HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-11-4, Page 4'a ..,11 t`++1MresMllrat•• spat,. pda•ti�sr d-wr+ - 'r` w _ ..r+rs.+M.rr+•6.r �rw�...n. - —-a'"rars-- - = - 41-11hareday, November 4. 1101. - THE SIGNAL GODESI011L ON?. Mr. Linfield Anderson, +Sha is workin[ 1 -- I at Dublin, visittd his, parents bete ov r i i Sunday. When Lin was here for Thadkt- R e>e� m ati s m I�lruing he wer t out hunting one night and Netitis, Sciatica. N•urialjia. b+gged lour 'tirouus. This time he went out on Saturday tight and got tour resort, one an extra lane on-. D M-1 ELAR u SON Phone THE LATE MRS. BLACK. --(kn MOilday • Templeton ra a ilii non Airs. John black, of the 2nd conces- , pun of Ashfield, -passed away at the age 56 Rheumatic of eighty-two years. _he had been a S6 Capsules •• �. : sufferer for two or three years past. The � remains were interrtd in the Colborne it M ~6, The Scotch Store" cemetery this (Thursda)) afternoon).' Y ` rt. Rev, D. D. Douglas had charge of the) Have brought good ... h to half -good fon r funeral service, the deceased having heen STORE HOVRS t ri A. M. TO 6 P. M, t SATURDAYS 10 P. M. healt wttffe h t a member of the Anglican church. Mrs , Black is survived by her aged husband, who is ninetv-seven year- of age, and A healthful, money -saving remedy, four wns: Samuel, of Ham!lton; 7 honnas," well known for fifteen years, pre- of bay City; Richard and George, in the scribed by doctors, sold by drug- t West. The two sons tirst nattier,/ eke guts, =1.00 a box. Ask our agents herr fo• the funeral ne,.New* McCal[Pattern or write for a free trial Package. DEATH pF MRS:. SLOAN.-- Luk/Friday _ 'n Tampletons, 142 King W., Toronto I evening. about 7 o'cl„ck, there passed away one or our raost res ptected restdrnts, Local :Agetift-DunleWs, Drug Store. i in the person of Mrs. Slone. She had not S Printed!been well for some time but was confined to ted only about (week, and the end Dungannon, and a daughter. Airs. John I v,w� -- - °` - LOVE k came as a surprise to many. She is sur. , void by a son, Mr Robert Moore, of A BUSINESS ANCE A REVOLUTION INC S MAKING `* •"`-' « %lartland, of Detroit. The funeral toot AT DUNCANNO place on Monday afternoon from Erskine church, where a large number off the The McCall Company announces the introduction of its new print- frirthe i cis of the deceased gathered to ed pattern. No event of year 1920 is of more significance to mil - W. H. mccl e pa> a last tribute of rap . fl lions of American women. to the, departed and to mar rest has moved to the ;or erI'he [unreal service was conducted by y sympathy with those bereave l. I Thr y After'an ears wo tof research d experimentation, we have invent- Iat4re lately occupied by pe Rev- Dr. Campbell, assisted by Rev. edand brought to perfeetim the new McCall pait@m Not since the in. N. J. Treleaven,. and Wil t1' A.% alden, and the pallbearers were Icarry on business with nets tessrr- Robert M.K,nrie, John Ellett, troduction of the -sewing-machine has there been anything which will so p w. go Finnigan and Henry Junes. The revolutionize home dressmaking.. [( and up-to-date lines of La tea' Aid Society and the Sabbath ,. �® i soh 1 of Etskirr• church sent aural -ItAla -tie-mere improvement on the old pattern. It is lin entirely GROCERIES tutu S. Tl'e decease] lady wul be I grestl missed in the commuritty. new workingplan for.the home manufacture of clothes. You bear a lot I Gents' Furnishings; " A iness Cbtaege.-Mr. W. H. Me. usa>O�alc I _ • = Ready-made Clothing Clore h a taken Drat the bnalnt'pa During -the last century a new world has come into being. With-- ------ _ --- wit h has trees occupied by )lint., dha A +- $ at the price Good $tock of Underwear N. J. Trel ren and will conduct there in that word s grown up a ew home: scion lt'fie, eonventent, and tint :ti.r 1 a ,Inl-inems it gro(vriee, gents furnish - Savin Electricityand 88 do the work that formerly made women r "�IOttr, Feed, Salt, etc. lnq+. rordy de clothing. Hour and I g• g r Ol )sonic$ reed, Pt .. �Lr. r('lure i.s tint• of L,un- slaves of drudgery. The sewing -machine, the electric Iron—)these are ` I You will find it to your interest to a tnunnr moat trryr..sttx hu,ltnraa urahase our supplies at men rnr will rlou ttesit du a good buil- -milestones O progress in scientific housekeeping. s We are selling good all- _ P Y PP I ueos in his _ --. _� To - wool Overcoats at Mrm. TmIearen tea Ptsourtlyufor'To I }nlh$r, con sing e, O A the domestic tool;; has remSiiled its fa- '4IcCLC RC's 1 _ rooto. g self—a thing of notches, dots, dashes—with intricate Dungannon Her. --_1 cloud $35.0 r ` detailed directr<ons, impeding the expert, puzzling the amateur, and ter- ---- I will have S Car of Flour was cap[ over tela coni uuiry on Sun ' h (!: dry last, when ►t iecxm kaown Hutt rif n the beginner. Women wishing to make their own clothes for 'aj°'-s"" J „� I apd Feed into McGaw next Jean Lieber, daughter of r. and Mrs. g a ' g in green, brown and grey week Phone orders" co me Jean Ad. Dl+her, had pari f - sty. Jean Mrs. the sake of economy slid individuality, hav� often been deterred by, its : mixtures went to (Ainton e coin rnc'ement at Dace at the Complexity. The Trouble Man of �e fell term attendhe Col- , t.oaas ik�r We have only a limited num- i V. H. M C'CLU RE it•glatp "'PrP' but was the only a The new printed pattern eliminates the fear element in sewing. day and a -halt when she took •Id, i- It should double the numberf home dressmakers. -It substitutes for r at this price—they are- it's a cum fort to know tere here's DUN"N.NON I ly UI with acute Bright's dist•(; , At p ' firso there was little hope of he re- the rforated paper printed arts so" deiinl so clear that even I extra good value --we wouoil a man on whom you, may, call PHONES: (corery, but she rallied -li iclentlir to - . � - p in •your'troubles-the Plumber. Store 42 - Residence 121 Ire role to be brought home, and min e : 8 ChiiQ Can understand them. - Tt1e 11>�e 6f- each part is plmIIly indicated advise an early selectitla i thPr, w -at, *tttne olong ukrb as on that art b riked di�'gp& There is no confusion no chance for - We know our business and O`iv`^^^ - v - - - p p !`•`•', - -- - -- a - are here to terve you. P - - i but fast week a su change took I error. XVe -do a special order business - I plure land on Sunday afternoon, at 21 geode -_-- - DUNGANNON. o'clock. her e spirit fled from the, The home ssmaker, spreading this new pattern out before her, I Nth Century and Art Clothing Q , um mortal tene. The funeral .ram is working with simple, understandable sewing chart. An old and lamTHURSDAY, Nov. 4. )held Tuesday afternoon n a, utntgamtwn difficult task has become a magically One. a+ well as our reXular lines FRED. HUNT wit of the receitllosrts and are- cemetery, the ser Wal tx•Inq ci iteil 4by Y �Y r ( ; $i. PAUh•i CHURCH NOTES.=As a re- Icy. Rtv. W. A. waldrn, tie.+f,+ted by ' See our new Tweed and THLr PLVMBER" upper 1 JjK. Dr. (32mpblell The urine-lmtaber w� Q tl)e gtirated Dattern to McCall Street, confident that _ the cost of the renovating of Jt. Paul**retr�u - an, pro ria o oil I will }i hien the task of home dresamakin and release more time for '!. Velour Hata ,e.mueea street f+p•ets m mureb, approximatcy a3(x,, has been Horst tribute's hors• rlimuri'nt te•lltfJHMY_- g - 1'iumtring lteatin r u F�>7T M.-TCree7iur;dtedrto the lore and eatpem In 'which Jean . is One more channel Of service, one more thread Of comntunir I g was rattled through other .ways. l his i was held. The Ill cairn were larnw, Welter Prldh I ltaveste.wgbiug d[etal Wdrt ca ' between us and the world of women. means that a congregation of some 1 McKenuir, Fred growler, William Stew. - -- -- - - - ---------- - twerutyor families objhavect raised nearly ort. Park filbert;, Will $t eft aur) - -- -- --- � . r \fur a sprC'tal eabfect with.n. wer , )lelvllle rulhprt G ah11 the flow'(•r• ' months. besides Inca ing the stipenu Isenrers. Herb. Pentland, Ererett Fill- ..... — i1AG TLe rector has received Irom nigan. J. Erringtou and Thos. Wet- .SpE L VALUES h1 ALL- S iI HANDSOME CHARAIEUSE -- --- -- - -- England this wtek a `ft of a lectern i -- DECORATING bible and Prayer (took tot tn• church. ter. llemides thoett from the famlh, ix 1'nr Coffins' Cruud tit St. Paul's church! flow•erM were w nt by the Methodist OL SERGES t, SILKS T 1 i I AN I) purpose having a bazaar about the muddle .4unday senool. Ellsworth I eninsp, Sun- i ,-' ;D IB�ID M�tMaIS da,- school rla��. We are wing some splendid These handsome Silks are great - the i><crn:bcr, in the evening"a Chnatmae Parks. Mr. fioward. Crtu I It(glnw 1. Jit. and Mrs. Thus. - ,. --= ,�: _--�t,m, values in }wpular black and ---- ly in dmilnd for-svvmng-,and. drem r. James Mc h.1-ne a sniffy, of WalU ri, Faiab, etc. rich). Mr. -Howard Msertson IGorl,r GrOcKenaPort Aif>�rc. have m..vCvl to the name oil navy all -wool gas, From $2.95 wear in all the new shades 40 inches We sell ybti the trlateriala, or his, truth r Bet t. 2rtd cone es ion. rich ), ,Mims Ethel Cane (Trranro I. take the coin ctof decorptiu Those attending rhe funeral from :i to $T.50 T aid. wide. Air b.nwn Lase, of Toronto, visited per y $3.95 per yard. K dl+tarM•e were Mlw A11orh MtI1Pr and � NORTH ST. and 1 HE SQUARE the partnte%home hue thus week.. ,> our home, sto rise office. i'Mr. ITenwoh raw•. from Toronto. - and Special v in CO Mingo, plain and fancy materials. iN,. Thos. Cu berC was tenoucfy hurt EstiRates cheerfully gives the isttltt day by—In falling out ut an Fipple Mr. F reel Robin+oo, from Detroit. Th.• r s'YE REST GRO('ERIES r� S�� _- -- grcateett rlymirJthT is telt for thrrsp« - - --- -- tree From $2.95.- _s • n_.. -t tt L -h.. u1n r., nen this rumna•ul ..f % ;inti S-Gri dO. amu .uta. a atato suns v. n w u.au, •--•-. -. __•.__ --, _---,_-_. __- .. __ 1�'' ow ass, ate as are visit t.q at i lc uuma u r. an: i s i _ t.l)N'EtiT PRICES Rt b,rc S1 4. Icer parents, her aged grandfather, Mr. - " --- iael Mirrers, etc. ` , gl.rry was here from Stratford t•Tlio+. Dlsher, hl�f'._.Iw•o siett•ri<,_�i�ll: ggi,. u e can Sttpply }'our wants o 4ggSunday and was the guest of Mr. and and Marlon, uud two brother+. Ralph --- Our Mail and �1.Order Depa getting more popular F It�NH ;RAPE any kind of Glass %Irs.Rol eat bicKerme. :aid Ilefos. ' Jt -an waw . in her Qaite a number motored to St. Helens, eichtevutli yeam r, Just In the orn' of as it becomes known. FRUIT AND JIALAGA (, AI'Ex. J. CUTHBERTSON Ai uday night and enjoyed the supp r' the prime of life, N -loved of .her - ,,, antl tn.ertai. meat in the Prrlbyrerlen' friend+, and previous to the hearts of; North w� Whit et. Phone 354 cixtrcri. it re. t110 -e in the h"Ire eli•vie. She sang Int Sl y-_tn our. village %Nett.tis ear this clutir was ,-runner in. the- Stuuhtf It t1'uNl4, Ix HAM. J- - _ of this SLd ien death of Mr. Mer. Nk school and Epworth League, atwaye N1 tT L( AF, Bt A)G. i'(r1tK _ i Nevin f Goderich, on Sae day' last. He l anti everywhere a helpful and Joyuna I r E SAUSAGE AN 1'ICKLIa w ^much seemed by his id friends in, Tnf ilenep. loring.t and lored by all. i we may ask. why thl. taking nw•ay ? I T- The t>oaeitteradeball Wit in the )grit; f and .get the once v oat+ y(alook —T-- --'_ la$TU�=�� tura:-rtzi.--.ate-1`�-lit T iirNiiM . n • m irfi'tn flPT i .7 '-- attended and was quite a ruceess Excel- � J„t•ttlt. way ,.l,t shall Weieomp to the I ed fi ' if ' k M-alllgrk,Scotch Store PNM u - *- ftttfliH BRAD EPIiBI' LAY green lent music was ltnnh the i,, some u tarry tttatae rice x�w• who o- stone orchestra `tom Ge derich. The P, mourn her abmehte tram tlit•!r A[t•— �.� - - -- Fl.rCTRIC IRONS ARF, TO BE USED ONLY BFT%V..FA' NOWL �' A LOAF. WARNING ciuwmner+wrre: Ladies fancydre:s- , P ce P•I KIRSCH FLAT. ITENJI[LL.ER. I • '"`-y- -- - - ------ FRYLRD Illt-S .Yh a Lsue Stci2>n3N.lttd Miss lean Beck. Lad es' c in c dre•sy-1 t Mow Kate AUBURN. Easy to put up and take tl'cflnetiday, Now. 3. Hallowe'en Party.- A Hallowe'en _ CASH AND CARRY or tarnish. Best rock on ILhuuiratd, !ru hiss L�attr Henry. ! Wednesday, Nov. 3. BOOKS � birthday Imtrty In honor of Mr-. (IZev.) t"- ---- Gents' comic�drea �tst Ai Bivga nl s; "rid Itee. ('. H. t4:hutt, M. A.. It. iT.. of � l>wlntel ehhna and a Ireautifut silver If. F. Kennedy w'am held at the Meth- _' Vill ('eland's rads- mint far Rerernis and akin I""&. tMna. It relieves at once and arade- has mr. Mc0unaid - th it- .t . hquW lKrard. To- _ I Yt� ' rnnt4,. Is to pro -itch �nthe IGtptlot mntght Tmrrtrait - nolhalg go di+ilnet- milrt purwmnge un Monday even tg and w-aM attender) toy a large number NAMNOOOOOOYANOCd004000 --- PHONE -356 tai rltrtttTown tllP amottntt rR^rdi.Tt'pt tr H>frtr t4ort0ay prey !nisi ' church next Sn11whoy. All welcome. �i Nt11 (ataelgbts...$1.7a to$2A0 of the TTtnimlller cltiztitli, old and 4 Itrnmiller church and ermmnnity. --M rrr'TW inti" by 4:1 Twr I Put -Rml 'i'll;I ' . .. _ _ Mr. (►.scar Willmilrs an -tion ma a nit Fofir feeling lasITR11"Miz'(17n _ a t�► . •' McFADYEIV the 1(x:al consumer+ are-reyueat• e T tS a lum Tht'� oafiT *, u tnifty - ---------- lage and vicirity , �iitt8yyswr- �r P_--- wnti� T1rP_ family in irh er re �ftml moving to ht erlch In the Herr — --- -- The PraL2tA lf6TheT....litrtmae'r Rinfifent-lir Ileo Tfi�t....-..gym +rhino _,ngiq making ary�ghexttllke appha nee, aeT,ctT-h. n 'iyc,Ttion &tmmiiirr. -ilio 1. ir►.cunttnne use tit all el(r- 00000000000000000000000000 trio apparshis where iso Mllrlp. i Btl ntttty lights still always tarn offwhenWjNDOW SHADES104 ahwd11t+•ly reltlired. :1. lit- moat econrtub,.al in n.e All colors and sizes orf- rim frit correM int evory -wny Cor:bination white and Imessihlp. g. eon That orae extra light inereaeee f - CtiLiil3lIIliTiaft load --tarn It on. ,--- green UNTiL FURTHER NOTICE. Plain cream Plain%green Fl.rCTRIC IRONS ARF, TO BE USED ONLY BFT%V..FA' Plain white TUIC HOURS OF If A.M. AND Isdits mang lr.gnllar ehortlMet. Mrs. i P.M. OR All Is 8 O'CiAWN Int THB !;T'RIVINf3. KIRSCH FLAT. CURTAIN RODS. Nater roti Ught Cotnmisaiae FRYLRD Illt-S atsended the mnsgneride ball at D0111- Easy to put up and take D down. They never sag 1 i. or tarnish. Best rock on set the market. CZEMAr Yea are to W - � l>wlntel ehhna and a Ireautifut silver SS )m nee hr. SMITH'S ART STORE ('eland's rads- mint far Rerernis and akin I""&. tMna. It relieves at once and arade- EAST sr PreoNt 198 all hrtls the skin. Mamldc t-si Ili. Cbao,e't ltnunent fire it yon mention thln Tmrrtrait - nolhalg go di+ilnet- gri per and a rid se. stamp /„r p %tone. Mr, a all deralers er a.hnerasoa, Hates • Cn„ NAMNOOOOOOYANOCd004000 mboons iad, Tirnwl•(r _ h;rM flawre. Mr. Thum. Winmtll' of Saskatoon. arrir(A -home to attend hl+ Lethpr'a fu nera 1. Mr. Wklter• Pfeffer intends marlirnngg to 4,'Hnton this week. harking INnrchaMeet a houMe there. We are worry to lase Ithls fnnw:r of good citizens. •21r. r nifn Ftneand prenchpd in Knoz church ou %o(lay. Him many frleti(Is were p{e n+trt to hear him. Mi." Illonell sal F'ergnrnn arrv�me-from the av eater rn Trip last week. SIN(18DRiLX;F.. __VCrdneMllaS.. �4t's_�L _.. Mr •rid M �I I)rftnn` ale The i)pvll s Paw ..... Oppenheim Glen of The High North.. Cody No Lyefpn(•e ............Parker The Splendid oute•ast..... Gibbil A i'orr Wisp Han.... Rinehart The Drums of Jeopardy........ .McGrath 7'hp Rlayei• of Souls.. Chambers The valley of 141deat Men...... .............. cu rwoo(i ALSO A LARGE AND COM- 1,T,NTF. AWRTMFNT OF ITi'R(;F•fgP Iltt:t)-TIMF HIN)RT. IIIN)KS AND MOTHER WEST w Hill) $TORI}aiti i AR THE sitollwment 111111 delight tit all. rooms during the flret part of the even - title were illuminated with h(tge pomp- klnrt and varlouM (*,,lura of tismup-paper, tanking a sift and MINIMA l light w•hk•h added tooth to the Fthowt;y aP- pearhnce of the whole affair. About 10 o'clock theme liapto Rave way to the ramsp ifrHtttitrt itt". "W R1+erarM avd spooks changed their garments and the I remaining part of the Prening wam sppnt {11 games, mnsla ind trx•lsl con- rlirrwifion. Mrs.-Wentiedy, tyho' Wait the guest of honor, saMa ng two tntifal Poles, "I.et ns have Pease" and a de. "criptire wing entitled "Reaeue and Pardon." Mr. John Long and Irene iptire` Pome ro�rp tirillthfTnl`=fi t• — - _ n tM. of Ra n visiting with their daughter. Mrs, a. CRLLDR>CPi. .' mental nnmhers, while the,, young - I0'0,nnor. of Pickering, (int. Isdits mang lr.gnllar ehortlMet. Mrs. A few of the ymnng people from here Kennedy w'es made the re•tpknt Qf FRYLRD Illt-S atsended the mnsgneride ball at D0111- ,, .w,,. ,: w D I sump very hnudwrmp birthday gifts, 1'ERFF('T LiFT. Bannon on Friday night, and reported much ns hnndkerehiefs. dollles, hdnd- A g m,d time. i. � l>wlntel ehhna and a Ireautifut silver Tleer,••s m, gift like a goo) I Tho gore road ennntwting the (travel 1 rgsornlp and hrpnd tray, the tw'o lent Tmrrtrait - nolhalg go di+ilnet- ron,l nod the 9th concemglon her been named being girpa by the prtrrrple of Ice. so t•adnring. and �o rend, -red impn� able to all hilt foot- I Itrnmiller church and ermmnnity. fence)). rs. Till. i+ due to the NO Ater hinehoon and several other sero to plewr• that Lbw rete ,,r, woolen bridge that iwngs, and Just before the party broke aplgrhltment now• 1AIll has 144.11 ere'e•i41 inmists on taking up at flip mldnight hour. Rpv. If. F. 1111 n --ore ,-nn "p•r+onmllty twit- Freneh leave. Kennedy math• a short mddres+• thank- tralts" for glft-glving time. ( -- _ - - Or a "Situation- i Ing the im•ople very mach for spend- 7 ng the- erening with thein at the pmr- JT. Fell - Wheu n shlrosman run+ into a hrlek RFtll and sora nn way in rof n"r ar lander. -- --- -- ---- - - Mr. Donald Kirkland, of )nitron, w,nago nod "No for thelr ninny kind respetabrarim" to Mts Kennedy, w-hieh 11e Mnitm a few .harp :•Wlsolgt the eeki•nd with mw• frlaMls In surprise wo a rprise to tier, am she (lift not old rolls It a crixfie.--Hattlme0 sea. Goder" -.A tfiytil't Ally aneh gltta., 1 r . r e 8• ... - ., i .,._ - .�.•.�._m�,"y^ � 'tet" M:. �.nr .. @ rr ^,y ~� ..r � - , y.+ • � •. : . Y. 7. r, son rA,a'n!nm..� t4 .,, '..i.4rea�i.'2i.rIMR dS..tr'.+w,.,..N�y'A4 ,xrra_w. � ,• ,.'.".Yr'A, .. .., -- ,:. ,. .•., 'YrPC'.trt/. .�,'1MI4elI �rtif�'.. � fdntt^,#g+1.IN9(w�. r0. �. .._..: hri..0.'ti'r•,--.,t,�� .� .tA',e. k'tb..t..rgt��.. ,, .,... .,.�.,...,. .......::.:>.,_;, ,«... ,:� ,�. w. ^x.r .+caa�w�,:rnn..a. Ams... ,�a v;� v-7 W � _MIT,+..; GEO. WHMWSON Hamilton and St,, Andrew's also. ase.. m..• AGENT --P()R � - Cockshutt Farms Ma Adams Wag ir,. enfrew Truc Stales --AkRo dter to a- v - y 'MMew Plains and Pbonographs la !action of Phonograph C'Ohenantly nn hen(1 Those wanting aftythisg in our lines are invitltd t0 Call and see what we. Can IO for them, , tlo P1401i8 1104 uta i t+a'i:i y? td°ar�t'i:t , The rrgulsr monthly tri"Omg at thw f:eneral 11rn11911 ('halter. T. O. D. M., will be held In the Firmed of Trade vi►e9PJA"R`tN,Yr't► roMaa n■ Monday. Noremtrer 14th. at .• ,1"P 4.14 o'clock. v " }l: e z ,