HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-11-11, Page 41A saber lt, IMO. Tga WONAL — ! .4111UHN. i 1 co-•binea with other medfelnal ex - I401. l0. tracts. These bealtng extracts ars 'Wadassday, 'Rheumatism Mr. �. Clark haw moved tato C� ib a Pep Into your mouth they are lib- the Houu se cw•eutly bought from Yr, erated In the form of dealing vap- Neuritis, Sciatica. Nluralsia. Won. reaves. Mr. win J. Thompson, of St. Aug- � I t la umiue, has proved Into G, i Howstt's Lutheran Meuse. +a•g,yyri�-� s�`s If Templeton s houwr, formerly the Oho. Yon"ghlut Is off on his an - in the. rhureh here Sunday, November �KVp Rheumatic a Mr. moil hunting trip to I'rrry Souod dt.- You have a cold, or. your child evening at T p.m. Rev. H. Royal, of is no appar`atut a�;eQed. the •tttN� trict. has &Cold; a cu -;h: a ttgDt feel - capsules Capsules for the treatment! The very small Mies Katie Wagner. Mr. Nervy lug across the chest; a•soreness In , � has a slightly t,.r.!r effect upon the Wagner and Mrs. Jacob Wagner are the breathing tubes. Thurgilays Nov. 11. at Kitchener attending the funeral of In the past flow have you treated Rave bronwht wood Mr. I.outs Wettlaufer, a former bust- , such? You have bought some health to tall-a-anllllon urea man here, who died very and, cough mixture, and swa!lon-ed this sufferers. denly. down tpto your atoms+ch. Now, York, where they had visited air. and airs. Turner and Miss Ida Whyard. Rev. A. MacFarlane, of Bayfield, why? Your stomach was not Ail - Druggtsts and stores everywhere preached in Knox church on Sanilsy. preached In Ing: and Ahe, a is no direct connec. money -saving remedy. ey-sfifte Rev. It. J. Ross exchanging Pulpits tion between your chest (where well known for a years, pre. d,b doctors. sold ar drug-, with him. the. trouble 1a) and your stomach! scribed,b gists, a hos. Ask our agents Mr. Edgar Lowson is making prep- to erect a sawmill on the old Then why sw•all�w into your stomach any mixture when the or write for a free trialppaacckage. Templeton&, 142 IGag W.,Toronto arations stand. He expects to have It ready trouble Is In your lungs and bron- ern Ontario. where he 1a to he em- for the spring trade. chiral tubes! Mrs. Tomlin, of London, who had It's a mistake; and Papa is the l 4gents—uof•ffs Drag Stole. LetaD r r_medy provided to correct this CREWE. Monday, November 8 un -commonsense treatment. Pens are little tablets, which contain i I Gents' Furnishings You hear a lot about the price t' of clothes fm We are selling good all - wool Overcoats at j $35.00 cw_ "•,. in green. brown and grey mixtures . We have only a limited n ber at this price—}Ley are Miss alae Menary returned to Iter highly beneficial Pine essences; home at Sheppardton atter spending co-•binea with other medfelnal ex - the past few mouths at Ur. 1Hagh tracts. These bealtng extracts ars Flunigan's. so prel+ared that as soon as you put Mrs. Wm. Shackleton. of Dungannon, ib a Pep Into your mouth they are lib- i+ slwndhtg a few weeks with friends 1.4 erated In the form of dealing vap- aruund here. Prs. You breathe these vapoSs Miks Mildred McWhlaney, of the dmsd to the throat and lungs, A G.C.I.. spent Punday at her home here. thus treat the organs that are In - Anniversary services will be held flamed, direct. In a way, It is ilia in the. rhureh here Sunday, November breathing from a vaporiser or list, iu the miirnrng--at--ll..a.m,. apd. (uoarmgsice le, except that there evening at T p.m. Rev. H. Royal, of is no appar`atut a�;eQed. the •tttN� Mile, will take charge of both services peps provldl i everyt!Ang needful special singing both morning and eta for the treatment! The very small ening. portion of Pepa which you swallow , � has a slightly t,.r.!r effect upon the -- DUNGANNON. stomach and dies you good, but Thurgilays Nov. 11. the use of Peps is not for stomach Albert Brown and Wet. Hamilton troubles, but for ;uhg, throat and bronchial troubles. Pcps relieve these returned from the West last Saturday. Mr, and airs. John Smith. of Fort xa no ordinary treatment ran. William, are theRuests at present of Children like Peps and they are Mr. and airs. N. F, Whyard. having ar- best for the little ones because rived Saturday evening from New peps contain no morphine, laud&- num or other poison found to so York, where they had visited air. and airs. Turner and Miss Ida Whyard. any of the old cough mixtures. Miss Amber McKenle arrived home Druggtsts and stores everywhere from Toronto on Friday of Mast week. ee11 Peps Soo. box or from Peps Co.. We regret that Miss McKenzie had to Toronto, for price. Remember the give rip a very lucrative position Ow- name—four letters anly:— ing to her health, but wo hope she will soon be able to resume her, duties again. eps Mr. Cecil Orser has left for North- misfor ne fall and break one of ng p• the all nes leading to the ht ern Ontario. where he 1a to he em- advance made in the paper pattern business for many a day. pl"yed for the winter, we und"od. Mrs. Tomlin, of London, who had GROCERIES heeu the guest of air. and airs. B. J. Crawford for the last fortnight, re- turned homy on Monday with her hits- PORT ALBERT. I eitta good value—we would and i lett last week for (,odericl . h,+5•e hP , MF.s. ilwll velli for • I hand. Dr. Tomlin, who motored rap Wednesday. Nov 10th. ' advise as early selection. I Trouble Man fo� her. lip Ladles Alit of the Presbyterian Yr. James Drayer, of Palmer, Masa, R j- - - - --- ( i ! curch end holding ihFrangelllcembert 17. by -his *ister, Miss t; the We do a special order business i It's a comfort to know u . re's call I AT DUNCANNON all at lowest rices. p k tleh Meetingaa -art, being l Draiper, who, - nteridi spending 211tH Century and Art Clothing I r r' ( „� &, .,CHILDREN'S FUR SETS A SPECIALTY. — ' held Ill the Methodist church every night this week-. The minlaten of winter there. air. Jamye McKenzie, wife and `new �i-°�{ {I _ a here to -serve you. .. ' has moved to the corner r the nellebboring Methodist chwebes family are • now living on their farm. rw•estly purelui+td i[./W Jam" ati tt )as our regnlarlines M' r i store, lately occupied by -Mr. intend lea, Ing dress -making this W. T. fellow ^•' :arrats,"Intt In theaes- arvlc ; Ree new Tweed and !' i w C �- -.;'A i FRED, HUNT The first of a series of cottage pray- I er meetings was held at the (tome of Mrs R A McKenzie on Wed - Mar•Whlnney. Mr. and Mrs. Jame+ MaeWhinney1 left their rai rearntly, and will cis wv% ".turd "t«..••+u;•;�`i. writ. _ a.lxrx .• _..�»��waa,�. .: v..�ttr��s._,.4.••x,'a,�._���r,it9d�a,. ai: O a, .0,0,0,0,,,,,I Pf / Phone 1D. M I LLAR u SON Phone 56 _ 11111-1 68 0%0%0.0%~"the Scotfyh Store" ,.ern.. STORC HOURS, 8 A. M. TO/6 P. K,, SATURDAYS 10 P. M. Exceptional'Values in Readyinston-Wear This month we are showing some extra special values in Women's Ready -to -Wear, being the purchase of several leading manufacturers' special `clearing lines . Choice Coats, Regular $(4 for $47.% The New Three-quarter Plash Coat These handsome Veldur and Duve- This is the novelty Coat of the -sea- son. Beautiful quality, rich plush tyre Coats; the seasoy�s' newest style, -rimmed, imitation beaver collar, large collars, button-, trimmed, fancy b rad and cuffs, lined throughoui- stitching, half line figured satin.. wi fancy satin. _ . Regular $75.00, $47.50 for ...................... $57.50 Many other special values in Women's Co is at $27.50, $35, $39 to W Mo Special showing of Fur- e ed Coats �- something new in Dres s fl r'rsrt A 11 'Dress Special $29.50 A Snap in C r+en's Dresses Th�sp dressed are the smartest we We bought a s ial in children's have ever shoyVn, best quality Botany smart Serge D Newest style, • Serge, accorttion-pleated skirts, over- pleated skirts, sailor llars, braid blouse, trOnmdd' beads and braid, trimer to suit gir ages, 10 w�qnderf value .. , . :.. $29.50 years at =10.50, 12 and A years at ' _._�.,....,„.. _,.,w; n ... ... ............ \ $11.50 mac-: .......,.:....;r• n New and Attractive Skirts The Popular Accordion -pleated Shirt Special All -wool Jersey Skirts $10.00 r - No lady's wardrobe is complete This is a very moderate price for without at -ift.one or more PlOated an all -wool Jersey Skirt, set-in pock- Skirts. We are showing some very lent Hats with relatives for a few months, e' U Li newla,v evening. Rev. Dv. Campbell eta .trimmed pearl buttons colors attractive offerings in union and all- 0Ieuitducted the met•tiug. Mr. Mut-Whinney has nt made p r . r J. R. McNalob Is loading two cars hi: mind what he will do' a an n. cls .. wool se s. r0 Walter C Cldham of prrtntrw+ at i.ucknow and .n tar of The people o[ this community P rn- I Taupe d Cope Special $10.00 1 rge— From $9 0o to $1500 • I E. �. prrnitry at McGaw. The poultry is for ed with deepest regret of the each . - - Sym- New fork. of Miss Mary Gauley. Mu Sym- I Mrs. Donald Fowler returned home puthy is felt for the family Furs of exceptional beauty at -moderate prices tod from Win ham hospital where Our genial merchant. Mr. k hall. GEO. RICHARDSON Hamilton and St. ,.Andrew's sts GOiIERiCH Ain•,>T FIM Cockshutt Farm blacL ine-y Adams Wagons enlrew Truck Scales —Also dealer In -- Nissan a Rlseh Pianos and __..Star Phonographs_ .- large selection of Phonograph Rrs•urda constantly on hand Those wanting anything in our lines are invited to call and set what we can do for PHONE 104 Beautiful 1"i"I Artificial ••awa�,ma-, Flowers that will brighten your home this Fall. Large Roses, all colors.—.10c Small Roses, all colors..... 5c Carnations, all colors...... be tuffoc'.ils, yellow........... Sc Violets, ter bunch ........10c Ch rycauthemums............10c Poinsettas ................ be Have a law for roof table. Smith's Art Store i sbe undi•rwent an operation. Phe is � .sail Arlttttt a wz+tt -a= cotitd tw i•xprctca. lett last week for (,odericl . h,+5•e hP , MF.s. ilwll velli for • showing of Furs for the present season is mueh better and larger - 1 The Trouble Man our,Our the winter. Mr. Butt's 1 v!I village gives a petaon t at, thought; than we have ever shown, including handsome sets of Hudson Coney j- - - - --- �I A BUSINESS CHANCE that ever}'. 11ri7 is S y when look- ing down -jrev' j Seal, Australian Opossum, Red Fox, Sable, Wolf, Badger, Coon, Beaver, 1 It's a comfort to know u . re's call I AT DUNCANNON Mr. a°`' Mea' N. ye ' of Winder' , were the guests of Yr and Mrs. Al- all at lowest rices. p k a than on whom you may y in ypur troubles-tbe Plumlvr. I bert My Gety the st eek. air. Nels. Pea ,n of our village. ( „� &, .,CHILDREN'S FUR SETS A SPECIALTY. — 'Mkmw-tett and W H McClurg- �i-°�{ _ a here to -serve you. .. ' has moved to the corner r the and �•,+nr: ion of A><hfield,, rlrouc ; the latter I'"or' Is month. 'Me atlas. of a lilld r.tlia tistlttAI - e� '1'N£ NEW WCAU PA'IT1rR"T'S PRlIl1'ED .• _� - i store, lately occupied by -Mr. intend lea, Ing dress -making this W. T. fellow ^•' ; N. J. Treleaven and will winter Air' h a. of Goderich Last week we introduced the new McCall Pattern and all who have FRED, HUNT carry on business with new air. amen Ilayden, who had the used them are most enthusiastic about them, the beta the only real y g y "'1CNIC P'L,UMBtR" and up-to-date lines of .� misfor ne fall and break one of ng p• the all nes leading to the ht I advance made in the paper pattern business for many a day. GROCERIES hon I, d ug an well as could be Pi - Mammon acre" Phone tau i I Gents' Furnishings t wl. li,4 many friends hope to, r soo of his speedy recovery. Plumbing sating Eaveat.roughtng llietai Ll -k Ready-made Clothing Underwea Dent °t Qeo. D psoas' rr The ill I f alr. Geo. Draper otturred et Itis 1 me °n Meaitay: November tat, PffO>!fE 5E--- - 411 5 Millar'sScotch S16re d Good Stock of � ,R - -will' Flour, Feed, Salt, etc. . do-lIItP all that medical aid and gr nursing could do, he passed to ./ t "I;rest "yohd" at the site otI e You will find it to your inter t to e'Rhty-seven • yeast. Mr. Draper was Hydro-ElechiC purchase your supplies t r in Tipperary. Ireland.. coming! „Ili lio this country with his tvto McCLURL'S — - brothers and ase sister while quite I yr+ung. a,el Wad the greater part o[ I li 1 At the conclusion of the morning ser- vice., which will be abbreviated, Mr. A. WARNING _ 1 eys ent m d . Io religion he vyFUL EATING- r t DECORATING was x cords m member of the Anglt• I vUoi7isa �f l A' will t the. can church and he was ever ready ' soar feed N rgaatad wN` Huron county temperance wort. The AND _-.._ _-- _ - evening service will be An commemora- We—el-Voti With his moss ;,mere. The out do .t 110111111011131 aodfv. -_-- -_- -- \ deepest sympathy goes out to the fam- tib toy v f d} taken oof besasad"tion of the armletice. Deeoraibs li-� - sty to th# iotas of a kind fathhr. He =a wring. North Street Metftsiifsi Cbwdk -- na�e- -- Tlre Town has been ordered h appy to mourn hte imtg thrum eons peM , — i � and oncida hies: James of Palmer, At 'Rorffi street 32etbotIIst c)t�t�h • � a alba lit. . t° reduce the amount of ebetrte�MO' next Sanday morning thepastor's Rte sell you 6e materials, or I atnw.: entreat used by 2:i per cent. and Ilen. of London; William and 'theme will be "The Armlatlpe, and the the local consumeere request- ,- Miss Ellen at home. Out-of-town we wood ed H At the eta- rs take the contract of decorating PV sefd la dais ka4 d tiro World's Dela 7 . , ell to reduce their load accord- relative+ who attended the funeral anni a sieww" frith usft Pning service Her. Mr. Dwican of the your home, store or office. 1 Ingly. were: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sutton, Pleasant to tolm--rad M+�t and Lord's Day Alliance will preach and Fifiolates eheerfally riven Brantford: Mr. and Mrs. Ben Draper, ire, the choir will render a program of 1. Discontinue use of all dec. , Iondon; Mr, James Draper, Palmer, GLASS tris apparatus where possible. Mass. The pallbearers were t1'illlam �� or Som a lOwK special music, bey Mr. a 8A. with $ taAma OI aODTTa an organ recital try Ur. Heaton. Nam- Gray, Wi dew Glass Plate Glass - 2. Rednee the number of our a ray, Joaaph TIUW. Aiesastder Young, bm on the program will be: "Te ' y and Thomas Gaolq. Ilieum" (Jackeno) ; solo, Ulm Hanel , lights and always turn oft when -. - ,. It;ftrrora ell. not absolutely required. a+ ------.---- --------- ---- Beichpr; gnintette, •J'ecus, Lover of Vire can supply your wants in 3. BP most Pronomical 1n use i tiODERTCH TOW48HiP _- 01URCH NOTSL IrfornPl uand (�The tRecessionall."" (Kip any third of Glass of electric current In every way The f)osmwts+y Weaasat's iwM.—At thk ling•DeCoven). The classes, Mena J' . CUTHBERTSON potteihle. The meeting of the Count Wo- Club and Ulshen Band will meet at Country Victoria .treei Methodist church In o'clock. The Club will disease: North aide Nest at. Pbeao 3S4 ThM ass extra UnInt loereaam + men's Club Mrs. McEvoy gave an Is. Is to have twoamissionary Pundays. "Would It be advisable to revive our {wd--torn It Mr. „ t'tfinrting rplIffi . d@wA tdnx the lilts Tor the first of these, next Pfinday, q M C.A. wort here or fa the conntyT' -� f t' lied customs of the colonists of the Rev. it. Royal of NIIP, formerly prPi► i _ ---� The topic will be presented by Mr. VIML Ft'RT110+:It NDT[CB New 11agland states, and Urs. J. T. I A M. Robertson. a Tuesday evening visiting - — Iden} of the \Pwtrnmdlantl tbnterThe Dpworth - mee F.1.P:CTRiC iRONB ARK—To Salkeld gave all excellent reading en• once; will ba the preaches at bothill Ulm Lqa Yltcbell. of Toronto, 1r _ BE CORD ONLY RFTWkEN titled, "Politics, woman and the Roos THE HOITRR OF le A. AND �► to in 'Photography. h tnorslog and teveslrtR eenlPee% I The topic will be Noted Canadian ng her friend, Ylm Is Filth She WIII f'ravP." The next mPetlttg 3 P.M. OR AFT11A r CLOCK will be at tha.bome of Mrs. J. T. Sal. The eerrlceil at the Baptist elrureh Women," and will be taken by Ulm I The dart occungd at Detroit on ,I+HK �� keld on Thuradsy, November 1Xth, at next Sunday will be conducted by ills Mand Beacom and Kim Lottle Wednesday of GPt►r�e Harland, whose We stave a number -of Cabinet 2.40 stot. Rev. J. Z. McCauley. The ear•' Robtnson. ts, the late Mr. and Mrs p.m... , ...The Country Wo�� Pa Mounts ' worth regularly $5 a (,,full hold as enjoyable mssgit'P11ade Mon subjects will be: It a.m., "Rellg- I Last Tuesday evening, notwlth• I Harland, for sotee year resided in e• Water &Fla Li Cetllllaission doses, which customers may have Hailowe'Pn party at the home of Mr. ion in the Services of the L.ord'e Day." I standing the rough weather, membirs rich. The late deceased was the head Of Ug and firs. Isaae Italkeld. T p.m., "flow Dees God Use His Pow- of the Nile F.pwort4 I Psgue to the the George Harland Printing Canpony at 63 a doxfn while they last, err' Bible school ae Il N. ffiY.P.U. number of thirty paid a most enjoy. of Detroit. • Gedlerkii __ . _.__ meeting at a P.M. shit+ task to lite North atreet t.ettlrtw fins Christmas is onlysix wt eks Their pastor, Rev. Harry Royal, lately , At Knox church asst Sabbath dh- from IYewfowdland, pve w rr� tine away. Orden for Christmas work tae weral 1p triti Ore eondaej addr"o on the tial -catching lndnatr tett In the morning and evening by the A del htt 1 P 1 y Mr. Leslli Inkster, who fepresente should to left now in order to be aria >s v ngl was spent with lea• aelat'lefo minlal•r, A• tbresminsb iter at the genial vlsltoA kt� t�mea Silks L meted. Toronto, was In town this filled in good time PILES the morning service for the bays and : ir�aai e week in fhe ifiterests of his firm. Mr I - w - - .. w».w I ��,.��i? .a girls: subject -"David's SUM." Soto i '' Ills. ch i gee ea �MMve yw'� as •f_ „ .-_-- .-_._-t_. .-., s.-.-..• �...-... 21 - ..a,.»s--u•-.• Mn. A. G. Nisbet add Mntff Grxrew sal IM11et es.-, AL -