HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-11-18, Page 4.-r 4-711wesday, November 18, 1920. a_ • Coming Cold Days Cast Their Chilliness Before mal Now is the time, while stocks are best, to choose your Overcoat or Suit. We have a very large stock, made by the best makers in Canada -20th Centuryand Bengard Clothes. • We recommend them for their sterling worth in workmanship and wear, and also for their tasteful designing and finish. AUBURN. Wednesday. Nov. 17. Mr. Johi Mole is coneued to his bed from the effecte of a paralytic stroke. Mrs. Brownlee and child, of Unity, Sask., are visiting her skitter Iu•law, Mrs. R..1. Ross. Mr. Ernest Craig has moved into part of Mr. Wtu. Doble's hoose. ' Mr. Hanley has conte to take the reins in the Sterling Bank as perman- ent Manager. • Mr. Chas. Asquith has arrived home, having closed the evaporator In Ah•lnstuu, rx' Having taken . over the business of "The People's Garage," MR. J. L. DEMERLING announces tha) he is ready for All Kinds of Repair Work Being a first-class mechanic, who has served his time both as machinist and auto repairer, he` _ Guarantees All Work 31.12 MUM' Fre` Air for all. Gasoline, guaranteed measure Cars ' -Stored for Winter at Reasonable Rates J. L: DEMERLING Victoria 'Street, Opposite Victoria Park 'Rheumatism Neuritis. Sciatica. Neuralgia COLBORNE. A healthful, nasey-.aving remedy, well known for 6ftaen years, pre- scribed by doctors, sold by drug- gists, 51.00 a boa. Ask our agents or write for • tree trial package. Templeton., 142 K,iag W.. Toronto !weal Agent. --Doom's Drug Stere. The Consolidated Sebaol.—The tnts- tee board for the consolidated school is composed of Messrs. Hugh 11111, J. W. Gledhill, Wm. McWbinrey, Levi Snyder and John Million. It is not expected that the change to the new system will be completed until next -midsummer, as the school build- ing at Beuttl'ller will bare to 1* re- modelled and a qualified teacher en- gaged for the advanced work. A BUSINESS CHANCE AT DUNCANNON W. H. McClure has moved to the corner store, lately occupied by Mr. N. J. Treleaven, and will carry on business with new and up-to-date lines of GROCERIES Gents' Furnishings Ready-made Clothing Good Stock of Underwear Flour, Feed, Salt, etc. You will find it to your interest to pur3hase your supplies at M'cCLURE'S DUN(,"',ANNON. Thursday, Nov. 1S. Wedding bells are 'ringing. Mr. Wm. Swills-, of j'ort Arthur. Is visiting his tureut"a• Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Smilb•. Mr. and Mrs. John Smit . who visit- ed friends in the villagelast dweek, left un Monday on their retur trip to Fort !William. Mr. Thos. Srothers went' to Toronto on business this week, his danghter. • Misr Edith. aecompanylug Klin fdg a culiple of week.' vacation. \ Mr. J. IL McNabb motored to fiat riston on Tuesday of this week. The regular meeting of the Women's Institute tt ill to held at the home of Mrs. Crawford. un Thursday Lfteruoun, November 2ith. at 2.:50 o'clock. The yrpies will be taken by Miss Elliott. 'C�ilI jests: -Inexpensive Christmas Gifts.-\ and "Recipes for Christmas 1 ,eking " A Farert'ell Presentation.—The Odd - fellows' assembly room was the scene of n soelat \eve•nt; on Monday evening, witen n' goodly number assembled to honor a !Other, Mr. Norman Tre- leaven. heron. Ills depti'ture to Toron- to. The evcning\was spent In games. after tt-:ir•ii a lunch was served and the following address was read: To Bro. N. J. Treleaven,—We, the members of Dungannon lalge. No. 410, wish to c.otlrep to you to tangible form .oar a;l.r"•Intion of your willing and . tti+ i.•ut services. We have always found yon tatptble'attil obliging. will- ing to give vont itdvice.awl a.si.tancr wi1itont any regarv' to 'quy inconven- ience it may have Invulvisi, during the tone pot have leen with us. We truly appreciate Your effective and your personal and brotherly spirit. amp we sincerely regret that our Drize _L•! -_ about _to_ lose your presence. As s more lasting expression of our mutual love and friendship and ats�a t'slicbt token of the esteem in w -hi. -h we have always held you. we wish you to ne sept this ring, hoping that as ton wear IS 1t may recall to you our work together lit Dungannon 1.a'ge. No. 410. and help you to ever promote the principles fur tvhirh the three links stand. Signed on behalf of Lodge No. 410. U GEO. E. SMiTH, N.G. W. A. STEWART, R.8. Dungannon, Ont., Nor. 15, 1920. aeeg.f �llf, or any oih article of Jewel- lery, it will be all the more apprec}�ted if it comes from here, ,'for our Jewellery has a r4putation for quality, go6d taste and distinction that renders it doubly ac- /ceptable. Remember, please,, that the only thing charged! for is quality. The other fine points cost you nothing. ERTSON AND JEWELLER Goderich, Odt. Big More Ads. 1ty Globe. The follow, from The Stratford Herald exist ns something about which there,Itar hero a good deal of comment Its G.sleri'h: Aa absurd rumor. gained circulation sod some credence In Stratford to the effect that some of the larger Toronto advertisers had decided to drseip line a Toronto morning newspaper because of'Its policy In publishing news of de- clining prleea, to the detriment of trade In Toronto, by withdrawing their • advertising from this paper. Copies of the paper reat•hing Stratford did not contain the ■dvehrtlaing ennonnee- aaMt' of thew adrertl'ers and color was thus lent to 1lpe story. The facts are, however. that These advertisers base not withdrawn their advertising but hart Iween using the paper in goes- tl n all along. What has happened fa that this particular piper, with a view to :aping greater attention to its purely local field. 1a now publish- ing two editions, one for circulation outside Toronto. and a supplementary city section which rlrculate' only with- in the Tnanato area. Thi' city see• turn has been earning the advertiatnr in question. Ur. Elia' WI ss an(1 family, who hare been respected citizens of the town for number of years, are leas• ing shortly for (iaterieit, where Mr. Wirer ha' takin a good potrition.,- Walkerton Telescope. The Malaita Tea Company hie re- duced the pries of their Brown Libel Salads teen 1's' a ponnd. What the cotaunsers have ben paying 70e a Ib. for, they $I1 be able to get at We per tsaupd n t shin ar the ariWe4l►' present A Bargain in Photography. W- have a number of Cabinet nts worth regularly $5 a sen which customers may have at $3 a dozen while they last. Christmas is only six weeks away. Orders for Christmas work should be left now in order to be filled lti good time. R. R. SALLOWS CAR W. Cranford --W — Another of those pkwaansievents whk4i have so happily matted the present season took place on Wednesday morning of this week, when at "Bide -a -wee." the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wilson. their daughter, Miss Edith May, joined heart and hand with Mr. Duncan Crawford. of Flint, Mich. The wed- ding ceremony was performed at 10 o'clock by Rev. R. J. Ross. B.A., min- ister of Smitten Hill l'resbyterlan church, the bridal party Standing before a bank ',f crysantbemtrms and ferns. The Lobengrin march was played by Mtn Minerva McPhee, who also during the signlug of the register played "O Perfect Love." The bride was becomingly attired lu white satin with overdress of georgette and purl trimmings. and the conventional bridal veil and orange blossoms, and carrieele-a shower -bouquet of bridal roses. Miss Lucy,McLeonan. of Stret- ford, was maid of honor. and two little nieces of the bride. Meese Dick- son and Irene Stahl, were the flower - girls. prettily dressed lu .white silk and carrying baskets of flowers. Af- ter c'ongratulationa and good wishes had been extended to the happy couple the company adjourned to the dialling -room. where a sumptuous .repast was served, followed by appropriate speeches from Reeve Young. Mr R. M. Young. Mr. Wilson and others. The groom made fitting response to the toast to the bride. which was proposed by Rev. Mr: (toss. 11r. and Mrs.,, Crawford left for Goderich to take the 2.20 G.T.R. train for their wedding trip. and will make their home at Filut. •Mich. The bride's travelling dress was of blue serge with leaver trimming and hat to match. Many handsome welling gifts. including severih cheques. were tokens of the regard in which the bride is held by her relatives and friends. The C.E.D. class of Smith's Hi. lllinrehnu,mabnd from hhe er( .Ti.Ith. 411.M7:. star at Stratford cause a Baulk cmc set Of silver tableware. The er.s.m'• gift to the bride was a diamond and pearl hras•h; to the pianist a gold brooch; `to the maid Itt honor a pearl brooch, and to the flower -girls gold lockets. Those from a distance pres- ent at the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. John Smtth,`.of Owen Sound; Mrs. Forman. of 'Woodstock; Mrs. Guillett. of Parry Sound; Mrs..Brownlee, if Unity. Sask.: Mies Ls*. of Stoney Creek. and Mr. Ed. Crawford. of Russel u. KINGSBRit)OE. - • A box Social and dance Wittto be n the Kintdbridge parish hall On• Thursdav, November 25th. Mr. W. J. Purvis will b: the -auctioneer. Exceptional Values in Ready -to -Near This month we are showing some extra special values in Women's Ready -to -Wear, being the purchase lra of several leading manufacturers' special . .eaea'clearing lines aRu C ice Coats, Regular $65, for $47.50 se_ handsome Velour and Duve- tyne ats, the season's newest style, large co ars, button- trimmed, fancy stitching, half -lined, figured satin . . $47.50 The New Three-quarter Plash Cost This is the novelty Colt of the sea- son. Beautiful quality, rich plush trimmed, imitation beaver collar, band and cuffs, lined throughout with fancy satin. Regular $75.00, for $57.50 • Many other special values in Women's Coats at $27.5o, $35, $39 to $6o Something new in Dresses A Dress Special $29.50 , These dresses are the smartest we have ever shown, best quality Botany Serge, accordion -pleated skirts, over- blouse, trimmed beads and braid, wonderful value _ $29.50 ' New and Attractive Skirts Special All -wool Jersey Skirts $10.00 This is a very moderate price for an all -wool Jersey Skirt, set-in- pock- ets,. trimmed, pearl buttons, colors Taupe and. Copen. Special ...$10.00 1411124' na, CDDI RCR NOT$8, Reserve Tuesday, November 30, for the unique church ant Sunday school entertainment to be held in North street Methodist church. Watch for programs. The :members of the MacGillivray Mission Rand of Knox church will re- peat their cantata, -I le House- keepers." its the Iectu room of the church on -Friday eve ting, November :kith- There will be admission fee. bat as it Is to be /the anneal thank - offering meeting of' the stand a collec- tion will be tar : A suppetto be held in Victoria street Methodist ch c', on Wednesday, Nc• vember 24th, for the men of the ccngre• , Ration prnm'i'ea to be a rood casettes. Rev. David Wren,,M.A.. of Mount Fot est, sill give an address, The efrvices:.t the`Aap:ist church next Sunder will be conducted by the pastor, Rev., J. E. McCauley. he serm•m sub ects will be : 11 a. rut . 'Religion in Pot , "Is Divine savor ?" meeting t Prayer Meeting." 7 p ower Available for Human Bible school.at 3 p. m. B.Y. P. at Sp. m. l'he subjects at Victoria streetsMetho• dist church next Sunday will be mi ion- ary subjects. Morning subject.. t Think Ye of Christ ?" Evening subj "Who is My Neighbor-?" Sunday school at 3 o'clock. North street Methodist church services Sunday, November 21, will be: 11 a m. and 7 p. m. public worship ; 3 p. m., Sabbath school; 10 a. m.. Mission Band, classes and Men's Club. The Club topic will be ; "Willa man rob Gcd ?" and will be introduced by Rev. J. E. Ford. - At Knox church next Sabbath diving worship will be conducted morning and evening by the minister. Subjects of ,sermons : I1 a. m., for boys and girls, "The Sentinel." 7 m . Life Service and Leadership." The sermon in the evening will be of special interest to the young people. Sabbath school, adult and teen age Bible classes at 3 o'clock. The special musical service by the choir of North street Methodistt hodSet church last Sunday evening was thoroughly enjoyed by a large congregation. The rendition of the Te Deurpt by Jackson, and Kipling', Recessional by DKCoven were especially effective. "My Task" was sung in a feeling manner by Miss Belcher, and a pleasing arrangement of "Jean--, Lover of My Soul," by Mrs. Ashford for oblign'o nolo and quartette, Min Nellie Colborne taking the solo, was aim a very, helpful number. Rev. Mr. Duncan presented the claims of the Lord a Day Alliance and received a liberal contribution. A Snap in Children's Dresses 11116 We bought a special in children's smart Serge Dresses. Newest style, pleated skirts, sailor collars, braid trimmed to suit girls' ages, 10 bears at $10.50, 12 and 14 years at I ..... ,$11.50 The Popular Accordion -pleated Skirt No lady's wardrobe is complete without at least one or more Pleated Skirts. We are showing some very attractive offerings in union and all - wool serges. From $9.00 to $15.00 Furs of exceptional beauty at. moderate prices Our showing of Furs for the present season is much better and larger than we have ever shown, including handsome sets of Hudson Coney Seal, Australian Opossum, Red Fox, 411e, Wolf, Badger, Coon, Beaver, all at lowest prices. �40 42 CHILDREN'S FUR SETS A SPECIALTY. _Min THE NEW McCALL PATTERN—IT'S PRINTED! Last week we introduced the new McCall Pattern and all who have used them are most enthusiastic about them, they being the only real advance made in the paper pattern business for many a day. Mr. and Mrs. II. Treleaven visited the Tatter's mother, of Hac•kett's, Wed- nestay hist. Mrs. Ritchie and Mrs: Wes. Twaa- ley vlalted at the home of Will Ritchie, Lanes, one day last week. NOVELTIES for Christmas CREWE. Monday. Nov. 15. Mr. a Mrs+. John McWhinney, of Nile, visit at the home of Mr. Mat. thew Shack' on one day last week. Mr. Charlesciiirett, who was I41124 - log Mende 1n She West, eetttrned home one day Mute week. Mr. Wilfred Plnitkett, of A ,,cit, rialtcd at the home of -Mr. I'. Finnigan om day recently. Mr. and Mrs. 1'. Finns n seem Sun- day with Mr. Richard amley, at lis fek Ing. Mrs. Wm. ' Ya 1 at to Moldyoder P resooq the doctor's rare. We hope to See her out .gaol soon. 3O1,81COUGHS s+wwaa Cttl.INtItNE. Monday, Nor. 15. The weather has taken quite a and - den change.. Although last week was so fine, this week winter seems to hare net in and the ('utters will soon be ons. Packing apples and hauling them In barrels to the Mti;aw dation .eemr to be one of the mala things In life the lastfew weeks. Load ,afier land Is to Ie ween going to M('Gaw, The cougregatlon at North Zion church Sunday night wan very small ; nevertheless Rev. H. F. Kennedy preached a Ane sermon to a very few people and a whole lot of empty ssata. We hope that novo the potatoes are up, •nd apples packed and the 'now on !he ground the rnngkegntion may not Ire "'n very tired." MIs' !Ansel Treble has gone hack to Stratford ('entrap nuttiness" College, atter attending the :voiding of Miss' Gladys Kirkpatrick and 'pending a few days with her parents. Mien Viola Alltn and Mins !,eolith LongWho . s n urn ton the attending nit Chilton 'M Iln'Iner' College, were !tonic for the week -end. Mr. Jame' l lagan and family Motor)! ed te Ttppera4 on Sunday and spent the nay with their daughter, Mrs.l John Middleton. Wedding bell' are ringing do the i 8th so►wesstoa again thin well. Mr. Alden Alpin had three sheep worried by dogs one day this week.' One ditto ; the others had to be killed. NEW CENTRES NEW HEMSTITCHisD PILLOWCASiS And many other nee/ things for the Christmas trade. . The Original Breiderfut A new embroidery needle— just the thing you want for Christman work. Miss S. Noble - Pay your subscription to The Signal Y this month and stave 50c. s as�dss PaenZtEMA.ayat�.w� ■g ores ese 1>r. tut $$emus ass .ktnel n0 assns: It retNvee M ewae aa4 all� riush tae sk1n. MOple Asx (sa's's Mrtme.nt tree II you awitUe.w Mr anddAs5.84 n or etat^paeo a T>for Saksa led, Tya ' rt