HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-11-11, Page 5•1• • +t (4, • a r1 "P" m IMMIX LOCAL TOPICS. Veterans' Church Parade. A church parade under the auspices of the G. W. s. A. witi be held on Sunda morning next to St. George's church. All returned men are, requested to meet at the G. W. V. A. rooms at 10.15 a. m. They are asked to come in uniform it possible, but are not to let the want of a uniform prevent them from joining in the parade. It is hoped they will be on band whether in uniform or in "cities." Public Reboot At tie monthly meeting of the public school board last week routine business was transacted. including the receiving of the school principals' reports for Septem- ber and October. Mr. John Cutt, caretaker of Central reboot. was granted an increase of $50 in salary, making it $500, and the board decided to take two memberships iu the Horticul- tural Society -one for Victoria school and one for Central school. Six Mohs and NN. Albert Station, of Grand Bend, was found guilty by Judge Dlckaon on Te- tley last on the charge of attempting to procure abortion on Mae Overbolta. also of Grand Bend, and on Saturday was sentenced to a tern of stz months loss one day in the county jail and to pay a One of $400. In default of pay- ment ayment of the dna an additional six, months must be served. A charge of perjury is also pending against the prisoner. Women's Lrstilnte. The regular meeting of the God- erich branch of the Women's Institute IN IIhl f -- 5., 1 tha �i It; II ri DSORpft0It06R Why the Windsor r . ' Costs.. Less --- ;•,i t a WILLIAM b MARY (Period /6.184 76/) Priced at ,SIO • s a Dorn end tared in Canada, the Windsor Phonograph pays no ton to foreilin in- te'tests, and so sells at very moderate prices. y pay a heavy royalty to n oreign corporation, why pay c'UStom3 and exchange, when the Canadian instru- ment is superior and yct eaves you these costs? - Do not select etrty Phono- graph until you" knave seen and heard the Windsor. Catalogues on request tot?* Windsor ?hanogreph et Rercor+} Co. Limited. Papinwou Aeolicc, r tontreal. LOCAL DEALER WESLEY WALKER \ ti (WIflDSOR IIIIIIIII����l���iIIIIII IIf11111a l IIIuIUUIJNil�illllll -_x =4 Ila SATURDAY SPECIALS A Strike for Lower Price Levels Sunlight Soap Lux. y 44 YYYt' Infants' Delight Dote Paper, 5 quires regular 75c lOc 10c 10c 39c White Cups and Saucers l9c Babbits Soap Powder 5c Old Dutch Cleanser 3 for 29c 48tv Millinery Hats, regular $2.00 up 99c it Wall Paper Sale ---25 per cent. off entire stock tl 14 s+Parsons' Syndicate stores store• • tai UkY ObDIiRIOH, 0Wt'. thaw a pructicl a rk and lu theoryes. I (ionsrin Ly clic lana Ira in theory• RYE$ _ . 1 lot Massage and Remed l Gymnastics I(Inc"rpsorattsl by Iloml n charter) and ere naw ellglhle for f 1 member - CONE TO PIECES "Frilts-tIver Cempersi Regaliaiervess R. R. No.4. Gramm Max. "Is the year 1510, I bad Nervosa PretiraiSew In Its went form; dropping from 170 is 116 pounds. The &eters had use hope ej ssyo esresay, and every medieise I tried proved eireiaae until a friend Indeed me to take "Fredt♦-Uvea". I began to mend almost at ones, and never had Ma good health ss I have •cloyed the past eight years. I ass wow strittteed "Frwil-s-tisrr' Se the bed/'. JAB. B- DILOATY. 5011. ribose Giorgi" trial des We. At •Y dealers or seat postpaid bye h,M.a fives Unshod. Ottawa. ship lu the Association. TIe young I ladies are to be cungratulatt upon Itheir success in Ibis course, whit•h is a diflkvlt one regnlring a great deal of study in addition to the practical I work. Both young ladles are now at their homes in Godericb resting for a while. At the Harbor. 'The steamer 1. Prater Taylor. from Fort Wilbert*, arrived on Thursday last with the following cargo for the t.ode- rich Elevator Co. : 89,000 bushels of oats. 87.500 bushels of wheat and 67.000 bushels of barley. 'the steamer Glenlivet (arrived on Thursday last with a cargo of 28.000 bushels of Max and 75.000 bushels of wheat for the Goderich elevator. The steamer Martian arrived on Satur- day with a cargo of 92.000 bushels of oats and 24,000 bushels of wheat for the Goderich elevator and cleared on Mon- day for Fort Vsilliani. The schooner Bert Barnes. en route to Sarnia, is still sheltering in the harbor. • The steamer 'Gen airs r re,ved on Wednesday with a cargo of wheat and flax. M.C.C. Eleetlotss. The United States did not have a -- - - - - - monopoly of elections on November n day or the was held at 'no FowliThursday, November I MerresetuugACanoe Club of also fodertch, gin avenue, on Thursday, 4th. There was • large attendance ' and though not so many votes were and very interesting reports of the cast as was the case across the line I Western Ontario Women's Institute the results were quite as decisive. The convention at London were given by elected officers are; President, W. T. Mrs. Marshall and Mrs. Elliott. The Millar; vice-president, W. J. Buchan - sura of $10 was toasted to the Chit an; secretary. A. F. Sturdy; treasurer, dren`s Aid Society. The next meeting H. Buchanan: commodore, A. Moore; will be held December 2nd at Mrs. I vice -commodore, Ernest l'ridham; eveusalaa... humsThi will be chaplain, Rev. S. S. Hardy; additional "Grandmothers' Day"`_ members of execufffiz A. -Strict- ' A Successful Creed.• I land, J. W. Fraser; auditors, T. ft. Last Saturday afternoon the Arthur I Harrison, C. F. Chapman* The financial statement showed the Circle of Knot church held a barter} Club treasury to be in excellent COO - in the leder* \room which wasdttion. An at-home to be held this eldedly a "cm* over $200 bind month and a dance at New Year's are , realised. A salad,tea was served among the activities which the Club from 4 to 8 ddec� and a sale of has in view. fancy work home-bil lig and candy G C L Nates helped largely to swell he funds. The C. novelty of the "posto created "Lit." will be held this Friday ev- c'onsiderable amusement, nd some ening at the Collegiate at eight o'clock. were fortunate enough to' eget real The boys have at last come forward with the girls have organized a bargains ,for the small anal et ten and cents. The president of the\Circle, (h( •I Society Orchestra. Besides its Mrs. H. C. Dunlop, and all the\mem- Initial Apps Ararne, nutty other tea - hers deserve great credit for sir tures will be included in the program splendid effort. • and a very enjoyable evenings enter - Pass Mean Exsadrmne . to Atend. t is promised to all who at - Miss Claire Heynolda and Mia Alli `1 -ahtpment of rifles from London Saunders, two (iodericl young ladles has arrivecrat the Collegiate to replace who for some time have been taking the old and ,much more cumbersome a post -graduate course in massage , rifles which were in at. formerly. The at Toronto, have passed the examine- boys "ere all rejoicing that 'the cadet corps and beloved drill will soon be well started. As an)d to the girl's physical culture a \phonograph has made its appearance A: school and should prove valuable for this and also for other more enjoyable purposes: Newman-Klrkptrlek. A very pretty house Bedding took place at 11w home ofsMr.-end Mrs. Al- exander Kirkpatrick: Maple Grove Farm. Colborne towns!) , on Wednes- day evening. November nth. when, their only daughter, (;lady. Gertrude, was unlash in marriage to \ . (;.Orme Newman. The 1e,herigrin edding march was played by Miss 011e. Tubb. '11w bride. who lookeil ohsnning Iwhite satin with georgette overdo�' s•.I was given away by her father. IAM Ed. Jacklin..of Brussels, was the matron of lioetrr. The ceremony was'1', performed at ti oclo•k In the evening I by Rev. R. .1. Ross of Auburn, in the , presence of eighty guests. After run- , Rubbers gratulatious had been given and the register had heed signed the guests sat down to a sumptnons repast Iii the I RubbeDslg prettily decorated dintngrts,m. The toast to the bride WA. ably reslw,ntlwl 0by chi• groom Short s)asehes of cingrttnlatlnn were made also by 11r. Rubbers I A. C. hunter, Mr. Kirkpatrick and ethers. Numerous costly- gifts_ teat ifiwl to the esNrm iu whirls the bride Rubbers is held. (Nests were present from Brusseels. Jamestown, 1.ut•know, (:od- erlch and the vicinity. The groom, who; Rubbers was overseas for four years in active service, carries the scars of several ser- lons e.ownwl,+: Atter a tuaawyia.wn rigout-. Rubbers at i'.onddn and net roit the happy collide will settle in their hoax on the 4th ,concession if Colborne. ' Rubbers FRIENDSHIP'S PERFECT GIFT. There's no gift like a good portrait'-aathing so distinct- ive, so enduring, and so sure to please. An appointment now will assure you "personality por- traits" for gift -giving time. J. T. Fell t" • 1kP A Thursday, November 11, 1020.-5 Soecial Sale r - FOR WEEK COMMENCING Saturday, NOV. 13 Sugar, ;it15i�, peye Ib.1 5C Hursley Black Tea, f ^ . 2 lbs. 60c. Palmolive Soap ' ` r3 Cakes 25c. �I���,ry Aylmer Canned Tomatoes, 2 for t'35c. Heavy Water Glasses, each Sc, Plush Buttons, black, per oard 15c. Fancy Coat or Suit Buttons,Bid 0 Wed urearte et,15c. Smoked Pearl Buttons, per card, 15c. tt ELLIOTT Yong. and Charles Sea.. Trireme. Prepares yoong'men and young women for employment a's accountant,, atenngraptten, typists private secreterie+,, cashiers. com- merrul teachers. etc. Salaries ,Iso start VS 105'25 a w,'ett. Co,,i enc. say m me. Write for part iculari. W.1.ELLiOTT. Principal. - THE-- MoCCaSi IS flied: Bu2 to 8 1. 00 Fine Wool Scarfs and Toques,let's $1.00 Ladies' White Handkerchiefs, 5c. Ladies' Fancy Handkerchiefs,15c. and 35c. Men's White Handkerchiefs, 2 for 25c. Men's Red and Blue Handkerchiefs, 19c. Chocolates, assorted flavors, ' at" 49c. ell the lteetRecordS hits $1.00 Geunette e Visit Our Up -stairs Dep'ts for Special Bargains L. R. STEEL CO. LIMITED 5c. TO $1.00 STORE CUI)ERICII, ONT. • Model Theatre Programs Rub ems- FOR eye Week of November 15 to 20. MONDAY and TUESDAY A Paramount Artcralt Picture Dorothy Gish "Turning the Tables" Also Episode 2 Jack Dempsey in "Dat edevil Jack" "THE BALL OF DEATH" WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY • , A GOLDWYN PICTURE Eminent Anthore' Special "Scratch My Back_. and CARTER DE HAVEN COMEDY 'THEIR DAY OF REST" Ammon FRIDAY and SATURDAY A SELECT PICTURE Eugene O'Brien in "The Broken Melody POU.ARD COMEDII YOU ARE INVITED TO THE Baptist Church Montreal Street r1 412 ON SUNDAY -- NOVEMBER 14th PASTOR 7"d Rev. J. E. McCauley R-11 A. M. SUBJECT Religion in the Services of the Lord's, Day _ 7 P. M. SClijUCT ' Ilow Does God Use His Power? BiBLE SCHI'OL 3'F. M. B,T.P.U. MEETING g P. M. r• 2 ALL )1 --',ATS Fklil:. A N‘'ELCt ME TO ALL and i BRITISH CANADIAN PATIfi NEWS 1111111, F 4 • as Rubbers 's Rubbers Rubb 's Rubb isaro Rubb 3 Rubbers Rubbers Prepare for the wet season by purchasing your rubber A, goods now. e guarantee all our Rubbers -If any prove unsatisfactory because of workmanship, we' replace' them. We stand be- hind our"goods. See our special lines for spe- cial hard wear, for Youths, Boys and Men. These rubbers have reinforced toeS1soles-and •, heels. WRIret Get your Rubber Footwe at BERN'S BOOT SHOP Rubbers 670#6110619 Rubbers -- Q.P. RuL'lers Rut ores Rut ',erg !ua Rubbers Rubbers Rul..,ers Rub:lers Rubbers Rubbers Rubbers Rubbers Rubbers.- Rubbers. t,M�► i HE SAFEST INVESTMEiv T -- IN CANADA - "Victory Bonds" • P.daoried_yiuldb ere new, as follgws : TAX FREE ISSUES Price and p r 1 InterestYield 1 y l 19"R. s 9w 11.55 ip 1995 9' 6.91 r Yep• Isr17 97 ^z, bot) j ) 1959 ........ 9n.S0 �•s9 1957 a9N TAXABLE ISSUES i 4 `,,. 97 'a- 6 5a l91 9s • 6.2.5 'Phone, wire or write for yo sole•Won to to del leered tree 'her Oaf .sae to your bao;c. Geassal hnlfa.ee a.+ 'I'. R' HARRISON ? o'Itss '' Municipal Seals 41.41 sieersaisest " r 3 Thermos Kits ��� �MffP16• rorrw .^J, ' t For Men and Women Workers - 1 School Boys and Girls -Every- where. Provides a Hot or Cold • Home Lunch at a Home Pricy ‘KHOTS THERMOS COLD THE BOTTLE Serves you right -Food or Drink -Hot or Cold; When, Where, and as lit you like. f; KiT S-$5.00, $5.50 and $8.00 3" Qsaity Chocolates -Reg. 75c, Saturday Special 59c CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE •• THE PENSLAR STORE" d Ni0.aF TAOISM !O Nast Millar's Scotch Store "- R° The Square v � (4, • a r1 "P" m IMMIX LOCAL TOPICS. Veterans' Church Parade. A church parade under the auspices of the G. W. s. A. witi be held on Sunda morning next to St. George's church. All returned men are, requested to meet at the G. W. V. A. rooms at 10.15 a. m. They are asked to come in uniform it possible, but are not to let the want of a uniform prevent them from joining in the parade. It is hoped they will be on band whether in uniform or in "cities." Public Reboot At tie monthly meeting of the public school board last week routine business was transacted. including the receiving of the school principals' reports for Septem- ber and October. Mr. John Cutt, caretaker of Central reboot. was granted an increase of $50 in salary, making it $500, and the board decided to take two memberships iu the Horticul- tural Society -one for Victoria school and one for Central school. Six Mohs and NN. Albert Station, of Grand Bend, was found guilty by Judge Dlckaon on Te- tley last on the charge of attempting to procure abortion on Mae Overbolta. also of Grand Bend, and on Saturday was sentenced to a tern of stz months loss one day in the county jail and to pay a One of $400. In default of pay- ment ayment of the dna an additional six, months must be served. A charge of perjury is also pending against the prisoner. Women's Lrstilnte. The regular meeting of the God- erich branch of the Women's Institute IN IIhl f -- 5., 1 tha �i It; II ri DSORpft0It06R Why the Windsor r . ' Costs.. Less --- ;•,i t a WILLIAM b MARY (Period /6.184 76/) Priced at ,SIO • s a Dorn end tared in Canada, the Windsor Phonograph pays no ton to foreilin in- te'tests, and so sells at very moderate prices. y pay a heavy royalty to n oreign corporation, why pay c'UStom3 and exchange, when the Canadian instru- ment is superior and yct eaves you these costs? - Do not select etrty Phono- graph until you" knave seen and heard the Windsor. Catalogues on request tot?* Windsor ?hanogreph et Rercor+} Co. Limited. Papinwou Aeolicc, r tontreal. LOCAL DEALER WESLEY WALKER \ ti (WIflDSOR IIIIIIIII����l���iIIIIII IIf11111a l IIIuIUUIJNil�illllll -_x =4 Ila SATURDAY SPECIALS A Strike for Lower Price Levels Sunlight Soap Lux. y 44 YYYt' Infants' Delight Dote Paper, 5 quires regular 75c lOc 10c 10c 39c White Cups and Saucers l9c Babbits Soap Powder 5c Old Dutch Cleanser 3 for 29c 48tv Millinery Hats, regular $2.00 up 99c it Wall Paper Sale ---25 per cent. off entire stock tl 14 s+Parsons' Syndicate stores store• • tai UkY ObDIiRIOH, 0Wt'. thaw a pructicl a rk and lu theoryes. I (ionsrin Ly clic lana Ira in theory• RYE$ _ . 1 lot Massage and Remed l Gymnastics I(Inc"rpsorattsl by Iloml n charter) and ere naw ellglhle for f 1 member - CONE TO PIECES "Frilts-tIver Cempersi Regaliaiervess R. R. No.4. Gramm Max. "Is the year 1510, I bad Nervosa PretiraiSew In Its went form; dropping from 170 is 116 pounds. The &eters had use hope ej ssyo esresay, and every medieise I tried proved eireiaae until a friend Indeed me to take "Fredt♦-Uvea". I began to mend almost at ones, and never had Ma good health ss I have •cloyed the past eight years. I ass wow strittteed "Frwil-s-tisrr' Se the bed/'. JAB. B- DILOATY. 5011. ribose Giorgi" trial des We. At •Y dealers or seat postpaid bye h,M.a fives Unshod. Ottawa. ship lu the Association. TIe young I ladies are to be cungratulatt upon Itheir success in Ibis course, whit•h is a diflkvlt one regnlring a great deal of study in addition to the practical I work. Both young ladles are now at their homes in Godericb resting for a while. At the Harbor. 'The steamer 1. Prater Taylor. from Fort Wilbert*, arrived on Thursday last with the following cargo for the t.ode- rich Elevator Co. : 89,000 bushels of oats. 87.500 bushels of wheat and 67.000 bushels of barley. 'the steamer Glenlivet (arrived on Thursday last with a cargo of 28.000 bushels of Max and 75.000 bushels of wheat for the Goderich elevator. The steamer Martian arrived on Satur- day with a cargo of 92.000 bushels of oats and 24,000 bushels of wheat for the Goderich elevator and cleared on Mon- day for Fort Vsilliani. The schooner Bert Barnes. en route to Sarnia, is still sheltering in the harbor. • The steamer 'Gen airs r re,ved on Wednesday with a cargo of wheat and flax. M.C.C. Eleetlotss. The United States did not have a -- - - - - - monopoly of elections on November n day or the was held at 'no FowliThursday, November I MerresetuugACanoe Club of also fodertch, gin avenue, on Thursday, 4th. There was • large attendance ' and though not so many votes were and very interesting reports of the cast as was the case across the line I Western Ontario Women's Institute the results were quite as decisive. The convention at London were given by elected officers are; President, W. T. Mrs. Marshall and Mrs. Elliott. The Millar; vice-president, W. J. Buchan - sura of $10 was toasted to the Chit an; secretary. A. F. Sturdy; treasurer, dren`s Aid Society. The next meeting H. Buchanan: commodore, A. Moore; will be held December 2nd at Mrs. I vice -commodore, Ernest l'ridham; eveusalaa... humsThi will be chaplain, Rev. S. S. Hardy; additional "Grandmothers' Day"`_ members of execufffiz A. -Strict- ' A Successful Creed.• I land, J. W. Fraser; auditors, T. ft. Last Saturday afternoon the Arthur I Harrison, C. F. Chapman* The financial statement showed the Circle of Knot church held a barter} Club treasury to be in excellent COO - in the leder* \room which wasdttion. An at-home to be held this eldedly a "cm* over $200 bind month and a dance at New Year's are , realised. A salad,tea was served among the activities which the Club from 4 to 8 ddec� and a sale of has in view. fancy work home-bil lig and candy G C L Nates helped largely to swell he funds. The C. novelty of the "posto created "Lit." will be held this Friday ev- c'onsiderable amusement, nd some ening at the Collegiate at eight o'clock. were fortunate enough to' eget real The boys have at last come forward with the girls have organized a bargains ,for the small anal et ten and cents. The president of the\Circle, (h( •I Society Orchestra. Besides its Mrs. H. C. Dunlop, and all the\mem- Initial Apps Ararne, nutty other tea - hers deserve great credit for sir tures will be included in the program splendid effort. • and a very enjoyable evenings enter - Pass Mean Exsadrmne . to Atend. t is promised to all who at - Miss Claire Heynolda and Mia Alli `1 -ahtpment of rifles from London Saunders, two (iodericl young ladles has arrivecrat the Collegiate to replace who for some time have been taking the old and ,much more cumbersome a post -graduate course in massage , rifles which were in at. formerly. The at Toronto, have passed the examine- boys "ere all rejoicing that 'the cadet corps and beloved drill will soon be well started. As an)d to the girl's physical culture a \phonograph has made its appearance A: school and should prove valuable for this and also for other more enjoyable purposes: Newman-Klrkptrlek. A very pretty house Bedding took place at 11w home ofsMr.-end Mrs. Al- exander Kirkpatrick: Maple Grove Farm. Colborne towns!) , on Wednes- day evening. November nth. when, their only daughter, (;lady. Gertrude, was unlash in marriage to \ . (;.Orme Newman. The 1e,herigrin edding march was played by Miss 011e. Tubb. '11w bride. who lookeil ohsnning Iwhite satin with georgette overdo�' s•.I was given away by her father. IAM Ed. Jacklin..of Brussels, was the matron of lioetrr. The ceremony was'1', performed at ti oclo•k In the evening I by Rev. R. .1. Ross of Auburn, in the , presence of eighty guests. After run- , Rubbers gratulatious had been given and the register had heed signed the guests sat down to a sumptnons repast Iii the I RubbeDslg prettily decorated dintngrts,m. The toast to the bride WA. ably reslw,ntlwl 0by chi• groom Short s)asehes of cingrttnlatlnn were made also by 11r. Rubbers I A. C. hunter, Mr. Kirkpatrick and ethers. Numerous costly- gifts_ teat ifiwl to the esNrm iu whirls the bride Rubbers is held. (Nests were present from Brusseels. Jamestown, 1.ut•know, (:od- erlch and the vicinity. The groom, who; Rubbers was overseas for four years in active service, carries the scars of several ser- lons e.ownwl,+: Atter a tuaawyia.wn rigout-. Rubbers at i'.onddn and net roit the happy collide will settle in their hoax on the 4th ,concession if Colborne. ' Rubbers FRIENDSHIP'S PERFECT GIFT. There's no gift like a good portrait'-aathing so distinct- ive, so enduring, and so sure to please. An appointment now will assure you "personality por- traits" for gift -giving time. J. T. Fell t" • 1kP A Thursday, November 11, 1020.-5 Soecial Sale r - FOR WEEK COMMENCING Saturday, NOV. 13 Sugar, ;it15i�, peye Ib.1 5C Hursley Black Tea, f ^ . 2 lbs. 60c. Palmolive Soap ' ` r3 Cakes 25c. �I���,ry Aylmer Canned Tomatoes, 2 for t'35c. Heavy Water Glasses, each Sc, Plush Buttons, black, per oard 15c. Fancy Coat or Suit Buttons,Bid 0 Wed urearte et,15c. Smoked Pearl Buttons, per card, 15c. tt ELLIOTT Yong. and Charles Sea.. Trireme. Prepares yoong'men and young women for employment a's accountant,, atenngraptten, typists private secreterie+,, cashiers. com- merrul teachers. etc. Salaries ,Iso start VS 105'25 a w,'ett. Co,,i enc. say m me. Write for part iculari. W.1.ELLiOTT. Principal. - THE-- MoCCaSi IS flied: Bu2 to 8 1. 00 Fine Wool Scarfs and Toques,let's $1.00 Ladies' White Handkerchiefs, 5c. Ladies' Fancy Handkerchiefs,15c. and 35c. Men's White Handkerchiefs, 2 for 25c. Men's Red and Blue Handkerchiefs, 19c. Chocolates, assorted flavors, ' at" 49c. ell the lteetRecordS hits $1.00 Geunette e Visit Our Up -stairs Dep'ts for Special Bargains L. R. STEEL CO. LIMITED 5c. TO $1.00 STORE CUI)ERICII, ONT. • Model Theatre Programs Rub ems- FOR eye Week of November 15 to 20. MONDAY and TUESDAY A Paramount Artcralt Picture Dorothy Gish "Turning the Tables" Also Episode 2 Jack Dempsey in "Dat edevil Jack" "THE BALL OF DEATH" WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY • , A GOLDWYN PICTURE Eminent Anthore' Special "Scratch My Back_. and CARTER DE HAVEN COMEDY 'THEIR DAY OF REST" Ammon FRIDAY and SATURDAY A SELECT PICTURE Eugene O'Brien in "The Broken Melody POU.ARD COMEDII YOU ARE INVITED TO THE Baptist Church Montreal Street r1 412 ON SUNDAY -- NOVEMBER 14th PASTOR 7"d Rev. J. E. McCauley R-11 A. M. SUBJECT Religion in the Services of the Lord's, Day _ 7 P. M. SClijUCT ' Ilow Does God Use His Power? BiBLE SCHI'OL 3'F. M. B,T.P.U. MEETING g P. M. r• 2 ALL )1 --',ATS Fklil:. A N‘'ELCt ME TO ALL and i BRITISH CANADIAN PATIfi NEWS 1111111, F 4 • as Rubbers 's Rubbers Rubb 's Rubb isaro Rubb 3 Rubbers Rubbers Prepare for the wet season by purchasing your rubber A, goods now. e guarantee all our Rubbers -If any prove unsatisfactory because of workmanship, we' replace' them. We stand be- hind our"goods. See our special lines for spe- cial hard wear, for Youths, Boys and Men. These rubbers have reinforced toeS1soles-and •, heels. WRIret Get your Rubber Footwe at BERN'S BOOT SHOP Rubbers 670#6110619 Rubbers -- Q.P. RuL'lers Rut ores Rut ',erg !ua Rubbers Rubbers Rul..,ers Rub:lers Rubbers Rubbers Rubbers Rubbers Rubbers.- Rubbers. t,M�► i HE SAFEST INVESTMEiv T -- IN CANADA - "Victory Bonds" • P.daoried_yiuldb ere new, as follgws : TAX FREE ISSUES Price and p r 1 InterestYield 1 y l 19"R. s 9w 11.55 ip 1995 9' 6.91 r Yep• Isr17 97 ^z, bot) j ) 1959 ........ 9n.S0 �•s9 1957 a9N TAXABLE ISSUES i 4 `,,. 97 'a- 6 5a l91 9s • 6.2.5 'Phone, wire or write for yo sole•Won to to del leered tree 'her Oaf .sae to your bao;c. Geassal hnlfa.ee a.+ 'I'. R' HARRISON ? o'Itss '' Municipal Seals 41.41 sieersaisest " r