can m Inv procure. !t►e result is We3nesdaJ, is the presence of the Immediate relatives n post we area Immo family." The Kintall branch of the Women's; and intimate friends of the bridal couple Institute will hold its monthly meeting by Rev. James Hamilton. 7 he bride at the home of Mrs Robt. tramliton wasunattended. ewceatingby littleClifiard 7. There's ao gift like a good lee, NO enduring. and so 1 An appointment norr..will assure you "personality por- traits" for gift -giving time. Algonquin Park. Algonquin Par ii.provides an autumn and winter holiday greiumi that ia in accord with medical science. Tao thousand feet above the level of the sea and its conl.nes covered with pine and balsam, it has invigorating climatk conditions that are a pinnace those sho desire to bui'd up after a siege I of illness "The Highland Inn" ;steam - at moderate rate s. It is 'owned and I operated by the Grand Trunk Railway. I which has issued an in' cresting illustrated I booklet descriptive (if the hotel and the Park. A copy can be hsd free upon applicatirm to Grand Trunk ticket agents! or C. E. Horning, District Passenger ! Agent, Toronto. a for those who are rundown or Wednesday, Noy. 24. Mr. Wm. J. ilanillton is moving this -from Johu Knox church will hold a bazaar in the baserneut of the church Friday even- ing. Dreemlwr 3rd. ' Mr. Cling. N1'1'11114 left on Monday for Toroutei. having secured a situa- tion In a wholesale groeery there. We Pita ed Toes& on December 2nd. Everybody welcome. Sturdy, in Highland costume, acting as ring -bearer. The bride entered the m draw - ss 13T. AUGI STI\E. ingrooon the arm of her father, to the strains of the Lohengrin wedding march week into the house recently bought^ . , - Wednesday,. Nov. 24. charmingly rendered by 'cuss Nina • Mims I. Mc•f'llnehy visited her Ta- Driver. The bride wore -a dress ofwtite ter. Mem. C. Robinson, )amt week. satin with silk marquisette overdress and Mr. C. Jeffersonis working with pearl trimmings, with han4-embroidered regulation veil, and carried a bouquet of Mr. A. Johnston this week. Mr. and Mrs. J: Reid visited the bridal roses. After congratulations and former's ;dater, Mri Mason McAlils- the signing of the register, the guests sat ter. on Ratunlay. . - d own to a sumptuous dinner. The toast Mian Ellzrbeth Wilson was home to the bride wa proposed by 'her pastor from Lucknow over the week -end. an 1 responded tom pleasing term; by Edgar Lit %ratio rt n to build a eenient •formileetion for his I souretnill which he bought from Mr. Taylor, to he moved lie,re this fall. I Mr. Archie Robinson was at London Net week having an X-ray examina- tion of ids leg, which be again giving , him trouble. The Y•Aang People's Society will meet 30 Fr'r'SM COUGHS Mrs. John Menary returned /wee Sat- urday atter spending a. few days with htr ' daughter at Hamilton. spent Sunday at her home here. spent Sunday et the home of Mrs. John The anniversary services held in the church 'here Sunday were nt t so web ! attended as might have been. owing to4. the bad weather. A goed congregation turned out in the morning to hear Rev. , H Royal, of Nile, who preached ably It . both services. and the choir renderedI Most beautiful music. d▪ leesdied. diseare tee or Gees KI -110105 es die imese biers realms end es. ley reireeheig Amp. The paily mid scow • SOWN( MAILERS OV NMI% MULE= * 111 lit • mites nal sonde 43' the ue hunt and choir. At 1u o'clock the Men's ('lub will tits tins : "What spiritual benefits tic- (outpauy geuero'ity " This topic will he presented by Mr. W. ('. Prldham. The annual sechtsil entertainment will be held on Tttrshty evening. This unique awl inspiring program will fe,(ture some of the finest and most graphic representations of great stents in Bible history in add11lon to fine musical and other numbers by var- ious depurtmt•uts of the school. The program will begin at $ o'clock. The adtutsst"a will lie 2' and 13 tents. Next Sunday 1tcv. H. I). Moyer will s. i 1,d A.Mrd rver'+tt 'rel.. conduct Sunday shad auuiverstry -., those.. a wrhd beet.:'te services a[ lilies ria street church, d+t It r•.u,r uoubled nab ('lluton. - i .nr w,.,,ud .' .di., %hew .tlrr.d e..,It sass! 't�„ seen,, {"..tier i-' /an tint lc,. .5, . tit rents t.:t .i1 rhenuMs e. found at lot is Zam-Buk, a powerful, , pea - straws herbal balm which pea- stras to for root of eczema, ring - worn,. ulcers. and poisoned sores. Zam.Huk literally uproots disease from the under)>mg tissues The first application cools the skin and dlais the here irritation and ia- fl.unmaoun Then when the% have ant isepti:ally clraused the drscased parts. ?am-Ituk s pure herbal es - tract stimulate the tissues and promote perfect hahnK and the . (rawr th of cleahe.o!ttiv skits. It lets Ike mute. Here a proof,' Dollars went in medicines and doctor's. , fres." wales Mr. 2 D D Mums 722. I'apmcaa Avenue. Montreal. "without any cure for my terrible ec rema For a year 1 skittered intensely from the irritation a'.1 l. -.n. 1 thought there was no r: iief ci:a1, on a friend advice, ! eiad ZionBakFrom the fir* .• .1 1 ma dal gond 1, telwcuy .er irrita- nt, .,d %nwih'ne the t.r ianAM vs.e•e,ew. soh /.wm.L • ,:rue+talltar 1,1, n.: • .d the it..nr d te 11,01. for A COLD PLUNGE. The services at the Baptist Church next Sunday wilt he conducted by tete pastor. Rev. J. E. McCauley. The sermon sub- jects will be : 11 a. m.. "Religion •n the Bible School." 7 p• m.. "What IS. the Measure of a Successful Life ?" Bible school at 3 p. m. B. Y P. ti. meeting'* Sp.m The "Aggressive" Bible class of Victoria street church held its monthly meeting at the home of Mr. C. S. Sonley on Monday his -class tustocilimon!o: "We Can if we Will." and proved their faith in it by pledging t hemse!ves to raise a certain arromt of money in a defrn,ts time.: Refreshments were served and a very enjoyable evening was spent. Beginning Sunday evening, iw+e•m- ber 5th, an eight days misrlon will he_ held iu St. 1k..rge's church. The missionary will lie the Bev. ('anon Brouglwll. al.A.. of St, Catharines. who for they past two years has rrn- dtu•tcd the sunset derotional service's • i 1 the 1.ake t'onchich ing aunrtuer a•had. Finch day of the week. begin- Itliig I%weather 5th there will be -1 '11- rbraition of the holy eomnuuuon a m. Initis reading and bit••rr•.•s.,-toss ,et 4.15 p.m.. and mission service at t+ p.m. These two latter services w 1 ' tett be -held oil Suturelay, (her r 111 h. The mission will cotn•lut on Sunday evening. I•ecemler 1_114 with the s•rvice'lit i p.tu. The p pile•• of the miss -Ion is two -fold. F est, to re- , vire uud quirki•u the sp Itnel lift. in , those hinderer) and h ulo•rcd by sin atop doubt anti cari'1 sitei's: alit ret'- nudly, to enounragV'atld help thine .rho A Canoe Trip that Ended Abruptly in --- a Very Dangerous Situation. 1 Courage is resistance to fear, mas- A mishap (hat might easily have tt•ry of fear, not absence of fear. been a ehday afternoon n at the mouth occurredy of tit the riven Mr. and Mrs. ltolrert Carey and Mr. mists Carey hati plunttatsl w Iwve a little ten -)tarty at the Carey summer ome "n the lake shore and were pro- ing thither in a canoe. Wien they i•tti to the narrow channel between the leer and the lake they encounter- ed ro n water and their moos- ores t. t11row'lu them all into the water. Mrs. Carry wt k beneath the surface, but threw up a hand, which was grasped by her host lel, and the Two brothers being strung .wimmt•rs soon iad her nut of the wale - "n the point on the outer sTtit- of the rTrer. Finding Menisci •s unable to snm- muu assistance iby telephone from Flemings. the three w Iked aeross the 11'.1' It. bridge and hum the exercise wvciug t. t-hw•k guy I-•fft'ets from the plot 1n the cold water. ' Tits- ise-itarty wits penoiedi hot waiter bottle llot Only sures zdgitinst cold feet, but it IP a lady nwelium for treating toothaehe, 11 algia. cramps HMI various other pill Let 11. .11g1(01.t • us Christina ' "Solomon- will greet "the Queen et Shelia.' al North street Methoiliht Smith's Art Store bare all sizes in MIEStal reivirosessele Window Shades Combination white and green Combination cream and green Plain green Plain cream Plain white 1 Sole agents for the Kirsch Flat Certain Rod They never sag or tarnish. Best rods on the market. Smith's Art Store Phone ISS MEM BOMBSHELi ibARGAINS in House Furnishings, Chinaware, Silverware, ToTs; Novelties, e URNITUR t WALKER'S ,TWO STORES NONfalfrIOIN — Prices will be Blown to Smithereens for Our Great Alteration Sale. We. will Drop a Bomb among otitlikice Tickets (m - SATURDAY, DECEMBER .4th and fo a fragment of old prices you will be able to get any article,in'ofur, Two Stores.' It is really a shame to think of the beautiful, Furniture, House rnishings, Curtains, Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums, Comforters,' Pianos, Phonographs, Trunks, Club Bags, etc., etc., in Store N\o-. 1, and ail the lovely.Chinaware, Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Silverware, Fancy Goods,' Toys, Novelties, etc., etc., in Sto:e No. 2, being sacrificed at 'Such absurd prices, and we have been reluctant to make suchrlsweeping price cuts, but we must clear out a -large portion of our stock in preparation fortxtensive alterations. We intend putting in -a new front in our China Department, and fixing up the second storey as up-to-date living apartments,\ with an entrance from the -street, and must -clear -the deckg, Our present prims are- in many cases below current who!esale prices and, with the big discounts we will give, will be below manufa.cturers' prices--price.s such.as have not been ,heard of for many a long day,and will not be heard of again for many The First Big Cut=Rate Furniture Sale in Goderic .This will be your chance to get somett;ing really rtice for CH RISTMAS GOTS. Wafch for full announcement next week. "wow WALKER'S TWO STORES WESLEY WALKER WEST SIDE SQUARE