HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1920-11-4, Page 1• f 1 SAVE FIFTY CENTS by paying your trsc;tptlon to The Signal • AT ONCE, before the prriee is raked to 4.00 a year. IHVENTY-THIRD • M Burton 1 nude la e6 Dorton Boutev• FARMERS Let our Collection Department save you the trouble of obtaining payment on your Wheat Patticipation Certificates. A prompt, efficient service is assured. And in addition, certificates may be left with us, for safe keeping, until final payments are made. We have received information from the Wheat Board that certificates numbering above 95,300 will be taken up when the Anal payment is made. ax ». •art .rnuyx++. 14,, r.. 7 Ma •t,,1. 1116 STERLINGBANI OP CANADA HARVEST EXPENSES ,here rt time brings expenses which mast Is sae with ready mosey. Should you Seed aa mance to kelp you over this busy naw , i ter:Aew this Beak. We are pro ed to bap all responsible farmers. •a ME -CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE. PAID-UP CAPITAL - - $I 5,000.000 RLlERVE FUND $15,000,000 GODERICH BRANCH, G. Williams, Manager. JOWL .GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVE tuft a�- N1URNISHED ROO Apply at the 'SIGN - •e R RENT. - CE. It ROOMS To ft EN iL rocas to rent ,n private house; t uattiatreom and bedroom. er as tenants Hot water ales.tn tttcu,c tights. Furepp) one room. Can shy located. Poe lurttisr lurmation apply M SIGNAL OFFICE. n UkILE able for re. m Lit SA .-1 HE RESIDENCE o DR. f: Y. HAYDEN. St. Vincent wren eA. Whale betck. seven rooma. hot WSW beating, fireplace, large verandah and bakery. Apply to JAMES YATES. Went Street. 14O R SAL':. -PORT ALBERT `- general note and dwelling hoose, wits Darn. and shed. ilia acres (rwore ..r less) lard, orchard sal fruit trees. Pr ice 111600Du Apply t0 J. W ARMS I RONG. above Paisoni r au. Guderieh. P.O. Boa M. 11 NOTICE A 61606 property for W00. 1 have beta in. etructad by the eseeutors of the late Wm. Blatt estate to offer this property ata recriDce price in order to close up the estate. Prams Bowe. In good state of repairs. Contains right rooms and good basement. Stone wall under whole hour* and two large rots. This re a bargain Possession at osce. P. J RYAN. Real Estate and lewraaea Phone 80. Saturday Night DANCE atwr111113 One more night at the PAVILION Saturday, Nov. 6 Galli& Soddy Onbistra DANCING 8.66:=.12.00 SHINGLES - PUBLIC NOTICE DR, P. J. R. FORSTER. EYE, EAR. NOSE. THROAT. Late Howie aare.ow New Tat Ophthala to sad Aural Ha ectal, asartaat at MoareOeld s tyta. Hospital study Golden Square TbroHos H , Landau ar Waterloo St S.. Stratford. Telephone 967. At Redford Hotel, Goderach. from Widmer day. November 17th. at 7.a, p. m., to Thursday. the beth, at 1 p. ser FOR SALE. Damaged W _ For Sale ___ At otter* House Block, ,$greet. W. McLEAN. AR 5x B. C. RED CEDAR ONE CAR 3x B. C. RED CEDAR. _nag Both tap auille4 this week. Many have beer, spoken for. peyote order at once. roa SALE. -T� i.OR SALE. -CABBAGE IN QUAN- TITIES.S5per 1.q Brussel sprouts, three ride for 26 cents. Sauerkraut by tat vowed or and kegs of W ba W nal ., at reaaoaab s Apply at 16 K ty. • PUBLIC NOTICE. Hospital Annual Meeting The annual meeting of the 'Marl le and General Ho/pital w in the Board of Tr"sde,fooms of THURSDAY. NOVE\II a 'wira be held R Iltb,• S o'clock p. m. All members are .aruestly invited to stay$, / G. C. HILL. ' S-rcretary. To open November lit. 1V30. • ell Society Orchestra Music Studio. erten F. H. Wood's and H. Lauder's Stores.) . Conon, Marone -tuition given on piano. Mr. C. V Henry. Violinist - tuition given on violin for beginners and advanced students. For information ply at Studio. • Violins repaired, tuned, sou posts get and violin coma etc GODERICH SOCI ORCHES n (Five pies pro 1). ATTENTION 1 The Mercantile Salvage Co. the Point Farm premises with n three weeks. Persona who are in need of any r will find it to their benefit r requirements right away. We have to oder a half -million feet of the finest secondhand lumber. door's, windows, la% , baseboard and tgainscot- ing, also inflate very fine cedar anchor posts. All at very/ rea. nable prices. Apply POINT FARM. AMU DAR EIS Kle AN ESTATE Unlimitelr� Quantity of GOOD MIXED 'WOOD FOR SALE at N per single\toro. dehver'ed, THE GODERICH ML'FACTURING area CO. LIMI ED. (loof Anima Pk_.41.__ FOR SALE. -OXFORD \RAM AND ewe Iambs. from piwebredstnnttk. Also S. C White Leghorn and Barred Plymouth Ruck. cockerels. Guild's Strain. J Ot1N\FARRISH Phone Dwagasaon, 1L15. \ . 41 vacate two Of 01 RK THE GODi RICII MARMITE / tuuapaT. Wneat, tear base,...., g LOO to 1240 (dada. ter bu.b._....., .60 to .t, Barley. per Dinah. , 1.10 W 1.15 Prow. aer bosh ••• YA, to 2OU u-kwppat, pet Dtmk....... 1.x0 to 1.11 Floss, the0,, ttwrowi Seo to 1.6 Ibor, parent. pairseg .,..;.:-7.00 G. 7.0S Mikau. psrGoa .,.,..,..�-119.00 to 61.00 chorea, per sou b 00 to 66 W w.1 tet partes 7o.' l 10 76 60 to'h ro Pair, Rutter. y6/Ib ' ,.. 60. 10 Creamer, Bonet por Ib., ... .db In .dl Siam frawh. Wes...., 61 to .6 Potatoes, per Web- .6o to .75 W, Daubers' Malde, per cwt, a OD to 10 OD tJe, be here wallas tar oat. 7.7b to November 4 E 4, 1920, THE LEEB 'RN ANNIVERSARY. Much Interest Is the Services and , enday's gatar- Thr "double sued rsary" of Lee - burn Presbyterian r -hu ell was a not- able occasion ted rue interest Weis takru lar the rot by me• hers of the etnlgr•gatlnit and others. '-The seer- vie'�'s au lite day were wed attended. and the ser teens by Rev. J. . Turn- bull, 1). Da rt Tarpons. a for r Lee - born past r! were helpful and iispir- ing. Es dal interest was len; t. the musical [tlo.ertion of the services by he fact the( the organist and env 1 rtlembers of the church choir when was fust organised were leek In their (11d places for the day. The organist waif aJrs. IDr.) W. F. Clark. of (lode - rich. and the singers of forty years a we a Mrs. Win. dingle, Mn.s muel atter and Illy. E. N. Shaw. ho ares 1 quite capable of taking thedr parts long with the younger generation. , On Monday ' ening. although the weather was nnfa ,rahle, the hot fowl supper and enterta miens attracted a crowd that tilled the church. A bountiful sapper was ewrved in the iasement. the ladles haring provided generonsfy- for -this pert of the entertainment. The pastor. Rev. Jas. Hamilton. presided for the program which was given in tlw main part of the church and which included a vocal trio by alta. Dunlop and the Mines Nairn and Belcher: readings by Miss e oodrrnla•k : 'solos by MLuws Belcher Aerlmgeetr--'and Mr /tarry Barker. and a duet by Mrs. Dunlop and Mixt Nairn. Mrs. • (gas, Doty played the accompanlasent1. Rev. R. Mci)ermld brought greetings from K o� church, Goderich. and paid a wa tribute to the Leebnrn 'minister and -Mrs. Hamilton, p_ r, Twisted! pea` t1F idarreas f' the evening, and was b morons. reminlarent, congratu- latory rad ho story In turn. and throughu f was Lard. with the great- est tote and pl*nstire. It be for years Niece the Leehuru (-Mired was erected, and twenty -eve years .IMe a present parlor, Rev. Tates - fitment . B. A.. was inducted. rennet mile on this rar•asion to the minister and his es- timable helpmate fonnd a tree echo In the hearts of the weathers of the eon- gregatkon and of all others who hare the privilege of their friendship. �(ind the fervent 'cloth of all Im that Mr. and Mrnc Hemiltnn may be ftparel for many years to carry nn fbe good work noiseurioneseterottonesossonaraw For few days more .a. $ 1.50 ci'rA" i..� e4t t 1111 he rtcreptel as the yearly ,nTh- -eripf lou to The Signal. The price u ill then 111• Incr'll 44 tO $2.00. I THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO., LIMITED, Publishes to which they have already unselfishly • MR. BAECHLER'S PROPOSITION. devoted ein great a pert of their lives.• aasiey I A Guarantee. Mr. J. E. Ilaechker, f the (lode -rich The I publishers of The Family Her• Manufacturing (0., lWs\a Bald and Weekly Star of Montreal are, g pmpusitinu ehdna the right tido{ with the public\ lettere tlw. town council which gives - Ninety per tent. of newspapers hare the down the prospect ot?'\a utwr ia- already raised rates. The Family I tlostrc He prop ores to eatabllsb a factory fur the manufacture of boxes 1leraid publishc•rn guarantee a fuU alid Jewett les, and sake for tax =- year's subscription at the old rat of • etupHou for ri•u years, the aettlrment m. .#l.Slh a ye•ai• tel all who remit Iwf re' • The kintlly re ries .6S tCa W f NTtD. HadaIleo yaws. ow.,.,. . 7900 to Hasa lb . .... .... , 6 to WANTED. -TEACHER FOR S. S. ! SMSDSt4Ktas • • • '26 .. _. ,25 to No 17. Ashfield sod West Wawa., h townships; second c aM professional dui,es o commence I•t January. 1911. Apply. scan J. R.No. 3. Auburn. if WANTED -LARCE QUANTITIES Va of cordwood Isgmred, a9 kinds Stare what you have to offer and price laid down to Goder,ck. Gyve fullest particulars. BOX 214. Godesh. ' IR1S WANTED, -APPLY GODE- RICH KNITTING COMPANY. (1 DISTRICT AGENT 808 ANTED.- For large Ida ,.eraser co,wp.ey. orewmm,sa,on. *per write not necessary P, SIGNAL. Its LOST OR .FOUND. LO S T. -BETWEEN BENM ILLER and Nelson street. Goderich, an automobile tart -lamp and license number on bracket) Finder please return to H JGH HILL R. R. Nn.' t,Goderich. or lesvest sIGN AL _DEfic.g. restive reei1d: OF TEARER. H.J.D. COOKE AND FAMILY to thank Mar many friends, the so - and other organisations who or) tenderly paged their needs and gave lavishly of tom. a .*likt:on.o)atienie the terrible los they have 011011 to taw. S.. ALEX. MdNEVIN AND FAMILY wish to express their sincere th.nks to the many friends and neighbors, also to the C. O. F.. S. U. S., and the Western Canada Flour Mills. for the kindness those them to the toss of a loving husband and father 11 00 19.0 .bo teNenseWhasateletiessessea Al�ctf1STICE DANCE AND EUCHRE under the auspices of the G. W. V. A.; >.;. in the Masonic Temple ry Crrds to start_at 8 p.m, sharp. Luncheon ft'gm 10 to 10 30. is is the So1 let's Day -our day --and we intend to make t is the best ',vent ever pulled off in Goderich. So please t n out and give ns a "boost.'' JOH. TONE ORCH*STRA IN ;ATTENDANCE. Adluli:.• . 7§c `couple (war tax included). Ladies unattended, 25c. r Aaka t'omeaaiotw fad ►hw Establishing of a Bax li�aetery. discs tirlr•r 1st, 11131. We liwru ! of the difference between isle Veseptny n1any old snbserlbcrs are leni•wlng; and the town • over the old loan at - for two years in advance and thoela- cviuut, rue were rehab con(+ose a . Mr. ',settler proposes to nag a one. story fartory, tnaking an adflltion fa\ th u1)1 factory for [h1s purpose. ands of new subscribers are beim added- It lir a great paper and the be•sr value on the continent. Wonderful Im Irorentenea hare rely leen made,+ In The Family raid. Members of the imperial P Conference. who lately visited ('a Brit airtime After pay 1p0 airti ii; Pupils in Music. Miss M. Middleton. Trafalgar street, will take pupils in rusk)-M?,•rs' Ran- da. say it *IMO no MUNI in the dr•rgierten Music Method. the e0my tar Empire. Canadians should taught in Toronto conservatory of to $uch a paper at tlw price. Music. Pupils taught in class or in- -ember 14 they tuay have to dlvldunlly. !'hone 105. 19 Starr o,rraphs and Grrnett Star FOR A FEW DAYS. Records r ale at Black•tone's Ice Fltlhreriptfons to The Blpol will 0a Cream Part , West street. r,.eeited for a few days yet ale the ori t delft wait tee swap wish to a renew at the std � NF!}�#'144RiIT(►Y. -\T rase. Apple .- gtcns'a busy Ig this of aM\ it makes ,a real ueal�-Blackstnne's flan. One gong n charge of Mr. .\fir James Holland of eek -h. ' Ilcluu6 Ice cream, In bulk or laltoy ..Serious Accident. most unforto- , bricks - tate ■evident occurred, on Monday , ba evening. as the result f which Mr. LBITUARY. - James Hayeleu will be 1d up for some weeks Mr. Hayden up storm windows and wa fill a chair when in some w s iklpg nn the cement wa wa broken at the hip. making pal tel Injury: I)rs. Emmerso and , trophic, Iw worked on Midday as uontl, Whit y errecalled end set the In- sisI on Satarlly, while the din -tor wbo .,, J�d..;oember- . Dndlaa- til nec vasa r k/ , had hw•a {+aI24 4 to tees bim =w-aw fry tte- administer chloroform. Mr. Hayti n I haatte, be- wan 7telasad wltb til..fatal Is doing as w141 ax 470011(1 be rap.eter � attal•k and diel almost dnstautly, Mr, Death of George Drape, --4 raw of MCNevia was a native of;tbe township the early ,settlers of Arehfleldi township 1 Aahfleld and at au early age learned Noosed away on Monday, In the per.; 1 • flour -milling bualur s at Klppen sou tit air. i;rorge Draper. who had .0 afterw•rrds worked with 1b,• old rachet the great. age of righty -seven lire of Ogilrlea & Matchlsou ie e;ude- y,•ars. The der•alwd le survived by rich. later 11r wens lar -Ihe• utllllag three sons -James. of Boston. Masa.;, hush at Exeter whru the- lag )lilt William, on the bnmeetead, and nen, rt -ripe here al u(tt twenty ye.lrs ago. of London, Ont. -and one daughter, and he came to Ouderkh end haq Min Ellen Draper, at home. All were ever sin( been employed lar that rota► home for the funeral, which took place .Ikshment. a veal r-widuir, .ora from the home on the 2nd concession son. Melt' e, a d two daaghtans, of Awlrfleld on Wednesday afternoon. Isabelle and hada, all at Mime. Two the interment being to the Port Albert brothers and a aim r also survive 7 cemetery. Rev. I). D. Donglaa COD- Ikn+ald 0nd Inds. I. McXrvin, e1 ducted the funeral services 1. flit' town, and Mra- Id- hpw1er. tot JJva- house and graveside. ganuau. Mr. alr.'rrtu a til tuembee 01 the ('anadhtti )rder Foresters and the Sons of ik . eland n itIlglon hr wan a Presbyter n sad r:tnahlt AUACkt"ION MILE �Urrp1(AK.r l rot men her set Ytao cbaasei, sad m He�USBHdL6slIFiCTsslk aw 44". all pis missions lit lit hr war hrosea wl .trakhtforward. The f t k place from the fa ly raslll , MATTHEW BENJ. LOCKHART Essex street, ml Tuesday ttt•rnran\Ale faueleoRlhe eremites, teal Mlfbtl9,° ReitiaM I cemetery... Mem s or CoUkj IWM (late .II, C. 0. F.. and the s 1R of t(_,_a\\\ Wester, Canada Flour Milts tte•nded in e I , Iter- R. C. McVey; ill rat. " INtf•1'a1" wrl'v 110'. AI 1 t� paHlwarera ere A. D. Mcis;ian, '. , J./, MacF.wr W. T. Millar: .1. W: s. as putting' MCXETIN,-fie drat!! of )Ir. Aliex- \ uunrltng Meier 1IeNaeilk' oeesrred about floe. wa he feu. ' on Saturday lads with startling sOd- lk. pre let dents Iw. Though for snake Ifm,• ALr. very McNerte had Iaad symptom of hears - AUCTION SALTS will one concession a, kat awaMst Itwo miles north of Auburn). on THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 11th, ISM commerruogat 1 d the follow dant.-Ureteral purpo Beidint s terraced; Minot. purpose mare, Its s ad, 1'ersheroa .a JO years old. driving ma a year. old. A CA a.- Paled "theta CAC 5. years old. due le rsFraser W fres in Murch: Jersey cow, I, years edn ,. due . m. ; treshe 'March 1st; -tow, 5 year. old- be,thened elan. Tlldh+e•p rat included Mer, a ' three eeks; cow, 5 years old. Ireshrned bre Mrs. Wm. tla t , weNta: Vied A. v. edw,-6 years old, due lar nue And Ml's, 1. Des freshen • actuary; t .Iters 't cars old: a steers,) of W inghs r ; s Strattgban, year osd. .linters.1 Year aid' 3 calve.. , _-}trteren4v_.-_.Mn,,' - Fera ..Slachrnes ,---of RlFahob; .FOWL. -.one per of geese, about 60 hens aerx. John 1deNevin. \ot Lundeen, and Iwpaswa..es one see est M-..., 11...... M.... R.•,yu.adb, of T;a4r.• binder. 6-.t. cut Deem mower. Massey Harem hay -loader.• with trucks. Deering hucse.rab t cyltreator,-1 �/tsd hod als.la gk. Ute .HC ►lawn make; turnip turnip pulper. I s •t of water bottles. are •ftdr dentterrain. 1 eta o17: -tooth harrows Mime see- home The►ptM tie In the o • t).) tet of 6e -tooth harrows I3 section.): 1 y not Only Int Orr ag`pinst cold walking slow, IjTudhope wanting plow, feet. but they furnish handy Feat foe laaInternartwral twin plow, 1 fanning will, I treating such ailments at (f0 set e,110 -Ib soles, (ttres )arm wagttt, wagon neuralgia, cramps and. wariest* • pear pains -Our fall stock of hot w ter r bottles is is very cempfete. We atm ha ' a men n m rub) such as syringes, hru•hes,. sponge.. lick* aeinp 'ee. onrsery supplies. ' E R. 9J K)C mrrvllle and W. 8 N'T - T NOVEMBER lith, 1318, O'CLOCK SHARP. The Goderich Ptanin • r' >>a P. O. Box 18 GODUICH, O1IT :rl*. Phone 47 11 �sr Is ar ,t) 2 Ir ons Career OUR son's measure of success In 111. depends larged on the pre- paration you make to -day. He will have to be properly trained and edu- cated. Are yen accumulating the necessary money? Start a savings account on the boy's behalf with us to -day. It se Mpe.Hed wear fee ha ..w .:fW ...:: aas.yl. dad qtr UNION BANK OF CANADA 'Goderich Branch F. Wookomb, Manager • • ( K1 • L., CRAIGIE'S Assaraace aReal Estate " V Ilia Pieton," 2 story brick, ' fully modern, with fireplace, 7 rooms, large lot, situated on the Beeth dee et Fitters This to alae"of' the meet modern s cawImmedlete possetnlod. 1% story frame house with rooms. electric light and hilt lot with orchard. [Wilted on the west tide of Cameron street. Investment Securities. Victory Bonds bought and sold. Province of Ontario Benda, due Julie 1b. 1030. price 11 1w1.1 d par .;int. J. W. CRAIGIE (;rap W11' TOWNSHI . Farmers' ClUb. -An Important meet - hag of the (ltxlertch Township Farm - era' Club will be held at the usual plane on Tiw.day evening next, Ash inst. considerable business ham Rr- cumulated and fmtme the matters to be considered 1. that of mlellatlnn with the I ofted Farmers of nntertn. 1t la hoped then will he a large ■ttendanee, an that the Clnb may he thoroughly reorganlrr.A and started on the win- ter's activities with general intermit and entbaalaum. ter Potat I :� ;_: - • We are still in the market for Potatoes and will be shipping the coming week, oted.wt_.requeaf. _ :' • •__. JAMES -LLOYD & SON Phone 204 Goderich he • ern h bus and Melva.( set of t ub►Ietehs, :' eut- �petr �e1g7• • el>[c -ttred-buggy.-bugjT. torn rata. stock ruck, ,.ay rtcRRRRRR sickle to r per,. tete nl el -he t.barrx7R`ltlerrrtairrlvwat: et; a 1Nmnrr of cedar posts. 1k0 +.inch file, ahout,40 torr of full BMOrt t 1 her K hey: a quantity of grain sodium seed; 1110 Nth- win ush• /� eh of stock 111 ds; (ram b iapt fork ander Darrel room I el stock a•olures: tnsra;' fork and basket wi nelb•rrow; tray ton, car. tangs, rope, land Wigle drugi' t God h ree uNeys scythe, train cndle,corn • antm,post- a. a of M. r• D. a. a enter, Tepkral -- NO I bait,, c"Tturn.. crMm cans, Tile Resit.•! Theatre is deternitned to strnner pa❑ LY, ssp hgckrts, coot store, 3 i . giver its patrons tt,e very tern► prate, •number of dove p,pia, 4 table, flaw cup that era hoard. lounge. shovel,. hues, Iwts. cMias, sad, iib pnx•arwi. Tlw latest hlg opeetal other ail Kltatoo gYnrmt.c, lO rename. fearer' to he annonncs 1 Is Jack Tsar.. -Auer. nl sap and ur,lt��ev, wh; ora ik'mlMey In "Ilaretlreil-Ja<•k,» a oerIal that aareprrt, it mrm"M ',nodes este be pvrrl,m of -,:f which cturtllt furrofhina es, fired i.,,nc notes. A d wshount of a rplua(lre. the fire: 8 per teat. rnight•alk,wed for cash nn credit, tatty ,rf WhIeh MH ter amounts. hs , grain'ind {rasa seen, uaA. mimes heat =On- dny and Tuesday. M. B. LOCKHART, T. GUNDRY. Proprietor. Aaet,onecr. it is a matter rf gnat convrpieece to A UCT,ION SALE OF _) ARM STOCK Gderirh perrnlc that Temntetoti'e Rtis,i, bams a,w +s iMPba#4itify: -01kfs ANty (hCCacnuTta an s1• ah for tri u1 TRY. can now be se: wad at H. C. Du11ka'de • r, POULTRY WANTED 3000 Ch3CTceens 2000 Hens 500 Ducks lyy �c Weekly Top prices will be paid by us for all kinds of poultry taken at Clinton every day and at Holmes- ville every Wednesday morning. We pay three cents per lb. more for properly fattened, milk -fed Chickens. fir'•+a1i Gunn Langlois & Co. Ltd., ' ''i" Clinton, Ont. N. W. Trewartha, Local Manager. , .Y 4. e Y. -- MR.CHAlfU S- + 'f f deli by public auction. at, is farm: Huron road, Goderch (just east of the G. '1'. R. crossing) .ort) 1 TUESDAY, NOVEMBcR 9th, . commencing at 1 o'clock sharp: One team of draft ge dings, will weigh 3200 IbA.1 team of general purpose horses; 1 general purp se mare, 10 'rears old. supposed talllF in-katMHe Memel - yearling co t; Lspring foci. by Honest John; 1 roadsttRelare, with feral by t,dr. 1 good mill:b cow. due November ' 19th: • DiED. - - --. MCNEViN.- Inetiderich on 1Sturday.October 10. Alex nd.r McNevm. M(ILWAiV._In Unclench township, on Tom day. Nnven,heo.2, Cellae McItwain. in Neale ►ear GACLEa' -int Gnderirh nn Fndai. (rrttlbrr 29, Mary (;yufey, r'avahter 00 Mr, The». Gapley. m lest Mut Mt f)RAPFR.aln Ashfield snwrebip, tot Monday, ove.tber t GeorpLhtaper• r. ream t ne.nnon. ten fends y. Or laser 81, Iran Renton rasher, Wowed dao<htcr of "'ht?" a- rt 'Ors. Adnan Dreher. aged i7 years and 7 months. +> a•r 4 --years elm -eat e cowr,-a. and 6 years old, du• 'Nay 1<t; fil7lgisKlf'S BALL Rlfi13TSR 1 cow, ;I, vara c ld, euppoi ed to lir in calf; ` 1 now, S years old..vppcxed to ben calf: Tcatoat Nov O. -tale nr, lava insane 8 atenls. hp y, a Istur. r,, I if., ty Digt .. yews-trM;-lapppsld•`t0 -be tel memo, po'em(-i7titr; T..i,#�rTr} if., t east Nig 8111; 14 head of yea4•lin¢e and two-year. (1. T R. manna . at , o lock .hs, t. aids hetten bifid iteers: 100 young tens! +---••--_.- --- - . AEW ADVF.KTISF.MF'NT13. and pullets; 10 geese: 12 tans of hay; !SOU boshek W new; 1 wt heavy double her. r •. Page nets; 2 seta light driving harner; 1 Furn,MM Rnnm*In Rent- Aps.y to T he 1,gnal 1 Pon and cutter trod Rd fRwl; hugitY; ! 1ester? Wanted-hea�taennel. tc '. Auburn t drivin 1 road wagon: forks, shovels. chains Ind Ailimmoh,le Leap and Llee, se It, tuber Let - olberartklea. Hwn Hiu, .. t BverytMna must he disposed Of, as /1ac:inn we -Matthew Bent. Lore hart 1 prnpnmtar is leaving the farm. Rearm?-ro Pe t- Appt. n Signw�dllare 1 . TERMS. -SII .um. of 110 and under. veretdNt* fe, JaN-16 Keayd S.•.r. ...... • A cash: over that amnutt, 11 nanths'credit G?do/ Thant. Mr. AleaMtN•v.H 1 will he given on furnishing approved 'Banlwi.ch.rte,IDunganr.on--W H.$cclasb4 y int notew A discount nI 4 pe► rent A„m„tics Day Dares -G W. Y A . td straight alluded for cash on credit Stals The Map -Canadian Red Ctasa,....... .9 amotts c,e Thanks. Mrs. H. J. h. Celle a16i1 CHAmRLES R!SSETT, t. GUNDRY, I, rd F.awty 1 Ptopriet r. Aectioeaef. f IISu MedG. C VIlde-, lice. f ti tootteRif . e liglOO wus.4. I fittlAVrrr