HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-11-4, Page 8• f 8- TItundn). \',ici uihrr i 1.111 THE SIGNAL GODERIOH, ONT. • 20 per cent. Reduction Sale of EVERYTHING IN THE STORE Starting SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 6, a�d continuing until SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20 Everything in the store will be reduced 20 per cent. A reduction of 20 per cent. will be made on every bill that amounts to $2.00 or over, no matter what the merchandise is.:—Everything we have will be reduced, from a spool -of thread to the best readymade coat in the store. We have not picked out a few poor -selling lines, but have reduced the best seasonable merchandise. No matter what you require, it can be team at a redecusq"oi 20 per cent on these Sale MM. Thy; .This is an opportunity to buy Fall Merchandise and save 20 per cent. on every purchase over $2.00. -1Tt s store will be the first to give the public a redaction In prices. -Take advantage of the opportunity and lay in a stock of goods to cover your wants fo this fall and winter w'w!f you itve an opportunity to buy at a low price. - The following prices will last for these two weeks only a:id the goods will then go back to -the old prices. On some lines a reduction of more than 20 per cent. will be uctio� -eveg will be ---_for cash \ \\\ AIDAT there will be at least 20 per cent. on all lines. accouf o THE FOLLOWING ARE A FEW OF THE MANY LIN ES THAT ARE BEING OFFERED : FLANNELETTE A large stock -of-Flannelette in white --and colors, in. wide widths, regular 35c, 45c, 50e•_ -.re- duced 20 per cent. Flannelette Blankets in white and grey—re- duced 20 per cent. Grey Blankets•in wool mixture, regular $8.50 —reduced 20 per cent. White wool Blankets—reduced 20 per cent. WHITE COTTONS A very large range of Cottons, in nainsooks, madapolam, cambrics and heavy cotton—reduced 20 per cent. -Grey -Gottoduced 20 per cent. White and grey Sheeting reduced 20 per cent. Pillow Cotton reduced 20 per cent., CURTAIN MATERIALS A line we are discontinuing. Every pair of Curtains and every piece of Curtain Material will w r • uce 1 A, i-• a 1 . 1 Just a limitedguantity left. COTS We are the exclusive agents for D & A air - sets. A new stockhas, just arrived and for the sale they will all be reduced 20 per cent. This-b- an hisan opportunity to buy your fall Corsets ata re- duction of 20 cent. KNITTED SCARFS, CAPS -AND SETS lately but will be put on sale at a reduction of.... - __,t�..�_._20 per cent. Infanta' Bootees, Mittens, wool Coats and Suits all reduced 20 per cent. UNDERWEAR Watson's Underwear is well known. This is theline: e_Carry, inladies', misses' and children's. Our new stock arrived last week and it will all be on safe atm-redltctiop of 20 per cent. Ladies' Combinations with -short sleeves and low neck or long sleeves and V neck—all reduced ...20 per cent. Children's Vests and Drawers in 'grey .or white—reduced 20 per ask HOSIERY T = = We specialize in Hosiery. Ladies' silk Hose in black brown, white, grey and navy, in all sizes fhomI0 -These Hose range in price from $1.25 to $3.50. _ On sale at 20 per cent. off. Ladies'- cashmere -Hose. In all sizes from 81/2 to 10, in black, tan and white, ranging in price at 60c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.60, $1.76, $2.00, $2.25 a pair and every pair reduced 20 per cent. Children's cashmere.Hose in black, white and tan in all sizes from 4 to 81/2 --all reduced 20 per cent. Heavy winter Stockings in all sizes from 6 to 10—reduced 20 per cent. Heather mixture Hosiery, regular $1.75, re- ■ ■ _ duced 20 per cent. DRESS GOODS A wondeTfui Mange of Dress Materials in serges in black, �_�na brown , reds and greens. These are Berges of ,the best all -wool es. We do not sell -cotton mixtures; they ale all wool. Besid Berges, many fancy cloths are shown in colors. Every piece will reduced 20 per cent. They range in price from $2.00 to $7.00 a yard. Broadcloths andht weight velours for coats and suits up to $.50.a yard reduced per cent. These cloths come in all the wanted shades. This is an opportunity to buy your fall suit at a greatly reduced price. SILK UNDERWEAR i CAMISOLES A nice new range to ch' . = - from. An opportunity to buy gifts for Christmas. 20 per cent. SILKS A very large range of Silks \in blacks and colors. Black Silks in pailette, duchess, mousaline, crepe de chine and geor- gette, at a reduction of 20 per cent. If you are thinking of a black dress this is your opportunity. Colored Silks in all the new light and dark Shades -in duchess, mousaline, pailette, crepe de chine and georgette,-on_sale a reduction of 20 per cent. Do not pass this opportunity. Velvets, all reduced 20 per cent., in colors acid black. TOWELING AND TOWELS -_- _.. _ k.. A wonderful range of Toweling in all lines of linen and cotton mixture—all reduced 20 per cent. They range in price up to 50c, but will now be cut 20 per cent. Colored Bath Towels in all sizes reduced ......20 per crit. Hii lralid Towels educed 20 per cent. i _ • Huck Toweling by the yard—reduced... 20 per cent. HOUSE DRESSES A special showing o3' Roues Tes8es up to $6 tor 12.75 YARNS ' Scotch Fingering Yarn in white, black and grey. Regular $3.00 a pound, for 11.98 a pound for Sale Days only. 1_.`•• rT, COATINGS. A large range of heavy Coatings in b navy, taupe, grey, brown and mistu±es. All 20 per cent. for tie sale. A number of pieces of odd -colored Dress Goods will be on display at 50 per cent. reduction. These pieces are wonderfully adapted for child- ren's dresses and coats. Be sure to see them. COMFORTERS Eight only pure down Comforters. They range from $18.00 to $30.00 each, on sale at a re- duction of 20 per cent. WINTER COATS This is the heart of the Coat season and we are giving the people who wish to buy a winter Coat an opportunity to buy their coat at a reduc- tion of 20 per cent. Every Coat in our range is absolutely new,.. both in ladies' and children's. • A very large range is here for you to choose- from and you will be pleased with the assortment. They come in all wanted colors in plush and cloth Coate Do not forget the days--FromSATURDAY, NOV- EMBER 6, to SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20 WE WANT 'YOU TO COME EVERY DAY AND BUY THE MERCHANDISE YOU WILL REQUIRE FOR FALL - AND WINTER WEAR. THIS IS A WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY TO BUY SEASON • - ABLE MERCHANDISE AT A GREATLY REDUCED PRICE. • Everything will be sold for cash, no goods are returnable J. H. Colborne g Co. Children's Coats from size 6 years up at reasonable prices but are now reduced 2Oper cent. A REDUCTION OF 20 PER CENT. ORY COAT IN THE STORE. PULLOVERS ' A large range of Pullovers in all sizes and colors. These garments run as high a§ 16.50. On the Sale Days they will all be sold for 13.50 each. - Sweater Coats in all the latest shades and the newest designs in every size for ladies and child- ren at a reduction of 20 per cent. DRESSES - Ladies' t sizes from 16 - year size to 44, Amoyqualities of serge in blue, black and brown. Every Dress is new and this season's style. They are made by the best manu- facturers. On Sale Days these Dresses will be reduced 20 per cent. Every Dress will be reduced this amount, no matterwhat the price. SILK DRESSES A large range of Silk Dresses in taffeta and duchess silk with georgette and wool trimming. These garments come in navy blue, black, light blue, brown and taupe shades. Every size is re- presented. For the sale they will be reduced 20 per cent. If you are in need of a dress be sure and see these values at 20 per cent. off. SILK BLOUSES A special offer will be made in Blouses. Every Blouse in the store will be reduced 25 per cent. Every color that could be wanted is shown, in crepe de chine and georgette. Plain white habutai silk Blouses in all sizes from 34 to '44, in either high neck or low neck— all reduced 25 per cent. Voile Blouses—reduced 25 per cent. 4 • •