The Signal, 1920-11-4, Page 61
f-- Thursday. \, Veinlet 1. 112't.
he real breatheable eetfits, intro
the throat, chem, and lungs cold,
resisting. When • nasty cold cr a
coughing bout foretells the revival
of your old bronchial trouble,
the beet thing to do is to take
Peps at once to strengthen and
the chest. When a Peps tablet is
f:.kcn from its preserving silver
wrapper and allowed to dissolve
I,' the mouth, it gives off powerful
sacJicinal and germicidal fumes
t'tat immediately circulate with
the breath through.all the air-
pass,ges, ai d .destroy'apy germ'
ghat have got infiti'- \
nostrils and throat. At the sam4
time the sore, inflamed membrsin
is soothed, healed, and protected,
phlegm is released from the bron-
chials, breathing is ,
and that distreesingitiugb
throat •orenese disappear. •
By this direct treatment Peps
t}eo trouble off Ube
.and lungs, and the worst weather
can be faced without fear of evil
toneequences. It is the safest plan
always have a few Peps handy
arrest a cold, and prevent it
ireachipg the lungs or starting
i1rotoclaitia and ches(weaknese,-.`
"They Work while you Sleep"
Iofcitizenship if they are unt allowedMOTORING Vl\
10 tate part in polities while th,y are
THE WEEK AT THE CAPITAL.'t wplehot of the road. The Satter
I des s nut appwr capable of lwlug iron -
113 tan Uutelm. e'ti out, maul it is likely that tine order
of \Ir. Mauna will be countermanded
(Written for The Signal by MT. Chita,
Iterate, New York Pity.)
Three are flue clays in the weir.
i telae. We nave bud s. letpg stretr
of Reitan mimicker. rod the sun 1
i friendly mel the city and laudw•dl
■r• softened and mellowed by a guide
haze. The aluirp mhurets aril angle.
of the city and the vistas dowa the
Iraucous of bn.y streets hare ptt tur
esqueuetett ht their titdettlulte, shadow
And these ore' dm• days for mooring
-away from the city. The open road
tures 'towedays. Thousands radiate
from the city •u holiday. atter Sun-
days for their (*revile runs --tip the
Hudson. out to Jersey. down. Long It} -
land. All the roads are good, Mike the
atrerle•h hctween Toronto and Ha:ull
tet, If you knob. it. The multitude go
by well-kuowu routes. but the curious
and the mature -loving seek the byways
and the out-of-the-way places. I Will
tall you of a few Lona; Island trips
may to make.
We bad a rare trip to Long Reach
the last time the moue was full. It
lo eighteen wiles front itiebawnd 111!.
The road lies through Jamaica. along
liill.iklr avenue. to the Peeve Mouu-
ment. where poor old Peet* hovers
over the -tows and guides one to the
Merrick road. the chief artery along
the otwan aide of Lone Island. We
have a little aide road that leaves thin
tote and rens through farms fur a
few miles to nowt the Merrick at au -
ether point. Thr yellow corn is
gathered in tepees. making many a
pretty picture. They remind me al-
ways of soother Signal old boy. with
whom i often neeblid to get a picture
of core Starke at a certain angle with
11 haciegrounil of wildwond or a
The warily towns on the Merrick
road are nor remarkable. so we not
through them quick to Itncktille
Centre, where al t ewnnun awl-.
snicked hula we tuna to the reran
There art. milts of cal: ine-,tion, with
crooked canals bon -ism but tries.
lose.onee waste are fascinating in
their billows of tad end brown green..
Pane one in JRarper's ltagailtne had a
starry and pleturte4 et nue• of these
marshy waatea. 1 had always thought
them attractive, no east and colorful.
yet so Boat- to the busy city. Wreck
Lead is the little flaking amt isating
haslet on tbe lost stop of the main -
laud. then we roil over the bridge Wt.
Lang Beach. It is still daylight.
though far back in the 11'P.t tate
teethe pull of New York 1+ Jnst envel-
oping the red sate, lighting up the
waterways in between. Long leach
is s Assert place. It has Yaone Of the
sbalebineM--err- oowey- re--itnc•k
Along �,tbe tAwln nth nftlet 11f board-
walk. brad and straight, flanked on
one side by line hotels and lathing
houses. and on the other by the sound-
ing two.
Well, the crowds like the prome-
nade: but Sur little party has a
'hunk- three\miles easy. along the
sand and far m the gayer*. when,
w- hrl.4: road spill. us right on to tam
open beach with the spume and motile
of the Atlantic.
A fall moon nn an ,seas strand is
tin' --fine for lovers and old onee top
Then- Is something delightful along
be broad stretehe. of an ocean beach.
that loses itself in sky and distsn,e.
A battered s•teoner lay in the sunt
hundred feet from ehnre, and the
crates battered her old rile with .uc-
•P..Itc' 1;00111i nem. Across the sea.
ow-ard Europe. lay the track of the
melon. and across rhe heertng Aker
rack three phantom warships were
radioing searchlight work. Two or
how young men were drying them-
selves up on the Nand duties before a
re, and here trod there along the
oeaeh little grouts of people croueltetl
lent Mrea lr ihP gathering gloom
Then hot tea and cakes and songs of
IMtawa, November 1st. --The wlao
ow'n from the hast art wooing the
West. With holes of winning cotes
from the luardrhell farmers of the
vestries. the loaders of hint till old -
eine,, parties are spell -him lig their
way across the tir1mtis of wheat
pulite. nod the farmers are listening
Alpaa at times. those same faruters are
siutwing ail ha -111=00n to question
Some of the slateuwttte bring Itauded
out to Aaeru, and moth ltoveruuteut uud
(emusltinu speahen+, while they apo
µoar to lie having good (crowds at all
their` meetings, are not firstling their
path one of roses exactly. .la tact. t
limes the thorns-aro-cropplug through
In the shape of lie'klers, and even the
Prime Mlii,i+ter is not immune from
their atmrks. it la likely to be even
more interesting for hint in shots. too.
than It wits at Winnipeg. When Mr.
\1e•ighru ,old Mr. ('alder remelt Cal-
gary still Edmonton they will prediatily
inert with plenty of he•klher. 'and it
will not Iti• so easy to persuade the
people at home in the last that all
Otte disturbers have a "lied" streak
in their nes►t'-up.
Slippery Alan's Declaration
I'erhaiw the .most interceding point
of the Premier's tour iso far has been
Hon. J. A._ ('alder•' det•laratiou of
faith given to the people of Mower
Jaw. Hal. Jetties A" ane -time leader
of the Liberal and low tariff forces in
the West. went back home to tel 'em
Neat lie w1,s net a free trader; neither
was he a high protectionist. He had
found that many of the liberals he
met after cowing to Ottawa were of a
somewhat different MTRpe frgm writ
tut. lullavel home. - -
and oleo that sine of the meu really
1-ils'na1 In s•ntimt'nt would bave leen
regarded :ss 'tide -hound Tories out
West. Whether or txd tie meant to
eouvey `that impression, it luokeli a.
though James A. was attempting to
pretend the4w.'tl-known olive bratty!'
icy leaving behind him the thought
tato there sot not mach difference
ween Liberals and Tories end trot
inm•II Is•twIYII them to tight about.
That would tarn all. the lighting
against the' fsrwe•r org.udznttas iti
the West. lint Mr. fabler spade it
perfectly plain that he was no lover
of Are Mack.nzie' King type of 1,11.-
erals: They. Ire inn•rrrel. were of a
different kind from those hr had Igen
wont to itssociete with darting iris
pointy dart+ on the prairies.
-fit--setmtvr Ta rr n "6i1 Tae tj 4 J,
pert of of the newspaper men
atreimpsnying the Prime kinkier 1111
}►}s Tour to sok to (*hall& everyone
who dtnel interrupt lir, lineation Hou.
Mr. Meigle -n with being it ltolslievik.
There was without doubt a aprinklitig
of radion in the 14111114.111P 1 w ob-
JK,n til l r
ably panne of the heckling came fr
that class. but for the papers whirl'
;nee snppe.rtilig the Premier to attempt
to classify everyuue as -lied' wilt.
flares to queaetion the 'Prime Minister
is -liable- tai- 4sso iwnin(F-ia4fey; -
Thcre will he suttk•tent crying of
"Keil" during the wit election earn
!sign, whenever It routes. whhoit
charting it so. soon.
No Election Just Yeef,
The fjtot that the leaders' 01 both
the old-line parties are out wtolttg the
11'eat at the present time has bed to a
revival -et the tnik of a getleyat
tion, slid snue of the stories Is'itut
sett Intl from MN wit would indieate
f contract --was - fir -1.r
staged as $en ns the 1'rinte \Moister
gut back from kis tour. Ftuwever, it
would he as well to save the a i-
Itun for ;nether six months or s.,
and then will is. time enough. There
is certainly no Ilkelihomi of ad elec.
Lien is•+ng staged with warmly a cor-
poral*. guard of the 4'abinet Ministers
11 r6.• rapt,n,l. All till re is 11111 mgqcn
ops f Anything 'but absent tt!i•ott
op grow Inc around like a eroaa bull
pup. You are constipated, bilious, and
what you need is ('asearcta toniylttature'
air your Tiver anti 'vowels. Then you
will wake up wondering whet I.•tame of
par nervousness, dieting., sick head•
ache, ba•d cold, or upset, gassy stomach,
10 griping -no incenvenien,e. ('hillren
Love ('asearct' Wo, 10. 2.i. 51) cents.
tient . or the rltutntn's IIs for ted•
test . few . wet' s. 1 reetnk-r and
Mr. rattier art' int Mc Mresf; fait
lie•rgi• Poster stmt lion. l'.'Jih.herty
err: sailing this week for Europe to
et .end to • business At the 1s'ttgtw
n' Nations: Him., thigh Guthrie. Dr.
'trial and. Hon. l'- T ItlemdLa an: mol
ret lack from there, and Sir Henry
114 .11111• eery long. One point which
supports that is the fret that Labor
teen would charge the Goterumeut
with Iwiag twitted the order anyway
end refuse to support titivernweut
eanditlates--and tate (Jov,.i n,tlut eco-
IMO afford 1e antagonize' Lobos Just
Two Wet Spots In Canada.
The prohibition votes lu four Prov -
hives of the Dominion have held a lot
of itereet here. British Columbia
and Quebec are now the only two
l'ruvioei which are not absolutely
lenerlry or threeteuing to beevine
and it will be a hard knock for thirsty
suds on the• prairies to know that
[sear is going tijrough their territory
from Nast to T1 t and they cannot
touch n drop, Doubtless a Int of men
will 1.' looping for wre'c'ks of booze
traits titer their siding.
Inut it will be :t couple' of mouths
before those I'rotiint•s which voted
"dry" are absolutely that way. The
utlhtal re•seilts have to c. nue• latch 111
the chief ein-torsi of&'•r here and
then a presiautattnu will be Issued and
gazetted sectilog tier day after which
am liquor may Int, imported Into, that
territory. The thirsty ones, ma a rel,
stilt, will have two wuathw in whk•h
to get in their Christmas supply for
the nest few yawn.. This will he *L-
uther case where the luau 'with money
to buy his private black toad nut
suffer" for a little while, but the Gars
ernment could hardly prevent that
condition under the act.
Hew (tele (:rower Has Solved a 1►i11i-
eult Problem.
The abatement of 31r. James John-
sen, manager of that nrfotk Frnjt
Growers' Aatlodation _that -_.tbr.•.•-
quarters of the apple erop 1n that
eounly would be wasted; -is- uu
dersitsst toy the fruit -gr wets of
Huron. The same scarcity 'hi -labor
and containers that prevails elsewhere
is noriceshle here. There are tier
nearly enough ''workers availai,k' w.
harvest the Inwioua apple's and barrels
in which to pack them cost 11.7.5 reach.
Ttie result is that those apples which
are harvested are, often toad for res..
than the barrel they are shipped in.
It was readily seen that Meme new
method .of--aarkettng meat 'be derieed
if tlwe bulk of the crop was to be eared.
rind at least one grower employed it
plan whit*. le entirely navel In this
district and perhaps In Ontario. This
was to ship apples to distant markets
in carload lots without Dennis.
The pioneer of this methal in Huron
county was WHlam Jewell, of Col-
borne township. Mr. Jewell. who him-
self has thirty :ter... of prime quality
apples. had shipped barreled lots to
the Western I'roviu.,'s and also to
Northern Ontario and Sault Ste.
rTt' 'Fife `mr� ce was to it certain
extent eetabilahed. hut this year he
was erudite to carry nn in the nsnat
way twang' tate trooper. wen• charg-
ing him $1.7r► to 11.73 for barrel.. -nil
at that were unable to supply him
with all he required. Sn he IIPt•ideel
to fry out the pban of +hipping to dig.
taut points without Itirrel•.
He &dens .d tine ,,Rrr uf. 31.3-.-a- b:tr-
r.el for the fruit nn board th'. errs.
The apples were picked. teamed to Mtc-
Haw.atglion en. the CPR and tousle(,
Itito grain cars. Two partition.. were
ilaced in each car, so a• t.. dhide it
info three porta. Sixty -arid barrels of
apph•s were emptied carefully Into
each "bin." ire one end were pot
Greening:* and in the other '..•items
were atonal 'orient's which are not
quite inch growl •'keepers-"
V(4 ..flay •11.1 lir. J--e,A it • thi
method of disposing of the ' re tt.r
,1/11 rt of his own_ under-
ficoer •
nth fruit from orchards other ihitn
his own.
'The northern enol of the wehenln ire
chides grading of the fruit. roe -parking
into baskets or other ennteiners and
delivery to the nitttbate eonsgnu•r. it
is thought this could to. dune ath'an-
tagt'Iritsly by the buyer,, ^nn -tatting
the prior' f the barrels and the fact
that g,wwl fntit commands a gno,l
figure in the rthern part of tbP i•ruv-
This plan r twee tete labor of the
orchardist coon erably acid It it is
feeatihle will no . bt remelt In wide,
spread adoption.' Crider the new
method the fruit ha. only t.2_ie_gtIckel
end earhsl neo the iwav, The real
grading, packfite and ming e•nmea at
the ether end, %herr tl cost can levet
be borne.
[inutile and Hon. G. 11. Ruls•rtwon
are off to the bast on their tariff
Jaunt. Whichever way yon look :it
the matter, It does nut pay rat rap 1h1tla}t
rTti;r.r'o,1111 rad any titreaimii. Marimba-
lions for an election ht the near
The present pions ya11 fur opening
a Splendid Habit
the Mouse nr about -,,go January 20.
Of cenrtx• tleowP pixie. often gr. nwtrny
before the time for opening nvrives,
hitt there tare s'veral reason. why the
Open sluices of Government w•bbes to get the session
,the intent each perk, In rx-ol In”
morning and wash away the
poisonous, stagnant matter.
Glass of Hot Water
Before Breakfast
Those of us who are aeenalolned to
girl dull aol heavy when we arise•
splitting headache, stuffy from a cold,
foul tongue, nasty breath, acid
stomach. Inrrie hack, can, instead,
-both look and feel as fresh as a daisy
always by washing the polsone and
Milne from the body with phosphated
bet water each morning.
,We should drink, before breakfast,`
a gists of real hot water with a tea-
• ispnohftil' Of limestone phosphate in'
\ It to flush from the stotaacb, liver,
`. kidneys and ten yards of bowels the
previ ons day's indigestible waste, sour
bile and
poisonous rosins; thus cleans -
tag. awe teeing and purifying the
Mitre alimentary tract before putting
more fund into the homed'.
The artium of limestone phosphate i
dad bot water nn an empty stomach '
its wonderfully Invigorating. It cleans ,
out ail the sour fermentations, gates, i
Waste and acidity and gives one a
splendid appetite for breakfast and
ft la said to he but a little while until
'the roses begat to appear in the
cheeks. A quarter pound of limestone I
phosphate will cost very little at the
drug stone, but Is 'efficient to make
anyone who 1s bothered with Minus
seas. constipation. stomach trouble or
rheumatism a real enthusiast on the
aublect Of Internal sanitation Try
ft and yen are assured that you will
gook better and teal better la evert
it cnnclunleri before the end of May.
Tiu'ro,'wns so much fuss het etesslon
when Abe 'louse dragged on find on .
astIll ,ittly Hatt if pe►s,ihle the tlervnflw
molt wilt avoid a repetition of Muchat
late miffing this time.
Senate Vaeaneles.
With the death of Senwtit i'rince
there are now live vacancies in the
11.4 Chamber and conwrluenlly there
will he notch eager anttcipatton In
that regard before the Volpe opens.
It is not averaged that there will be
any tppointtnbnts unfit weli oil to-
owands the endof the year, but al.
ready ..•,oral name. of pnttslhllitlem
are tieing mentioned. The Minister tit
MiITWays and (Stnalie (and eleetlonel,
Hou. .1. D. Held, I, maid to be de'alrool%
of renting 11 IA wean, lone, In one of
Mose reed nplml.terel seats when he
get, Meek from the Olid ('mtntry.
Probably try that time the (government
election, machine will hare become
sitlk•IPttfly developed to let snmtrwne
else handle the election work for the
Cabinet muni time Apure the Minister
etimewha t.
n. B. Hants's Order.
' Incidentnlly the Mlnlwter on him rr
horn will find m 11tt1P hornet's nest
;ncnllDng him ns the reenit of 11. it.
ll:,tune''. nitimntnnt to till C. N. R.
empinyes to keep nit of politics The
workers thems•Iyes and the union.
behind them are nut taking to the
coder kindly. ;rod .teem to w.• In If nn
attempt to deprive them of the rights
to Ship seriph.. to the Western Proy-
Iae',a in this fashion it will revoltitinn-
bu-t#rindn.tiry in this county.
You'd Think So.
"'rhe way the papers speak of Imhof and
the farmer getting together," remarks a
eontemporary, "might lead one to bet et e
the farmer got those calloused hands
sitting around the; parlor playing the
u • I
"You know icy father had a nervous
breakdown whe 1 he was my age.
ND what has that to do with y
"Well, I have been worri
lot lately, and feel that my ne
are playing out. Besides, I believe tha
nervous troubles are hereditary, and
guess I am doomed."
"Now, old man, the sooner you get rid
of that idea the better. You may inherit
a nervous temperamentbut not disease of
the nerves. It is up to you toTIke care of -
yourself, and not allow your nervous sys-
tem to become exhausted_" .
has it done me? Perhaps I have had a
night's rest occasionally as a result, but
certainly no perananent benefit."
"That is just the point. You have
sought relief by deadening the nerves in-
stead of restoring them. Dr. Chase's
Nerve Food works on an entirely different
rinciple. It forms new, rich blood, and
urislfes the depleted nerve cells back to
h lth and vigor."
'That sounds good to me."
"But I am afraid it is too late, so far natu
as I am concerned. My nerves are all shot change ,
to pieces. I am restless and fidgety, can- a little t
not sleep at night. Everything seems to vous sys
worry me, and I cannot stand it much patience t
longer." a your while-'
"Why don't you go away, for a while "I will fo!
•restr • been terribly
use the Nerve Food works is this
way you cannot expect much
fter the first box or two. It takes
e to build up an exhausted nor-
m, but if you have a little
e results will make It worth
ow your advice, for I have
ppressed of late by the
1 know you would not
sae's Nerve Food unless
w old restore my health,
and give it a thor-
'•Simply because 1 cannot. My >�_ " hopeless outlo.
now requires my constant attention." you fel recommend sureDit w
-� you felt it -- "Then-ir -toil you what to do. Go----'-ns-4 shall do my
to your druggist and buy a dozen boxes of + ough trial."
Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. I will guarantee Dr. Chaae'a Nerve
that by the time you have used it you will dealers, or Edmanson,
feel like an entirely different man." ,-Toronto, Refuse substit
"Oh, I have been taking medicine portrait and signature o
enough from my doctor, and what good M.D., on the box you buy,
tae mel•
• • •
The lericho Turnpike-..Jn-_1lroiber
well -travelled way through the centre
of Tsintt hLtnd. and latere,tlrtg for
daylight riding. To reach it one etsn
tlnues on .-Hillrlle avenue pati the
Peace Monument- it mark every
motorist knows. Hillside avenue has
a slope allure it un the lett. red with
,Hate and hrown with oak leaves.
(In the other side are miles of well•
tiled truck farm,. it turns to the
right and rims into the Jericho Turn-
pike. Rut our • r object. in
`t3-iM iring T11 trot t1 d these well -f ra v•
idled motes, so we 'go about a mal
atm awing tip„
sharply', it railway
tt�ek and oh to one sof those quiet
rondo. that run throng!) pleesa11t
forms. It winds rap a attire cursing
hill, then close to Great Neck, on the
North shore. Here we take another
sharp turn an.i have a long road all
land on either .isle, cnrpeted wttb
golden crt•t•I.•r. and ferns- Tbig ted
,wings to the left, nn to a more-tray-
ore-trayriled -rued, where we recently -Tom T
gaffe of poi. in the elimination con•
-tests for n rep• to bit competed for In
Thailand next yenr. Another lap
takes ns to the Piping Rack koad, at
-1 little bike netted in the treat. Til,
is the conttry of Targe estates. where
our wealthy set themsi-lve-t up nn
The distinctive Red Rose Raver, aroma and each,
fell streagtbtre�tb is found in every Zed Rose
C $baled
Never sold in Milk.
cod, 50c a box, all
ates & Co., Ltd.,
tea, and look for
A. W. Chase,
hllrs to bs• looked at, a. bran ('otdf
says. The rolling country is -->f ID—
k --A few more turns In oyr seareb whe
for gniet road., bring us Into ioeust
Valley, between two lakes where
swans glide, and the gold and red
Irate'. Meat on the surface of the
pmdn, like a Mippodrome spe tae•I '.
Then a mile or two more hrlaga um
right on to Lens Island Sound at lay -
villr. The, water _rill elna. �lue and
Inaba. Lite Lake Huron. This is a
favorke rendezvous fes auto parties.
alt about on the breech loafing "r
pleak'klag. • Away at•raes the Souud lit
t'onne•tlettt, In the blue ha*, Some
hardy mermaids and mertaen are io
swlmming. as the water Is '.aril quite
"Pape's Diapeps:n" et 'bas
ends Indigestion and
Sour, Acid Stomach
Lumps of uadtgeated food cause pais.
If your stomach is in a revolt; if sick,
gay and upset, and what you just ate
has fermented and turned sour; head
dung and setae; beth gases and arida
and eraetate undigested food -just take
a tablet or two of Pape's Diapepsia to
help neutralize acidity and in five min-
tte. you wonder what became of the
pain, acidity, indigestion ►rad distress.
11 your stomach doesn't take care of
your liberal limit without rebellion; if
your food is a damaaggee instead of a kelp,
remember the qui t, seat, most
mires stomach antacid is Pape's
Diapepsia, which costa so lttUe at drag
White and Tan Linens
by the yard, in single
and double width.
Also a line of Scarfs
and Centres, best
quality linen.
Miss S. Noble
Seed Side Square -- Goderich
• • •
one rhay recently we took ■ 2410-
mlle trip Or/tight down the Merrick
sad past towns with Rll.11•al and
Indian name, to the *Mout-cock Hills.
where we plenleked.'on a rise 1n the
ground street Shinne•nrk Ray. The
Shinnes•ork Hills bate • great witrec-
tion for same people. They roll arrow'
the country like a mountain more.
but the hills are small and tate tree.
• have in the course of time been ear-
peted with the wild, hardy 'shrubbery
That one *PH in wlad-,wept places.
t There Is a charm to these breezy spots
I when the oz.-mew/from the Atlantic
blows fre,h. (►the way hack RP
, took a look at itoanoke Point. north of
i Ititerbeed. on the )mound. There are
' miles of high clay banks to right and
Wt. that augge•t the shore of Lake
Moron rat e:e'derle•h- Bark home
thrmtglt mil•, of scrub oak, fu a
wilderness as rough as Muskoka.
liaaoTh . • Into the foweita-ble ern.h, of
tf we- near me Peace Moen -
Ment at Jamaica.
, What a pity that Canada la so bo.
bindin gout roads. I have been asked
I hundred time, by motoring enth ,
,hots, '.How are the road.' up in Den
Ida T 1 should Ilke to lake a trip
then', tint 1 hear the roads are ant
very g o.I. " Tiley Judge a place at
deairsblt• or otherwise by it. nada.
-.-No doubt the new highways planned
for Canada will bring thouwtnds of
dlafbn art, Ke this side of the line
-te wt Joy Canadian hmqtltallty and to acquainted with their northern
nb lghbnr,. •
tis! Save Your Hair]
e it Abundant
r. t
it t
Immediately after a "Dande•rine" IMO -
sage, your hair takes on new life, lustre
and wondrous beauty. appearing twice
as heavy and plentiful, hecauee each
Bair stems to fluff and thicken. Don't
let your hair stay lifeless, rnlnrlese plain
or scraggly. You, ton, want lots ori long,
strong, beautiful hair.
A 35 -cent bottle `et- - dul(ghtful
"Dandstins" freshens year wale, checks
dandruff and falling hair- This atlm-
C. E. ulating "beauty -tonic" gives to thin,
Richmond Hill. 11. T. dull. fading hair that youthful hrightneas
(ietols•r •Kw• 102e. - and abundant thickness --All druggists!
To Report Against Plat Rate?
The Lnnelon Free Press pubftahen
the following despatch from Toronto :
The special rommittera et tbe Legit..
latxre appolntpd to pass neon the
emotion of equalising H7Me rates me
as to give Simper rates to municipal-
ities tar distant from the mneme of
snpdy will snhmlt Ian report to the
Government In about three week,, k '
I. nnleraan: that the committee wlil I
net recommend a fiat rate for Hydro
or anything nppmxlmating it, Perini tf
the opinion that, while there iN much
to he said for the outside munklpelity
and a gond ease for action by the -
Government to aid them to get power
at a,nanmthle rates, it would be im-
practicable to adopt any system ..t ave
erasing rap the Post of power and im-
porting s greater burden on muntdpai-.
(ties near the murex of supply or
thew w.-nring cheap power owing to
large eon.trmptkm.
The man who wants the eatth ie apt to
get his IMure-if the mud throe era are on
the job.
raw izew To Get Quick Robot
iron Head -Colds. Its Splendid!
la one minute your clogged nostrik
mall scam the air paaesg.e of mar bead
will elear fled yes Isaa breathe fray.
more hilmhiata, mating. blowing,
faadaebe, derma., , Me draggling for
breath at aigltsip'am eetd or etatarrb
M e
�0M • at assail WOW et lily's Cream
*ab' 'from year druggist now. Apply
a halls of Ms hermit, ant
baling ala If pee -
air passage of the
&esstbas absb
eamed or smokes
mhmembreme and relief somas is-
hissl tine. Das'1 *�"
atelib t a seed sr lily
SIM Ili geld*. •