The Signal, 1920-11-4, Page 2J'c'h1 ' ....'n'".i".w'detf� rt, ; .,. a '-,..a;„ a+•• f. re ::: .. .1 . ,. , ..•+PFa,•�
;3-Tbursday. November 4. 1921.
Thursday, Nose -giber 4, lu.'a.
The expected has occurred in the election
of Warren G. Harding, the Republican
candidate. as President of the United
States. Mr. Cox, although personally
much the stronger man of the two, was
too heavily haneicapptd by the feeling
against the Nilson Administration to
have any chance ot winning It to im-
possible to say to what extent the League
of Nations was an issue: but und•,ubtediy
`he verdict will make g very die,for
the new President to swallow htred
opposition to the League of Nations idea,
11 he ever had any intention of doing to.
Those prominent Republicans she) de-
o-clared their support of the League and
who yet endorsed the Republican candi-
date must find lhemsel%es in a very
;humiliating position when the vast
maionties for Harding are hailed by anti -
Leaguers like Borah and Johnson as the
vindication of their determined opposition
to the League. These men—Taft and
Root and the others—were lust big
enough to hold their own opinions on this
great issue but not big enough to bolt
their party. It is not difficult to imagine
wha: a really big man like Theodore
Roaseve It would have done an the ct
President Wilson -.fended many
tions of the United States people by- h
course throughout the war and after. and
Cox was the scapegoat upon whom the
sins, real or fancied. of the Wilson Ad-
ministration were laid, Perhaps such a
result was inevttabk ; perhaps Mr. Wil-
soess uncompoinising nature had some-
thing to do with it. It is not the first
time in history that a man who has led
his peole successfully in a great erter-
rise nos toted unable to reconcile the
differences arising among the people after
the great work was accomplished. Who
knows but Stat Abraham Lincoln might
11lsve faced a similar humiliation it the
assassin's deed had not forever silen:ed
�e voice of detraction ? •Tn our humble
opinion Weenie. Wilson will yet rank
am ,nit -the gresteat of the Presidents of
the Republic.
In 1882 44.
'lk; °a°:tss
We first offered the public our
TEA .. -tFT3A r, E- r
Millions now use it to their utmost satisLt
were not known to the public generally.
and that should be known and seriously
considered before the Province assumes
any further obtiptr ng for Hydro -radial
Yet the awakening has to go fur -
thee. In some sections of the Prairie
Provinces the drop was as much as
sixty to seventy -live per cent. com-
edienne. The sooner these people get over pared with two tears ago. In the
the idealthat Hydro affairs should not be Eastern and Maritime Provinces also
criticised as freely as say. the Postoffice dtuarkelotuntil relueevtfous have
rr beenuuderatands
administration, the better it well be for every
that it is lest to keep
or secure 14[41 to
Hydro, for the •Ptrovince. and for the breed at ouo.e his normal number of
people in question. Nelw•s will (-tomtit eons begin to be
WESTERN CANADA Haifa 1[8.1.$ Thi importunes of a quick recovery
cannot tie over.•mphaslaet. The great
ANNUAL STAl IINT. harvest of fee,[ grains now available
will largely be disposed of at a loss
Very Satisfactory Report Submitted at If not fel to livestock. Prfees for
.Annual Need Last Week, logs today eompere more favorably
Meeting with the prise of grains than for moose ;
'Toronto, Oct. 29.—The annual state. j,-ime and the demand exceeds the I
ttrrnt of the WesternCanada Floor m Kkettnga. Canadian overseas mar-
Y1Ma-La►mpatty. 1•►eltnl suba►itted at kits demand steady support if they
tolsl('a je•aeral _wee'ti4i of almre air not to hoe lust.
topic, though hope Is gradually being
abandoned of having the Ottawa Gov-
ernment do anything. The }Iluleter
of Agriculture, Hou. Mr. Malcolm, who
Ina been hooking over the situation lu
Manitoba, declares that the drop in
the price of wheat will seriously lu-
jure Manitoba farmers, who are not
nearly as prosperous as they are re-
ported to be. A good deal of aer to d
meal exteneiou wilt now have to be
However, there seems to be plenty
of re•ruits fur the farm out herr if
one may' judge from the• tact that
Manitoba Airrtcultural College has had
to refuse admission to many atudente.
as the rush was so heavy,
Mewnoatte Troubles.
There deems to be no solution of the
problem of the Memoultes out here,
utiles they do as they threaten and
migrate to Quebec. They are most
persistent in their refusal to tend
their ehlldren to the English schools.
authoring that their ehildreu must he
t tight in their own language. TI gh
a •umber are (-bmptying with the law.
the roseeutlotis of the Government
leave others unmoved. Many are be-
ing ha Into eeurt. but the problem
goes el r than that. In many ways
the thea Menowaiten are good eltif
ze•us. 14it at the same time many
would wel me their departure to
other deals t eudeacor.
The Reason.
Han yes based
about Pops? Peps 1s a
acletmtt pot
qh pastille
form. which
ides so .atir ly sow sad effect -
ire tr•ataost for coughs. colds, chat
sad throat tremble..
i Paps costals certain m.dldaal
orodients. which, whoa placed ops
tongue, iaaodiateIy tura later
W.I.vaad ars breathed dews the air
paSaa,es to the lams. Odtholr loot-
asqq.� they soothe the inflamed sad
IMtated membranes of the br..cklal
testes, the delicate walls at the air
es and finally eater sad starry
sal gaad healing to the lams.
V • word. while ao liquid or olid
folia pt to the laags aad air passages.
"ma Pops fumes get there direct.
rd at oda commence %salla,.
M Co* oat this
ureide. writ.
amass It the weans sad date of this
paper. sad as.0 it (with la, stamp to
arotsr* postage) t. Peps to. A Ira trial packet will
teem M seat yes. All druggists sad
Meese sell Peps. f•c. bee.
Jack's Mamma\."There were threeL.
slices of cake in the upboard. Jack, and '
now there are only t . How does that
haOpen ?"
Jack— '•It was so dark there, mamma.
that I didn't see the of
holders In Toronto), Is in An* with re- '1i a° .. 11e- SARY TO HEAL H.
emit ethIbtts made by companies oper- ao cut down, It le already certain
Hug In the dour milling Industry In that bog prices and consequently
t profit!!show a moderate falling moon prey.; will remain comparatively When the Blood
o from the levels of the previous Mph .ext 'year, Whatever is done dune to
tie re months. TIB decrease in this motors supplies mule he done quickly.
144 the p• •swdtrst, Andrew The trotting season for pigs begins In
points out in his report to the the drat week In November and con-
ders, cons due to the lack of-"nil"'onIg until About the middle of
nese. the mills of the tam- Ihtember, . Tf . the opportunity 1s al-
ng been shut down itvar• lowedto slip the rev-owery in numbers
is le the period. with tb. will 1* so retarded that our present
¢salt that prodnetfol cons reduced cheap feeds will be still ,more cheap-
sub•tantIaW. With the abolition of enel, leading to loss.
the Canadian 'Cheat Board, Mr. KeW ,
Pott ta.uatr ittaa-t DOING out a .
resumption of t sines with fore ar�wv
eunneettoes as p called before the/ `- -�
war. Provides! the !b
to capacity. Int- sig 1 nitro Press + resan.l
1 y. N anulpe g, .—Now that the l
ye•aft results shouhd. i satlsfaetory
Pane ha
loos inter
ills a operated
es. the current -- Nov.N•
• referenoT tut or W Ironer question adv I
Profits Are Lower. . r digsetel of ant the heat of the ram-
'rt‘sprotlts,_fttr the ye en•lltl An. semen has deft nwey.,thee• thrPrairje
grit' '.it Tat , =414,.pee. Pros-errn• tilrlM tt t Week-itnT re -ST,
ret wet-. saver sera in 1!Ilt)., aad a bit --4. .tops the Fainters, who. are
tempt $343,4 -4 in 191s. which was Ming their big drive fur their
twr year In the history of ter tali ,-al ones Dis•,ti, n in the W,wtern
sDITOKIAL NOTES. a enterprise. After Armin' ;ane 1,chess. Iiithe Proyin••s of Al-
terrst there recurs hoot, areliable f torr'1• r'"'. th•c art p-^Isring for en -
{,kation to the- outetaniling el • other drive for the Ret Cross.. in
the name nod•
n1111'14 '
1 iu-,
Did you see what happened to the
Demands across the line on Tuesday ?
This weather man is making a mistake.
was British Columbia, not Ontario
tb t v>ted '•wets'
Mock of the eompatny - h•41/11V o 1,r Alberta they hive iIPTleet an eltbarate
*33..474*. or equal to 13.' per I pr..grua of resit* time activities, and-
agaliee 14:4 per rent. in lila ere eerrving en a weenies of health
per cent. in 14* reetorel ]ell rgirntz.rlon through the rural dim
The company distrihn lets. Tliev Om asking the people of
Province for a hnudred thoustnrl
ire to, be saileteril.d .in n whirl-
esnrpalgn on nrmlxtlee def. It
-hareholders durthg th
110 -creel icy the
#150,111 , represen
annual rate of
The United States election results show r'f '=ls'r 41'
that the people are still restless and a tJtP 11t.•a1.
kicking. Mr. Nleighen of Ottawa wink) 1N,roe1„;[a
doub: take notice.
The nga�of ftardlais tactor
d iu Westrat ed With great gI •
Germane. w . - Pretaid:nt W •n
cordizay hated.
:41 19.
among Its +
twelve months j t
rt the sum ot + 41")
t Idrude at the ' wipe
hg ell
jeer rant. and a tonna 44 Nth
In addition. .early li i used f
rind ftliareMAder4 resolved . Pre
"f Infeall $250.tap in Victory
s. Was ito. ea,e• In 1919.I. wheat cop
er nil ' MAJnetiona were made
re remained a balance 1. the orient'
rapt and last nirouut of, $.s4`I_• •._
et,mpare w t e „ 1 on August 31,
in 1919, and $sSt4,434 at the ch..- .,of the y
is prevlone. year. -
Larte Cal(aL
Tile balase•e sheet
sr atew••alt 'rnreale the
�r doWw, ial position n•lM�rti
N1:1tP111r'll t. 1•tirrrrtT Ti"Nee
371 exerted llnbUitles rat a
go'r'y. 14tntuuet!tg to #1.194.098. i y well
i,rer a million.- or leaving the working
captral or rite company .at nplorocl-
entail -1y fate Name furl a- n ---y •,rr ago
and e•t•mq[ wring with #910,7:4* ,•i
I'resideot Kelly in hes r.4N.rt ty tLe
shareholders states that '.true the
rear tate esertien of =a t flhio 1 ,uL'ti,at
�ttcit S V4 -ih€ 4ydfb= AVesilgata)n, I was comtut•twed on Weather. m
amen tie e.-rys will "deface fletihjtti'e,and' avenue, Toronto. ■djotning-tau tt•are-
in my opinion forever ruin, the Hydro house. The building will b• r:• Iely f' -r
tedials as a going" concern." That is .sPOlartey et an early date and the
fan adhiiesion from an advocate Oft heed 4)1114• 01 tete enmpany w111 Ise
!Cathie moved to the Dew premkes, ,
Jlydro radials, is it not ? _
e.1 that all the money will b•
Pnivinelal purposes only.
Wheat. •
hr Provinces the prier of
mars to be an absorbing
portion of 1ji.'
' consL.rt:a ole
'With the Germs �nainss him, a r1 in f..
the Lallans again him. and the I'., its of 42.243,
a *i.,aT twin. and ller Big lutctcala aga,
and :he prohibitionists again t ern
-w'tr. almost q wonder Mr. W# aloe
any votes at ,i
n-,wraaaewtu t, .
- Mayor Casvch of Toronto is very much
L saMB
: Il$ill,:aIli!ltlb•aiteiells,'
II • ,. afi seep!,
H re's a wise young man. Prince Paul. ,
the' of the 'King of Greecel who died Some faemers nave Iseen nlek to
a itOuseys bite, refuses to take the afriisiF-TTie Tessiin f0 t tea sharp
tthroi ti:dess the people ay distinctly defiles -lately In the number or bristl-
c want him as theft monarch. il� "Ona, A eanva of hole breeder!!
4.----In [intern) 1n fhb last tion weeks
rho dive int of "the divine right of sh.iw-s that the trade in coiling %toi•k
kipge" hoe few adherents in these day', .__to_.replenish the nuppllee on farms has
ttut-for m►a3--yeti's- been Retire
than this fell. One well-known
Hon I. A. Call ttty4ttt tier e xvere retdrr in Ontaflm effaces Lc Ls .aln+•.st
laaaktuq-at eaaa • whi a►ba is,addr tgt .011L Mtw.entg.Ave-- yearn
any rem:er
knowledge of the Comedian boron
inQin the Wet in coot. trails. hP Mtrihntes flee t.a ter fart
we11 acquainteJ that tarmprs have come to understand
e he is known; tent '(here Is "sure money" fo- the
e doubt is! man who can breed for litters next 1
ring him 1 -- , e
to ,
Miieiglienllhey are
wide Cider out West, w
s, "Sli.)phey Jim," .and
giereased abto the wisdom of
•Ccompariy the Premier on his
Saves Them
YOee woollens most be made to ,
lest ss long as possible, tbey'n
s0 dear now. Sunlight Soap
is the purest sad best of all
laundry soaps so it's the safest
cleanser -and it's the mo.t *woe -
114601111 bemuse, being pars, it
Substrate to do tie wash.
It.%t.0 wring the Say vee ash
rr— or—S(✓NLIGHT SOAP.
I,gvha sao'rHaats unities
Tarawa. ons.11111
The me 'Sure of some people's patri
lam can toe taken by their attitude to-
I learnt- sheet o Prorinciat investigati
commissions that are dealing respectt,•ely
With the timber limits and with t
s question of Hydro radials. In connectlop --
with the dormer these people are not no
fi mach concerned with the fact that the .
1<orotiince has been cheated out of bun•
d'fililv,f thousands of dollars as they art
t with the fact, uncomfortable to them,
that lh ievestiga*nn is thriiwing dis-
iecredit .upon the administration of the
timber lands of the Province under the
late Hearst Government. Similarly with
the Hydro investigation. A vast deal of
India attinn is being pumped up over the
eery Idea that anybody sho•ild dart OD
ask trey question shout the schemta of
Adam Fleck and the Hydro-electric
wer Commission. It is nothing to
these indignation-pu priers that the in
rastigatioa.iaterea ing many things that
Weak and Watery a Tonic
Needed to Build it Anew.
Why -are -we being continually told -
good. beatth•giviag blood mut be bright
red ? what has color to do with the
qualdy ? Just this= -the oxygen in the air
is the great supporter of all organic life.
(inc function of the blood is to take the
oits•gen kom the air, which it raeets in
the lunge, and deliver it to the tissues t,f
the body. When the blood. filled with
life-sustarnirg oxygen. is sent out by the
heart. a is,bnght red. 1% hen it returns,
impure and deprived of oxyge\e, it Wei
\ou will see, therefore. that ther are
two prime requisites of health: ,pure.
and bright red blood -the pure air o
furnish cite oxygen, -tiff rack-rtt�
}. tit carry it where it is needed. Dr. Wi'-
iams' Pink Pills make your blood nch and
, red because they ;increase) its power to
carry oxygen. actually making it so mach
more able to carry increased life and •
strength to every orgn m the body.
Pare anaemic people whose neav-s are
}m edge, whose cheeks are pile. and who _
tire out easily, should try Dr. Wiiiams'
Pink Palle, and note the steady improve-
; went that follows their use. A case in
j paint Is that of Mrs. J. P. Rolston, South
Rives. Ont., who sass : "About two
'years ago m system was in a bad.y run-
doen condition ; ane! I kept growing
worse al' the ti upej I could hardly dot
my housework T'4d severe headache
a .d pans across m' hack and tinder my
,eft shout ler. I did not sleep well and
would fee: just as tired when I got up in
the morning as wnen 1 went to bed. Life
seemed a burden. 1 had taken doctor's',
4me tcllte far a long time, �tL.L-iK�id-ApL.t
I meet my case, at least it did me no goad.
Then as a result of reading about Dr.
A illams' 'Pink Pills I decided' to try
them. When I had taken a couple of
boxes I felt nisch better, and when I had
'taken five boxes more i felt that I was
es 1 Electrical Contractor
agstn a well woman.' 1 have not since
tett any return of the trouble and I s
rR women who are broken in health to
give Dr. Whams-Pi/ix Pans a trial. --
These pal s are sold by all medicinell
r4saiers or will be sent by mail, post laid!
, et 50 cents a box or tux b axes for •2.50.
by the Dr. Williams Medicine Company,
Brockville, Ont.
Wiring of all kinds up -to date
tot Telephones, Hurglir Alarms,
Polies Patrol and Fire Alam
Private Residences and Snalseas
-a specialty. -
A 'Work Csaranteed.-
Seasonable Goods
o"Ty ra" •-
III lel-lneh. heavy. Pink, tiny or Beat quality, 2&daeb ,w e.
a Dior. newt *tripe Flannelette. Reduced to ler
IN Regular 45e per yard, ?A yard ... ,.-_
at per yard •J{F
11 WHITE FLANiiWd.ETfE Hemvy lAanaidlas "Rmpies
ii 214.Inch, Best Quality. Rrg- Large riot at per
It ular 50e, at per ,AS luso .. .. ,.
``!! SH K4
aesthete Brut Quality. !leg- :g, fnegneet wide. Buck orII
111 ular t10e, at perII �� Duchcsse Patlette 'drew
yard Silks. Regular t)A.tx) C1 AQ
:.i -►t4 h wide, for Dress:nilill
Phase or write fee sample.
▪ Gowns, Kimmaos, etc., G t perS. 1'luk, tarry.N'hlte, kc C'hamoi.4•rte Gloves fur wo-
1 1'erdtnal, rt per $2.95 men. attack. N•hlle, Mode.. III -
yard f ✓✓ 1' enol tarry, t1 ei5 ■
I St'ITOiG and all six*, at per pairII
DRESS SERGE$ Penis's KId Gloves ■
▪ 54-lurb, line Botany Sergee, 1Lw Black ur N'hite. $ 75
Itlaek and Navy. Rttrailar Slsr Irl II
• #Seep, at per
QC Perrin'r Child's Kid .t�.(;0it
yard $3.✓J (Brunn, °t... . + w
The greatest aatiafaction 1s expressed by every customer
■ who wears a Goaaard (corset. They last• 10 faint. We carry $
• all styles. x
a W. ACHESON & SON - at
icumin■■ir■■■it■■ ■■r/■■l iNI/■I NI
Eley is Irons, Toaster' Orilla,
Fans, V • uum Cleaner., Washing
Machlnea, Flashlights a n d
Batteries o all kinds always un
SIR tip •i or
95 anti have us
give\ yon ,aa - _• ate on your
wlrtng. It will ba • one ght.
obt. Ta t
Neu P ffics
82 Hans le
toile sea Castes Ss... , neat, -
Fined -Ever Shown
It is as'tuitttetl by all who have seen this
season's styles of footwear that they are hand-
somer and more varied than ever before shown.
They re shoe perfection and have no equals iu
heauty, elegance and ease for the foot. Fash-
ionable t shape, high grade in material and
excelleot ip' construction. Prices are' most
reasonable \\—-
Overgaiters and Robbers are now in stock.
See our window display.
�_.w..,..,.. REPAIRING
elopes ansicettentreputa'ion for hath -arils
oast itis no wonder the demand Was
sraiaates is nye (144'S our supply. Eater say
time. Citalosue ttee. -
�.,._.�.�� W. 1. ELI.IUT T. Pnaci
de -i4 -
'it has often been said of the British
1 Ie that they lack the imegtnatton
and rtiitic feeling of other daces. and
more t�1aerticu{�larly the French. But now
and 4hek Britain does something with a
H feetfta-vage-e te fie
I her best, even Koine and Athens in days
tot old:
OD the ll of November, the antti-
versaty of Ar istice Day, a ceremony
,tett take plata` in L moon which weft
arrest the i - of the world. g
elOn that day s redbeunveiled will
M the centre of London commemorating
Um glorious dead of tete late war. and, in'
honor of till the fallen:, the body of an skis FOR
I pD\t('tl/(1nknown sddter wilt 4*' -iii W r IIrRt.�J
• . r Abbey.
body of the unkno soldier will
if? brought from its n - grave in
Ffanett, there will be a long ptbcesrionaal
�route, the pallbearers *ill be admirals,
ited marshals and generals. T11 pro-
cession will halt at the cenotaph 1dr the
unveiling ceremony by His Majesty` he
• Kirq, atter which the processiolt 1, Thi Amnion menaad women emit
continue to N rAbbey, with t vier s��Uy Inst Rid trouble,
King as chief mourner and the Prince we eat too munch and ell our food
following the gun carriage en foot. In Is rich. Our blond is filled with urie
the procession will be the dignitaries of acid whleh the kidneys strive to Alter
state an 1 troops representative of the out, they weaken from overwork, become
British tiles and the Dominions oversees. sluggish; the eliminative tissues dog and
The burial wil1 take place in the nay of
WWI theeathedr.l, athe grave will be filed
with s"il from France. It is requested
t, as on Armistice Day, 191ft. there
shall be preserved thrnughotg the Em-
FRC et the stroke of eleven, a silence of
two minutes—that every wheel shat)
cease to turn and every activity stand at
This burial of an unknown soldier in
The leadieg Commerclat " jicMrol
of We stern t Mita No. t'mumeretsl,
Shorthand nett Telegraph I)epart-
meents. Graduates, plated in pool -
tions. Students .stay enter at any
1. X. L. Battery
A Canadian Product
The only Battery manufactured
entirely in Canada. Suitable for all(1
make+ of ears and guaranteed to
give entire satisfaction.
We have opener, in Gnderleh a
Battery Service and Sales Station
in charge of
The People's Garage 41
Victoria street.
The people of God.rieh and vie- -
laity are requested to investigate
the merits of tbs ICL Battery.
. L. Manufacturing Co. Limited
feet ottr free eataiogne.
D. A.lf•LACHLAN, Principal.
Take a gems of Salts before breakfast
if your Beek hurts or Bladder
bothers you.
ti You Throw Away!
They are the ones we 'weft to inve For yow
No matter herr old, how dirty, bow dilapi-
dated, by otfr process they cad be woven into
Velvety ...—
Reversible Rugs
that are {,"od enough for the most
e:aborate Lome.
You won't reelize how gond these
pegs really are until you see their
beauty and feel their softness under
our feet,
:o •
i'i_is f}eye
yy>� ai t,Ka',j ,•
'•• -c4!•-..4'
ti;a s
Send •t U" odrerti,et.ewt 14/4 pi,
4.451 owl .ddrete for s free booklet f•A t.fw..tioe.
Tie a rope around the old earpet and
semd it to •
The Canada Rug Co.
M Carling Street, . London, Canada
:=4 kidney trouble. bladder
AM a general decline in health.
•Wben year kidneys feel like lumps of
Lead: your back hurts or the urine is
cloudy, full of sediment or you are
obliged to seek relief two or tbr.e tunes
during the night: If you suffer with sick
bsedaehe or dizzy, nermu spells, add
stomech, or Tote have rheumatiam when
Westminster Abbey, this bringing to the weather is had, get Irma your phot
creat honor the remains of one of the merest about tour ounces of Jed Halts;
take a tablespoonful in a los of
in ihattle.thendpl nacng of him vino the fell Pater before breakfast for a few days
abbey'alongsideMarlborough and Wel ling • ansdi 7o'ur kidney. wi11 then oat $net
tem, end all the great soldiers, statesmen. This leealts Is made frnvn
priests and kings of the race. is a finely of 'rapes
� aand nd Inn J°fee, combined
conceived tribafe to all who fell in the titbit, and has ewe• used for geeeraeys;
I war and will ser the imagination of the to final and theatiaidedede clogged urikidne
sy i
world. In the abbey, for all ifne to fo longer
the add. to the °rine so it
' came, the spot where liea the body Of the no lnngvr i. • .Duma of Irritation, tart
unknown soldier will he a centre of rever- SOding Mh.dar deerdsr..
ental tnter•st for pilgrims from every jai Salt. i. .vert eannos 1.-
diene.—Toronto Star Weekly. jure, makes d. ghti i etReneaewas
litbia-water beverage, awl belongs in
every boon, because wobnely man eak•
After all, you've gob to give full, (air a mi.1.0s by having a good kidney gush -
value or you won't cast. lag a thin,
ep .. .M
6414 Ono.
-School .`ef Commerce=
Clinton and Goderich, Ont.
Business ,..,,�. Stenographic
Secretarial w..> Civil Service ,.
Teachers' Training Course
and arranges Special Courses for students,
Highly Qualified Teaching Staff
Actual Buelhesa Ryatein 01 Eotvtctceeping
Credential Typewriting Trate '
Poeitiona Guaranteed
Vocational Training Schoo "
for this district, by Goveenment appointment. and under in-
spection by Soldiers' Civil Re-establishment Department.
' Far Terms, etc, write • "kv
B. F. WARD, M. A. STONE, ,
R. A., H. Arens., "l d ('tet, Speehllst,
I'rineipsI a . - s . ., Wise PFisetgtll
Phone 195, Clinton
Sichool Opens \L'edneaday, September 1st, 1920
telstl\dttttf 5t of lollkrrlls +tlarif alf tin
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