HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-11-11, Page 1FIFTY CENTS
ION you; subscription to The
iffill the price IN raised to $2.00
10" 14 lk.i� A
C NI Be BUR hot
(36 ton
Boulevard w UCTION SALE 01, LARGE FRAME Mr. Edits It was my privilege to
ItoI FUR SALE. -SIX ACRES OF I BUILDING AT THE LIARISOR.GOVII iver in Toronto recently, under the e
land, Ik�rvoo,edtx&cIgbouoewitbb0t *444it ACH. Fire Recalls Out While Men Away il'onspain) Now Wants a Ten-Yeffir rose
heating bath and r et:trle light&, 00 South street, at aurpices of the Canadian Red C
at edge'llf I,,-- 7I house can be ball at a It Her.
The River Valley,yreamery
at Dinner. - Term of Fixed Asesessintgookint Society, the addr".% give by Mr.
Tltiegaecutoroo(the E4tatecklChAflegglykildef- at Dun $70,00";oderich Maltufaeltnt[W bert Hoover an the urgency of the 111 11
GRO. C. McCOEATH. bor. Goderich. on in the village. was destroyed by Ore lf'o. Subluits Proposition for 4'
1 `7 " it '" deceased, will well by public auction. at the Her
FARWIMS g711.:-S1iW- gannon, one of the busiest institutions II Pent being III throughout the
2t British Empire for the relief of the 1
SArDIAL)AY.NuV&MDIER2hb at noon today (Thursday I building Factory.
-DOUBLE com men, I rig a I I.Ser, duo'*luck III slos &o
TU RE T. w the fire starving and di%ealke-litricken millions
Wompt collection at reasonable rates is assured IMS to rent to private hotels; suitable for The large 6:rooke building with T -no found- it is Dot known Just hot One has 'U" :I,
A At as tenants dmigo s I.. . of it evidently originated in 1 of Europe and Central Asia.
every farmer who places his Sale Notes in the sitting lions ■and bedroom ,« light.. Fireplace in it=. a the Ixemeli but rig. Sad started, but e only to try to realize a few of the
Hot w1,W netting: electric buil,inj is a )&,a- sets and cisksoulawk 8 lot of the engine room. The men were away All the members were present at th
It unit• as tug. Ill established facts to feel that in I
hands of the Sterling Bank of Canada. And, one room. L'saii located. For tort in- rig. be
lonstatects apply at SIGNAL OFFICE! if equates for dinner at the time, and returning towl, council meeting oil Friday 1119 1,
led at of itTb
ti-Lplank.ands u me of. our common humanity we
additional capital Is needed before the Sialle antily oi 4,4 tin
purchower found the place In flames. Some Of with Mayor wigle ill the chair.
F Aired loastiume Campbell reported tax ollec- Canada cannot allow this appeal to
Notes fall due, loans may be arranted with ll:�Te R SALE. -THE RESIDENCE OF will be to give 00 A Ink' the batter was got out, but the mach• Mr.
DR. W. Y. HAYDEN, St. Vidoi street all risks to tragovjng to is I I - - -orulux ill well. i be treated with indifference or to pass
Z, notes as security. Crich. Whitt brick, seven ri*ow but, water tonsil of ling iew�uvedl wilts at dr:oylspo leery and other contents were des lions (
Mating, are
r091lacc large verandah and balcony N VI IONAL TRUST COMPANY. 83�ut-B. trOYed. A letter from the Department of with Only a half-hearted response.
• Farnme, contemplatinil; an auction ode will And lkpply Ion JAMZS YATES. We"Strest. THIUMAi LUVORY.Auctlorster. The creamery was a frame building Public Works. Ottawa, It r --ply to the Think what thelie ficur", out of many
man� the r tuient should which, could tie quoted, mean: At
situated at the river west of the vil- request that Alpa r ce children to Europe
our local Makafter ready to SdVi*O, them tl&Wd (NOTICE. LAST OR FOUND. lage. it wait ineourosel, but the incur- place a sign in the postotlol building least 1I.Ml.r0l
ce, now fatherless from war, and who
int any details. A= ance will he conorlderablY short Of COv- here to Indicate that it is ill(' post0tyl .4
QTRAYED FROM MY PRFMISES, eriug the less. tatild that tbe Department Is an- rave the next few year% with such In -
4 `azA SIM Property for NO. I have been in- 1I tilmll andwhite Polled Anguogtftr.etghtetn starvation, and suffering from
commendable enterprise the
Acted by the executors of the late Win. slake With Kurt4i thnt proem is not a evitable stare
A F 1�
elevate to offer this property at S 18cf,fict Fit declare their intention Of man, woman or child lit (;oderich who lack Of Fropillelool care, that thooke whq
oe�,,.,d by t.E01I GINN. R. RL 2. C"noon, rognpany M4 -e III lice through it will be menace
order 10 cloga, up the state. Frame house. in rebuilding. where sto OA
And state At repairs. C T'Ieplwne ill a, is GoderKh Central it does not know look ht the Ink
9 ontalm, eight rookinsand is, ,,,$I all partip bills 1.4-n there for And a care to future generati & Death;
good basement t..5toake wall under whole house It. slid will continue to
Thisiss"agam Possession Will Continue Practice In Wingboam. twenty years in it. pr. (-contiltion lie already reaping a second great bar -
surely it is nolt lope
at once. -essary to go to the
do so for �l
P. j RYAN. Dr. Margaret Cald-r Art I continue her
of help
rij placing any signs oil m measure same.' &,tue, yeeirs if same in ure
ROW Resets and IDmwo- a "erich Society e9tra m-dical practice in %ingharn, and has e"I"c"Ne' tip(, 4.jIt that (;oil. 1% not extended now, from those Mil- IS -1
phone so. lit already opt III her new office in tne Field Councillors 1„ tinted Ilion- Alto see Finfliertnig from it it an a summer roI town I.% in in diseases
bESTERUN6ROK Music Studio., block, two doors south of Brunswick er somewhat different position from conpPqi!erit on the conditions, tend
POR SALE. (Entrance between F. H. Wrod'.. and hotel.opposite Kiri Buj-.'store. Resi- It ther towns. in that there are each year who 11I net "veto the Ordinary `M. -
J. H. LaudI Storm) dence phone 151 ; o4lit:e phone 281. '0 1.
OF CANADA Wally stratwers here who do not find Porta of life, such not simple tw"
Ute postoffir-e r-loadilY Viouncillor'ejothI4 to cover And protect them,
oil Gem C. Cannon. Pjaniste-tuit ton given It makes a real treat -Blackstone's St..ry rpmaried that if the Govern. still medical care istrolin of the simplest
Henry,Vioi Flat- delk-scous ice cream, tit bulk or [an cannot pay character.
n piano. Mr. C. V. Cy Ink -Fit is VA) 1181-41 111) 111:0 it Call
tuition given on violin for begoners and bricks. for a sign the town would pay for It, The British Empire War Relief
fmwt for We 0 .
advanced students. For infolmAtion It was decided that the clerk should Fund Is looking rained, and will be ad -
Apply at Studio. jigsIg-Usks, up the matter Ith the pe- nW&U"r4ed by oar own British ors: I u-
ired. bridges tuned, Report of MillsTOM. w
Violins reps #yOlk"I'lig Itm an i.e.pen - t'liffiloada to asked to --o.
red Lr. Hunter, M.O.H., reports the ft- lierim =-ber "hare through the Hit!
posts set and violin bows repaired. etc give sign is wanted.
In car On G. T. R. track GODERICH SOCIETY ORCHEST4kA andnation of milk "amp" by the 11I I understand &II
ent \Aff %ollows: McManus The secretary of the local board Of Crook" Society. d Investment gotitute of. Public Health, h, Lonclori Out.. me all
are und--r way fora m-eting
Apply (Five pieces, prolevoicsial). 'a. 1. 55 beelth forwarded a resoulution V&Nwd 'Of All w may feel the nrgPrI of
Ilhux.' rig No. 2. At the last meeting of the board, re- boo A
r test
rest fat; Mcmd queotj" that the pribill: closets At the thist call, to he beld t6wards the end
you SM earm intuat -WUJXADKE HOM." per cem. -. Bear(?. 9.4* per a led-,aud some ru'rinjou.'ef aw remembering how
H. CALLAHAN-,. C. 0113.10 per cent. . oke DW&I dock be clean 9 nobbiy'our joiloofits, itt-nponded to c, -!Is I 11-
T' in our Savings , I be made for having them re$ularly
x t
when deposited 3 r cent. The bOttle containing the Pant lead yearst. I ask the privilvglu.
Department d both Vincipal and REV Phone 276. Bsp" Cengroarstim Haild alsocepides Vi a Somple was found to be attended to. of Adding my feeble word to Iry fol.
an j. IL MW NI MeCsilleft. broke .1n transit. All of these PoI Referred to Iffortar committtee. low-citip In urging that thlis . gr( -Lt
lntgmt are sac and can be obtain- for Rev. crura were found to be tip to the, A number of applications for build,' call meet with at leant an equal rar
an RIVATESALE.-I WILL SELL THE The Congregation Of the C(Ider'ch require nt. Ing. permits were Pent to the fire eom-, sponse. I cannot imagine Anyone con-
wberlevillf C�l I . -- siderinst the situation. with the facts W.
P houseboideatcolostmilreadence.Montr Baptist church met In a *wW weir on juittee with power to act.
meet, by vrivmte sale, from i to 4 O'Clot:111 tock Friday evening last in bonne, of their Palfilles- I
4000UVIt "Y. day. MRS. W.A.RHYMAS. 2t I R for New I h A letter from the goicretary-trees- now being published. wittiont rIop(md.
pastor, Rev. J. E. McCauley, are his A convent n , f the U. F O. urer of the I'llion of Canadian Mun- 1,19 readolly wen opportunity ;vIll be
'%OR SALE. -A RADIANT HOME bride. who had just returned to town Huron w at WinRham on Morday 4PS11111144 -en through our local oil
Ik lZ 14 - teJit"g Of steps fait" UnIzAtlifill.,
Can, 71W hant- for of creaming an also Rh
don It heater. in firs"lask condition. after their wedding trip. . ti I� III aagatinat t4e BI 7Af those Wordo'be feel to -Insil;7_1
be had at a reasonable price. 80 tie 011ACT has DO ment of the church, where the roI C1.4 liti I puI . in lin- with the 1 W."
t se si n at co.,M application for Ineres rates,' _1
funike use (or @also. Apply to Whi. j CAR TER.tanch as ye did It to the least of,
'Ottawa. -WAR rece Itheses."
E CANADLAN BAM' tion was held, was nicely decomted I,gWation pmet at the las Ired and sent to the special South street. with Bowers, sod the gathering was it There w a good all, n lance
SAL L EI 4 membern, from all part- of t d ng. It tok az lie- COMMittee. Tours glacerliely,
rLDef. CAR FOR good representation of the I The city c0( ell of Weiland In peti-
OF CO FORS. QgO. C. b$cCREATFL at and adherents of the church. I ci�ecl to make April t I i-ip for a chatter JAMFS MITCHELf,-
A bountiful supper was provided II I for the IF w orgari io with the officers tioninx the JAZIffixturke to pass an Act
pailtiosto through-,
OK0000 SALE.-WHI FE WYANDOTTE traclical.: y the same 3mm I of the U.F 0. t
Bud ("Rat" bred from -Presilli,-rit. . Rutrford�--lyw -t
PAID-UP CAPITAL he ladies, •&oil after this laul- been
111,_ - taken by Mr. A rv_ C layton Proctos. A. V
PJURVE FUND IrokL.LCOMSE, properly dLqpnwd of the eboaltrucks the Ow" If 7;iF7iI ceirlde Pz-Mah that 14. C. M-n'.Pp o'gril
$1 offistock. Address; OV"Woo, r was
Vreafiliasir Street, of- eave-c' t. dratted_ as effectild A% T-Me'tan
H. Quittzin, who Pre- actor. F-Morion-and lithip 11FIT-11ndt ikadeiijitiontotbe It's just
Mas N QVAN_ faced an Interesting programs with a �h I I
FOR SALE. -CABBAGE _11coolmost, paid tothiio I -M -11110P. Her -.- figionou 40lisumatic Car- it'ris is k
TITIII 65 per 1100 Brussel sprGurs, three few well-chosen words of welcome to M"Dooaid--� 106 eye. so collected to be expended, on nanism. Ask for a free *ample.
twZcents Sawarkrauit by into pound Mr. sod MI McCauley. A pillaric, sale The marrilige tioluk lace K strMs Petition
of not
=%a and kegs of S011111,11 toolOulbs stlOssonable , only. The
price. 4pplyatioliKealaStseet. sen by Misr- learn 11"Imbele, dWch Mn -c on Tussida art sets forth that the licen, ase
____fNck% are.
We Is T�_ ter' a
.=Tom= -by MIAP Holland and Mm at 130 p Iii,. of Miss -It el 4u r new, paid" for �oj6r Mbet M. Middleton. TrailoalI Pitrafril,
TENDERS )WANTED. MKIC NOTICE -7 C. 1111. Number. iffeed readings by blas Holder. daughter of Mr. a rs., not suffietently, large when eompAred w III take Pupils in music -IL e1-. Kin.
Florence Mooney. Mr. Fred P2114I jamin Burkholder of town, to wkh the earningn of The tritritit or demaren Music Method, sue suet. no - mvv
"M BAUM m �,srtffd Mr. Chari Pascoe. ocDoonald. -stm .10I _W_g"_MM. -Iwtth-tbv damage that they do to the
"I" FORS"I so of tn*n. Rev R r tonight In Toronto Couself tory fo__
IL CONTRACT. DR I The chief event of tbD 0 0 Ing WOO, MacDonald, at highways. The matter was rk4i, red, Mimic. Pupils t.itialitt In elate or in- awl .
EYE. EAR, NOSE. TIJROAT. for ogle the presentation to the peder Of a McDermid officiated. The friest0:1reactit " the special committee. ldividually. Pkione 105.
Pas Yort Opttthwaic parse of motionly, together with an ad• at the cer-mony were M a Mrs.
Law "a- 5- - \�\,f�dreas conroving a warts message of Frank Cham) of of C402mut"L
D TENDERS, W&enW to the 9 H�. ambust at Ik�6 I I rit Greerich town -hip:
kgoa� awe Thiffoot 11I rWM1kkl ESTATE
Gesteral. 011111 be 1`9411111vilid At Z =16 appreciation to Mr. )L*Oa*:r. with Mr. Stewart Burkholler, brother of the
PIIA% public works committee report- Cwv,-Dolt Endurts-CoW-Wpar-
a = his bride. and loolis, jean F"Pir The yf urg
amid go.t scromard. Takvb~ 2n. words of ("Mmen&tion alie.1 the atot"ory rivollrok bol Ing out a cold m -xnv wearing our yjur
as FRIDAY. the little DAY at Da- At Dodtwd folatel, Godefick bride, who for a number or. jea has coup e kft -on the 2.20 G. T. R. irk n (n led t at the town dump groundar. vitality. The endurance mplEwl to
been do
Cau"R. Is^' hooklemeaker title. a* 7.Se So. a..*& Tbuom"y. Unlimited Q--ntity of an Itactive leader in the work of their hone ymoon. so that'\(urther waxh(klltft wullhl be neither wlao- nor necessary. Yms can
=low at I le. EL f1h"en lap int church in aliderich. The Prevented. and reecommenided that up- quickly rt . lieve a (,(,It] with Our (*Old
alta ad Hiablaomy's Maillson a GOOD MIXED WOOD FOR SALE addrenks was read by file oldest moviii
C."traett for four Tows, thirty times Mr. O. E. Webb wishes The Signal the 11 lellon of the McDonald Table Take them when firo,t the
.botbemot*GodeffwbPem Oak* ad at $4 per single cord, delivered. L her of the congregation. Mr. , John
ff , work on'symptoin4k, of a cold appear. Thily act
orgialo. Railifty Station. from use Is, day FOR SALE helical, and the purske was handed Ill! to state that the report In circulation street �okr cousirtruction -
TMGODERICH MANUFACTURING viewers be ill utinued for the year; file a gentle laxative and stimul-itp all art.=,4
e,( 1-a
the slot bar the yountroort memberdaround town that lit? Intends to give reorient field gun in vital Tligz-Tellevp congest -
CO.. LIMITED.'_ 170'? wIlkina. Mr. McCattley re -1 --fill, I)Upl*#* to twilrilliI and thist- be mud 4but the lolltlan�?
notices costainlas twill" inf�motWo era . L 'bell he greased i5m,
3troge.filsopiniedIC00111i"t4h8phessen (Flool, of Arkilleees St.) Phone 61. piked In imitable terms, both 'for him-' will continue to oarry on his grocery front of the tow moed and ed co the head and throat.
LMhets , of God rich. Holnotelevolle. OR SALE. -OXFORD RAM AND self and for his lady. thanking Ill bulkiness In town. hall for the winter. prompt and thorough. Keep them
ed at he offlce W the Post odoloce lambs. formal purebrodstmit. A)..S.0 people for their gift still far the handy at this Anglian. E. & WIGL2,
forms All Tender may be obtanged at Dammed Wheat olled and placed the Agricultural The retleof which they provide in
Lon"". * F The finance commit made the fol-,
For Sale While Lxgloerns &&I Barred Plymeath slick. kindly expreigglons of the address.
CHAS. E. H. FISHER. cooke-fe"' GkgI stain. jO.11N i;ARRISH Mr. McCauley has resumed bin PI Mr. A. A. livillimmm, formerly of Inviring recommendation 1, That the al- Druggist, Gooderich.
At Opera Hoillat Block, Kingstcou Phone Dusigalsison. $2.18. 41 - Offirvic" I I)uulop, and now of Cambria road. lowitnee to the fire. r for thin ,
L Post O@Lilmpector. - - pit work, conducting the monsel, halt purchased the house of Mr. Wal- year he In
$2.1 in er to III -i 1I rid Mrs. H. J. Strickler, oll Flitts-
lant SuIiI
WANTEU. street. Mr. low the willow 4, It re - bows.
talLOoke I nopec t or' Off ter Sharman an Keays of, the is Fill Pa.. are vi M" St ickler's
f.�a ce, ipY to lie paid the Sear ft 'r fenis, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. -Kelly.
QMDAD.mk. bib November. IJI W. -M C Starr PlikoftorraphiliI Ge tit Star �yllllams and family will not Fleet
WANTED BY BUSIN ESS WOMAN - Record, far sale at Black-tone'3 ice tapir new house unfli-II Ist of April Thai 111c, at Ih,. Wir. 1%, 11111011717 MAOI joy acu=po TOME
Warn room sod board. Apply DOX 44. Cream Parlors, West street. it, the proposal to -conlikerot t F. Cafoldy, left last week for
16 - Vietrory I.,ndol, held- bv- Ow tffw N.N. Y.Wl ere he will receive CAP" t %seat-
- - - - - - - - - - - - StOlkiI
ANTER -TEACHER 19941 bonds; that an noon All fill' I
FOR S. Plinri, of the.O.W.N.R. Investment
No. 17. Ashfield and Want WSW to -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - N, Vier 109 In received trolim ill Mennen. 0. G. Parsons and C. O. EL
leve a,
townships; second�lam pirofesiskissookill. dutiesnZ Fair Sys-
cornmeme let januar fail. Apply. rotions, of tit( Parsons'
iwoiii� TorotHo of neral Trvurta CorporatiorI le. were In town this week. Mr.
CEMENT salary. to JAIS. 1,PROUL R. R.Nig, S.ArabawlAreff
7 - � -11. lil.-M of 1034 Victory bonds be. Dur-
I . It. Plintins lit remaining bere as
at u ile" , - --
9,16,1110 chriqed through Mr. T. R. err i of'tbv Goodericiti--swiv.
squired. all `1 andr hers kat, &fill a graint of Ill -W Y. Ila , 111ti
.. 1. _. -P*atVV4W-; Wanto -u- that a gratort of VW his, ...it" -ft *lox- 'net
of owed Red kinds Iden, who for four
have just secured about what you have' to ofer end pricat laid d DwA P rs was engaged at JAPT1410111,
Goderich. Give Tallest porticutnes. BOX 214. e public library for the year 191 Ori In y ' -tit&! Service, bits op.
BAGS CEMENT God"ich. that the cost of rooklithinglinilt the pav- .414 $
At Harbor Park still erecting cried an for private diental prac.
IRLS WANTED. -APPLY GODS- summer houses at the MkI bank live In that Ify,, At 211110 Queen's avenue.
--`TWWft-be probably the IwI shipment we RICH KNITTING COMPANY, If I, hope -lie win
We are AM 'in market -for- atatow -ad -taumft-s
ri hare erery Foible iniccess.
vifil be able to get until well on Into next Season. pit coull' of the Cheri". Blake fit
-DFor lots* life insurance comroeny, swup will be shipping the coming week. The are committee reported api-
IrobwWalffim 4
or commission. k1perlence not tree p„ proving of the approinturrift of Win. MA
ypu q re an now or SIGNAL. STEWART-YOU t\ the por
q y Tilt a& Are chlet mendin Porrolkywor,so 49
*11tureloor - A 1
e 'I ifting motithe "GINEER WANtE_D: 0A that he lie Appointed are warden at bylitev.N.C.lookof lml ion May You �g
_&Urinj lh� Prim quoted on request. ano, rem
.41GHTWATCHMAN. lI the pleasure of tfloe eoufwll. The 01 A"JJL Id P. 11haron J,�fkks
LIMITED, Stowell, of ill town'llip Go I *earn
ORD ONCE(4)mmittee appeared ogle following'
appileationst repairs
permits: W. CA ME TER. -At St. it's chufCk.
Mantieal. on 0 tobet 26ttk, t y Rev.
�R X=T JAMES LLOYD & SON 8hipman, repairs to dwelling on Eks.,Z*Wuwt
Archilescooaf Paterson-Snotith. e Coster.
self street; J. J. Burley, repairs tej daughter r. tien, Ctrter a
Lwfi-2-taw�%goderick-�Planing-Mill'sto Ltd - CRAIGIE'S dwelling on St. David's Ptr"t: R. � catterko oil, ngland.to.lit,
con eu. F. Carty. WelI
GODERICH, ONTARIO Phone 4;_ ASa1-Ke_aT&a_te Phone 204 #Irmu _9WIF. dairich Standish, repairs to dwelling on 11ruce
-rmt-�- me, Campbell, repalrii to, MIMOIUADL
4 P. O. Box 18
- - - - ------------- ------ ---- drivellitaff 4m Maistrml AU001t; -IL StALn- VALKZK tn umrig lu_
FARM To RIIII in W ino w%o%0% PNAW%O% kow-W III reponlret to storage Pliant at! P 41mor. who WAS killed maroon Novem "i
to office Is. 191P.,kilitarloralesocionnies, France.
N aerloset of good land with first. "in G.T.R.: Dr. Whitely, repalrie Fought the good Fight...
clamp buildinfe; situated In God- bufloilliki on Kingston ittrookilit : Mrs. Jas. -Wife sn'Little Son, ICk
erleh township just iscrong the Wilson, repairs to drug intorts on the'
track, on the Huron road. Thin Square; R. C. P601sithwalte. r"airx
farm will be rented filir one lbone, ,rid fg,�lnj mtfnwy of our dear
Iowa ReSinald Love. It
Sickimel; S '00-;'m il, 4 to dwelling on Bayfitild road. ova.
year. The court of revision rWrtpd ba Y•' II or, ei,th kji.4,lan ala). ajbmd a
Ill 36M Chickens Ing considered the complaint of Mr. R. Pas ndsooklikelI Nirvenob-irs derd
UINIDS in the it are a "Villa ricton," 2 story brick, N
to him III N"ve-like, I I'll, lost o(
Fitreffilith and a corrd6rt to You fully modern, with fireplace, 7 H. Reid wKh referent,
lit rooms, large lot, shouted on 2000 Hess We" QM income fail and after hearing his oft to•'Hf ill" Mill A Voteliltio 6T TI;
Whole unfores*en circ I Irtaa file;
C the month aide of Piellon street. to I f7a a F'A 5W -Ducks It meat recommondopd that thecouncil He tou4bt for the better aEr4VaUL_ a MR
as sicknorl
..""goo make Mr. Reid an all**Ap# file
dAO This Is one of the incipt modern Gonsele's 1I
-i-ilerings accomilk -- alsomt Of his- Wei _=ftZ _,th
hisioness In town. Innedieft "lo j I"wnmmFlm .1 hill 0,
possession. milk I " ,
toleftiouce to build up a Top prka will -be paid by us for all kinds f too., t '.
n VP if he kn-w if he fell in at tire the hn
-i ova a file" I % story frame hoose with M, we"
7W hour of troutrie. 14 rooms, electric light and takeD at CHrition every day Wd 1111 Mas Mwddw Pr"edka be lonely and
t HOIMZ j "else r"po'"m were all .24
ow to water. hill lot with orchard. poultry A proilopoiliftlab from the floqlrrich 11yeekkkerig FAIMI look, !,.t.lW sol. goingfor
SIM the went odde of Ville every �Wednesoday mornift. We Maill"fortoring C40. ortiI that the; team "go 1;
Sitnated on terms rusis Asked freten the Forlorn In tanner -'Ifrdr"updoflnvWonnitr'EI led uhtl*IPOO
40 Cameron street. fattened, milk -fed
As 11se day of trife was downing he It nell. doer cents per lb. more for properly tion with The propo-tisel relhullding of I he tiold. Cold itr:,vnd
Chickem their factory next spring, for theptir-
ry Bonds bough and sold.
vine of Ontario Bonds, dne prA@ of manufacturing t*Ae�ts on Well S*f"-7;
as boxes, rA"Y: I'llatit the towft'Hg preyed for, 11ht'latred ones loodresear 0,
. tit i - I.
so 115. 191 price SIM, to �Mlmlp
Clinton, Ont casm all tralme and 611whariff the 5itlif ever the lil'al; d of In Ill*
ON BANK OF CANADA Gililltill Ungllllis & Co. Ltd., I lit
IN" pier ,,.at. mortgage against the, Ciligapany. Its• piefeiliniferGA!j1hetthroobly islas
N. W. Trewartha, Local Manager. Median all it"ifera of toggle. the III fit Forliff hibi a "forliki Irstort.
Goderkh Branch F. Woolcomb, Manager awe of the old liniall, File, ; carry The Wropp-d In the Ang hildred foliage
-Sadly rii by Mettlev, Allies, .#JtgV,hW
VAa (Continued on page 8.) , g'�IIt
• 4
. . . . . . .
will be accepted as the yearly sub-
A i
scription to The Signal. The price
will then 1w Increased to $ZOO.
- I .1 1. - -
10" 14 lk.i� A
C NI Be BUR hot
(36 ton
Boulevard w UCTION SALE 01, LARGE FRAME Mr. Edits It was my privilege to
ItoI FUR SALE. -SIX ACRES OF I BUILDING AT THE LIARISOR.GOVII iver in Toronto recently, under the e
land, Ik�rvoo,edtx&cIgbouoewitbb0t *444it ACH. Fire Recalls Out While Men Away il'onspain) Now Wants a Ten-Yeffir rose
heating bath and r et:trle light&, 00 South street, at aurpices of the Canadian Red C
at edge'llf I,,-- 7I house can be ball at a It Her.
The River Valley,yreamery
at Dinner. - Term of Fixed Asesessintgookint Society, the addr".% give by Mr.
Tltiegaecutoroo(the E4tatecklChAflegglykildef- at Dun $70,00";oderich Maltufaeltnt[W bert Hoover an the urgency of the 111 11
GRO. C. McCOEATH. bor. Goderich. on in the village. was destroyed by Ore lf'o. Subluits Proposition for 4'
1 `7 " it '" deceased, will well by public auction. at the Her
FARWIMS g711.:-S1iW- gannon, one of the busiest institutions II Pent being III throughout the
2t British Empire for the relief of the 1
SArDIAL)AY.NuV&MDIER2hb at noon today (Thursday I building Factory.
-DOUBLE com men, I rig a I I.Ser, duo'*luck III slos &o
TU RE T. w the fire starving and di%ealke-litricken millions
Wompt collection at reasonable rates is assured IMS to rent to private hotels; suitable for The large 6:rooke building with T -no found- it is Dot known Just hot One has 'U" :I,
A At as tenants dmigo s I.. . of it evidently originated in 1 of Europe and Central Asia.
every farmer who places his Sale Notes in the sitting lions ■and bedroom ,« light.. Fireplace in it=. a the Ixemeli but rig. Sad started, but e only to try to realize a few of the
Hot w1,W netting: electric buil,inj is a )&,a- sets and cisksoulawk 8 lot of the engine room. The men were away All the members were present at th
It unit• as tug. Ill established facts to feel that in I
hands of the Sterling Bank of Canada. And, one room. L'saii located. For tort in- rig. be
lonstatects apply at SIGNAL OFFICE! if equates for dinner at the time, and returning towl, council meeting oil Friday 1119 1,
led at of itTb
ti-Lplank.ands u me of. our common humanity we
additional capital Is needed before the Sialle antily oi 4,4 tin
purchower found the place In flames. Some Of with Mayor wigle ill the chair.
F Aired loastiume Campbell reported tax ollec- Canada cannot allow this appeal to
Notes fall due, loans may be arranted with ll:�Te R SALE. -THE RESIDENCE OF will be to give 00 A Ink' the batter was got out, but the mach• Mr.
DR. W. Y. HAYDEN, St. Vidoi street all risks to tragovjng to is I I - - -orulux ill well. i be treated with indifference or to pass
Z, notes as security. Crich. Whitt brick, seven ri*ow but, water tonsil of ling iew�uvedl wilts at dr:oylspo leery and other contents were des lions (
Mating, are
r091lacc large verandah and balcony N VI IONAL TRUST COMPANY. 83�ut-B. trOYed. A letter from the Department of with Only a half-hearted response.
• Farnme, contemplatinil; an auction ode will And lkpply Ion JAMZS YATES. We"Strest. THIUMAi LUVORY.Auctlorster. The creamery was a frame building Public Works. Ottawa, It r --ply to the Think what thelie ficur", out of many
man� the r tuient should which, could tie quoted, mean: At
situated at the river west of the vil- request that Alpa r ce children to Europe
our local Makafter ready to SdVi*O, them tl&Wd (NOTICE. LAST OR FOUND. lage. it wait ineourosel, but the incur- place a sign in the postotlol building least 1I.Ml.r0l
ce, now fatherless from war, and who
int any details. A= ance will he conorlderablY short Of COv- here to Indicate that it is ill(' post0tyl .4
QTRAYED FROM MY PRFMISES, eriug the less. tatild that tbe Department Is an- rave the next few year% with such In -
4 `azA SIM Property for NO. I have been in- 1I tilmll andwhite Polled Anguogtftr.etghtetn starvation, and suffering from
commendable enterprise the
Acted by the executors of the late Win. slake With Kurt4i thnt proem is not a evitable stare
A F 1�
elevate to offer this property at S 18cf,fict Fit declare their intention Of man, woman or child lit (;oderich who lack Of Fropillelool care, that thooke whq
oe�,,.,d by t.E01I GINN. R. RL 2. C"noon, rognpany M4 -e III lice through it will be menace
order 10 cloga, up the state. Frame house. in rebuilding. where sto OA
And state At repairs. C T'Ieplwne ill a, is GoderKh Central it does not know look ht the Ink
9 ontalm, eight rookinsand is, ,,,$I all partip bills 1.4-n there for And a care to future generati & Death;
good basement t..5toake wall under whole house It. slid will continue to
Thisiss"agam Possession Will Continue Practice In Wingboam. twenty years in it. pr. (-contiltion lie already reaping a second great bar -
surely it is nolt lope
at once. -essary to go to the
do so for �l
P. j RYAN. Dr. Margaret Cald-r Art I continue her
of help
rij placing any signs oil m measure same.' &,tue, yeeirs if same in ure
ROW Resets and IDmwo- a "erich Society e9tra m-dical practice in %ingharn, and has e"I"c"Ne' tip(, 4.jIt that (;oil. 1% not extended now, from those Mil- IS -1
phone so. lit already opt III her new office in tne Field Councillors 1„ tinted Ilion- Alto see Finfliertnig from it it an a summer roI town I.% in in diseases
bESTERUN6ROK Music Studio., block, two doors south of Brunswick er somewhat different position from conpPqi!erit on the conditions, tend
POR SALE. (Entrance between F. H. Wrod'.. and hotel.opposite Kiri Buj-.'store. Resi- It ther towns. in that there are each year who 11I net "veto the Ordinary `M. -
J. H. LaudI Storm) dence phone 151 ; o4lit:e phone 281. '0 1.
OF CANADA Wally stratwers here who do not find Porta of life, such not simple tw"
Ute postoffir-e r-loadilY Viouncillor'ejothI4 to cover And protect them,
oil Gem C. Cannon. Pjaniste-tuit ton given It makes a real treat -Blackstone's St..ry rpmaried that if the Govern. still medical care istrolin of the simplest
Henry,Vioi Flat- delk-scous ice cream, tit bulk or [an cannot pay character.
n piano. Mr. C. V. Cy Ink -Fit is VA) 1181-41 111) 111:0 it Call
tuition given on violin for begoners and bricks. for a sign the town would pay for It, The British Empire War Relief
fmwt for We 0 .
advanced students. For infolmAtion It was decided that the clerk should Fund Is looking rained, and will be ad -
Apply at Studio. jigsIg-Usks, up the matter Ith the pe- nW&U"r4ed by oar own British ors: I u-
ired. bridges tuned, Report of MillsTOM. w
Violins reps #yOlk"I'lig Itm an i.e.pen - t'liffiloada to asked to --o.
red Lr. Hunter, M.O.H., reports the ft- lierim =-ber "hare through the Hit!
posts set and violin bows repaired. etc give sign is wanted.
In car On G. T. R. track GODERICH SOCIETY ORCHEST4kA andnation of milk "amp" by the 11I I understand &II
ent \Aff %ollows: McManus The secretary of the local board Of Crook" Society. d Investment gotitute of. Public Health, h, Lonclori Out.. me all
are und--r way fora m-eting
Apply (Five pieces, prolevoicsial). 'a. 1. 55 beelth forwarded a resoulution V&Nwd 'Of All w may feel the nrgPrI of
Ilhux.' rig No. 2. At the last meeting of the board, re- boo A
r test
rest fat; Mcmd queotj" that the pribill: closets At the thist call, to he beld t6wards the end
you SM earm intuat -WUJXADKE HOM." per cem. -. Bear(?. 9.4* per a led-,aud some ru'rinjou.'ef aw remembering how
H. CALLAHAN-,. C. 0113.10 per cent. . oke DW&I dock be clean 9 nobbiy'our joiloofits, itt-nponded to c, -!Is I 11-
T' in our Savings , I be made for having them re$ularly
x t
when deposited 3 r cent. The bOttle containing the Pant lead yearst. I ask the privilvglu.
Department d both Vincipal and REV Phone 276. Bsp" Cengroarstim Haild alsocepides Vi a Somple was found to be attended to. of Adding my feeble word to Iry fol.
an j. IL MW NI MeCsilleft. broke .1n transit. All of these PoI Referred to Iffortar committtee. low-citip In urging that thlis . gr( -Lt
lntgmt are sac and can be obtain- for Rev. crura were found to be tip to the, A number of applications for build,' call meet with at leant an equal rar
an RIVATESALE.-I WILL SELL THE The Congregation Of the C(Ider'ch require nt. Ing. permits were Pent to the fire eom-, sponse. I cannot imagine Anyone con-
wberlevillf C�l I . -- siderinst the situation. with the facts W.
P houseboideatcolostmilreadence.Montr Baptist church met In a *wW weir on juittee with power to act.
meet, by vrivmte sale, from i to 4 O'Clot:111 tock Friday evening last in bonne, of their Palfilles- I
4000UVIt "Y. day. MRS. W.A.RHYMAS. 2t I R for New I h A letter from the goicretary-trees- now being published. wittiont rIop(md.
pastor, Rev. J. E. McCauley, are his A convent n , f the U. F O. urer of the I'llion of Canadian Mun- 1,19 readolly wen opportunity ;vIll be
'%OR SALE. -A RADIANT HOME bride. who had just returned to town Huron w at WinRham on Morday 4PS11111144 -en through our local oil
Ik lZ 14 - teJit"g Of steps fait" UnIzAtlifill.,
Can, 71W hant- for of creaming an also Rh
don It heater. in firs"lask condition. after their wedding trip. . ti I� III aagatinat t4e BI 7Af those Wordo'be feel to -Insil;7_1
be had at a reasonable price. 80 tie 011ACT has DO ment of the church, where the roI C1.4 liti I puI . in lin- with the 1 W."
t se si n at co.,M application for Ineres rates,' _1
funike use (or @also. Apply to Whi. j CAR TER.tanch as ye did It to the least of,
'Ottawa. -WAR rece Itheses."
E CANADLAN BAM' tion was held, was nicely decomted I,gWation pmet at the las Ired and sent to the special South street. with Bowers, sod the gathering was it There w a good all, n lance
SAL L EI 4 membern, from all part- of t d ng. It tok az lie- COMMittee. Tours glacerliely,
rLDef. CAR FOR good representation of the I The city c0( ell of Weiland In peti-
OF CO FORS. QgO. C. b$cCREATFL at and adherents of the church. I ci�ecl to make April t I i-ip for a chatter JAMFS MITCHELf,-
A bountiful supper was provided II I for the IF w orgari io with the officers tioninx the JAZIffixturke to pass an Act
pailtiosto through-,
OK0000 SALE.-WHI FE WYANDOTTE traclical.: y the same 3mm I of the U.F 0. t
Bud ("Rat" bred from -Presilli,-rit. . Rutrford�--lyw -t
PAID-UP CAPITAL he ladies, •&oil after this laul- been
111,_ - taken by Mr. A rv_ C layton Proctos. A. V
PJURVE FUND IrokL.LCOMSE, properly dLqpnwd of the eboaltrucks the Ow" If 7;iF7iI ceirlde Pz-Mah that 14. C. M-n'.Pp o'gril
$1 offistock. Address; OV"Woo, r was
Vreafiliasir Street, of- eave-c' t. dratted_ as effectild A% T-Me'tan
H. Quittzin, who Pre- actor. F-Morion-and lithip 11FIT-11ndt ikadeiijitiontotbe It's just
Mas N QVAN_ faced an Interesting programs with a �h I I
FOR SALE. -CABBAGE _11coolmost, paid tothiio I -M -11110P. Her -.- figionou 40lisumatic Car- it'ris is k
TITIII 65 per 1100 Brussel sprGurs, three few well-chosen words of welcome to M"Dooaid--� 106 eye. so collected to be expended, on nanism. Ask for a free *ample.
twZcents Sawarkrauit by into pound Mr. sod MI McCauley. A pillaric, sale The marrilige tioluk lace K strMs Petition
of not
=%a and kegs of S011111,11 toolOulbs stlOssonable , only. The
price. 4pplyatioliKealaStseet. sen by Misr- learn 11"Imbele, dWch Mn -c on Tussida art sets forth that the licen, ase
____fNck% are.
We Is T�_ ter' a
.=Tom= -by MIAP Holland and Mm at 130 p Iii,. of Miss -It el 4u r new, paid" for �oj6r Mbet M. Middleton. TrailoalI Pitrafril,
TENDERS )WANTED. MKIC NOTICE -7 C. 1111. Number. iffeed readings by blas Holder. daughter of Mr. a rs., not suffietently, large when eompAred w III take Pupils in music -IL e1-. Kin.
Florence Mooney. Mr. Fred P2114I jamin Burkholder of town, to wkh the earningn of The tritritit or demaren Music Method, sue suet. no - mvv
"M BAUM m �,srtffd Mr. Chari Pascoe. ocDoonald. -stm .10I _W_g"_MM. -Iwtth-tbv damage that they do to the
"I" FORS"I so of tn*n. Rev R r tonight In Toronto Couself tory fo__
IL CONTRACT. DR I The chief event of tbD 0 0 Ing WOO, MacDonald, at highways. The matter was rk4i, red, Mimic. Pupils t.itialitt In elate or in- awl .
EYE. EAR, NOSE. TIJROAT. for ogle the presentation to the peder Of a McDermid officiated. The friest0:1reactit " the special committee. ldividually. Pkione 105.
Pas Yort Opttthwaic parse of motionly, together with an ad• at the cer-mony were M a Mrs.
Law "a- 5- - \�\,f�dreas conroving a warts message of Frank Cham) of of C402mut"L
D TENDERS, W&enW to the 9 H�. ambust at Ik�6 I I rit Greerich town -hip:
kgoa� awe Thiffoot 11I rWM1kkl ESTATE
Gesteral. 011111 be 1`9411111vilid At Z =16 appreciation to Mr. )L*Oa*:r. with Mr. Stewart Burkholler, brother of the
PIIA% public works committee report- Cwv,-Dolt Endurts-CoW-Wpar-
a = his bride. and loolis, jean F"Pir The yf urg
amid go.t scromard. Takvb~ 2n. words of ("Mmen&tion alie.1 the atot"ory rivollrok bol Ing out a cold m -xnv wearing our yjur
as FRIDAY. the little DAY at Da- At Dodtwd folatel, Godefick bride, who for a number or. jea has coup e kft -on the 2.20 G. T. R. irk n (n led t at the town dump groundar. vitality. The endurance mplEwl to
been do
Cau"R. Is^' hooklemeaker title. a* 7.Se So. a..*& Tbuom"y. Unlimited Q--ntity of an Itactive leader in the work of their hone ymoon. so that'\(urther waxh(klltft wullhl be neither wlao- nor necessary. Yms can
=low at I le. EL f1h"en lap int church in aliderich. The Prevented. and reecommenided that up- quickly rt . lieve a (,(,It] with Our (*Old
alta ad Hiablaomy's Maillson a GOOD MIXED WOOD FOR SALE addrenks was read by file oldest moviii
C."traett for four Tows, thirty times Mr. O. E. Webb wishes The Signal the 11 lellon of the McDonald Table Take them when firo,t the
.botbemot*GodeffwbPem Oak* ad at $4 per single cord, delivered. L her of the congregation. Mr. , John
ff , work on'symptoin4k, of a cold appear. Thily act
orgialo. Railifty Station. from use Is, day FOR SALE helical, and the purske was handed Ill! to state that the report In circulation street �okr cousirtruction -
TMGODERICH MANUFACTURING viewers be ill utinued for the year; file a gentle laxative and stimul-itp all art.=,4
e,( 1-a
the slot bar the yountroort memberdaround town that lit? Intends to give reorient field gun in vital Tligz-Tellevp congest -
CO.. LIMITED.'_ 170'? wIlkina. Mr. McCattley re -1 --fill, I)Upl*#* to twilrilliI and thist- be mud 4but the lolltlan�?
notices costainlas twill" inf�motWo era . L 'bell he greased i5m,
3troge.filsopiniedIC00111i"t4h8phessen (Flool, of Arkilleees St.) Phone 61. piked In imitable terms, both 'for him-' will continue to oarry on his grocery front of the tow moed and ed co the head and throat.
LMhets , of God rich. Holnotelevolle. OR SALE. -OXFORD RAM AND self and for his lady. thanking Ill bulkiness In town. hall for the winter. prompt and thorough. Keep them
ed at he offlce W the Post odoloce lambs. formal purebrodstmit. A)..S.0 people for their gift still far the handy at this Anglian. E. & WIGL2,
forms All Tender may be obtanged at Dammed Wheat olled and placed the Agricultural The retleof which they provide in
Lon"". * F The finance commit made the fol-,
For Sale While Lxgloerns &&I Barred Plymeath slick. kindly expreigglons of the address.
CHAS. E. H. FISHER. cooke-fe"' GkgI stain. jO.11N i;ARRISH Mr. McCauley has resumed bin PI Mr. A. A. livillimmm, formerly of Inviring recommendation 1, That the al- Druggist, Gooderich.
At Opera Hoillat Block, Kingstcou Phone Dusigalsison. $2.18. 41 - Offirvic" I I)uulop, and now of Cambria road. lowitnee to the fire. r for thin ,
L Post O@Lilmpector. - - pit work, conducting the monsel, halt purchased the house of Mr. Wal- year he In
$2.1 in er to III -i 1I rid Mrs. H. J. Strickler, oll Flitts-
lant SuIiI
WANTEU. street. Mr. low the willow 4, It re - bows.
talLOoke I nopec t or' Off ter Sharman an Keays of, the is Fill Pa.. are vi M" St ickler's
f.�a ce, ipY to lie paid the Sear ft 'r fenis, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. -Kelly.
QMDAD.mk. bib November. IJI W. -M C Starr PlikoftorraphiliI Ge tit Star �yllllams and family will not Fleet
WANTED BY BUSIN ESS WOMAN - Record, far sale at Black-tone'3 ice tapir new house unfli-II Ist of April Thai 111c, at Ih,. Wir. 1%, 11111011717 MAOI joy acu=po TOME
Warn room sod board. Apply DOX 44. Cream Parlors, West street. it, the proposal to -conlikerot t F. Cafoldy, left last week for
16 - Vietrory I.,ndol, held- bv- Ow tffw N.N. Y.Wl ere he will receive CAP" t %seat-
- - - - - - - - - - - - StOlkiI
ANTER -TEACHER 19941 bonds; that an noon All fill' I
FOR S. Plinri, of the.O.W.N.R. Investment
No. 17. Ashfield and Want WSW to -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - N, Vier 109 In received trolim ill Mennen. 0. G. Parsons and C. O. EL
leve a,
townships; second�lam pirofesiskissookill. dutiesnZ Fair Sys-
cornmeme let januar fail. Apply. rotions, of tit( Parsons'
iwoiii� TorotHo of neral Trvurta CorporatiorI le. were In town this week. Mr.
CEMENT salary. to JAIS. 1,PROUL R. R.Nig, S.ArabawlAreff
7 - � -11. lil.-M of 1034 Victory bonds be. Dur-
I . It. Plintins lit remaining bere as
at u ile" , - --
9,16,1110 chriqed through Mr. T. R. err i of'tbv Goodericiti--swiv.
squired. all `1 andr hers kat, &fill a graint of Ill -W Y. Ila , 111ti
.. 1. _. -P*atVV4W-; Wanto -u- that a gratort of VW his, ...it" -ft *lox- 'net
of owed Red kinds Iden, who for four
have just secured about what you have' to ofer end pricat laid d DwA P rs was engaged at JAPT1410111,
Goderich. Give Tallest porticutnes. BOX 214. e public library for the year 191 Ori In y ' -tit&! Service, bits op.
BAGS CEMENT God"ich. that the cost of rooklithinglinilt the pav- .414 $
At Harbor Park still erecting cried an for private diental prac.
IRLS WANTED. -APPLY GODS- summer houses at the MkI bank live In that Ify,, At 211110 Queen's avenue.
--`TWWft-be probably the IwI shipment we RICH KNITTING COMPANY, If I, hope -lie win
We are AM 'in market -for- atatow -ad -taumft-s
ri hare erery Foible iniccess.
vifil be able to get until well on Into next Season. pit coull' of the Cheri". Blake fit
-DFor lots* life insurance comroeny, swup will be shipping the coming week. The are committee reported api-
IrobwWalffim 4
or commission. k1perlence not tree p„ proving of the approinturrift of Win. MA
ypu q re an now or SIGNAL. STEWART-YOU t\ the por
q y Tilt a& Are chlet mendin Porrolkywor,so 49
*11tureloor - A 1
e 'I ifting motithe "GINEER WANtE_D: 0A that he lie Appointed are warden at bylitev.N.C.lookof lml ion May You �g
_&Urinj lh� Prim quoted on request. ano, rem
.41GHTWATCHMAN. lI the pleasure of tfloe eoufwll. The 01 A"JJL Id P. 11haron J,�fkks
LIMITED, Stowell, of ill town'llip Go I *earn
ORD ONCE(4)mmittee appeared ogle following'
appileationst repairs
permits: W. CA ME TER. -At St. it's chufCk.
Mantieal. on 0 tobet 26ttk, t y Rev.
�R X=T JAMES LLOYD & SON 8hipman, repairs to dwelling on Eks.,Z*Wuwt
Archilescooaf Paterson-Snotith. e Coster.
self street; J. J. Burley, repairs tej daughter r. tien, Ctrter a
Lwfi-2-taw�%goderick-�Planing-Mill'sto Ltd - CRAIGIE'S dwelling on St. David's Ptr"t: R. � catterko oil, ngland.to.lit,
con eu. F. Carty. WelI
GODERICH, ONTARIO Phone 4;_ ASa1-Ke_aT&a_te Phone 204 #Irmu _9WIF. dairich Standish, repairs to dwelling on 11ruce
-rmt-�- me, Campbell, repalrii to, MIMOIUADL
4 P. O. Box 18
- - - - ------------- ------ ---- drivellitaff 4m Maistrml AU001t; -IL StALn- VALKZK tn umrig lu_
FARM To RIIII in W ino w%o%0% PNAW%O% kow-W III reponlret to storage Pliant at! P 41mor. who WAS killed maroon Novem "i
to office Is. 191P.,kilitarloralesocionnies, France.
N aerloset of good land with first. "in G.T.R.: Dr. Whitely, repalrie Fought the good Fight...
clamp buildinfe; situated In God- bufloilliki on Kingston ittrookilit : Mrs. Jas. -Wife sn'Little Son, ICk
erleh township just iscrong the Wilson, repairs to drug intorts on the'
track, on the Huron road. Thin Square; R. C. P601sithwalte. r"airx
farm will be rented filir one lbone, ,rid fg,�lnj mtfnwy of our dear
Iowa ReSinald Love. It
Sickimel; S '00-;'m il, 4 to dwelling on Bayfitild road. ova.
year. The court of revision rWrtpd ba Y•' II or, ei,th kji.4,lan ala). ajbmd a
Ill 36M Chickens Ing considered the complaint of Mr. R. Pas ndsooklikelI Nirvenob-irs derd
UINIDS in the it are a "Villa ricton," 2 story brick, N
to him III N"ve-like, I I'll, lost o(
Fitreffilith and a corrd6rt to You fully modern, with fireplace, 7 H. Reid wKh referent,
lit rooms, large lot, shouted on 2000 Hess We" QM income fail and after hearing his oft to•'Hf ill" Mill A Voteliltio 6T TI;
Whole unfores*en circ I Irtaa file;
C the month aide of Piellon street. to I f7a a F'A 5W -Ducks It meat recommondopd that thecouncil He tou4bt for the better aEr4VaUL_ a MR
as sicknorl
..""goo make Mr. Reid an all**Ap# file
dAO This Is one of the incipt modern Gonsele's 1I
-i-ilerings accomilk -- alsomt Of his- Wei _=ftZ _,th
hisioness In town. Innedieft "lo j I"wnmmFlm .1 hill 0,
possession. milk I " ,
toleftiouce to build up a Top prka will -be paid by us for all kinds f too., t '.
n VP if he kn-w if he fell in at tire the hn
-i ova a file" I % story frame hoose with M, we"
7W hour of troutrie. 14 rooms, electric light and takeD at CHrition every day Wd 1111 Mas Mwddw Pr"edka be lonely and
t HOIMZ j "else r"po'"m were all .24
ow to water. hill lot with orchard. poultry A proilopoiliftlab from the floqlrrich 11yeekkkerig FAIMI look, !,.t.lW sol. goingfor
SIM the went odde of Ville every �Wednesoday mornift. We Maill"fortoring C40. ortiI that the; team "go 1;
Sitnated on terms rusis Asked freten the Forlorn In tanner -'Ifrdr"updoflnvWonnitr'EI led uhtl*IPOO
40 Cameron street. fattened, milk -fed
As 11se day of trife was downing he It nell. doer cents per lb. more for properly tion with The propo-tisel relhullding of I he tiold. Cold itr:,vnd
Chickem their factory next spring, for theptir-
ry Bonds bough and sold.
vine of Ontario Bonds, dne prA@ of manufacturing t*Ae�ts on Well S*f"-7;
as boxes, rA"Y: I'llatit the towft'Hg preyed for, 11ht'latred ones loodresear 0,
. tit i - I.
so 115. 191 price SIM, to �Mlmlp
Clinton, Ont casm all tralme and 611whariff the 5itlif ever the lil'al; d of In Ill*
ON BANK OF CANADA Gililltill Ungllllis & Co. Ltd., I lit
IN" pier ,,.at. mortgage against the, Ciligapany. Its• piefeiliniferGA!j1hetthroobly islas
N. W. Trewartha, Local Manager. Median all it"ifera of toggle. the III fit Forliff hibi a "forliki Irstort.
Goderkh Branch F. Woolcomb, Manager awe of the old liniall, File, ; carry The Wropp-d In the Ang hildred foliage
-Sadly rii by Mettlev, Allies, .#JtgV,hW
VAa (Continued on page 8.) , g'�IIt
• 4
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