HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-11-18, Page 5is fek s,. 9't I40•111111MMI' An Invitation You are invited now to come in and look over our stock of FRENCH IVORY We have a very large assortment -of gifts in this and ", other fancy lines See them oa display. Early Christmas shoppers have the best choice. We are always pleased to show go94. CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE " THE PENSLAR STORE" �. Telephe« N Nest Millar's Scetch Stere The Square ♦ THE FUTURE VALUE OF VICTORY LOAN _ 5 I-2 per cent. GOLD BONDS Will Be Apparent When Conditions Return to Normal TES BIOAAL Knight said the committee was not yet prepares! to put a price ea It. Hockey Meeting. A r.ting of all hltereetel In hockey has been called fur next Tues- day evening.L1rd Inst., at the town hall. to organtat' for the coming season, fullers are to be eleeted,attd other ar- 1'allgella•IIt.s Wade. and it Is loped Were will 144• a large attendusw. Married at Windsor. tin Mayday last saris Agnes Iteksou, daughter of the late William i)Ickrou ,,t G.ol•rleh. was umarriel.to Mr. Wil- ; Haut Itick,e.n of 11ttawa. tate ceremony taking place quietly at the lone et • the brWr'r brother-lu-law and slater, lir. and Mrs. C. L. t'rasaweller, 11' 111dsor. Loser We in Burning of Hesse. ler. 11. McFadpe•n t!l11 morning re- t ce•ivel a telt-grant I •IIveylig tlrr start - :mg news that his 1 rather had lost Ili. Ittr In the burning 7f -hie house at • flak li:tuk, 'flan. ltul44•rt Meleadven ea.. a farmer with an extensive prop- , city at oak Batik, near Winnipeg. and was tllh•ty.six years of age. He tette not married and lived all alone uta the farm. Mr. f(. McFollyell left on thIa afternoon's train for the se•ne of the sad fatality. tA Bit of Nature. .\ wasp« neat. brought to the ' iligpryatl ofiee by Mr. JohA Torrance of , 1'ut'tei s 11111, has attracted much at- tention and admiration. It was built in an apple tree. and evidently was commenesel when a small apple was growing on the brunch. for now a full- ; slre•d Main apple projects itself about halfway through one side of the neat. The color and '.haps• of the nest make ' it a thing of beauty --and needless to say tj1Pre are n4. wasps. In It 140411:4 The Housing. Commission. Mr. V. H. Peardon. of, _*iillterville, W -arr-Ott.,wn 1 --tb14-- 111144-nd conferred - OODMIIR.IOH, ONT. SAYED FROM LIFELONG MISERY And -DeageroncA.TWES Shrewd investors are anticipating the future and buying these bonds at present prices. Your Choice of 7 l`aturitie' . Dos. 1922 1 1924 1927 1933 1934 1937 PIKS and Worse. \ 98 tIZ 97 14 ..- 93 9. _Bemis 'Delivered to Your Bank Fret of All very or Y.sldma Par cent. fi.54 6.24 IM 6.33 6.00 reference to the work which that body has been carrying on. The house built he the enmmlaaidn for Jos. McPhail is completed, and the one lutllt for J. f'nthbertso,n G practically complete!. though some slight alterations are still to be made. Mr. I'eardon was appoint- .d archtreet• for the commtasion be- fore lila removal to Walkerville. MIS. M. 4. OOrast 5928 Union St., Vancouver, B.C. "I suffered with all the symptoms of Female Trouble, with shrank Con- stipation and eoestaat Headaches. 1 had pains low down is *As beak and sides of dm bed. I tried various remedies without relief, and then put mi -self under a dootor's care and he advised me to have an operation. 1 refused. Then. I started taking 'Fruit-a- tives' ; and from the outset, I felt better, and this .adicins has completely relieved me of all my misery andt- suffering. lily weight was only 143 pounds and now it is 168 pounds. I terrible Constipation ; and wbatsaved metrom misery is the splendid fruit medicine. 'Ftrtrit.a-fives'." MRS. M. J. GORSE. 5Oc. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25e. {r At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-a-tives Limited Ottawa, Ont. nater-.lso,-wm11 ersem:, .s -steno eta hitt `'Ila T'• Thursday, November IR, 1020 R Inc and Curling Association hast night It war decided tu'lta)e Mr. }:t1. Lynn take charge of the rink again for tie coming seaw,11. Tliere `itavtug been rune dls.1a41.fartloe wlilt conditiuus Rt the- rink last season, a managing comeettttr• was• llpl44.l tit el. cern%bat lug of Messrs. W. Wit (elaalrnaul. l'. l'. ler•. 11. A. 11a14:eau 4411(1 t'. A. Nairn,. to take general charge of utat• tern and -stake such chaggt•s in the build log and ileac such regulations for the conduct of the rink as may be last c,lkulntld to bring about satlsfaitory coudltlous and wake the rluk as generally popular as it sl bol he. When the regulations ire drown up they are to 144• published in the local papers fur the luform+ttiuu of patrons of the rink and of the general public. New Residents of Our Town. Mr. E. 1'. Weiss and fatuity, who have Ixeeu re44tdedv of Walkerton, have removed t0 (;uderleh to make their Inoue here. alias Beta 11'ebes hap taken a position 011 the Pell Tel- ephone ventral staff here. The follow- ing reference 14) the young lady is from The Wel rains Telescope: Miss 1(etaa Weiss. a popular tuem- Iwr of tb., 114.11 Telephone staff, wait the recipient uf. a compliWelltary ad- dress and a handsome present In the form of a clullag la4,re •leaving 40 join her 1wrrots at their new «tome at Golerich last week. The presenta- tion to,.k place at 44 social evening given 111 her hu11.ir at 'the home of Miss Ilaxel Jasper. The address war read by Ills) Naze! McNeill, chief op- erator, and the presentation lardy Oil behalf of the staff, by Miss 114411t•l. Jasper. • Harbor Notes. The steatiter Gleiwalra unloaded 100.0444 bushel. of wheat attd dal on Thursday hast at the elevator, • The steamer t'olliugwoutl - arrived oft Thursday last w•Ith a cof it ftullhushe•1. ut -w heat for theargo Wesl- .•c+t 1 ,, •i,(14.}1)U-Mills. The ,.ttyltuel' l;fetan•cly' arrived uu Tuesday will unloaded 200,000 bushels I of wheat and wets al the elevator. The stoower Martian unleaded 200,- 000 00;000 bushels of wheat, barley and flax at the elevator on Tuesday. The schooner Inert 1turnee. which. had been lying in shelter here, left 'en Tuesday morning for Kincardine, but could not make the harbor on tem t of the directic,,, of the 4)11111 and rate back to 4;o41e4-u11 n11 11'c,luesday evert- ing. Her cargo of woe.' is promised i for ItIntatdine.- lout if she hinds she cannot make Kineardlne 1aa1•I'or the . wood will. be disposed of in f:oberte•h. The steamer ('ollingw.ad is expected ton Fti(lay with a cargo of wheal, alts and barley for tit. elevator. The 1'.1`.14. w'aH•r t,iuk burst' on Snnlay morning. and men are at work rebuilding tr. t Hunters Here from the North.. -- - -- The hunters have been returning and 111, x'. V. henry gives instructing9 howls from file northern woodn'the last ton the violin. Roth of these are artisfa few days. Messrs. 11,....,/,,,Fisher. Wm. of revgnized merit, and while they are Chisholm and Oitver Goldthorpe. who commencing their studio on a molest were in th. Muskoka dlrtrlet. ant scale we see no gt,ud reason why it hack on Saturday. Mr. Jas. Ik118,111w,n should not prosper and develop into arrived on Monday from the Sault Rte. :In lustitutiou of conatdt•rable imtoo•t- MariP di.triet. and Dr. Mabee. who , ant -e.. The Golerich Society Orchestra, was up on the French River. reported I of which Mr. -Henry 1s the leader. is at noon today I Thnralay i. F.aeh one i Ailing many engagements both In town z;t his deeer. They report+a great num- I atwl. at outside points, and la bnlldli g I..r of hnters In the woods, and plenty ; up a tirstrate.reputation. or game, -- •1 Accident to Writ- Bropbey. - Armistice alewsoe(sl $ .I The remains of Mrs. Michael Lite: - There wan a good turnout for the gin, who died at Flint,.ellptich., aged church parade of the (:rent War vet fifty-four years. were interred Ill Nr. )rens to St. George's (•►torch on !tune ..fosepii s cemetery, Klegsbrldge. uu day morning for the armistlee nlemor•' Tuesday morning. Mr. Wil;h1111 Brokerage Charles hi srw7i•r. There was a Cors IargY► ITrirlrTiNy. tililerTalPr. O town. -who co11rrregatio11, hw•hwting many member*errw{nctel the rutwrul, met with a I of. the Women's Anxillary of the i palutul acchlent utter the buttal .cr- I G.W. .A. The rector, Re S. K vjse _ !le eauturning his motor', -� �- ---- '.-- -ribH . look for hiss text the words �heare' when be ran up against a (vire LOCAL a \144). l wu�elen. 11, I'. 3L Ticbecret P.; treas. ' rooter Inv. doth nn man than this t•lotlw'.Ib te' which caught him under' MO. w,i,i. R. tii\R. I .ids: .r•cretarr, John that h(4. lay down bin 141. for 1114 the chit, -making u nasty wound In l friend.' This was the theme o1 a very , elle throat. Sir. 1►enla SullIV*., of Stets* ; .chardaiu, l4I( It. ('• M('' powerful sermon. the Mowing sentences Kingsbridge, who was fitting with him. t p►,.ru, tyle\A. Ratting. of whlr{t could not fall to inspire those Masada tEiretktt who mourn the [utile dead. • hard several teeth knocked out and Vans : .1t the regular tneet1ug bat week Fttel ('arm itteelJau Car 01 Coal. I badly rut abort the face. Dr. Simpr- of Maitland L..hge• No. int. \-F. ands Thr fuel •utuwit(ee of the town Music Stndk• 1 son. :.f' Kieran. dresse41 the Injuries. A.M.-, the -f..thowlna t.Rk.s-r4. acre .+'I,4..41- 11••4rd}g__caL_of coal. Tbe t;oderieh a.. -lett' (lrehestr(t has but on the arrival of Mr. Itrnphey 1n e{w'ei toe ti(...'. it-n(t weir itum,,d- 1..4.4 .•014. casks." the rest Site t!n1t en 1114.11.41 a waste studio. in .• II(h.w•n, Pr. Whitely found It ntr-ess---ary i . late past utlstirfh .t',ls. K. Saunders: *lei 1 is at the\G:T.It. purls today.' furl shod quarters over F H '.'. is To pia tit tom' !nitrites:worhipful master, Win. .1. *Nevin: This sell Is for llrhate ennsnmers in store 'on rh. Synare. Near h11,4 Gena To Make moil* more Popular. mentor w•ar,lsn. F. i:. Coleman: jnn1lr r::wn. t i1ien etc tonal rotinetiior't'. ("41Ifnn Ore'notionen'ttte piano.'! \r a meeting of the f:oderld, 9kat•' aMmmmnmmominim umuum m m m iHummi mnu mimumnmmmimmmiiimmmmmmmuma - _ !11■► - I �-' wwwews / i�� -THE-- BROOMS THE- (JRf� BROOMS . . IModel Theatre Program ire ^.04zars*rm SATURDAY SPECIALS ON SALE AT 3P. M. REGULAR 75C FOR 39C. ON SALE AT 3 P. M. Can you remember when yov bought your last broom for 39c ?-) "NO" -Not like this one. SPECIAL VALUES IN TOWELS - jarge Turkish Bath Towels, .regular $1.39, each .84 TURKISH BATH TOWELS Regular $1.00, each TURKISH TOWELS ` Regular 95c, each LINEN COLORED TOWELS Regular $1.00, each LINEN COLORED TOWELS Regular 69c, each LINEN COLORED TOWELS Regular 50c, each MEN'S WOOLLEN GLOVES Special Value Regular 50c, per pair 12 stores. .62 .59 .59 .47 .37 FOR = Week of November 22 to 27. WOOD CLOTHES PEGS Regular 36 for 10e, 48 for .10 MOUSE TRAPS (Wood) '. 1 Regular 5c, r . T: r ,-r . :. 3 for 10 E PEROXIDE FACIAL SOAP Regular 25c ...... • .. - ....15 M� 'Wear -Ever" Aluminum Sale 10 per cent. off entire stock for one week, commencing Saturday, Nov- ember 20. Graniteware , Sale 8 -qt. Preserving "Kot iglu worth 75c, 45 b} -qt. Preserving.. Kettles,, worth .39 .29\I. 65c, Parsons' Fair Syndicate 1 12 stores 1 MONDAY and Tl'ESI).\1 A Paramount :lrtcraft Picture Bryant Washburn in "Six Best Cellars" and Episode 3 "Daredevil Jack" Jack Dempsey Trimmed Hats Regular $8x:10 :and 510.00 for $6.75 These Huts are fre.b. new and extremely smart and are selected from our regular stock. F\ Specially reduced fpr Friday ami Saturday at $6.75 Our Clothes are nut just average= We know of no especial reason why a feintlnlftttrft. CXXXxtftnfldltts1nr11ixxtflrRc SPECIAL SALE FOR WEEK COMMENCING Saturday, November 20 HURSLEY BLACK TEA, per lb. .30 Monarch Down Wool, 1 -oz. ball, all colors• x.33 Children's Heavy !Pool Stockings, per pr., .59 Weather Strip, per pkg. 8 .15 Boys' Wool Hockey Caps .69 Boys' Heavy Coat Sweaters, grey - $1.00 Boys' &out Stockings, per pr.' - $1.00 Patent Medicines King's Cod Liver 011 !g. .....85 Kinss Beef. Iron and Wine .85 lturdoek 1doll Bitters ....$1.00 1)aatler1ne,. small .33 lienderint•, medium a 85 Phillip's Milk of Magnesia.55 Bayer's Alperin Tablets 12a .10 Rayer's Asperin Tablets 24a 30 Rochelle Salts, 2 us 10 'Turpentine, 3-oa. bottle Z5 Men's 1)r. Chase's Cough. Symp... .33 Frultetive•s, large A5 Fruitatives, small ......f... .23 I.isterlIw. small .. , ., .33 itinard'a Liniment Elect ric oil 33 (ilyc.•rine, 4 -ox. bottle 2, 1(t•idlltz, Powders, tin lax 33 Senna Tet Ieavea, 1 oc. 05 Klug's Mande Pias ; .12 Special Men's Reav TJnderwear, per garment--- .$1.00 Men's Leather Cloves and Mitts .69 to .98 Men's Heavy Wool Socks, per pr. - .49 to .89 Men's Wool Gloves .49 Men's Heavy Peak Caps, fur -lined ..::':-$1.00 Men's Neckties, big assortment ku'- $1.00 Men's Suspender ' ,69 to .98 Visit our IIardw ire department.. We have a big assortment of Toys, Dolls and Christmas Nov- elties and Decorations. Visit our upstairs department for special bargains. L. R.STEELCOI •..LI tFITI:I� ,_ 5C TO $1.00 STORE_ OOD RICH, ONT. -a t XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXX AVERAGE Miss M1 R. MacVicar Kiag,ton-,.trt•ct, Ge.ler► li In "WHEELS OF FATE." WEDNESD.11' and THI RSi)A1- -_ A UNI‘ ER..AL SPECIAL "Tights? They typifled the abonsina- tkns of Babylon and Burlique. but the pastor saw her erystal seal, ber body's flimsy sheath." OLAD1"S WALTON .awl JACK PERRiN in (si_ • s JhB "Pink Tights (:ti Also Universal Screen Magazine FRIDAY and SATURDAY A SELZNICK Pi('TI'RIE Olive Thomas la "Glorious Lady" POLLARD COMEDT and PHONE 238 • BRITISH CANADIAN PATHE NEWS IMI MIN M MINIUIMI MI1Ua uuauuwIaMMI Immommar Px' 6 4 Baptist Church t Montreal Street - SU-Ni).\V :$KetIol ea NOVEMBER 21st Rev. J. E. McCauley -TM-preach fmaratre:,tri eelr+_ 11 A. M. SUBJECT Religion in the Prayer Meeting 7 1'. M. SUBJECT 1s Divine Power Avail- able for Human Endeavor? BIBLE SCHOOL 3 P. M. d.T.P.U. MEETING 8 P. M. YOU ARE INVITED S ot}l# come to-�s -for-a Suit. But -+l -a- man wantst not only a Suit that will fit him, but a - Suit that will suit him, thit is a different matter. - "h'e're busy." Qe. (;w It;M+t:ter t► 9.{ a.. .t Astintstatell 1rf18:e• t rF�V•ri9, Moate man .1; F. H. MARTIN, Tailor HERN'S Boo -r SHOP Now is the time to select Christmas Gifts Weehave now in stock a large range of suitat''• holiday gifts in Women's Soft Boudoir Slipper of seve. colors. , Women's Felt Comfy Slippers in a variety of colors. Women's Felt House Boots and Check Slippers. Women's and children's Indi<1<n Moccasins. In fact we have a large variety ca-• all kinds of Slippers for every member -of the family. A Club Bag, Suit Case pr Trunk makes .a very suitable and lasting gift. 4"w, For this wet weather get a pair of rubbers at 1.1 RN'S'. BOOT SHOP 9yl ( a