HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-11-18, Page 1SAVE FIFTY CENTS by paying your subscription to Tia Signal For a few days more 1 $1.50 0*..', .J AT ONCE, before (be price la rained is $2.00 a year. coward v - alwitr will be accepted as the yearly sub- scription to The Signal. The price will then be Increased to 82.00. SEVENTY-THIRD VEAL -NO. 44. i( If you are desirous of buying - ifisstock for feeding during the winter months, but require additional capital, the local Manager of the Sterling Bank will be glad to talk the matter over with you. And, if you wish, our Manager will do - his utmost to ascertain and advise you where livestock is available. ,GODERICH, ONTARIO, TH TRSDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1920. FOR •AL! OR RENT. l• A tALE3 AUCTION SATS OV ABOUT 350 'We should like to draw the atten- IARDS OF 0 .T WO')O. tio'* of your readers to ills postpone- MESSRS. TAN men k of the date of the holding of MESSRS. [LLI T ANDSYMONUS the a►umal meeting ..of the Hospital • sell by public • at bt 7, cunce,kioa; Altsoaiation. It will lir held on Turs- We. wawa.o.yw day, the 2:1rd inst., at S p.m. sharp, In at 1.M k Pimp MONDAY, VE rich, the Board of Trade rooms. The ev- imp p About rsrcords a wood, mostly hat drool,- ening of the lith turned out to br an It u,ches tong;434be sod in tot. to soil exceedingly stormy. and also several purchaser. other functions took the attention of Tsars -Au was and under, cah;over the people. Although there were more that ailment. s aedu .al be given on furnishing appr notes_ present than have sometimes trans. [LLIOTTaSYM T.GUNDRY, acted the bust of she annual Prupei.tors. Auctioneer. meeting, yet _t present, realizing L the importance of this gathering, A UCTION SALe0/. LARGE FRAME desired to have an audience more rep - BUILDING AT -THE HARUOR,GODE- resrntative of the 160 members of the litCil. s, . Hospital Association. [I OUSE FOR SALE.-SiX ACRES OF LI land. 111 -nomad brick house with hit water heating, bath sad a ectt,c lights. ua Soutn street, at edge of town. Thu Douse can be had at a reasonable piece, is 1 am leaving e.wn. Also building lot oa Arthur street -$250. 21 GEO. C. MCCR[ATH. 14'0R SALE.-THg RESIDENCE OF DR. W. Y. H'YDEN. St. Vincent s rest. Godsrich. White Mick, remathentanall.M4 water beating, fireplace. large veraadDI and balcony. Apply to JAMES YATES. Weer Saeet. NOTICE mos I1 property foe eras. 1" bio lass 1.. sluicing by the •aeeutors of theta* Wm. Rinks estate to offer tMe property at a sacrifice pricy in order to close up the estate. Frame house. in mod state of repairs. Contains eagh. and seed basement. Stone wall under wF ouas and two large tote. This is a bat gun 111 sap. P.) RYAN, fleet Lame and Irsraaee -Wasik a tf aeisAt present ales = MORE THAN 40,000 FARMERS are obtaining credit from this Bank. This indicates our desire to extend credit far agricultural purposes to any desert Lamm HOCKEY CALVES FOR SALE. -TWO PURE- BRED Shorthorn bell calves, aged Maw sad eleven swaths. ran end red. MICHAEL 0411.18, R. R. Ho. 2. Chilton (phone 117 Ben- "Ilerl 11 VOR SALE.. -ONE SALE-0NE tT OF CLEVE- ▪ LAND Computing Scales Apply to C. H. am -Lotman South street and t laiaawaasyt. PRIVATE SALE. -I WILL SELL THE household egesta a t my residence. M.ntral street, by ramie sale, from t to 4 o'cleek each day. MRS. W. A. RHYMAS. 2t LIORD CAR FOR SA L Eg�1914 V twodel GOO. C. MCCREATH. 2t VOR SALE. -CABBAGE IN QUAN- • TITIES, 56 per 100 Brussel *prowl.. three reds far t% seats. Sauerkraut by the posed w is a.a. afar keg. or Il Ibe a gar Ibe.• at rrsoaeklr pass. A ppiy at 16 Etyma Stu set. Unlimited Quantity of GOOD MIXED WOOD FOR SALE at $4 per single cord, delivered, THE GODERICH MANUFACTURING CO.. LIMITED. (root of A.glesea St.) Phone OF. OEALED TENDERS, addresee1 to the IJ Postmaster Georr•l, will be received at Ottawa aattl NOON. on FRIDAY. the 17th DAY of DE CEMIR6R, 1f:*, Mr the conveyance of ttisMaie.t7'. Matta, nn a proposed Contract for lour yes-- hirty tonal week, on the route Giderich K.. Office ,tad Tr.nk Puttee, Station, from the 1st -17111 A 1 neat. mated notices cuntaintng further 1nformrtion -rap . e.nrld ion6o0 proposed Contract may be teen sad blank term. en Tender r -,-yr be ,Ma.ned at the Pat (Matte d Gadcrich. Holunsvt.u•. A�ae►►rrrrit, and at the ott!ce of the Poet tare's iaapecta.. Londoe. ' You. are invited to attend a meeting to be held in the TOWN HALL Tuesday Evening, November 23rd, • at 8.15 p, m. sharp, der for purposes of electing_ Offi- cers for coming season and to make o)har reppaanry ar- rangement4. Got -ARMS( rcS Hicuv CUM . J. Buchanan, Secretary. CHAS. E. Ii. F:SIHER, Post (kf.* Inspector. Post Office Inspector's Office. London, Mb Nov.:mb.•r. lits!. 2t fi REPAIRS. -WILLIAM TREHL1�N. (>sbrd street. Godes irk. mendegraniteware. umbrellas, sc ir..re more. tinware, cnppe:ware. *grassed. mkadd an kinds yoofaattrelea. Swarms and raw WILLIAM TREHLIEN P dant O. Bag W. repairs C'ederriids. ARD WANTED BY NG hostas'. moa.yprirsta tem& Mk Oft. O. VOX Ag. WANTED. -TEACHER FOR S. S. No. 17, Aak*eld and West Wawa•osh township.; .neondria.. profeenonal. Mates to commence IN January. 11K1. Apply. Halm{ salary. to JAS. SPROUL, R. R. No. 3, Auburn. u GIRLS WANTED. -APPLY GODE- RICH KNITTING COMPANY. 11 11STRICT AGENT WANTED. - Le For Mtge life insurance company. Salary oreommi"oa. k sper,eace not necessary. P SIGNAL. Jo -- CEMENT We have just secured about, - "" 300 BAGS CEMENT This will be probably the last shipment we will be able to get uLtil well (►n into next season. air's 4 7y-nowor ng Alto coming ng monthL ... r ORDER AT ONCE f PUBLIC NOTICE. THE GODERICH HOSPITAL. TIB SIGNAL PRLNTINO CO.. LIMITED, PublLrNa The IC emulate a( test Charles Mahler. [tear in mind that all persons having deceased. wig mIlly, sc sodas. at the Har. pita Masai a Wein berrlIIP ticket, and Ow. Gndarion. me ! ugly such persons. have • right to SATURDA)f.16DVEMBER20th, _rote _gt tier amtual meeting; Nud Of ...comae atl.too'clock'bar O-' eanrlp it follows that the Burd of The lar ed with •tone (coed- Ilovernors must he elected from the sties. know° Tvy bend ng. Sad merntarshf , Thlr is a critical time ! wi ding Y a lavand comate. a 1w or t 'ignore tuksplates, ratters, siding, iu the history of the hospital. It ly• brades, pla,sniilly of quarried stone. necessary svl ry to secure more anti better Tams. -Cash � 7 a .ale. end purchaser hospital acromutodatlon. Now it the w iti 1,...."..,,d to glib as under i ak,ng to essonx p .11 rata inkeerv/aa -sees sad to bare a1) taw- time for you to show your interest ties of mot flog ressrwd auto ninety days. end express your opinion. Study the NATIONAL TRUST*DM PANY, Executors, fiuruclal statement, a copy of whichee THOMAS C:IfNDR tamely.r, has been mailed to each member. We --- --'" - -IL` --' should have at least fifty per cent. of NOTICE i1RLT111io. . the membership present on Tuesday evening, the Zird. COMP and help to tNG or -HURON COUNTY make the hospital a community in - COUNCIL • I. initiation of which you will be proud. I JAS. E. FOR[). President of hoard. DR, P. J. R FORSI'ER. DIR. EY! EAR, NOSE. THROAT. Late Hare Surgeon New York Ophthalmic and Afield Hesptd, s.artant et Moorefield a Eye Hospital and Golden Square Threat Hos- pital, London, Eng. M aterloo St. S. StraUord. Telephone 07. At Bedford Hotel, Goderich, from Wednes- day. January lab. at 7.su p. m.. to Thursday. the loth, at 1 p. at. Goderich Society Orchestra Music Studio. (Entrance between F. H. Wood's and J. H. Lauder's Stores.) Gene C. Conon, Pianiate-t uit ion given on piano. Mr. C. V. Henry, Violinist - tuition given on violin for beginners and advanced students. For information apply at Studio. Violins repaired. bridges tuned, sound - posts set and violin bows repaired, etc. GODERICH SOCIETY ORCHESTRA (Five pieces, professional). LOST 0R FOUND. yaratloe of the county Council rbember. e.ude• afternoon of 1 esJay, Ire. 1,.e All accounts be tot the handaof the _ r preceding the meet- ingol conned Mr. ('has. (:arrow, of town, acted • GEO. W. HOLMCt r as Crown prosecutor at the Walkerton County Clerk. Goderich, Nov7IMk taro 21 itemizes this week. Several from Goderich attended an MIK (�I)s MARKETS at Dome" given by the Masonic lodge ~ at Mitchell last Thursday night. The y. November 1s. music for the dance was supplied by w at, p.,r b. ,bei �..a f A5 to iiso the Goderich" Society Orchestra, and tints pr bu.h.-..... .36 to N the Mittdlell people were much pleamd Yash, per bush . «`. •. BO to Lett- with-._Th.-11.party, outside - e.'. x.r ba.b .-.,....r.,.., zo, w Sao of the orcbe tra, included Messrs. C. F. ■ ktehh..w..t,, per bash.. ...,_- 1.00 to 1.25 Flow Mande. per Meg ., _ 5 a to 1.25 Chapman, F. if Woods and Walter J. V • .r, wt••,t. par ru ... 420 to LIS But-banrn. Mn Woods, M I.vs Agnea Kew wets..axi s. 00 to (��aa�•,,aseees Saunders and Misr Etta i'laulta. They 7HH�ots. per sin 44 00 u nil describe the entertainment provided Mesa. p.rt�I� t I0ro to tine by the Mitchell people in mart approv- cCee..rs, Rutter. wr i j(i' ` iy tO .a ing ttams� t tar L EI, fraoh• pH gar„•;, .6t to A5 e,*.toes. per halo......... ... .r,0 to .7! Cottle. hatcher.' eioiet•, pet ewi: a CO to 1o.ao Ternpleton's Rheumatic Capsules and eats, ba.eheni "dim" err eat• °.°10.0 .00 Raz-Mah for asthma are sold here by moan. ilvr weight, cwt 1f 00 to 19.11, B��kte•,{•er Ib ,1.., . 6 to . a H. C. Dunlop, local agent. Call in for a e1a••+p1nkW .... . ..,t.t6 to .50 sample. Grinrod, (Teta McCreath, Florence $o Donald, Amy Menotti... Sidney Don. watt awmr:c.._. IN TOWN. Donor of Robert Park Memorial Medal Present at ('ommenrement Exer- riser of Central and Vidalia Schools --.)ran ('hapanan and Helen (:arrow the Winners of thcaledals, • aldson, 'Emmersou Elliott, Austin Harris, Kingsley Harris, Charles Hum- ber, Donald fatugridge, Logan Morrie', Harold McKenzie, Douglas Nair*, Rubtu4 Wacker, Norval Wilson. limitations 'were given by Marglaer- Ile Mulholland, !oval bolus by Rim W. F. Maunders, Rev. H. D. \[oyer and Violet Thompum, and a piano solo by Jean Chapman. Inspector Tom was to have given an address. "('onuuenceweut night" was the but unfortunately was prevented 'by Ilhtevas from being present. l'ougrutulatory references were wade during the evening to Principal Mtouehouse• and his assistants on the teachiuf staff of Victoria ,s•bool for the work which they are doing so suc- cessfully. uc- cessfully. Mr. Victor Lauriston, who gives the two medals annually to the Goderich schools, in memory of Ids, father, the brei Robert Park, Ityerat I`wo or three days 1n town and looked up old frlenda of his former (lays in Goderiek. He Is a resident of Chatham and devote his time to literary work, eoutributing to a number of papers,/ magazine*, and having ala, wrt$' s rent books. Ills visit actin a wal of old asaoclatione th l ' was pi mut to e11 concerned. ant P. was ht to return more ro pteuty than . has found blmae able to .Oe in recce t years. lel± usual happy .areas at the central school on Thursday last, not wltlista ud- ing the stormy weather which started early in the evening. There was the inspiring array of bright and happy fates of the children, whew• dep,rt- Meat aura appreciation of the event are it credit to the teachiig staff: a generous attendance of pa Ms and friends. and on intellectual a I music - a1 program which would ha nek but!• tat fur x mare, preetentlous ixe*s every number of which was re. Iced with a keenness of perception by he pupils which •was tleilghKul. Rev. J. Reyeraft was the Chairman. and h made thee" potation ---something in. thianneretr iribrniortranonneement the many numbers. The central num- ber was the ptrsestatleni of the Robert 'ark memorial medal. this year won b Mas Killen Ilsrrow. Ind presented by' the donde In person; Mr, Victor Ta q WhNie A hhi ec & ming- ling excellent humor, sonnei advice 1 and tender references to the happy days when tie himself was a pupil at the Central. Mr. Iauriwin's memorial, wliieh has turn renewal now for '•v- era! years, L. not only a tribute to a worthy sine whose memory is held in high esteem to Galrrieb after nearly thirty years' alakenee, but a loving ter- . titrony to the old, school where he re - mired hie start In o:aucce.sful life, a to the faithful Whoa. u( the tete on staff both' of his own\ days and , the present. Arc there nOt otl ' of the old school thoys who cul .t irate this generous and lora Jetta() y example! The gradtistitig s. numbered ..._t wrRr, ad their rd bt-as follow.: Helen Garrow, medallist, firstclam* honors, perfect In arithmetic at es - trance; Kathleen Stratton, first -claim honors. one of the highest In entrance spelling: Dorothy Westbrook. first- class honor.; Margaret Campbell. amt. class honors; Dorothea Hellen-inn, second -('Ifs. honors ; Agnes Fraser, rocondclas* honors; Verna ttnelgrove,' seeond-elas. honor.; Tom Freeman 1 iwr.ind-e•lass honors: 4'ha ries 11'MAI, i second -elates honors; Abram Brown, wood -class honors. highest In history! eitentranee: Arthty RIena vlsoe. Fran! Stokes. The following la the list of prize- winners: rizewinners: Medallist- Helen (arrow (medal donated by Mr. Victor fmnrtstonl. Second highest during year-Katb- leen Rtraiton (prise donated by Mrs.! K. Horton). HIghwd In history -Helen harrow (prise donated by Mr. James Mitchell). Highest In arithmetic -Verna Sool- grove. Highest In history at entrance-AD- ram ntrance•----Ab-ram Brown. Highest In Senior 111. class during year -Florence Robinson. Perfect attendanee during year+I Rigida McNesin, Mildred Long. , nesurnesR. deportment-711°n- punctuality-Edna eportmen ° punctuality -Edna Fell, Verna Bat- ford. i The diplomas were prevented by PrliwlnaI Hume, u1 rhe Collegiate, the prizes. excepting, of course, r1, by Rev. Messrs. Me1)eraild 'Aale7. A etttng.and pteaatng ,g the preaentathln of an sa- dists -to Mr. Laurisnn, from the clans. nicely rend,by Miss Helen Garrow. and graretn Iy ackuowktslt.sI by the reelplent. I)uring the e ning minden] num- w Iron ' t by sibs Cob borne fowl Minn Ayer. one of the violin, and a violin solo by Mrs. Miller, and .bort and aultebte ad- dressee were elven by Dr. allow on health hints. Mr. A. Mannfters, as a member of the trustee board. aR olds time song by Rev. It. 1). Moyer, and omitting ob*ervatlons by Mergers. James, Mitchell and Truatee It. R. gallows. Tho long and falthfnl services of the prinelpal, Mls. armen. and Ow equally devoted efforts of her assl.t- ants were more than once des'rvedly n knowlwlgrr1 during the evening: Thi* evening added one more to the 1)1.117' hater nn•niotn... which will fur years to coin. ls•Inng to the history of r;nslerieh's "goo al old Central u•1a.d." i LOCAL TOPICS iN BRIEF. I Remember the Bazaar to be held by the LADIES' AID of NORTH STREET METHODIST CHURCH on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER. 27T in the Masonic Temple. Homemade baking, candies : iron:, f t etc., will be on sale from 2 to 6 o'clock p.m. Af- ternoon tea will be served: -hot biscuits while you wait. Be sure' to procure a supply of Christmas presents on this occasion. Remember the date, November 27th, and the place, Masonic Temple. kr W ; T t CT HOCKEY? the Editor. -4. Allow me a Villa ee In your value e paper to say a few words that may plied to those In (:(alerleh who are crest»d Io or- ganized sports. Nearl et•ry town the slue of Goderich has `an Aniatear Athletic Association that \sols•r.imes and organizes. sports thron ant ria year. With tills end in view ;Icy not get started by calling a puIlln meet- ing and electing committees to look after hoe•kev, baseball, basket -141i pd lacrosse. Now is the time to.tw• thin fug of an (I.H.A tenni and s gtnwl 11 town league from which to ,It••tw mat- erial for next year. Goderfch has jinn as pool material as it e•ee'r had, bet It ueldn a live organization M eurour- age the boys and sec that they are given ever; opp,rtuiiItv to develop. I(urely then• 1s .owe person. or organ- isation, in town that will star: th) tall rolling by donatiug'n cup fon toe win- ner of • town hockey Maine. The asnfeetatlon .honld be toruesl right away and for terma lined rap before the ire come... No town support- claw■ sports better than Goderich. ..n why n ot please everybody and get mined? AN OLD 11t1Y. (Editors. Not.. -We trust that some action will be taken in the direction Indk•ated by our correspondent. :+port. in Goderleh have suffered for a good wary years from lack of timely or- ganization. Usually nothing Is done until Die season has actually °pealed. . and the .eaw,n is nearly at an end before the baseball stilt), or the hockey club, as the case may be, gets into geed Waspy. Who will take the Initiative in bringiug about a Netter organise-- 1 Interest taken in the life of the town. by-furmer_res dent itet..aa. "An Old Roy," who is now living in one 1 the eitlea but never forgets his sit born town.) lows, Ambrose Colborne, Lyon-Crew. STRAYED TO THE PREMISES OF Use undersigned, on w about November 1st, •pp yearlong steer. Owner 'my bore same on CURRKpprr°perly end paying expenses. GEO. D. Y. R. R. No.3. Auburn Wanted +crtaae:rm;�'taer3 We are still in the market for Potatoes and will be shipping the coming ,week. _ ►6ro11 Priest quoted oft --request. request. or A Home TO acquire a home of your own, depends upon your earnestness and determination -to spend less than you earn. Open a Savings Account with -this Bank and start at once'on the road to becoming your own landlert. UNION BANK OF CANADA Goderich Stanch F. Wookomb, Manager CRAIGIE'S Assuraacea•i Real Estate FARM TO RENT. OR sere* of good land with first- cla.. buildings situated In Hod - prink township Just across the track, on the Huron road. Thlt .til 'm will be rented fee ooe year. ."Villa Pietas," 2 story brick, fully modern, with fireplace, 7 rooms. large lot, nitrated on the south side of Pluton street. This le ono of the most modern homes In town. 1lnmedlate possession. 11,4 story frame house with A rooms, electric light end water, toll lot with orchard. lilhuted on the west nide of Ca merlin at reed isveshrewt Neesrltles Victory Roads bought and hold. Province .t Ontario Anda, dee lnite 16. 1900. pdee $100, to yield r1 per Yat. JAMES LIOYD & SON Phone 201 �., Goderich POULTRY WANTED a� 3000 Chickens 2000 Hens Weekly 500 Ducks TOmi tem[ tom. Top prices will be paid by us for all kin:is 'If poultry taken at Clinton every day and at I:- )Liles• ville every Wednesday morning. We pair three cents per lb. more for prop(srly fattened, n;lk-'.gid Chickens. ._ Gunn Langlois & Co. Ltd., Clinton, On!. N. W. Trewartha, Local Manager. Starr Phonographs and Gennett Star '..ms^weae-^e Records for sale at Blackstone's ice tarsa7ertr t0l .. Cream Parlors, Nest street. PERSONAL MENTION.• Tnrontn Mrs. J. E. Ford and Miss Jessie Ford are visiting at Windsor for a few day.. Mint Edythe 1.. John.ton. of Strati t(tnlNormaj. spent the weekend anti her cousin. Miss M. Fllainger. Mira. ('lana Young was rap from Toronto neer the week -end visiting her relati7•e. Is town and in ('olbwtno township. Mr. ami Mrs. J. A. Smith were In t..wn u° Mou(hty -sir TRW.. To hemp *t Fort William after a t l*h to Mee 1(miilea Mother, ArL ._r.._ i7 e rd,, at Dungannon. At Vletoria *hoot. An interesting program was carried out at Victoria school on Friday event lug. when Mr Victor innrd.stun present -- ed the gold medal which he glv... an- 'Melly for the tontine 'who'd studeent, 1.king the highest marks at the high ! aelvw,l enrranee examination In God - rich This year Mho. Jean ('hepensn, a pupil of Victoria school. was the ; winner of the medal, and *he received. the r.,veterl prize from the h tolls of the motor in the. prrwence of ft" itlltM/re Ing of pupils, teachers, trilateral, par- OWN arelle* of the ehlldren, And other.. Mr. f- ianriston alai gave an address rnrula- Is•Pltt of hl. school days In (,stench which was herd with great Interest and Appreciation. Mr it. R. Bellows occupied the chair, ami addressee in addition t0 that of Mr. 1.ur1*tnu. were given by Rev. J. F. McCauley,, Rev. .1. F. Rey - craft, Rev..R.'C. Menernlhi. Fir. Thom- as Gundry, 0t the *shoot trustee board,' PMawlpal Hame rat" the Collegiate 'mitt -Into. and Me*ar*. W. i1. Robert.; ton and W. F. Nattrl. lir. ifam. presented the diplomas to the tpvvw.f,il entrafew eandldatea of this year, rho Hat 1. -Ing as tollAws: lass Chapman. Joan Winter, Adelaide tiara, Mnrgnerlte Mulholland. Mary McLean, Violet Thompson, (JIAdpS MARRiED. MCCULLOUGH - SCOGGINS. - At Victoria street Meihodi.t church, Ooderich, on Wed. needs . November 17. at 2 o'clock rt.. bF Rev J. F, Remelt, Evelyn Laura Sreggjpp( of Gorrerieh t•.wn.hip, to C.NhId MaQlle lough, aim of Gaffer ich township IN MEMORIAM. • YOUNG, -In memory of Gordon Ynang. VIM died at Viceroy =ask., awn yr rs ass. _ Two year. have passe 1 .ince that •iol day . Cod (ailed the one we loved away, t R'elove him. ,e.. we love Alin OM. to * As years roll on we 11 love him still. h vas hard to hair you.K;ordon dear. Rut God, whoknnweth hest. • jleld:vale his lover; arms 101 said. Come unto hie and rest. A W. Yount, and Family .NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Page Steer Strayed -Gee. D. Cares. R. R. we. 11, Auburn .... . . 1 Mesh! Wanted 1' o Rot 42L... . .:1 Aetwittn- Dominion Government .. A Meeting of Huron County Cantel -G. W. Rd. *ism A" ckv.t.nd ceopilh.g kkaW0 fat Sale -.G. IM. Wart ...: .. . . . 1 Howley Meeting- W.I.lflgclsae.. • 1 The People's (;crap -d. L. nrmerliss. .. ,,,a Calvet for Cale- M.Oh1... .t..:.., '1 Rasaaf North street Methedl tc1 00... .«•t '