HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-11-18, Page 8•••••••••••••••••••••••••...-.4 ,•- • • :7"••"- ,,. • • to -4. t-, .4; , • -Tlitireday,- November 11. 14//A French Ivo • ' t We have a full assort- ment of this dainty line of toilet goods, including Mir- rors. Brushes, Combs, Trays, Powder Boxes, Per- fume Bottles, Nail Files, Clocks, Picture Frames, Vases, Candlesticks, etc. weeseaseitette•oftesteseseleeselpeseleseaseeteetelee. 1_ Smith's Art Store , 4 • 1' 4 • . .4:. • „;,"-• .• "."22•• ••• lime. of • a-solendtd_ CHRISTMAS BOOK- LETS, FOLDERS AND _CHRISTMAS POSTC A 12 GOI3ERICH VIEW CAL - EN DARS. . They always carried a choice line of Christmas Cards, but this year have put in the largest and most art- istic assortment yet. all at re war prices. Booklets and , ders from Ir up 1, 6.e. Buy early while you have the choice 5/5•••••••••540W40505.0541••••••••••••••••••••••• Smith's Art Store East S. I'hone 198 0 RICHARDSON ' THE .tl'PE.11, OI' Till,: EtMINE RELIEF MN!). I A gesierst meeting of women work- ers who took part la tho various re- lief ori during the Great IVar, anti aU of thole) who slay tel the appeal of the famine and disease- . iick,•n couutrtes oventeas, will. be in tate Board of Trade MOON, on Sat/1111.17 afternoon, Noventher 20, at :t e'clOck, to consider wast can be done iti real...Mae to the urgent appeal of the British Empire War 'tenet Fund. It is inipessible to overstate the horrors I of the many nillilons who are uow de- pendent on world timidly to keep them alive, and to cope with the diseases witivit are devastating op many of the smaller'eountries already harrowed by the ravage"' of the lute war. Just think. 110111,000 orphan children *lone :IS 14 legary fur the last years, most of whom. if they survive starvation. ' will be SO weakened and dwarfed by disetio• and hunger that thry .will he 14 lotinhoi and a menet* for years to come. The people of 10.iellerkil did nobly in every appeal made to them during the war. and it Ix hoped and I believed will not be indifferent to this tont inent-wide appeal, as -made thtuagh the tiritinh Empire Relief Plind. ALEXANDRA HOSPITAL. Dear People of Goderich and Surround- ing Country - The hospital le greatly in need of cooking apples and vegetables of all kinds. such as carrots, onions, turnips, beets. parsnips and potatoes. 0 ,soine of our friends who gave a suporahuti- 111:111Ve would kindly donate. we should he very grateful. Sincerely yours. •' 4. Z. Ewa, Superintendent LOCAL TOPICS. Rebekah Lodge's Meatless The hoepital acknowledges with many thanks the kind donation of $25 horn the Rebekah Lodge 12st August. and regrets neglecting to publish an acknowl- ed4ment at that time. "The People's Garage." Mr. J. L. Detnerling has taken over the n-anagetnerit of "The People's Gasage" en Victoria street and announces himself in a position to do all kinds of auto re- pairing. Mr. Dernerling has had experi- ence both as a machinistlind as an auto- mobile repair man, and promises up-to- date 1ell'1e. Former Goderieh Man.Goes to Maier)Ir. Mr. James 11. (Tip) O'Neill. who for the pest 'eighteen monthswas menile•r of the editorial mbar of The Flint !Mich.) Daily Journal. has ler Flint for Windoer. Out.. to join the editorial .staff of 'The lierder Star and aond Morning Mn.tMrs- O'Netti• o reintly lerw t a merlons �p erlitiou iti- the hospita at Flint, will tee he able to move to Windsor for a few weeke, but around the let of Dec- ember the family and Mr, 0"Neili4 uncle, Mr. John McQueen. will take up their abode in Camtda. The Flint owe(' fiettisall elub, of whieb , Mr. O'Neil his been president for tNest nine.; mouths, presented him and er tENVill a ith two valuable and 'wasp- ' article* of jewellery as farewell JI(. Mr. O'Neill'et Goderleh friend+, Ilamil • what him etheinned 'nieces:4 In hitt new lion. G.C.L 'Literary Seeley. The Inte•tIng of the G.C.I. Literary Society held at the school last ;Friday evening was,, as Itstliti, very ottv4esafod. Tiw newly toganived orehestra made jot debut and grottly added to the et- tractivenesa of the program. Eight nundetre were given and ill Made a hit. A piny from "Maide•th" put on by the students wile well given anti the pro- duction 'Mowed that the school has ROMP !pudding ni•tors among its 'du - dente Glee flub also was In ell. dente and several of the boys have lent their 11111111Oft. to UM /101.01011s. tfreit.t t ions Wert. capably \given by and St. Andrew's sts. t 1 /MICR AGE. FOlt Cockshutt F Machinery Adams Wa Renfrew Truck les , - Also (lea I.o• In---.. Mason & Kisch Pianos Star Iliwooeraphe Lire.- .515,5 kill It Phonograph Records eon4tantly on hand Those wanting anything in our lines are invited to call mid see what we can do for them. PHONE 104 •:' wes•••••••••••••seseset. 11 THE SIGNAL -# nay be • defied if F=erre lb.- idfarelved e a=powerful al aim are so teasel! la the form aS beating fumes, A Them ere labeled w I di die breeds .ad Mae late areal getatrii,atithawitk the tubed and lenge la • way that medi- cine swallowed Into the stomach sanam possibly do. By this direct action. !eye not • only strengthen and protect any weak spot In chest • mt throat, but give Immediate relief • to those suffering ham broackit is, asthma. sight ••g, etc. AU dealers • r Ps Co.. Toronto. Mta. ban. for SUS. ft! Send this adver- thiement and Ic. • erttoe postage t•pa Co.. Toronto. and re- ceive free trial package. Air "oft ssw 41, • 11 14 P, n f...orest "II in TE7Fry Homf 11014 [PS F 0 R COLIGHS.COLDS BRONCHITIS. Wilson'm grandfather. Mr. Taylor in int handed It down to Duncan Tay - It , lilt. PIM and Mr.. WIlson's father. Th maple or some similar wood nrinthd which a vine had Rrown, and when the- vine was taken a y it left a deep spiral cut in the:•wood. looking almost as 0 11 11:111, Mr.. Wilson None 10 town 'tly with her husband from itrussels.\in which vicinity her family losil lived sines- the early days and were quite in mate with Mr. Mc - ()Alert!. the 1%1113P41 1trist editor of The Signe I. • Bible Soriety Meeting. The local branch of the rimer Can - d I e :ways. the Jonrnal. read thin time by -olyn Goldthorpe. was extremely is der with the majority. The or - cite -a Is to be ColltilViell 141141 at the next At." will mak,. its ,appearance under te able leadership of Eric Wilspit. Thome. .en's Cane. Mrs. • S. 1 W -on is the poneeemor of it nnIque ohento of the founder nod first edit., of The Signal -The Huron Signal it eatt known for ninny ytors. It a rine which be- longed to Thema,. ('nen -4 by him Wax given to his . n Thomas, who In turn gave, it to ltd Tvylor, Mee. OUTWASthiCtil/e 4117/i)060e4r • (07/Maldbzsko551 A to.riour• wanG r. 47.4 f COT - ;. • ;AL •••• 11.011.111/ loolts for style of eouree, but ebe isn't willing that the shoe should cramp her foot. There vote a time that shr uould pay foot dig, ouster' am time ste of las& ionable foots ..ar... Today It is unnerealku7. We have the •sp•rienee and tte have the stock. Buy shoes bass and well h.•• e) our good swill. ••• REG. SIiJRWLT THE LEA81945 MOE STORE „.1:?HoNc ----------- 158 KTODERICH , CONT. '''/1 -4t- . r! ,,„•"••.• • 1`,. 41 1' 5'5'5 iji 454 5t• 54.4' 4t.:• ••,••: , '••••••••••••••. sat .41 ,.; , meeting on Weelneeday evening In the Baptist chum!". It took the form of a union prayermeeting and was well attended. Encouraging reports of late year's activities were presented. the emstribtitions t•rwardeel to headtptar- tent being the largest for many years. The (Meer* arpointed for the next irtlr are: Pres:lent, ,A. At Robertson; tretteurer. W. F. A. Nnftel; toecretary, J. A. Campbell; repreeentativee from the ehurchee. Mrs. E. t'arrle, Mrs. W. I,. Iforton. R. 8. fiellowe Mime E. A. 1% 41rins. J. Challen, J. H. 3111.1ime_ /Rio F. and .1. W. Arm troux. [ter. J. Heyeraft gave the lei -•• of the peening, telling about distrl Wirtz fllhIeu, amenget eohliers in hog ital.. A eadvaeti oi the town for fnnde was arranged. to he made tie moon an possible. executive heepeak it cordial co-openttion of all tier citizen's assisting this most woOhy Christ- ian work. The G.W.V.A. Entertalno. Arinleth•i• Hay Was celebrated in lerich by a eater and defter held at th Masiolite-T•• nji1on Thursday ev- eiiIii last anti( r t111• 1111Hp1coal of the amd led by the Women'. A iix illa 'Id!. event was 101111! Nuccess. .0 7.C17.e-Willt11•711 at cited!, were: - io. Mot G. 1.. Parsons fit $5.00 bit: de.; 11 by the T.. R. Pteel 2tad, • l'enehagton (leather purse donst-4,' Mr. Il. C. Ihntleps; ronsolatioe. e. - II Sturdy fOohili. mop, donatoi. r. J. If. Leach‘; gentlemen- let. Mr. M,'fe n (box sagas dope:oft by Mr. (:re le); 211d. Mr. C. T. or •( e leather pouch elven to- Mr. v. I Woods), After Inneh. watch .f nests was enjoyed I+ -1 'lily, the r was cleared and a tented wee nnimmi bftwen the tlapoe't• 1.'.d th Joaaston orcheatra- which lasted Mop e 4m& hours" and west (dell: ' on by the musicianly, who wo-..le oft 11 yed ;:hy and the nest night •t'r4' h,:d been anybody to dents du. h,q. The men her. to testier 4.14.,r eltieeent f.; le cant 1114 1141.,!•1 r ISM 1111,1g of rPtre- • rn.,-1.• who goo0,..„,e4 All neve te s•• 0.W.Y.A. that wian,i• 14 • i• • , of In • • wish ept•re. 1 ,tton to the It:it' memo, to the • ,.1 I' • ' ailMe eft- „tt liottaad T•• • th. raerebe nta 14" !I' th!! prise. 't!•.• • K..), of the slot, the ant 'yews al to take OODERIOH, ONT. • : 7,:.1•7, . s ,‘ "1 .. ,5, "• • ''...',L,f4N,:.""f.,H, f • 4•, '7'5 14 • '5 5'0 4,45 ••'5. '^t 5 ',Lt., 45,55445 • t A COLBORNE & Co. .44:4 • r. :REDu LE 41 )11 '1 . • Saturday, November 20th, is the last day of our big 20 per cent. Reduction Sale. rffrk. 44'4 4 4'; OA! ' - 0 After that date a great number of lines will go back to the old price, but we will have wonderful bargains to offer you in a great many Flannelette Blanketii, regular $5.50, for $4.40 in firsts and $3.95 in seconds. This is the largest size blanket made and the heaviest weight made. Eight only Raincoats, regular $18.00, for $13.00 each. Sizes range from 36 to 42. They come in a heavy Maidmaterial in grey brown shades. Be sure and see this bargain. They will not lastiong. WINTER CONIS. Until they are all cleared our Winter Coats will be on sale at a reduction oi 20 per. cent. Dozens of people have taken advantage of this special offer on Coats. Do not delay yours too long. Buy when you have a real choice. Twenty per cent. reduction on all women's and children's Coats. • Our serge and silk Dresses will continue on sale at a reduction of 20 per cent. If you need a dress in serge, tricotine, poplin or any quality 'of silk he sure and see these values. Dozens to choose from and every one is correct in style, as they are all new this season. We tarry a city range of Dresses at much below the big town price. A 20 per cent. reduc- tion o.n all Dresses. SWEATER COATS AND PULLOVERS. All Sweater Coats will be reduced 20 per cent. We carry Sweater Coats for women and children and they come in all colors and the styles are all this season's. Be sure to see them before buying. They can be had at a reduction of 20 per cent. A large range of Pullovers at$3.50. They have been selling up to $6.60 each and are now educed to $3.50. FLANNELETTE. ' Every piece of Flannelette in thestore reduced. Everything on -sale is sold for cash 4111-= * 11. BLOUSES. All georgette Blouses reduced 25 per cent. Voile Blouses reduced 25 per cent. Crepe de chine Blouses reduced 25 per cent. Habutai Blouses reduced 25 per cent. We carry everything you could wish for In Blouse& 440 - or, DRESS coops. - *54.005 Every piece of Dress Goods in the store reduced 20 per cent. We have picked out a great number of short pieces up to 5 yd& and in plain - and checked goods and have marked them much below cost price. You will be able to buy your Dress Goods at pre-war prices. Fine Botany Serges in brown, blue, black, taupe and green, reduced 20 per cent. All Coatings -and we have a real range to choose from -reduced 20 per cent. RIBBONS. Our Ribbon values are real. Fancy colored Ribbons for making Chriat- mas gifts, 41/2 to 51/2 in. wide and priced up to $1.50 a yard, on salet 48c. - Plain Duchess Ribbons, 5% in. wide, In the very best quality, regular80c a yard, for 48c. Plain Taffeta Ribbon, 41/2 and 51/2 in. wide, at 28c a yard. Plain Taffeta Ribbon, 81/2 and 4 in. wide, at ?Ac a yard. SILKS. Every. piece_of Silk in -this store is- redueed 20 per cent. We have a large range in navy blue, white, black, light bile, maize, moose, taupe and many other shades, and they are all reduced 20 per cent. 1 •UNDERWEAR. Special values in ladies' and children's Underwear. They are all reduced. only and not exchangeable COLBOR r-14-• he Store of Reliability • • O.! lte v.4811 prize, donating It to the t ehe aff-" • greatly enjoyed both guests sail host's, and the merry - :retie, like Oliver Twist, are asking ;‘• • more. is;tal Meeting Next Tuesday. annual meeting of the hospital t.telation Thursday night last . • tight out a small attendanee, owing 1.-....dutstit to the very disagreeable tier. It wee considered adetaahle r Tel proceed with the !mallow, of the d "Mg, but to adjourn to another .• when, 1 la hoped, the cireum- 4' -is wit' he more favorable. The t axed for the postponed meeting enamels', Kt -teener 2nd, when all • • chore are requeerted to meet at the • :e of Trade rooms; promptly at 11 ri of Trade HerWag. I. the getters! meeting of the Board ' reedit ea Friday night It wee de - e!, In order to comforts to the mew 1 -ird of Trade Ace St prorate * e ndear aI, te be placed In charge • , 4 ••••""•-'441,0, • / 444 4.• of the secretary or acting secretary and to be used only aa directed by the Board or its executive council. The secretary reported havtng com- municated with President Beatty of the C.P.B. and Mr. (111dereleeve of the Northern Navigation Co., urging them to make Goderlch a port of call for their boete. The transportation committer was requeeted to take this matter up dir- ectly with Kr. J. W. Neer -eon, preei- dent of the ftersede nteeniahlp 1.1itept. Mr. J. W. Yeager was appointed to met on the nominating committee for the remise * I election of ogicere. The question of inatitutiag a "mem- ber,' blown" In omneetloo with the Board was considered, but no dedsite setIon was taken. A committee was appointed to ar- range for s simper to he held early In Deeetnber If poselble, and the in- duortriel commemionera or the C P.R and Cana/lea teatime' Railway,' will be Melted to he peewee and give .4 - The mow of bevies so orvellt C., 4 4/*"•, 44044,* 44.•“ • 4,0 • skating rink and a toboggan slide in Goderich was considered and referred Ito the civic committee to cotter with the proper committee of the town conneiL Mr. C. Wurtele for the imdentrial committee gave a review of the work In hand and urged eo-operatioa la for- warding the Industrial scheme sew before the Board. It makes a real treat-Bleckstone's delicious ice cream. in bulk or fancy bricks. Rev. Jam. Wilson, of Toronto. malt's brief vine to Golerich last week Go Huntley he emadneteri special sweeten. In eonneetloa with the reopening of Eguiondville Presbyterian ehitreh. Pridham the Tailor he. *tided to hi already large assortment of samples sperlAIR for the holiday trade Take a look at them. Y011 can save from 810 to 815 by walking around the corner. North Knot. „ •• • t141'14111. swop trttist • to - ••••• " • 4, •- t.tt I-• *Or 115 1 Hr. V. H. Peardon. of Walkerville• was In town for a few days daring the week. Mr. and Mrs. D. Cantelon left title week on their return to their hod, at Vancourer. It. 1'., after evend weeks pleasantly spent In visiting nip alivep and friends In GoderIch. O;t5 PICRITRCT UWE There's no gift like. good portrait wothing mo dietinet- ive, so enduring, and so Imre to pipette. As appointment now will admire yon "peramiality por4 Isteta" for gift -giving time. J. T. Fell , 4 44itivf .11'4 , "..• .4411•••••••.:440 4.4 p. 1 .44 1 41;