HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-11-18, Page 7f r
1.40Q'.4 Sectric
hat Out
idle, Si
Oil ■ w
THE complete list of Edison's Irwentions,
that have hel�Pd
a .mankind to live better and
to better enjoy living, reads like the Arabian
Nights. Isn't it easy to understand why the
inventor of the phonograph can produce the
world'sgreatestRhonograph value, the Amberola?
Isn't it difficult tb u�derstand why anybody ever
,,buys a talking m4chine, when they can own -a
The World's Greatest Phonograph Value
Are you familiar with the crack`"and break? Amberol
shrillness and metallic sound Records can be accidently
of "talking machines" and dropped .without datnage—
ordinary phonographs? Then the are practically unbreak-
come to our store and listen abland evivlastingl
to the pure, musical tone of Would you like to -own ift
,;1..:- a.W .ir)a,lie„u3...arwm,�w.,ar,�,c:.�"aaw.r.+m:,,� ofire,e.a:.,.......�,ek:.tv,aasutt„ ,+rwr►: v>ur....v .t,�..�..a•,",&ail ^�twa :�?:�.$„.:1
'Chnr.dny. Xora nJs•r ]�, 1!Y_'Q T
her daughter, Laura F. was of Tu �; THIS WOMAN'S I ��
luarrlaae nr James Klrhru of Tltru
(perry. lie+'. R. Wilson otllclated.
Frank twill, d. �1'e of one- MISERY
KUlop, wet with a past?• ae•Idto+at one s -•-..»
morning revelitly. He w•aa vatting I —
dow'u a free In the buaki agalust.which
another wait lodged, and in the fall I'
braces, of the lodged trev stl•UCk him L'� p11t111Itllamrs
Nord has bw•n receive! at Heusaill i.�
(rt the death by necideat of DI'lle Vgstable Co
,of m R♦
) t w
wen. sou of tile u
e late Mr. cEw 19 I markabie Recovatry off the L,duu. road. He wad Ilvl
at vatuldwll jover, vancouver 1»IawL I M CbV��
Particulars • the accident hove not I .. _4§400come to land.
,)n top of the brad, ' and for a time Smihe Falls, Ont. —"I suffered with
rendered him uncoawelons. Iite wax i falling of my organs, pate around my �
&four at the time, but wolf able to I bean and in towels and down my
reitch 111» home and later went to neurals& my face and toad, and t
Reaforth to re'ef•e medical treat- terrible sinking feeling. I felt that I
meat. HIM head was loudly !arms,"! could not live and would fix my house is
and several stitches were rwlwirell Jo order every night w there would be leo
close file a'trutul. He will have it very i trouble if I dropped off in the might
.sort- head for some days, but he c,gl- Jyy husband went to the druggist to pt
siders hiots-if fortunate h+ getting off the beat remedy be had aatatdd he gave
as well las he d I him Isydia E. Pinkham'sVegetable com-
1 I',ifiELt3. poand I took six bottles ud felt a lot
better. I will alwaya recommend the
liter. R. I►. mess bra severed his Vegetable Compound and you can nae —
couue•tion a» rector with St. John's three facts as a testimonial." — Mrs.
migiican.church and hall gone to I.otr•., J. O. CRURM, Box gam. Smiths Fallso,
don Kbu,4on,
take charge of St. IMvid's Ont. t
parisHe is succeeded here by Iter. The success of L dial It Pinkllam'a
]. �. whit has been rector of Vegetable Compounj made from roots
ENrKwe '.. and herbs, is unparalleled. It may be '
�Ilss cos k, of Itrussellf, Ilf a mens• used with perfect confidence by woman
It, of the graduating clean of nurlfrs who slier from nenptL pfeatratl0n,
at the.:.tra ord hospital this Year. displacements, inllsmmatiOn, ulcers-
lia been temporarily Inside tion, irregularities, periodic tains. tb�amccky-
to rhe washou in the cement will dant, ache, bearing -down feeling, Aatu
nto I it is holm.! ley will last until the indiggeesstion and dizziness. LFdia EE
work cap Ile• co detlrl next spring. I Pink ,a Vegetable Compound ni the
standard remedy for female ills.
f) R. If there are any complications about _
Jfrs.-Richard Hoe It die] Monday of which you need advice writs is ce0-
Inst work as the re,;i t of u paralytic a ifdenee to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine -
sirtike whh•h she rei-ei•trt a fro daps CO., Lynn, Maas- I 1
»•torr. Site was In h `fifty-seventh I J
t r and is oirrivel ly sur. flet- � .•, (I
twr ,sof i,ondou, her bus Ira hltving drew, of tills tow',1. The ewretuetty
filet many craw ago. .cxi perfurtued fly Rev. Father lioets. 1 ife
kuotvn resident of F}xcter. lied art r. &u, �.Ctirti'r'w'�cttt Trstrh'-*t
London Nowviul»•r '_ud. aged ighq. e■atortll.
- The dr
depth •murrel on the 7t6 fund.
teo years' �
At the Trlcil[ llemnrlal rs .try I of an old resident of `caforth, ht the
6n Wttnrday last.r
ltv. A. A. Tram r Is•rs)n of Willlala ItnbF• who lied
wrfurnied The Mart�aRp o(rrrtttmlr nn . 1 rrarhr(I his ui,1ety-serou.l year. For
ing Flarru, r i Hntw•, daughter of M ; twenty year, or more the (11-11-1
and Mrs. FrAnk- Trirb •r. aehl+t•a;trt I was loorter at file Comutercial hotel,
Al.•xaudrr \1,-Falts, at 1 Idulph t„w•u- 1 sell alt" till hotel cb,wrd deet t
ship. Th.• },,tit,¢ coup!,• a' I reside on ` lug biro McLennan. the proprietor,
the gr Till- s fare i,1 Itiddn h. m a• Islas a hum.• of his tesidell",
(►n Thnrwlay e•tening at wh re he {at.w•d away.
t Trtvirr llrnuui,�I re cacti. aIL++ `• a,lyv I Is n Prendergast, an old and well-
iMa,n,f 1'shnrne Mw'aship, was a 'trod know r•sld,•,1t of t:Rmondviile: pa,tsrci
in woof I'- ,,14 ane t !rel \1m». of Far elr. away •trinesdlay trf last wick sit the
i Thr yoanR c,owle will reside is chi ' R•xml ob age o! eighlv•flvr }'crit'+. The
dera»etl seas ,e re.id,•lit of Illhllewt
town. d Tw•nckr with to%ushiles for more 4
N�f�. rN411
I ,ill t rwrt,�• rex r•. Ile Iv,1rt•a k wi• " e7
Little,""' sal a rile filwily, +uost art i
`The Best Medicine for little 1
wham ve in Nt5ltes.
Ones. weary, ('lark of ('onstanei•. halt {
I»ren enKa etl as org:rui.t of the
forth Ancli a ch
r. Is
\� 1
Th asaydsO mTable statepn.irjyely' ilio. a tirptr►, .sl !lines,•\ Mrs. by Uwe
trail_ and that Bab 'S Own Tablets are the best lhh14, widow
'l. it,"
tltr hate J. 1'. rite'. wig irl� W ^411i aill0
medicine they know of tnr tittle ones ,,dies! uu �uudta} t t e Rre•rar aR .►f f
I Their experience has taught them Ilial nirirt}-.t14- ).+us, glee h illg hw n 1 ru g1 Om �0� re Ea ay Covered
UP e
the Tablets always do just vhat is
111 )ktulaud in U,e tic: . h r
11 claimed for them and that they (an be , •a.ce•ur} ye:us .ice• had Yea x errs - �er Board wilt cover them up for all time and you t1 never clave do —
Riven with p• rte<t vfrtY to chi dr. n of ,!tent of tt••.•forrh. A tsar ly of flr job b d0 &ileal. ethic Beaver Board is doing away with the datt{ar
all aces• Ge^crrniocthem Air• ]'e•eph'.utvivr: JI r• lid„tin-ir,u1, \Its of faMng plaster it Is covering up old dingy wall paper on watts asd
Therrien M. Gabriel d• Bnr''on. Qtu„
1'.•ier :ken. of I•ril-11 : \1' 'lam, let \ c� and giving you an idea. surface for painting and decoradng.
writes: 'Baby's Own Tablets -ire the t•,rrouhr: Ont! M, +.•< Je noir• :w F'raa- to N
btst coeds tele L kru,w of f, r lits:e ,nes. I , iilaay r old homested W been revived sbt■■ of the spruce tn.. Feeh pests
err. at home., - It
thought I would lose my batie before Ilhlrisotle■■,pfaekleutrruidactureA gated with the peitentsd Sielrire ps► I#tstlMra R «r
Itr)ingthtTOt►let5.buttheysornmadehim' CLINTON. - l 1 ltoomafterroomlwbeen me&, pw which ptevecu wuping.sou ysu f' v”' �1
healthy and haply and now i •1(uld not e■ -one sit a d— i! you ple Oar"-witb' need to build or re -build, restore 0lip
i be with„ut'thtm,” The Tablet, are sold At-iln• hum,• a,f Mr. and Mrs. Into a out rsilee er little• ark tr how yea will Oren tv
by medicine dealers by mail at 25 cents „,rtt. ole �arnrd;,r, lith inti., Iheit Saae+t Board h real lumber. It Is bulk pa4alttdrpa het ithlts
by m from the ale.l,1'illiam� AledinneCo., i.w bfrom the sarong, ptw ullirrg Beaver Beard.
aboxcidcst d:ntghu•r, K:,tlmrlur, a'as IIi.iUr1 UP Wee Pana % k
Brockville, Ont. I ht nutrri.rce to Dr Jaillo s Trunci+ ►
a \,tela• •.f wiuds,)•. The e4remuny was
\TINE!!.01. iwrforuo•d by Rev J. F. H.,Rg in the a der Planing Mills Ltd. �E;
end Jliss i►e.r[s I rr.rrir of mh•tire+ and a few inlnrr-
Mr� Thrix Fells ntr feign l•, \Ir.:uul \L Adams lert
r f iv�•it �: #
Foils hd. glandr,l front it visit to IIs• xana aftenwim for ilrir'home nt p. 0\
.,,•.fri(.Id. F:nt,►ani Wiwl+or. ,UYc„N: III,, glo+ls at the r ox•.18 Go�erich, Ontario Phone 47
G.mnl pn•gn•ss RNMF
t• beillg maAt�-tn the 11, yhliuK lens \Ir.+. Willbuu ('Dols of --
,•tru+tr,1,•tlon +rf the Htdr.. lines ,otln• '
ing tH \\•iuglianl. 11,14 if is rrxt»htel Jelun, dlntchter of Mrs. W. .\rg,•nt - FINE REPAIRING
Ila• tNrarrr mill l»• Inrne,l un herr with of ,Tinton. was Married sit at. 1'xrd.y l +
in a wink or hen. 1 (Bring your th•ad•a -nip or y L. uv
At 1.
our.! \Ir+..l.unr+ \f.'leemald. Tor- Vision h, \\•illow•dale. on r►rrolm•r :etch. � and Ict as retre:ld them for yrnl :md
auto.:unwi,o.•r til,• rugag.vinv+t of their 1.r Jol,)r (1Hhuu•II. -oar fll' \L•. and \Ids.. \ �r� i get an extra;l.fXVl to 3.(iW cadre uul Www jole l+girtcr,. _ilia pert). to Irt�' G. .loxut, irinfuuell ..f that pinrr. Th-, happy age nut of lairs that are praerl,;dlY �,r
I t� rrtrrlrh will n stele sit 'r..r(+title ”' the-- r � �l f wurthte's. rn .rt rs tthm verve the -,
I soon of Mrs. A. Jtryttt of \\Thgham, tIM a Inti r. 1 [,�
"N77 i„
salt« t.. t+ek., place -this muulL. l which all! strcoKl hhe rt iQ lour cunt
-ti»,rty )Ise»• ihllience � �' :fret �tr�f'frffr•r-*rf"kr*H!*rn-iea+�`--�Tp(SAt(et]--m�tre t+rttT►� f►rtte t>y � , .
Thr• drank .,r \Ifs atry fetor! tL.• \1,ison bonscit -,.x - alwuLttetli ewe „*
�hcit'i1L dnuirll", f \!r pool Mr-. R'ni. 1 f -
�herrlfr. tie• . nt- d ,Gv p ri,cr F fo � ' i
n,1 \I our \
••f cert-wle•i- wa.• l+.+a" _ i11 1,o-•rri'�r1nL.. - ! ,
Itali r Arrfiatlong of the ]I III re»td, cannot ave your MnIng a iiew tier. rt
the t.r•r.It of \vlothlann The yontw near Tnu,•ficlt: 1u1- pin, 14-014Mls•e ¢eaarurrr
L1d}. it ho seas twe,1ty-eight years of tttrn.•r's bons.• uti Joseph trivet pttd I will be a pretty had one. ems,
!ago.. had bear& ill for afoot u week I14141 • .
is vowing In toNu with Iris fumlly to� � 1l 'hiree,Tutees. Acceswmes.
had ttmi•)R.eur an olwr:ltiou for ale r)•.Id1•
Slav nil- a teacher in flip Hamilton fits
i.tr 11'iirg►iaiu Ye•hnoty.t'rntl's rhnrrh ten �atnrdny tree' H. J. 11SilER, (iOHRRiCIi /-')""v
.w.w,.*wsrr ,we.�vw.ar:
- }.N7r-- A -4l NOW- Floreaur;
y �aautes itobill oil and Fit sly tutee t.+ `N 1 dxu bier of Mr. nail \Ir+ •lobo '7�nnrtwl to 1'obalt, wlo•re fht;y W ll reside \\'Nlkins, of town. anal John Walhuw eNwrun e
leu flit,ll''' Pow,•11, sou pf .lohn 1'oa.ell, Aloorierth,
I'rt r 44owtins- has Igen ap{»dnted aper• united Ice marrtagp. They will r•-
tineril vleek and treasurer of Winarltam. , Ido 11t K(•nforlln• -
lGray-Dort sena Studebaker Motor Cars �...
w-:i•..rps. -rdxiR>u-'d-- s fiwirK(� iT>FFiiiril, llr•rtrYrtt-�-TrltttitrR � 1
Jlr. 'ow,ans ret uncal br teen two tom wen} or Ih•troit, fit's! in 'hat city -
years a frnrn Saskatchewan &!cern t -�-�
he had lx•,•n in Sa for a nnmtwr of ', last week. Hr wa'! a son of the lnh• OWN"
Jfr. and irs. (kr,rgr Herlond of ('fill -year+. (►f latp hp has Irren teaehing ,fon. Hr !envie o widow and two IIow about your •hatter this winter .' To 1)e a�setty
sehcm.l at Whitechun•h. Idau¢hn•rs, tits., torp brother+ and tone Rood battery ice lltc pritig, lcav'e it v\ith u, fur \
NF.AFORTH. r slaters• I storage.
The ntarria¢u Tomsk place fit Ott. j t� DRY 'STORAGE
James' chop li an Aoclemiwr Nth of i Hasik—)liner.
Marg•urr, eldest daughter of Jig+. ti. r rs.ww sir
Dick, of Hpnsall, t.r Thomas 1.. An- histoa,•I it:unu•r : Miller's retinue- We overhaul )'nose hatter)', renes the until r ry last
;olio teed,' prpttity rtmtrN ted fere the IIIKFtitit@ it, sturA-_it ill, dr)' cottditioti. until icyltirell t ,
- --- `
Q :Ilii. Aer err+ fly »rpnp or n r the til)rI11Q, t(1C11 fill II 11O tt1111 CIl'CtrUlltr, reeliarge it, and
�- -- - Y�STwrrhliiiR of t .ir•hxk leo ll'oduwehly. .
` are pr:iNtieally.a ,1(re(1 of a ,ea�ou s .( erne, no (leterttrr.
- �c--= VnTi...Wr'i: wlrrtrMi-•- 441"14.4 It It l
_ � & rr» .r rr,»wrni.aitisSAi
I:pfd,) \Iiup1. d,,nghrpr ..t \Ir sand tnkiiit j)Z lc`Z` ` 5 qtr battery tett+ Ell}--+tcuape_ _-Uut .,
is our re uliat ovrtlintlillg charge 0111}. tj
Mrs. J 1.1 \f1111`I'. IN+',IIIIp Slm''111'1dP of B i�
At r. Fred f: Ilastie of \\'reefer. Rev. I wt vows.. star
1 JI, v, nl nr l:,1ny .•14111-,014 nm, bided WET STORAGE
i find tin• {raests minder's1 thirty orIr'
The ptomp, rosy cheek, ,e,nre, Little Vis. Fb.,pne•t• t\'nwal.{ Your battery %%-ill freeze if allowberme
ed to e.IrtchnrL.,
a well-nourished body d!aglitter• of 1)r. Nm1 Mrs .1. A. wlw,lt II Storing, a batter)' tnukr the art ler«esti anti plena than
of l:nrlph. 1t etousht of the- bride, made your battery will 11'N'^ Altr III/IIVl.laal atlelltl, ,1 thitrd$bI ll.it,Wmm",
are the best evidences a dainty ii mi.r•ftia. The wedding the Winter nionths, inasinuch ail we will kerll it active H11(l it
(l I tnxrcit from lAawngrN lens ptaye,l b)• � ,
of strength and vigor. alee•91wr ..rant. ser.. -Margaret \\•perils' a charged eonc'.I(iuti. M—
t:oderl.•14, nu,, \liss \f:nlo•l-le walk- ^_
sits I pr. of \\'itnthor». su,a "rib Promise asst Our, prices am Winter Storage. All Make, of Mrs overt to
hieh Me._' The grpota s gift to the "bride hauled and satisf Ietiea guaranteed. 4-
Pril I was x ►wantlful nr{a• of {aau9•:. Fol- "
lowltrg flat• c vil."lli a sannptnoi"' We still 4ia a nuuilrer of 'i`ires 0n ha of that are offeree!
xealdlug_diuper wa! er ql :end til' ukr.c. _.
Heir- in11!t f., 1114npwh seeds wit+ tery tit gre!tti- f'!'ti lfrCthl
R H f Ml�LSlON` I oil jFa�,4q-t1c ttrc, Mr. Niri.)1 nen!
\ i flflfnglr t•eyx.hded to Icy Ilse graront. 9
JThe nrhb• d!voralhras were phik and LITE BATTEWES ¢.
rn)p• white and flood e11N•orntbrns Nlm,1t file
is used in tens of thous
mill, sands of homes every happ • .gin nil �011epl %rt ri vii, +301 i Oho Chevrolet Car for sale.. _
l e f
ntF I collo for Ilawilton, Toronto and other � __ --_-- .__-• �=-.-_--- :
day. It improves I ia•1111», the Lride rravellntR in N »nil _-
Jas. the appetite, pro•
(of frown hread,b.th, with 1»•aver fon ���� `7 !s^OHO �� A,�[�
pair- and InnrM tint itch o.trlrh frhnrwl,1K `\, O`j\Cry r v `.
hllip motes growth and oil retgrn the} hili wok,• their homy
geld sustains stre th. ole tit'' Rn»anis htM near 11'mPptrr. '1'. F. HOLLAND
Then• were RnrJ+, it, flit. weldlnR
fit �"thibwn .T•m,nto ern, 'r t from 1ia»I••rfeh, liarrisfoa, f:urlp4 �
�rati�MG” Stratfordi, ()orrle and Wroxeter.
_ f
the Amberolal The',differ Amberola, but feel you can
ence is startling. not afford tone? Let us prove
bo yoti know the cost and to • you that Edison's wish
bother of constantly chang- to bring music iiio every
ing phonograph needles? Let home makes it possible for
Y us show you the ermanent you to possess an Amber-
Diamond Point Reproducer oda almost onJ your ,Qwn
-of the Alnoerola that .- des___ -
away with needlesl .come in and talk it oi4r
Have you seen how easily with us. If you eanno%ome
IN "`talking rnachine" records soon, write us today. -„
sdpi rswerataaa'•saaae wiotiwNiri _ i
Agent for Edison Disc and Amberola Plignographs and Records and De Laval
Cream Separators. AUBURN, ONTARIO, Phone I1 r 1S (Doagannon)
Nf•+. l:ertrud•• Hps�, et %nrlrh,
LIGGETT'S tainet a fnl a few days Ntfo w
r•>nilted in the fracritre Qt ee
sa r Ln t
Weir Achr+an hies so r.e�omi
riot haul at Htn1rx11 to lir. 1'oitrt
Thalnesford, who will Ret pOxs\
I On TupwtaF of lar,t work' Alike 1
Fresh shipments of these choice • brands just received i)oxry, wife of Hugh (•naningl
11Mh cow-rytsien of they town
TAKE A TODAY .+t+w . sxrel .way at ate early age of iwe
•IRht year».
The 1111►-acrn farm of the Intl
Merrl+ towashlle. het+ been
f DUNLOP chase~f frim the p. 71fall p by P
H. s � .vtaealf, of Nrnssrls. Tltr peke to
e 030AV.
THE REXALL DRUG STORE f"On W tt NINy. Notemhtor srtl.
r0%.^0e,04.0selooloolossiostoesto the holes of Mrs. Jpbu Ruttish, Bhter
__,.a.,s,••rx.rrreriT(9ei:ice',,- t -u. •lit.. a .:mot
,,;'sx`d•. 13t-.•.asr.$II'...�
� •rY � 1
^'wfi;."„°.-: �.r:.:".,.- r .,.....� ... »M• ,�:..m."n•.r« ,"'«e'��9.wS"•- r.�v.' - - � '.r
.�» t` ,.� .w.. �.,4� •+�,r..s MiV �'xrgtrM. t,wa+aameanree*.� ar..r
. _ ...J :...�Y'�. . "!r'-wR+n+u+-tt*."'•!+b'! wyl..yrit�`S•,�;.�..�wrM•MI:��-•.'tiFie•+�•w•- w•