HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-11-4, Page 5THE SIGNAL Stop that bark -WITH Penslar White Pine and Spruce Balsam If you have a wtubloru t• 'melt and your lungs are Inflamed and. your air passages irritated, this spieudid Cough .Syrup will afford the relief you seek promptly and without any painful after-effects. t'etislar White fine and Spruce Balsam is a heeling remedy _com- posed id White Pine hark, Spruce Guw, Tamarac Bark, Wild Cherry and other iugrelients of rev,guized merit. A bottle of thin effective remedy will stem rid you of the hal-aiming tough and for your pro. .eitlon the formula is ou every label. Penslar White Pine and Spree Italian' le bold iu _:N• bottles. SATURDAY SPECIAL QUALITY CHOCOLATES, REGULAR 75c FOR 59c CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE THE PENSLAR STORE' Telephone 90 Neat Millar's Scotch Store The Square WHERE WILL THE MONEY GO? Canada today is reaping the moat valuable harvest In her history. The va ue of the Ave principal grain. crops t a heat. Data. b riey, rye and fax) wl alone total nearly 11. lt1,000,000. Other farm products will bring tbl total to nearly 112, In ad ltion. Victory Bond Interest totsiling $.33.000,000 will be paid on Novena r 1st. Interest on other Investments will add another $.33,000,000 to the saving' of C &diens. Fur three 'care these Fall foods have been invested in new Victory Bond lashes. hes year there will be no new Victory Loan and the money will have o beat/mot—bed by existing issues. That la why It is the opinion of all no • coal men today that Victory Bond prices will not rest long at their p • t low levet. Prices' and peel are new as tnlldws : TAj( FREE ISSUES Due Price and Yield Interest I92' ' 9q 6.34 - _ 1173 •9$ ............... 6.24 19.7 lira3 isia7 ..:.... soy LE --1924 97 6 35 1934 9a • a.'J•i ;Phone. wire or write for your selectlonito be delivered tree of other expense to yout bank. ,, ; ,;' T. R. HARRISON Ilmisip Ker 116 P 0. Bos 214 LOCAL TOPICS. Wrosrter Village Rued. A lawsuit from Wroxeter was heard Is•for.• .Judge Nelson, on Friday 114. 'Daniel Robinson. a wereha01 of Wros- ' serer. mural the vtilage expiration for x:410 d:tantge.' on account of Illnear, Len: of lutein•».', 'call Injury to goods ,from water in lits e,4lsr, owing us al- leged to lack of proper draitulee. An udjotrnment wan' wade atter h,•arioir the evklene. and maned '•111 submit their arguments nt a later date. Substitute at G. C. L Staff. owing to the death of her wether. Miss Clifford. of the Collegiate Itew11- tube staff. has been granted leave of alwen.w for • month. after which she will resume her work here. As a m ai- wtitute Miss Mary Kealy. of Stratford. arrived on Ttwshly to take Nils,. Clifford's class' for the month. Mliss 'Kelly is a l'nlversitc graduate. with 4uallfeatlons is Englt.tl and modern la airwave. .1t the Harbor. The steamer Martian arrive{ on Saturday and unloaded 1110.000 biadiel,4 ,.f wheat at the Western 1',anatla Flour Mills null :5.110 bushels of eat4• at the elevator. The w-honner ,nett Barnes loaded with posts arrived on' Monday and Is sheltering. a The steamer Home Smith unloaded 200.000 bushels nt wheat at the Cole- rieh elevator on Monday. • The »reamer' .1. F. Taylor, Winos* and 0lrnlll-et are expected today Thursday1. J Charge D4aadrwd. .t elutrge preferred by Mr. O. E. F'!.•uting against John W. Graham. formerly his townie n• at itt.litewooil Park, of ml'apprupriating wane $140 alleged to hare been received by Ctrs - ham tast wint«r for loge belonging to the complainant. was tried before Judge Ttickw,n last week. The loge In question were from fallen tree' white' Graham rnntendwl he had Mn' right • re tie- for ter). but Instead of Mint- ing the loge he sill them anal bought -semi to burn. Judge I1leksou heed that Graham was honest in the matter and dismissed the .rage. ('rnwn Attorney, tilrlfger prowsented: C. (farrow for the defence. i)onMlons .Acknowledged. The following are the eontrthutleins to Alexandra hospital for September and Oi'Mtwr, which are gratefully aeknowlelged by the hospital board : Mre. Trembley. vegetables: Mrs. Mor- r(a. Saltford, bag of apple.: MOS. Cur - don Lamb. Colborne tiwnshlp, 50 Harte of apple Jelly_ (tor whte•h rhe hospital ,inpplied the ender and Jars, Semi elsn'T qK. cannel tomatoes and 3 qt'. Chill mum: Anburh Anglican 'Wein-h. 2 haek'ete i rrreit : is. J. Me- i)nra,ld. vegetabtee: 'Mt' O'Brien. hag .new apple': Mr. M. Andrews. basket of 'grapes: -from friends-one- ; half-derren jars of 1'Wli sane... S to.- kete ut erab apples. 2 hog. ..f apples. 1 611+,01 'of tomatoes. pun well ..11...r t'eegt•ta tel.`'. ' Sewage IMspoaal M Harbor. artin Tailored Clothes" a thoroughly reliable, built to give long, ha service. They • re silk sewn, and the trim111�itga are the best the mills produce, and they have. the style - F.H. -MARTIN, the Tailor 1t the regular nneting of the hoard � stL Breath - us1 Mutxlay aft ±ruuun a letter from the i'rs -inial Sanitary engineer wit. submitted approving of 1' the prole ,d mrthe»I of the 4;.»ierlch Elevator 4' . for 'e'wnge dbrposal and the wvretar,``• woo( 1114raetod to uotffy the C..atpunv\,a-,nrdingly. The West- ; ern Canada 1l1 itr Mille reported that they had pl.n-e dienesal I14 the Yngine'r nt TnrnnI ably report shortly. }t a letter stating that their engineers '�c�srt' ten Tines' battention t.. this Metter. Jhnt that Inter � it •wenld Is. attended t.i� Th' !board rammed a motion Inmtsti that the i'. It. submit plans as r g1lred at fan early date. Slh& Medal Contest. There w'as a large attendance at the • silver modal ennteat betel on Th,areday evening last in North .treet Methodist I church The '''retest was under the -- au!p=cess! the Wetnetve- hriisian Detente Union And the ladies. are we pleased with the success of the tntertain- ment. Fifteen boys and girls of (leder t'h and vicinity competed in the contest fee singing. instrumental music and elocution and the w•m'..a were as follows : Singing, Adelaide.--Nev:n4-; instrumental dusk• Adeline Diechler : elocution, ?.larearet Rivets. The judges in the three events were : Singing. Mrs Frank Saunders. Mrs. McKee and Mr. lames 1 hnm'nn. Elecutien, _Rev. S 'S, Harjv. Rev. Mr. 'titillate end M.• Ptrrvis-1ft-cinitnettrat music. hers. T. M 'Davis, Miss Mieldlet'n ' a"d Ali.. Cornon. Tht Judges found it very c'ifilcult to decide the winner_. as all the contsatants perlortre I very credit- : ably. Uurdi5fInctive pl./fro/wear t�iJlladdl�rrsi�r�`rpss to riour ural HE woman looks for stye of course, but she isn't willing that the shoe mhoukl eramp her foot. There was a time #>' - that she %tould pay foot discomfort as the price of fash- lnitable twee ear... Tu•day it le unnecessary. W e hate the ecperiefee and we have tete stork. Buy shoes here and we'll have your good will. i!I*Ga SI1IR �11E LEAOIRT. SHOE STORE PHONE --- H ,CONT. GODERIC CREWS- env. 1. Monday. Mrs. Wm. Crozier 'visited her r por- tentyq Mr. and Mrs. W. 1Httat week. At Wctttfeld n few day* last week to Mrs. John MenerY spend a few weeks with her daughters at Hamilton. of a l,pardt.tO., 1.- Bello ?denary. . w 'i1 fs visSlDg friends 1s q»ending a •roulal herr. s tome Motley advent Mr. and Mrs. f'on day with friends hi (ialerl•h. A timelier from here attend Yr. Nnrmnn Trebeeven's sale at Dungan - Mon on Saturday. air. the matter of sewage lands of a sanitary . who world prof.. The C. 1'. ij. ,teat GODERIOH, ONT. HAD RHEUMATISM FOR FIVE YEARS IVs Relmrs et the Tremble S1atlesTabies "FRUIT-A-TIVES' MR. JOHN C. GUILDERSON P. O. Boz 128, Pamboro, N. S. -, attired with RAeurOrs' for flee years, having it so badly at times I was unable to get up without assistance I tried different medic -toes I saw advertised and tea treated by doctors in Amherst, also in my home town, but the Rheumatism came back. Inv1916, I saw in an advertisement that 'Freit•a- rives' aw+ld atop Rhea. _amass" and took ose box and got relief; then I took them right along for about six months and the Rheu- matism was all goes aad I ham aewr fik L iris .tnyone -irbe wwid tars to writer -- t presented to the county council at ice December meeting, but persons lieerested can lain irformatinn and share in the work by attending this met ling for thens selve- The Hallowe'en Dame. 1.11.1 Friday night at 111e "spool. dater" lu the Masonic Hall aisoit all ghostly tuupk's t•njuyeil an ,evening's wuhvtaiuuleut that has net lwwu taplaltd III It long thee. The 41o1e- rich Sortiey r,1 .uppltwl the nmsie 141441 Wu. at Its tr.t. The ens tunics asanmel Imlay forme -from the ordinay sheet purloined trete 1h• bed 1.. elalw.rale costumes that wen' not .o readily pns•ure.l. Nearly all the d:ueers 'Inc curly and iu Nplte of the heated atmosphcn' wore their cos- ' tames until alone midnight, when a regntvr_yl•4fallowe'eu lunch was served. .tfter 'this denting wax resumed and wens 1.0114uual until after 2 iiehs•i . The costumes were the great feature I and were the cause of many a sur- prise. ). -en now tett i' are wondering who the :Iwo tt it the f 1peet,.I.'$ was. Alt, an al.tt,,rmal number of »wined to hays developed In the early part of the ereuing but sown became eurel as the donee went on. Certainly the "spooks' had site gINNI tittle nn till' HalIew•. e, M brighten their misey lives. The tifnIr w1114 tin- der the auspices of the Ahwe•k chap- ter. 1. 41. I)• K.. and If the ladle» did not make much money out of it they have the wtlofaetk,n ( hiving pro - ,041st .omething novel In the way of 1 muerte Interne. Fancv work. home -baking and card'y- for sa'e at Postnilice Bazaar, in Knox urch lecture roam. Saturday. Novem- - nth. Salad tea served from 4 to 7. ilikv.,ra1 hunter. have left Illi, week for , reef!» tN.i,us iu the North In the quest for deer. Among fossa' who have gone or intend going are Dr. L. 11. Mabee, 11.1. J. 'Fisher, Jas. Dnnald- „nn, W. F. Sant,d.•rs, Reid W. 11, me as regards 'Fruit -a -uses' I would Pinder. be glad to tell them what Trutt a• tires' did for nae." JOHN E. GUILDERSON, Contractor and Mason. 50e. a box, 6 for 1j2.50, trial size 25e. At all dealers or seat postpaid by Fruit•a-bees Limited, Ottawa. Oat. CHURCH \Iri6>S. 'The wort ie'es at Victoria street Meth- odist rhumb next Sunday will 1N• cos- dnttel It. !.drew» : Morning -sorra - merit al servile. Evening mashes -- "The Day that Never ('omen hack." Sunday school fit ..drip' The servlees at the Baptist ehure•h next Sunday wi11 1»• eondo.tel by the — -- - - - - pastor. Itev..1. E. McConley. The ser - to mourn their Toss five sons and tWit mien snbje•f' will be : 11 a. w.. -When daughters : Dennis. John. Mielutele Work le Service." 7 p. m., "Hew Edward. Thomas, Mrs. Hugh KNFU- Mewl[--1'nwer lies God ?" Bible *shied and Miss Margaret. also two grand- at 1i p. m. 011111 It. V. P. I'. meeting nt children and a holt of friends. 8 p. m. Annual Meeting November tth At ilii enin•h nd vetting Will worship morning +14,41 ,•teeing Nill le• The annual meeting of the Children's r,mtlnetr,l l.c the 1ni,yi'te•r. Sublease Aid and Humane Society foe the county of sermon" : 11 a.m.."Ti,.' INN nlfesto of Huron will be held in the town couniil of the` Itishops.•' 7 prim. rhe t4tmss chamber. Clinton, on Tuesday atternocn ..f a (;rear F:idtrprisr " 'h Ideat11 November itch, commencing at 3 o'dcrl . ho..l and totle ries» at 3 uao k. The business will be the consideratiuPo 1Ir: (1e,. Kenyon. t, ho ha. been en - the various reports for the year, the It:Unml .as - organist and I'll/ Jr master election of officers and dealing with zn; ie Kune r,nn!fi. will Is•t iu his ditties matters which may be brought tefore the n,•et Sunday. meeting. This meeting is being held in North Street Methodist Church. Clin'on with a desire to make as easy u quarterly meeting .evrleew will Ix* wsible attendance from the other parts lead In North mtrw•f 3l,•tholist ebnn•h of the county and a very large at•end•--nirxr . 1»•.inning wilh a f, Ihiw- ancc is not only hoped for by the eie•u ship wervle al 141 a.m. The Men's flet but earnestly .urged. 11g_w4r 9: -lints -will- met-with 41,e rhes.•» in Odom the year will be found of deep interest :o mrrt'kr': A full attend,uue of the all who attend, and 1 is n :t too much to rhnn'h'w In.'llller>:111{e in' a 111 i' -ii 'tell say that some of the details. will be a far this o w nun: nn.a•tiug. Th.• Mite surprise to those not familiar with the sloe hand) will held n ratty eery ter• work of child rescue in this county. How at rbc same inner The iernl'm t r many of our people realize that not fewer will t»• i ni, ilvt:i terl ,1r 11 , e IeN k. !leer• than sixty-five children who are wards of rite Iu the• evening ,!,t the umuul hour. this county. and about rsty who are Th.• gmarterly nttieial INNnd will INdd wards of other Children's Aid Societies.its mgwtnr Nmen,IN•r mooting nu Mon - are in charge of the Huron County So- any night at • defy ? And the work is always showing The F: worth Lem:he will Inta'f on other cases that shoe be dealtw a 1 T1uir"Int Vo .1., r 1. 111,9) Special Bargains FOR WEEK COMMENCING Saturday, November 6 Sugar,white Ib. 18c granulated, per 6ENNETTE RECORDS - - $1 00 111 the latest dance and song numbers Monarch Wool, 1 oz. ball - - 33c Flannelette, best quality, 29 in. wide, 44c yd Leather Gloves and Mitts, 49c to 98c pr. Water Glasses (cut glass) - - 19c Common Clothes Pins, 3 dozen - 10c China Cups and Saucers, fancy - 25c Enamel Double Boilers - - 98c Visit Our Up -stairs Depts. L. R. STEEL-CO LIMITED, 5c to$1.00.ST GODERICH, R Rubbers Rubbers Rubbers Rubbers Rubbers id with I{ n p t -Iise44iteantaareto get a right start 1!! Tnesde night at the ii-onil !noir. The Rubbers Me and be saved. in many cases. from fir 1.erlgne- a ill 1». the gu,wtrl or inc a life of shame or crime. A seport will i t el,' Leng ,e and the h,ple soli! IN taken loy. their piaster. Rev. 11. itoy'''. Rubbers Rubbers Rubbers Rubbe at st. Catharine' as a delegate from Rub hbers Rubbers Rubbers prepare_ for .the by purchasing your rubber goods now. bbers Rubbers et .;wean Rubbers Rubbers Rubbers Rubbers Rubbers We guara r ee all our Rubbers- . —If any rove unsatisfactory beca of workmanship, we repla' • them. We stand be - 4.11 'ex-pr.•.ident of flit. Newfoundland 4'n14- fi•r.•,n•e. 1,.•t .•eery nnini1wr IN' nut to odel {ger " Ilse risitnr• a medial w•elenni , Theatre• -"'sees. N1'tu. itailie. ('baths (linin at11 Ai,drs'w Miillau tittendel ile >po- vemle'r district meeting tet Nile -as PIROWIAM .k•1 •erne.•» on Tlnlrmelay. 0th t0 lith Mies Nt ill 11,nciml is attending ,the For Walek—Nose. Pr'cJ,.elal Sunday 'e buil rcunrrulien Monday and Tuesday _ l,Jh. \••4th »test w•11501.- 4 ning of New 19" 04421 Series of IP mount Sri' raft I'ieturea This tie s Iso all the tllt1 ' 1.W4:R1' P.1Rb ROI T 1Vil 114 i It 1F I PICTI'Itf ". A PARAMOUNT PICTURE The Power Slwtt'lage. The water and light eommiselon met last Thursday evening. The short. age of newer on the Mellen-elertrte system w -a5 ill»etut i1 and 1t 'was da I Oiled that no. :wire sighting or power ' servlees ehnnld Ile installed bore un- lesa speetally-granted by the entmnts- ' situ.. J11;141411114404 -atom enkmlttwl --- by ' the e•nglno•r of the e'nmt of in-tnIltmg new street lights at var!ns pultit- where they leave been asked for. It iWAS 411.1'111441 10 putt lip a lJtttp at tine corner of F:lehra and Thigh.. streets. fhe r -net being estimateml at 117 The rtletnmary refund to the town 011 the water rate's, ietanme of the use' of I fa riga nn tt(E_ Meese+ insttitl-of if1M, «ti' granted. the tmeutnt nt the ri'- fond for this year briar !Tell at $.lift. The eommiseion decided to, retain its mrmhenhtp in- the--tlntnrlo Mwmclpal i Eh.etrtl• Am'e»'tatlnn, nail a rote of $10 I for the membership its' w'ag passel. Miss ('tiferd Bereaved Much sympathy Is felt with N1iss ('itffnrtl. of the t'ntlelehtte tlt!etttttte staff, In the ih•n11s of her norther. whlr'lt n•enrreti at her hone nt St. Penl's, Icl.11'l1. Perth comity, on Saturday afternoon. 11,) i.,x'khart. of near Anhnrn. Niles Clifford had left (lorlerich by the •arta the Emlgh resident* on take possession has !tonight W. d, films p Mill *treteand will more to it in a so few days. Mr -.0. to the person of Mee. Atm.. will mote to the rooms ab ter . Ismael Clifford. The late Mrs. Clifford his store. where he bs having consider- Infant sime 1' 11 a throremaf Tnnatnter es ar. n ells. alterations made. The yttlage has rle.elvel from the the late John Keane Mho" together War Trophies 0(114•' at Ottawa a tier-, with her late linshantl was one ref the mflrld gun ■s a memento of the einu.er settlers of the fortk'a and her A Rmeant 11 silt ter pla4wl event.I death hnl&n ngs to a risme an exception- SMI an PA NEWS Inane nn the Meinorl.l Ilall ground,. airy active and leave' lite. She lea\' rl T haw pun hs Queen street rind will within a few• weeks. Mr..('nlln Fingland rnlrert, on morning train to be with her mother. The Stratford lt.•aeon bas the follow - Ing refere'net. A lifelong residing of the (lore of Downie iissed away nn Saturday. CHAS. RAY 441 "Egg Crate Wallop" AI,sO Starting a flew Serial DeLux JACK DEMPSEV SUNDAY, N Rev. J.E. •. 'WOW Jack' Slsdcr o t 070 -II°LO 30 IggiCOUJG This ,cam recommended to nm a. Thr ter. br.1 Serial 4 be had. Don't mi.. a 'ingle Episode. Free Matinee Nondw,i at i.17. pini shot Ihdb .141n,i..i44n :e. War Tac Wednesday and 'Munch A GOLDWYN PICTURE MADGE KENNEDY IN "The Truth" also ` CAPITOL COMEDY "The Widow's Night" Friday -and Saturday A SELZNICK PICTURE CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG IN "Cheating Cheaters" S'4P01.I.1Rn (OMED1' hin' our goods. e our special lines for spe- cial hard wear for Youths, Boys and Men. These rubbers haeme reinforced toes, soles and heels. . Get your Rubber Footwear at HERN'S BI IT SHOT' Rubbers Rubbers Rubber.; Rubbers Rubber's 'Rubbers- Rubbers ubber5 Rubbers Rubbers Rubbers 7th cC*,Ytoy will each at the Baifist Church Montreal Street SUBJECTS : Morning, 11 o'clock \ t 'When Work Is Service' Evening, 7 o'rloek 'How Much Power Has God ?" 3 p.m. Bible School, 8 p.m. B. Y. P. U. Meeting A hearty welcome to all. This means YOU. 11 E. G. .P`Lely t'..t'11't1M1 \hl:It \Corner East .:St. and sathlre 1S) A Pearl Necklace is. a magnificent gift and has the further advantage of - ways -ways being strictly cofreet form for any occasion. e should like to show you our pearl necklaces. The prices like the pearls will be right fER LI SO V AND ,1ENV ELLER (:n l •ri lir (nit I s4Q.a 1 _Mr..1 ..4+tt- Waist' I 1st: for MITE nn Twenties.' to join ler. ',lodge, wh.. b geeing In the wilds on a hunting ee- p'ex- pillIt Ion. ('ahtn Chtrrh rtnniv'rttsry.-'ahs or .unot.•rsarc .erciers held In Calvin at, less tferiaII rl,nteh ml Snmhty acre ' rr I. of N ST:-H11.P. t \• Tuemlay, nr. . Mrs. Anlnld 1Mr1nm. of Er!n,n'2tr ,tilting Leer parental, Mr and Mrs. R. J. Worer Miss.mi(`Glenn (lurk is vlslting h sinter, Mrs Mart lit 1P•ihtwiel, Wes4IIPIII. vett /1(41.1111011t Iter. Dr. 414 I Mr. fico. StunrtMottled the fon- It.•„verton. wens the preacher. The enderof his uncle, the late Mr, Jnhn mu»lt by th • choir was well rendered. ?ether!, of Listowel, on Saturday. The foe supper nn Monday ee•'ning Rev. Mr. Fothetingt. of Palmer. brought int a good crowd. Rev. Mr. Ston, wlll'enduxt the se 'fops in .Cal. flo,llan, Bee. Dr. Carrie, Rev. lec tin ebnerh next 11 inlay. 14 11' 11, 1 IgM. ler, ('4mptw'li wen, At Chinook. .film t i ,, hot $nndly, 1414.4.414I Tho m uslenl port was glvef n.•toher 31, to 31r and Nlrs. Stanley ,y the Pink quartette et tendon a111 ' 11 Taylor (net Ellealtettt S. • aims), toyed. hy all. l'rocerls were •